m$&immm?::' -...

~™^m$&immm?::' ^ AT HIS PRIHIING OFFICE, BOOKSTOIIK & BIKPERY, «nfain-&reei, nearly opposite the Hotel, . KxENEVA, ONTARIO^.OOSTT. NKW-VYORK. TERMS, To village subscribers, $2 50 cents a year, - To those living ont of the village vfrho call at the Bookstore,' and to those who receive the paper by mail, $2. To Companies of not less than ten, §150 cents, payable when the papers are taken; $ingle papers, six peijce. ( p r N o papers discontinued vfrfthoutpayment of al-rearag^s. ' , | , _ '•' ' -- ADVERTISEJiEN'TS. Inserted, at the usual rates. , AJiboral deduction to those who advertise by tfic year. OfF Handbills, Cards,. J}lattlcs, and all Kinds of PRINTING, executed at the shortest notice and lowest prices. , ."' & tt£dL,I*. Loa^&fgm mvsimspf^. which* they oS^r for -cash nt approved credit, a loWascaiibe purchased cl8iie$re. Although they dp hot profess the ^{tdmirabjle secret of making a pfofit in selling Goods at tost, yet they'will en- gage to sell at a small advance from purchase price, persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves. ,HOUSE & SIGN POINTING done aa usual, in every variety of Style.. E P Paints,, of all colors ground in Oil. Genm, May'*8'. 1831. ' 44, ftalrrfcted from Day's List. NEW^C&E. . United States' Bank and branches - - - - pa?.a| N. York City Banks pk» Bk. of Poughkaepsie do Duchess County do Lausingburgh do Long Island do Albany Banks i AJljQthers i Was. & Warrea no sale Barker's -' ' 90 Niagara no sale. N. JERSEY. Farm.&Mec.over5 par Newark B. & Ins " par Orange Batik " par State Bank " par State B. Newark " par State B. N. Bras. " par Other solvent banks fa.J Allo.thers nncertain MASSACHUSETTS. All the Banks g Except Sutton bank "5 Berkshire? * broke MfiSelstSt'Belch. 90a94 All the Banks par & | Except Derby broke Eagle broke PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia Banks i Chester County £ Delaware County do Gerniarrtown - do Montgomery County do' Easton Bank do Farmers, Bucks co. do Farmers', Lancaster do Harrisburgh bank do. Bunk i o,f r .La|icaster do Wyomift# do, laiMifSBding & Eri#Bank 1 Miners' pottjsville i York Bank &I N. FI. Bridge Co. $ AH others uncertain OHIO. BankofChilicothe -4 Bank of Marietta do Mount Pleasant _ do Commercial, Sciota do Dayton Manu. Com. do Farm. & Mechati. do Franklin do Lancns. Ohio bank do Western. Reserve do Belmont bank . 4 Farmers, 'Canton 4 AH others. (g6)"nncertnio. VERMONT. All the Banks I R. ISLAND., All the Banks § Exct. Farm. .Esc. broke • MAINE. All the Banks . | . Except Bath bank 10 Castine broke. Hallowell & Aug. broke Kennebec broke Passamnqtiody broke Wiscasset broke Delaware Banks Maryland Banks Michigan Dist. Columbia Georgia Notes Upper Canada. Lower Canada Aal i 5a2 2 2 1 % T l WILLIAM HUSTON, T JJNDERS his best thanks to his costomers and the public,forthe very'-hberal patronage he has received,, and pledges himself that his best exertions shall not be wanting to merit its continu- ance, and the confidence of hia.eUstome'rV |n ad- and otters for sale, a very general, scasonaifc, and (heflattershimself,) well selected, and VERT CHEAP .assortment of X>RY GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GL ASS-Ware, Hard- Ware, Hollow-Ware, Bar Irpn, Steel, N ai te> NajIRods, asmalland usefuIassortmontofptfC/GS' "and MEDICINES, Saddlery, Eastern "Hgpected SOLE LEATHER, Lamp Oil, Shovels and Spades, Men's, Women's and Children's BOOTS and SIJOES, from the large coarse_Boot and Bro. gan, to the finest .Morocco Shoes.and Prunelle gaiter heeled Boots; Men's arid Boy's Wool and Fur HATS, &o. &c. &c. "and which he is dispo- sed to offer on such terms as he hope's will induce those wattling Goods to purchase of him. ITFCash paid for WHEAT andRYE, HIDES, $c. &.c. an.d most kinds of PRODUCE received at liberal"prices ia-exchange for Goods. Bellona, November, 1831. . . 72 IfO.VEMtBER'25, 1831. M subscriber has returned again from Jlew- York with a new supply of PaH and Win- )QDS. Having purchased them since the M e n fall of Goods, in New-York, he will be —'i <H?" J !lem rancn l o w o r th »n us °al. Among whic%are the following: Blue, black, olive and tnixt BROAD CLOTHS ; Blue, black and drab CASSIMERES; Brown and drab PETERSHAMS; Merino; CLOTHS and CIRCASSIANS; Merino Wng and square SHAWLS, best quality; Baiaijfe, Friese'and Flannels; Gdata&alr and imitation Camblets; India Satins, best, quality; Gro,. de Swiss and Gre-dc.Nap. SILKS; Italian and Sincbew Silks; Calicoes, new patterns; Ribbons, new styles;. Cotton Yarn; Candle-Wick 5 "Batting & Wadding; tseghprn and Dunstable Straw HATS; Far Caps and Collars i Hair Caps; Ingram Carpeting; Rngs and Carpet Binding; Looking Glasses and Crockery; -•> Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES. Qfff] JOaEPIj THAYER, May 24, 1831. HE subscriber has now received nearly, his entire Stock of • " - SPRESTG GOODS, embracing a more extensive assortment than he has ever before offered: all which have been selected with great care, andean be sold-unusually low. o 45 - W. S. DE ZENG. T FALL & WINTER SUPPLY. . ,., . © OCTOBER, 1831. I HE subscribers are now receiving a.nd open- ing at their Store, corner of W**BR and <3A*w*-S*RBB<rs. (oppoutB. Uie.^a&l» I'syern,) thwTupply'of PALL &. WINTER«0ODS-a- tnongwhich are many new and desirable articles. The fallowing, may be enumerated •' DRY GOODS. Extramiperfine&une HueBROAD CLOTHS; Do. do.. do. black doi do. London brown, olive^brown and claTet colored CLOTHS; e . Mi art CLOTHS and CASSIMERES i SnperfineGrfeen Cloth; Blue, black, and fancy cbl'd Cassimeros; blne-miiitt, and fancy col'd Sattinets; Sdperfine brown Habit Cloth-; - t A jarge a«rd fashionable assortment of Winter VESTmGS; s , Peter>tiams, Lion-skin, Mole-skin Fustians, Beaverteens, and Bangup Cords-; CaniBlets and Plaids, a larg-e assortment; G^reeh'Baizei Green Flannel and Sorge, \Vliite, scarlet, red and yellow. Flannel; • JMferino's, and Merino Circassians, great variety? «$|-and 5-4 black Bombasin ; * p^l^hams and Calicoes, alarge assortment, and i&4^S-4 and 10-4-Table Diaper,- superior article; Rttssia Sheeting, Russia Diaper and Napkins; *6-4 Birdseye Diaper; 4'4Irish Linen; Bleach'd Cotton, Sheetinj? and Shirting; Brown Sheeting and Shirting, superior quality; • Fur Co)lar»& GtOVfcs; Gents, siip^ Buck, do. ; iLadies Beaver and HosRins' do. Do. do. do. lined do. tadies black and coPd Worsted Hose; ©or *" R-andiittt do. Dio. white arif cblor'd Lamb's wool do. Cpildren'a andiMisses white worsted do. Genu, white and col'd Lamb's wool half Hose; H-i and 8-4 scarlet and black Merino Shdtcls f 00.- . "do. do. Thibet^Shawls & Handkerchiefs; •' Prussian and Valencia Shawls, a large assort't. Scarlet, drab, and blackC assimare do.; Sup. black India Satin ; Blafifc Sarcenet, Sinchew, Lnstring,Gro. de- Nap, «nd Gjo. de Berlig Sittsj Palmarine, Mandarin, ana Pernvian Dresss Handkercbiefsl Faiiey Silk Dress Handkerchiefs; Russian Fur Vandykes; " Silk aad-Cottp'n Uhlbryias; Furniture Dimity, and Calico,; Apron Check; 7-8 and6-"4 Bed Ticking; FiWpoinf Blankets; ^ ' 0-4, 10-4, &M-4#o!ieBlankets; .> Cotton Yarn, Baiting, Wadding, &c. &c. ••"'••' '•• GROCfiRIES. . "• Hyson, .Yonng Hyson, and \ f E A S , -.of the la Hyson Skin , $ test importations i Loaf, Lump and Brown SUGARS? •' ' St, Domingo, Cuba andlia Guaira Coffee; Pepper, Ginger,' Spice, Cloves & Cinnamon - London Bottled Mustard; Poland; and American Starch;. . ,Mob|ses, Raisins and.Chocolate; j^dlgV, Salt Petre, Alum and Copperas,; Qid-London,,particularMa3eira»: VWWJJS Vorsuperi- t orqualttj' liAMP Oil- T HE subscriber having made arrangements for a constant supply of Spermaceti Oils, from one of the principal Factories in the United States, is enabled to offer the public the very purest of Lamp Oils, and Spermaceti Candles. ,He is now receiving 3,000 gals. Winter Strained Head MalterOIL; 2,000 " Fall Strained OIL; 2,000 " Summer Strained OIL; 20 boxes Sperm. CANDLES.' Families will do well to call. Manufacturers, also, may be supplied by the tierce or barrel,Very low. H. H. MERRELL, 21, Seneca-it. Geneva, Nov. 1,1830. *6i} ... JfrJHB W O O I l . ^ . . \ T H E subscriber has just received frortiN*. Yy a fresh supply of the following articles: O & CO Logwood, Fustic, Nicaragua, CoroWood, Hatchwood. j g^ Camwood, Madder, Copperas, Alnm, Blue Vitriol. Quercitron Bark, Span. Fi. Indigo, Manilla do. Bengal" do.' Verdigris, Oil Vitriol, Nutgalls, AITO SHEARING MACHINES. Together with eve*ry other article required by Clothiers, npw received and for sale by the sub- scriber ; together with a large Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, LIQUORS and GROCERIES, which will be sold very low for cash. Hi H. MERRELL, Corner Seneea and Water-streets. Geneva, Sept. 19, 1831. 62 Curcuma, Crem Tartar, Red Tartar, Extract Logwood, Grain Tin. Cochineal, Aq. Fortis, &pt. Sea Salt, Olive Oil, Jacks, Press Papers, Tentre Honks, Brushes, Plates, Cranks, Screws, HEW FALL & WINTER GOODS. T HE subscriber »a now receiving a very ex- tensive assortment of Fall and mnttr' GOODS—and a general assortment of* FAM- ILY GROCERIES, which wiS be sold low. N. AYRAULT, A'o..l, Franklin Stores. Geneva, Sept. 28,. 1831. 63 Fur. Caps, Gloves, Buffalo Robes- J UST received, a large and choice assortment of FUR CAPS and GLOVES ; also, ten bales superior BUFFALO ROBES—for sale cheap. GEORGE NICHOLS & CO. Geneva, Oct. 18,1831. 66 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL H I T SV?OB.B« THE subscribers continue to keep for I'sale, Wholesale or "-Retail, at their Hat Store in Seneca-St. opposite I'routy's Hard- ware Store, a general assortment of HATS. A' continuance of public patronage is respectfully so- licited. WIGHT & CLARK. Geneva, J««e23, 1830. - (97) ! NEW BOOKS. f IfRiHE subscriber has now on hand an extensive ^PAT'lnSl 6 ' 16 /' 11 ""Wrtment of BOOKS, ..among the new Works, just received, viz: ANNALS of TRYON COUNTY, or.the Bor- .der warfare of' New-York, during the Revolution, .by William W. Campbell^ Si r E a D WARD Si'WATlD'S NARRATIVE 0i nis-bhipwreck, and couseqnent discovery of certain felands in the Caiibbean Sea: with a de- rail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events m hui life. Edited by Miss Jane Porter. 'FITZGERALD: bv Thomas Moore. JACQUELINE OF HOLLAND, ^Historical • Tale, byT. C. Grattan.,, • ^irIH?A I N S P A , N - hy a Young American. HISTORY OF POLAND, from the earliest Pernod to the present time ; • ' ». FESTIVALS, GAMES, & AMUSEMENTS, ncient and Modern. * Life and Times of his late Majesty George the Fourth; with Apecdotes of distinguished persons of the lastfiftyyears. History of Sculpture, Painting nnd Architecture. A Natural History of die Globe, of Man, of £asts, Birds, FisheR. Reptiles, Insectsjind Plants, m the writings of Buffoo, Cuvier, and other ami Weii! Naturalists; a new .edition with modern iiM- provements and 580 engravings. •< Library of^EnUrtaining Knowledge, completo as fafss* published, comprising 15 vols. \ The Koran, with-Notes, i&c. a new edition. ' j Guy's Pockat Cyclopedia, or epitome of universal Knowledge designedforscholars in scnools, and for young persons in general, containing-multifa- rioiiB and useful information on numerous subjects, necessary to be known by all persons, yet not to be found in books of general use in schools. Lmcon of Useful Knowledge, for the use of Schools and Libraries, with several hundred en- gravings, by the Rev. H. Wilber, A-'M. ^ - - For sale at the Bookstore of J. BOGERT. Main-Street, Geneva, Nov. SO. 1831. . CASHFORWHEAT. T HE subscriber will pay the highest priccin caskfor^QjOOO bushels of good merchanta- ble WHEAT.delivered at bis ware-house, Ge- neva. N. AYRAULT, 2d Aug. 1831. [55] Foot of Seneca-St. CIDER TCHNLSS&ASL fi^A BBLS. best qnality CIDER VINE- %M%W GAR, just received and for sale at No. 21, Seneca-street. H. H. MERRELL. Geneva, jffop.23. 1830. 19 WHEAT AND BARLEY. ASH, and the highest,price, will be paid for c •JYeiti. Stock of Leather AND FINDINGS,- 1 A T tne " Geneva Leather and Shoe Slore, ,< op- im. po.sile E. Beebo's Hotel, Main-Street, Ge- neva—just received and offered for sale the fyl- lowing-nrticles:— 500 Sides SOLE LEATHER; ^ 40Q Sides waxed and grained UrPER do.; - CALF SKINS, MOROCCO SKINS ; SEAL do. BINDING do.; LINING do. Lasts, Boot and Shoe Trees; Boot Cramps, Thread of all the different num bers and colors, Kuives> Awte, Pincers; • Punches, Hammers, Size Sticks, Giggers, and many other articles not named, .dteo, 1,000,000 of Cut Sparables, which will be sold low by the quantity. The subscriber has now on hand the most exten- sive Stock of ready made BOOTS & SHOES which i|[e has ever before offered the public, and V- STONE WANTED, AT THE PIERS, IN SODVS BAY. S EALED -Proposals will be received by the subscriber, to be forwarded to him by Mail to Geneva, Ni Y. until 20th February, 1832 to contract for tho delivery, of from 1500 to 2000 Cords of good STONE, at the Piers in Sodus Bay> ol dimensions to weigh not less than 20, nor more than 180 pounds, and that 48 cords per day (if required) be delivered: three-fourths to be paid for pn each delivery, and the balance when the contract is completed, Security will also be re- quired to prevent any delay in delivery, which is o commence on euch day in April as the subscri- ber may require, j. G . SWIF'T 1«.P«.J831. tt '*4g* Goneva, N. Y. WANTED, F ROM one hundred to two hundred thousand r ^J e l l . V hlte w ? od BOARDS and PLANK oftthe. thickness of half inch; and one and three V£f%>,<\ n ft£- ^ ho ' 8oft wpte al >d beech SCANTLING. Contracts wiH r be entered into f°&?W9. , ? ant, , t y deliverable during the winter aod m S#P rm S' h y R- M. BAYLY, n/..i ^ ,r,„. 3Q, Seneca-St. va,WtJiDec. 1831. 76 •• CHEESE. ^~~" 1500 lbs. Oneida County CHEESE. 200 lbs. Otsego County d&. received and for Sale by W. BRYANT & Co. Ger.eva Recess, (No. 7,) Seneca-st. November 23,1831. 71 ' - BROWN'S TOBACCO & SECIARS. CJMOKING TOBACCO^?' Jc5 Fine Cut do. Extra " do. Spanish SEGARS. The subscriber Is appointed Agent for selling (he above at the manufacturer's prices. 67 A. WHITNEY, Geneva, Oct. 25,1831. No. 42 Seneca-St. Good WHEAT and BARLEY. Also, (or 5 contin«is to mannfactnre Gentlemen's Wellington ''Boots from "the best Philadelphia Stock, and war- ranted WorkmaiSship, to all that may please to. fa- -' vor bim with their patronage. D. L. LUM. . Geneva, May 9, 1831. 43 1 HRIBTIAN, TEMPBRANCE, A N T I - MASONIC, COMMON, POCKET and MAis- AmATmxfs.-^mgef- - - ~ TIMOTHY SEED—delivered at myware-houso in'Geneva^ Augusts, 1831. R. M. BAYLY. [58.] .# - A T o.30, Seneea-h. KF FLAX SEED wanted as above. TAR, PITCH & OAKUM. T HE subscribers have lust received a quaati ty of TAR, PITCH and OAKUM, wh(ch thfcy offer for sale at their Stwe r corner of W0M' ana Castle-Streets, (north of the Eagle Tavern.') Also, Harris' and Morse's Grass SCYTHES, of very superior quality. MERRILL, MILFORD & Co, Geneva, 6th June, 1831. 47 r - $ jt 1 COARSE SALT. T HE subscriber, as Agent for the Syracuse Salt Company;- keeps a constant supply o COARSE BAmC*" ,. „,„„ Also, on hand, 500 barrels best quality FINE SALT " W. S. DE ZENG. Geneva, Nov. 15, 18S0. , 18 CASH FOE. HIDES. A EDDY continues to pay cash and the high- est price for BEEF HIDES and CALF SKINS, at his Leather & Shoe Store, in Water- atreet, hear the foot of Seneca-stroet, Geneva. May25, 1831. • 45 ON CONSIGNMENT, 1^ NENETY Gallon Taberg-POTASH •bfr KETTLES; treble bottoms, for sale by JOHN L. DOX, Wdter-st. Geneva, nthJIarch, 1830. » ' . %83, -r-' ''•-" i: "" 3%$" DH0GS, MEDICINES, &C. fWITHE subscriber hafe received a general assprt- I ment of genuine DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINT. OIi;and DYE-STUFFS, &e. &c, all of which Will be offered for sale very low. "' W. W. CARTER. Geneva, June, 1831. ^ 47 litttteu'S & E-x.c\iaiigfc Offiicre No. 30, Seneca-street, Geneva. T ICKETS and SHARES in the New-York Consolidated Lotteries, authorized by the. Legislature, Yates & Mclntyre, Managers, will be kept for sale as they are issued from the Mana- ger's Office, at the Licensed Lottery Office of R. M. BAYLY. UNCURRENT MONEY Bought and Sold.— A Preminm paid for GOLD, particularly SOV- EREIGNS. ET CASH advanced for Prizes as soon as the Drawing is received; Geneva, July, 1831. tf53 FAMILY FLOUR, Fresh Flour from BeacVs Mills-, At No. 1, Franklin Stores. J UST received and for Sale, a quantity of Beach'A Extra Soperfine FLO.UR. (red brand;) also, Superfine and Fine Flour. So great a preference has been given in New-York and other Eastern Markets to " Beach's red brand" over other Floufr that it gives me great pleasure to offer it in this market. It will be sold low, and a constant Bupply kept on hand. Also, BRAN by the bushel. N. AYRAULT. Geneva, ZOthJuly, 1831. * 53 FAMILY FLOUR. S A BARRELS Fine, Superfine, and Extra ^ F brand. Just received, a constant supply of Flour, manufactured expressly for Family use, and at all times may be returned if not found good. H. H. MERRELL, No. 21, Geneva, Sept. 21, 1830 Seneca-St. CSE1 PSALMS AND HifMNS of the Reformtd Dutch Church i Directions to per- sons just commencing a Religions ^.ifc; a general assortment of Miscellaneous- and School Books, and Stationary, for Sale at the Bookstore of?- J. N, BOGERT, Geneva, Nov. 9. No. 6, Seneea'St j SeHSUM" WXKJBL C&sffcsifc YARDS Screen and Chess WIRE, O W for sale by STAFFORD & BEDDOE, Corner Seneca and Water streets. "Geneva, Sept. 1, 1831. 60 JOHN CAMERON, Upholsterer and Paph' Hanger, (FROM tONBON,) B EGS leave to solicit the patronage of the in- habitants of Geneva, and its environs, and informs them be has taken 'the shop adjoining J. B. &. R. Romney's store, on Main-street, where he intends carrying onjho above business in all its branches, having brought with him a number of Patterns of Sofas, Couches, Lounges, Easy Chairs, with or without springs. Also, designs for Bed and Window Curtains of the newest fashions, Feather Beds, Mnttresncs and Palliazes, warran- ted o£-good materials and workmanship'. J. C.,flatters himself that his knowledge of the business, his attention to it, and reasonable charges will insure him that success whicb it will ever be bis study to merit. A larje assortment of PAPER HANGINGS is expected in a few days. N. B.—Horse and Cow HAIR bought in any quantity. July 20, 1831. 53 . m: issi. m ^^P*ss^i"Sis^s^s*siS^sls^ss^ss*^sillslllsslssssss^^s^^ Bntjt airranjdi perhaps, tha.t these *r.e | of fashion, atUfoti otcMstpm, that theyXarv &' fc f "xtf&'l #»«? wrtfen law o£lh* n Mpjf'-^ What then wlHbef their feefinm and reflisscrW, when the statute hooks of our several-statw^imil be thrown open Wore them T While admiring and venerating t^atmble Dsplnration at onr Conpirr, in which ' v«hotd these truths to*e «elf-e*i|ert, that all mankind- are created equal—that they are endowed by thejt Creator wuh certain unalienable rights ttnt amour these are life liberty andrtbe pursuit of hapxmtn' —what will be their gneEanS consternation J g n d i n g laws in the same.TolnMe.- or the sale V)lg$bujfcrtf human bemgs;^cW^ body) Hke.#s*|iifmthiBshamJb,tes,forJurjpo^wof gain, pndeorl«u.ry! What, 0ink..yoo, wiltttlR? , , , w * say to tiv.grxnd reptdlmn i eamiMm^mm'--t'^^ —ourpublic&terjc«—for the.nromptipn.#:i,efrijl*f ^ Ii Um. aod^gom motm, in which the •pow'ifbHW'igii' " !c ? ;; :4S rant are ,tc^p>d to sinje (heir wtnSfiniHmib glittering Etrojieot. of a fartune.at w ^ l l M v & for whichj*%;less probable than xKpt offlmM* the purctafe>r'Jiiefore that -ehatfee" ia-'tfifflmmSr Whi& w%tk>y. say to drunlccnV^pffifflmk.- latorjt) s.tjtji.te|.regulaling=the mbae^BpwmWin- tosicALoi};i9.b;M|ght within: the wtmffl.id}£ to laws lifietSSHig ifidtvidnalsTto sell spintOus liquors as a^whftlesoriir ' ""' *" " *••*••"••' : -~ - is pprmiEtted^ tion.jfjtpvidei committed cm his f r^is>s^while'4he^re privi- .. , Jeged "t«?»n-to^^. s n^y,swffe^^len.fo,destroy.• ?'• »emselve»Jby aslow poiaOVw-hi" own bouse; pror , Tided he fornishthem^ith^a bed»ond/a"istablelo» ^ keniiel mr andfoqd$pefttjwj*irelbeysurvive, and .^f have money to pay lor tfiemr^ . ..•>":*•.; ; " » * ?» " Now, laying aside nrecWeivtfd noti0ns"ai#-e^i. isting circumslaB.be?, iwliat etrango incongnfities are here presented;- and after all, bow-:macfi,ibprc of credulity does it retpiire'j think yon; itt'ifiew^oi;- all this, to believe that evil spirits* may possess men • and control their^ctioriji, than'lo Believo tbatWliflrj! as.We term it, in'otheriwords. a grogshop, f jtm a jjeji cessary and fit apjiendfei|e toa tavern—or that wliile intemperance is felt to b» an eyil.at home, tliatitis right and prppferto plachthe teniptationib tlie vvay of e^ery mari who ventqres abroaU-'f' ^'•*~$ i : . v. •Si \1 £• HOLIDAY PRESENTS. /tjtjHS Token; The Atlantic Souvenir; The isk Pearl, and Affections Gift for 1832. Also a great variety of Toy and Juvenile Books, suita- ble fur Christmas and New-Year Presents, for Hale by 1. H^ BOGSlT. . ' aetova,-Nov. 28,1831. No. 6, Sauxo-Si. WATER-STREET Leather fy Shoe Store. T HE subscriber is now receiving and offers for sale, an extensive supply of SOLE LEATHER; Grained & Waxed UPPER do. CALF SKINS, &c. &c. which are of superior quality, and were manufac- tured expressly for this market. Also, a quantity of Morocco, Seal and Binding SKINS for sale oh reasonable terms. He has now on hand ari extensive assortment of fashionable and durable BOOTS & SHOES. of all sorts and sizes, which vftremamifactured in his Shop, of the best materials and in the first style. A.EDDY. Geneva, Nay 25', 1831. 45 do •Imitation • Old'Pprt; , jOanaryajid Sweet CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE* A large asstfftmeht of the latest style's—among which are a few sett of China of the latest pat- terns, imBoHed. HARD-WAR*:,; Table KniVea and ForKa fc P^nand Pocket ftni'ves, iPable and. Tea ^Spoons, Razors and Sjoissbrs, Bras'a and Irph Gandleatic'ks, Coifteo &c. &c. &o WM()WW!i%~& QORtlAGE, PITtiH,rt4'R #-d!4i|CJSpigetfier withquhdry other urticle% tiane^^ii'«tt»l«e'Jti<»'' n i n a n advertisemerit, . No *WstIave'beVn spared, in the seleehoW of •^^bof^'Soods, "and 1 they have been purchased W t e f f ' ^ t advantageous terms. . . ^TKey'srlspeeffrilly ihyite th0i#ianids and custp- vfiiera t 6 \ a < i n d examine phc%f#»d"q«ality. aer^ia,|^^|f®lM " ' . TIMOTHY SEED. W ANTED, a few hundred Bushels TIMO'- THY SEED, for Which the highest price in Cash will be paid by ' . , . R. M. BAYLY; 30, Sencca-St. Geneva, August 3, 1831- 55 the R. M. BAYLY, 30, Scneca-St. 54 REMOVAL. H. MERRE'LiJL has removed his __• Stbcltof MERCHANDISE toXthe Store" lafeKoccupisa by D. S. Hall, corner of Seheca and Water-Streets, and opposite the Franklin- House, where he offers his extensive stock of Groceries, Paints, § Oils, \ 'Uruss 8C Medicines, "tip-Woofe % Bye-Stuffs, &c. at very reduced prices, and invite* his old friends and the pnblic generally to call. H e will fece'ree by thefirstboats, n very gener- al, assortnierrt of seasonable FRUIJ,, 1'AMILY GROCERIES, &c.„&c. rt .- Geneva, AprUM, 1831. 3 9 WHEAT!! W ANTED, a few thousand bushels OLD 'WHEAT, for which the highest griee will pe paid by Geneva, July 26, 1831 , PEWS FOR SALE. T WO PEWS, well situated ott the south aisle of Trinity Churr*, Geneva. Inquire at the Bookstore of J. BootnT. Geneva, July 14, 1831. 53 SMEXEC'S BBIilfOWS, A SSORTEDTftom 22 to. 8fli inches, for sale by STAFFORD &. BEDDOE. Geneva,.Sept. 1,1831. „, «" HTiTME-ttftfeLL, Storage, Forwarding, and Com- mission Merchant. WARE-HOOSE OK FRAHKtIS-StREET'WitABF— STORE, No. 21, Seneca-Street. •Geneva MQRE JNEW BOOKS. P HILIP AUGUSTUS, or the Brothers in Arms, by the-author of Richelieu, 'Darnley, and De L'Orme; SONGS OF THE AFFEC- TIONS, with other Poems, by Aire. Hemans; ORATIONS OF DEMOSTHENES, 2 vols. & XENOPHON, 2 vols, being 1st, 2d, 3d and 4tb vols, of theTlassical Library. An additional sqp- ply of the TOItEN, and ATI«AM*IC SOUVE- NfR, for 1S32; also, Boflon's NATURAL HIS- TORY, cheap edit. With 500 plates. Just receiv- ed and for- sale at the Bookstore of J. BOGERT. MafaStrect, Dec. 7,1831. SALT. f ^ N E HUNDRED barrels JiAXT, lit good Order, 'November Sft, 1830. 11 T . . WRAPPlNGr PAPER. 1 tf»«fk REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, /4s%9' of a superior qnality—part made from old jnnk, and consequently very strong—for sale at luw prices atthe Bookstore ofthe snbscribor, in Misfirttraet. J.. BOGE.RT. Geneva, 2yot>.'23,1831. 71 Fine Letter and JVote Papers. vrmviKE LetterTaper, gilt edge & Perfumed; Do. do. Lemon color; Do. do. Fawn dp.; - ~ Do. do. Pink do.; , ' Do. do. Bine & White Water hoed; Letter Paper, plain, and also JfSint.lined—vari- ous qualities. •£" r\.'.'•/ Note Paper, embossed and velvet surface, Rose color. - -' *" Do. gilt edge and perfumed. . Visiting Cards—gilt edge and also Velvet^sur- face. 53' The best qualities Writing Paper, by retail or the ream. December 27. J. BOGERT. Citizens of Geneva, are these tlii^gaiao? "While we are engaged in rmpriving.and embellishmg pur dwellings and our streat*. is it true thai along'ihV; very side walks, where onrehildrenafe sporthigm« conscious of danger, thore are so manyopijn ichwsjrpit^ yawning down to the lowest abyss T Citizent of GeifiB4-a^ shall we-boast of our freedom, and yet " shall our magistrates complain that although they- have*<oi«they haveario power, becaosenot gustaincn. in the discharge of their duty by the force of w4?{e>^, opinion! With statutes and ordinances to protect - us, atfd professing to be Ipveraof Order andlOf fjSxir will.we not como'forward to their'"aid?~'Vlfli)'4 . standing as itwete on holy ground; while onr hou- sesTire so mingled with (Jod'sr houses that^hejMrc'v ry spires ate overshadowing our dwellings; 5nrii$B' we are daily pressing to his altars and professing" onr love of his pnrily and liolineiJ, will we nriiikp no effort to escape misrale 1 Shall -this domestid phreniy be »nffered' to prevail f thus suffered>tojii^. vade the sanctities of our homes and our firesides!'• One of two tilings must be done: either the laws restraining grogsliops are wrong and must be YOr pealed, or file magistrates should not only 'beiufi"; fered, bat they shonldh: sustained and encouraged to discharge their dory: And as public opinion i* but the united expression of individual feeling, each citizen of the village is bound to form an opinion 1 , and to be, ready tp djsclmrg&.bjsduly by uniting in the expression of it. If convinced frpm-obsefvar tio'n and-'experience, ^(lorvvo'liqve-the benefit^ both) thai grogshops -are neeessaty^lbr the pnbfic- . intemU,pf the village, if Uiey conduce to O\W-**IJUI- tattonab^nd or prosperity at botnei if onr vaiiS|« eciidSti or^<jth^aieg«r^oirje^(^ia,--^;n^e re^oisif^^thejIociaT itnd rational enjoyment ; «F our eitSoriSj'^ifllB. to th'e domesUc happiliesSpr persont^ cbmfoh of evoa the humbleat ol" ihem-t- rortf.«.#tere«tS'qfc^ -iethefepuriryvthe haa/^ ? i#g%orri>pt #«i, reclaijnjog ihiS vicfduS^the»jy|t|[hero:,|fe]p^ic^^ and encournjged; let tmm-^^eM^bem^isitp'ii^ but patronized, and as.3 christian people pfi^hrever" to be ready toimplore a divine blessirfg^olffif^h'^ri efforts, let those who are persuaded of tkese thingii retire to their families and their closletBjJahd^her^". let them, if thejr-c&n; iijcomm.uniptt w;it^the';^pa'* m : ''SAM. I 1 Ik Inspection ot B e e t &T?Qrk CITY OP N. YORK. M HE Subscriber, having received an appoint- ment for Inspecting Beef and Fork in this city', has taken the Inspection Yards lately occu- pied by Messrs. Wilsons, corner of Charlton and Washington-Streets, where he is now ready<to receive Provisions for Inspecting or Storogo, and solicits a share of public patronage. - > JACQJB SHUMWAY. N. B-—Every convenience Cor SLAUGHTER- ING Pigs, drove to the -NewY^rk- market for Packing. - - 4 * 1 - Nets-Yerk, MarehBr 1831. -^3tfl rrrri —n r-mm>smeemammmmaiiS^s^s& TEMPERANCE. EXTRACTS from Mr. Bojuui-i'a Address be- fore the Seneca Temperance Socisty. , (CONCHIPKD.) , : < a " When we look closely to the constitution "and his- torv of the human mind, we are often slcQck with the absurdity and weakness of principles and> : ^^- snnings once thought to be sound, and are aston^ ished to see how far Our opinions andjudgments may be biased and warped by prOconcmved no- tions and existing circumstance*; We read with surprisejmd rcgret,tbataman as wise, "as learned and as |pod as was Sir Matthew Hale.-shonkfeyer have been brought to $H gravclyin jndgnient, and": to jiroBoimce'sefitence of dOath upon the imaginary corite of witchcraft! We look buck with pity and asSHSsmont upon thecrednlity of onr forefathers, whicbv r a tittle more than a century ago, was so firmly convinced that the prince of darkness was! in the midst of them, using human instruments to accomplish-his purposes, thatthe slightest testimo- of purity, aiid in presence oCmoirfwive&and chil- dren, let th*n> prsrt^ofethe;inriB5ise"-.of "grogslions and fhe.ftx1lension#tfieirefrects. l ';Bu.t^^OleWmfljliS er hajrtjfe if,,«atisfi^^ironi. \ f t i l h | i r i f o ^ # | S e s t t f that tliey are entirely useless and ritterlyperni- cionsi tfiat theykindletheifirei of i\\e'drunkard and then feed mem, tha*theythmw' ! tempm^ort'»Wfb« - path-of the thouihtlesj, and ntidermirie personal: comfotti soeial etljaywtent ohddomestic ^ J^appirtess;¥• in short, that they may be regarded its mere imi.-.• saneesybept upfroife %pfiyer!Of.|^tly'g^ain^^ , some, sod cGuntJshiHiced by Others Irdm ieelirrgs^f; ,~. personal piqoe, prejudice or misapprehension^Itt;- the-msgistrates not only be tdleritedy b ^ feqnireil. to do thgirdnt"y> * ' • "•'" , "/'.'•'."' : ^-!'-'- For the honor oHtttir villhg^ietltnot be Md^vt't haye ordinances and *conhot" execute/t^etaj ,that public opinion h mm^i^^X^^Vi.M^Km^. snsfaMLthe sovereignty of our Taws" nif else 'repiittstr Jbem. ' tet ns noltwast of onfindepenaiiri^^lf^ yet.becpme the slayes of misrule; ^o £21e^pt)fe»#^ deen* otir charajcteK; lot- 'm^\^itWmmfiii'~''. proaebvjiJfetJns unite -.*|iih-i«Sy-zealf -jsWlMBfi&^ I ARRIVALS. HE subscriber has lately received from N. York and Albany, his Spring assortment of GOODS, which is the most extensive be has ever offered' to the public, consisting Of. ^ Dry^Gapds, Groceries, CrocKery »nd Hard«-Ware._ All of «hich he is determined W selfaii low as at anv other establishment in the country. He hopes by dmgent, attention to business and lo«rpnees, to reemve the same liberal patronage which ba# sofarsnstainedbim. m ^ GRE E N ." I83J. ( , • . ' **" KSW BOOKS, &o. T HE subscriber, grateful for the patronage his establishment has thus far received, respect- fully informs bis friends and-the public, that he is now receiwng his Fall and Wi&ter stock of BOOKS an*» STATIONARY, Comprising a choice selection of standard and miscellaneous BooksV^Knd an«excellev»t assortment of Stationary and Fancy Articles—all which will-he sold at the lowest prices. Those wishing to purchase are ro- "qrfestejTto favor him with a call, at bis New Book- store, at the lower end of Seneca-Street, opposite Stafford & Beddoe's Hardware Store, and second door westof H. H. Merre!l>corner. iQHiSf. BOGERT. Geneva, November 9, 1831- . T TO FAKMERSi HE subscriber has now a supply of good _ CASTINGS fbrttl^SE POWERS, and continues to sell THRAlSHtfiG MACHINES, Sec.from One to" (far bo^Bjbwer*. '. Thje machines {% p., t BJURRAWS fiatent) are welj known, and %! lightnela, iitr*rrgui, and per-, forniancje need no commenaatipii. " ie HOUSE POWERS, as wow Mft, are p u r r e d to anyothers in use, boingc/i«<jp, strong " a '"" liable. They run veryllights, ^nd not one of J'l". hshasfa^iahn^^Mhr-. tf:72 the brulsl irttpudBficeol'the dr ; &kar#^fi#^aro,tt> assail. Then, and not till tKetf, let' &|iilllpi!?6lr <reea^m,''»nd-ef o«rlaws^'-'«tfhenriaViiiddiftSn;i(b- ' ! the!"n\apifold i 'and greatrtrtrfeieswo haye'tliis "dnv been cltjled'^ceiobratejlaf^f rail^aaeW^ffe^oni qjf'p^aiso: and *H4aiiisai#SG--jliIi we indeed are free', andthitlhepdrity'of onwibla|(BdsliiwsiiCre- stored. ^TheKlSt na hartenjitotell/o|fri#etMi'of the society that Wte." have|;brokfeu ih>nlirall^th«t bound us^w#bave reclaimed our riglits;asiVe*^ tzer»-werriveBnatchedonr:cbiiar?nfrom^ gers that snr^Unded th«m, ; and piace^thcr^oftnl^ Mfe and broad (aWe Uttd of Timpkd*ce^ jhom^ \ T^ncJideyc^isJssl^&l^^l. lmportanceiof oUr present aswocittion. - If conym- c4o that concert oFj<(c^o,n'|Mhe.,i|ouj5c?:-'o'£^|«®;>.' s lJBt:all»f'ea«n|i|e,aM'.)^k'eri|ol .^ur^d.iha^^Mjn^oA'^%^Ji^i^j^t|^r' &M ny was deemed'sufficient to«iiwtifya commitment . ^ ., Tin ,. ^^j,,,,,-,,™™. for trial. We learh with winder that many were: '• United effort, W eterjmfe* ^rtt&i&Bjjftf,j)pi§t?i convicted, that nineteen wete executed! In the ne}gjhpon^^|r)eiid^.nnaMet|iihiu|^^^ "meatt time, that'accusations multiplied and addi^ injitbeir^p^in^Mott them the prppheti&JiW tional jails.were reqaired to bold the|lccdsed •, that guage of.S^1^pjV'^x^i^Mws^^d^^^s^»' the coirfraunitV Was thrown- intd^ consternation; ye-enhnotbei^iiveaV .Letusembirneeevery.niesnr that each'-relr alarm for himselfs his family ami to inform* Bia^{0,3^f^^^^^^m^A friends; thftWbe shock then aroused tHenVtoireflec-" the eubjecfe: ,«g^tli|^orjii;*-<»(tollB<«i|Sis^^^t tioii, a n d # w a s notlt«<A«t thatitMy.bega.h to; jhftt f mity*^'Mr^ftaM^^a£ doubt whethcr-tjiey hadribtbeentoorerW^Otwawf^-* •*— L ' L - *' J r " -*----'-^«'"*--''--« precipitate! And do J we smite at this? And with: how mndh' less of wonder-and amazement; think you, will'the habits and inannetof thinking of ru#< enlightened philantlirOpists of thelflthcenwrk le regarded by futare gefterationit^ What-witl-l* their estimate of (he COtreCtnOs* of pnrreasonings, and the purity of fbc^moifals of the- ; lir«sei»t ago,; when, for'instance, nur. allowed- »n^i fashionable code of honoris spread-before them I "WhenAbey-; learn that a gejitleman is permitted to mnrder bis, friend upon any^lrghH'ifforeiiqe;0/«w'sJit"apd=o-i pinions ';-and-himself-to>rusb, n n e a l ^ ^ presenee of b« Almighty Judg0,^ekTdg ; wi%t«e5 bfeod ofhis brother^ .With what^jnotio^sj ttnnfe yon,' iWlithej 1 reatin the napef«*f-th# pirestm't da** of a duel between men oE reapectabilijy aodirtgtif in office^ ttlthrfie paces-dtstauce, with pistols, w- whicti both ne^fesarily ^rished-r-an* vfeijto -jivHitj ofpublic rneetinks for •exjsressions ofrisjt^f w*n^ virtnespf the deceased!' Y^ ffo«bfle^tth^|'arii|5j ^ thrpngh the 'land. Let drffipgffaferdsa^lMioit' ^s?3 nmg-HlongthprenMtest trick bf o _.„ . . .,_... ._,.„.... ,. _. Jof»|i|jp|« weaternvvjldil M^^m^P^lll^&Mkwi^lk-,. that his 'personal-effdrllie^tetl:®,/li*t-inoilan- < think so portly of llwinHuepce as-to Sppnose'tljiit. sLj^lSAi&tSL^ia-JE.2S fatytterhs ha*failc4 in ao£j:5i v 3Sfe"»crrf, |?p?. 30,1#31,' . .'". "•'"*'[ Wa-liaivi^fiis*^^^ s8# f ,n .rf££ .'wW'.'Ns"' ^ ^ ' - ^ ! «SWa^b^*Bi^; .jctiaiaKSl^MiW&l^fcS^ii.*. ;^M"'. ; ,AV-

Transcript of m$&immm?::' -...




«nfain-&reei, nearly opposite the Hotel, . KxENEVA, O N T A R I O ^ . O O S T T . NKW-VYORK.

TERMS, To village subscribers, $2 50 cents a year, -To those living ont of the village vfrho call at the

Bookstore,' and to those who receive the paper by mail, $2.

To Companies of not less than ten, §150 cents, payable when the papers are taken;

$ingle papers, six peijce. (prNo papers discontinued vfr fthout payment of

al-rearag^s. ' , | , _ '•' ' -- ADVERTISEJiEN'TS.

Inserted, at the usual rates. , AJiboral deduction to those who advertise by tfic year.

OfF Handbills, Cards,. J}lattlcs, and all Kinds of PRINTING, executed at the shortest notice and lowest prices. , ."'

& tt£dL,I*.

Loa^&fgm mvsimspf^. which* they oS^r for -cash nt approved credit, a loWascaiibe purchased cl8iie$re. Although they dp hot profess the {tdmirabjle secret of making a pfofit in selling Goods at tost, yet they'will en­gage to sell at a small advance from purchase price, persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves.

,HOUSE & SIGN POINTING done aa usual, in every variety of Style..

EP Paints,, of all colors ground in Oil. Genm, May'*8'. 1831. ' 44,

ftalrrfcted from Day's List.

NEW^C&E. . United States' Bank and

branches - - - - pa?.a| N. York City Banks pk» Bk. of Poughkaepsie do Duchess County do Lausingburgh do Long Island do Albany Banks i AJljQthers i Was. & Warrea no sale Barker's -' ' 90 Niagara no sale. N. JERSEY. Farm.&Mec.over5 par Newark B. & Ins " par Orange Batik " par State Bank " par State B. Newark " par State B. N. Bras. " par Other solvent banks fa.J Allo.thers nncertain MASSACHUSETTS. All the Banks g Except Sutton bank "5 Berkshire? * broke MfiSelstSt'Belch. 90a94

All the Banks par & | Except Derby broke Eagle broke

PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia Banks i Chester County £ Delaware County do Gerniarrtown - do Montgomery County do' Easton Bank do Farmers, Bucks co. do Farmers', Lancaster do Harrisburgh bank do.

Bunkio,fr.La|icaster do Wyomift# do, la iMifSBding & Eri#Bank 1 Miners' pottjsville i York Bank &I N. FI. Bridge Co. $ AH others uncertain OHIO. BankofChilicothe -4 Bank of Marietta do Mount Pleasant _ do Commercial, Sciota do Dayton Manu. Com. do Farm. & Mechati. do Franklin do Lancns. Ohio bank „ do Western. Reserve do Belmont bank . 4 Farmers, 'Canton 4 AH others. (g6)"nncertnio.

VERMONT. All the Banks I

R. ISLAND., All the Banks § Exct. Farm. .Esc. broke

• MAINE. All the Banks . | . Except Bath bank 10 Castine broke. Hallowell & Aug. broke Kennebec broke Passamnqtiody broke Wiscasset broke Delaware Banks Maryland Banks Michigan Dist. Columbia Georgia Notes Upper Canada. Lower Canada •

Aal i

5a2 2 2 1 %

T l


TJJNDERS his best thanks to his costomers and the public, for the very'-hberal patronage

he has received,, and pledges himself that his best exertions shall not be wanting to merit its continu­ance, and the confidence of hia.eUstome'rV |n ad-

and otters for sale, a very general, scasonaifc, and (he flatters himself,) well selected, and VERT CHEAP .assortment of


Hard- Ware, Hollow-Ware, Bar Irpn, Steel, Naite> NajIRods, asmalland usefuIassortmontofptfC/GS' "and MEDICINES, Saddlery, Eastern "Hgpected SOLE LEATHER, Lamp Oil, Shovels and Spades, Men's, Women's and Children's BOOTS and SIJOES, from the large coarse_Boot and Bro. gan, to the finest .Morocco Shoes.and Prunelle gaiter heeled Boots; Men's arid Boy's Wool and Fur HATS, &o. &c. &c. "and which he is dispo­sed to offer on such terms as he hope's will induce those wattling Goods to purchase of him.

ITFCash paid for WHEAT andRYE, HIDES, $c. &.c. an.d most kinds of PRODUCE received at liberal"prices ia-exchange for Goods.

Bellona, November, 1831. . . 72

IfO.VEMtBER'25, 1831. M subscriber has returned again from Jlew-York with a new supply of PaH and Win-)QDS. Having purchased them since the

M e n fall of Goods, in New-York, he will be —'i <H?" J!lem rancn l o w o r th»n us°al. Among whic%are the following: Blue, black, olive and tnixt BROAD CLOTHS ; Blue, black and drab CASSIMERES; Brown and drab PETERSHAMS; Merino; CLOTHS and CIRCASSIANS; Merino Wng and square SHAWLS, best quality; Baiaijfe, Friese'and Flannels; Gdata&alr and imitation Camblets; India Satins, best, quality; Gro,. de Swiss and Gre-dc.Nap. SILKS; Italian and Sincbew Silks; Calicoes, new patterns; Ribbons, new styles;. Cotton Yarn; Candle-Wick 5 "Batting & Wadding; tseghprn and Dunstable Straw HATS; Far Caps and Collars i Hair Caps; Ingram Carpeting; Rngs and Carpet Binding; Looking Glasses and Crockery; -•> Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES. Q f f f ] JOaEPIj THAYER,

May 24, 1831. HE subscriber has now received nearly, his

entire Stock of • "

- SPRESTG GOODS, embracing a more extensive assortment than he has ever before offered: all which have been selected with great care, andean be sold-unusually low. o 45 - W. S. DE ZENG.


FALL & WINTER SUPPLY. . , . , . • ©

OCTOBER, 1831. I HE subscribers are now receiving a.nd open­

ing at their Store, corner of W * * B R and <3A*w*-S*RBB<rs. (oppoutB. Uie. a&l» I'syern,) thwTupply'of PALL &. WINTER«0ODS-a-tnongwhich are many new and desirable articles.

The fallowing, may be enumerated •' DRY GOODS.

Extramiperfine&une HueBROAD CLOTHS; Do. do.. do. black doi do. London brown, olive^brown and claTet colored

CLOTHS; e . Mi art CLOTHS and CASSIMERES i • SnperfineGrfeen Cloth;

Blue, black, and fancy cbl'd Cassimeros; blne-miiitt, and fancy col'd Sattinets; Sdperfine brown Habit Cloth-; - t A jarge a«rd fashionable assortment of Winter

VESTmGS; • s • , Peter>tiams, Lion-skin, Mole-skin Fustians, Beaver teens, and Bangup Cords-; CaniBlets and Plaids, a larg-e assortment; G^reeh'Baizei Green Flannel and Sorge, \Vliite, scarlet, red and yellow. Flannel;

• JMferino's, and Merino Circassians, great variety? «$|-and 5-4 black Bombasin ; *

p^l^hams and Calicoes, alarge assortment, and i&4^S-4 and 10-4-Table Diaper,- superior article; Rttssia Sheeting, Russia Diaper and Napkins;

*6-4 Birdseye Diaper; 4'4Irish Linen; Bleach'd Cotton, Sheetinj? and Shirting; Brown Sheeting and Shirting, superior quality;

• Fur Co)lar»& GtOVfcs; Gents, siip^ Buck, do. ; iLadies Beaver and HosRins' do. Do. do. do. • lined do. tadies black and coPd Worsted Hose; ©or *" • R-andiittt do.

• Dio. white arif cblor'd Lamb's wool do. Cpildren'a andiMisses white worsted do. Genu, white and col'd Lamb's wool half Hose; H-i and 8-4 scarlet and black Merino Shdtcls f 00.- . "do. do. Thibet^Shawls &

„ Handkerchiefs; •' Prussian and Valencia Shawls, a large assort't.

Scarlet, drab, and blackC assimare do.; Sup. black India Satin ; Blafifc Sarcenet, Sinchew, Lnstring,Gro. de-

Nap, «nd Gjo. de Berlig Sittsj Palmarine, Mandarin, ana Pernvian Dresss

Handkercbiefsl Faiiey Silk Dress Handkerchiefs; Russian Fur Vandykes; " Silk aad-Cottp'n Uhlbryias; Furniture Dimity, and Calico,; Apron Check; 7-8 and6-"4 Bed Ticking; FiWpoinf Blankets; ^ ' • 0-4, 10-4, &M-4#o!ieBlankets; .> Cotton Yarn, Baiting, Wadding, &c. &c.

••"'••' '•• GROCfiRIES. . "• Hyson, .Yonng Hyson, and \ fEAS, -.of the la

Hyson Skin , $ test importations i Loaf, Lump and Brown SUGARS? •' ' St, Domingo, Cuba andlia Guaira Coffee;

Pepper, Ginger,' Spice, Cloves & Cinnamon -London Bottled Mustard; • Poland; and American Starch;.

. ,Mob|ses, Raisins and.Chocolate; j^dlgV, Salt Petre, Alum and Copperas,; Qid-London,,particularMa3eira»: V W W J J S

Vorsuperi-t orqualttj'

l i A M P O i l -THE subscriber having made arrangements

for a constant supply of Spermaceti Oils, from one of the principal Factories in the United States, is enabled to offer the public the very purest of Lamp Oils, and Spermaceti Candles. ,He is now receiving

3,000 gals. Winter Strained Head MalterOIL; 2,000 " Fall Strained OIL; 2,000 " Summer Strained OIL;

20 boxes Sperm. CANDLES.' Families will do well to call. Manufacturers,

also, may be supplied by the tierce or barrel,Very low. H. H. MERRELL, 21, Seneca-it.

Geneva, Nov. 1,1830. *6i}

... JfrJHB WOOIl.^.. \ THE subscriber has just received frortiN*. Yy

a fresh supply of the following articles: O

& CO

Logwood, Fustic, Nicaragua, CoroWood, Hatchwood. j g Camwood, Madder, Copperas, Alnm, Blue Vitriol. Quercitron Bark, Span. Fi. Indigo, Manilla do. Bengal" do.' Verdigris, Oil Vitriol, Nutgalls,

AITO SHEARING MACHINES. Together with eve*ry other article required by

Clothiers, npw received and for sale by the sub­scriber ; together with a large Stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, LIQUORS and GROCERIES, which will be sold very low for cash. Hi H. MERRELL,

Corner Seneea and Water-streets. Geneva, Sept. 19, 1831. 62

Curcuma, Crem Tartar, Red Tartar, Extract Logwood, Grain Tin. Cochineal, Aq. Fortis, &pt. Sea Salt, Olive Oil, Jacks, Press Papers, Tentre Honks, Brushes, Plates, Cranks, Screws,


THE subscriber »a now receiving a very ex­tensive assortment of Fall and mnttr'

GOODS—and a general assortment of* FAM­ILY GROCERIES, which wiS be sold low.

N. AYRAULT, A'o..l, Franklin Stores.

Geneva, Sept. 28,. 1831. 63

Fur. Caps, Gloves, Buffalo Robes-

JUST received, a large and choice assortment of FUR CAPS and GLOVES ; also, ten

bales superior BUFFALO ROBES—for sale cheap. GEORGE NICHOLS & CO.

Geneva, Oct. 18,1831. 66


H I T SV?OB.B« THE subscribers continue to keep for

I'sale, Wholesale or "-Retail, at their Hat Store in Seneca-St. opposite I'routy's Hard­ware Store, a general assortment of HATS. A' continuance of public patronage is respectfully so­licited. WIGHT & CLARK.

Geneva, J««e23, 1830. - (97)

! N E W B O O K S . f IfRiHE subscriber has now on hand an extensive ^PAT'lnSl 6 ' 1 6 / ' 1 1 ""Wrtment of BOOKS,

..among the new Works, just received, viz: ANNALS of TRYON COUNTY, or.the Bor-

.der warfare of' New-York, during the Revolution, .by William W. Campbell

Sir Ea

DWARD Si'WATlD'S NARRATIVE 0i nis-bhipwreck, and couseqnent discovery of certain felands in the Caiibbean Sea: with a de­rail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events m hui life. Edited by Miss Jane Porter.

'FITZGERALD: bv Thomas Moore. JACQUELINE OF HOLLAND, ^Historical

• Tale, byT. C. Grattan.,, • ^irIH?A I N S P A , N - hy a Young American.

HISTORY OF POLAND, from the earliest Pernod to the present time; • '

». FESTIVALS, GAMES, & AMUSEMENTS, ncient and Modern. * Life and Times of his late Majesty George the

Fourth; with Apecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years.

History of Sculpture, Painting nnd Architecture. A Natural History of die Globe, of Man, of £asts, Birds, FisheR. Reptiles, Insectsjind Plants, m the writings of Buffoo, Cuvier, and other ami

Weii! Naturalists; a new .edition with modern iiM-provements and 580 engravings. •< Library of^EnUrtaining Knowledge, completo

as fafss* published, comprising 15 vols. \ The Koran, with-Notes, i&c. a new edition. ' j Guy's Pockat Cyclopedia, or epitome of universal Knowledge designed for scholars in scnools, and for young persons in general, containing-multifa-rioiiB and useful information on numerous subjects, necessary to be known by all persons, yet not to be found in books of general use in schools.

Lmcon of Useful Knowledge, for the use of Schools and Libraries, with several hundred en­gravings, by the Rev. H. Wilber, A-'M. ^ - -

For sale at the Bookstore of J. BOGERT.

Main-Street, Geneva, Nov. SO. 1831. .

C A S H F O R W H E A T .

THE subscriber will pay the highest priccin caskfor QjOOO bushels of good merchanta­

ble WHEAT.delivered at bis ware-house, Ge­neva. N. AYRAULT,

2d Aug. 1831. [55] Foot of Seneca-St.

CIDER TCHNLSS&ASL fi^A BBLS. best qnality CIDER VINE-%M%W GAR, just received and for sale at No. 21, Seneca-street. H. H. MERRELL.

Geneva, jffop.23. 1830. 19

WHEAT AND BARLEY. ASH, and the highest,price, will be paid for


•JYeiti. Stock of Leather AND FINDINGS,-

1 A T t n e " Geneva Leather and Shoe Slore,,< op-i m . po.sile E. Beebo's Hotel, Main-Street, Ge­neva—just received and offered for sale the fyl-lowing-nrticles:—

500 Sides SOLE LEATHER; ^ 40Q Sides waxed and grained UrPER do.; -

CALF SKINS, MOROCCO SKINS ; SEAL do. BINDING do.; LINING do. Lasts, Boot and Shoe Trees; Boot Cramps, Thread of all the different num

bers and colors, Kuives> Awte, Pincers; • Punches, Hammers, Size Sticks, Giggers, and

many other articles not named, .dteo, 1,000,000 of Cut Sparables, which will

be sold low by the quantity. The subscriber has now on hand the most exten­

sive Stock of ready made

BOOTS & SHOES which i|[e has ever before offered the public, and



SEALED -Proposals will be received by the subscriber, to be forwarded to him by Mail

to Geneva, Ni Y. until 20th February, 1832 to contract for tho delivery, of from 1500 to 2000 Cords of good STONE, at the Piers in Sodus Bay> ol dimensions to weigh not less than 20, nor more than 180 pounds, and that 48 cords per day (if required) be delivered: three-fourths to be paid for pn each delivery, and the balance when the contract is completed, Security will also be re-quired to prevent any delay in delivery, which is o commence on euch day in April as the subscri­ber may require, j . G . SWIF'T

1 « . P « . J 8 3 1 . tt'*4g* Goneva, N. Y.

WANTED, FROM one hundred to two hundred thousand

r ^Jell. Vh l t e w ? o d BOARDS and PLANK oftthe. thickness of half inch; and one and three V£f%>,<\nft£- ^ho' 8o f t wpte al>d beech SCANTLING. Contracts wiHrbe entered into f°&?W9.,?ant,,ty deliverable during the winter aod m S # P r m S ' hy R- M. BAYLY,

n/..i ^ ,r,„. 3Q, Seneca-St. va,WtJiDec. 1831. 76

•• CHEESE. ~~" 1500 lbs. Oneida County CHEESE.

200 lbs. Otsego County d&. received and for Sale by

W. BRYANT & Co. Ger.eva Recess, (No. 7,) Seneca-st.

November 23,1831. 71 ' - BROWN'S


Extra " do. Spanish SEGARS. The subscriber Is appointed Agent for selling

(he above at the manufacturer's prices. 67 A. WHITNEY,

Geneva, Oct. 25,1831. No. 42 Seneca-St.

Good WHEAT and BARLEY. Also, (or 5contin«is to mannfactnre Gentlemen's Wellington ''Boots from "the best Philadelphia Stock, and war­ranted WorkmaiSship, to all that may please to. fa--' vor bim with their patronage.

D. L. LUM. . • Geneva, May 9, 1831. 43

• — 1


TIMOTHY SEED—delivered at myware-houso in'Geneva^ • Augusts, 1831. R. M. BAYLY.

[58.] .# - ATo.30, Seneea-h. KF FLAX SEED wanted as above. TAR, PITCH & OAKUM.

THE subscribers have lust received a quaati ty of TAR, PITCH and OAKUM, wh(ch

thfcy offer for sale at their Stwer corner of W0M' ana Castle-Streets, (north of the Eagle Tavern.')

Also, Harris' and Morse's Grass SCYTHES, of very superior quality.

MERRILL, MILFORD & Co, Geneva, 6th June, 1831. 47

r -$

jt 1


THE subscriber, as Agent for the Syracuse Salt Company;- keeps a constant supply o

COARSE BAmC*" ,. „ , „ „ Also, on hand, 500 barrels best quality FINE

S A L T " W. S. DE ZENG. Geneva, Nov. 15, 18S0. , 18

C A S H FOE. H I D E S .

A EDDY continues to pay cash and the high-• est price for BEEF HIDES and CALF

SKINS, at his Leather & Shoe Store, in Water-atreet, hear the foot of Seneca-stroet, Geneva.

May25, 1831. • 45


•bfr KETTLES; treble bottoms, for sale by JOHN L. DOX, Wdter-st.

Geneva, nthJIarch, 1830. » ' . % 8 3 , - r - ' • ''•-" i :"" 3%$" „ •

DH0GS, MEDICINES, &C. fWITHE subscriber hafe received a general assprt-

I ment of genuine DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINT. OIi;and DYE-STUFFS, &e. &c, all of which Will be offered for sale very low. "'

W. W. CARTER. Geneva, June, 1831. ^ 47

litttteu'S & E-x.c\iaiigfc Offiicre No. 30, Seneca-street, Geneva.

TICKETS and SHARES in the New-York Consolidated Lotteries, authorized by the.

Legislature, Yates & Mclntyre, Managers, will be kept for sale as they are issued from the Mana­ger's Office, at the Licensed Lottery Office of

R. M. BAYLY. UNCURRENT MONEY Bought and Sold.—

A Preminm paid for GOLD, particularly SOV­EREIGNS.

ET CASH advanced for Prizes as soon as the Drawing is received;

Geneva, July, 1831. tf53

FAMILY FLOUR, Fresh Flour from BeacVs Mills-,

At No. 1, Franklin Stores.

JUST received and for Sale, a quantity of Beach'A Extra Soperfine FLO.UR. (red

brand;) also, Superfine and Fine Flour. So great a preference has been given in New-York and other Eastern Markets to " Beach's red brand" over other Floufr that it gives me great pleasure to offer it in this market. It will be sold low, and a constant Bupply kept on hand. Also, BRAN by the bushel. N. AYRAULT.

Geneva, ZOthJuly, 1831. * 53


SA BARRELS Fine, Superfine, and Extra ^ F brand. Just received, a constant supply

of Flour, manufactured expressly for Family use, and at all times may be returned if not found good.

H. H. MERRELL, No. 21, Geneva, Sept. 21, 1830 Seneca-St.


of the Reformtd Dutch Church i Directions to per­sons just commencing a Religions .ifc; a general assortment of Miscellaneous- and School Books, and Stationary, for Sale at the Bookstore of?-

J. N, BOGERT, Geneva, Nov. 9. No. 6, Seneea'St j

S e H S U M " WXKJBL C&sffcsifc YARDS Screen and Chess WIRE, O W for sale by

STAFFORD & BEDDOE, Corner Seneca and Water streets.

"Geneva, Sept. 1, 1831. 60

JOHN C A M E R O N , Upholsterer and Paph' Hanger,


BEGS leave to solicit the patronage of the in­habitants of Geneva, and its environs, and

informs them be has taken 'the shop adjoining J. B. &. R. Romney's store, on Main-street, where he intends carrying onjho above business in all its branches, having brought with him a number of Patterns of Sofas, Couches, Lounges, Easy Chairs, with or without springs. Also, designs for Bed and Window Curtains of the newest fashions, Feather Beds, Mnttresncs and Palliazes, warran­ted o£-good materials and workmanship'.

J. C.,flatters himself that his knowledge of the business, his attention to it, and reasonable charges will insure him that success whicb it will ever be bis study to merit.

A larje assortment of PAPER HANGINGS is expected in a few days.

N. B.—Horse and Cow HAIR bought in any quantity. July 20, 1831. 53 .

m: issi.



Bntjt airranjdi perhaps, tha.t these *r.e | of fashion, atUfoti otcMstpm, that theyXarv & ' fcf "xtf&'l #»«? wrtfen law o£lh* nMpjf'-^ What then wlHbef their feefinm and reflisscrW, when the statute hooks of our several-statw^imil be thrown open Wore them T While admiring and venerating t^atmble Dsplnration at onr Conpirr, in which ' v«hotd these truths to*e «elf-e*i|ert, that all mankind- are created equal—that they are endowed by thejt Creator wuh certain unalienable rights ttnt amour these are life liberty andrtbe pursuit of hapxmtn' —what will be their gneEanS consternation Jgnding laws in the same.TolnMe.-or the sale V)lg$bujfcrtf human bemgs;^cW^

body) Hke.#s*|iifmthiBshamJb,tes,forJurjpo^wof gain, pndeorl«u.ry! What, 0ink..yoo, wiltttlR? , , , w * say to tiv.grxnd reptdlmnieamiMm^mm'--t'^^

—ourpublic&terjc«—for the.nromptipn.#:i,efrijl*f ^ I i Um. aod^gom motm, in which the •pow'ifbHW'igii' "!c?;;:4S rant are ,tc^p>d to sinje (heir wtnSfiniHmib glittering Etrojieot. of a fartune.at w ^ l l M v & for whichj*%;less probable than xKpt offlmM* the purctafe>r'Jiiefore that -ehatfee" ia-'tfifflmmSr Whi& w%tk>y. say to drunlccnV^pffifflmk.-latorjt) s.tjtji.te|.regulaling=the mbae^BpwmWin-tosicALoi};i9.b;M|ght within: the wtmffl.id}£ to laws lifietSSHig ifidtvidnalsTto sell spintOus liquors as a^whftlesoriir ' ""' *" " *••*••"••':-~ -is pprmiEtted tion.jfjtpvidei committed cm his f r^is>s^while'4he^re privi- ..,

Jeged "t«?»n-to^^.sn^y,swffe^^len.fo,destroy.• ?'• »emselve»Jby aslow poiaOVw-hi" own bouse; pror

, Tided he fornishthem^ith^a bed»ond/a"istablelo» ^ keniiel mr and foqd$pefttjwj*irelbey survive, and . ^ f have money to pay lor tfiemr^ . ..•>":*•.;;" » * ?» " Now, laying aside nrecWeivtfd noti0ns"ai#-e^i.

isting circumslaB.be?, iwliat etrango incongnfities are here presented;- and after all, bow-:macfi,ibprc of credulity does it retpiire'j think yon; itt'ifiew^oi;-all this, to believe that evil spirits* may possess men • and control their^ctioriji, than'lo Believo tbatWliflrj! as.We term it, in'otheriwords. a grogshop,fjtm a jjeji cessary and fit apjiendfei|e toa tavern—or that wliile intemperance is felt to b» an eyil.at home, tliatitis right and prppferto plachthe teniptationib tlie vvay of e^ery mari who ventqres abroaU-'f' ^'•*~$ i:.





HOLIDAY PRESENTS. /tjtjHS Token; The Atlantic Souvenir; The isk Pearl, and Affections Gift for 1832. Also

a great variety of Toy and Juvenile Books, suita­ble fur Christmas and New-Year Presents, for Hale by 1. H^ BOGSlT. . ' aetova,-Nov. 28,1831. No. 6, Sauxo-Si.


Leather fy Shoe Store. THE subscriber is now receiving and offers

for sale, an extensive supply of SOLE LEATHER; Grained & Waxed UPPER do. CALF SKINS, &c. &c.

which are of superior quality, and were manufac­tured expressly for this market. Also, a quantity of Morocco, Seal and Binding SKINS for sale oh reasonable terms.

He has now on hand ari extensive assortment of fashionable and durable

B O O T S & S H O E S . of all sorts and sizes, which vftremamifactured in his Shop, of the best materials and in the first style.

A.EDDY. Geneva, Nay 25', 1831. 45

do •Imitation • Old'Pprt; , jOanaryajid Sweet

• CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE* A large asstfftmeht of the latest style's—among

which are a few sett of China of the latest pat­terns, imBoHed. •

HARD-WAR*:,; Table KniVea and ForKafc P^nand Pocket

ftni'ves, iPable and. Tea Spoons, Razors and Sjoissbrs, Bras'a and Irph Gandleatic'ks, Coifteo

&c. &c. &o WM()WW!i%~& QORtlAGE, PITtiH,rt4'R

#-d!4i|CJSpigetfier withquhdry other urticle% tiane^^ii'«tt»l«e'Jti<»''n i n a n advertisemerit, .

No *WstIave'beVn spared, in the seleehoW of •^^bof^'Soods, "and1 they have been purchased Wte f f '^ t advantageous terms. . .

^TKey'srlspeeffrilly ihyite th0i#ianids and custp-vfiiera t6\a<ind examine phc%f#»d"q«ality.

a e r ^ i a , | ^ ^ | f ® l M " '


WANTED, a few hundred Bushels TIMO'-THY SEED, for Which the highest price

in Cash will be paid by ' . , . R. M. BAYLY; 30, Sencca-St.

Geneva, August 3, 1831- 5 5

the R. M. BAYLY,

30, Scneca-St. 54

REMOVAL. H . M E R R E ' L i J L has removed his

_ _ • Stbcltof MERCHANDISE toXthe Store" lafeKoccupisa by D. S. Hall, corner of Seheca and Water-Streets, and opposite the Franklin-House, where he offers his extensive stock of

Groceries, Paints, § Oils, \ 'Uruss 8C Medicines, "tip-Woofe % Bye-Stuffs, &c.

at very reduced prices, and invite* his old friends and the pnblic generally to call.

He will fece'ree by the first boats, n very gener­al, assortnierrt of seasonable FRUIJ,, 1'AMILY GROCERIES, &c.„&c. „rt .-

Geneva, AprUM, 1831. 3 9


WANTED, a few thousand bushels OLD 'WHEAT, for which the highest griee

will pe paid by

Geneva, July 26, 1831 ,


TWO PEWS, well situated ott the south aisle of Trinity Churr*, Geneva. Inquire

at the Bookstore of J. BootnT. Geneva, July 14, 1831. 53

SMEXEC'S B B I i l f O W S ,

ASSORTEDTftom 22 to. 8fli inches, for sale by STAFFORD &. BEDDOE.

Geneva,.Sept. 1,1831. „ , «"

HTiTME-ttftfeLL, Storage, Forwarding, and Com­


STORE, No. 21, Seneca-Street. •Geneva


Arms, by the-author of Richelieu, 'Darnley, and De L'Orme; SONGS OF THE AFFEC­TIONS, with other Poems, by Aire. Hemans; ORATIONS OF DEMOSTHENES, 2 vols. & XENOPHON, 2 vols, being 1st, 2d, 3d and 4tb vols, of theTlassical Library. An additional sqp-ply of the TOItEN, and ATI«AM*IC SOUVE-NfR, for 1S32; also, Boflon's NATURAL HIS­TORY, cheap edit. With 500 plates. Just receiv­ed and for- sale at the Bookstore of

J. BOGERT. MafaStrect, Dec. 7,1831.

SALT. f ^ N E HUNDRED barrels JiAXT, lit good Order,

'November Sft,

1830. 11

T .


1tf»«fk REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, /4s%9' of a superior qnality—part made from

old jnnk, and consequently very strong—for sale at luw prices atthe Bookstore ofthe snbscribor, in Misfirttraet. J.. BOGE.RT.

Geneva, 2yot>.'23,1831. 71

Fine Letter and JVote Papers. vrmviKE LetterTaper, gilt edge & Perfumed; Do. do. Lemon color; Do. do. Fawn dp.; - ~ Do. do. Pink do.; , ' Do. do. Bine & White Water hoed;

Letter Paper, plain, and also JfSint.lined—vari­ous qualities. •£" r\.'.'•/

Note Paper, embossed and velvet surface, Rose color. • - -' • *"

Do. gilt edge and perfumed. . Visiting Cards—gilt edge and also Velvet^sur-

face. „ 53 ' The best qualities Writing Paper, by retail

or the ream. December 27. J. BOGERT.

Citizens of Geneva, are these tlii gaiao? "While we are engaged in rmpriving.and embellishmg pur dwellings and our streat*. is it true thai along'ihV; very side walks, where onrehildrenafe sporthigm« conscious of danger, thore are so manyopijn ichwsjrpit yawning down to the lowest abyss T Citizent of GeifiB4-a shall we-boast of our freedom, and yet " shall our magistrates complain that although they-have*<oi«they haveario power, becaosenot gustaincn. • in the discharge of their duty by the force of w4?{e>^, opinion! With statutes and ordinances to protect -us, atfd professing to be Ipveraof Order andlOf fjSxir will.we not como'forward to their'"aid?~'Vlfli)'4 . standing as itwete on holy ground; while onr hou-sesTire so mingled with (Jod'sr houses that hejMrc'v ry spires ate overshadowing our dwellings; 5nrii$B' we are daily pressing to his altars and professing" onr love of his pnrily and liolineiJ, will we nriiikp no effort to escape misrale 1 Shall -this domestid phreniy be »nffered' to prevailf thus suffered>tojii . vade the sanctities of our homes and our firesides!'• One of two tilings must be done: either the laws restraining grogsliops are wrong and must be YOr pealed, or file magistrates should not only 'beiufi"; fered, bat they shonldh: sustained and encouraged to discharge their dory: And as public opinion i* but the united expression of individual feeling, each citizen of the village is bound to form an opinion1, and to be, ready tp djsclmrg&.bjsduly by uniting in the expression of it. If convinced frpm-obsefvar tio'n and-'experience, ^(lorvvo'liqve-the benefit^ both) thai grogshops -are neeessaty^lbr the pnbfic-. intemU,pf the village, if Uiey conduce to O\W-**IJUI-tattonab^nd or prosperity at botnei if onr vaiiS|« eciidSti or^<jth^aieg«r^oirje^(^ia,--^;n^e re^oisif^^thejIociaT itnd rational enjoyment;«F our eitSoriSj'^ifllB. to th'e domesUc happiliesSpr persont^ cbmfoh of evoa the humbleat ol" ihem-t-rortf.«.#tere«tS'qfc^ -iethefepuriryvthe haa/^?i#g%orri>pt # « i , reclaijnjog ihiS vicfduS^the»jy|t|[hero:,|fe]p^ic^^ and encournjged; let tmm-^^eM^bem^isitp'ii^ but patronized, and as.3 christian people pfi hrever" to be ready toimplore a divine blessirfg^olffif h' ri efforts, let those who are persuaded of tkese thingii retire to their families and their closletBjJahd^her ". let them, if thejr-c&n; iijcomm.uniptt w;it^the';^pa'*

m : ''SAM.



Inspec t ion ot B e e t &T?Qrk CITY OP N. YORK.

MHE Subscriber, having received an appoint­ment for Inspecting Beef and Fork in this

city', has taken the Inspection Yards lately occu­pied by Messrs. Wilsons, corner of Charlton and Washington-Streets, where he is now ready<to receive Provisions for Inspecting or Storogo, and solicits a share of public patronage. - >

JACQJB SHUMWAY. N. B-—Every convenience Cor SLAUGHTER­

ING Pigs, drove to the -NewY^rk- market for Packing. - - 4*1-

Nets-Yerk, MarehBr 1831. -^3tfl rrrri —n r-mm>smeemammmmaiiS^s^s&

TEMPERANCE. EXTRACTS from Mr. Bojuui-i'a Address be­

fore the Seneca Temperance Socisty. , (CONCHIPKD.) ,: <a "

When we look closely to the constitution "and his-torv of the human mind, we are often slcQck with the absurdity and weakness of principles and>:^ -snnings once thought to be sound, and are aston^ ished to see how far Our opinions andjudgments may be biased and warped by prOconcmved no­tions and existing circumstance*; We read with surprisejmd rcgret,tbataman as wise, "as learned and as |pod as was Sir Matthew Hale.-shonkfeyer have been brought to $H gravclyin jndgnient, and": to jiroBoimce'sefitence of dOath upon the imaginary corite of witchcraft! We look buck with pity and asSHSsmont upon thecrednlity of onr forefathers, whicbvra tittle more than a century ago, was so firmly convinced that the prince of darkness was! in the midst of them, using human instruments to accomplish-his purposes, thatthe slightest testimo-

of purity, aiid in presence oCmoirfwive&and chil­dren, let th*n> prsrt ofethe;inriB5ise"-.of "grogslions and fhe.ftx1lension#tfieirefrects.l';Bu.t ^OleWmfljliS er hajrtjfe if,,«atisfi^^ironi. \fti lh|irifo^#|Sestt f that tliey are entirely useless and ritterlyperni-cionsi tfiat theykindletheifirei of i\\e'drunkard and then feed mem, tha*theythmw'!tempm^ort'»Wfb« -path-of the thouihtlesj, and ntidermirie personal: comfotti soeial etljaywtent ohddomestic^J^appirtess;¥• in short, that they may be regarded its mere imi.-.• saneesybept upfroife %pfiyer!Of.|^tly'g^ain^^ , some, sod cGuntJshiHiced by Others Irdm ieelirrgs^f; ,~. personal piqoe, prejudice or misapprehension^Itt;- • the-msgistrates not only be tdleritedy b ^ feqnireil. to do thgirdnt"y> * ' • "•'", "/'.'•'."':^-!'-'-

For the honor oHtttir villhg^ietltnot be Md^vt't haye ordinances and *conhot" execute/t^etaj ,that public opinion h mm^i^^X^^Vi.M^Km^. snsfaMLthe sovereignty of our Taws" nif else 'repiittstr Jbem. ' tet ns noltwast of onfindepenaiiri^^lf^ yet.becpme the slayes of misrule; ^ o £21e^pt)fe»#^ deen* otir charajcteK; lot- 'm^\^itWmmfiii '~'' . proaebvjiJfetJns unite -.*|iih-i«Sy-zealf -jsWlMBfi&^


ARRIVALS. HE subscriber has lately received from N. York and Albany, his Spring assortment of

GOODS, which is the most extensive be has ever offered' to the public, consisting Of. ^

Dry^Gapds, Groceries, CrocKery »nd Hard«-Ware._

All of «hich he is determined W selfaii low as at anv other establishment in the country. He hopes by dmgent, attention to business and lo«rpnees, to reemve the same liberal patronage which ba# sofarsnstainedbim. m ^ G R E E N . "

I83J. ( , • . ' **"

K S W BOOKS, &o. THE subscriber, grateful for the patronage his

establishment has thus far received, respect­fully informs bis friends and-the public, that he is now receiwng his Fall and Wi&ter stock of BOOKS an*» STATIONARY, Comprising a choice selection of standard and miscellaneous BooksV Knd an«excellev»t assortment of Stationary and Fancy Articles—all which will-he sold at the lowest prices. Those wishing to purchase are ro-"qrfestejTto favor him with a call, at bis New Book­store, at the lower end of Seneca-Street, opposite Stafford & Beddoe's Hardware Store, and second door westof H. H. Merre!l>corner.

i Q H i S f . BOGERT. Geneva, November 9, 1831- .

T T O F A K M E R S i

HE subscriber has now a supply of good _ CASTINGS fbrttl^SE POWERS, and

continues to sell THRAlSHtfiG MACHINES, Sec.from One to"(far bo^Bjbwer*. '.

Thje machines {% p.,t BJURRAWS fiatent) are welj known, and %! lightnela, iitr*rrgui, and per-, forniancje need no commenaatipii.

" ie HOUSE POWERS, as wow Mft, are purred to anyothers in use, boingc/i«<jp, strong "a'"" liable. They run veryllights, nd not one of

J'l". hshasfa^iahn^^Mhr-.


the brulsl irttpudBficeol'the dr;&kar#^fi#^aro,tt> assail. Then, and not till tKetf, let' &|iilllpi!?6lr <reea^m,''»nd-ef o«rlaws '-'«tfhenriaViiiddiftSn;i(b-'!the!"n\apifoldi'and great rtrtrfeies wo haye'tliis "dnv been cltjled'^ceiobratejlaf^f rail^aaeW^ffe^oni qjf'p^aiso: and *H4aiiisai#SG--jliIi we indeed are free', andthitlhepdrity'of onwibla|(BdsliiwsiiCre-stored. ^TheKlSt na hartenjitotell/o|fri#etMi'of the society that Wte." have|;brokfeu ih>nlirall^th«t bound us^w#bave reclaimed our riglits;asiVe*^ tzer»-werriveBnatchedonr:cbiiar?nfrom^ gers that snr^Unded th«m,;and piace^thcr^oftnl^ Mfe and broad (aWe Uttd of Timpkd*ce^ jhom^ \ T ^ n c J i d e y c ^ i s J s s l ^ & l ^ ^ l . lmportanceiof oUr present aswocittion. - If conym-c4o that concert oFj<(c o,n'|Mhe.,i|ouj5c?:-'o'£ |«®;>.' slJBt:all»f'ea«n|i|e,aM'.)^k'eri|ol .^ur^d.iha^^Mjn^oA'^%^Ji^i^j^t|^r'&M ny was deemed'sufficient to«iiwtifya commitment . ^ ., Tin,. ^ ^ j , , , , , - , , ™ ™ .

for trial. We learh with winder that many were: '• United effort, W eterjmfe* ^rtt&i&Bjjftf,j)pi§t?i convicted, that nineteen wete executed! In the ne}gjhpon^ |r)eiid .nnaMet|iihiu| ^^ "meatt time, that'accusations multiplied and addi^ injitbeir^p^in^Mott them the prppheti&JiW tional jails.were reqaired to bold the|lccdsed •, that guage of.S^1^pjV'^x^i^Mws^^d^^^s^»' the coirfraunitV Was thrown- intd consternation; ye-enhnotbei^iiveaV .Letusembirneeevery.niesnr that each'-relr alarm for himselfs his family ami to inform* Bia^{0,3^f^^^^^^m^A friends; thftWbe shock then aroused tHenVtoireflec-" the eubjecfe: ,«g^tli|^orjii;*-<»(tollB<«i|Sis^^^t tioii, and#was notlt«<A«t thatitMy.bega.h to; jhf t t f mity*^'Mr^ftaM^^a£ doubt whethcr-tjiey had ribt been toorerW^Otwawf -*•*—L 'L - *' J r " - * - - - - ' - ^ « ' " * - - ' ' - - « precipitate! And doJwe smite at this? And with: how mndh' less of wonder-and amazement; think you, will'the habits and inannetof thinking of ru#< enlightened philantlirOpists of thelflthcenwrk l e regarded by futare gefterationit^ What-witl-l* their estimate of (he COtreCtnOs* of pnrreasonings, and the purity of fbc moifals of the-;lir«sei»t ago,; when, for'instance, nur. allowed- »n i fashionable code of honoris spread-before them I "WhenAbey-; learn that a gejitleman is permitted to mnrder bis, friend upon any lrghH'ifforeiiqe;0/«w'sJit"apd=o-i pinions ';-and-himself-to>rusb, n n e a l ^ ^ presenee of b« Almighty Judg0,^ekTdg;wi%t«e5 bfeod ofhis brother^ .With what^jnotio^sj ttnnfe yon,' iWlithej1 reatin the napef«*f-th# pirestm't da** of a duel between men oE reapectabilijy aodirtgtif in office ttlthrfie paces-dtstauce, with pistols, w-whicti both ne^fesarily rished-r-an* vfeijto -jivHitj of public rneetinks for •exjsressions ofrisjt^f w * n ^ virtnespf the deceased!' Y ^ ffo«bfle^tth^|'arii|5j


thrpngh the 'land. Let drffipgffaferdsa^lMioit' s?3

nmg-HlongthprenMtest trick bf o_.„ . . .,_... ._,.„....,. _. Jof»|i|jp|« weaternvvjldil M^^m^P^lll^&Mkwi^lk-,. that his 'personal-effdrllie^tetl:®,/li*t-inoilan- < think so portly of llwinHuepce as-to Sppnose'tljiit.


fatytterhs ha*failc4 in ao£j:5i v

3Sfe"»crrf, |?p?. 30,1#31,' . .'". "•'"*'[

W a - l i a i v i ^ f i i s * ^ ^ ^ s8#f

,n.rf££ • . 'wW' . 'Ns" '

^ ^ • ' - ^ !

« S W a ^ b ^ * B i ^ ; .jctiaiaKSl^MiW&l^fcS^ii.*. ; M"''.; ,AV-