Mind Report 1

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  • 8/11/2019 Mind Report 1


    Mind ScannerReport

  • 8/11/2019 Mind Report 1


    Most people know that its impossible to read a persons mind, and in fact, although many

    people wish at times that they could have the power to do this, they still recognize that its a

    lot like wishing you could fly. Its simply a dream, of a superpower that almost everyone feels

    is impossible, and always will be impossible to accomplish. The fact of the matter is, reality

    brings us back down to earth, and gravity brings that dream of man flying back down to earth


    That is, until or unless you get cheeky or clever.

    You see, while you might not be able to directly get into a mans mind, to know every single

    juicy thought that he is ever having about you, your relationship, and more what you can do

    instead is get cheeky.

    You see, while man has never figured out how to fly on his own, like the fictitious superhero!uperman can, man has still figured out how to fly, and in fact man now flies everyday

    because of this.

    "eople of course, do this inside of airplanes, but still, man has con#uered their inability to fly,

    and has given humanity the ultimate superpower. They just did it in a cheeky way.

    The same thing can be true when it comes to reading a mans mind, because while you cant

    come in and directly hear every single thought that your man ever has, what you $%& do, isyou can influence your man to actually let you into his mind, on his own accord, to thus let you

    pick at whatever thing you want to know, learn, or find out.

    !o just as man figured out how to fly, even if through an unconventional method, so you shall

    too learn how to read a mans mind, e#ually, in an unconventional, but e#ually effective way.

    Its important to note that there are some very useful outcomes of learning how to scan your

    mans mind ade#uately. 'ut first before I can tell you what those are, I must e(plain what itmeans, when I say that you can )scan your mans mind.

    The process of scanning your mans mind, simply involves getting a man to tell you himself,

    what it is that he wants you to do, that would make him go crazy for attraction toward you.

    This also means that your man will tell you e(actly what he needs, e(pects, and wants from

    you, but he wont actually *&+ that he is doing this, because again, you will be )scanning

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    his mind. Its basically like reading deeper into him, to pull out +&-Y the information that your

    man actually &/! you to know, and thus you end up only with the information that is the

    0+!T useful to you.

    This means that you can learn all kinds of things about your man, and in doing so you can

    begin doing things after that, which work in the favor of your newfound knowledge, to a levelwhere he will begin to wonder how it is that you have such a psychological pull on him.

    You see, the great thing about scanning a mans mind is that it actually gives you the ability to

    instruct your man in such a way, that he will find himself emotionally wrapped up around your

    every word, and the best part is is that he will have no idea how you are reading him so well,

    and he wont be able to figure out what you are doing, but he will -+1 it.

    hy will your man -+1 it2

    ell if you read your man in the right way, by scanning his mind, you ultimately make him feel

    understood on such a deep level, that he cant help but love and crave your every move after


    3ltimately, the mind scanner techni#ue helps to take out the guesswork that would normally

    be there between you and your man, as you both try to see things from each others

    perspectives, only to ultimately ever find too many differences blocking your path to

    understanding one another.

    4ence, the 0ind !canner techni#ue, actually allows you to see into your mans perspective,

    and to )get things with such a pin point accuracy, that you will be able to always have a more

    powerful level control within your love life from this point forward.

    !o what e(actly is involved, when it comes to scanning your mans mind2 hat do you have to


    ell there are 5 steps which you need to follow, to be able to scan your mans mind, and they

    are as follows6

    Step #1: Temporarily Remove Your Emotional And Mental Filters- Its important to recognize

    the fact that when approaching a man, many women come in, and try to understand a man,

    get information from him, and they even try to pick at his brainbut they do this in a way that

    will only ever leave them more confused than ever.

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    If you want to be able to scan a mans mind, you must be able to come in, and see things the

    way that he does. 0any women are guilty of, for e(ample, only ever hearing what they

    wanted to hear.

    hat this means, is that a man could be telling you something CLEARas day, but you might

    not even notice, get the memo, or know that, because you refuse to listen to anything thatdoes not fit into a predetermined set of filters that you have in place.

    Thus, the first key to scanning a mans mind, is removing the things that are coming from your

    end, that are standing in your way, because many times men actually openly, and clearly

    communicate with women all kinds of secrets, ideas, and drop hints but many women miss

    almost %-- of those things, because of the filters they have in place.

    !o what filters am I referring to2

    motional and mental filters.

    'asically, all that a filter is, is it s the way we see, approach, and perceive something. The best

    way to e(plain this, would be to say that your filter, for e(ample meant that everything that

    you see, or e(perience appears red in color.

    This means that even if something is not red, as long as you have a filter in place, wherein you

    %&T to see things as being red, everything will always look red to you, because again, youare seeing that through a filter.

    Itd basically be like wearing red sunglasses, where the world, once you put them on, begins to

    look redder.

    Thats all that a filter does, and thus, we actually all have many filters, that allow us to see the

    world, and e(perience it in a certain way.

    ith emotional filters, now, come into play, with your emotional e(pectations. motional

    e(pectations, are things that you e(pect, project, or wish to be, based on how you actually

    want to feel. %s an e(ample, maybe you want to feel understood, so you approach your man

    with the e(pectation that he should get what you are about to tell him, otherwise this means

    that you cannot feel understood.

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    !o one common e(ample of an emotional filter, is that women e(pect men, to see things the

    way that they do. %n even deeper e(ample of this, is when a woman is talking to a man, and

    she is listing off detail after detail, about something.

    'ut what she doesnt realize, is that 0+7 details actually confusing to a man, and he will

    struggle to figure out what your point is, which e(plains why he cant understand what youmean, or why you are saying something, if you bring in heavy details.

    'ut you bring in details, again, because you want to e(press all of the pieces that made you

    feel a certain way, about what you are talking about in the first place. To you, all of the details

    are necessary, to help e(plain the emotion.

    'ut a man doesnt need that, to be brutally honest, to feel that same emotion, and if anything,

    too many details cloud a mans ability to feel the same as you, think the same as you, or

    understand the same as you.

    hy is that2

    ell, men think differently than women do. If you were to cut open a mans head, and a

    womans head, youd see that they actually think about things very differently, and this is

    would be true, even if they were looking at the same thing.

    &ow, in the main program, the /rama 0ethod, I actually e(plain in depth why this is true, but

    to summarize what is going on here, in a mans mind vs. your own, I will say this6

    omen are emotionally logic, whereas men are rationally logic.

    &ow I dont want you to get offended by this. hen I say that women are emotionally logic, I

    am not calling you emotional in a negative way. You are in fact, taught your whole life, to

    e(press yourself as a woman, based on how you feel about something.

    % lot of your e(periences, are perceived to be good or bad, based on how you feel. /ont

    believe me2

    ell, why do you watch your favorite T.1. shows2 hy do you eat your favorite foods, when

    you are upset2 hy do you need your man to comfort you, when you dont feel good etc2

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    You do these things, because you e(perience the world in an array of feelings first. very

    action or thought that you have, ties back into a )is this going to make me feel better reality,

    wherein everything you do, after that, is done to fulfill an emotion, remove a bad emotion, or

    kick start another emotion that you want to feel.

    verything from how you think, to how you perceive things, even to how you decide to act onsomething, is almost always an emotionally based e(perience for you. This is what is known as

    emotional logic then, because you problem solve, with your emotions, and based on how you

    want to feel.

    This is why everything that comes after this stage, is an emotional e(perience for you, and is

    concentrated mostly on how you feel everything from what you want to wear, to what you

    are going to eat, to what you might say to a man, is all decided based on how you think that

    thing will make you feel.

    You dont wear certain clothes, because you dont want to feel fat, but you wear other clothes

    because you either want to feel comfortable, or feel se(y. You dont eat certain foods because

    you dont want to feel groggy, but you will happily consume others, if you felt that they would

    make you feel perky, awake, or nourished.

    You dont answer your phone sometimes, because you dont want to feel dragged down by

    8negative &ancy9 calling you on the other line. +r maybe, you cuddle with your man as well,

    because you want to :- loved and secure.

    %s you are starting to see therefore, almost everything that you do, or even think, is now

    coming in as this temporary emotional transaction, where you decide that you are, or are not

    going to do something based on how that will make you feel. That, is the best e(ample of

    emotional logic.

    &ow its not a bad thing that you do this, per se, because it allows you to e(perience the world

    within a wide array of emotional realities. You get to seek a very intense and deep level offulfillment, by using emotional logic.

    0en, however, dont use emotional logic, and if they do, its ever, if rarely. This is why its

    important to understand now, why you might have to remove your emotional filter, because

    part of your emotional filter, is wanting to look at things, based on how they are going to make

    you feel.

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    0en, however sometimes, need a woman to look at things, beyond that level. The problem is,

    that until or unless you start recognizing that you do in fact have an emotional filter, and

    secondly until or unless you see that you sometimes have to suspend that filter, you will

    struggle to understand some of the most basic messages that your man is trying to

    communicate to you.

    "art of being able to understand a man, or even trying to pick his brain for juicy tidbits, is

    understanding that a man basically $%&&+T deliver the information to you, the way that you

    want it.

    The way that you want it, is in a way that is dependent to how you want to feel. !o you

    actually come in, e(pecting your man to behave, speak, and think along the same level as you,

    so that ultimately he comes in and says ;%$T-Y what you want to hear, in that very moment.

    In fact, the minute a man doesnt do that, you actually get upset, angry, and even moody

    about the situation, as a woman. !o, why do you need men to say e(actly what you want to

    hear, otherwise you get or become upset2

    ell, again, theres a reason why you might need a man to say something a certain way, or to

    do something a certain way. Thats because you were ;"$TI&< to be able to feel a certain

    way, as a result of it.

    The minute a man comes in and does not, therefore say or do something in the ;%$T way

    that you needed, it means that you are /&I/ a certain level of emotional fulfillment. This

    would e(plain why its so frustrating to you, when a man struggles to say or do the right thing

    around you. Its because you &/ him to do that, to feel good again, otherwise you end up

    stuck in a place where you feel bad.

    &ow youll notice that I came in here, with a pretty heavy word, known as ;"$T%T%TI+&.

    "art of the issue with emotional logic, is that it almost always creates an e(pectation, before

    something happens. This e(pectation is created, because you, again, are trying to fulfill anemotion, by having something happen.

    Thus, an e(pectation must be created. This e(pectation almost always is only ever looking for

    one certain outcome, because again, you need to feel a certain way, and are only taking

    action, or are doing something then, about your thoughts, so that your feelings can change =if

    you were for e(ample feeling bad> or be fulfilled.

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    The problem with this e(pectation, that emotional logic creates is therefore this6 you do &+T

    accept any other reality, response, or even e(perience that does not match up to your


    This means that if something happens outside of what you wanted, you either, get mad,

    become disappointed, or just simply deny it, because again, its not what you need.

    3ltimately, if you convert this idea back over into your relationship again, it means that many

    times a man might say something to you, and your instant response to what he said, if it s not

    what you e(pected would be to start doing something like this6

    8hy are you saying that29, or 8hat do you mean by ???@29, or 8hy would you think that29


    %gain all of those #uestions are basically saying the same thing6 8I dont get why you didnt do

    what I wanted. 4ow could you not do what I wanted2 I need you to do what I wanted, so now

    I am going to play AB #uestions with you, to finally get you to a place where you understand

    that I need you to be doing what I wanted. 4opefully by the time I am done asking all of these

    #uestions, you will get the hint that what you did was wrong@9

    3sually, at this stage, when a man comes back and says something that was not what you

    wanted to hear, or responds with something that isnt what you e(pected, almost every

    woman is guilty of coming in after that, and playing a AB #uestions game.

    It means that you come in, and start asking him why he feels that way, and what he is thinking

    etc because again, you simply just do &+T accept what he said, or you dont accept the

    reality he just dealt you. !o you try to ask a series of #uestions to understand why it is that he

    cant give you the reality.

    Its not like you are asking those #uestions to understand 4I0. You are actually asking those

    #uestions to understand why he cant do what you wanted. You proceed, therefore, to ask him

    why he feels that way, and how he could say something like that, and why he is thinking that.

    %gain, that means that you feel he is wrong, and its very clear from the tone, and even the

    way that you now communicate in your #uestions, that you think he is wrong.

    %t this stage, no answer would actually suffice, which is why many women actually ask a series

    of #uestions at this stage, because they continue to &+T get the answer they were looking for.

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    'ut this is e(actly where the communication breaks down, because a man could be telling you

    something clearly, but because you dont want to accept that reality, due to your emotional

    logic, you end up ignoring or denying everything it is that your man is actually trying to tell


    hat this means is that you actually almost e(clusively refuse to understand your man in thisprocess, because you are yourself, trying to be understood.

    This is e(actly why such a filter must be suspended from time to time, because it can actually

    /+ a T+& of damage when you approach your man with a filter like this turned on. %gain,

    men dont think along the terms of emotional logic, and the more you bombard them with

    #uestions, or a need for more details, the more difficult it becomes for them to do what you

    wanted, or say what you need.

    You would never get what you wanted this way, and in fact would never 17 be able to read

    a mans mind as long as your emotional filter is turned on a 4I

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    based on how they feel. 0eanwhile you +&-Y asked the #uestion, to figure out how he feels in

    the first place, but from where he is standing, he feels like you are actually asking him,

    something else.

    hy does a man feel that way2

    ell again, he will approach that #uestion with rational logic. This means that he will have to

    sit and actually think about it, to see if everything does in fact point to him loving you, which

    means he will have to go back and logically think about how it is that he approaches you, and

    thinks about you, to see if that might be true. 4ed have to be looking, therefore, for irrational

    moments where he behaved outside of ration.

    This means he will be looking for times when he was emotional, in an irrational way, which

    basically means, hes looking for times when he acted outside of logic, when he didnt intend


    4e has to look for moments when he didnt intend to act outside of logic, because almost

    always, a man is sitting in a logical state. !o for %&Y emotion to come in, it would have to

    overtake his logical being, temporarily, for him to feel that emotion, or for that emotion to

    dictate something for him.

    Thus its no longer a matter of 8do you love me9. &ow a man is looking deep into how he even

    responds to you, to figure that out for himself even, because its not like he sits around

    thinking 8gee, do I love her29. &o. 4e doesnt need to look at it like that.

    7ational logic would dictate to a man that he doesnt have to be around you based on how he

    feels, but rather on whether or not, for e(ample, you are capable of handling him, helping

    him, understanding him on a logical level, which thus tells him that you are a good match.

    Its only when you do that over a long period of time, and on an intense scale that hed even

    begin to start having feelings about you, on a deeper level.

    Thus, the whole #uestion again, of whether or not you love him, now has him looking for

    times that he was acting outside of ration, which to him, means this6 look for irrational


    !o now hell be looking to see. as I more often angry, and reacting heavily to the things that

    you do, than not2

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    Thats basically what it e#uates to. !o if the answer that comes in his head, is that his

    emotional reactions are more often negative than positive to you, as in you made him angry

    more often than not, then now he is going to think, maybe I dont.

    +bviously that is not the answer you want, and even more confusing, is the idea that a man iswith you, when he doesnt even feel good around you. 'ut again, a man doesnt place much

    emphasis on how he feels, consciously. Thats mostly an unconscious thing.

    4e can be in a very emotionally intense situation, and still stay in that situation for a long time,

    regardless of his feelings, because again if he felt that staying meant -+

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    what feeling you are looking for, or anything therein about how you :-, that means that

    emotional logic is talking.

    You can come to know when rational logic is talking, because you wont be concentrating on

    how you feel, but rather on what really is, and how things are really going on outside of your


    The best e(ample to illustrate this, would be when you approach or speak about something,

    such as a white rabbit. The main way to tell the difference between when you are using

    rational vs. emotional logic, is that rational logic +&-Y states what is, as it is, without too many

    details. Thats because it concentrates on the core facts, and disregards how you need to feel

    about it.

    hen you need to elicit a feeling however, details are essential, because they make up a list ofthings that all help you to form a feeling around that thing. !o lets say that you are looking at

    a white rabbit.

    Rational logic would dictate tis:8There is a white rabbit9.

    hereas, emotional logic would dictate tis:8+h, what a fluffy rabbit@ Its so cute. -ook at its

    tiny little legs@ %ww@ +h wow, its such a pretty shade of white. +h, look, it moved, aww

    theres a little black patch under its belly@9

    %s you can see, emotional logic brought in a bunch of details that actually didnt need to bethere, and each of those details helped to fuel an emotional response, which in this case,

    e#uates to the 8aww this is so cute9, feeling.

    7ational logic, however, would suspend all of that, to state the fact, that there simply is just a

    white rabbit, without all of the added details. It lists the facts, of only what there is, based on

    what is there rationally.

    3se this e(ample, therefore in the future to help yourself notice when you are using emotionallogic, so that you can come to understand when you are approaching your man in that same

    way, and thus can temporarily suspend that.

    %s noted, a heavy onslaught of details are hard for a man to comprehend, because he doesnt

    understand how they all tie back into the rational logic of it all. %gain, he doesnt understand

    that, because he isnt involving feelings, so if you talk about something, and begin to bring in a

    8I feel9 reality, its 7%--Y going to confuse your man.

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    -ikewise, if a man spoke about something, but /I/&T bring in a )I feel reality, you would be

    confused too, because you &/ those details to understand how you should feel.

    Thus, to help resolve this communication breakdown problem that goes on between a man

    and a woman, you have to be willing to bend over into his reality, and to suspend your

    emotional logic temporarily from time to time, especially when approaching your man.

    &ow, there is one more key to this step, which I mentioned at the beginning of this step, which

    was that you must temporarily suspend your emotional %&/ mental filters. !o far, I have

    spoken about your emotional filters, which really in this case, e#uate to using emotional logic,

    rather than rational logic to approach your man.

    'ut there is one more key to this mi(, known as 0&T%- filters that can also turn things messy,

    or can also prevent you from being able to scan your mans mind properly. 0ental filters arebasically thought patterns that you have, which, like emotional filters, only want to see the

    world in a certain way.

    It means that they ;"$T something to be a certain way, yet again, or they deny it. &ow

    these are not always emotionally related, because some mental filters can be rationally based,

    but the problem with mental filters, is that they often peg things into a strange way of


    &ow there are many kinds of mental filters, but what you need to temporarily suspend in this

    case, are the !E"AT$Emental filters.

    &egative mental filters only want to recognize the bad reality of whatever is going on which

    means that 1& when you suspend your feelings, or even I: you remove your emotions from

    the mi( temporarily, that you !TI-- would not allow the truth, the facts, or anything else to

    surface through, because once again, you only want to see something in a certain way.

    &egative mental filters +&-Y let in negative things, which means that even if something good

    was happening, or being said to you, you would most likely not even recognize it. This is

    another very to(ic reality that causes a communication breakdown between a man and a

    woman therefore, and it needs to be addressed, as well, if you truly want to be able to get the

    most from your man.

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    !o the #uickest way to address it, is to actually realize that something like this does e(ist,

    because many women dont actually know that they have negative filters. The best way to

    illustrate this for you, is to actually list some very common e(amples of negative filters, so that

    you can come to see what they look like, when they are working, to thus recognize them in

    the first place.

    !ome common e(amples, of negative mental filters, include,

    %ll or &+T4I&

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    damaging to your love life. They have nothing to do with your situation, because they are

    mostly outside of any situation you could possibly be in, and often involve an )assuming the

    worst kind of process, depending on what you are concentrating on.

    They only make things worse, and again, $+&:3! every single message, fact, or reality that

    they come into contact with, with dangerous ideas, or incorrect irrational logic.

    %gain, the key here is to bring in rational logic, which is why these negative mental filters have

    to go, because honestly, they are irrational.

    Its important to note that there are many other negative mental filters, where these came

    from, and if you are interested in learning about other kinds of mental filters, you can always

    look more into this by doing a little online or offline research, about negative thought

    patterns. You will most likely find that information in the selfChelp section of your offlinebookstores or library, but if you are doing online research, just look up, 8negative thought


    This should help you to greatly come to recognize your own thought patterns that are getting

    in your way, even beyond the e(ample of trying to read your mans mind, because these

    patterns actually affect your love life, beyond this level.

    'ut for now, just understand and know that any time you feel an irrational thought creepingup that starts into a )assuming the worst kind of a reality, understand that this is not even

    your emotions talking, but is a negative mental filter, that should be looked into, or at least

    recognized as being such, so that you dont give it the power to dictate anything beyond that


    !o ultimately, once you suspend your mental and emotional filters, what you are going to be

    able to do, is you will become a better listener, %&/ a better lover. Your man wont even know

    4+ you are doing it either, but he will

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    rational logic from time to time when approaching him.

    It also means that you remove any preCconceived notions, so that now you actually %--+

    your man the room to e(press himself, or tell you the truth about things. This means that you

    give him the space to find acceptance through you finally, and it means that you wont be

    fighting every little thing he says or does, simply because you didnt understand it, or becauseit didnt fit within any e(pectations that you created with your emotional and mental filters.

    3ltimately, this means that you begin seeing without judgment, but furthermore, you begin

    understanding him the way that he wants to be understood.

    Imagine for e(ample that you are trying to tell somebody that you got a promotion. 'ut all

    they keep hearing is that you were fired.

    4ow annoying would that get after a while to keep reCe(plaining that no, you still have your

    job, %&/ you also got a promotion2

    Yet, no matter what, this other person just wont let go of the idea that you are even

    employed, let alone have a job, plus a promotion, because in their mind they just cant believe

    that you simply have that.

    Theyve decided that you dont, and therefore any time that you say that you do have this, it s

    confusing to them.

    Thats basically what happens, to a man, when you dont remove your emotional and mental

    filters. 4e finds himself trying to be honest, and tries hard to tell you the truth, but each time

    you just refuse to believe him, because of your +& preCconceived notions and belief

    patterns that are telling you that this just cant be true.

    'ut it is true, and thats e(actly the benefit of using rational logic when approaching your man,

    is that you can begin to :I&%--Y decode what it is that he means when he says certain things


    +nce you have done this, you can then move on to step DA, which is as follows.

    Step #%: Su&-'ommunicate $alue-

    You are out on a date with a guy, and hes really nervous. You can sense nervousness in his

    body language, facial e(pression, and demeanor. $onsciously, hes trying to project a confident

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    attitude, however his subCcommunication is projection a very insecure and needy attitude,

    which will make you feel uncomfortable as well.

    !o, women unknowingly, also end up projecting in an e#ual way, with a needy vibe, when they

    want a man to get a confident vibe.

    This e(plains why a guy would suddenly get distant and not call you, or why he suddenlybecomes strange around you. This is because you unknowingly projected a needy vibe,

    without knowing it, but that was your subCcommunication.


    hen you speak to a man, and thus, try to communicate to him,there will be two things that

    will happen.

    The first thing, is that he will hear what you are trying to say, or convey but heres the thing,

    its not going to register in his head. !imply put, hes not going to )get it. 'ut theres a reason

    for that, because the second thing that happens when you speak to a man, is that a level of

    subCcommunication will occur.

    This level of subCcommunication is actually what your man is paying attention to, listening to,

    and responding to. 'ut, what many women dont realize, is that its a huge problem if a guy is

    listening to your subCcommunication, instead of your active communication.

    Its actually the reason why men never seem to )get what you are saying, or why they

    completely disregard, or even ignore the things that you say. %llow me to e(plain why

    !o what is subCcommunication anyway2

    ell, subCcommunication is basically the behaviors and patterns of communication which you

    convey, when you are actually trying to communicate with a man.

    hat do I mean by that2

    ell, I want you to imagine for e(ample, that you are talking to a guy, but you are nervous.

    Internally you want to project a level of confidence, as you try to show this guy that you like

    him, and also try to convey to this man that you are a likeable person.

    'ut another storm brews alongside this reality, internally, on a subconscious level, because as

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    previously noted, you are actually nervous.

    !o here you are, trying to convey and project a message to this man that you are confident,

    and are likeable.

    'ut guess what message this guy actually gets2 4e actually ends up with a subCcommunicated

    message, that tells him you are rather nervous, shy, and even insecure.

    This is true, regardless of what you are saying to him.

    4ow is that so2

    ell subCcommunication, as mentioned, is a level of communication that conveys yoursubconscious feeling, through your behavior. !o this means that your body will start to

    involuntarily convey a message to this man, about that nervousness that is actually going on

    inside of you.

    You, of course, will be completely unaware of this fact, but the man in #uestion, will be able to

    see, hear, and e(perience %-- of that reality.

    !o rewinding back to the e(ample I just gave, of how you feel nervous, but are trying to hidethat, to impress a guy what usually happens then, from the mans perspective is this6

    C % little selfCdoubt shifts in, as he finds you using nervous, insecure, or uncertain sounding

    words and phrases, and thus he starts to hear that you even have an uncertain tone about


    C 4e notices that you nervously fidget with something. 0aybe you rub your foot around on the

    ground, nervously. 0aybe you grab your hair and twist it. 0aybe you keep looking /+&, or

    away, out of your shyness. 0aybe you even start to stutter, or say 8uh9 or 8um9 a lot, as youstruggle to find the right words, as you try to force yourself to say the right thing.

    C 4e sees that even the way you are !T%&/I&

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    It goes on and on, but now, as you can see, even though you are trying to act, and talk as if

    you are confident, what you are subCcommunicating now in your language, is a whole other

    message and reality, that a man will see, and pay attention to much more strongly.

    You see, a confident woman, would not be doing any of the above things. 4er gaze would

    never fail to match a mans, even if 4 looks away. 4er body would move I& toward his, andwould project outward. !he wouldnt slouch back into herself, look down, or nervously grasp

    for words or answers, just to try and impress a guy.

    !he wouldnt be worrying about impressing the guy in the first place, which is why none of

    this would happen, because again she would be confident.

    % confident woman, who truly feels this way consciously and unconsciously, would therefore

    subCcommunicate that message, even in everything she says after that.

    !o, subCcommunication, is simply the behaviors, patterns, and mannerisms that you

    unconsciously and even consciously e(hibit when communicating to a man.

    &ow earlier I mentioned that there are two things that happen when you try to communicate

    with a man. The first thing, of course, was that you say something to him, or try to convey

    something, consciously.

    'ut I mentioned that most men never actually )get that message. "art of the reason for this, is

    because of the fact that men pay attention to your actions, more than your words. Youll find

    that I e(plain this #uite e(tensively in the main /rama 0ethod program, but to put this

    simply men do this, because they -+

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    hy is that2

    ell, as you have seen, from the e(ample I gave earlier, since a man is almost e(clusively

    listening to your subCcommunication, this means that he will either get a completely different

    message than what you are trying to communicate consciously, or he will simply &17 get

    what it is that you are trying to say either.

    The key here, is therefore this6 learn how to subCcommunicate in the right way, around a man,

    so that you can always deliver a clear, and powerful message to him each and every time.

    &ow how does that tie back into scanning a mans mind2 ell, you have to put a bridge

    between the communication gap, if you want to be able to reach him, and get into his head.

    You will never be able to reach him as long as a communication gap is present. %ny time a gapis present, it means that no amount of e(plaining, #uestioning, discussing or more would ever

    reach your man, nor would it ever get you the answers, or e(planations you are actually after


    !o again, thats where subCcommunication comes into play. You need subCcommunication so

    that your man doesnt always know what you are )up to, in the wrong ways. You need subC

    communication so that you can actually convey the message you intended to, instead of the

    message you didnt intend to convey.

    You need subCcommunication so that your man actually starts listening to you properly, and


    'ut you dont just need any kind of subCcommunication here. hat you need in this case, of

    the 0ind !canner reality is the ability to subCcommunicate value.

    !o how do you subCcommunicate value2

    There are two simple things you must do, and its going to sound really strange, but youll see

    why they work in just a bit.

    The first thing you must do, is you must actively 70+1 your desire toward a man, so that

    you no longer communicate an intense level of neediness.

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    You see, the main problem that many women have, is not that they are subCcommunicating in

    the first place. veryone subCcommunicates all of the time.

    The problem, that women strictly have, however, when it comes to subCcommunication, is

    that they almost always are subCcommunicating a negative level of neediness. !ome e(amples

    of those negative levels of neediness, include, subCcommunicating the following6

    - Insecurities

    - Intense desires

    - 4eavy core needs, that you want to be fulfilled

    - /oubtsEuncertainty

    - tc

    %ll of this again, comes back to subCcommunicating a deeper level of needs, that comes acrossrather strongly. ven a woman who is nervous, is subCcommunicating the idea that she is

    insecure in herself, and thus is e(tremely emotionally needy, to a man, as a result.

    hy would a man feel that a nervous woman is e(tremely emotionally needy2 ell, a woman

    who is not secure within herself, will always be approval seeking, and looking for validation

    from a man.

    %s you saw with the e(ample describing the behavior of a woman who was nervous, her bodylanguage, tone, and even way she spoke all indicated that she was looking for approval. $learly

    she was trying to impress the guy, but the subCcommunication gave an answer as to 4Y she

    was trying to do that.

    !he wanted him to like her. !o now she is again seeking approval, and this reeks of desperation

    to a guy.

    This is why the very first step to subCcommunicating value is to 70+1 the desire.

    hat does )removing the desire mean2 It means that you go in, with an e(tremely casual

    attitude after this, where you do not project, indicate, or even act out in any way, your deeper

    needs, toward or around a man.

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    It basically translates as this6 dont show the guy that you need him, just show him that you

    want him.

    It means that you emotionally detach from the situation, and do not depend so heavily

    anymore, therefore on the outcome.

    Its basically like taking on the male stance to the whole situation, wherein you come in

    logically, instead of emotionally.

    You see, when you approach a situation as the one described in the e(ample earlier,

    emotionally, you almost always will subCcommunicate the wrong ideas, messages, or worse, to

    a man. !ubCcommunicating value, in the case of that e(ample, means that a woman should

    come in confidently, removing her emotions temporarily from the mi(.

    It means that she is not heavily )emotionally dependent on the outcome, and therefore

    begins to start subCcommunicating value to that very same man, now. &ow she wont be

    afraid to look him directly in the eyes, with a very solid form of eye contact, for e(ample,

    because again, now she is not dependent on the outcome.

    motionally its not going to affect her, like it would have before, so now she can come in

    confidently, both internally and e(ternally, to communicate a level of value that she has. &ow

    the man will be able to see that value as well, because she would not be projecting anyinternal insecurities or neediness.

    !o the key then, to removing the desire, is to once again, take on a logical approach, by

    suspending your emotions therein, so that you no longer are heavily depending on an

    outcome, or result from your man, just to resolve your needs in the first place.

    This might sound strange, but a man will actually work to resolve your needs, +&-Y when you

    are &+T subCcommunicating neediness. This is why you have to subCcommunicate value.

    There is a way, to actually consciously, and verbally subCcommunicate value to your man, and

    that is the second part of this step. The first part, as noted, is to act like you are not needy, by

    removing the intense desire, through the temporary suspension of your emotions. I.. You

    take the male approach to it, by not relying heavily on the outcome, or not being too

    )outcome dependent.

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    7emember that you want this guy, but dont need him.

    !o the second part of this step now, once you have done this, and are now beginning to subC

    communicate value by not projecting a ton of emotional neediness, or insecurities =because

    you backed away emotionally>, is to physically confirm it with action, words, and bodylanguage.

    %s I mentioned earlier, a part of subCcommunication comes in your actual behavior, and a part

    of that is in your body language, and the words you use, as well.

    !o what you are going to do now, is you are actually going to verbally subCcommunicate value

    to your man, by saying the following6

    I dont know if we would make a good couple, I mean look at our differences.

    I know it sounds strange that a man would derive %&Y value from a statement like that, where

    you are not clearly validating his ego, and where you are not clearly telling him how intensely

    you want to be with him, but allow me to e(plain why this works with men.

    You see, the human brain is funny, because when someone tells you not to do something,

    your mind forces you to do that very thing.

    It means that if you tell a guy that you might not be a good couple, his mind will come in and

    start to try to find reasons as to why this is, or is not true. 'ut whats going to happen, almost

    FBBG of the time, is that a man will actually +&-Y look for reasons as to why this $%&T be


    hy is that2

    ell, you have subCcommunicated through this statement, that you dont actually &/ him.

    This creates a panic within your man, as his ego now feels threatened, and looks for ways to

    feel justified and validated again.

    Its basically like saying to a guy6 84ey, you are nice. 'ut I need great@9.

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    &ow I will e(plain in just a bit, why this works, for a man, but for now, here are some other

    things that you can verbally say to a man, to subCcommunicate value, and remember that you

    must match your actions, and behavior to the things you are saying, so that you are not saying

    one thing, but doing another. !o, match your behavior with these statements6

    I understand that we get along together really well, but I dont want to force you intoanything right now. Its best to keep our options open.9

    I dont want you to think that I am looking to rush things, in fact, I believe that both of usshould not lock ourselves into something just yet.9

    I really love how we click together, but I dont want to ruin that by attaching a relationshiplabel to it just yet. -ets just keep things cool for now9

    I feel really amazing around you, but Id like for that to always be true. !o lets just takethings slow for now.9


    These statements will make him wonder 8what is she saying that I am not good enough2 If

    she thinks that we click, why is she saying this29.

    'ut heres the best part6 this is where he starts coming up with his own reasons. This is where

    the scanning comes into play.

    The statements actually make you look secure, because other women are not capable of

    backing away from their desire, emotionally, so that they can subCcommunicate to their man

    that they want him, but dont need him.

    hat will happen after you start to subCcommunicate verbally alongside behaviorally, is that

    your man will be forced to scan his mind and come up with his own reasons to why its going

    to work, in the first place.

    !o this is where the mind scanning comes back into play. %gain, you are going to get your man

    to come up with answers and reasons, +& your behalf, so that you dont even have to.

    This is where he starts to actually thoroughly begin looking for answers, and what is even

    better about this reality, is that he will try very hard after this to "7+1 to you, just how wrong

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    you are because you have challenged him to.

    4ow did you challenge him to do that2

    ell first you took your emotions out of the mi(, and thus in doing so, stopped chasing him. It

    means that you start to subCcommunicate value, by not painting yourself anymore as thehelpless, desperate, and needy type.

    The desperate, helpless, and needy woman is e(tremely unattractive to most men, and this

    behavior often makes men withdraw, avoid, or ignore that woman.

    0en ultimately fear being trapped in a situation where they are stuck with a woman who

    emotionally projects in a negative way. Thus, any time you are communicating that reality to a

    man, he will close himself off from you.

    !o its important to remember and note that you have to subCcommunicate value not just with

    your words, but in your body language as well, which means that your vocal tones, your body

    language, the things that you say, and even your facial e(pressions all have to come together

    to communicate the !%0 message.

    This very !%0 message must also be the %$T3%- message you are trying to convey, which is

    why you have to start studying your own level of subCcommunication. !tart paying attention tohow it is that you physically react or respond to your man, when you are around him.

    %re you truly e(hibiting a level of confidence, for e(ample2 +r are you e(hibiting a needy


    -ook for moments when you often seek assurance from your man, verbally, such as in always

    looking for his approval, in the things you say, or waiting for him to confirm that he likes

    something, before you push forward with an idea or a decision etc

    atch to see how your body moves and reacts around your man as well. %re you turned

    inward, physically, almost shying away2 +r are you projecting your body outward, confidently2

    %gain, pay attention to how you are actually reacting, instead of only paying attention to how

    you feel you are acting alone.

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    0ake sure that the way you say things, subCcommunicates value too.

    !o, if you want a guy to be with you, dont come in saying something direct like this6

    I really want to be with you.9, or 8I think wed make a really great couple.9.

    If you say to a guy, that you think youd make a good couple but say it in a needy fashion, he

    will read that, and feel weird, and will be compelled to say )no. 'ut, if you say the same thing

    coming from a perspective of security, he will be more likely to say yes.

    %ll that telling a man that you need him does, is it communicates the following message to a


    8I really need you, badly. "lease be with me@9

    %gain, you want to show your man, that you want him, but dont need him. /oing this is the

    difference between a man running away, and a man wanting to stay.

    !o, as another e(ample, if a woman says something like 8I want the lights off9 to a man, during

    an intimate moment,

    % man will hear the intent of a subCcommunicated message that tells him, 8IHm insecure about

    my body, and I donHt want you to judge me on it.9.

    % man then affirms that you are worried about what he is going to think. %gain, this rubs off as

    a deep seeded insecurity, and doesnt subCcommunicate value.

    The value you are after, is actually like a good song that he listens to, it makes him feel good,

    and he doesnt feel like listening to it is going to take something away from him.

    !ubCcommunicating insecurities, or intense neediness, again, causes a man to feel like you

    might be taking away from him, as he starts to feel trapped, so always be careful to look at

    what you are actually asking for, or what you are actually saying, including to watch for how

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    you phrase your statements, and even how you react physically to everything that is going on

    when you are around a man.

    %gain, you want to create a challenge for him, so that he actually starts looking to answer all

    of the things that you need, want, or desire, himself, on his own, without you even asking him.

    That challenge therefore has to come in the way that you speak to your man, the way that youconvey your needs, and more.

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    T4I&*I&< about it, but rather is doing that now.

    hat youre doing is basically triggering your man to become an open book after this point. !o

    how do you get a man to do that2

    You create a Determined Disconnect.

    hat is a 8/etermined /isconnect9, e(actly2 ell, its when you make your man determined

    to chase you, by disconnecting from him emotionally and physically, in a strategic way.

    You see, ultimately, what the Determined Disconnectdoes, is it makes your man feel as

    though he is almost on the verge of getting something great. 4e will feel that it is great,

    because you will have communicated value, with step DA, and will have taken away the

    difficulty for him to see that, with step DF.

    3ltimately, what this means is that when your man is feeling as if he is on the verge of getting

    something, that a desire will be generated, that your man will work hard to have satisfied.

    That desire, of course, is to seek the full fulfillment of the very thing that is on the )verge of

    being satisfied in the first place. 0en hate things that are only partially fulfilled, which means

    they work hard, when something is almost complete, to get %-- of it.

    &ow you already created a slight disconnected with step DA, with the e(amples of the verbal

    confirmation of the subCcommunicated value, but youre going to take that level deeper, with

    this step, by creating the Determined Disconnect.

    There is just one thing that you need to do, to accomplish this. hat is that2

    You dis#ualify him, which makes him seek your validation.

    e have an internal need to be liked by the opposite se(, as human beings, and feeling

    validated, therefore, is one of our core primal needs. Therefore, by dis#ualifying a guy, you

    trigger this need on a very strong level, which will make a guy try a little bit harder around


    !o now, the #uestion is this6 how do you dis#ualify a guy2

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    You do it by gently rejecting him. 4ow does gentle rejection work2

    ell, consider this possibility, lets say that, for e(ample your man normally used to call you

    every single day. 'ut now, he has started taking you for granted, and is not as %

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    !o you are ultimately letting him into your world, but not completely at first, and as a result

    your man will take liberties after that, to go beyond that level and cross it.

    0en hate being told what to do, and thus will become defiant when you try to control them.

    The result here, is that instead of pulling away, avoiding you, or worse, your man will actually

    push hard back at you, with an intense level of curiosity, action taking, and interest.

    &ow, the reason why this lets you scan a mans mind, is because he will reveal to you, himself,

    through his actions as he pushes back on you, what e(actly it is that he truly wants. In fact, he

    will even begin to reveal to 4I0!-: what it is that he truly wants.

    Youll notice that once you implement the steps of the 0ind !canner report, that your man

    will be able to clearly communicate to you about his deeper needs and desires, because you

    will find him, for e(ample, chasing after you a lot harder, or trying harder to get you to desire


    Its in those moments that you will clearly be able to see e(actly what it is that your man

    actually wants, because he will be working hard to get it, he will be communicating e(actly

    what he wants, and he will not back down from trying to achieve it either.

    !o if he wants Y+3, and wants to be with you, youll see him communicating that through his

    actions and needs from here on out.

    !o what you gain, when you put this into action, is the ability to first set the record straight for

    your man, to help him #uestion the right things, himself, without you having to ask him in the

    first place.

    You then, secondly, gain the ability to make your man feel that the communication gap has

    been bridged between you and your man, which further helps to cement his ability to actually

    tell you what he truly wants, but to also allow you to receive that reality as well.

    Thus, the final thing which will happen, is that your man will start telling you what he wants,

    and how he wants it, to win his heart, because he will be pushing back hard, to prove himself

    to you, and to validate himself through you, he will clearly be indicating what he wants and

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    needs in doing that after this point.

    7emember that men are not like locked doors. They are unlocked, and all you simply must do,

    is just turn the handle, and enter. Trying to fight against that, by banging on the )door or

    trying to knock the whole door down, by subCcommunicating the wrong things, or by

    projecting confusing realities to your man, means that he will feel attacked.

    You dont have to fight against him. In fact you simply have to avoid the fight. Thats what the

    steps of the 0ind !canner report are about. They are about refusing to fight yourself, or even

    your man in the situation, and to instead emotionally back away, from both yourself and your

    man, to finally get what you actually want and desire.

    /o this, especially around a man, and you will find that he will push back harder than ever

    before, to prove to you that he really does belong with you, because you arent acting in asuper clingy, or emotionally ta(ing manner.