Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge.

Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge
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Transcript of Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge.

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Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation TrustCase Study – Lean Patient Discharge

Page 2: Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge.

Lean Patient Discharge Case Study


About WCI - A focused management consultancy spanning 21 years with

a 20 year partnership with the NHS

Lean Health – We simplify processes to reduce waste and improve patient

care and are experts in integrating systems in a clinical environment

Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Context & Issues Process Improvement Technology to support the process

Design for the Future

Page 3: Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Case Study – Lean Patient Discharge.

There has been discussion about patient Discharge Summaries for over 20 years

• Patient discharge summaries have been a part of the patient record and communication to GPs for approximately 100 years

• The value and content of summaries / letters has been debated since at least 1986¹ (perhaps longer) both in the UK and abroad

• In recent years constructive interest seems to have gathered pace …• Wilson² observed the need for electronic discharge summaries• Munday³ pointed out the need for more information about drug

changes was needed• The DH produced a discharge pathway process in 2003

• … Such that the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement produced• Achieving timely ‘simple’ discharge from hospital, 2004

¹ Structured discharge letter in a department of geriatric medicine, Howard, 1986² GP-hospital communications-A review of discharge summaries, Wilson et al, 2001³ Do GPs & Pharmacists want information on the reasons for drug therapy changes implemented by secondary care, Munday et al, 1997

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The NHS Alliance raised the profile of the debate this year

• A Very Present Danger – A national survey into information provided by hospitals to GPs when patients are discharged¹

• The findings:

¹ A Very Present Danger – A national survey into information provided by hospitals to GPs whenpatients are discharged, NHS Alliance, Feb 2007

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In addition to poor information about care, the patient experience¹ of the discharge process is less than ideal

• 27-43% of patients have their discharge delayed• 55-63% have to wait for medicines• Of those delayed 20-27% have a delay of ≥4hrs• 42-75% did not receive a copy of a letter from

the hospital to the GP• Despite Department of Health guidance²

¹ Inpatient Questionnaire, Picker Institute, 2007

² Copying Letters to Patients, Department of Health, 2003

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The impacts of producing poor discharge information are significant to the patient and hospital

• Continuity of care is disrupted• Community-based care, including social care and support, is harder to plan and

organise• Patient safety is at risk

• The NHS Alliance survey respondents have provided anecdotal information that patient care is compromised

• The risk of readmission may be raised• van Walraven¹ pointed out “The risk of rehospitalisation may decrease when

patients are assessed following discharge by physicians who have received the discharge summary.”

• Hospitals revenues are under threat• NHS Alliance has called for discharge summaries to be a contractual obligation …• … Evidence is that this is happening locally• PCTs are linking payments to improved discharge information improvement

• Impact on pharmacy operations and fulfilment• Illegibility is dangerous• Amendment of shorthand and poorly defined prescriptions is time consuming• Amended forms are harder to read

• Impact on Clinical Coding• De-ciphering treatment details can be next to impossible … and be very time


¹Effect of Discharge Summary Availability During Post-discharge Visits on Hospital Readmission, 2002

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2. Completion

1. Initiation

On the Ward:At the time of admission & treatment

At point of discharge decision

In Pharmacy:Modified if necessary

Verified as complete:

At point of discharge

Started on admission or initiated at time of decision to admit

Demographics & admission data fields auto-populated from Millennium

3. ‘Transmission’

GP receives a copy

Patient receives a copy

Clinical Coding informed of discharge

Coded electronically

Enters patient’s eMedical Record

Less paper

Overall Design

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Radiology Legacy PAS

ClusteredBizTalk 2006 R2SQL Server 2005

Trust Integration Engine

Message ReplayBizTalk 2006 R2





SQL Server 2005

Patient Master Index

ADT SQL Server 2005

Data Warehouse



SharePoint 2007InfoPath 2007Active Directory

eDischarge Summary


SQL Server 2005

Trust Dashboard (2008)

Clinical & Admin data



Milton Keynes Architecture

AudiologyMaternityother Dept’l Systems


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Nine eDS Benefits

1. Provides GPs with the patient information they have defined as necessary

2. On completion makes the Summary available to GPs immediately

3. Provides a legible record of treatment and planned after-care to the GP

4. Provides a standard format for prescribing TTOs5. Reduces completion time by auto-populating selected

fields6. Allows Pharmacists to make amendments to

prescriptions without ‘defacing’ the Summary7. Improved workload management in Clinical Coding8. Provides an interim solution until CRS is able to meet the

needs of the GPs and PCT9. The Hospital gets paid!

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Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation TrustCase Study – Lean Patient Discharge