Mike Koenigs Nutrition and Supplements - TPNI...

Mike Koenigs Nutrition and Supplements This is part of a presentation, “How I Lost 17 Pounds and 4 Inches Off My Waist in 4 Weeks” that is available if you text your name and email address to (858) 217-4858. Disclaimers and Yadda-Yadda: I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you medical advice Don’t do anything without talking to your doctor first Don’t do anything stupid Don’t say I didn’t warn you A few things might be controversial If you don’t like it, don’t do it If you have something nasty to say, call 1-800-CRY-BABY :) © 2011 Mike Koenigs - get the free video by texting your name + email to (858) 217-4858 Page: 1 of 16

Transcript of Mike Koenigs Nutrition and Supplements - TPNI...

Mike Koenigs Nutrition and SupplementsThis is part of a presentation, “How I Lost 17 Pounds and 4 Inches Off My Waist in 4 Weeks” that is available if you text your name and email address to (858) 217-4858.

Disclaimers and Yadda-Yadda:

• I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you medical advice• Don’t do anything without talking to your doctor first• Don’t do anything stupid• Don’t say I didn’t warn you• A few things might be controversial• If you don’t like it, don’t do it• If you have something nasty to say, call 1-800-CRY-BABY :)

© 2011 Mike Koenigs - get the free video by texting your name + email to (858) 217-4858! Page: 1 of 16

Mike’s Morning Smoothie Recipe

Yields 2 smoothies at 455.25 calories each or 910.5 calories for a larger smoothie• ½ cup of raw Spinach (cal 5) • ½ cup of raw Swiss Chard (cal 5)• ½ cup of raw Kale (cal 14)• ½ of mixed frozen blueberries (cal 35)• I package of Acia (Sambazon) smoothie pack (cal 75 , fat 6)• ¼ cup of raw walnuts (cal 200. fat 20) • 1 cup of green tea (cal 40)• 1 cup of water

Blend on the highest speed your blender has until everything is liquefiedI use a Vita-Mix to blend everything...

ADD• 3 tbsp of raw coca powder ( cal 36, fat 2.1)• ½ tsp Shilajuit (cal NA)• 1 tsp Hemp Fiber (cal 20)• ½ tsp Tribulus, terrestris saponinis (cal < 1)• 1 tsp Tocotrienols (cal 25)• ½ tsp Maca powder (cal <1)• 1 tsp Forti Flax (cal 40, fat 2.5)• 1 scoop of Barlean’s Greens• 3 tbsp ground cinnamon ( cal 17, fat <0.1)• ½ tsp Bee Pollen (cal <5) • 3 tbsp nonfat Greek yogurt ( cal 165)

Blend together at medium speed till smooth add water if nessasary

Add at lowest speed untill smooth• ½ tsp coconut oil (cal 62.5, fat 7)• 3 scoops of Nanopro , Super food protein powder ( cal 171, fat < 1)

(If you blend the last two ingredients too much, the mixture gets all foamy)

Pour in a glass and enjoy!

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Nutritional Supplements

2 625mg Krill Oil (twice daily) 2 100mg Alpha Lipoic acid (twice daily)2 D-3 5,000 IU (twice daily)1 Cinnamon Bark (twice daily)1 green tea (twice daily)1 cinnamon standardized (twice daily)1 Kyolic  Aged garlic extract 600mg1 Lecithin 380mg (twice daily)2 day,1 night  Fish oil 1000mg2 (pm) Policosanol w/ Coenzyme Q10, 10mg2 (am) B Vitamin Maxi- Hair (hair pill)  BY Country Life  1 (am) Vitamin D3 10,000 IU 1 packet of Usana Health Pak, {2 mega antioxidants, 2 chelated minerals, 1 active calcium, 1 AO booster  (twice a day)

Weekly “Controversial” TreatmentsIntravenous multivitamin drip once per week1 syringe of glutathione injected intravenouslyAdministered by a doctorAbout $200 per treatment

*Benefits: never get sick, travel well, perfect blood, increase mental and physical performance

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Transcript (Unedited)

Hey, this is Mike Koenigs. And this is “How I Lost 17 Pounds and 4 Inches Off My Waist in 4 Weeks.” I am going to give you a blueprint for health, nutrition, weight loss and also, my workout schedule. And, I believe that anyone can lose a substantial amount of weight and increase the quality of their health substantially in as little as four weeks. I’ve been on a four, eight, 12-week program. Right now, I am 60 days and in doing so, I am, in fact, eight weeks through. I’ll show you some pictures in what’s happened so far. I’ll give you the entire blueprint throughout the course of this video. So let’s begin.

First of all, I'm going to give you my big fat claim, which is I lost almost four inches off my waist in about four weeks. I'm going to show you pictures of that in a moment. Right now, I'm down to about a 30-inch waist, which is close to my high school size. I got to the point where I was wearing 36-inch waist pants. It was probably on a 35-inch. I dropped below. right now a 180 pounds, but 95 was my highest in the past year or so. And actually, I have abs for the first time in my life and I have witnessed some significant muscle gain, you can see it throughout my neck and my face. And, I just came back from a doctor appointment a couple of weeks ago. My doctor says I have the best blood that he has ever seen.

So here are a couple of pictures that you can see in the background. We could even zoom into them. The fact of the matter is I was embarrassed to show some other things and I'll tell you my big why in a moment. But basically, the photo on the right is just from this morning. You can see how much weight I have actually lost on my weight so we can come back to me here.

A couple of quick disclaimers just to get things straight. Number one, I'm not a doctor. Don’t do anything without talking to your doctor first. Don’t do anything stupid, all right? And don’t say I didn’t warn you in case you do something stupid. And few of the things that I'm going to share with you today might seem or be a little bit controversial. And if you don’t like it, that’s just fine. Don’t really need to hear about it. To tell you, that got the honest truth, but you can say whatever you want of course. It’s a free country and you know, freedom of speech. But, I'm going to tell you what works for me, and if it doesn’t work for you, that’s totally cool.

Now, a couple of big whys for you. First of all, I was walking in front of the mirror. I’ve been doing that for 20 or somewhat years, at least that I really paid attention to it and I got sick looking at the chubby white guy walking past the mirror. And the fact of the matter is I’ve always dreamed to having a better-looking body than I have had and I’ve been telling myself I was going to do it for 20 years. It really came down to the fact the question I said is, “Could I do it?”

So if you go back to 1996 when I went through Tony Robbins' training and courses and went through my own what I’d say is a second-generation transformational process. I’ve gone through quite a few since. I can remember the first thing I started with is to start with your physiology. So, over the course of the past six months or so, I’ve been

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going through a lot of inner work in the past 60 days doing a lot of inner stuff, external stuff. Business is changing, the economy is changing and I'm thinking about reinventing a lot of parts of my life and I thought, “Well, I'm going to start with my body right now.” So and with all the products, all the services that I'm rolling out over the next couple of years, I want to be an example, not just from a business perspective, but from a personal perspective, too and of course to my son and also be a better husband and partner.

So here are a couple of quick things for you. Number one, I'm going to give you a couple of the big secrets, I'm going to give you the formula and everything that I have been doing and using to get me to where I am right now. And again, the outcome, the goal I have for you is that you can use it, too. Also, I have some downloadable information for you, but here is kind of the bottom line. The first thing is, I'm a big believer, big follower in Tim Ferriss’s book 4-Hour Body. Not that long ago, I had Tim in the studio, recorded a whole series of videos that you can have for free. You can go to www.FourHourBodyBook.com and get all those videos. And if you choose to actually get Tim’s book, there is a way you can forward the receipt and we will deliver to you his Slow-Carb Diet cookbook as well as another interview that I did with Tim called Success Leaves Clues.

I really am a big fan of Tim and he's become a good friend, and what he did inside the 4-Hour Body book because he made his life a laboratory for just a long period of time. The bottom line is Tim studied with the best nutritionist, some of the MDs in the world. He’s not an MD, he’s not a doctor and he learned and focused on what he calls the MED or Minimum Effective Dose, which is what is the minimum amount of stuff that you could do to get the maximum amount of change in your body. And, that’s where the title the 4-Hour Body came from, because what he was able to show is with an investment of just four hours total over a period of time, you could see dramatic results in weight loss and also muscle gain.

Well, what I have done is I’ve modified his program somewhat. I’ll have to say that I actually enjoy working out and I enjoy it even more now over the past couple of months. And, in the course of this, I have created a program that really works well for me and I want to give it away.

So, a couple of quick tips. The first thing -- the most important thing that you can ever do is focus on drinking more water. It is the very thing you should at the second you wake up is drink 32 ounces of water. Some people say a glassful, eight, 12, or 16 ounces. I’ve found that 32 ounces actually works best. It flushes the body and prevents you from getting hungry, so it actually reduces your appetite.

The next thing is NGH, Never Get Hungry. What’s that mean? Well, everyday, I start out the day with a protein cocktail. And somewhere down here, I actually have -- this is the bottle I drink from all the time. Inside here, I have a pre-workout drink and also, some protein. I generally have about 30 to 40 grams of protein per serving. And I’ve been finding that combining that with a pre-workout drink, it’s a low-calorie drink and I'm

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reducing my hunger, substantially. I will talk specifically about that in a couple of moments.

Next, I'm going to share with you my personal fitness program, exactly what I do. I’ll show you some videos of that. And, I'm also going to share something with you that may sound and probably will feel controversial and a bit strange to you. The big “but” however is, it has allowed me to have and caused me to have the best blood I’ve ever had where it’s been put under a dark field microscope. It’s been underneath the standard microscope. I’ve got blood tests and results back and the net result is a significant change in my blood composition in under six months. Like I said earlier, my doctor says it’s the healthiest blood he’s ever seen.

So, here’s my daily routine. First thing, drink water. Start with 32 ounces. Next, drinking protein and a workout supplement, I will show you the brand I used in a moment. The fitness program, and also the key is I'm drinking some amino acids and protein after the workout to provide fast recovery. Now, the reason that happens is when you workout, whether you do a hard workout or an easy workout, the faster your muscles can rebuild themselves. Well you're going to burn a lot more calories and you’re going to be on the workout and never feel any pain, okay? Or you won’t feel that fatigue -- that normal muscle fatigue. And you’re not going to need as much sleep, okay?

The other thing that’s critically important, most people don’t get enough supplements. It is a proven fact that food that is created or manufactured these days, and I'm talking about farm food or factory farm food, it’s picked before it’s ripe. It has lower nutritional value than ever before. Our soils are being depleted. There is enough scientific evidence to support that, whether or not you’ll buy into the controversies or not, or the conspiracies. The bottom line is if you’re not taking supplements or vitamins, you are virtually guaranteed that your nutritional levels are low in your blood and you are going to have a higher probability of getting some sort of a disease sometime in the future or you are not operating at your maximum physical potential right now.

So, I actually have a guide that you can have for free that gives you all the nutritional supplements that I'm using. Some of them are things -- the cocktail that I have been creating over the past 15 years or so. Some of them are also modified from Tim’s book, the 4-Hour Body. So again, you can have that free, along with my morning smoothie that I make every single day. And, it’s basically a super food smoothie. I’ll give you the entire recipe on how to make that, as well.

So, I'm going to show the videos in a moment, but this is my basic workout that I’ve been using over the past 60 days. I’ve actually been a member of a gym for almost 10 years and I have worked out regularly. The fact to the matter is I’ve stayed basically flat for 10 years. It wasn’t until I modified my diet, which is the first and most important thing. And also, start focusing on some specific muscle groups and simplify the workout as well that I got the results that I’ve seen in the past 60 days.

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So, here’s the summary of what it is. I'm not suggesting you have to do all of this to get the same results I am. I just know that in 30 days, this made a huge, huge difference and I again, dropped almost four inches around my waist. And I lost about 17 pounds, which actually was replaced with muscle at about the same time. You can do a simpler version of this and I will talk to you about that as I go through. So, the first thing is I started running, first time in 20 years. In the past, I used to be a bit of a distance runner, but I injured my knee when I was about 19 years old and ever since then, if I’d run more than say two miles, my knee hurt. And, what I did to change that is I got a pair of those vibram shoes. They looked like toe shoes. Actually, they’re kind of like slippers with toes in them. And, what it changed is when you run, instead of landing smack on your heel, which actually increases the amount of tension on your knees on the normal tennis shoes you have, you actually start running a little bit smoother. It’s basically like running barefoot except you won’t puncture your feet when you run over a rock or something like that.

But, just doing that has allowed me to start running again. And I'm at the point now where I'm running about four miles, four to five times per day or per week, rather. The next thing that I started doing is sprinting. Now, growing up, I was never a fast runner. But right now at 45, I think I'm almost 100% certain that I'm substantially faster runner now than I was when I was a kid. That’s because I studied Tim’s book. He actually talks about how to sprint, how to run. Everyone I know who studied it, he studied with a couple of Olympic athletes, who just taught him how to run efficiently and faster. So what I do is five to eight 100-yard runs. Now, the benefit to doing this, first of all, I run on grass so I use those toe shoes so I don’t have any stress on my legs but most importantly, you are going to flex your glutes.

The key to maximum fat loss is ideally if you can run in the morning and get your legs and your butt muscles active, you’re going to burn substantially more calories throughout the day which will basically mean, if you can trick your body into needing or desiring less food, and I’ll talk about that in a moment, you are going to lose weights very, very rapidly. Now, again, you don’t have to run, you don’t have to sprint if you are severely overweight or you haven’t done anything at all, just get in your butt out of a chair and walking around a block is a good place to start. But, what sprinting ultimately does is it also increases your testosterone production substantially, which of course has some other benefits as well. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

The next thing I do are pull-ups. I'm going to show you exactly what I do, wide grip and close grip. The whole idea is if you want to work on your shoulders, your lats and whatever these things are. Guys, help me out. What are these -- yeah?


Mike Koenigs:Yeah. Okay. Lats and traps. Okay, there we go, my helpful staff here. So, the deal is what you’ll do is you basically are going to get a V a lot faster and you look at someone’s back, he is doing pull-ups. It’s a great thing to do. Push-ups are

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fantastic as well. Also, kettlebells. I learned about kettlebells. They are really a great workout thing and I’ll talk about those in a moment.

Finally, gaining abs. I actually was able to get abs and a noticeable -- I will say, “Kind of like a half of pack or a two-pack in less than three weeks.” And this is using something called the myostatic crunch. So, I train about four to five times weekly for 40 to 60 minutes. I do it because I like it. Now, and if you can just get your butt moving for 21 to 30 days, it will become a habit and you’ll really enjoy it especially when you start looking in the mirror and you go, “Hey, I'm not that white fat dude or that fat chick anymore,” or whatever color you are, it doesn’t matter. But, the whole deal is you ain’t going to look in the mirror and say, “Yuck!” Okay it’s a great incentive and it keeps you going.

So, here’s the first thing. I'm going to show you a little sprint exercise. You can see that behind me. But, my son actually shot this today with my little iPhone 4Gs, which by the way, fantastic new camera in this thing. There you can see me running. And basically, what I do is I just run as fast as I possibly can for 100 yards or so. And, I just go back and forth and back forth. Well, what happens after just a couple of weeks, I'm not out of breathe anymore. It’s a great thing because I’ll tell you what, there’s something else that you do that people do especially when they’re married, etcetera and if you’re getting out of breath, this will prevent you from getting out of breath anymore.

All right so, it’s a great thing, you won’t be as hot and sweaty and nasty also. So, a little bit of movement like this, sprinting is one of the most powerful ways to increase your strength and increase your caloric burn. Again, it increase your testosterone, increase your butt muscles, your leg muscles, your butt is going to look a lot better and nicer. Pants are going to fit differently, gigantic benefits.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, sprinting I think is a good thing. Again, check with your doctor on that one, also the run. Now, next, pull-ups. So, these are a little bar that I got at -- I think it was at a Target Store, okay. It only costs like 20 or 30 bucks. It fits in your doorway. And now when you start out, if you haven’t done pull-ups in a long time, it won’t be unusual if you can’t even do one. But, as you’ll see here, I'm doing wide grips. I can do -- here I’ll do 12 of them and that happened over a period of about 60 days or so. I can do 15 in a set right now without too much trouble. But, these things really radically change your body very, very quickly. Again, your first goal should be to get your lower body working first, your gluts and your quads because that’s what’s going to burn the most calories. But also, if you start doing your shoulders, fantastic. So, the wide grip is going to do your shoulders, your lats and you traps. And then in the next video here -- oh, actually I don’t do it, but if you do close grip pull-ups, it’s good for your biceps.

Now, the key thing is even if you can’t get one, you can stand, pull yourself up and let yourself down easy doing what’s called a negative, that actually has huge benefits to your muscles as well. And actually, the key is stretching your muscles.

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So next exercise are kettlebells. Now, kettlebells originated to the best of my knowledge, in Russia. And there a lot of MMA fighters, a lot of street fighters and people who only are using kettlebells to workout. A couple of my friends start doing this and I watched Tim’s videos on how to do kettlebells properly. The caveat and disclaimer here is watch them, study with someone. If you are prone to back injuries, you’d better off not doing kettlebells unless you understand how to do a proper squat. Now, I'm using a 50-pound kettlebell here and I'm doing -- I’m actually swinging a little bit high. But basically, what you’re doing is you’re squeezing your butt muscles and you’re squeezing your core and holding your breathe basically as you come up, exhaling at the top and then coming down inhaling and you’re swinging.

I do about two to three sets of 12 to 16 of these. It will get you pumped. And again, what you’re doing is you’re tightening, you’re basically tearing your muscle. That’s what causes it to grow. So kettlebells are fantastic way. And there’s a lot of people, a lot of athletes who are saying that kettlebells are the best workout you can get. You can get a pair of them, you can do squats with them and you can also lift them in this direction as well so there are a lot of different exercises with kettlebells. There’s tons of free videos on YouTube, lots of free kettlebell exercises and workouts. But I’ve had great results as a result of that and again, it strengthens your core.

Next are the abs, okay. Now I learned this from Tim’s course. This is the myostatic crunch. Here is the deal. A lot of people came to Tim and they’re saying, “Hey, I want abs.” And, of course, you tell them how to get abs and no one would ever do it. He said in the time he had been telling people what to do to get abs, no one ever did it so.

So basically, the thing I'm laying on is something called a Bosu Ball. It cost, I don’t know, 50 or 60 bucks or something like that. I got my net target again. And, what you do is you stretch it over and you hang your butt on one end, your shoulders over the other, you stretch out as far as you can and you exhale and relax. Again, the key to gaining muscle rapidly, is stretching and tearing. So, what you do is you lean back, you basically pinch your shoulders, lean back as far as you can, inhale and then you come up and you pull in your stomach muscles as tight as you can. And what I do, you know Tim basically just says exhale. I exhale for a 15-count. So I squeeze then I pull as hard as I can, and yeah it's going to hurt a little bit but it only takes a couple of minutes. And if you just do this about every three days for three weeks, you will see a dramatic, noticeable difference in your abs.

It is so easy, I could not believe it. In fact, I'm embarrassed and ashamed of the fact that I didn’t learn the simple, simple thing until now. I am too old to find out the stuff on how easy it is to transform your body. But once again, I have to give Tim an awful lot of credit for doing the hard research here and finding out the easy way around it. But this is like I said, if there's anything that I'm completely ashamed and embarrassed to admit is that I didn’t understand the simple thing. If I had kids, I do know, I'm teaching my son, who's nine years old how to do this because he don’t want to have to go through life looking at a gut, okay. That's my hope for him anyway. Although if that's what he wants, it's totally cool too.

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All right, a couple of things about nutrition and diet. First of all, I had basically taken most of what's in Tim's book and modified it a little bit. Some of it to suite me personally and other things that just -- from an intuitive perspective, I thought I'd adjust just to here, like the myostatic crunch. I did it exactly the way he suggested. My recommendation is, do it exactly the way he suggests and exactly the way the experts have and until you figure out a way to do something that's better than them, you have no right to change it. That's the old "killing the" -- you don’t want to kill your mentor until you've gotten better results than the mentor.

So, the 4-Hour Body modified is the first step. Second thing, I completely eliminated carbs. There is the bottom line. Most people get fat because they drink carbs. The second thing is they eat stuff that's white; anything that's man-made or white is basically junk, okay? That's sugar, white flour, anything that's in a box or a bag is generally crap. So stop eating it unless you like or you want to stay being fat or you want to do bad things to your body which basically the cause of most disease that comes from inflammation.

Stuff that's man-made, processed, packaged or white is going to cause problems. Think of it like glue or paste. Now you won't sit around and eat a bucket of paste but someone won't think a thing of eating a box of crackers or a bunch of candy. That is what's going to poison your body, it's going to poison your mind and it's going to make you die and be fat.

So, the other thing is beer. I love beer. Here in San Diego we have some of the best IPAs in the world as far as I'm concerned. We have more breweries per capita here than any other city in the country, interestingly enough. And Racer 5 is one of my favorite little brews however, completely cut it out and I'll tell you what, having abs and looking better and feeling better beats the hell out of being fat and bloated.

Again, I don’t say, "Don’t do it ever", and I'll talk about alcohol in a moment. But the bottom line is, beer makes you fat, it's a bunch of carbs and one of the biggest things that I did with the exception of drinking maybe a couple of glasses of iced tea a week went to water only. It sounds hard, it's not hard. The key is to start and never get hungry. I'll spend more time on that in a moment but if you start the day out and drink your 32 ounces of water, and then drink protein drinks constantly, you will not get hungry and you won't be tempted. Now I'm a big meat eater, I try my best to stick with organic meat but the fact of the matter is, I fail at it fairly frequently just because I eat out a lot.

But, meat and eggs are a staple for me, and vegetables. So just again, I avoid like basically, with few exceptions, quit eating all breads. And again, there's a lot of theories and a lot of beliefs about that but the key is, once you train your body, you just won't need it or desire it anymore. And I'm fine with protein drinks and with meat and vegetables. I don’t have an energy dip and again, the whole idea here is carbs are easily converted into fat. So, if you're going to eat carbs, just make sure they're

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complex carbs versus simple carbs which again, anything manmade in a box or a bag, bad for you. Anything white, bad for you. That goes for white rice, et cetera, et cetera. So, protein drinks are the key to never getting hungry.

So, I do have a couple of products that I recommend. I started using these because I basically connect it with the CEO of this company. The name of the company is VPX Sports. He has a few products. One of them in particular is called NO Shotgun. It is a pre-workout drink that has caffeine in it. Now normally, I'm very sensitive to any kind of external chemicals which are caffeine included, until recently, I hadn’t drank coffee in 20 years and I haven’t been drinking soda with a few exceptions. I might have a bottle of Mexican Coca Cola once or twice a year.

But here's the deal, if you take a pre-workout drink, you mix it with protein, you basically can get by and have a 100 calorie or so, drink, if you're using something that has a natural non-caloric sweetener in it, okay? All of their products are that way. I will tell you that I was using a protein powder for a little while that has stevia in it, and it was fine but after a couple of weeks, let's just say things became very loose, all right. So my recommendation is just watch the consumption of that stuff. But, here's the key advantage. When you drink something that has the bases of water, protein drink with an energy drink that has some caffeine in it or a stimulant, I found it doesn’t make me jittery but it speeds up your metabolism 12% to 14% which means you're going to burn more calories and it'll also flatten out your energy.

I also add a little bit of protein in there but the net result is I'm actually eating one-half to two-thirds less food. And, that again, explains the rapid loss in body weight. Now, at this time, I still feel really, really good. I'm going to continue on with this diet plan and again, keep my caloric intake down dramatically. If you can knock it down, so you're only eating about 1500 to 1600 calories per day, it means you're going to store less, you're going to burn more, and there are huge benefits. If you want to learn more about the VPX products, www.VPXSports.com and over time also, I'll keep you up to speed into some other developments that are going on over there. But so far, I found them to be very high quality products and on a philosophical level, I agree with the CEO in his belief systems. So great products, I have been using them now for the past couple of months and I give them a lot of credit, substantial amount of credit for the changes I've seen in my body.

Now, with regards to alcohol, I do enjoy alcohol, don’t drink -- well, I love red wine, all right? So, here's the bottom line. Red wine doesn’t have as much sugar in it and for whatever reason, I don’t know the science, but you don’t process it the same way you do like white wine which is basically all sugar. In terms of hard alcohol, vodka for example, no calories. You get in any other stuff that's sugar based like rum or even tequila, it's sugar based. So there's going to be caloric intake there and it's going to convert into fat. Beer as I said earlier is your enemy. It doesn’t matter what kind of beer it is. It's going to make you fat and bloat you.

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Now here's the most important thing, all these nonsense about wine being good for you, complete nonsense and bull crap, in my opinion. Here's why. Alcohol kills cells. It's bad for your bloodstream, it's bad for your body, and it's bad for your brain. So, this whole deal of, "Oh yeah, I can drink wine and it's good for me." Look, I know there are benefits to it. First of all, I love red wine. I think it's the nectar of the gods, got no issue with it. Don’t trick yourself into believing the bull crap lies. I know there are some reasons where you're relaxed and that kind of thing when you have it. But the whole deal is, if you're drinking alcohol, you're killing cells. The moment you have a buzz, it's doing a lot more damage than it's doing you any good, so that's just something to know. But again, I enjoy it; I drink it because I like it. Got nothing against it, just know -- don’t buy into the lies, it's sort of like pork being the other white meat. I used to work for the agency that invented that. It's bull crap, okay. It's not white meat; they just said that stuff, okay. Just something to keep in mind, don’t be tricked by the marketing.

All right, so on into the controversial stuff. I use something a little bit odd. Most people, the first time they hear it, they freak out. But going back about 15 years ago, I used to do a bunch of work for an alternative hospital called Sanoviv, which is located across the boarder in Rosarito, Mexico. It's founded by a gentleman named, Dr. Myron Wentz who's the founder of USANA Medical Sciences. They are a big supplement company. And down there, they did a substantial number of alternative treatments, some of which you can't get in the United States due to FDA regulations and that kind of thing but they did a lot of alternative: cancer treatment, stuff with organs. And if they serve their people organic raw food, they practice Qi Gong and did all sorts of alternative treatments that were quite fascinating. But one of the things they did were all intravenous drips.

So one time, I had a blood test down there and they said, "Well you're low in a couple of areas." So they hooked me up to an IV and dripped in some vitamins. It's basically anytime you're taking a supplement, the amount of supplements that actually get absorbed by your bloodstream is actually fairly low and you have to take a lot of them for them to make any big difference. And remember, with all the food and everything else that's going on, if you're not taking regular supplements and checking your blood regularly, I guarantee that you're low.

In fact, with the vitamin D and a few other vitamins guarantee that you are not getting what you need. So the beauty of intravenous is that it's going straight in your bloodstream, they're absorbed until your body basically can't absorb anymore. And what happens is, the first time I took it, I literally felt like I was about 15 years old and I was bouncing off the walls, I felt so good. And the proof that I have is when I took my blood test about six months ago and I started doing the intravenous. Six months later, blood test comes back the doctor says, "Unbelievable, I've never seen blood like this before. The cells are free flowing, et cetera, et cetera." And there's no doubt about it, definitely I have better attention, focus with details, I don’t get sick and I started doing it because I was traveling a lot. Flying back and forth, back and forth, basically getting exposed to all sorts of crud. So the other thing that I'm getting injected is something called glutathione which there are a substantial number of MDs, Doctors and research

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supporting the fact that if you have enough glutathione in your bloodstream and you're getting a supplement of it, the chances that you can get Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is extremely low.

It is a massive anti-oxidant and it also detoxes the brain and your major organs as well. So the net herein is the problem with doing this, is first of all, you got to make sure you're working with the doctor who knows what they're doing so you don’t have any problems. The second thing is it's fairly expensive. Each treatment is about $200.00, so that's just something to keep in mind, but if you're at a point where you can justify it and you look at the value of your time -- let's just say you get an extra hour a day out of your body and out of your mind and productive work and let's say you did this every other week, I'd say it's a great investment.

If you never get sick for example and if you look at how often you get sick and say, "I'm never going to get sick." It's a great investment. So everyone that I've ever turned on to this always says, "Oh my God, I can't believe how good I feel and I don’t get sick anymore" and I just checked out my blood work as well. So having perfect blood means the chances of you getting a disease or getting sick is exceptionally low. And this is something I've had great luck with and like I said, everyone that I know who has done it benefits dramatically and they have to give a shout out and credit to my friend, Jorge Cruz for turning me on to the doctor that I go to and also the treatments are getting back into them.

All right, in terms of supplements and smoothies, it turns out I have done a fair amount of work in the supplement business. My exposure to Dr. Myron Wentz in USANA gave me -- basically I've been able to study this quite a bit. My wife used to work for Deepak Chopra so she also is very knowledgeable on the space and my parents have been Shaklee distributors for years. So what I'm going to tell you is, first of all, if you like my smoothie recipe, the slide deck, all the slides that you're looking at, the video that you're watching to download to your iPad or iPod as well as all my supplements, you can text your name and email address to the number that you see up here which is (858)-217-4858, okay.

So here's the bottom line, when it comes to supplements, know a few things. If you're going to go out and get some generic stuff or -- I won't mention any brand names, but basically stuff that comes from factory providers that aren’t coming from a whole food basis probably don’t absorb well. There are a couple of drugstore vitamins for example that they basically use coal tar as the substance which basically just sits in your intestines. You hear all those stories about how John Wayne had like 40 pounds of red meat and crud in his intestines when he died, that's basically what happens to the supplements too. They just sit there into a big blobby mass that sits in your intestines and poisons you eventually.

So, a good supplement gets absorbed, the maximum does go through your bloodstream and of course does good stuff for you. So, you want to be careful about what you take and where you get it from. For me, I have been using USANA's products now for about

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a decade. They don’t upset my stomach. My parents as I said have been using Shaklee products. I have met the founders of that company before. They came in, and it's basically a family run business. I have also taken tours to USANA facilities, I've been able to see their products myself. Look, there's a billion different choices for supplements, I'm not necessarily endorsing any but do a little bit of research, find something that resonates, and that feels good to you.

Do a research on the company, make sure they are buying their products, they're adhering to the highest quality control standards but not taking supplements, in my opinion is a giant mistake because again, food sources these days aren’t providing enough true nutritional supplementation. You can't possibly eat enough high quality foods unless you are growing it yourself and maintaining it and know where the grass, or the soil, the fertilizer, the seed sources and everything else, it's virtually impossible. It's just the nature of the beast because of soil depletion and all that other stuff.

So with regards to my smoothie recipe, it's a whole food recipe, I drink it every single day. There is lots of fiber and the good news about it is between the protein drink and that I don’t need to eat until usually the afternoon and I feel really good. So that's the bottom line there.

Couple of next steps for you; if you're interested in moving forward, I'd highly recommend you talk to your doctor. I'm putting that in there as a disclaimer; you'll know your body and know what you can do. Next one, visit www.FourHourBodyBook.com, get all the free videos, highly recommend if you haven’t already picked up Tim's book. To me, it's the best value in learning how to maximize your body. Get the most out of it. And great diet stuff, great workout stuff and again, I know Tim, he spent a lot of time putting himself in a spot where his body became a laboratory and he is basically -- I'm giving that information away to you. Great information in there, it doesn’t matter how old you are. It works whether you're 16 or 69 or 78, okay?

The other big thing, drink lots of water. First thing you do the moment you wake up, 32 ounces, that's my recommendation. Of course if you just do 8 or 16, fine. Drink some water, if you ever suffer from migraines, any kind of headaches, virtually guaranteed you're not drinking enough water, okay. Stop drinking, soda, diet soda is poison. All the artificial sweeteners, anything that's yellow, blue or red, those little packets, those are neurotoxins. Not only do they shrink your brain and have all kinds of ill side effects, I'm certain there's a whole bunch of other bad things. We'll learn about them in the near future. But also they trick your body and your body still thinks it's getting sweeteners which still elevates your insulin and you'll still get fat, it will not prevent you from getting fat.

So if you can just change your focus. Drink water and you'll learn to enjoy it. Squeeze in a little bit of lemon or lime, one of the big things that Tim talks about is, you squeeze some lemon juice in your water 20 minutes before you eat and 40 minutes after you finish eating, what happens is it actually flattens or lowers your insulin level so there's a lower probability that you will store fat. It's just on one of these really nice things to

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know which leads me to the Never Get Hungry philosophy which again, if you take a pre-workout drink or a post-workout drink, mix it with protein, it will flatten out. You won't get hungry, you won't have an energy dip, you have low caloric intake and you'll be able to get by eating one third to one-half the normal amount of food that you normally consume. And that comes from a guy who's been a big eater my whole life. Changing your diet goes without saying, "Get rid of anything white, manmade, packaged, if at all possible."

Now remember, a basic philosophy that I have, "It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do all the time that kills you" So going out, having fun, drinking, eating whatever the hell you want, everyone -- as long isn’t going to kill you. It’s what you're doing unconsciously that gets you guarantee that sugar, manmade crap, and drinking calories and anything white. So again, if you're addicted to it, it's not hard to stop especially if you move in to a fitness program, you just won't feel like eating that junk after a short period of time. And finally, start taking some supplements. I highly recommend you investigate that, it will make a big difference and if you have an opportunity, hook up with your doctor. Get yourself a blood test so you can see the befores and afters, it's a great incentive. Not to mention the fact that when you walk passed your mirror you're going to give yourself a little, "I can't believe that's me."

So the fastest path to success. Number one, if you use my workout routine, expect to loose 10 to 15 pounds usually in 30 days. You saw the pictures, you know, losing 4 inches off your weight is absolutely possible, it doesn’t take a lot of work to do it. And in the process, if you're using a workout and you're doing the kettle bells, if you're sprinting you're going to basically gain that weight back in muscle but of course it's going to compact, it's not going to be that flabby nasty stuff. And just imagine looking at yourself in the mirror having abs, what would that feel like? I'll tell you what, best thing that's ever happen to me and like I said, I have wanted them for -- let's see, from 45 now. Let's just face it, ever since I was 16, and I'd hope that I have them, so. And what will end up happening is you're going to have people complementing you, saying you look 10 years younger and what did you do. They won't be able to tell other than you just look a lot better. If you're single, you can imagine the benefits as well

So my challenge to you is, get yourself enrolled in a 90-day program. I would love to get before and after pictures of you, so have your kid or your spouse or someone just take a picture of yourself. Right now, even though I know it's going to be embarrassing, I am ashamed to admit it, I didn’t take pictures in the very, very beginning because I was just embarrassed frankly. But the other thing is I'll come up with a reward program for you for participating this and sending in those pictures too. So just take a look at the downloadable document for some information on that.

So that's the end of this video. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you got something out of it. It's my gift to you and the bottom line is when you take care of your body, you're going to take care of your physiology, you're going to be able to perform better for you. You're going to live longer, you won't be a burden on society or medical profession, your family and you're going to be able to give a lot more for your customers, your clients, your

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children, your spouse and ultimately it's going to benefit you as well and your creator if you decide to look at it that way too.

So I encourage you, just take some action at a minimum, just drink some water get out of your chair, walk around, just take a walk around the block right now and take it from a 12 step program which is just take it day to day. Don’t think about a week from now or three days from now or a month from now. Just take today and make it just a little bit different. You'll see a dramatic increase and change in your body in your mind and your performance. So thanks for watching. I'll see you in another video soon.

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