Mind for Money Repatterning - NeuroGym · Mind for Money Repatterning : Coding Yourself for Joy,...

Session 4 with Dr. George Pratt Mind for Money Repatterning : Coding Yourself for Joy, Wealth, and Beyond

Transcript of Mind for Money Repatterning - NeuroGym · Mind for Money Repatterning : Coding Yourself for Joy,...

Session 4 with

Dr. George Pratt

Mind for Money Repatterning : Coding Yourself for Joy, Wealth, and Beyond

You Are Designed to be Happy

• What gets in your way? Blocks, Interferences, FOG, LIFE

• How much water do you think is in an acre of fog 3 feet deep?

• From infancy, life becomes complicated: many ‘Nos’, high expectations, disappointments, microtruamas.

The Impact of Microtraumas

• Beliefs are formed that try to make sense of the events.

• Sylvia and the Quarter.

• Tom and his FBI dad trying to motivate backwards.

• Rob & Drama, from wages to wealth.

The Flea and the Elephant

• Your Conscious Mind and Your Subconscious Mind

• 20:20,000,000 or a Million to One

• Conscious Mind is Creative and Can Initiate, but Subconscious, like the Elephant Goes Where it Wants to Go. What are Your Subconscious Programs?

7 Common Limiting Beliefs

• I’m not safe • I’m worthless • I’m powerless • I’m not loveable • I cannot trust anyone • I’m bad • I’m alone

Step 1 – Identify Your Life Limiting Beliefs

1. An interview with yourself: How have microtraumas created faulty beliefs?

Source: Code to Joy: the 4 Step Solution to Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness

Recall the microtrauma and ask yourself how would a 4-year old, or 7-year old or whatever age you were, have understood that or those events. (Sylvia, Tom, and Drama)

Step 2 – Clearing Your Mind/Body for Change

Part 1. Crosshand Breathing: Similar to Balanced Breathing

• Seated, cross left ankle over your right ankle. • Place your left hand across chest, fingers at collarbone. • Breathe in through nose and out through mouth • Touch tongue to roof of mouth on inhale and relax tongue down on exhale. • Breathe this way for two minutes.

Step 2 – Clearing Your Mind/Body for Change

Part 2. Grounding Yourself

Place both hands, one on top of the other over your solar plexus (above your belly button and below your rib cage. Close your eyes and visualize a cable going down through your body into the earth. Hold for a minute and breathe slowly

Step 3 – Repatterning Your Beliefs

Part 1. Close your eyes and create an image of a healing basket

Step 3 – Repatterning Your Beliefs

Part 2. Create Your New Empowering Belief

Create a positive belief that more accurately describes what you want to know is true. For example: From I’m worthless to, “I’m worthy and deserving of wealth and success.”

Step 3 – Repatterning Your Beliefs Part 3. Pledge of Self-Acceptance

Rub the chest spot in a circular motion to the left and around

“I very deeply accept myself and am worthy and deserving of wealth and success.” Repeat 10x initially, then 5x for future reinforcements.

Step 3 – Repatterning Your Beliefs

Part 4. Variations of Release Imagery

• Waterfall • Rain • Mountain Lake • Swimming in the Ocean • Warm Shower • Beam of Healing Light • Burn in Fire • Float Away in Hot Air Balloon • Your own creative image for letting go and release

Step 4. Anchoring the New Belief

Part 1. Create a personal symbol for your new positive belief of wealth, success, and personal accomplishment.

Step 4. Anchoring the New Belief

Part 2. Place your hands as shown.

1. Breathe and hold for one minute imagine your ideal life being manifested and repeat your new positive belief.

2. Blank your mind for one minute.

3. Visualize a symbol of success for one minute.

Process at a Glance

Step 1. Identify any microtraumas and life limiting beliefs. Step 2. Clear your mind/body with Crosshand Breathing, Grounding, and Clearing Imagery. Step 3. Repattern new positive self-beliefs with the Pledge of Acceptance, the Healing Basket to contain and change, and images of release. Step 4. Anchor your symbol of success with your imagery of your ideal life.

Resources for Additional Learning

• Code to Joy: The 4-Step Solution to Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness by George Pratt, Ph.D. and Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. • The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale • The Feeling Good Handbook: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns, M.D. • The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size by Tor Norretranders

Coming up in the next installment

Email: [email protected] www.DrGeorgePratt.com www.CodeToJoy.com

Hypnosis: Tuning Your Mind to the Success Channel