Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University...

Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag

Transcript of Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University...

Page 1: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As

the Millennial GenerationNiki Weight, University Advising

Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag

Page 2: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Alternate View to “Generation Me”

“In general, we found little reason to conclude that the average member of Generation Me is dramatically different from members of previous generations.”

~Trezesniewski & Donnellan

Page 3: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Multigenerational Workforce

Generation Y - Ages 11-32(Born 1980-2002)

Generation X - Ages 33-48(Born 1965-1979)

Baby Boomers - Ages 49-67(Born 1946-1964)

Page 4: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Generation Group Work

Page 5: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Millennials in the Workplace

Technology Driven

Multi-Taskers Team Players


Risk-Takers Threats & Praises

Page 6: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Serving Students Together

Generational Awareness

Don’t Stereotype

Don’t be Offended

Utilize Strengths

Page 7: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Millennial Advising for

Adult LearnersRecognizing adult learners’ needs and utilizing our

strengths to help them succeed.

Page 8: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Adult learners at USUIn Fall 2012, there were approx. 21,495 students

attending USU (excluding out of state and international sites).

1,662 (7%) students are 31 years or older




Generation Breakdown of RCDE Students

N=6682 (Excludes International and Out of State Sites)

Baby Boomer Students (n=198)

Generation X Students (n=953)

Generation Y Students (n=5531)

0%1% 3%


Generation Break Down of Main Campus Students (N=14,813)

Traditionalist Students (n = 1)

Baby Boomer Students (n = 87)

Generation X Students (n = 423)

Generation Y Students (n = 14302)

Page 9: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

1. Remove Stereotypes& Preconceptions

“Older students, rather than their younger counterparts, display those learning characteristics which traditionally higher education has purported to be striving to develop”

Harper & Kemper, p 220, 1986

Page 10: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

2. Understand Barriers to Adult Learners


Multiple Responsibilitie


Prior Negative Learning



Time Concerns






Difficult Reenrollment


Page 11: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

3. Understand Their Specific Learning Processes

Desire for control/underst


Memorizing information

requires more time

Need more practice,

orientation, and study skills

Have previously

learned materials

Page 12: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

Strategies to Best Serve Adult Learners

1. Ensure Customer Service Practices Accommodate Adult Learners Needs

• Respect Adult Learners• Give Accurate Information • Give them your Undivided Attention (don’t

multitask) • Extend Office Hours• Have a Child Friendly Office• Respond quickly to their questions (e-mail)

Page 13: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

2. Develop Advising Practices Tailored to Adult Learners

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Suggestions/Personal Experiences

Page 15: Millennial Advisors Working With and Working As the Millennial Generation Niki Weight, University Advising Taylor Adams, ASTE- College of Ag.

References Baily, C. A. (2007). Advising adult learners. In L. Huff & P. Jordan

(Eds.), Advising Special Student Populations (pp. 11-24). NACADA.

Greenberg, E. H., & Weber, K. (2008). Generation we, how millennial youth are taking over America and changing our forever. Emeryville, CA: Pachatusan.

Peck, L.G. & Varney, J. (2009). Advising IS teaching: Providing adult learners with strategies for self- advocation Retrieved –August 8, 2012- from NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:

Richardson, J. T. E., & King, E. (1998). Adult students in higher education: Burden or boon?. Ohio State University Press, 69(1), 65-88.

Judy, B. E., & Leanne, C. (2004). Multigenerational nurses in the workplace. Journal of Nursing Administration, 34(11), 493-501. Retrieved from workers.pdf

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References cont. Gursoy, D., Maier, T. A., & Chi, C. G. (2007). Generational

differences: An examination of work values and generational gaps in the hospitality workforce. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27, 448-458. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2007.11.002

Spiro, Cara. (2006, November 1). Generation Y in the workplace. Defense AT &L. (2006). Retrieved August 10, 2012 from Y in the workplace.-a0155789907

Pooley, E. (2005). Kids these days.. Canadian Business, 78(12), 67-68.

Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, S. M. (2008). Generational differences in psychological traits and their impact on the workplace. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8), 862-877. doi: 10.1108/02683940810904367

Trzesniewsk, Kali. Donnellan, M.. (2010). Rethinking ‘‘generation me’’: a study of cohort effects from 1976–2006. Perspectives on Psychological Science. , 5(1), 58–75.