Mind your business

Mind Your Business How Therapeutic Hypnosis Can Transform Your Life

Transcript of Mind your business

Mind Your Business

How Therapeutic Hypnosis Can Transform Your Life

Sometimes I get a good feeling!

M Y T H S “You are getting sleepy . . .”

• A highly relaxed and focused state, where your mind is open to positive suggestion.

• It has been used for many, many years to help people heal illness, solve problems and reach goals.

• When we’re in this relaxed state we bypass the gatekeeper to our subconscious mind and we can create big shifts, ultimately reprogramming our minds.

• Over 10,000 studies on hypnosis from Harvard and Stanford to Universities and Hospitals in the UK and beyond

• Hypnosis is used in a variety of countries to perform serious surgery without the use of anesthesia. Hypnosis is increasingly being used in therapeutic settings around the world.

• The Mayo Brothers used hypnosis in the early 1900’s to reduce the amount of anesthesia (75 to 90% less than usual) in more than 17,000 challenging procedures

About Hypnosis

Conscious MindAnalysis/Choice Five Senses

Reasoning Logic

Subconscious Mind

1. Guides the autonomic nervous system

2. Literal – doesn’t know fact from fiction or fantasy

3. Programmed to be right

4. Stores memories, experiences, beliefs, programming including personal lies and limiting beliefs

5. Seat of emotions

6. Always recording

7. Moves you towards pleasure and away from pain

8. An image-driven consciousness

9. Influences personality

10.Seat of the imagination


Love Intuition

Grace Peace

Healing Soul


Universal Mind

“Critical Factor”

Three Parts of the Mind

Sympathetic Fight or Flight

• Stress response

• Fight or flight

• Suppresses immune system

• Suppresses digestive system

• Suppresses reproductive system

• Decreased higher mind & analytical problem solving

• Reactive – relies on preprogrammed responses


Rest and Digest

• Safety response

• Maintains homeostasis

• Puts the brakes on sympathetic functions

• Supports immune system

• Supports digestive system

• Supports reproductive system

• Supports higher mind & problem solving functions

The Six Ways We Adopt Beliefs + Programming

• 1. Authority Figures

• 2. Peers

• 3. High Emotions

• 4. Repetition

• 5. Altered States

• •sleep

• •prayer

• •meditation

• 6. The Word “Yes”


1. Nervous? Use the SALIVA trick.

2. Re-train Your Brain in Real Time! Say YES out loud to

positive emotions and results, anchor those feelings

it into your body.

3. Use REPETITION to reinforce positive habits,

behaviors, phrases, etc.

4. Use your ability to FEEL - get in touch with your

desire and let it feel good

5. Create a POWER PLAYLIST to Listen to - Financial

Abundance, Peace, Love, etc

6. Dance, MOVE, take a yoga class, run, walk!

7. Laugh, laugh, LAUGH - watch a short video, call a

funny friend, make funny faces

8. JOURNAL - let out negative emotions, burn them if

you can and then write in the present how you want

things to be. For instance, let your imagination meet

the present moment with pen and paper.

9. Take a SHOWER or bath

10. LISTEN to a hypnosis, meditation or relaxation


Tools to Focus + Shift Your Perspective


“For one who has controlled the mind, it is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, it remains the greatest enemy.” -- The Bhagavad Gita

Thank you!