Mikvah Brochure

Bat Sheva – Chaya Esther Mikvah A Spa for the Mind, Body and Soul


Mikvah Brochure

Transcript of Mikvah Brochure

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Bat Sheva – Chaya EstherMikvah

A Spa for the Mind, Body and Soul

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Welcome to theBat Sheva

Chaya EstherMikvah

The brand new mikvah, now being dedicated, was built after years of toil and sacrifice in memory of an unforgettable woman—as well as a tender, innocent infant taken from this world after only 65 days.

Though she only merited two months of life, little Bat Sheva created tremendous waves of holiness and goodwill through the numerous acts of kindness done as a merit for her recovery. Over 100 men purchased new tefillin in her merit, over 700 mezuzas were affixed to doors, and close to 100 women used the mikvah for the very first time! Five hundred women lit Shabbos candles, all for precious little Bat Sheva’s sake. After she was taken from us, the acts of kindness still continue: Thousands of Jewish children learn Tanya by heart, and yeshiva boys review Mishnayos by heart in her memory.

Sadly, the precious newborn did not merit a full and active life on this world. Yet Bat Sheva surely accomplished her purpose, as the mitzvos and acts of kindness done in her memory can attest. Now the mikvah, named after her lofty soul, will continue to illuminate her path in the upper spheres.

The mikvah is also named after Rebetzin Chaya Esther Zaltzman, a righteous woman who was tragically taken from us several years ago, on Erev Yom Kippur, in a horrific car accident. Their life is an enduring saga of mesiras nefesh for every mitzvah, and especially the powerful mitzvah of immersing in a mikvah.

Rabbi and Rebetzin Zaltzman were married in 1954, and started their life in faraway Kazakstan. The closest mikvah to their home was a 36 hour train ride—each way! This necessitated spending three days away from home each month, in order to use the mikvah.

Rebetzin Chaya Esther heroically bid goodbye to her husband and young children, undertaking the precarious and expensive journey each month, to fulfill the mitzvah incumbent upon married Jewish women. Her husband set aside over a week’s wages to pay for the train fare! Fortunately, years later they moved to Eretz Yisroel, and later to the United States, along with their large family, where this special couple dedicated the rest of their lives to shlichus.

Thus, the Bat Sheva-Chaya Esther Mikvah, far from merely a tribute to this exceptional woman, is actually a result of her mesiras nefesh and sacrifice to live a life of purity. One can actually sense her spirit, her determination in every aspect of the magnificent décor. What a fitting way to give life to the legacy she personified!

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A Welcome fit for a Queen

The new Bat Sheva- Chaya Esther Mikvah is a masterpiece, both within and without. Upon arrival, the woman using the mikvah is ushered into an elegant waiting room, decorated with a serene fish tank, soft music, and a hand painted ceiling with delicate hues, reflecting the dual personalities of Chaya Esther and Bat Sheva. Surrounded by tranquility and splendor, she awaits the discreet, yet friendly mikvah attendant, who ushers her into her private spa/preparation room.

The mikvah attendant is not just another cog in the wheel. Handpicked for her expertise, warmth, and caring, she ushers her guests into the mikvah with a warm, loving smile, because this evening is all about you, and your personal rejuvenation. Using the mikvah is an experience that many women wait for all month, as for one magical evening, they are treated like a queen.

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Although the brand new mikvah has the appearance of a luxury spa or high-class health club, it is far more than just a beautiful place to relax. In fact, the mikvah has occupied a prominent position in Judaism, throughout the ages. Our Sages teach us that building a mikvah is more important than erecting a synagogue! A community without a mikvah is a community without a future, as the mikvah ensures the continuity of pure Jewish children, for generations to come.

Water has the inherent power to purify and rejuvenate our bodies and souls, giving us the experience of rebirth and renewal. A woman who immerses in a mikvah after her monthly cycle becomes ritually pure, enabling her to resume a beautiful relationship with her husband, with the same excitement and passion as if she was newly married!

Couples who have begun observing the laws of family purity, renewing their commitment after the woman’s monthly immersion, universally report that they feel as if they were on a honeymoon, every single month.

The excitement and joy with which the couple wait for their monthly reunion, and the knowledge that they are adding so much purity to their lives, transforms and rejuvenates their marriage. But don’t take our word for it—just ask the numerous happily married couples who use the mikvah each month.

What is a Mikvah?

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Building a mikvah is a complicated, expensive project. It involves a team of professionals, hundreds of hours of supervision by Rabbinical experts, and exact attention to myriad details. The combination of architectural marvel, Rabbinical expertise and lavish extravagance are truly a tribute to the power and beauty of the Jewish woman, who brings holiness into her home by using the mikvah.

The kosher mikvah contains about 250 gallons of pure rainwater, along with a comprehensive filtration system. In addition to adhering to the technical laws, the mikvah should be beautiful, sanitary, inviting, and offer a friendly, positive experience.

Thousands of details to make this Mikvah special

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Wow! What an experience! The lavish preparation rooms rival that of an upscale boutique or spa, while providing a rejuvenating spiritual atmosphere. Each preparation room is equipped with a comfortable Jacuzzi, granite countertops, a spa package containing everything a woman needs to prepare for the mikvah, as well as a cuddly robe and slippers.

Soft music, which can be controlled, is piped through the walls, and a phone is available for unlimited use, giving our patrons peace of mind to contact their husbands or babysitters. The kallah rooms are even more spacious and lavish, to give the kallah a memorable introduction to the joys of married life.

A complimentary selection of perfumes, and use of a hair dryer for after the mikvah experience is also provided. The floor tiles are heated, to ensure a comfortable experience when walking to the actual mikvah. Every single lavish detail, from the stunning mosaic tiles to the beautiful accessories, were provided to make the mikvah experience a memorable one. Needless to say, the preparation rooms are thoroughly sterilized after each use.

An Unforgettable Experience

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Once the preparations are complete, in the comfort and luxury of the oversized Jacuzzi rooms, the woman buzzes her personal attendant, who escorts her to the mikvah. The mikvah room itself resembles a miniature Garden of Eden, surrounded by soft lighting, a soothing waterfall and trees. The patron walks down the stairs to the strains of soft music, and immerses in the pure, life-giving waters of the mikvah, surrounded by fragrant shrubs, ensuring her privacy during this powerful experience.

While immersing in the mikvah, the woman’s thoughts and prayers are especially powerful, ascending to the Heavenly Throne, as she prays for the success of her husband and children. At the moment of immersion, she is both physically and spiritually reborn, rejuvenated, and ready to reunite with her husband.

The entire mikvah experience, while serene and comforting, is designed to provide maximum privacy and security, with separate entrance/exits, security cameras in the parking lot, and a warm, knowledgeable staff. There are also free separate classes available, for both men and women, to teach them more about the beauty of the mikvah experience.

A Garden of Eden

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In Days of Olde…

Years ago, a devout Rebetzin would undertake the grueling journey to Moscow each month to use the mikvah, often staying overnight at a friend’s house, because she missed the last train back.

One evening, when she arrived, she was told the mikvah was closed, because it was full of broken glass. Undeterred, she personally removed the glass shards, cleaned and filled the mikvah, so that she could immerse late at night in the ice cold water, returning home the following day.

Nowadays, we are not expected to have such levels of sacrifice, to travel so many hours or clean the mikvah from shards of glass. The mikvah today is spotless and comfortable, even luxurious. We owe it to ourselves to use it each month, and rejuvenate our bodies, souls, and spirits, as we draw closer to G-d by observing this special mitzvah.

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“When I was growing up, my Babushke kept on telling me how difficult it was to use the mikvah in Russia, a small, dingy pit dug under a cellar, to keep it hidden from the K.G.B. I grew up thinking that using the mikvah was a difficult ordeal, only for women from the old generation.

“Was I ever surprised! Upon entering the brand new mikvah, I thought I was dreaming. Did I enter a luxury spa, or a mikvah? Or perhaps both? As I soaked in the Jacuzzi, with soft music and bubble bath, I felt like I could have the best of both worlds—a luxurious mikvah experience to rejuvenate my body, as well as my soul.”

– Anna

“My husband wasn’t sure if he wanted me to use the mikvah, because it sounded so outdated, so archaic. I had heard so much about the beautiful experience, so I begged him to let me try it for a month.

“What can I tell you? Though at first, it was difficult for Brian to wait for me to use the mikvah, when I came home from the beautiful, spa-like experience, it was well worth the wait. I was glowing like a Queen, and Brain was my king. He marveled at how much younger I looked, and felt.

“Now Brian insists I use the mikvah every month, and our marriage is as exciting as it was ten years ago, when I first walked down the aisle! I recommend the mikvah experience for all women—you owe it to yourselves, your husbands, and your future children.”

– Jessica

And Today…How the Mikvah Experience Changed my Life

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A Mikvah for Men

In addition to the woman’s mikvah, a separate men’s mikvah has been built, so that Jewish males can immerse in the mikvah on Erev Shabbat, or any day of the week. Immersing in the mikvah, while not an obligation for men, is a powerful way to add holiness and purity to our lives.

Many of our greatest sages have gone to great lengths to immerse in a mikvah daily, regardless of the obstacles in their path. Forty years ago, a rightous man who lived near Moscow, would skip work every Friday, travel over three hours by train in each direction, in order to immerse in the mikvah on Erev Shabbos, a seven hour journey in total!

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824 Salem AvenueHillside, NJ 07205


Bat Sheva – Chaya EstherMikvah