MIMAP-Philippines - PEP-NET

MIMAP-Philippines Community-based Monitoring System

Transcript of MIMAP-Philippines - PEP-NET

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Community-based Monitoring System

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Objective� The MIMAP CBMS seeks to provide

policymakers with a regular and frequent information on the possible impact of macroeconomic adjustment policies on the welfare of households, particularly belonging to the vulnerable groups

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Specific Objectives� To provide an organized system of

collecting information for policymaking and program implementation at all geopolitical levels.

� To provide an up to date information on the welfare status and needs at the community and household levels.

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Specific Objectives� To provide a tool in monitoring and

evaluating the impact of projects and programs.

� To provide a tool for better local governance.

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Features of CBMS� LGU based

� Adopts the concept of mobilizing and developing the capability of communities for data generation and utilization.

� Dissagregates the collected information into functional groups.

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Features of CBMS� LGU based

� Reports the data collected to the higher geopolitical level for immediate intervention and ultimately reaches macroeconomic planners in order to influence adjustment programs

� Creates and maintain databank at each geopolitical level

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Features of CBMS� LGU based

� Utilizes the information generated by other monitoring systems already in place as a support indicator system

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National Government Agencies

Line Agencies,NSO,NGOs

Line Agencies,NSO District Offices,





MIMAP Provincial Monitors

MIMAP City/Municipal Monitors

MIMAP Barangay Monitors


Other Data Users

PPDOProgram Implementors

Other Data Users

CPDO/MPDOProgram Implementors

Other Data Users

BDCProgram Implementors

Other Data Users

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Features of CBMS� Has a core set of indicators

� 14 MIMAP core indicators corresponding to the minimum basic needs (MBN) which covers aspects of social welfare

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MIMAP Core IndicatorsA. Health

� Child mortality rateB. Nutrition

� Malnutrition prevalenceC. Housing

� Proportion of households living in non-makeshift housing

� Proportion of households who are not squatters

D. Water and Sanitation�Proportion of households with access to

potable water supply�Proportion of households with access tosanitary toilet facilities

E. Basic Education � Literacy rate� Elementary participation rate�Secondary participation rate

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MIMAP Core IndicatorsF. Income

� Proportion of households with income above the poverty threshold� Proportion of households with income above the food threshold�Proportion of households eating 3 meals a day

G. Employment� Employment rate

H. Peace and Order�Crime incidence

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Features of CBMS� Community specific indicators

�For areas with armed conflict: proportion of households affected by armed conflicts

�For areas prone to natural disasters:proportion of households affected by natural disasters (volcanic eruptions, typhoons, flood, earthquakes, lahar, etc.)

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Features of CBMS� Has a core set of indicators

� Community specific indicators�For agricultural communities: proportion of

households who are landless

�For indigenous people communities:proportion of households with access to ancestral domains

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Features of CBMS� Has a core set of indicators.

� Community specific indicators.�For unenergized areas: proportion of

households with access to electricity

� These indicators have to be supplemented bybarangay, municipal and provincial profiles and secondary data.

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Instruments for Data Collection� The household profile questionnaire

� Focuses on obtaining information on the MIMAP core indicators from households

� Demographic and other social characteristics can also be obtained using the questionnaire

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Instruments for Data Collection� The household profile questionnaire

� Additional modules can be used to get information on other indicators deemed relevant to the community

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Instruments for Data Collection� The barangay profile questionnaire

� Gathers data on the physical and demographic characteristics and available basic services and service institutions of thebarangay

� The barangay chairman is the respondent

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Processing, Consolidation and Validation of Data� Barangay level



Processing and


Validation (Community




Dev't Plans)

Secondary Data

Municipal Monitor

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Processing, Consolidation and Validation of Data� Municipal level



Validation (Municipal Assembly)



Dev't Plans)

Secondary Data

Provincial Monitor

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Processing, Consolidation and Validation of Data� Provincial level



Validation (Provincial Assembly)



Dev't Plans)

Secondary Data

National Monitor

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Processing, Consolidation and Validation of Data� National level

Proposed Monitors: NAPC or DILG


Data)Consolidation Validation

National Databank

Macroeconomic Planners

Secondary Data

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Dissemination of CBMS Data� CBMS data will be made available to

planning bodies, program implementors and other interest groups.

� Data will be disseminated through:� Databoards� Computerized databanks� Publications

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Use of CBMS Data� To monitor regularly the welfare conditions

of households and individuals.

� To provide inputs to development plans and socio-economic profiles.

� To provide the basis for resource allocation.

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Use of CBMS Data� To help identify target beneficiaries for

program and projects.

� To provide inputs for program design, implementation and monitoring.

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Geographic Information System� GIS Software

MIMAP-Philippines uses ARCVIEW

Palawan adopted the Natural Resource Database, a low-cost database management software

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Geographic Information System

� Shows disparities across municipalities in a province

Map 1: Households with access to safe water supply by municipality, Province of Palawan: 2000

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Geographic Information System

� Reveals the situation in the different barangays in one municipalities

Map 2. Prevalence of malnutrition bybarangay, Municipality of Quezon, Palawan: 2000

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Geographic Information System

� Highlights variations across sub-communities (Puroks) in a barangay and shows whether the household is meeting or not a particular basic need.

Map 3. Households with income greater than the food threshold by purok, Barangay Salvacion, Puerto Princesa: 2001

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� operationalized the province-wide implementation of CBMS in November 1999

� Executive Order No. 15 issued by Gov. Salvador Socrates

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� The CBMS survey was conducted in the 1st

quarter of 2000.

� 354 out of total 426 barangays� 21 out of total 24 municipalities

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� The provincial government was able to assess the human development of the province and its municipalities through the CBMS results.

� The data was used in goal-formulation, target-setting, impact monitoring and for goal and policy adjustments.

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� Issued Executive Order No. 3 in January 2002 which mandates the following:

• the use of CBMS data as a basis for planning;• synchronizing the time frame of planning

activities; and• the allocation of 20% development fund of all

LGU to CBMS-based plans.

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� Data presentation and dissemination

• presented the CBMS results in GIS maps through the use of ARCINFO

• adopted the NRDB – a database management software

• published the HDR 2000

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Palawan

� currently implementing the CBMS survey for 2002As of November 2002,

• 5 municipalities have completed data collection and processing and are in the validation stage.

• 16 municipalities are still in the collection and processing stages

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Puerto Princesa City

� implemented the CBMS in 2001 in 12 pilot barangays.

• 8 barangays have completed processing and validation stages

• 4 barangays are in the processing and validation stages

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Puerto Princesa City

� data presentation and utilization• databoards of the 8 barangays• GIS was used to translate the CBMS data into

maps ���� GIS maps showing the data from different puroks and individual households

• publication of socio-economic profiles of 12 barangays

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Puerto Princesa City

� approved the expansion of CBMS implementation to 27 more barangays for 2003

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Other LGUs interested in implementing the

CBMS Labo, Camarines NorteMandaue City in Cebu Quezon City in Metro Manila Davao City in Davao del Sur

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

National Conference on CBMS in Palawan, November 19, 2002

�NAPC, NEDA, DILG and DSWD agreed on the usefulness of CBMS in planning, budgeting and execution of projects and encouraged all LGUs to adopt the system

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

En Banc Meeting of NAPC last November 21, 2002

�proposed the institutionalization of a local poverty monitoring system, a mechanism for targeting poor communities and assessing the impact of poverty reduction programs

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

En Banc Meeting of NAPC last November 21, 2002

�the design of the proposed system and list of core indicators, which was based from an extensive evaluation of existing monitoring systems in the country, was presented by Dr. Celia Reyes to the MBN-TWG last June 2002

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

Upcoming Meetings

�the proposed system will soon be presented to an expanded MBN-TWG involving representatives from leagues of local authorities and basic sectors

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

Upcoming Meetings

�there will be a meeting with the Department of Budget and Management and other donor agencies to discuss resource requirements in setting up the system

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Recent Developments and Future Directions� Developments at the National Level

Upcoming Meetings

�the system would be presented to the NAPC en banc meeting in January 2003 for possible adoption and institutionalization

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Lessons Learned1. Chances for natiowide institutionalization

are better if CBMS data are found useful at both the national and local levels.

2. Previous targeting schemes of national government agencies suffer from the lack of information thus creating the demand for CBMS data at the national level

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Lessons Learned3. Decentralized system of governance

creates local demand for CBMS data.

4. It is important to work with local governments at the outset since they will ultimately bear the cost and benefits of the CBMS.

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Lessons Learned5. It is important to include only a core set of

indicators to make the system viable. Whenever relevant, a few community-specific indicators may be added.

6. It is important to adapt the CBMS system to realities/capabilities in the country – customized indicators, data collection methodology, data processing, etc.

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Lessons Learned7. Capability building of local government

personnel on diagnosing poverty at the local level using CBMS data is critical.

8. The use of GIS in presenting the data is very effective. With GIS maps, spatial disparities are readily highlighted, households with unmet needs are easily located, and projects to address unmet needs are correctly positioned.

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Lessons Learned9. Data on household income is difficult to collect

in CBMS partly because of its irregularity and multiplicity of sources. However, income data is very useful indicator since it is very sensitive to economic changes and shocks. One way to address this problem is to provide adequate training to enumerators to be able to collect good and reliable estimates of household income through CBMS.