Mind Monsters Participant Handbook



This handbook accompanies the Mind Monsters Short Film DVD series. It is designed for use with the Mind Monsters DVD curriculum. Mind Monsters was written with the goal to equip you to learn how to take your thoughts captive and focus only on the ones you want to focus on. When you recognize mind monsters for what they are and learn biblical truths to overcome them, you can discover and destroy them!

Transcript of Mind Monsters Participant Handbook


participant handbookkevin Gerald

This handbook accompanies Themind monsTers shorT Film dVd series.


Monster keY see this monster? then, Do this.

reADGet those eyeballs of yours in gear. A Mind Monsters book and a Bible will help you go deeper.

DiscussIf you’re studying this with a group, go ahead, spit it out.

WriteThinking it means you should write it down. If others inspire you, write that down too.

memorizeSay it out loud. Repeat. Repeat.

PrAyGather the group and talk to God. Or make it personal and pray it yourself.


T his study guide is designed for use with the Mind Monsters DVD curriculum. Mind Monsters

was written with the goal to equip you to learn how to take your thoughts captive and focus only on the ones you want to focus on. When you recognize mind monsters for what they are and learn biblical truths to overcome them, you can discover and destroy them!

2 session 1

session 1 NeGATIVe INVADeRS Of The MIND

3session 1

iT is impossible To liVe a posiTiVe liFe wiTh a negaTiVe mind.

What impacted you the most in today’s session?






In your Bible, read JuDGeS 6:12-16

Can you relate to Gideon’s feelings of inadequacy?

In today’s session, Pastor Kevin stated: “negative invaders of the mind come into our thoughts. They come and take up residence in our minds. We then become the thinker of those thoughts...they become our opinions...our concepts...our beliefs...” We see how this was the case for Gideon, he believed he was not up for the task of saving the Israelites.

What are some negative invaders that have tak-en over your own mind keeping you from God’s purpose for your life?

4 session 1




God has placed all of us in positions of influence; our fami-lies, our circle of friends, our workplaces and our communi-ties all represent our ‘world’.

how can mind monsters hinder your ability to influence your world in a positive way?




Take a moment to name two to three people in your world who could benefit from your positive influence.



In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. | MATTheW 5:16

5session 1

“father, thank you for giving me the mind of Christ. Today I choose to take a stand against mind monsters that want to invade my thoughts. help me Lord to recognize mind monsters as I pay attention to my internal dialogue, moods and conversation. help me to see and recognize the people in my world that would benefit from my positive attitude. help me remember all that I’ve learned as I continue to grow according to your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

On your own time look up the following passag-es of scripture in your bible, highlight them and memorize them.

epheSIANS 3:20-21 | epheSIANS 4:23

Go DeePerIn your Mind Monsters book, read the section WAYWARD ThINKING found on pages 3-5.

session 1 notes_____________________________________________________







6 session 2

session 2TWO LIONS

7session 2

whicheVer lion you Feed will grow

What impacted you the most in today’s session?




In your Mind Monsters book, read the section fOCuS ON The pOSITIVe found on pages 18-19.

What happens when you focus on the positive things in life?



In your Bible, read ISAIAh 55:8-9

In today’s session Pastor Kevin shared how he fed his FAITH during the time of his hip injury by imagining the good things God had for his future. Things like running again, walking his daughter down the aisle and playing with his grandkids.

8 session 2

Imagine some of the good things God has in store for your own life. Write them down and share some with the group.



ROMANS 8:37-39: We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Why is it so important to read and memorize scriptures like this to build up our faith?



So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dis-mayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righ-teous right hand. | ISAIAh 41:10

9session 2

“father, thank you for giving me the power, love and self-discipline to overcome confusion. I know you are not the author of confusion and today I choose to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things. I put my trust and con-fident hope in Christ Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. Today I will live by faith and not by sight. Today I will focus on the positive things that surround me. Today I will Affirm myself according to your word and promises for my life. Today I will Imagine bigger and better things for my future. Today I will Trust in your plans and timing. Today I will set my Hope firmly on you. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Go DeePerOn your own time look up the following passag-es of scripture in your bible, highlight them and memorize them.

1 JOhN 4:18 | JOShuA 1:9phILIppIANS 4:6-7

session 2 notes______________________________________________________






10 session 3

session 3The fOuR RS

11session 3

your liFe will be deFined by The ThoughTs you accepT or rejecT

What impacted you the most in today’s session?




In your Mind Monsters book, read the section The pOWeR Of ReCOGNITION found on pages 44-45.

Take a moment to reflect on the last three days of your life. Can you recall your dominant internal dialogue, moods and conversations? Were they positive or negative?




There’s a scripture in the Bible referred to as the P4:8 stan-dard for thinking. It is found in phILIppIANS 4:8:

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, what-ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

12 session 3

how can you apply the p4:8 standard to your own life?







In your Mind Monsters book, read the section fILL YOuR MIND found on pages 64-65.

What are some positive thoughts you can focus on to replace any remaining negative thoughts and maintain the p4:8 standard?







Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!| 2 CORINThIANS 5:17

13session 3

“father, I will not conform any longer to the thinking pattern of this world, but I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I will retrain my mind with new and better habits. I will overcome the invasion of mind monsters and live according to the assignment You have for me each day. I will not try to please men today but I will strive to please you God, who tests my heart. I will take captive every thought and test it according to phILIppIANS 4:8. Thank you for the promise of a bigger and better future Lord. I will partner with you today to see that promise become a reality. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Go DeePerOn your own time look up the following passag-es of scripture in your Bible, highlight them and memorize them.

2 TIMOThY 1:7 | 1 CORINThIANS 10:13 pROVeRBS 3:13-14 | JAMeS 1:5-8

session 3 notes______________________________________________________







14 session 4


15session 4

reTraining your mind

What impacted you the most in today’s session?






In your Mind Monsters book, read the section ReTRAINING YOuR MIND: heRe’S hOW found on pages 78-81.

Part of overcoming mind monsters is retraining our minds to think and see things differently. Writing down the person you want to be activates change. Take a moment to write down three to five characteristics of the person you want to become:

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

how will your thinking need to change in order to see these things take place?

16 session 4




List some of the ways you plan to master your mind and partner with God to become the person he wants you to be. Then share a couple with the group.




Be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].| epheSIANS 4:23, AMp

“father, thank you for giving me the tools I need to retrain my mind. I have hidden your word in my heart and I will not conform any longer to the thinking pattern of this world. You have giv-en me a spirit of power, love and self-discipline and I choose to set my mind on things above, not on earthly things. My hope is in you the living God and I know that you are with me always. As I continue this journey I will look for your wis-dom and I commit to applying it to my life. help me to recognize mind monsters and give me the strength to reject them. I will replace them with positive thoughts as I continue to retrain my mind to be like the mind of Christ. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

17session 4

On your own time look up the following passag-es of scripture in your bible, highlight them and memorize them.

2 CORINThIANS 4:18 | ROMANS 12:2ReVeLATIONS 21:5 | ISAIAh 41:10

Go DeePerIn your Mind Monsters book, read the section WhO DO YOu WANT TO Be? found on pages 83-89.

session 4 notes______________________________________________________













