Minkler Bad He Pmn' r t nim - NYS Historic...

V,- KM HO (10T, :,.l Minkler Bad is his Old Place Again! M if iif« ( of TV*. Wngni*. &** dl Hoot* N»Hnr<\4» t if iif« ( Ruiaifi*, &*., Hdhdlng <Mi» Hoot Hho**, Pull*, Broom*, Muft, Boa*, and Travel Bajra nf all M f u b M d qti*?i.V. % TdpHlf** with «r««t variety «l FANCY ARTICLES—Hair Oil* •IKI r « . i k . NfuiKm*. CliOCKS. |l,15 to 93,00. WH«rt f ;u corn* to the Furl, juat call in an<I a** your ,,ld frirnJ, and i(fc«vap't . aall you, all right.— Hut «AVO your CMH till vpu give rut a try. V great quaumr of CftUjilTON'& Action hand, C. 6. MINK C,fiOlt«12 , (t.4TH OK WrffTRItAM.,) IAIBLK ENGRAVER, WILL MAKKTOORDER Monunico its T#nib8lon(% Uravc Hlone«, Tablet, and t'MNTHTONKH. I K •ut«crit>*r wntiltl inform \hv in hi- I - ImlKianfa of Mn|«»nn ami Kranklin County, ihof ftna lo<ittffr) lnm«ctf nl Mntorte, and is prrparrcl to imh, of Ihr %»i Vermont Marble, Vo.YfM/F.y/V?, TOMBSTONES, TAIU.US, mi*/ PAINT STONES, »r finyihinir m»hn* IHM», at prtt-ra and on tar ma thai niuat (MI aattftlariory thoao ;ri want of the above TttMBXTOMK fron $1 to $Ji All work W(irnii|if<f to givr» Mfiafaction— torm # nut In «ia«r ( anil ill Ic'fufn oi produce, or grain nvx* *m»«»r, tak*n for pay. L*l no on* ptmthaao before railing an<l t|«nitriinff for thrroaelvca. >!AIIHF#K WORKHin the store formerly occupied h v A f.iriffaiif, two door* south of Dark'* Corner >S, 1HW. CKO. ACKLKY. MORTOAQ TAMES CAMFBBLLM* v oi die town of Fon (Qi Franklin aftdatai* oMJ#w Yotk, by nn mortgage be I ring d#fe* the of April, in gg g joar one thoifaandcigbf huptfte^ and ihirfy-nine, uly mortgaged MO Baron $, Vbtf, President *4 the Ht. T.nwr«ncf< Bank, in ihe Village of Ogdenshurgh, N V county of St. [,awrvnc<v*nd of g V#fk, in f A triiflt tor \hm siid Bank and tha shareholder* tmtfof, bttng (he ofrWr indicated Mr iliai purpose by the ar ticlra of aanooiation of said Bank, made and entered into under and pursuant ft* mmnet of the legist ore of the Bintff of New Ytfrk, emtiled •• Alt act to au. ihrtri* ihe bunineM of BaTnking," peaaevl April 18'h, 1838, certain lands B«jd water privilege*, bounded and described in (he *a(d trtdortiure of mortgage an follow*, namtly: "AHthat certain piece, parcel or tract of land diiuate, lying andbeing in the village ol rfogarmtturgh, in (he county of Franklin and stale of New York, numbered lot twenty-four in aaid village of flojranabtirglr, bounded aa follow*: Beginning in ihe north bank of St. Kegia River, on the bounds oi the Indian land*, and run* north thirl)>six degreea w«*t tivn chains auty-aeven linka to a post; thence Mouth thrty.three degreea thirty minutes west by rumpnas 19 IN five chain*; thence south fifty-six de green thirty rhinutes east one chain seventy-five links to tho water edge; thence along the same to the be ginning, containing one acre and eighty-five htm dredthfl of nn e*cre of land, be the same more or less Al*o all and singular that oth<r certain piece or par cd of land and land covered with wnter situate, lying nm\ being at Hoganaburgh aforesaid, and particular l\- butted, bounded and described ns follow*, viz:— Hegmmng on the east side of Gray street, at the northwest comer of village lot number tour, now or lute, the property of Aaron Brondwell, and run north thirty degrees cms* necrmiing fbcomprise A. D. 1816 three chain* and forty linka; then south airtty degrees oust one (bum fifty links; then north thirty degrees east mxry-two links; then on nearly the same course one chain to the southeast and Qcrof* the end of Riv er street one chain to the southeast corner of vfllage lot number eleven now occupied by John Richard son; then along the eastern end of said lot with the hunk of Ht Regis River and one chain and fifty linka us the crow flies to the southeast corner of village lot number twelve now or late the property of Ben- jamin (>. Harrington; then south fifty-six degrees and thirty minute* east one chain and fifty links to the middle or nenr about the middle of tSt. Regis River thru south len degrees west up nnd along the stream of said river nml aennw the mill Ham (herein t-rectec hi a point from whence the plnce of beginning hears north Rixty decrees west; then north Htxty degrees west ;o the northrnst corner of vilhigt* lo' number four aforesaid; then the same course continued OIK I W thnt ih«« try \\\pm and For billion* and lnlUinmitory Frvnri, In- digestion, Dyspepsia, porverhul appptitt* t im- pure blood, andall derangement* of iho bil- liotia ayatemiihey am an excellent medicine. The proprietor of i tin NO Pilh U*% such coii- fnUnca in them from the testimony of thou s m d n , anrl thn tritimphant success ihitt has tfivanably atloiuUd their operations, that h* will gi\^ any one) an opportunity of trying thrm. frei H exponttv Soe condition on pamphlets left with ng. nt* Agents—MaloiM, J. VV. I'angborn, 1/ Amadoo; Fort Covingloh, J Congrfon; Mo- ira, O Lawrence Ai Son, North Hangor, G. II <V S I) Stnvons. Bruak* Mills. Abtaha HaittUty, lloinbay 9 H Reynolds & C o ; l|o- K*"*"urgli, F J. Mills <fc C o ; Wratvillo, A VV. < unlmiau, Constable, S. W. GiIUl; Hurko, <;. VV Smiih, I) A «»,ni Miichrll, Chal- N Ii k K H Smith, Flknborieh, uvnna-- 4Ui\ for anlif by onn or moro iiifucbunt tr%ovory vtlU^i* \t\ this Call foi " \\,i^ti\ PllU, ff ind tho IHIX ll Jaa. II ai nono othora aro gnu 11111IV MO!tT(#A(JKHALK. \UII.1,1 AM I.MIY...I ihfMownol Fort * f in ih«« r.Minty ot f'riinklin, hnrnifilore duly c i ;<•<! to VViMmtfi K'i!»»v. ol (iodmnnrh^vt^r in t'ruvinr^ of ('.uiftdn IIMMI, *• «***rf inii frftrt or t iiml lyifiy nnd Imiii^ m th«town of Kort i f MI »l<»rr^nid, uriil »inir nf N«w York, ln'iiitf fhn riorth hull <•) nonnif lot \o .VI. in ihV milr * iyinrr, on Nfilnton r Wl . 'o tli«^ Mf |v#»j'^ Hi fivr vaiion, in town (if l""ri ' ••viu'i'.ui nl<i|r iii!.l " T h r uio|t< Om l^ih ilny ol liuir, I H 17*, nndwnnri* l><iwrr to «#• 11 IIMIMMII c •n'nmrd m ih»» n H i r r <il < Ii rk nf iltf riMinty «»( |'*tiuikhri on llio MMK| ISIJI n| form, iH-i.'i, MI HooK N't S nt mitrfgfit'f'ft, on l.l.» T h n nrml n i o f f r u ' n wnn o \ r«' tl lv il Io MrrilM 1 thr |»'Minrfil of ^ITil, <>n tli#' lHi|| i\ t \y of J u n e | H 1*1. w u h intrrr<if nimtinllv, Mini thn ninoiirtt iliin tiiorrtin nt 'ho lifiir* of I|H< fit.»r jiiilif Million nf thiH l i o l i m H H I m m l r n l nn\ rij^lit ilnllur^ n m l r i c h l y l l n r r r r n t s ; nn I it*ifni|h huvini; h r r n Mi'wlr in ihr pnyiiKMlt thrir 't | ri fl (I Mn Infill 1> r < M'4M % O 11) U 1 MttVllliJf ll#>l'|) 11 Iflt 11III 4*(1 t<» HM'MVI'I ih*' minir, or miy [Mitt lhri«Mir t t|u* [nrtwi "'"' f^Snvr iln^rrilirit will l»n mAA nt | 111 > 11C HlM'tlnn, it t tf»»' lioiinr now on U|»IIMI l»v Jonrph Sprnrrr n« fin inn of iftvttfii, MI (h#> town of Forr (ovin^iou, mthnnnid f Krnnklin, on dm ' i / i h dny ol July nr-xt, nt V lork irt ihn afternoon ol that d.iy. M«iy \M. |H.i(). WIIJJAM UILKY. J U. l*'i.ANi>Mt<* t hi«i Anoriiiy. Well Wo . w. r : He Pmn' 1 8- l °v /Store, v his line, 0OO#U r ing in f 1 > Drugs, ftliti, Oitv Dyci, Patenl Perfumeiy, S(»ap, Fapcy !fe^ Trusses, Supporters, Braces, Wines & Liuuors, Groceries, Fancy Hard & Gust;-ware, Solar Lfttflpp, Imported Ci«ars 1 Confectionary, Pure A'cohol, Ink, Camphene, Quills, Steel Pens, Hair Dye, Blacking, Brooms, Lasts, &c. &c. All of which will positively be offered cheaper than can be ioumi elsewhere in Northern New York. Don't take my word for it, but Call and See. The Greatest Discovery of the Age ! Indian V>*ctable PIIIM, HE acknowUu])(cJ to be thn ba^t, th«« *af •at, tha moat purifying and rflVtctual ihmr nature than anv now brforo the public. Thouianria ara toatifvititf of thrir goodncsa, •yinK l <> »!»« allliclml, '• Why will y o u I with thr north line ol *nid village lot number four t< thp pltu'o oi hrtfuintni^, inrhnhng tho wutrr oournefl wnh thr privtlrge of iisinjj for hydrnuhc purposen mitnmnp nnd intending hereby to convey nil ihvrigh nnd tnlr ot thr party of the first pnrf, with the wale privilrgr 1 *, find ^uttjnrt to (he rcctrirtionfl nt contaii.fd in thn deed of conveyance to din snid pnrty of ihe (ir«t part from William Ifojrnn, bearing dnte July 17, IH*2**.* f Sfiitl mor'gngi* wan recorded, with n power 1 to *rll therein continued, in the office of the Clerk of the county of Kmnklirt, on the 12'h dav of Juno, 1H31), m Ho'ik N<>. 3, of mor^gnges, on pngea 585, 5HH, 5H7, f-8H, 589 nnd 590. The naiii mortgnge won executed to •ecure ihopayment of two thouniind doltnrii, nm\ ihe interrni thereon, according to the condition of n certain b'ind accompanying the *atne, mid tieanng e^en dnto therewith, which nnid mort. nnd the «nid hond, were afterwards, und bvnn .ineni hearing dnte tho lat day of March, 1811, «|ulv n**ignc(i hy the snid St. Liwrence Bank to the ('anal Hnnk of Albany; and afterwards, and by nn assignment hearing date the 11th day of Mny, thn Hnid mortgn^e nndthe said hond were duly ns. signed hy ih<* snid Gnunl Hunk of Albany to Joseph ftinnI nnd Robert II. Pruyn; and afterwards, and by nn n«niirnineut hearing dale the 5th dayof June, the anid m'*rtgago and the snid hond were duly as- signed by the said J(»seph Blunt nnd Robert II. Pruyri to Hmr'y Vnn Rensselner; and afterwards, arid by on t bearing dnte the I5th (\i\y of April, 1849, OR Trask'g ITIaffiielic Ointment. rilHIS is ihe first atlerhpt to combine the KLEC- 1 TRIG or MAGNE tIC FLUID with powerful Tegetable Extracts in the form of an ointment—io be applied externally lor the removal of disease.— The almost unlimited success it has met with, .stamps it nt once the GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. It is constantly effecting cures of the utmost importance. The most incredulous are CONVINCED—the most faithless are compelled to believe in the power and virtue of this Great Remedy. It is universally admitted tojbe the most wondef- ul combination known to the world lor the imme- diate relief of disease and pain. It never fails while there remains sufficient life to restore a natural nnd healthy action to the capillary vessels of the • (xly, and to equalize the circulation of the blood. By this means, a controlling power is gained over the most malignant forms of disease, that cannot be obtained troiii any other remedy.— Such is the power of thi* combination that it pene- trate* to every portion o! the human frame ; every lone and muscle, vein, nerve and ligament is searched out and made sensible of piirilymg'and healing influence. Hence, it copes as readily with internal as external diseases. Numerous instances are on record where this remedy has restored health to patients so near the grave that the most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any effect. Such has frequently been the case in inflammation of the bowels—no pa- tient ever need die with this disease WIHTC the Mag- netic Ointment can b^ obtained. That dangerous op'riemic known ns the Putrid Erysipelas, can al- ways becured by this remedy. For inflammatory Rheumatism, this Ointment is the most complete remedy ever prepared. In \VJ cases out of 1(H), it will afford entire relief to the worst cases ol Nervous . Headache in thirty flit mu<l llenrv Vim Kenwelaer duly iiaiigned the mud Mi'Mt^ntfr nnd the 1 said hond to the nndrrfMjjnrd, ' minutes. Snrnh A. Campbell, ndmimstrntrix of the good*. | I*\>r N e r v o u s d i s e a s e s t h i s r e m e d y is of immense chattel* mid credit* of Artin* I 1 *, ('nmphell, lute of tho value. town nf Mftftftrnn, in the county nf St. l*nwronce, do-- Affections of the spine, Rheumatism, Lameness, crnfted, puraiuuit to an a g r e e m e n t mnd<» by the said i Ulcerated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Crimp, AtniiH F. Camphcll. in his lilo time, with tho naid I l/hills, Cholera Morb-iv, Apue tu the face or breast, llenrv Van Renspehier, nnd f»»r n consideration paid ! Btirn^. Scald Head, Hcrofu'a, Salt Rheum, Krysip- hy the Raul Atinw F. Campholl nt the time nf the, elas, infl'imod Kyes, Fever Soies, i\tc, will be im- rimktfiji of the gnid ii^rueninnf; oil which snid assign- mediately relieved hy the use of this remedy. " - PH. BlN(ltlAM\s ( KRT1F1CATK. In reply to your queries with regard lo the results of the experiment? I have made with your justlycel- ebrated Magnetic Ointment, 1 can say with pleasure, that I deem it one of ihe Greatest Discoveries of the Age. It is now nearly two years since I commenced using it in my practice, and I have tested it in ca^es of inflammation, both local and general, of the most malignant kind, wiih universal success ; even where all internal remedies killed, I have succeeded with this. I have treated c.isesof Inflammation of the Brain, Inflammation of the Lun^s, Inflammation of the Bowels, Inflammatory Rheumatism, ! »nd Child-bed Fevers, wi'h p< rfect success, also ca^es ot Senrlet mrnt* nro cttilv rneorded in 'he officr of tho ('lerk of the county nf Krnnklm. Thrre IHchurned to he duo on thn «ni<f riu»ri{jnije nt tho tiruo of the fir*t ptih!ien. lion of this linnet, th« mini of three thousntid five hundred nnd forty-nine dollnra nud thirty.throe rents; nml delimit having been uinde in thn payment there- of, nnd no Irjj.'ii proceedings having hciMi insiiluif d tn recover th** HSIIIU 1 or any piirt thereof, the prorniftcR iihovo dfwcrihcd will be sold at nuhlie auction, pur. Riinnf {n the power ot vale in the said mort^a^e con- tuinrd, nt the h<>u*e now occupied by Klins liowker, 11^ nn ttiti or tnveru, ut tho village of Hotrnrifthurgh, in the COIUI'V ot Franklin, on the flixth day of August next, nt twelve o'clock ut IUMMI of that day. Dated MHV { K IH. r >0. SAKAII A. CAViriJKLl*, Admini^iruirix of tho ^oodH v &<'., of AtuoH F. Campbell, dece««ed, Assignee, Uy J. R FI.ANDKRS, her Attorney, Mnlone, Franklin (%o. DR. T< SAB 8 AI AKILLA, The mort Extraordlttary Medicine in the Woild. ii pnt up In It it %\t ttaiet cheaper, pleatsaiiUtr, and >• utedsupefior to*uyHold. Itcuresdio- -,e without vomiting, purging, sickening or I itating the paiieni 1 he great beauty and superiority of thia *j«raaftafilift over tlUtlitr pedicine ft, while it eradicates disease it inv!goraie» the body. It is one of thu very beet Spring au<l Sum- iner medioioea ever known , it not only pu rifies the whole ay^Uro and strengthens the person, bui it creates new, pure, and rich blood ; a power possessed by no other medi cine. And in this lies the grand secret of its wondetful success. It has performed within the past two years, more than 35000 cures of severe cases of disease : at lesst 6.000 of these were considered incurable — More than 3 000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism 2,000 cases of Dyspepsia ; 4,000 cases of general Debility and waoi of energy ; 7,000 cases of the different Female Com pUints , 2,000 cases of Scrofula ; 1,500 cases of I!*iver Complaint ; 2 500 cases of diseases ol the Kidneys and Dropsy; 8,000 cases of Consumption ; and thou- sands of cases of diseases of the blood, viz Ulcers, Erysipelas, Saltrheum. Pimples on he Face, A c , & c, together with numerous cases of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side and Chest, Spinal AflViMiuns, fyc , &c. This, we are aware, must appear incredi hie, but we have letifr* from physicians and our agents from fcll parts of the United States, informing us of extraordinary cures. R. Van Buskirk, oneof the most respectable druggists in Newark^ N. J , informs us that he can refer to more than 150cases in that place alone. There are thousands of case* in the city of New York, which we will re- fer to with pleasure, and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the Preventive of Disease known. It undoubtedly saved the lives of|^iore than 5,000 Children the Past Season! As it removed the cause of Diseases, and prepared them for the summer UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. VV. McLean, member of the Leg- islature, »nd late of the U. S. Navy, ha* kind- |y sent us the following certificate. It telh its owu story, RAHWAV, Jan. 25, 1847. A year since I W49 taken with the Influ- enza, and my whole system left in a debili- tated siate. I was induced to try Dr. Towii- send's Sarsaparilla, and after taking two or thrtie bottles, I was very much relieved, and attribute it entirely to th« said Saraaparilla I have continued taking it, and find that I improve every day I believed it saved my life, and would not be without it tn dtr any consideration. *J. W. MCLEAN. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from physicians 111 different parts ol the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians of tho city of Albany, havu it< numerous cases prencribed I)r Townseiid'ff Sarnaparilla, and beliove it to bo one ol the most valuable preparations of the Sarsapar- illa in this tn*rk<f. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. H. H. RKIGGS. M. D. P. K ELMENDOKF, M. I). Albany, Apiil 1, 1S45. The following is from one of ihe most re- Fever. (nnU r Hash, and Ulcerated Lungs and 8peCU ble physicians on Long Island: Thront with like* succe>s. ' x J r f . rt n _ G KEEN FORT, July 10, 184G Dr. Townsend : Dear sir — I t is with Iti the rpiHeinic known as the Putrid Erysipelas, by whuh so many v a l u a b l e * l i v c > w e r e lost, I t c l Brandrelh\s Pills. N () I) run f nrttH VV lu- DRNTISTRY. S M NftJini.S, DrtifiNt, having hrrn to thr i»y (»j Mouio iirnn pimf torthr purpose of pt*t h<t*t. hoimrlf in (In- Iritmt impr•ivrtnt > tit<i m ihr Hnrncr, ovv prrpnr«Nl in prrforin ul! oprr/ifionii tnnnoctrd hi'iiimini aftrr ih*» laii»m mid moat apprnved «|M, #j.« rhrttp tt* the chntprnl. IIIR fiinlitirn arr n h nt f4» t<rutMn himfo inynrt wholvor p.irts o| * thf iiioMt tirttiitifnt Hlork^ of (ttuu Trrfh, ll I ' Mlfi whh It Mi»r|timf<<<4 iiny p r r v i o t m m v r t j i K M i 111 In thr 1111r 1 fv "I tiuttrrinl, hrnuty o( fim«h, antj th »ifi<! fluruKiliiy «it l i mwork, \\r will dHv com. »u hy any Morma in tlu* M'#* nv#»r ihr »inrr i»( W i n in iho weather will materially ihe hotly if the blood is pure. Kv- ory individual, oven the most dise&ised, has within him ft germ or root of that original pur© blood of our common mother Kvv; which ^oriti of puro Mood is iho supporter of' hid ltl<\ and is in constant struggle to throw oil'tho hotrrogeuooiM, corrupt humors, which aro iho causes of dnoaso in tho individual. Uy purging tho body of ihis diseased IIKII- vidual of lift bad humors, you allow the germ of puro blood to frnin ground and to make blood of a brUer (|u *lny, and HO on proxies nively nil thti whole mans IH rrgenernted , for tho good principle or good pure blood is al- ways striving to be predominant over the bad or diseased humors. Let all who wish to be it frequently, and it never failed ul effecting a speedy and certain eure. In cases of Burns. Spring Frozen Limbs, &c. f it acts like a charm. No Physician or familv will be a single day with- out this medicine, utter becoming acquainted with its power to cure. N. HINUII AM, Physician and Surgeun. Utica, N. Y.. Jan. I!K IHUi. 5 VFor funhrr particulars and testimoniRls, see pnrnphlel left with each a^ent. Jjr' Price 25 and 31 l-'Jcents per bottle. A<iKNT8.— In Franklin County—L Ams<len, Mnlone, J (\>ni;dnn f Fort CovidgUm, F- J. Mills, & (-O , Hogansbur^h, T. P. Robei ts, ('haeaugay. And by one Airent in each village in the State. E. K. CHANDALL, Trav. Agent. Rouemption of Lands Bold for Taxes. STATE OFNEW YORK, ) Comptroller's Office, Albany, April 12,1850. { OTICE is hrrnby ffivr»n, |>tirsn«nt to section 7(>, of title 3 t article* .1, nf chnptrr 13, of ihe first pnrt of I ) AIM-; It I »*J M, Mi I' 11 n t i, $n MAN(iINUS nl' rvrr y vnnHy and nlri'i, (hi Sliadrs, CuHmns, Fire 'im sale t»v J. W rAN( W V \ NtilK >U N, ni iho t'rmikliu (juuntv Pruy IF . .Sinir, wi«h#i it (iiflHiM'fly tin (If* nit n o d , onc<< for nil, tlmt thrrn ia no mirli itniif( an iinffrr^el!in^ him. \\twn«oii<l*4 HurinpftrU!*. mieh R^ my of tt fine hf'tthhy habit; who wish tn Imve a the Revised Srntufrs, as nmended by chapter 1H3, of Head the following ; isfaction that 1 say to you that 1 have recent- ly witnessed, in several cases, the most ben- eficial results from the ust> of your Extract of SarsaparilU. Being engaged in the prac- tice of medicine, I have prescribed it in sev- eral cases, and never without benefit. In the removal of diseases arising from a de- ranged Mate of digestive organs, &c , it f*r exceeds anything of the kind ever before offered to the public. Youwill please sei me two dozen, &c., &,c. Respectfully-yours, S. C. PRESTON, M. D. PILES, PILES, PILES. Dr. Townsend** Sarsaparilla it no less successful in curing this distr* ssmg com plaint, than for diseases of the Blood, f)ys popsia, Rheumatism, and Nervous Debility mind in n ffomul btnly; who d'-sira to ho shle to «land without injury the continual of tin* climate; who desire to hnve children, uso tho Urandreth Pills. the blood of y hich will M,tvnrt|»«l Tim Th« I ^l^ f Will «rll for Sfirgfjpat ilia fur 7. r » c N7 1 o n IIOCIII-N ff»r $ 1 , 0 0 - |>n\!,oNM ('ItKMICAL HAIR 1NVIUORA I |( >l( A frrnh mippty \"*t rrrrivt'd (»V J W. PANdflOIlN &(•».. N0TI0JE . I . M hrrrliy «ivrn lo all |HMSI»MH indedted to l}»r * i | h ^iiliric ,iihn hy note or h<mk*#€roont, thnt an itiiiitiMtintr MMilrinrnt niul liuoidsticm ol<llic jmine IH inili^pfii'.nhlv iir< r - . ^ r y Npihiiff ^tit prompt nl to tint nolire onthr pntt of llume mtrrr^trd ••»•• r^i. \i\C\ I A Ul) GUANOK IVh it. IH;,O MI 1 h for l.ii No \\%mwaf toUU I, Kt»ld*» Kirh«n«#, for aJ! •r of Iiin«aod t Lamp and SjKttn Oil t n J W PANC.BORN. \TOT W rha OTirK it hor#by gi^nn ffiat J. D Rak.'NU maV- nt, f|<>in|r f»(^nit#«« at M»lorti% has thia dkf k#~ to ii|n all hm pro^rtjr ap<l rflprta, in trnat,a6. in (tin {ftrariion* in hm tkrfnJ of aaaigntiieot All h«vtng in ihair handa j to tint »atd Fink, and all My w.no ro |tn(«il»i«i<l to him, mm required to h h if lh# to and pay, q py th#» un«i«iNli|tt1«ff, or to his agOhf, who !> A B l M h At alorr. Nalon«i, 1H.S0 nil b*d or corrupt humor*, and r«*8tore human body to the *ut* of health enjoyed bnfore tho introduction of mineral meJicmns. Kprnnmber Braudrt-th PilU pUce within the reach of all hrahh mid long life. TRUST TO BKANDRBTirS PILLS; tako them HO an to produce a brUk effect, and your nickneaa will be the affair of a day or two, whilt* thoae who are too wise to follovt this common »• n»« advicn will be sick foi months L^t the sick enqt 1 ire of the agents Braiidr^iirs Pills whether thfue things 10 or not. Let them enquire among their friends and auk the same queaiion. Verily, if » vidroce is wanted, it shall be procured. To the hick. Ui me say, use the liKANDRKTII PILLS Adapted to all circumstances and situations ih»y are the beat medicine ever inrmted for families, or to uke to aea, preventing scurvy and coativ meat, requiring no change of diet, particular regimen* or care again** takinp fold. N. B. Them is no aur#ty that you gat the i BRANURETH PILLS unUaa you ae *f the duly aothorised Agent, Agent* in this section. J \f Pangbor^ and A minis & Lewis, Ma- loee ; A. Stilea & Soii % Fort Covington; F, J. Mills 4k Co., Hoganaburgh; Joel Perkii\a\ W Itiwff ol lH, r )0 f thnt unlesn rlie inn'is nold for ai the general tux sale, held at the (J.tpitol in the city of Alhnny, in the montliH nf Novnnbef nnd Decem. her, 18iH f RIIHII he redeemed by the payment info the irrnaury of the Sinte, on or h^for^ thf sixteenth day of December next, after the (kite.'hereof, of ihe amount for which eneh parrel of the said lands was sold, and the intercut thereon, nt.the rare of ten per centum per annum, from the date of tfie *ale to the date of the payment, the lands no wold and remaining unredeemed will be conveyed to the purchaser* th ereo T P. ftobarta, Chatcaugay ; , ClUnburghi A. Kt.app, Moo era 1 May 23,1849 K;ich puTtlisher of a public new*p«per in this State 18 hereby rrqueated immediately to publish this no lice in such newspaper, at least once n week (or six weeks successively, provided heis willing to publish the same for the fees alloweJ bylaw, (being 93,88) which will bo paid on preaentiog the usual affidavit of publication nt this oflf*oe. (2."») WASHINGTON HUNT, Comptroller. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICK is hereby give*! according to law, to all persons having claims against Jedcdiah L. Mar- tin, Inte of the (own oi Constable, in the county of Franklin, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, wiih thevouchers thereof, to the eubacri. ber, administrator of the goods, chattels and credits ol the eaid deceased, at his dwelling-house, in the town of Westvillft, in said county, on or before the twentieth day of June next. Dated thU20th day ol December, A. D. 1849. JOHN LEARMBNT, Administrator, MJPORI. Dbls. OHIO SUPERFINE FLOUR, 15U do. MESS PORK. AL8O, 900 Ctsfcs OHIO WHIRKET f Just received and Tdr sale by Ur. Townsend ; Dear sir—The effects o your Sarsapanlla are truly wond'-rful. For the last sixor eighi years past. I have beet subject to severe attacks of the piles, during which I have suffered all the tortures of that complaint, and had despaired of ever finding relief except in death. I have the pleBMin 10 mf »nn you ** there ia yet a balm in Gile»d.' I hav* used two bottles of your Sarsaparilla Atid feel no remains of my old complaint. 1 send you this for publication, and any per- son you may refer to me, 1 would be happy to inform of the benefit ! have received at your hands. Yours, truly. JOHN HALL, 49 Fulton it. July 6, 1846. Principal office 126 Fulton at , next door to the Sun office. Sofdby J. W. PANGBORN & Co., Ma lone, N. Y., Agents for Franklin Co.. and by all the principal Druggists and Merchants, throughout the United Stales, West Indies a nd Canada. None gotitfini Unless put Up i* large square bottles which e*ftt«in a quart, and signed with tha written stgnitufe of S. P TOWNSEND, and his name bloiui in the glass. N o v . 1— ly. WRKSBRVKD CITRON and TMrmrmd./or.itoby 1 J. W. PA MO BORN & Co. MANNING & TUTHILL O UR PATENT MEDIGiNB CHBST i* now Ml ol all the popular remedies of the day. J. W\ PANGBORN 6i Co. NEW YORK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 907 Main-Street, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. O. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture. rpiirs celebrated remedy in constantly increasing iu JL faiae by tbe Many cures Utomaking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It hsi now become the mdy medic*** fcr family tu«, and 1$ particularly recommended for DROPSY: nil ttAfes of Ihif complaint intmfvliately reUeTed, no mat- ICT of now long funding. See Pamphlet for tiMtimony.— Tbit diseane in as frightful, ai CHOMCRA, arid ti\e slow and dreadful progre** of the malady, bloating the tytUm to a degree which renders tiw patient utterly unabU to move, forms one of its ruott distressing features. HITHERTO INCURABLE, it now yields to this remedy—and Physiciaus use it pub- licly and privately with perfect succeiu. IMH any one who has ever had a fyinptocn of Dropsy, of any charncu.T, keep Uii» article by them and if they would avoid the «*- n+lural APPLICATION OF THEKNIFE. to perforate the tyatem and id tkt arrumulaltd voter flow aatxiy, only to till up again, and filially rmd in « dreadful death, let them just use this remedy in season, and a re- rovery is sure. I^et them try it at any stage of tinM riiwvise, and a cure is certain, if they wilt give it a fair trial. GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urinary organs ; for these distress- ing complaints tf Mnndi alone ; no ottif r nrticle can relieve you*, and the cures testified U> will convince Uie most skeptical ;—see pamphlet. flow many suffer from thin painful complaint, and fan- cy there is no cure- You may think you have (Travel when there is only inflammation—there may heralculi—and yet it may be hardly formed—it may even be stone ia the bladder, yet you are mire of a cure in all tmt the last named otseaae, and if stone in the bladder does exist, by the aid of this medicine all inflammation cnuscd by it will subside, and unless the formation is of years stand- ing, UK) calculi is dissolved, and bruught away in tine particles. AH stages of this disease lias (»e.en cured by this mixture. One qf the firtl Medical men i* the Stale ¥j Piew York was cured of gravel bythis medicine. Sts Pamphlet. LIVER COMPLAINTS, Fever and Ague % Biliou* Disease*—To the <»reat West en[>ecially, and wherever thewj complaiuu prevail Qua medicine is offered. NO MINERAL AGENT, no de Uteri on § compound is a part of this miiturt, it cures these diseases with certainty and celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. See Pamphlet. Ho thoroughly does tin* mixture act in this disease, that an immediate cure is made. All other remedies are now set aside, as this great vegetable preparation, safe, (for it containii no poisonous mineral, which is the basis of all other Fever Ague and remedies) SPEEDY AND EFFECTUAL, It Is the grand healing medicine, and is daily curing its thousand*. The secret of its re-building the entire con- st itutiofi is, that it is compounded of £2 distinct vegetable properties, each root a remedy distinct by itself. PILES, it complaint of a moat painful character, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, ntui a cure follows by a few days use of this article . it IF far before any other preparation for tk\» disease, ur for any oilier disease originating from impure blood. See Pam- phUt. This disc'AM* ii purely one of the Mood ; tho action <,f thin medjriiif t in so s|NH'dy that the Piles, whether inter- nal or external, will IK.' cured byit* tine in a few weeks.— Hundreds, j**rliap« we can say thousands have )*rn |*T- fecily cured in the use of two or throe bottles of tills mix- ture, and as thin cure ji produced from the uction of Uii« panacea upon the blood, it iff more likely to be tlian Any cure produced from external reinediw. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, wenk back, weakness of ihe Kidneys, &.C., or mflnmmn- tton of name, is tmmediutely reluved by a fete days use oj this medi rime, und a cure is always u result of its u»e. It stands as A CERTAIN REMEDY for such complaint", and also for derangements of die Jo- in ale frtme, IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful metistryntions. ISo article has ever been offered euept this which would touch thu kind of derangements. It may!*• relied upon as a sure and effective remedy, art'J did we iti'l permitted to do so could give A THOUSAND NAMES ns proof of cures in this digressing class of complaints.— Hee pamphk-L All broken down, debilitated consiitvtumi from theeil#Tt of mercury, will find llie brscing power ol this article to act immediately, and the poisonous mineral frnHiratcil from the Kystrm. The *l distinct properties which compoar thit flrticle, manifest thciuw-lvm [wrncularly in %hp application of the compound, for the di«trr««ir^ class of complaints which head this paragraph. For centuries there has been used in the mrrth of Kurope, a CERTAIN BOTANICAL AGENT, which in nil diseases or denuifsriiientsof the female^ obstructions, difficulties, painful menstruations, 6cc effecfisi a cure. This root is indigenous tooursoii, nnd fuijiMJ inlar^i quauutieft, and as a medicinal pruj* rty Htantiw without an equal; it forms onfj of the comjxjufHi* in the preparation, which as a whole is tb* best reme(]y ever «iveti to a debihlaU'd female; it is sure, and the pys- U'III will \H' n^toreu 1 to health by it* use. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the alterative projierties of this article PURIFY THE ULOOD, and drive mich disease* from Uie system. See pamphlet for testimony of cures in all diseases, which Uie limits of an Rilvrniwmpiit will not permit to l>e named here.— Agents give them away; tiiey contain 32 pages, and ccrtifi- catr* of high character, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared, ft m one of the peculiar features of this article thsUit never fails to benejit in any case, and if bone and muscle are left Is build upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid HOPE ON, and keep taking the medicine as long as tliere it an im- provement. The proprietor would CAUTION THE PUBLIC against a number of articles which come out under the head of SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, AC. an cures for Dropsy, Gravel, SLC. Thsy art good for noth- tnjf % andconcocted to pull the unwary ; TOUCH THEM NOT. Their Inventors never thought of coring such diseases till thixarlirif had done it. A particular study of the pum~ phlet is earnestly solicited. AgenUf and all who sell the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE prnfmioiiflly. Put up in DOoz. bottle*, at #2 \ 12 oz. do. at 01 each—the larger holding 0 oz. more than two small bottle*, fjock out and not get imposed upon. Every bot- tle has M Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture,'* blown upon the slass, the written signature of *• G. C Vaughn" on the directions, and ••*;. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped on the cork. None other are genuine. Prepared bv Or. CJ. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 907 Main street, Buffalo, at wholesak: and retail. No atten- tion given to letters unless post paid. Orders frotn regu- larly constituted Agents excepted. Pom p;nd letters, or verlml communications soliciting Advice, promptly at* tended to, gratis. For sale by alt respectable Druggist* in the United Htates and Canada. r»V Olrott, MrKeesan, & Co., wholesale and retail, No. 127 Mnidrn Lam-, N. Y. Also by J. W. I'ariKborn & Co., and F. T. Heath Ma lone; C). Lnwrenre &L 8on, Moira; J. n, Fort Coving toe; Mills & Fulton, Ho^ans. T. V. Roberts, Chateaugay; James Sherar, Nicholville; Z. Culver, H<»f»kmton. E. HUNT, Travelling Agenf. H I\otire. "VTOTICE ia hereby given to all persons having i i rlnimH or demands against Henry UUey f of Bom hav, wbieh icrru^H prior to the 7th day ol July, Ib49, to present wich claims or demands to F. B. Ftsk, at his office in Fort Covington, without delay ; and all perooua indebted to thosatd Henry Utley, contracted prior to the aaid 7th d%y ol July, 1849, are hereby notified (hat said debts are left with P. B. Fis!:, of \>rt Covington, for collection, and they are request- ed to call and paythe name immediately. D. S. MCMILLAN, Assignee of Henry Utiey. Dated Fort Covington, March 2?th, 1850. Chemifal Washing Fluid. 0 HUMBUG! NEHALF the labor saved, and all rabbin*of Clothes This article warmrHed to give all tire tatisfaction in ai) respect*, ur no charges). Prepared and sold, whdes*J« and retail, by 4, W. f *i«s*oitH, No. 1, Field's Exchange. M Y prufitt are to email thai I can*l afford tocbr. ter the whole papef ii| M^lf^ff I#1I y o s what have, but juat walk in itxd satisfy yxHirselvts, at tha m sll Chri»tiuii portion of d nim cures very many of the most Pl'LMONARV CONSUMPTION—real, diseased LUNGS—«ieh HOPELESS by any ottier medicifM, So utterly Asa ed perfons, as ~ -—*—— to (»e AC71M huve live uioU*sc it p< enul «D4 wet*** SUWi.SSjd J6ltt«Bj| 4sgr, at* worn mm w* *& Hie dA * m tsm BMANT't INDIAN fn/ftlfYIIM Kxtrmd, The B medxai tions whisk sws •aryfor, Iks emr* of COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION and all diseases of a riiilmnsjsjfj prove su fatal under ©minary tif^ Tbro«t f Laitgi, aod Heart Thii BALSAM HEAL? AND CUKES ULCERS in the hlTffO§ % •lsewh«*n- internally, as certainly and sasHy hs ths Pufcirvtlte TRACT cures smd heals ulcert externally. This Balsam cores MM* cats* of Cough and Consumption wit of TEN, after all Other havo failed to do oood. 0 Thousands of laid Chronic Cousths abtmdandjr »rore Us tum, ]>y*enUry and Summer Complaints is Ck&drm aad Adtl'r, ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES. ^ CONSUMPTION. A DYING WOMAN CURED 1 We «mt#» this cure, to prore the POWER TO SAV£ vir% when this BALSAM is u»ed, even after tbe person Is emsmsisrsMhu physicians and friends to l>e in the last r fnrrrrr fjf ijif r.rrf asttfcsJI J DYING—Hind, in thitt cane, so > AR GONE, that tk*SHROtb OSU »«tiAL-CLOTHES Wtrs bouaht' Kor the jxirttrular* of this case, and the respectaU* nnd im- doubted proof of til tlir circumstance* aod facts, we refer tottsrf AM- This run* was effected on Mm. 7JBA DYKEMAN, of fiaUsUm Spa, Saratoga CousUy. A. V. We can prove, beyond a4oot* T many r*thert, almott equally hopeless, and inn timerobis cssftt of QoUf/hs asul .'wmwrmi wmrrwr^* iy'"my fPM|#^»^»W| vki»v« vT»r»^«Y« •. r ^^mr^^ *0^i^^mfB «M ^^^rv^V^W VKm9mm ConsumptitfM CL'KED, which were pronounced htcurabl* by SKILFUL A DOCTOR CUftED! DR J. W. FRENCH, of HiOsdaU, ifiU*M*eount*, MMisfta,about th« 1st of January, 184!). wrote ai follows : *' I \\$xv* 1M?OQ in cht rejr- ular practice of medicine in this place for nine years, but was o'»lij?e» to quit the practice of ruv jtrofession ineousAOMetice of ill health. 1 wnn »o M?v«n*ly afHiclinf with a Chronic JJmsass a/ the iAUty** OA t«> i onviuce me tlml I RAD THECONSUMPTION, past doubt. I couched nlmust incesssntlr, nifht and day. aBd hsdsevere JMUBJ ar0%on?ue«» inrayehest^ »id«, and breast I tried Uie renames rec#«meQried Uy life moe! skilful of t\*> profession, all to DQ effect, excepting Hie nautet and debilitT caused bythem. 1 wrn prejudiced Mmiast pa- tent nHtdicines, and have no faith now in them generally. But I w«* )nduc<*l—«• an experisseiit, more than tbroturlt £i*tb~-to try a bottle of BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM; and I da here Ack))owU*d^\ fur U>e benelit of tbe afflic4ad t ur wkmn Si may serve, that tbe effect of its use on me was the vtosipiompt aiiJ •tttatary of HTIV iWHiicine* I ever witnesved theeflfeet of ffi sH my practice. My'cvuyh was immsdsatssu relieved, and hi ajbout eig-fal O> ten <iavH I \VH« fn*e from cou^b, soreness of the chvst, and pain, and ow consider and pronotmm myself k WELLMAN." Dr. French Um>w a r©«pt>cutbl« drucrfist at Hillsdaie. FITS, FITS, FITS- Moun. J. K. LIPP1NCOTT k SON, respectable nwrdmm* si ote, Sullivan county, Pennsytwnia. wrote to u«, May K, V>W , fcinoDir otiier PF.NEFITS which tmn been derive*ttornrtw a»e of BRANT'S FFLMOKA&Y AAL^AM, that one of their cus- tom e n had just informed ibwn M h~t thUd, iriiiih bsAbeen «ub- lect torrrs for several yscrs t was cured by tin* use of hkAST'S MALSAM would soon be ia a Grave. ' Mr. WILUAJM D. JKNNINO8 t a tDefcfeaat at Pisrpomt irfiUibuUi (xnmty. Ohio, wrote to ut, October 2. 1 MR. and ptatod a •11 n* of roNSi'Mmo* which ih¥ UM of BRANT'S 1KMAN PUl* YOSAFY JiAJ.SAM Imd eflfrrred in Mr. WILL I Mi CROCKET, i >•* Hfi aMioininf town. lt< C , He said Mr. Crocket bad a***fct fctttof from pl.\>i/ > isns nn^ numerous medicines, but frNind none, for hun«] of that unr*-)entui|r rmmiter, Consumption, had taken n?i )n« \ IIH>, and wan so destroying and debUitatinir bis HKJy, Thu? \yc WM a mefe •kek*t<m. He wii gkmm ttpb^m phvsi- *iunV> nnd ul) friendo, H* one who would soon inhabfta grave. But ^v«n in thif ltnt extremtty, srranfe andmarrenovt SJS> It m VIM ii IA fnic.thar the n»c of cmlyjU* hot Urn of BSLAMT'B PCLMONATRY BALSAM Iiss undendied UtehaadSf » B d j Mr. Crc>rkei to health, and he is now aksssUkk, hsWrtu, mtin ! S l) UANN, K«q., merchant and postmastsr mi Jssfswwosu as •*• \n% town, wro'H io n*ahotit tlK 4 inmo Mmt, and Mated tbut He nrcpiKiuted with Mr. CaocxcT, and tmtUss4%sktsco%\M^msUaM 'he ulxjte-HatMcd fuels. Could not Lire a Day MfMi*. K H CALDWELL L CO., of Kast Oswosps, Omtsso Cs f X. Y, respectable 4ru%$\*is, wrot* to us*. * a*v« fasMmsmrd f Jirou^h Mr. Whitfmttn, a respectable citil«|i of (aU plfjt^t of an important < ure of Consumption, which Bit AWT 1 * I HOI AM FOLMOHA- iv BALSAM has produced on the wife of an acquaintance of bW, who resides tn the towo of F«J#neo, Hi tfcif nswmtf. 9kmtedbe*n innK confined to h'T !>rd, and was so dangerously fltseaaaijpat her fnoTKJs he)lev«d )' impossible for her to KM wtsxt Usau OnB DAY LONGKft. But, wlinnall other bopatrttfiy lafls<,alai coi inkmr HHAST'S PULMONARY BALAAM.****tetn( dical mv\ hnn rtuHf.i her fron A DYIKP BED, SO tMt aha II now 4n</ attrntUnq to her domestic houtskold afairs smd duties. iwledwi's, and it is very evident, that ahels indaUad ; HA LSA M for her recovery from a toag, severe, and daofrerous I ueM; and her friends and neighbors eoawider that medic in© invalu- ^nlile." RAISED FROM THE GRAVE. | Messm. PRATT k FOSTER, merchants, •/ Wrnt OsmwalL Oo*m. f ] RRi<i BRANT'S HALS AM hadpflectod curfts of such hopeieei; c*- r»f CONSUMPTION tn their town, that nowno other w»» of CONSUMPTION in their lown. that nowno other Court-roed) <itte could \)e ^old there ; that it h/id raised some as if from the GR AVF t( ii physicians and nil the friend* said MUST DTK! One i l f h py , in narticular, was so far jrone, thai his physician foM it VIIUI vMetsss to take any more medicine. He tben, token no hnps left, t e^nn to take BRANTS BALSAM—COT WILL- and is uoir <i$ well as ever he was ' Many Consumptions Cored. Mr S. M CLARK, merchant, Clyde. Wayne county. S. 1% wro<« to inform u* that BRANTS PITLMONARY BAIJ5AM sold readily HX ( \de. nnd said ; " If the statenients of some Of oar most respec- table people, and p#*rsonsl t visible knowledge, can be relied on. )t* me<ttrH) \ irtueH have curnd many consumptive iwsom, several of whom I ninHrquHtnteri with, who were so hopelessly *ick a* to be mnnidered, bv pbysiriarM> andall friends, part a possibflitv of care; and yet, the tarts are, BAANTS BALSAM has restored tneia H , IIRfCCT HEALTH/' 1ATNGB BXJSD-MTOT DIB Mr. Z. 8 TERRY, merchant, Byron, Gsnesss county, N. K, wrote, Aur»s! 24, 184*: "BRANT'S MEDJC1NE is doing wonder* here. 11 hn» cuml H man of Consumption that sJl Uie physicinua hud caid mu*t die. \\hen he rornwenced taking Brant's Medicine, lie could •ot rm*M- Inn hand to bis lie ad ; )m Hsd at the Ismgt, and ev ( rv n\m^- toin M*em' d lo intlicute that he »- ust die; but. astonishing to all, 1m H nowubltf to labor, and rides ail o\er tve equnty. He' HHC«1 only fltr ffottlrt. It has aUo cured a yountr lady of Consssmption in Or- leann rountv. which her father aavs twdacioramfdeyr*" Mr MILLKK, a merchant of the same place, has certified to tbsj truth o( die above statement. RESCUED FROM DEATH. THF Rev JOHN O. L. HASKINS, at Marion, Wayne cutintv, N. Y-, wrote MHrrh \ 1849: "I desire you to send me some of •• BRANT'S BALSAM" immediately by Express J for some person* who a >v wtnyr it an* fearful that they will not be able to g^et a further surp'y This Medicine ha* HTpcted unreal wonders here, in cufins? d i w w f mat were said by physicians to be utterly incurable. Some nave been rawed and ttavedfrom the VCET vEfcce or THE WAS BELIEVED PAST OURE. Mr CORNKUt'S H. SMITH, nwrrJwnt. CoOhtt Ctntn, KrU ^^^s^ffi^sffi^ v^M&a^^vs^ffi^sffi^A near.v si; sold, and I want immediately another supply, foT U*y #ell more rapid iv, und ywbetter satisfaction, than aJJ the otiier medkmes we hftve for sale. The Pulmonary Balsam has raised a lad? bet© from a bed of dangerous and srrere sickness, which) all lawdoctors) had driven up a« IWCURASLE. Tbeysaid she MUST DIE with a Com- of the l,unps. After all had pronouncsxl XM d ki BRANT'S BALSd tvmptvm f l p sbe commenced taking BRANT'S nnc M# SAM—mad now shsisuyeii CHRONIC DYSENTERY, and guMMF.a CoMn.AiNTi, in chUdrm or grown persons, cured out any failure tohatever. Also— CHOLERA INFANTUM. No mother need ever moan tbe death of her child bytiftutcnUd- destroying complaint, when teething in warm weather— ChoUra im- fantum, or what in called SUMMER ConrLAiNT—if • ' E I A N T ' l PULMONARY BALSAM 9 * be administered to tbechiid. its however, in iuth eases, »# u«ed in twice as laroe potsomsmom Uuru CM each boitie prescribe, until tbs) complairt is CMCfem Franklin Drug8tore. J. W. a OFFER tf f for aale br qusli P^CtORAL-Whols^rU aqd V Alsd Dsvls 1 Fahi Kfllcr, it ' No f J t- OD LivfcR OIL—the purest article y? for ealc cheap, !>y J. WP For sale by J. W. Pangborn and F. T. Heath, A Huberts, J. Con if don, S. W. Oillel, F. J. Mills Malon'e, Co, All letieo and <»rders mort Fun Coviaglou, CoosiabJe, Hogsnsburgb. be addre^f^d t o eec an WALLACE 6C CO., 106 Broadway, New Y#rk\ "PAIRBANK8* PA1&NT8CALE8, a general JT asfsortmeai, kept consanily on hand and for le by WM. HOGU2. Fort Covington, AaguM 17,1648. 1 T EA, SUGAR, tnfl MOLASSES, at retail, by W. KNAPP. pARPETING, it is believed tbe be« \J •omett ia town, may be found tl No. Exchange. w - KNAPP, T)URE LEAP, §round in OH.SA* s g«nei##ssort X raent of PATNTS and OILS, Tot^ehy. ' TWSENTERT, Di«^«t& Samaer \) 1W GrefenWrg $*rap if the onlf to ihe above oompleiate, Wa^enied to core For ~ * ^holeeek M 4 retell by ^ 1 r »

Transcript of Minkler Bad He Pmn' r t nim - NYS Historic...

Page 1: Minkler Bad He Pmn' r t nim - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031574/1850-06-20/ed-1/seq-2.pdfV,-KM HO (10T,:,.l Minkler Bad is his Old Place Again! M if iif«(


KM HO (10T, :,.l

Minkler Bad is his Old Place Again!Mif iif«(

of TV*. Wngni*.&** dl Hoot*N»Hnr<\4»t if iif«( Ruiaifi*, &*., Hdhdlng <Mi» Hoot

Hho**, Pull*, Broom*, Muft , Boa*, and TravelBajra nf all MfubMd qti*?i.V.% TdpHlf** with •

«r««t variety «l FANCY ARTICLES—Hair Oil*•IKI r « . i k . NfuiKm*. Cl iOCKS. | l , 1 5 to 9 3 , 0 0 .

WH«rt f ;u corn* to the Furl, juat call in an<I a**your ,,ld frirnJ, and i( fc« vap't . aall you, all right.—Hut «AVO your CMH till vpu give rut a try.

V great quaumr of CftUjilTON'& Action hand,C. 6. MINK

C,fiOlt«12 ,(t.4TH OK WrffTRItAM.,)


Monunico its T#nib8lon(%Uravc Hlone«, Tablet, and


IK •ut«crit>*r wntiltl inform \hv in


I -

ImlKianfa of Mn|«»nn ami Kranklin County, ihofftna lo< ittffr) lnm«ctf nl Mntorte, and is prrparrcl toimh, of Ihr %»i Vermont Marble,


• »r f inyihinir m »hn* I H M » , at prtt-ra and on tar ma thainiuat (MI aattftlariory thoao ;ri wan t of the above

TttMBXTOMK fron $1 to $JiAll work W(irnii|if<f to givr» Mfiafaction— torm#

nut In «ia«r( anil ill Ic'fufn oi produce, or grain nvx**m»«»r, tak*n for pay. L*l no on* ptmthaao beforerailing an<l t|«nitriinff for thrroaelvca.

>!AIIHF#K WORKHin the store formerly occupiedhv A f.iriffaiif, two door* south of Dark'* Corner



v oi d i e town o f F o n ( Q iFranklin aftdatai* oMJ#w Yotk, by nnmortgage be I ring d#fe* the of April, ingg g

joar one thoifaandcigbf huptfte^ and ihirfy-nine,uly mortgaged MO Baron $, Vbtf, President *4 the

Ht. T.nwr«ncf< Bank, in ihe Village of Ogdenshurgh,N Vcounty of St. [,awrvnc<v*nd of

gV#fk, in



triiflt tor \hm siid Bank and tha shareholder* tmtfof,bttng (he ofrWr indicated Mr iliai purpose by the articlra of aanooiation of said Bank, made and enteredinto under and pursuant ft* mm net of the l e g i s t oreof the Bintff of New Ytfrk, emtiled •• Alt act to au.ihrtri* ihe bunineM of BaTnking," peaaevl April 18'h,1838, certain lands B«jd water privilege*, boundedand described in (he *a(d trtdortiure of mortgage anfollow*, namtly: "AH that certain piece, parcel ortract of land diiuate, lying and being in the village olrfogarmtturgh, in (he county of Franklin and stale ofNew York, numbered lot twenty-four in aaid villageof flojranabtirglr, bounded aa follow*: Beginning inihe north bank of St. Kegia River, on the bounds oithe Indian land*, and run* north thirl)>six degreeaw«*t tivn chains auty-aeven linka to a post; thenceMouth thrty.three degreea thirty minutes west byrumpnas 19 IN five chain*; thence south fifty-six degreen thirty rhinutes east one chain seventy-five linksto tho water edge; thence along the same to the beginning, containing one acre and eighty-five htmdredthfl of nn e*cre of land, be the same more or lessAl*o all and singular that oth<r certain piece or parc d of land and land covered with wnter situate, lyingnm\ being at Hoganaburgh aforesaid, and particularl\- butted, bounded and described ns follow*, viz:—Hegmmng on the east side of Gray street, at thenorthwest comer of village lot number tour, now orlute, the property of Aaron Brondwell, and run norththirty degrees cms* necrmiing fb comprise A. D. 1816three chain* and forty linka; then south airtty degreesoust one (bum fifty links; then north thirty degreeseast mxry-two links; then on nearly the same courseone chain to the southeast and Qcrof* the end of River street one chain to the southeast corner of vfllagelot number eleven now occupied by John Richardson; then along the eastern end of said lot with thehunk of Ht Regis River and one chain and fifty linkaus the crow flies to the southeast corner of villagelot number twelve now or late the property of Ben-jamin (>. Harrington; then south fifty-six degrees andthirty minute* east one chain and fifty links to themiddle or nenr about the middle of tSt. Regis Riverthru south len degrees west up nnd along the streamof said river nml aennw the mill Ham (herein t-rectechi a point from whence the plnce of beginning hearsnorth Rixty decrees west; then north Htxty degreeswest ;o the northrnst corner of vilhigt* lo' numberfour aforesaid; then the same course continued OIK


thnt ih««

try \\\pm and

For billion* and lnlUinmitory Frvnri , In-

digestion, Dyspepsia , porverhul appptitt*t im-

pure blood, and all derangement* of iho bil-

liotia ayatemiihey am an exce l l ent medicine .

The proprietor of i tin NO P i l h U*% such coii-

fnUnca in them from the testimony of thou

s m d n , anrl thn tritimphant s u c c e s s ihitt has

tfivanably atloiuUd their operations, that h*

will g i \^ any one) an opportunity of trying

thrm. frei H exponttv Soe condition on

pamphlets left with ng. nt*

Agents—MaloiM, J. VV. I'angborn, 1 /

Amadoo; Fort Covingloh, J Congrfon; Mo-

ira, O Lawrence Ai S o n , North Hangor, G.

II <V S I) Stnvons . Bruak* Mi l l s . Abtaha

HaittUty, l loinbay9 H Reynolds & C o ; l | o -

K*"*"urgli, F J. Mil ls <fc C o ; Wratvi l lo ,

A VV. < unlmiau, Constable , S. W. GiIUl;

Hurko, <;. VV Smiih , I)A«»,ni Miichrl l , Chal-

N Ii k K H S m i t h , Flknborieh,

uvnna-- 4Ui\ for anlif by onn or moro

i i i f u c b u n t tr% o v o r y v t l U ^ i * \t\ t h i s

C a l l foi " \\,i^ti\ P l l U , f f i n d

tho IHIX l l Jaa. I I

ai nono othora aro gnu11111IV

MO!tT(#A(JKHALK.\ U I I . 1 , 1 A M I . M I Y . . . I i h f M o w n o l Fort* f in ih«« r .M in ty ot f ' r i i n k l i n , h n r n i f i l o r e d u l y

c i ;<•<! to VV iMmtf i K'i!»»v. o l ( i o d m n n r h ^ v t ^ r i n

t ' r u v i n r ^ of ( ' . u i f tdn I I M M I , *• /» «***rf in ii f r f t r t or

• t i i m l l y i f i y n n d I m i i i ^ m th« t o w n o f K o r t i

f MI »l<»rr^nid, uriil » i n i r nf N « w Y o r k , ln'i i i tf fhn r io r th

hul l <•) nonnif lot \ o .V I . in ihV m i l r * iyinrr, on N f i l n t o nr W l . 'o tli«^ Mf |v#»j '^ Hi fivr v a i i o n , in t o w n (if

l " " r i ' • • v i u ' i ' . u i n l < i | r i i i ! . l " T h r u i o | t <

Om l ^ i h ilny o l l i u i r , I H 17*, n n d w n n r i *

l><iwrr to «#• 11 I I M I M M I I c • n ' n m r d m ih»» n H i r r <il

< Ii rk nf i l t f r i M i n t y «»( | ' * t iu ikhr i on l l io MMK| I S I J I

n| f o r m , iH- i . ' i , M I HooK N ' t S nt mitr fgf i t ' f ' f t , o n

l . l . » T h n n r m l n i o f f r u ' n w n n o \ r « ' t l l v i l I o M r r i l M 1 t h r

| » ' M i n r f i l o f ^ I T i l , < > n t l i # ' l H i | | i \ t \ y o f J u n e | H 1 * 1 .

w u h i n t r r r < i f n i m t i n l l v , M i n i t h n n i n o i i r t t i l i i n t i i o r r t i n

n t ' h o l i f i i r * o f I | H < f i t . » r j i i i l i f M i l l i o n n f t h i H l i o l i m l «

H H I m m l r n l n n \ r i j ^ l i t i l n l l u r ^ n m l r i c h l y l l n r r r r n t s ;

n n I i t * i f n i | h h u v i n i ; h r r n M i ' w l r i n i h r p n y i i K M l t t h r i r

• ' t | ri f l ( I M n I n f i l l 1 > r < M'4M%O 11) U 1 M t t V l l l i J f l l # > l ' | ) 11 I f l t 1 1 I I I 4*(1

t<» H M ' M V I ' I i h * ' m i n i r , o r m i y [ M i t t l h r i « M i r t t | u * [ n r t w i

" ' " ' f ^ S n v r i l n ^ r r i l i r i t w i l l l » n mAA n t | • 111 > 11C H l M ' t l n n , it t

tf»»' l io i inr n o w o n U | » I I M I l»v J o n r p h S p r n r r r n« fin i n n

of i f tv t t f i i , M I (h#> t o w n of F o r r ( o v i n ^ i o u , m t h n n n i d

f K r n n k l i n , on d m ' i / i h dny ol Ju ly nr-xt , nt

• V lo rk irt ihn a f te rnoon ol that d. iy.

M«iy \ M . |H.i().

WIIJJAM UILKY.J U . l * ' i . A N i > M t < * t h i « i A n o r i i i y .

Well Wo. w. r :

He Pmn'18-


°v /Store,v his

line, 0OO#Uring in f1

> Drugs,ftliti, Oitv Dyci, Patenl

Perfumeiy, S(»ap, Fapcy ! f e ^Trusses, Supporters, Braces,

Wines & Liuuors, Groceries,Fancy Hard & Gust;-ware,

Solar Lfttflpp, ImportedCi«ars1 Confectionary,

Pure A'cohol, Ink,Camphene, Quills,Steel Pens, HairDye, Blacking,Brooms, Lasts,

&c. &c.

All of which will positively be offered cheaper thancan be ioumi elsewhere in Northern New York.Don't take my word for it, but

Call and See.

The Greatest Discovery of the Age !

Indian V>*ctable PIIIM,

HE acknowUu])(cJ to be thn ba^t, th«« *af

•at , tha moat purify ing and rflVtctual u»

ihmr nature than a n v n o w brforo the publ ic .

T h o u i a n r i a ara toatifvititf of thrir g o o d n c s a ,

• •yinK l<> »!»« al l l i c lml , '• W h y wil l y o u I with thr north line ol *nid village lot number four t<thp pltu'o oi hrtfuintni^, inrhnhng tho wutrr oourneflwnh thr privtlrge of iisinjj for hydrnuhc purposenmitnmnp nnd intending hereby to convey nil ihvrighnnd tnlr ot thr party of the first pnrf, with the waleprivilrgr1*, find ^uttjnrt to (he rcctrirtionfl nt contaii.fdin thn deed of conveyance to din snid pnrty of ihe(ir«t part from William Ifojrnn, bearing dnte July 17,IH*2**.*f Sfiitl mor'gngi* wan recorded, with n power

1 to *rll therein continued, in the office of the Clerk ofthe county of Kmnklirt, on the 12'h dav of Juno,1H31), m Ho'ik N<>. 3, of mor^gnges, on pngea 585,5HH, 5H7, f-8H, 589 nnd 590. The naiii mortgngewon executed to •ecure iho payment of two thouniinddoltnrii, nm\ ihe interrni thereon, according to thecondition of n certain b'ind accompanying the *atne,mid tieanng e^en dnto therewith, which nnid mort.

nnd the «nid hond, were afterwards, und bvnn.ineni hearing dnte tho lat day of March, 1811,

«|ulv n**ignc(i hy the snid St. L i w r e n c e Bank to the('anal Hnnk of Albany; and afterwards, and by nnassignment hearing date the 11th day of Mny,thn Hnid mortgn^e nnd the said hond were duly ns.signed hy ih<* snid Gnunl Hunk of Albany to JosephftinnI nnd Robert II. Pruyn; and afterwards, and bynn n«niirnineut hearing dale the 5th day of June,the anid m'*rtgago and the snid hond were duly as-signed by the said J(»seph Blunt nnd Robert II. Pruyrito Hmr'y Vnn Rensselner; and afterwards, arid by on

t bearing dnte the I5th (\i\y of April, 1849,


Trask'g ITIaffiielic Ointment.ri lHIS is ihe first atlerhpt to combine the KLEC-1 TRIG or MAGNE tIC FLUID with powerfulTegetable Extracts in the form of an ointment—iobe applied externally lor the removal of disease.—The almost unlimited success it has met with, .stampsit nt once the GREATEST DISCOVERY OFT H E AGE. It is constantly effecting cures of theutmost importance. The most incredulous areCONVINCED—the most faithless are compelledto believe in the power and virtue of this GreatRemedy.

It is universally admitted tojbe the most wondef-ul combination known to the world lor the imme-

diate relief of disease and pain.It never fails while there remains sufficient life to

restore a natural nnd healthy action to the capillaryvessels of the • (xly, and to equalize the circulationof the blood. By this means, a controlling power isgained over the most malignant forms of disease,that cannot be obtained troiii any other remedy.—Such is the power of thi* combination that it pene-trate* to every portion o! the human frame ; everylone and muscle, vein, nerve and ligament issearched out and made sensible of piirilymg'andhealing influence. Hence, it copes as readily withinternal as external diseases.

Numerous instances are on record where thisremedy has restored health to patients so near thegrave that the most powerful internal remediesfailed to produce any effect. Such has frequentlybeen the case in inflammation of the bowels—no pa-tient ever need die with this disease WIHTC the Mag-netic Ointment can b^ obtained. That dangerousop'riemic known ns the Putrid Erysipelas, can al-ways be cured by this remedy.

For inflammatory Rheumatism, this Ointment isthe most complete remedy ever prepared.

In \VJ cases out of 1(H), it will afford entire relief tothe worst cases ol Nervous . Headache in thirtyflit mu<l llenrv Vim Kenwelaer duly iiaiigned the

mud Mi'Mt^ntfr nnd the1 said hond to the nndrrfMjjnrd, ' minutes.Snrnh A . C a m p b e l l , ndmimstrntrix of the g o o d * . | I*\>r N e r v o u s d i s e a s e s th i s r e m e d y is o f i m m e n s echatte l* mid credit* of Artin* I1*, ( 'nmphel l , lute of tho v a l u e .t o w n nf Mftftftrnn, in the county nf St . l*nwronce , do-- Af fec t ions o f the s p i n e , R h e u m a t i s m , L a m e n e s s ,crnfted, puraiuuit to an a g r e e m e n t mnd<» by the said i U l c e r a t e d S o r e T h r o a t , B r o n c h i t i s , P l e u r i s y , C r i m p ,AtniiH F. C a m p h c l l . in his lilo t i m e , wi th tho naid I l / h i l l s , C h o l e r a Morb-iv, A p u e tu the face or breast,l l e n r v Van Renspehier , nnd f»»r n cons iderat ion paid ! Btirn^. S c a l d H e a d , Hcrofu 'a , Sal t R h e u m , Krysip-hy the Raul Atinw F. Camphol l nt the t ime nf the, e l a s , infl'imod Kyes , F e v e r S o i e s , i \ t c , wi l l be im-rimktfiji of the gnid ii^rueninnf; oil w h i c h snid as s ign- m e d i a t e l y re l i eved hy the use of th i s r e m e d y .

" - PH. BlN(ltlAM\s ( KRT1F1CATK.In reply to your queries with regard lo the results

of the experiment? I have made with your justly cel-ebrated Magnet ic Ointment, 1 can say with pleasure,that I deem it one of ihe Greatest Discoveries ofthe Age.

It is now nearly two years s ince I commencedusing it in my practice, and I have tested it in ca^esof inflammation, both local and general, of the mostmalignant kind, wiih universal success ; even whereall internal remedies killed, I have succeeded withthis.

I have treated c.isesof Inflammation of the Brain,Inflammation of the Lun^s, Inflammation of theBowels , Inflammatory Rheumatism, !»nd Child-bedFevers, wi'h p< rfect success, also ca^es ot Senrlet

mrnt* nro cttilv rneorded in 'he officr of tho ( ' lerk ofthe c o u n t y nf Krnnklm. T h r r e IH churned to he duoon thn «ni<f riu»ri{jnije nt tho tiruo of the fir*t ptih!ien.lion of this l i n n e t , th« mini of three thousntid fivehundred nnd forty-nine dollnra nud thirty . throe r e n t s ;nml del imit hav ing b e e n uinde in thn p a y m e n t there-of, nnd no Irjj.'ii p r o c e e d i n g s hav ing hciMi insii luif dtn recover th** HSIIIU1 or any piirt thereof, the prorniftcRiihovo dfwcrihcd will be sold at nuhl ie a u c t i o n , pur.Riinnf {n the p o w e r ot vale in the said mort^a^e c o n -tuinrd, nt the h<>u*e n o w o c c u p i e d by Klins l i o w k e r ,11 nn ttiti or tnveru, ut tho vi l lage of Hotrnrifthurgh,in the COIUI'V ot Frank l in , on the flixth day of A u g u s tn e x t , nt t w e l v e o 'c lock ut IUMMI of that d a y .

Dated MHV {K IH.r>0.SAKAII A. CAViriJKLl*, Admini^iruirix of

tho ^oodHv & <'., of AtuoH F. Campbell, dece««ed,Assignee,

Uy J. R FI.ANDKRS, her Attorney,Mnlone, Franklin (%o.

DR. T<

S A B 8 A I A K I L L A ,The mort Extraordlttary Medicine in the


ii pnt up InIt it %\t ttaiet cheaper, pleatsaiiUtr, and

>• utedsupefior to*uyHold. Itcuresdio-

-,e without vomiting, purging, sickening or

I itating the paiieni

1 he great beauty and superiority of thia

*j«raaftafilift over t lUtl i tr pedicine ft, while

it eradicates disease it inv!goraie» the body.

It is one of thu very beet Spring au<l Sum-

iner medioioea ever known , it not only pu

rifies the whole ay^Uro and strengthens the

person, bui it creates new, pure, and rich

blood ; a power possessed by no other medi

cine. And in this lies the grand secret of

its wondetful success. It has performed

within the past two years, more than 35000

cures of severe cases of disease : at lesst

6.000 of these were considered incurable —

More than

3 000 cases of Chronic Rheumatism

2,000 cases of Dyspepsia ;

4,000 cases of general Debility and waoi

of energy ;

7,000 cases of the different Female Com

pUints ,

2,000 cases of Scrofula ;

1,500 cases of I!*iver Complaint ;

2 500 cases of diseases ol the Kidneys

and Dropsy;

8,000 cases of Consumption ; and thou-

sands of cases of diseases of the blood, viz

Ulcers, Erysipelas, Saltrheum. Pimples on

he Face, A c , & c , together with numerous

cases of Sick Headache, Pain in the Side

and Chest, Spinal AflViMiuns, fyc , &c.

This, we are aware, must appear incredi

hie, but we have letifr* from physicians and

our agents from fcll parts of the United States,

informing us of extraordinary cures. R.

Van Buskirk, one of the most respectable

druggists in Newark^ N. J , informs us that

he can refer to more than 150 cases in that

place alone. There are thousands of case*

in the city of New York, which we will re-

fer to with pleasure, and to men of character.

It is the best medicine for the Preventive of

Disease known. It undoubtedly saved the

lives of|^iore than5,000 Children the Past Season!

As it removed the c a u s e of D i s e a s e s , and

prepared them for the summer


Capt. G. VV. M c L e a n , member of the Leg-

islature, »nd late of the U. S. N a v y , ha* kind-

|y sent us the fo l lowing certif icate. It t e l h

its o w u story,

R A H W A V , Jan . 2 5 , 1 8 4 7 .

A year s ince I W49 taken with the Influ-

enza, and my whole s y s t e m left in a debili-

tated s iate . I was induced to try Dr. Towi i -

send's Sarsapari l la , and after taking two or

thrtie bott les , I was very much re l i eved , and

attribute it ent ire ly to th« said Saraaparilla

I have cont inued taking it, and find that I

improve every day I be l i eved it saved my

life, and would not be without it tn dtr any

consideration. *J . W . M C L E A N .


Dr. T o w n s e n d is almost daily rece iv ing

orders from p h y s i c i a n s 111 different parts ol

the Union.

T h i s is to certify that we , the unders igned,

Phys i c ians of tho city of Albany, havu it<

numerous c a s e s prencribed I)r Townseiid'ff

Sarnaparilla, and bel iove it to bo one ol the

most valuable preparations of the Sarsapar-

illa in this tn*rk<f.

H. P. P U L I N G , M. D .

J. W I L S O N , M. D.


P. K E L M E N D O K F , M. I).

Albany, Apiil 1, 1S45.

The following is from one of ihe most re-F e v e r . ( n n U r H a s h , a n d U l c e r a t e d L u n g s a n d 8 p e C U b l e p h y s i c i a n s o n L o n g I s l a n d :T h r o n t w i th like* succe>s . ' x J

r f . rt n _G K E E N F O R T , J u l y 1 0 , 1 8 4 G

D r . T o w n s e n d : D e a r s i r — I t is w i t h

Iti t h e r p i H e i n i c k n o w n a s t h e P u t r i d E r y s i p e l a s ,b y w h u h s o m a n y v a l u a b l e * l i v c > w e r e l o s t , I t c l

Brandrelh\s Pills.

N ()


run f

n r t t H

VV l u -

DRNTISTRY.S M N f t J i n i . S , D r t i f i N t , h a v i n g h r r n to t h r

i»y (» j Mouio i i rnn pimf tor t h r p u r p o s e of pt*t h<t*t.

h o i m r l f in (In- I r i tmt impr• ivr tnt > t i t< i m i h r H n r n c r ,

ovv prrpnr«Nl in p r r f o r i n u l ! o p r r / i f i o n i i t n n n o c t r d

hi'iiimini aftrr ih*» laii»m mid moat apprnved«|M, #j.« rhrttp tt* the chntprnl. I I I R f i i n l i t i r n a r r

n h n t f4» t < r u t M n h i m f o i n y n r t w h o l v o r p . i r t s o |

* t h f i i i o M t t i r t t i i t i f n t H l o r k ^ o f ( t t u u T r r f h ,

ll I '

M l f i

whh It Mi»r|timf<<<4 iiny prrviotm mvrtj iKMi 111I n t h r 1111 r 1 fv " I t i u t t r r i n l , h r n u t y o ( f i m « h , a n t j

t h »ifi<! f l u r u K i l i i y «it l i m w o r k , \\r w i l l d H v c o m .

»u hy any M o r m a in tlu*M'#* nv#»r ihr »inrr i»( W i n

in iho weather will materially

ihe hotly if the blood is pure. Kv-

ory individual, oven the most dise&ised, has

within him ft germ or root of that original

pur© blood of our common mother Kvv;

which ^oriti of puro Mood is iho supporter of'

hid ltl<\ and is in constant struggle to throw

oil'tho hotrrogeuooiM, corrupt humors, which

aro iho causes of d n o a s o in tho individual.

Uy purging tho body of ihis diseased IIKII-

vidual of lift bad humors, you allow the germ

of puro blood to frnin ground and to make

blood of a brUer (|u *lny, and HO on proxies

nively nil thti whole mans IH rrgenernted , for

tho good principle or good pure blood is al-

ways striving to be predominant over the bad

or diseased humors. Let all who wish to be

it frequently, and it never failed ul effecting a speedyand certain eure.

In cases of Burns. S p r i n g Frozen Limbs, &c.f itacts like a charm.

No Physician or familv will be a single day with-out this medicine, utter becoming acquainted withits power to cure.

N. HINUII AM, Physician and Surgeun.Utica, N. Y.. Jan. I!K IHUi.5 V For funhrr particulars and testimoniRls, see

pnrnphlel left with each a^ent. Jjr' Price 25 and31 l-'J cents per bottle.

A<iKNT8.— In Franklin County—L Ams<len,Mnlone, J (\>ni;dnnf Fort CovidgUm, F- J. Mills,& (-O , Hogansbur^h, T. P. Robei ts, ( 'haeaugay.And by one Airent in each village in the State.

E. K. C H A N D A L L , Trav. Agent.

Rouemption of Lands Bold for Taxes.

STATE OF N E W YORK, )Comptroller's Office, Albany, April 12,1850. {

OTICE is hrrnby ffivr»n, |>tirsn«nt to section 7(>, oftitle 3 t article* .1, nf chnptrr 13, of ihe first pnrt of

I ) AIM-; ItI »*J M , M i

I ' 11 n t • i , $n

M A N ( i I N U S nl' rvrr y vnnHy andnlri'i, (hi Sliadrs, CuHmns, Fire'im sale t»v

J. W rAN(

W V \ N t i l K >U N , ni iho t 'rmikl iu ( juuntv PruyIF . .Sinir, wi«h#i it (iiflHiM'fly tin (If* nit nod, onc<< fornil, tlmt thrrn ia no mirli itniif( an iinffrr^el!in^ him.

\\twn«oii<l*4 HurinpftrU!*. mieh R my

of tt fine hf'tthhy habit ; w h o w i s h tn Imve a the Revised Srntufrs, as nmended by chapter 1H3, of H e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g ;

isfaction that 1 say to you that 1 have recent-

ly witnessed, in several cases, the most ben-

eficial results from the ust> of your Extract

of SarsaparilU. Being engaged in the prac-

tice of medicine, I have prescribed it in sev-

eral cases, and never without benefit. In

the removal of diseases arising from a de-

ranged Mate of digestive organs, &c , it f*r

exceeds any thing of the kind ever before

offered to the public. You will please sei

me two dozen, &c., &,c.


S. C. P R E S T O N , M. D.


Dr. Townsend** Sarsaparilla it no less

successful in curing this distr* ssmg com

plaint, than for diseases of the Blood, f)ys

popsia, Rheumatism, and Nervous Debility

mind in n ffomul btnly; who d'-sira to

ho shle to «land without injury the continual

of tin* climate; who desire to hnve

children, uso tho Urandreth Pills.

the blood ofy

hich will

M , t v n r t | » « l


I ^ l ^ f Will «r l l forSfirgfjpat ilia fur

7.r» cN7 1


n I IOCI I I -N ff»r $ 1 , 0 0 -

|>n\!,oNM ('ItKMICAL HAIR 1NVIUORAI | ( >l( A frrnh mippty \"*t rrrrivt'd (»V

J W. P A N d f l O I l N &(•». .


I .M hrrrliy « i v r n lo all |HMSI»MH indedted to l}»r * i | h^ i i l i r i c , i i h n hy note or h<mk*#€roont , thnt an

itiiiitiMtintr MMilrinrnt niul l iuo ids t i cm ol<ll ic jmine IHinili^pfii' .nhlv iir< r - .^ry N p i h i i f f ^tit prompt nl

to t int no l i re on thr pntt of llume mtrrr^trd••»•• r^i. \i\C\ I A Ul) GUANOK

IVh i t . IH;,O


1 h


l.ii No\\%m w a f

to UU

I, Kt»ld*» Kirh«n«#, for aJ! •rof Iiin«aodt Lamp and SjKttn Oilt


\TOTW rha

OTirK it hor#by gi nn ffiat J. D Rak.'NU maV-nt, f|<>in|r f»(^nit#«« at M»lorti% has thia dkf k#~to ii|n all hm pro^rtjr ap<l rflprta, in trnat,a6.

in (tin {ftrariion* in hm tkrfnJ of aaaigntiieot

Al l h«vtng in ihair handa jto tint »atd Fink, and all


• ro |tn(«il»i«i<l to him, mm required toh h i flh# t o

and pay,q pyth#» un«i«iNli|tt1«ff, or to his agOhf, who

!> A B l M hAt alorr.

Nalon«i, 1H.S0

nil b*d or corrupt humor*, and r«*8tore

human body to the *ut* of health enjoyed

bnfore tho introduction of mineral meJicmns.

Kprnnmber Braudrt-th PilU pUce within the

reach of all hrahh mid long life.

TRUST TO BKANDRBTirS PILLS;tako them HO an to produce a brUk effect, and

your nickneaa will be the affair of a day or

two, whilt* thoae who are too wise to follovt

this common »• n»« advicn will be sick foi

months L t the sick enqt1 ire of the agents

Braiidr^iirs Pills whether thfue things

10 or not. Let them enquire among their

friends and auk the same queaiion. Verily,

if » vidroce is wanted, it shall be procured.

To the hick. Ui me say, use the


Adapted to all circumstances and situations

ih»y are the beat medicine ever inrmted for

families, or to uke to aea, preventing scurvy

and coativ meat, requiring no change of diet,

particular regimen* or care again** takinp

fold.N. B. Them is no aur#ty that you gat the

i BRANURETH PILLS unUaa youae *f the duly aothorised Agent,

Agent* in this section.J \f Pangbor^ and A minis & Lewis, Ma-

loee ; A. Stilea & Soii% Fort Covington; F,J. Mills 4k Co., Hoganaburgh; Joel Perkii\a\


Itiwff ol lH,r)0f thnt unlesn rlie inn'is nold forai the g e n e r a l tux s a l e , he ld at the (J.tpitol in the c i tyof A l h n n y , in the montliH nf N o v n n b e f nnd D e c e m .her , 1 8 i H f RIIHII he r e d e e m e d by the p a y m e n t infothe irrnaury o f the S i n t e , on or h^for^ thf sixteenthday of December next, after the (kite.'hereof, of iheamount for which eneh parrel of the said lands wassold, and the intercut thereon, nt.the rare of ten percentum per annum, from the date of tfie *ale to thedate of the payment, the lands no wold and remainingunredeemed will be conveyed to the purchaser*th ereo

T P. ftobarta, Chatcaugay ;, ClUnburghi A. Kt.app, Moo era 1 May 23,1849

K;ich puTtlisher of a public new*p«per in this State18 hereby rrqueated immediately to publish this nolice in such newspaper, at least once n week (or sixweeks successively, provided he is willing to publishthe same for the fees al loweJ by law, (being 9 3 , 8 8 )which will bo paid on preaentiog the usual affidavitof publication nt this oflf*oe.(2."») W A S H I N G T O N H U N T , Comptroller.


NOTICK is hereby give*! according to law, to allpersons having claims against Jedcdiah L. Mar-

tin, Inte of the (own oi Constable, in the county ofFranklin, deceased, that they are required to exhibitthe same, wiih the vouchers thereof, to the eubacri.ber, administrator of the goods, chattels and creditsol the eaid deceased, at his dwelling-house, in thetown of Westvillft, in said county, on or before thetwentieth day of June next. Dated thU 20th day olDecember, A. D. 1849.

JOHN LEARMBNT, Administrator,



900 Ctsfcs OHIO WHIRKETf

Just received and Tdr sale by

Ur. Townsend ; Dear sir—The effects o

your Sarsapanlla are truly wond'-rful. For

the last six or eighi years past. I have beet

subject to severe attacks of the piles, during

which I have suffered all the tortures of that

complaint, and had despaired of ever finding

relief except in death. I have the pleBMin

10 mf »nn you ** there ia yet a balm in Gile»d.'

I hav* used two bottles of your Sarsaparilla

Atid feel no remains of my old complaint. 1

send you this for publication, and any per-

son you may refer to me, 1 would be happy

to inform of the benefit ! have received at

your hands.

Yours, truly.JOHN HALL, 49 Fulton it.

July 6, 1846.Principal office 126 Fulton at , next door

to the Sun office.Sofdby J. W. PANGBORN & Co., Ma

lone, N. Y., Agents for Franklin Co.. and byall the principal Druggists and Merchants,throughout the United Stales, West Indiesand Canada.

None gotitfini Unless put Up i* largesquare bottles which e*ftt«in a quart, andsigned with tha written stgnitufe of S. PTOWNSEND, and his name bloiui in theglass. Nov. 1— l y .

WRKSBRVKD CITRON and TMrmrmd./or.itoby

1 J. W. P A MO BORN & Co.

MANNING & TUTHILL OUR PATENT MEDIGiNB CHBST i* now Mlol all the popular remedies of the day.



COLLEGE OF HEALTH,907 Main-Street, Buffalo, N. Y.


Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture.r p i i r s celebrated remedy in constantly increasing iuJL faiae by tbe Many cures U to making

ALL OVER THE WORLD.It hsi now become the mdy medic*** fcr family tu«, and1$ particularly recommended for

DROPSY:nil ttAfes of Ihif complaint intmfvliately reUeTed, no mat-ICT of now long funding. See Pamphlet for tiMtimony.—Tbit diseane in as frightful, ai CHOMCRA, arid ti\e slow anddreadful progre** of the malady, bloating the tytUm to adegree which renders tiw patient utterly unabU to move,forms one of its ruott distressing features.

HITHERTO INCURABLE,it now yields to this remedy—and Physiciaus use it pub-licly and privately with perfect succeiu. IMH any one whohas ever had a fyinptocn of Dropsy, of any charncu.T,keep Uii» article by them and if they would avoid the «*-n+lural

APPLICATION OF THE KNIFE.to perforate the tyatem and id tkt arrumulaltd voter flowaatxiy, only to till up again, and filially rmd in « dreadfuldeath, let them just use this remedy in season, and a re-rovery is sure. I et them try it at any stage of tinM riiwvise,and a cure is certain, if they wilt give it a fair trial.

GRAVEL,and all diseases of the urinary organs ; for these distress-ing complaints tf Mnndi alone ; no ottif r nrticle can relieveyou*, and the cures testified U> will convince Uie mostskeptical ;—see pamphlet.

flow many suffer from thin painful complaint, and fan-cy there is no cure- You may think you have (Travel whenthere is only inflammation—there may heralculi—and yetit may be hardly formed—it may even be stone ia thebladder, yet you are mire of a cure in all tmt the lastnamed otseaae, and if stone in the bladder does exist,by the aid of this medicine all inflammation cnuscd by itwill subside, and unless the formation is of years stand-ing, UK) calculi is dissolved, and bruught away in tineparticles. AH stages of this disease lias (»e.en cured by thismixture. One qf the firtl Medical men i* the Stale ¥jPiew York was cured of gravel by this medicine. StsPamphlet.

LIVER COMPLAINTS,Fever and Ague% Biliou* Disease*—To the <»reat Westen[>ecially, and wherever thewj complaiuu prevail Quamedicine is offered.

NO MINERAL AGENT,no de Uteri on § compound is a part of this miiturt, it curesthese diseases with certainty and celerity, and does notleave the system torpid. See Pamphlet.

Ho thoroughly does tin* mixture act in this disease, thatan immediate cure is made. All other remedies are nowset aside, as this great vegetable preparation, safe, (for itcontainii no poisonous mineral, which is the basis of allother Fever Ague and remedies)

SPEEDY AND EFFECTUAL,It Is the grand healing medicine, and is daily curing itsthousand*. The secret of its re-building the entire con-st itutiofi is, that it is compounded of £2 distinct vegetableproperties, each root a remedy distinct by itself.

PILES,it complaint of a moat painful character, is

IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED,ntui a cure follows by a few days use of this article . it IFfar before any other preparation for tk\» disease, ur for anyoilier disease originating from impure blood. See Pam-phUt.

This disc'AM* ii purely one of the Mood ; tho action <,fthin medjriiift in so s|NH'dy that the Piles, whether inter-nal or external, will IK.' cured by it* tine in a few weeks.—Hundreds, j**rliap« we can say thousands have )*rn |*T-fecily cured in the use of two or throe bottles of tills mix-ture, and as thin cure ji produced from the uction of Uii«panacea upon the blood, it iff more likely to betlian Any cure produced from external reinediw.

DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM,wenk back, weakness of ihe Kidneys, &.C., or mflnmmn-tton of name, is tmmediutely reluved by a fete days use ojthis medi rime, und a cure is always u result of its u»e. Itstands as

A CERTAIN REMEDYfor such complaint", and also for derangements of die Jo-in ale frtme,IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS,

painful metistryntions. ISo article has ever been offeredeuept this which would touch thu kind of derangements.It may !*• relied upon as a sure and effective remedy, art'Jdid we iti'l permitted to do so could give

A THOUSAND NAMESns proof of cures in this digressing class of complaints.—Hee pamphk-L All broken down, debilitated consiitvtumifrom theeil#Tt of mercury, will find llie brscing power olthis article to act immediately, and the poisonous mineralfrnHiratcil from the Kystrm.

The *l distinct properties which compoar thit flrticle,manifest thciuw-lvm [wrncularly in %hp application of thecompound, for the di«trr««ir^ class of complaints whichhead this paragraph. For centuries there has been used inthe mrrth of Kurope, a

CERTAIN BOTANICAL AGENT,which in nil diseases or denuifsriiientsof the female^obstructions, difficulties, painful menstruations, 6cceffecfisi a cure. This root is indigenous tooursoii, nndfuijiMJ in lar^i quauutieft, and as a medicinal pruj* rtyHtantiw without an equal; it forms onfj of the comjxjufHi*in the preparation, which as a whole is tb* best reme(]yever «iveti to a debihlaU'd female; it is sure, and the pys-U'III will \H' n^toreu1 to health by it* use.

ERUPTIVE DISEASESwill find the alterative projierties of this article

PURIFY THE ULOOD,and drive mich disease* from Uie system. See pamphletfor testimony of cures in all diseases, which Uie limits ofan Rilvrniwmpiit will not permit to l>e named here.—Agents give them away; tiiey contain 32 pages, and ccrtifi-catr* of high character, and a stronger

ARRAY OF PROOFof the virtues of a medicine, never appeared, ft m oneof the peculiar features of this article thsU it never failsto benejit in any case, and if bone and muscle are left Isbuild upon, let the emaciated and lingering invalid

HOPE ON,and keep taking the medicine as long as tliere it an im-provement. The proprietor would

CAUTION THE PUBLICagainst a number of articles which come out under thehead of

SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, AC.an cures for Dropsy, Gravel, SLC. Thsy art good for noth-tnjf% and concocted to pull the unwary ;

TOUCH THEM NOT.T h e i r Inventors n e v e r thought o f c o r i n g s u c h d i s e a s e s tillthixarlirif had done it. A particular study of the pum~phlet is earnestly solicited.

AgenUf and all who sell the article are

GLAD TO CIRCULATEprnfmioiiflly. Put up in DO oz. bottle*, at #2 \ 12 oz. do.at 01 each—the larger holding 0 oz. more than two smallbottle*, fjock out and not get imposed upon. Every bot-tle has M Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture,'*blown upon the slass, the written signature of *• G. CVaughn" on the directions, and ••*;. C. Vaughn, Buffalo,"stamped on the cork. None other are genuine. Preparedbv Or. CJ. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal Office, 907Main street, Buffalo, at wholesak: and retail. No atten-tion given to letters unless post paid. Orders frotn regu-larly constituted Agents excepted. Pom p;nd letters, orverlml communications soliciting Advice, promptly at*tended to, gratis. For sale by alt respectable Druggist* inthe United Htates and Canada.


Olrott, MrKeesan, & Co., wholesale and retail,No. 127 Mnidrn Lam-, N. Y.

Also by J. W. I'ariKborn & Co., and F. T. HeathMa lone; C). Lnwrenre &L 8on, Moira; J.

n, Fort Coving toe; Mills & Fulton, Ho^ans.T. V. Roberts, Chateaugay; James Sherar,

Nicholville; Z. Culver, H<»f»kmton.E. HUNT, Travelling Agenf.

H I\otire."VTOTICE ia hereby given to all persons havingi i rlnimH or demands against Henry UUeyf of Bomhav, wbieh icrru^H prior to the 7th day ol July, Ib49,to present wich claims or demands to F. B. Ftsk, athis office in Fort Covington, without delay ; and allperooua indebted to thosatd Henry Utley, contractedprior to the aaid 7th d%y ol July, 1849, are herebynotified (hat said debts are left with P. B. Fis!:, of\>rt Covington, for collection, and they are request-

ed to call and pay the name immediately.D. S. M C M I L L A N , Assignee of Henry Utiey.

Dated Fort Covington, March 2?th, 1850.

Chemifal Washing Fluid.


N E H A L F the labor saved, and all rabbin* ofClothes This article i« warmrHed to give all tire

tatisfaction in ai) respect*, ur no charges). Preparedand sold, whdes*J« and retail, by

4, W. f *i«s*oitH, No. 1, Field's Exchange.

MY prufitt are to email thai I can*l afford tocbr.ter the whole papef ii| M^lf^ff I#1I yos what

have, but juat walk in itxd satisfy yxHirselvts, at tha

m sll Chri»tiuiiportion of d

nimcures very many of the mostPl'LMONARV CONSUMPTION—real,diseased LUNGS—«ieh HOPELESSby any ottier medicifM, So utterly Asaed perfons, as ~ - — * — —to (»e AC71Mhuvelive uioU*sc

it p<enul «D4 wet***

SUWi.SSjd J6ltt«Bj|4sgr, at* worn mm w*

*& Hie d A* m tsm

BMANT't INDIAN fn/ftlfYIIMKxtrmd,The B

medxai tions whisk sws•aryfor, Iks emr* of

COUGHS AND CONSUMPTIONand all diseases of a riiilmnsjsjfjprove su fatal under ©minary tif^

Tbro«tf Laitgi, aod HeartThii BALSAM HEAL? AND CUKES ULCERS in the hlTffO§%

•lsewh«*n- internally, as certainly and sasHy hs ths Pufcirvtlte S «TRACT cures smd heals ulcert externally. This Balsam cores MM*cats* of Cough and Consumption wit of TEN, after all Otherhavo failed to do oood.

0 Thousands oflaid Chronic Cousths abtmdandjr »rore Us

tum, ]>y*enUry and Summer Complaints is Ck&drm aad Adtl'r,ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES. ^


W e «mt#» this cure, to prore the POWER TO SAV£ vir% when thisBALSAM is u»ed, even after tbe person Is emsmsisrsMhu physiciansand friends to l>e in the last r fnrrrrr fjf ijif r.rrf asttfcsJI J DYING—Hind, inthitt cane, so > AR GONE, that tk* SHROtb OSU »«tiAL-CLOTHES Wtrsbouaht' Kor the jxirttrular* of this case, and the respectaU* nnd im-doubted proof of til tlir circumstance* aod facts, we refer to ttsr f AM-

This run* was effected on Mm. 7JBA DYKEMAN, of fiaUsUmSpa, Saratoga CousUy. A. V. We can prove, beyond a4oot*T manyr*thert, almott equally hopeless, and inn timer obis cssftt of QoUf/hs asul.'wmwrmi wmrrwr^* i y ' " m y fPM|#^»^»W| vki»v« vT»r»^«Y« • . r ^^mr^^ *0^i^^mfB «M ^^^rv^V^W VKm9mm

ConsumptitfM C L'KED, which were pronounced htcurabl* by SKILFUL

A DOCTOR CUftED!DR J. W. FRENCH, of HiOsdaU, ifiU*M*eount*, MMisfta,about

th« 1st of January, 184!). wrote ai follows : *' I \\$xv* 1M?OQ in cht rejr-ular practice of medicine in this place for nine years, but was o'»lij?e»to quit the practice of ruv jtrofession in eousAOMetice of ill health. 1wnn »o M?v«n*ly afHiclinf with a Chronic JJmsass a/ the iAUty** OA t«>i onviuce me tlml I RAD THE CONSUMPTION, past doubt. I couchednlmust incesssntlr, nifht and day. aBd hsd severe JMUBJ ar0%on?ue«»in ray ehest »id«, and breast I tried Uie renames rec#«meQriedUy life moe! skilful of t\*> profession, all to DQ effect, excepting Hienautet and debilitT caused by them. 1 wrn prejudiced Mmiast pa-tent nHtdicines, and have no faith now in them generally. But Iw«* )nduc<*l—«• an experisseiit, more than tbroturlt £i*tb~-to try abottle of BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM; and I dahere Ack))owU*d^\ fur U>e benelit of tbe afflic4adt ur wkmn Si mayserve, that tbe effect of its use on me was the vtosipiompt aiiJ•tttatary of HTIV iWHiicine* I ever witnesved theeflfeet of ffi sH mypractice. My'cvuyh was immsdsatssu relieved, and hi ajbout eig-fal O>ten <iavH I \VH« fn*e from cou^b, soreness of the chvst, and pain, and

ow consider and pronotmm myself k WELL MAN."Dr. French U m>w a r©«pt>cutbl« drucrfist at Hillsdaie.

FITS, FITS, FITS-Moun. J. K. LIPP1NCOTT k SON, respectable nwrdmm* si

ote, Sullivan county, Pennsytwnia. wrote to u«, May K, V>W, fcinoDir otiier PF.NEFITS which tmn been derive* ttorn rtw

a»e of BRANT'S FFLMOKA&Y AAL^AM, that one of their cus-tom e n had just informed ibwn M h~t thUd, iriiiih bsA been «ub-lect to rrrs for several yscrst was cured by tin* use of hkAST'SMALSAM

would soon be ia a Grave.' Mr. WILUAJM D. JKNNINO8ta tDefcfeaat at Pisrpomt

irfiUibuUi (xnmty. Ohio, wrote to ut, October 2. 1 MR. and ptatod a•11 n* of roNSi'Mmo* which ih¥ UM of BRANT'S 1KMAN PUl*YOSAFY JiAJ.SAM Imd eflfrrred in Mr. WILL I Mi CROCKET,

i >•* Hfi aMioininf town.l t<

C ,He said Mr. Crocket bad a***fct fctttof from

pl.\>i/>isns nn^ numerous medicines, but frNind none, forhun«] of that unr*-)entui|r rmmiter, Consumption, had takenn?i )n« \ IIH>, and wan so destroying and debUitatinir bis

HKJy, Thu? \yc WM a mefe •kek*t<m. He w i i gkmm ttpb^m phvsi-*iunV> nnd ul) friendo, H* one who would soon inhabfta grave. Butv«n in thif ltnt extremtty, srranfe and marrenovt SJS> It m

VIM ii IA fnic.thar the n»c of cmlyjU* hot Urn of BSLAMT'BPCLMONATRY BALSAM Iiss undendied UtehaadSf » B d j

Mr. Crc>rkei to health, and he is now aksssUkk, hsWrtu,mtin !

S l) UANN, K«q., merchant and postmastsr mi Jssfswwosu as •*•\n% town, wro'H io n* ahotit tlK4 inmo Mmt, and Mated tbut HenrcpiKiuted with Mr. CaocxcT, and tmtUss4%sktsco%\M^msUaM

'he ulxjte-HatMcd fuels.

Could not Lire a DayMfMi*. K H CALDWELL L CO., of Kast Oswosps, Omtsso Cs f

X. Y, respectable 4ru%$\*is, wrot* to us*. * W« a*v« fasMmsmrdfJirou^h Mr. Whitfmttn, a respectable citil«|i of (aU plfjt t of animportant < ure of Consumption, which Bit AWT1* I HOI AM FOLMOHA-iv BALSAM has produced on the wife of an acquaintance of bW,who resides tn the towo of F«J#neo, Hi tfcif nswmtf. 9km ted be*ninnK confined to h'T !>rd, and was so dangerously fltseaaaijpat herfnoTKJs he)lev«d )' impossible for her to KM wtsxt Usau OnB DAYLONGKft. But, wlinnall other bopatrttfiy lafls<,alai coiinkmr HHAST'S PULMONARY BALAAM.**** te tn( dicalmv\ hnn rtuHf.i her fron A DYIKP BED, SO tMt aha II now

4n</ attrntUnq to her domestic houtskold afairs smd duties.iwledwi's, and it is very evident, that ahels indaUad

; HA LSA M for her recovery from a toag, severe, and daofrerousI ueM; and her friends and neighbors eoawider that medic in© invalu-^nlile."

RAISED FROM THE GRAVE.| Messm. PRATT k FOSTER, merchants, • / Wrnt OsmwalL Oo*m.f] RRi<i BRANT'S HALS AM had pflectod curfts of such hopeieei; c*-

r»f CONSUMPTION tn their town, that now no otherw»» of CONSUMPTION in their lown. that now no other Court-roed)<itte could \)e old there ; that it h/id raised some as if from the GR AVF

t( ii physicians and nil the friend* said MUST DTK! Onei l f hp y

, in narticular, was so far jrone, thai his physician foMit VIIUI vMetsss to take any more medicine. He tben, token no hnpsleft, t e^nn to take BRANTS BALSAM—COT WILL-and is

uoir <i$ well as ever he was '

Many Consumptions Cored.Mr S. M CLARK, merchant, Clyde. Wayne county. S. 1% wro<«

to inform u* that BRANTS PITLMONARY BAIJ5AM sold readilyHX ( \de. nnd said ; " If the statenients of some Of oar most respec-table people, and p#*rsonslt visible knowledge, can be relied on. )t*me<ttrH) \ irtueH have curnd many consumptive iwsom, several ofwhom I nin HrquHtnteri with, who were so hopelessly *ick a* to bemnnidered, bv pbysiriarM> and all friends, part a possibflitv of care;and yet, the tarts are, BAANTS BALSAM has restored tneia H

, I I R f C C T H E A L T H / '

1ATNGB BXJSD-MTOT DIBMr. Z. 8 TERRY, merchant, Byron, Gsnesss county, N. K, wrote,

Aur»s! 24, 184*: "BRANT'S MEDJC1NE is doing wonder* here.11 hn» cuml H man of Consumption that sJl Uie physicinua hud caidmu*t die. \ \hen he rornwenced taking Brant's Medicine, lie could•ot rm*M- Inn hand to bis lie ad ; )m Hsd at the Ismgt, and ev( rv n\m^-toin M*em' d lo intlicute that he »- ust die; but. astonishing to all, 1mH now ubltf to labor, and rides ail o\er tve equnty. He' HHC«1 only

fltr ffottlrt. It has aUo cured a yountr lady of Consssmption in Or-leann rountv. which her father aavs twdacioramfdeyr*"

Mr M I L L K K , a merchant of the same place, has certified to tbsjtruth o( die above statement.

RESCUED FROM DEATH.THF Rev JOHN O. L. HASKINS, at Marion, Wayne cutintv, N. Y-,

wrote MHrrh \ 1849: "I desire you to send me some of •• BRANT'SBALSAM" immediately by Express J for some person* who a>v wtnyrit an* fearful that they will not be able to g et a further surp'y ThisMedicine ha* HTpcted unreal wonders here, in cufins? d i w w f matwere said by physicians to be utterly incurable. Some nave beenrawed and ttavedfrom the VCET vEfcce or THE


Mr CORNKUt'S H. SMITH, nwrrJwnt. CoOhtt Ctntn, KrU

^ ^ ^ s ^ f f i ^ s f f i ^v^M&a^^vs^ffi^sffi^Anear.v si; sold, and I want immediately another supply, foT U*y #ellmore rapid iv, und ywbetter satisfaction, than aJJ the otiier medkmeswe hftve for sale. The Pulmonary Balsam has raised a lad? bet©from a bed of dangerous and srrere sickness, which) all law doctors)had driven up a« IWCURASLE. Tbeysaid she MUST DIE with a Com-

of the l,unps. After all had pronouncsxl XMd ki BRANT'S B A L S d

tvmptvm f l psbe commenced taking BRANT'S

n n c M #SAM—mad now shsisuyeii

CHRONIC DYSENTERY,and guMMF.a CoMn.AiNTi, in chUdrm or grown persons, curedout any failure tohatever. Also—


No mother need ever moan tbe death of her child by tiftut cnUd-destroying complaint, when teething in warm weather— ChoUra im-fantum, or what in called SUMMER ConrLAiNT—if •'EIANT'lPULMONARY BALSAM9* be administered to tbechiid. i t showever, in iuth eases, »# u«ed in twice as laroe potsomsmomUuru CM each boitie prescribe, until tbs) complairt is CMCfem

Franklin Drug8tore. J. W.

a OFFERtf f for aale br


P^CtORAL-Whols^rU aqdV Alsd Dsvls1 Fahi Kfllcr, it ' Nof


t-OD LivfcR OIL—the purest article y?for ealc cheap, !>y J. W P

For sale byJ. W. Pangborn andF. T. Heath,A Huberts,J. Con if don,S. W. Oillel,F. J. Mills


Co ,All letieo and <»rders mort

Fun Coviaglou,CoosiabJe,Hogsnsburgb.be addre f d t o

eec anWALLACE 6C CO., 106 Broadway, New Y#rk\

"PAIRBANK8* PA1&NT8CALE8, a generalJT asfsortmeai, kept consanily on hand and for

le by WM. HOGU2.

Fort Covington, AaguM 17,1648.1

TEA, SUGAR, tnfl MOLASSES, at * £retail, by • W. KNAPP.

pARPETING, it is believed tbe be«\J •omett ia town, may be found tl No.Exchange. w - KNAPP,

T)URE LEAP, § round in OH.SA* s g«nei##ssort

X raent of PATNTS and OILS, Tot^ehy. '

TWSENTERT, D i « ^ « t & Samaer\ ) 1W GrefenWrg $*rap if the onlfto ihe above oompleiate, Wa^enied to core

For ~ * holeeek M 4 retell by ^



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