Millennials Define Their Ideological Labels

Why are you a Conservative? “I believe in limited government, a strong military, family values, and personal responsibility.” —Strong Republican

Transcript of Millennials Define Their Ideological Labels

Page 1: Millennials Define Their Ideological Labels

Why are you a Conservative?

“I believe in limited government, a strong military, family values, and personal responsibility.”

—Strong Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I don't support views that are outside the social norms.”

–Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Conservative?

“My ideal society is one with more economic freedom and more tradition. I think tradition and cultural cohesiveness, not excessive diversity, brings a country together.”

–Independent (Non-Partisan)

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Why are you a Conservative?

“Hard work and determination should determine your status in life [and] not leaning on a nanny state which is where we are headed if we are not careful. I believe this country ran well for many years without any help from big government. We do need government but limited. It has way too much power right now, and in history time and time again that never ends well for the country or the people of the country.”

—Strong Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I feel like the country needs to go back to its roots. Less spending, less foreign trade, less outsourcing jobs, more military, more money towards education.”

—Independent (leans Republican)

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I believe that there is more to be learned from traditional social constructions than in the innovations and experiments put forth by contemporary society.”

—Strong Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“Government is only good when it's limited and restrained. Constitution is the law of the land. My rights are not for the government to regulate.”

—Weak Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I don't believe in raising taxes, I believe in less government control.”

—Strong Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I want limited government, low taxes and the government to promote marriage and life.”

—Strong Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I believe if a person doesn't work they shouldn't eat.”

—Weak Republican

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Why are you a Conservative?

“I support rights of citizens to responsibly live their own lives, instead of relying on government mandates, and government funding to decide what we do all while overtaxing us to fund the citizens who have realized that they can live more comfortably off government redistribution of my income than by working themselves.”

—Weak Republican

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I think the government has a responsibility to take care of society's most vulnerable and to ensure that everybody gets a fair shot. And I think it’s important that we protect the environment and leave the world a better place than we found it.

–Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I feel that it is important to help others, and to make sure that everyone has the same opportunity to be successful, regardless of race, gender, sex, class, or income.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe strongly in the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe the government has a role to play in guaranteeing those rights, whether it's protecting our lives by keeping assault weapons out of the hands of mentally unstable people, protecting our liberties by keeping state governments out of our bedrooms and our women's wombs, or protecting our pursuit of happiness by providing an economic safety net, guaranteeing a living wage, or ensuring a high-quality, affordable education at all stages. But most importantly, I'm a liberal because my fundamental belief is that we can always change things for the better.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe in government. It could definitely be more efficient but I hate the way that being ‘fiscally conservative’ means that corporations should be able to do anything and people are wage slaves who have no way to oppose those with more money than them.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe that everyone has a moral obligation to care for each other, and that a strong government is a good way (not the only way) of accomplishing this; in addition, I believe that private actors (corporations, rich people, churches) are often (not always) actively trying to hurt others, and a strong government is the only way of preventing this.”

—Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I am very socially liberal, and even if my economic views were more conservative I could not vote for a conservative candidate. It seems that if a politician is economically conservative, they are also socially conservative.”

–Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe in government making lives better for those less fortunate, public funding for education and science, progressive taxation, and for complete personal freedom on social issues.”

–Independent, Leans Democratic

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I think people should be free to do what they want as long as it does not harm other people.“

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“Because I am open-minded/tolerant of most ideas and ways of living.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I am liberal in my social issues but a little more conservative on economic ones.”

–Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“While I find myself disagreeing with most democrats I know I find myself further disagreeing with conservative policies. Particularly social policies.”

—Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe in tolerance and diversity. I don't believe people should be discriminated against according to income, race, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, education, or heritage.”

—Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I think of 'liberal' in terms of social issues, and I'm very open to other styles of living.”

—Independent, Leans Democratic

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I believe that the government exists to encourage our rights and allow for them, not merely protect certain ones. I believe that the government exists to take care of the people of a nation, including providing for equality and justice in a land that is inherently lacking in it.”

—Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“I value social issues and don't let religious ideals infringe on my opinions of liberty.”

—Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Liberal?

“Because I believe people should have freedom to do what they want in their personal lives without government interference.”

–Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Moderate?

“If I were to choose an established party then I would be obligated to support them on every decision they make. By not affiliating myself with a party I am free to believe what I choose.”

–Independent (Non-Partisan)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“Do not believe that a government that is either too liberal or too conservative is effective. Only a mix of both ideologies makes anything effective.”

–Independent (Non-Partisan)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I don't support either party whole-heartedly; I think for myself.”

–Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I tend to like conservative views on economic issues, but I despise how conservatives view social issues. I prefer liberal views on social issues, but I don't normally agree with their economic views.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“Mainly in social issues - my personal views/beliefs are definitely more conservative but I also do not support the government's involvement in deciding how someone's life is lived.“

–Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Moderate?

“Personally I have a conservative lifestyle, but I do not feel it is my right to decide how someone else should live theirs.”

–Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I generally skew slightly conservative on economic issues and gun control and am not a huge fan of big government, but I am more liberal on most social issues such as women's health, the healthcare law, gay marriage.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I believe that freedom of choice is extremely important. Unless everyone is free to pursue their personal definition of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, no one is free. A powerful, meddlesome government that denies this choice to any portion of its citizens is a government doomed to descend into tyranny.”

—Independent (leans Democrat)

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I'm not liberal and definitely not conservative.”

—Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Moderate?

“I am a Business and Econ major making me very conservative on economic issues, but I am much more progressive on social issues.”

—Weak Democrat

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Why are you a Progressive?

“I describe myself as a progressive because I believe that the best policy for the United States is one that combines the economic policies of the New Deal-Great Society and European social welfare systems like Germany, with a very open and tolerant social policy.”

—Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Progressive?

“ ‘Liberal’ sounds too much like the lightweight Democrats who think they're radicals simply because they support gay marriage. I'm much more left than that.”

–Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Progressive?

“I think that as time and culture changes, it is important to progress in thought and tolerance as morally acceptable without intentionally oppressing a people group.”

–Strongly Democratic

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Why are you a Progressive?

“Progressives believe in making the world a better place for all people not just some people. We believe that everyone should have freedom from discrimination, to vote, from want, worry, and fear. We believe that there are things more important in life than money and that the will and conditions of the majority should take precedent over the few. And we believe in using science and reason to judge and determine the best path forward instead of refusing to believe something because you don't want to. And most of all we believe in justice and progress and moving forward—not backward.”

—Strong Democrat

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Why are you a Libertarian?

“I have the philosophy that if you let things be, they will naturally do what they are supposed to. If you interfere with nature too much, you will corrupt it. That being said, you have rights as long as they do not take someone else's rights away or harm them.”

–Independent (Non-Partisan)

Page 43: Millennials Define Their Ideological Labels

Why are you a Libertarian?

“I believe that the role of government is to protect individual rights. I believe that it is not the government's job to protect us from ourselves or to force us to take care of one another. I believe the government should not be involved in economic affairs, and should not have an expansionist foreign policy.”

—Independent (leans Republican)

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Why are you a Libertarian?

“I believe in freedom. Full stop. I believe in free markets and free people. People should have the freedom to do business with whom they choose, to live their lives the way they choose and to have the opportunities that red tape severely limits. I believe in very limited federal government and limited state government too. Government exists to defend our innate liberties - not to tell us how to live, how to earn and spend our money or what morality to ascribe to.”

—Independent (leans Republican)

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Why are you a Libertarian?

“I'm swayed to the democratic side mostly by social issues. I like a lot of republican economic philosophy on free markets.”

—Independent (leans Democratic)

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The Millennials:

Politically Unclaimed Generation

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