MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web...

Mineral County Schools Programs

Transcript of MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web...

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Mineral CountySchools

Programs of


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INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS Programs of Study Definition…………………………………………………………………5 Mineral County Graduation Requirements………………………………………………….6 Career Cluster Descriptions……………………………….………………………………..7-8

Career Development Planning…………………………………..……………………….…...9Personalized Educational Plan………………………………………………………………10


Agribusiness Systems Program of Study…………………………………………….…......11Animal Systems Pathway Animal Systems Program of Study……………………………….........................................12Natural Resources Systems Pathway

Natural Resources Systems Program of Study…………………..…………………………13Plant Systems Pathway

Plant Systems Program of Study…………………………………..………………………..14Power, Structural and Technical Systems Pathway

Power Structural, and Technical Systems Program of Study………………………….….15

ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTERConstruction Pathway Carpentry Program of Study…………………………………………………………...……..16

ARTS, A/V TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS CLUSTERJournalism and Broadcasting Pathway Information Services, Printing, Broadcaster, Producer Program of Study………………..17Performing Arts Pathway Performing Arts: Music Program of Study………………..……………...…………………18

Performing Arts: Theater, Dance Program of Study……………….……………………....19Visual Arts Pathway Applied Arts Program of Study………………….…………...……………………………..…20 Visual Arts Program of Study……………….………………….……..……………………….21 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTATION CLUSTER Business, Finance and Accounting Pathway Accounting Program of Study………………………………….……………….………...........22

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EDUCATION AND TRAINING CLUSTERProfessional Support Services Pathway English, History Program of Study……………………………………..…………………..23

Foreign Program of Study…………………………………………………………………..24Teaching/Training Pathway

Education/Paraprofessional Program of Study……………………………………………25

GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLUSTERCommunity Development Program of Study……………………………………..………..26


HEALTH SCIENCE CLUSTERTherapeutic Services Pathway Therapeutic Services Program of Study……………………………………………………28 HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM CLUSTERRestaurants and Food/Beverage Services Pathway Pro-Start Restaurant Management Program of Study………...…………………………..29

HUMAN SERVICES CLUSTERCounseling and Mental Health Services Pathway Social Services Program of Study……………………………………………………………30Family and Community Services Pathway Personal and Family Services Program of Study………………..…………………………31 Recreation Program of Study……………….…………………………………………..…...32Personal Care Services Pathway

Cosmetology~Personal Care Services Program of Study……………………..…….……..33

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLUSTERInformation Support and Services Pathway Information Technology Support Systems Program of Study………………………..……34Network Systems Repair Concentration Computer Systems Repair Technology Program of Study……………………………...….35 LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY, CORRECTIONS AND SECURITY CLUSTEREmergency and Fire Management Services Pathway Fire Protection Program of Study………….…………………………………...……………36Security and Protective Services Pathway

Public Safety/Legal Services: Industrial Safety Program of Study………………..………37Legal Services

Public Safety/Legal Services: Criminal Justice……………………………………………..38

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MANUFACTURING CLUSTERManufacturing Production Process Development Pathway Welding Technology Program of Study……………………………...………………………39

MARKETING CLUSTERMarketing Management Pathway Marketing Management Program of Study………………...……………………......……....40


Engineering and Applied Science: Engineering……………….………………………...…41Science and Mathematics Research and Developmental Science: Biology Program of Study……………….…..…...42 Research and Developmental Science: Physical Science Program of Study...…………....43

TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICSFacility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance Automotive Technology Program of Study………………………………………………….44

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Programs of Study Programs of Study are curriculum and course ideas from which students choose in order to build the necessary academic and vocational skills and knowledge to be successful in a global workplace and postsecondary education. Students will develop a Personalized Education Plan “PEP” in relation to academic and career planning. Each student’s course selections are based on individual career aspirations and postsecondary plans.

Programs of Study have been developed into fifteen broad clusters for Mineral County students:

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, A/V Technology and Communications Business Management and Administration Education and Training Government and Public Administration Health Science Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information Technology Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Each Pathway is described in the pages which follow. They provide an illustration of when courses might be taken over the four years of high school. These are only recommendations for the purpose of illustration and consideration. Each student should address his individual scheduling needs while completing his program of study. Please check with your chosen postsecondary institution(s) for any additional requirements.

Each program of study contains as much flexibility as possible. Students may change to a different pathway and concentration at the end of any semester in high school. Changes of a student’s pathway will require an updated PEP with appropriate signatures to include parent/guardian. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

Questions about the Programs of Study may be addressed to your school principal orScott Staley, Director of Curriculum and Instruction-Secondary/CTE

Mineral County Board of Education, 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726Phone- (304) 788-4200 ext. 115; [email protected]

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As part of the planned educational program, all students are required to select and complete a Program of Studies or a modified Program of Studies as recommended by a school committee and approved by the principal.


Math: A minimum of 4 credits must be taken at the high school level with at least one taken each year. Students who do not achieve the state assessment college readiness benchmark for mathematics, shall be required to take a College Transition Mathematics course during their senior year.

Science: 3 credits, Earth and Space Science, Biology, Third Science related to occupational pathway. A 4th science credit is recommended for all students and those attending postsecondary education.

Social Studies: 4 credits---World Studies, US Studies, Contemporary Studies, Civics for the Next Generation

English: 4 credits---English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Students who do not achieve the state assessment college readiness benchmark for English Language Arts, shall be required to take a College Transition ELA course during their senior year.

Experiential Learning Experience: All students must complete an Experiential Learning (Work-Based) Experience during grades 9-12. This experience must be related to the selected career cluster, and it must be approved and verified by the school.

Senior Project::Students must complete an approved Senior Project to add rigor and relevance to the senior year. The Senior Project is an integral part of the student’s final year in high school. It integrates knowledge, skills, and concepts from the student’s program of study into one culminating project as defined by the school.



A student must earn at total of 27 units; a transfer student must earn 27 units or 5 less than the total possible during four years of high school attendance. Students transferring from other school systems with varying credit requirements may not have had an opportunity for 8 credits per year.

EDGE (E) Credit: Certain classes qualify for EDGE (Earn a Degree Graduate Early) credit for which students are eligible for credit at participating community and technical colleges. For additional information, contact your counselor or visit the EDGE website at http://careertech.k12.wv.us/edge.

DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED : As required by federal laws and regulations, the Mineral County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, handicapping condition, age and national origin in employment and in the administration of its education programs and activities. Inquiries may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Mineral County Board of Education, One Baker Place, Keyser, WV, 788-4200; to the Section 504 Coordinator, Mineral County Board of Education, One Baker Place, Keyser, WV, 788-4200; to the Elimination of Sex Discrimination Program Coordinator, 348-7863; or the U. S. Department of Education's Director of the Office for Civil Rights, 215-596-6795.

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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Careers available in this are deal with the production, processing, marketing, financing,

and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources.

Architecture and ConstructionThis cluster includes careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the “built” environment.

Arts, A/V Technology and CommunicationCareer available in this cluster are designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.

Business Management and AdministrationThis cluster includes careers in planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.

Education and TrainingEducation and training services, plus related learning support services comprise this cluster.

Government and Public AdministrationCareers involving planning and performing government functions of the local, state and federal levels, including governance, national security foreign service planning, revenue and taxation and regulations.

Health Sciences Health Sciences includes areas of planning, managing, and providing therapeutic

services, diagnostic services, health information, support services and biotechnology research and development.

Hospitality and TourismHospitality and Tourism encompasses the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging attractions, recreation events and travel-related services.

Human ServicesCareer pathways in this area prepare individuals for employment relating to families and human need, such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care, and consumer services.

Information TechnologyThis cluster builds linkages in IT occupations for entry level, technical, and professional careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multi-media and systems integration services.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and SecurityThis cluster encompasses legal, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

ManufacturingManufacturing includes the planning, managing, and processing of materials into intermediate or final products.

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MarketingThe Marketing cluster involves planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)STEM encompasses planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services, including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

Transportation, Distribution and LogisticsThis career cluster deals with planning, managing, and moving people, moving materials, and moving goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional and technical support services.

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Career Development Planning

Grades K-5 Career AwarenessChildren develop an awareness about jobs through discussion, field trips, classroom resource speakers and career presentations. They formulate an answer to the question, “What is work?” A career portfolio for each child is created upon Kindergarten enrollment. This portfolio is passed from grade to grade as the child progresses.

Grades 6-8 Career Exploration

Career cluster exploration is continued through class work, advisory programs, developmental guidance, computer simulations, career and college day, resource speakers, field trips, career interest and aptitude assessments, job shadowing experiences, and additional development of the career portfolio. Students work closely with parents and school personnel to merge an understanding of themselves, grades and assessment data, and career information. Eighth graders make an initial selection of a career cluster of interest. Information is added to the career portfolio.

Grades 9-10 Career Exploration and Decision Making

Ninth graders continue to explore their initial career cluster selection, career information, and the importance of Programs of Study for their career direction and high school course selection. The selected career major is confirmed or revised. Tenth graders enroll in an Introduction to the Majors class. This class provides an in depth investigation of career clusters and occupational fields, job characteristics, the employment market, academic and job skill needs, resume and job search skills, and financial planning. The career portfolio is further developed. A work-based experience is undertaken or plans are filed. The selected Career Cluster is confirmed or revised. Selection of a concentration within the Career Cluster leads to completion of the Personalized Education Plan (PEP). The Career Portfolio is maintained.

Grades 11-12 Decision Making and Career Preparation

The student develops academic and career competencies required for the career selection. Graduation requirements and courses outlined in the Program of Study are completed. Workplace learning through job experience is recorded. Planning occurs to enable successful transition from high school to post-secondary education or employment. The Career Portfolio is passed to the graduating student.

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AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES CLUSTERAgribusiness Systems Pathway Agribusiness Systems Program of Study Occupational Fields: Veterinarian, Meat Inspector, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Education-Extension Agent, Forester, Conservation Officer, Park Ranger, Horticulturalist, Landscape Architect, Engineering, Research and Design, Environmental Engineer, Veterinary Medicine Technician, Poultry Technician, Agriculture Sales and Service, Forestry Technician, Logging Supervisor, Greenhouse Worker, Grounds Keeper, Small Engine Repairman, Welder, Farmer, Environmental Engineer.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I (E)

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Intro to Ag., Food, and Natural Resources or CASE Intro to Ag, The Science of Agriculture, and Agricultural Experience Program. Choose one additional course from the following: Forest Management, Horticulture, Animal Production, Fundamentals of Ag. Mechanics, Food Science and Safety or Fundamentals of Animal Processing.

Personalized Electives: Forest Management, Horticulture, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science, Fundamentals of Ag. Mechanics, Fundamentals of Animal Processing, The Science of Agriculture, Agricultural Experience Program, Agricultural Structures, Large Animal Science, Fish and Wildlife Management, Equine Science, Ag. Equipment and Repair, Livestock Production, Accounting I, Principles of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Floriculture, Computer Applications II, Foreign Language I, Foreign Language II, Accounting I, Principles of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, Computer Applications II, Advanced Communications, Floriculture

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES CLUSTERAnimal Systems PathwayAnimal Systems Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Animal Science (Dairy, Beef, Animal Nutritionist, Equestrian, Poultry, Zoology), Veterinarian, Food Scientist, Meat Inspector, Fishery Science, and Marine Biologist, Veterinary Medicine Technician, Poultry Technician, Small Animal Care Giver, Animal Processing Technician, Pet Store Attendant, Fish Hatchery Attendant, Farmer

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I (E)

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Intro to Ag., Food, and Natural Resources or CASE Intro to Ag, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science, and Agricultural Experience. Choose one additional course from the following: Companion Animal Care, Livestock Production, Aquaculture, and Equine Science.

Personalized Electives: Equine Science, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science, Agricultural Experience Program, Fundamentals of Animal Processing, The Science of Agriculture, Microbiology, Fish and Wildlife Management, Computer Applications II, Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics, Equine Science, Fundamentals of Agriculture, Accounting I, Marketing Principles, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Foreign Language I, Foreign Language II, Accounting I, Principles of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Floriculture.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES CLUSTERNatural Resources Systems PathwayNatural Resources Management Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Forester, State Forester, Procurement Forester, Wood Scientist, Forest Manager, Field Forester, GIS/GPS Technician/Specialist, Naturalist, Park Ranger, Conservation Officer, Forestry Technician, Forest Inventory Technician, Forest Harvesting Specialist, Forest Management Technician, Logging Supervisor, Conservation Officer

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Intro to Ag., Food, and Natural Resources or CASE Intro to Ag., Forest Management, Natural Resources Management or Fish and Wildlife Management. and Agricultural Experience Program.

Personalized Electives: Forest Management, Natural Resources Management, Agricultural Experience Program, The Science of Agriculture, Fish and Wildlife Management, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Greenhouse Technology, Oxy-Acet./Arc Welding, Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Equipment and Repair, Calculus, Business Computer Apps. II, Fundamentals of Agricultural Mechanics, Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, Advanced Communications, AP Chemistry, Economics, Foreign Language I, Foreign Language II.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES CLUSTERPlant Systems PathwayPlant Systems Program of Study Occupational Fields: Horticulturalist, Greenhouse Manager, Landscape Architect, Botanist, Greenhouse Worker, Greenhouse/Nursery/Garden Center Management, Ornamental Horticulturalist, Landscape Craftsmen, Floral Design, Grounds Keeper, Turf/Golf Course Management

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Intro to Ag., Food, and Natural Resources or CASE Intro to Ag., Horticulture, and Agricultural Experience Program. Choose one additional course from the following: Greenhouse Production and Management or Floriculture.

Personalized Electives: Horticulture, Agricultural Experience Program, Greenhouse Production and Management, Floriculture, Forest Management, Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics, Environmental Science, Science of Agriculture, Aquaculture, Accounting I, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Computer Applications II, Foreign Language I, Foreign Language II, Accounting I, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES CLUSTERPower, Structural and Technical Systems PathwayPower, Structural, and Technical Systems Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Engineering, Research and Design, Small Engine Repairmen, General Mechanic, Welder, Farm Equipment Service/Supply Technician, Agriculture Contractor.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Business Computer Applications I (E)

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Intro to Ag., Food, and Natural Resources or CASE Intro to Ag., Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Equipment and Repair, and Agricultural Experience.

Major Electives (Choose 3): Fundamentals of Ag. Mechanics, Agricultural Equipment and Repair, Agricultural Experience Program, Fundamentals of Electricity, Technical Drawing and Design, Oxy-Acet. Arc Welding, The Science of Agriculture, Fundamentals of Animal Processing, Forest Management, Conceptual Physics, Physics, Accounting I, Marketing Principles, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Computer Applications II, Foreign Language I, Foreign Language II, Accounting I, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Conceptual Physics, and Physics.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTERConstruction PathwayCarpentry Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Carpentry, Construction Trades, Brick/Stone Masonry, Plumbing, Residential Electrician

 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

  Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Carpentry I, Carpentry II, Carpentry III, and Carpentry IV.

Personalized Electives: Technical Drawing and Design, Masonry and Plumbing, Fire Science I (E), Residential Wiring (E), Fundamentals of Electricity (E), Physics/Conceptual Physics, Digital Electronics, Conceptual Math, Marketing Principles, Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics (E), Oxy-Acet./Arc Welding, Advanced Communications, Foundations in Engineering (KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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ARTS, A/V TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS CLUSTERJournalism and Broadcasting PathwayInformation Services, Printing Broadcaster, Producer Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Journalist, Radio/TV Broadcaster, Public Relations Specialist, Producer, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Journalist, Radio and TV Broadcaster, Producer, Public Relations Agent, Commercial Printer, Broadcast Assistant, Print Assistant, Commercial Printer, Telemarketer.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Advanced Communications, Speech, Broadcast Video, Journalism I, Journalism II, Desktop Publishing, Graphic Arts, Computer Graphics II, Journalism Video, Journalism III, Economics, Art/Music/Theater/Dance I or II, Vocal Ensemble (KHS), Foreign Language, Communication Systems, Other Fine Arts courses, Probability and Statistics, Internship, Foreign Language, College Speech, Business Computer Applications II, Communication Systems.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.


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Performing Arts PathwayMusic Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Teacher, Performer, Composer, Performer, Promoter

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Drama or Individual Technique (Instrumental), Marching/Concert Band, Chorus I, Keyboarding/Piano, Chorus II, Ad Foreign Language, Management and Entrepreneurship, Chorus III, Advanced Communications or Speech, Drama, Communication Systems, Advanced Communications or Speech, Music Appreciation/ History/Humanities, Vocal Ensemble (KHS), Management and Entrepreneurship (E), Drama, Communication Systems, Keyboarding/Piano, Dance, Internship, additional Drama, Business Computer Applications II (E), Music Appreciation/Theory.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.


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Performing Arts PathwayTheater, Dance Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Actor, Dancer, Theater Director, Radio/TV Broadcasting, Film Director, Costume Designer, Set Designer, Actor, Dancer, Make-Up Artists, Costumer, Lighting Designer, Sound Designer.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Theater or Dance I, Theater or Dance II, Theater or Dance III, Theater or Dance IV, Advanced Communications or Speech, Theater/Stagecraft, Individual Technique, other Fine Arts courses, Communication Systems, Theater/Stagecraft Production, Foreign Language, Management and Entrepreneurship, Journalism Video, Graphic Arts, Vocal Ensemble (KHS), Graphic Arts, Art I, Internship.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.


19 | P a g e

Page 20: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

Visual Arts PathwayApplied Arts Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Graphic Artist, Photographer, Interior Designer, Fashion Designer, Industrial Designer, Display Designer, Textile Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Photographer’s Assistant, Crafts Person, Display Designer, Photographer, Graphic Artist, Printmaker, Interior Designer, Industrial Designer, Display Designer, Textile Designer

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Free Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Art II, Art III, Art IV, Graphic Arts, Marketing Principles I, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Communications, Advanced Communications, Technical Drawing and Design, Foreign Language III, Horticulture, Floriculture, other Fine Arts courses, Computer Graphics II, AP Studio Art, Art V, Foreign Language, Fashion Design, Housing Design, Communication Systems, AP Art, Internship, Foreign Language, Fashion Design, Housing Design, Communication Systems.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.


20 | P a g e

Page 21: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

Visual Arts PathwayVisual Arts Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Art Director, Art Restorer, Teacher, Historian, Graphic Designer, Film Director, Fine Artist, Architect, Set Designer, Multi-Media Artists Animator, Commercial and Industrial Designer, Web-Designer, Designer, Graphic Designer, Costumer, Set Constructor.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Major Electives (Choose 3): Art II, III, IV, Technical Drawing and Design, Graphic Arts, Art V or AP Art, Digital Electronics, Computer Graphics II, Management and Entrepreneurship, AP Art/Independent Study Art, Technical Drawing and Design, Fashion Design, Psychology, Housing Design, Sociology, additional Foreign Language, Advanced Communications, Communication Systems, Internship, Psychology, Housing Design, Foreign Language, Advanced Communication, Communication Systems.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.


21 | P a g e

Page 22: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION CLUSTERBusiness, Finance and Accounting Pathway Accounting Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Accountant, Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultant, Stock Broker, Banker, International Trader, Accounting Technician or Clerk, Accounting and Finance Management, Banking, International Trade, Securities Sales, Bookkeeper, Payroll Clerk. Computer Analyst, Business Information Systems

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Accounting I and II, Personal Finance, Choose 1 additional course from the following: Business and Marketing Essentials or Business Computer Applications I or Business Computer Applications II

Personalized Electives: Economics, Office or Marketing Internship, Foreign Language, Marketing Principles, Marketing Applications, Bus. Computer Apps. II, Office or Marketing Internship, Desktop Publishing, Foreign Language, Sports, Entertainment, Recreation Marketing, Advanced Communications, Bus. Computer Applications II, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Trigonometry, Advanced Communications.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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EDUCATION AND TRAINING CLUSTERProfessional Support Services Pathway English, History Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Museum Curator, Historian, Anthropologist, Archeologist, Teacher, Author, Editor, Museum Curator Apprentice, Paraprofessional Anthropologist or Archeologist, Author

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies

Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Sociology, Desktop Publishing, Psychology, Geography, Business Computer Applications II (E), Journalism I, Journalism II or School Newspaper, Drama I, Book Review, Psychology, Sociology, Foreign Language III, Journalism III or School Newspaper, Yearbook, Additional Fine Arts, Economics, Internship, Communication Systems, Advanced Communications or Speech.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

23 | P a g e

Page 24: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

EDUCATION AND TRAINING CLUSTERProfessional Support Services Pathway Foreign Language Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Linguist, Translator, Teacher, Interpreter, Sign Language Interpreter.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Foreign Language III, Foreign Language IV, additional Fine Arts, Business Computer Applications II, Desktop Publishing, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Geography, Internship, Communications Systems.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

24 | P a g e

Page 25: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

EDUCATION AND TRAINING CLUSTERTeaching/Training Pathway Education Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Teacher, Administrator, Counselor, Librarian, Family Counselor, Paraprofessional, Library Assistant.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Advanced Communications or College Speech, Business Computer Applications II, Foreign Language III and IV, Art or Music, Psychology, Sociology, Parenting/Strong Families, Book Review, Internship, Food Preparation, Sociology, Art or Music or Drama, Desktop Publishing, Careers in Education.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLUSTERPublic Management and Administration PathwayCommunity Development Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Government, Sociology, City Planner, Building Inspector, Code Permit Manager, Budget Planner.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English I English II English III English IV

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math Math Math Math

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Business Computer Applications II, Accounting Principles I, Technical Drawing and Design, Foreign Language III and IV, Internship, Marketing Principles I.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

26 | P a g e

Page 27: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLUSTERNational Security ConcentrationMilitary Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Government, Sociology, City Planner, Building Inspector, Code Permit Manager, Budget Planner, Military Service

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math Math Math Math

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Business Computer Applications II, Accounting Principles I, Technical Drawing and Design, Spanish I, Spanish II, Computer Applications II, Fire Science I, Fundamentals of Agriculture Mechanics, Physics/Conceptual Physics, Environmental Science,Foreign Language III and IV, Internship, Marketing Principles I, Fitness and Conditioning, Advanced PE, Advanced Communications.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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HEALTH SCIENCE CLUSTERTherapeutic Services PathwayTherapeutic Services Program of StudyOccupational Fields: Medical Doctor, Surgeon, MD Specialist, Dentist, Bachelor of Science (BSN), Physician Assistant, Dental Hygienist, Forensic Scientist, Medical Lab Technologist, Physical Therapy (PT), Registered Nurse (RN), Occupational Therapy (OT), Respiratory Therapy (RT), Chiropractic, Registered Nutritionist (Dietician), Pharmacist, Art/Music Therapy, Optometrist, Veterinary Medicine, Speech Therapist, Psychologist, Electro-cardiology (EKG), Electro-encephalography (EEG), Registered Nurse (RN), X-Ray Aide, Mental Health Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Surgery Technician, Orderly, Child Care Attendant, Medical Assistant, Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Medical Lab Technician, Radiology Technician, Mental Health Technician, Cardiology Technician, Optometry Technician, Ultrasound Technician, Nuclear Medicine Technician, Pulmonary Technician, Medical Assistant, Massage Therapist.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next GenerationMath I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be a MCTC completer: **Foundations of Health Science, Advanced Principles of Health Science, Clinical Specialty I, Clinical Specialty II.

Personalize Electives: Physics, Microbiology, Psychology, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Communications, Clinical Specialty I, Clinical Specialty II, Sociology, Medical Terminology, Probability and Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Psychology, Medical Terminology, Advanced Communications, Microbiology, Sociology, Spanish I, Spanish II.**Clinical Specialty I and II are actual clinical experiences in health services that relate to the student’s program of study. Selection is based on application process.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

28 | P a g e

Page 29: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM CLUSTERRestaurants and Food/Beverage Services PathwayPro-Start Restaurant Management Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, Fast Food Service, Grill/Short Order Cook, Pastry and Bakery Cook

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveBusiness Computer

Applications Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be a MCTC completer: Restaurant and Culinary Foundations, Restaurant Management Essentials, Advanced Principals in Food Production, The Restaurant Professional.

Major Elective (Choose Three): Business Computer Applications II, Management and Entrepreneurship, Sociology, Culinary Internship, Marketing Principles, Marketing, Applications, Advanced Communications, Geography, Accounting I, Baking and Pastry, Culinary Nutrition, Foreign Language I.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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HUMAN SERVICES CLUSTERCounseling and Mental Health Services PathwaySocial Services Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Psychology, Religion, Guidance, Counseling, and Social Work

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies

Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Sociology, Computer Applications II, Life Connections, Psychology, Foreign Language III and IV, Management and Entrepreneurship, Internship.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

30 | P a g e

Page 31: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

HUMAN SERVICES CLUSTERFamily and Community Services PathwayPersonal and Family Services Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Child Care Director, Senior Citizens’ Activity Director, Funeral Director

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Physical Education Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Psychology, Business Computer Applications II, Biology, (Child Care Director: Parenting/Strong Families or Funeral Director: Anatomy and Physiology), Accounting Principles I, Sociology, Library Science I, Internship, Management and Entrepreneurship, Food Preparation.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

31 | P a g e

Page 32: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

HUMAN SERVICES CLUSTERFamily and Community Services PathwayRecreation Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Park Ranger, Naturalist, Recreation Coordinator, Park Ranger, Physical Trainer, Naturalist, Recreation Coordinator.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Environmental Science, Fire Science I, Sociology, Advanced Communication or College Speech, Computer Applications II, Fitness and Conditioning, Food Preparation, Advanced Physical Education/Conditioning, Internship, Forestry Management, Fish and Wildlife Management, Accounting I, Art, Music or Drama, Marketing Principals I.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

32 | P a g e

Page 33: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

HUMAN SERVICES CLUSTERPersonal Care Services PathwayPersonal Care Services Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Barber, Hairstylist, Cosmetologist, Manicurist, Massage Therapist, Child Care

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following Cosmetology courses are offered at the MCTC: Cosmetology Professional 1 and Cosmetology Science 1The completion of these two courses and an agreement with South Branch Career Center, provides an opportunity for a student to earn 270 hours (tuition free) towards the 1800 hour Cosmetology Program located in Petersburg, WV. Please see your guidance counselor for more information.

Personalized Electives: Anatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Parenting/Strong Families, Fitness and Conditioning, Internship, Spanish I and II, Computer Applications II, Marketing Principles I, Accounting Principles Advanced Principals of Health Science, Advanced Communications, Psychology, Sociology.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLUSTERInformation Support and Services PathwayInformation Technology Support Systems Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Computer Science, Data Processing, Information Science, Information Systems, Math/Computer Sciences Programming, Data Processing, Information Sciences, Computer Programming, Computer Service and Sales, Computer Networking (Cabling and Electronics).

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Art Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Computer Science Programming II, Networking Essentials, A+ Essentials, Calculus, Digital Electronics, Advanced Communications, Computer Science Programming I, Fundamentals of Electricity, Fundamentals of Computer Systems, A+ Practical Applications, Secure Network Essentials, Foundations in Engineering (KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

34 | P a g e

Page 35: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CLUSTERNetwork Systems Repair PathwayComputer Systems Repair Technology Program of StudyOccupational Fields: Computer Repair Technician, Computer Network Technician,Network Security Specialist, Help Desk, and Support Technician

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Fundamentals of Computer Systems, A+ Essentials, A+ Applications, Networking Essentials.

Personalized Electives: A+Essentials, A+Practical Applications, Networking Essentials, Technical Drawing and Design, Introduction to Engineering Design, Secure Network Essentials, Computer Science Programming I, Advanced Communications, Business Computer Apps II, Special Applications in Electronics, Digital Electronics, Physics/Conceptual Physics, Management and Entrepreneurship, Computer Science Programming II, Fundamentals of Electricity, DC Circuits and Electron Physics.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY, CORRECTIONS AND SECURITY CLUSTEREmergency and Fire Management Services PathwayFire Protection Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Firefighting, Fire Protection Technology.

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveBusiness Computer

Applications I Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Fire Science I, Fire Science II, Fundamentals of Ag. Mechanics, Conceptual Physics, Spanish I, Spanish II, Environmental Science, Advanced Communications, or College Speech, Life Connections, The Science of Agriculture, Fitness and Conditioning, Sociology

Students who complete this program of study are eligible to take the exam for Fire Fighting I and Hazardous Materials Operations, and CPR /First-Aid certification.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

36 | P a g e

Page 37: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY, CORRECTIONS AND SECURITY CLUSTERSecurity and Services PathwayIndustrial Safety Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Industrial Safety

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Physics, Environmental Science, Technical Drawing and Design, Fire Science I, Advanced Communications or College Speech, Psychology, Computer Applications II, Internship, Fire Science II.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

37 | P a g e

Page 38: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

LAW, PUBLIC SAFETY, CORRECTIONS AND SECURITY CLUSTERLegal Services PathwayCriminal Justice Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Criminal Justice, Law, Law Enforcement, Legal Assistant, Corrections, Law Enforcement, Legal Assistant, Social Work Assistant, Sheriff’s Deputy, Prison Guard, Court Reporter, Security Guard

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language IIOr Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Fundamentals of Public Safety Leadership, Ethical Issues in Public Safety, Practical Applications of Public Safety, Seminar in Law Enforcement or Seminar in Corrections.

Personalized Electives: Sociology, Psychology, Business Computer Applications II, AP Government, Foreign Language III, Sociology, College Speech, Advanced Communications, or College Speech, Internship, Foreign Language IV, Life Connections, Fire Science.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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Page 39: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

MANUFACTURING CLUSTERManufacturing Production Process Development PathwayWelding Technology Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Welding, Machine Tool Technology 

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveBusiness Computer

Applications I Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveForeign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

 Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Welding I, Welding II, Welding III, Welding IV.Students who complete this program of study are eligible to take the exam for the SMAW and GMAW Plate WV Certificate.

Personalized Electives: Technical Drawing and Design or Engineering Design and Development, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Fire Science I, Agricultural Equipment and Repair, Conceptual Math, Physics/Conceptual Physics, Digital Electronics, Marketing Principles I, Internship (Instructor Approved), Advanced Communications, Foundations in Engineering(KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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Page 40: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and


MARKETING CLUSTERMarketing Management Pathway Marketing Management Program of Study Occupational Fields: Industrial Sales, Public Relations, Real Estate, Research, Product Management, Advertising, Fashion Merchandising, Sales and Distribution, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Media Sales, Promotion, Retail Management, Business Marketing Teacher, E-Commerce, Human Resource Management, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Small Business Ownership, Purchasing, Health Administration, Sports Management/Marketing, Concierge, Trainer, Convention Planner, Retail Management, Fashion Merchandising, Insurance, Automobile Sales, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Route Sales, Real Estate Sales, Service Representative, E-Commerce, Buyer, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Small Business Ownership, Human Resource Management, Warehouse Services, Food Marketing, Restaurant Sales, Cashier, Telemarketing, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Concierge, Bed and Breakfast Proprietor, Trainer, Convention/Event Planner, Front Desk Manager, Airline Reservations Clerk, Travel Agent, Project Manager

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Fine Arts Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Marketing Principals, Marketing Applications. Choose two additional from the following: Sports, Entertainment and Recreation Marketing or Fashion Marketing or Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Accounting 1

Personalized Electives: Marketing Applications, Accounting Principles I, Management and Entrepreneurship, Sports/Entertainment/Recreation in Marketing, Business Computer Applications II, Psychology, Accounting Principles II, Economics, Desktop Publishing, Office or Marketing Internship, Probability and Statistics, Trigonometry, Advanced Communications, Calculus, Desktop Publishing.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.40 | P a g e

Page 41: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and


SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS CLUSTEREngineering and Technology Pathway Engineering and Applied Science: Engineering Program of Study(Project Lead the Way)Occupational Fields: Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Pre-Engineering, Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Network Engineering Technology

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th Science Or Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics and Engineering Design and Development. . (The Introduction to Engineering Design course may be taken as early as the 9th grade.)Completion of the course sequence in this program of study will enable students to be eligible for college credit at West Virginia University.

Personalized Electives: Digital Electronics, Engineering Design and Development, Calculus I, Calculus II, Advanced Communications, Probability and Statistics, Intro to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, The Science of Agriculture, Computer Programming I, IT Essentials I, AP Science as appropriate to field of study, Agricultural Structures, Technical Drawing and Design, Foundations in Engineering (KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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Page 42: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS CLUSTERScience and Mathematics Pathway Research and Developmental Science: Biology Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biologist, Botanist, Agricultural Chemist

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign LanguageOr Free Elective

Foreign Language II OR Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Computer Programming I, Probability and Statistics, AP Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology, Advanced Communications, Greenhouse Production and Management (E), Horticulture (E), Foundations in Engineering (KHS), Computer Programming II, Internship (required approval), Calculus I, Calculus II, Physics.

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

42 | P a g e

Page 43: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS CLUSTERScience and Mathematics Pathway Research and Developmental Science: Physical Science Program of Study

Research and Developmental Science- Physical ScienceProfessional Pathway Occupational Fields: Physicist, Mathematician, Chemist

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Fine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized ElectivePhysical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Business Computer Applications I

Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

Personalized Electives: Physics, AP Science or Calculus, Computer Programming I, Calculus I, Calculus II, Probability and Statistics, AP Biology/A.P. Chemistry/AP. Physics (as appropriate), Advanced Communications, Computer Science Programming II, Internship (required approval), Foundations in Engineering (KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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Page 44: MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSboe.mine.k12.wv.us/Downloads/POS 2019-2020.docx · Web viewAnatomy and Physiology, Food Preparation, Fashion Design, Business Management and


TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICSFacility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance PathwayAutomotive Technology Program of Study

Occupational Fields: Automotive Repair, Collision Repair, Power Equipment Systems, Diesel Equipment

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12

World Studies US Studies Contemporary Studies Civics for the Next Generation

Math I Math II Math III Math IV

Earth & SpaceScience

Biology *Science 4th ScienceOr Free Elective

Physical Education Health Personalized Elective Personalized ElectiveBusiness Computer

Applications I Intro to the Majors Personalized Elective

Personalized ElectiveFine Arts Personalized Elective Personalized Elective Personalized Elective

Foreign Language Or Free Elective

Foreign Language II Or Free Elective

Free Elective Free Elective

Recommendations for College: One AP course with corresponding examination, a fourth Science credit and two Credits in one Foreign Language.

**The following courses are required to be an MCTC completer: Automotive Technology MLR-1, Automotive Technology MLR-2, Automotive Technology MLR-3, Automotive Technology MLR-4.Students who complete this program of study are eligible to sit for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certificate. Successful completion of this program of study enables a student to be eligible for two credits at Allegany College of Maryland.

Personalized Electives: Automotive Technology MLR-1, Automotive Technology MLR-2, Automotive Technology MLR-3, Automotive Technology MLR-4, AYES Internship, Automotive Technology AST-1, Physics/Conceptual Physics, Digital Electronics, Fire Science I, Marketing Principles I, Fundamentals of Collision Repair Technology, Advanced Communications, Fundamentals of Ag. Mechanics, Foundation in Engineering (KHS).

Free Electives: Select additional courses form the Personalized Electives listed above, or others listed on grade specific course selection sheet. Free electives allow students to pursue other interests and build upon foundational knowledge to prepare them to be college or career ready.

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