Mindvalley Flowdreaming Masterclass Workbook




Transcript of Mindvalley Flowdreaming Masterclass Workbook

  • 5 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Training:!!1. Print out this Masterclass workbook before the event starts so you can write down your notes as you listen.!!2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen out for. Make sure youve set aside 2 hours of private time for this training so youll have an uninterrupted learning session. !!3. During the event, write down ALL the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening - that way you wont lose the most relevant information to you.!!4. While listening to the masterclass, jot down any immediate action steps that come to your mind... steps that can take right now increase your wealth and abundance.!!5. Be in a comfortable position (ideally not driving) so you can fully take part in the Flowdreaming exercise.

  • The next part is for you to take note while you listen to Summer McStravick during the Masterclass. Fill in the blanks as you progress. These will be the important points that you'll take away from the session. !!Section 1: The Lack Cycle!!1) If you are looking for money, security, stability you are working within the Lack Cycle.!!2) The things you are trying to pull towards you that you dont have form the basis of you!!3) When you change what you are inside the universe is going to exactly mirror that.!!4) Reasons you dont have what you want right now!!1..!!2...!!3...!!5) In the world of .. what we are is what we give and what comes back to us.!!6) That means that you are the point of power, not something external to you. You are your money.!!7) Its never actually money that stops me from doing something. I am what stops me and money is the .!!8) There is a practical way to change your energy field so the universe starts responding differently.!!9) Instead of money, think of the emotional energy of money.!!10) So now you understand money is an energy.!!11) To change your limiting thoughts and feelings about money, start by finding your blocks.!!12) Every time you find where you are setting limits on yourself you find information about what you are truly manifesting.!!

  • Section 2: Pre-Action!!1) The point of my power is in the question: What am I becoming today?!!2) When you pre-act, what you create inside yourself adds up every day.!!3) How do you usually.?!!4) Since only you are responsible for your pre-action, you can change it.!!By changing the way I pre-act, I change the .I expect.!! !!Section 3: Flowdreaming and Flow Energy!!1) We are all made up of Flow energy moving along the path of least resistance.!!2) If we change our emotional energetic landscape every day, opportunities will start matching that, thats alignment.!!3) .. is the way into that Flow emotion.!!4) has much more energy than thought.!!5) How do you want to feel in 3 years?!!!!!!6) Reverse negative pre-action and replace with the emotion you want to experience.!!!

  • Section 4: Flowdream Exercise!!1) Enter into the Flow state guided by Summer.!!2) What you feel in this space, you will create in your life.!!3) What is your money story that comes up when you are in the Flowdream?!!!!!!!!4) What do you now choose it to be?!!!!.!!!!.!!!!!Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU for joining our training with Summer McStravick. We hope you enjoyed it!!!!! !! !!