mii As.=o - atlanticlibrary.org · bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosed W hen you stamp ¯...


Transcript of mii As.=o - atlanticlibrary.org · bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosed W hen you stamp ¯...

Page 1: mii As.=o - atlanticlibrary.org · bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosed W hen you stamp ¯ letter, always place the ~iamp ... the 8’s ssk if there isTm3thing for William

..y, .... . ..... T,~.~. =_ 5:¯...""

- ,:.: 7 " : "- ¯ - --w: ......


. f -.

. ,,._


--- -, -,1, ................ 1 50 .......]~tes " "’ 4 87

C Matb~ In’her (order drawn to D B Ashley) 17 .:’.. ]~Cl~ Giberson, labor 2 00

" .2 00 ".’ ~’ " .... 450

¯ , .:~." ~" 300.f ,S O0

J B Johnson, , ,, " " 3 fi0WmBobi¯so~: i~’ou 4. ,50¯JoabS~y. lumber and labor - 34 25 ....ADougbty, "’ ’ ..... 27 95.

t tcaL...... :lBool n-t a C "ProdUo~

=. of JOHN:B. GOUGH, of ......pti .....ld ....d oo,~hs. ’

Dr. Seheuek’a Sea ~ecd Tenio for the cure of

No.,IO NORTH wA, Eft STREET, PIIILA of Jntorc~ttmd path6~; Flftj " "Sollalteousl~ameulsofallhladsof PRODUCElast flveraonths. People willbnylhls netwith- Dr, Sehencks Mandrake Pill.*, for diseatt¢ ufAlso Batter, l~ggs Poultry, &o, staadtng the "hard limes."’ It is a pleasure to the liver or to act aa .a gentle purgative.

.~ Philadelphia roferenees.--N. C. ~fussel- soil it for it Is doing much good. The work is All of these three medicines are ofte’i: required SKELETONmmn, Esq., I’res’t Union Bank Co. Phila.; Allen splendi~lly bound anti illustrated. Address in uurtott consumption, though the Puhaonlc&Clifford, llnd~ ....... $1o.".n & Son. ’ .It ~¯ JOiI~O~, No¯e3’~ Arch ,t.~;l’h ’a [50 Syrup alone , ....... d .... y desperal .......

IZ~0]~S.]~T’N. B¯--Pleate send for Weekly Pries Current

"~ I/~ A D.~-3.’~~y new and hen-The Seaweed Tonic and Mnndrake Pills

ftee-nfeharge. : ........... 31-8a4. w~1 ~ o~-ahle. LiberM in!l tc ’ment~,...l~eaerh~

regulating the ~qlmaeh and liver, and ...... ’

"ii;,¯e"c*re"~a’r~’~r~.""A’ddrcss J C RAND, Dhldo- open, nml lhorchy allowhlg............. porribhb

FURNITURE STORE. (or,!,yo=iL_ ~ ........8.? ’ fouled .... :n.,i c~mf,rt re ,h~" .......... I n~ It .........

357 North Second 8trdet Ptdl~,dclphta. 3~7 .A.G]~ZN.~P~, IeEA9 rJ[~I-IIS hlood vesscdieiaes are conscientiously offered I. tinm pos,Scrsn~ll the tlllvtlnta~’cn of the ecru--the i u biie as thinly safe, certain and" r~hhlv¯ . in~n Co tset.~ In gi’,qng tnpF.rt to thn h+~dy,The old stand established Iwenty. years;’ tel. $50 to $200 PER 310NTII MADE BY A~OENTSremc~ y fur puhnonary cnnsumptlon, and f,,r: all e’er lie.Ill b G,’+rce, u.d Colofortt they ,re n-

ulllphaDI . ~ELT, INtl those morbid eouditious of th~ body ~hlch l~’ad rivalled in the markeh Tht.y are i, arllenh rlythat fatal disease. Livcr complaint nnd dys-. rcco,nmcl, ed tor ~unlmer and u’arm rllra~*lc~.iX’~URNITU’I~E’A- The omo of Washington, .... + ..... fteu fo ........... f ........ pll ....... d althongh equally ’.,’ell adult, ted .... II .............Boring the recent depre~tnn in business, we or ~Iotlnt’~ ern(,n and ~[8 Assn~lation~, by ]]IJN- ~.¥1~e~ llley lna~ f~Bt t lelnse Yc8 [tley ¥oquiro the they°or, q-’S,,+ arc highly rcc.,;me+Tihd by o .

lost and eelcntl’fiu ~;eu. .[,’or ~:lle hy , ]r/t.ela~lald in for eash, cheapest and hestassorted stock -ON J, I, OSBINO. 1.5o lllutlrhlions, tints most prompt attention.in the city, which we ara selling at reasonab|e paper," hfi i,DoincIv t.qm,l. Only hook on Ihv The Pulmonic Syrup is a :acdictne whicl~ ilasprices. New patent :~,,fa Bedsteads which makes subject. Every fnl’ully iranian coI~v. Sold only had a tong probation before the phi;lie, its val-

deal,,r~, l,’or clrt’lt]ars, pzice~..tte-, a,hirv~ the

agoodbedataight, suilablo for sick rooms or by~uhseri~thm. VcryliheralloHn.~given. Send uo has heen proved by the thoueamls of cures it It’OItCESTEII,~:I;I2tTCO.. W~.:c,.~l,,r, 3ia~s.

offices¯ for our Hlu~lrnted circniar~ and notice ~¯nur e~tra haz m:~ le Ihrough a period (~t moro lht~n + thirly- + ...................................CO’tTAOI¢ anti WA.L.~CT °It ~l~gt ~CIT~, ~lraw terms A.S. IIA|,[’~, & Co., liar,ford, Con. [50 five years, lu all qt~which thnc it~ rei, utalion

I:~TAnLl:’lzm~, l~SO.

Husk, Fxc+isi ..... I Svrlng Matt ....... h~+, i ........ t, and tl ....... t ol,stinato ,+hcl,llcl .... WELCH & GRIFFITHS,,~:~" l’arlur sui(0 Upholstered in any style to ~/~ltgle Colllb will change any colored IJait doubt th,t it is a remely which

shitpurehasere, l¥.l or beard toa F blacker brown confidencain all cases which - SAWS! AXES! SAWS!

~7 Noi’th S¢eoud St¯ ab. Vine, E~.st Side, l’hil. If the patient ~iIl persover|ngly follo~= ,ha di. 1rural!hinTs. Circuhlr ~aws "~ Ih H, ’J’ct ,7a2$-S~2.S 36-.t9 5l.tc~e Coxta Co,, Sl,rlut:flchl. Ma~s. eetions which accompany ea~.h bonlo, he will , r ~vith l’a6:nl Adju~tible i’oi~: s t.t er r to n

certainly be cured, if his l~g~ are not too mdch Inser t ~ Tcclh Sawm l’rk’cs re+ need.

llIS-I-IOOP $KIRTt~ 1115 ]2’3¢ ". ~.VJ~.-R-~ ~’~A]~ t~,aste,l to mak~-~-euro possible¯ l’.’,~n in #noes 3:O- ,’5:rod t~,r ,rice list;,,.IcJr’;:~lars .-:.~su ;posed t~ be incurahle, when fri~j~k~ and phy- WnLclz 3: tll: v,’zti~q "0ighttl~ have dcspairc, , the uso of ~lis medicine I3,)~ ull, ,‘1i:lss.~r Dclrt,it Mivh. r 30. 16,

-._+_Z ............. - ...... : -+.......... I~A1NNXNG’~ ~’TiI+’~-~LEA T MEDICAL DISC(.)VERY

C- ...........~- ..... Dr. "~,Vall+~er’s Cnliloa’nlr~PATr+’+~ - ¯ +VINEO-A-R=RITTER~ == = .....

,qoro than lie( rsous hoar testimony- "

.............. to th.~ir w0n+’lerfu +or

uhl, married oror 1he turn of life, IbeZo Tonics haveSend fnr a circular.


¯ ¢i/


[ :

TIII’Y Anl: ~nr A VII,EFan(.y -Dl.htlr, -- "

~,la,le of pc.r ]tum, Whisky, Proof Spirits, andlteffl:~C Li’lnort~, doctored+, *~] iced nnd sweetened: G (~ouover~ ser b~d~’o, rcl’f poor, ~ tt b’d" 13 25 5 00 6 00

8 P Q0~t~ty, ser-ou’bridga &; ntt nn~b’~d 25 70 5 50D B l~i’~011; bl’D+, m~dical aS t’on poor $7 89

" :: dO ,;~i’do’4: " . " . " ?,600" Po .... do- ’"" ,+ ’, ¯ 1 80 ........

"2 ’+: ..... :"+: "~io " -do ’i: + .. "" " &++~tt b;4. 3 50 6 00 "

,, ...... 3t 50Hanthore,:rsPf to poor~& inoiJ’l far C Iton~ 23 00

]1 55oo....... C s 249 01

........ 4 00-13 00

J W Moore acr on bridga & at, Otl b’d 5 60. 4 50-E & work on C bu’ld’s

.K L ] ¯ ~: ’~ +"Th6S Cain li~-m-b~ "

tr~cS’ - " " "tar

: ’- 3.t 75

al ms-bouso-dlt--Nv-~gi-I ~i m .~,.~ho4t ~d f t~N~=ntm¯hnutmdit-Nb 550440; County dIt";in~ 42 95’ ~ = ’

Daniel B Ill, Icy, ice’on:bond No 32art on board +~=~m ~ i = .... 11 05

~tiilo, M D, tried,eAt air on poor ~ ¯ : /’+ " 7;} 30Doughly, labor and lumber , ’ 12 96

’ W .T Weeks. lumP" ser onbr’ge-& ;(t{t poor 1150 G SO

]I0PF:INS " OWN 5tAKE." rill" OF

In all the Now Sprlng Styles for Ladies, 511s.~c~and Children; the quality ,rid l’ri ..... f which .z~ 7rE N+Tf 0 -~.will recommend ,hemP°hess to ercryeus¢omer.Q,a.nst:r.a I. C0p.’~gt$ ~! C.0.gsz;Ts !| .lust marheddown to gohl at par;.Inakiffg our pre~enl prit, esless thau they can be affordod, until gold dc-elincs THEone year ngo. We ~ero the’first in Philadelphiat. gi,.e ,it,or i. oh,,n~o t ........ t .......... 1 vcll-cstablisllcdnow tal:o the lead in giring them full advaota~e

¯ the return to a tlmdu hatis, in advance of the "DUSII1C’SS:L:

Uari relief 250

Franoi¯ H Hoover, coffin &"furceral cx¯’..’Simon.Jtanthorc ~lief ....Sam S[e6]h~nh/ - "

do board ’

Joh¯ (]pdfre£, tither :~ 7 00

.’::i _. ’~ J°shub’Smii]~;+’i ’" "’’2 257ooCh~.J~’E~e.ll; -:. :,1 co

.( =-- ak

" 2 l0¯ 5 97

Dan Townsend, " 75" _ _ . _J+50 ." 2 50 -

labor 10 ]7_+

Received lroul Atl~n~;b-Chy; " 2.0"56 88Received teem lgttepa Vi.~ta T., 2.402 70Reccived frmu I~g~ Harb0r,City, S31 75B~ceived fr,.nt E~g tlarbnrT., 3.114 5fi

y~l form Galloway T,, 3.480 85Reccivod from I].n]iltol~ T.. 3 IG5 64l~eceive~ t~’dh~ ’H ansntont on T., 2,113 0(~Recetved from Mudiea ’J’., 2,183 .t3Bemired from" W,~y/nouth T,i 1.4S9 18Lumber sold, 4 30

’ ¯"=I.nt~reFi"ea’st~ ofIIaulilton T., 27.5018 66

6 00 "

60tl10 u04fi 00

5 20k~-6ff --

75, $0,’85 90, 95, $1.e0and to$2.20.1land¯made Whalehone corsets at 50. ~0. 75.

corscl at 75c. reduced froul ~¢l.(}O; nt $I.0O-re-174 32 due~d from$1+4~; I~l ~t.25 rcdaecd from?.,,75

2[ 00 Tbompson’~ IHovo ]:illhlff t’,,r~t-[~ lit $1.75 re-dueed fro~a ~2.20, Mrs. M.,.ly’s l’.tent ~elf-2 97 adjusting ’~bdo ~ nal e ,re ~ s at ¯ re uetit st oE2525 00 cts. to $1.00 pet phir nccn~diug to ( ualiD’. ¯ All

205 40 et ~er goods prop.rt onate y re,luee Skirts and4] 49 made to ,,rder. nnd

tor dcscHplive eircuIar.

N~. 1115 Che~tndt SI re~,t, l’hil.

[entorAtoidul Ttt-nser~ ]nternzd and Extcrz.M. V,!imt.-~dt~t]in~ ahd~.tchit~ginb’. t, ,sltkcly, l,e,fu~tly and ,erm,,:;cnt]y Cgltl’:D v,’ithotU paiu, +t:x,l~’~r. :n~trol: ents orcaustic, hy

W. A. McCA’NI)LI’SS .1/. ILN.. ]92g Spring I;ardcn St., I’hiladet +hi;z, ]+aWho can rclcr you to undrcd t,

ractiee ofcleveu years aa a Sl,ecially

in all ct sc.s. " w ~a:;0.SaS0.

53G 907 (l(I

Struggles ast<l ’I’riumph~ of

--+N" ,,r!y /SO0 ],a~zez--l)rintc,I ~t~ English :,rid(ierman--3;: elc’zant full-l,age~:ngraving~.

It etnhraee~ f,,rty ycnr~ reetdlecti+:ns ef h~sbus)’ lifu a~’ a 31crchant. Manny.er. ];anl;er. I.ce-ttlrer and Showm:tl: IlIld girc~ neconuts of hl-Impr~sr~nuluut, his fal]lzre, tis ~n~’ecs~fnl Euro-

-gp ~ .~P ": rl ai!:ieg+)~ n r ~a t i vc..._~ u _,b z~..j, u bli.~ h ~ tlgo acectl ’,able to all cla,se~.. }:very (lU0 wanls il.Agents arc sellb t~ fr, m .’~[l Io I ~0 per weu~ Wcoff,.r extra terms. Our illustrated calal,,guo nn,JtCr.lUS to agt.tHs sent fr~e¯

" J. It. ltUlt]t & CO. t’ubli~her~,?3.40 IIarffor,I.Cnnn.


24L 12" SUlit ot:St.bh.ls, 375 O0" Sol, ool.l,:~mhwr,, 2S rio" [nlcrehl. 33 06

M4RK--_. :~ .... To’Balartee in-~sll l!smls~ ....... q87 :,I- r--’~cl~hUt-.

----- " .... ~ ..... $2(I,935 41 ’ +..,,..~~CllOOL FUN]).

- (’r.l{ncoived of Stole ’l.’reasurcr fnr Ad:mtle (’Sly, S.~ It; -

School Fetid, 1,986 09 lh~c.,, ’¢ ,.la T, ovo~hilb " 1 "Is .18 .

to all who arc about fo

Bridgcs, $4489 08 3414 70 576 $0 3G00 93’Poor,- 341450 "- - _

............ ~_Ex Board. + 57G 80" ’ Mise~llausous, -3600-93

¯ Tolal $12081........ ~,~C4)UNTY 2EOLbECTO R’ S IREPORT,

C. L;. ]~. ~l.tyhcW; "Collector +f,~/lanlw C’oltuty for Ihc yeur c,.ll, ig May 10, Is79:LL;2_Dr: +.--.~=-v ......... ". ~-+/i - - ," ......... + Cr.

R~coit;ed df L’d~c~’k~f6rl[cco’sos, GO 00 I’ahl C,) Clctk fur :.i:itiooory,- ~,5"2_5TAX :" " State Treasurer (state tax), 3.003

" State |.!tu:ltio Asylom, " ’-’03 :;S" Ord’.ul Alms]/o,t~#Uom, 4.12S67’] fillet’°st [m Lhe ~alne, ]72 2:4" Ord’s of Board of l"roel?rs. 9,1s533:~ Interest O t Jt~ sa uC,_. 2-19 25

Boolls, 2~0" /nlen.st ou Bnnds. 25545’; Sheriff tl,r C’.urt J’]xpen’s, 1.3S6 0(I" l"!~efion I,ill., 55 70"! For [nq,li.itions, . 35 N:l,i For lnohlenta] Expctl’s, _ 52’) 78,i last year’s (%IL bal,

SCCOII¢.t to ItO

the country.all made ot

]lshnce over paid, t29 P3 Egg Ihn’bor ()it);, "Ss 16Egg lhtrh.r Township, 47.1 ’;tJ(hdloway Towoship, ;it)+.) f;-Il[t,u,iltou ’l’ow,++hip, 17.1 "I

" ][£11+lllnHltt)n Town, 191 96Mulliea ’l’.wn~hil,, 131 .ll~VcynH]nlh ’l’own~hip. 133 117

. ]la ,v.r imid t~t,vclr, lit

)Jishn~ent ingarments are



~, tl.~at our Ready-Madem every thing thattke !t~!or gar-

and varied tl,a~

Our prices arc always gu:teedas ]73iz.;~"~r lower, thantowc.~r=, clsew~also a fihc assortmcnt of

z~:: G~ods


z-N’o. -I-*] Noz’lh Ei~lzth. St;.,.... .PtlILAI)EI.PIIIA;

L;.ti,:~ .Jrc~c~,f q~t.r)’ du¢cZil,:itm dy,.d (relcam.d. Knit and wo¢,l I,htt+kt.t sha,~ s dy ,t ur,’lcan,.d. Cax.~’l’s hair, l~.t.h) ", au,l Ittuchr~h;,wl ~ cleane,I in a s.ptrl.r ml~nucr.

;clvtl (’l,+aks izz, n,]~,~l,scly dyed, Satin at,,I corI’cctlv,wor~lud Datna~k (’tzr[.ins ,I) ud ,~r e]caut.d, ’J’a.t,,o ,.,,,.er, ,~.,’~,,or,.~,,,,,,,i. Kid.h,, .....f,~,i,. BENNETT &,.r~ ,l),t.,t .r e!cal:ed,

W’. ,.nly a,ka Iriab to prey ......... i,eti.,rl,y 7~O,.U.,g, -~",tta"i, nd ~kill.

ll.~kltltET’l’, N l’;l’ail.;lVS ~ (’O.. ]~+l]f:+’+(v bet++,tt+:+lT.N.rth Eighth Street, Phih,. 31. Ih+

]3A[7 (-. ]-I.¯ ’tA" ,.,~E Milville Mutual ]nsurancc 0o.

ph ........Sup.-Ph s ate of Lime ......... , .......,, .... i ,o,’lhtl .MilvH]e ,~,lllldkl rll.arJ,t~c,, {++ll]l~,rt l~.r, hold ~,ttS.+.trltl~’.’¢. ~ho’ 7th. J+47U. l!m f.II,wirlgalun[, ill ¯ t[;~ pi’u~vu! CUlltllti-h .f Ibt c.tl piHlv~,-a~ In3de.’fhere is now oul.slandh~g ,,mnunl

[n~urc,I .................................... $1 ,~37,2",9.01Prcmhml m,tPs on band ................ 3",b.531+1o(’n~h ae~ell, l,vlnn~In~ l,, the entu-

/,i’i’ANI)Aitl) 15 A ItitAN’rl.~ll.

s~Vo l+ll’t,r h, rl*rltH.rP+, ll,,~ i,r,,.,,ll! ]".ll ,,,,,,~, .[tAU(tlI’S hAW IU,NI; SIIPI’Ht L’IIO,~PI|A’i’E.I I,IMH .~ h~A.g highly hupr~vea.

]l,,,l’:h’n lh,w it,,.*, P4tll,t~r t’h,,¯l,hah, b, a~ II~

[nell .f’~ll,.t- t,.l % Ib,l.’~ Ihal Im~u t,.Ii,e,.n ,h,I i’h’l’d .f ih,.Ir ,~r~.c;tnle iIiJiil~,r-- iht, fflt,,l~¢

2eneral tim I;lOSIarticles are to hc l,ref~rred, l,ut

.!cr t,,od nr medlclnc serric~

nnd for this purpo~c it was deslguatcd._)thezl ~c dice:tire powers are ~ut

urder, tl:,, ft,f,.t has it~ Iprol,er effect, t le,.f thu p:~tlent is iuviI~ rated and shy It:t,gsto excrci,,, thl+Ir ftlneli[ms in a nornxal nn ,I hcallhymanner. 1’hcu the Ixea]it~ W,w’ers ~f the l’ul-monte ~yrup wi~l coral lot~ the cnre.

has eared the lifo of the pall°lit andrea,cecal hhn to please thu tame. sailed " Tonict~," ~’ Appall-to perfect health, zero." " ]tc~h,rcr~." ,~e,, that lead ll+e ttplt.r on

Dr. Sehonekd ..... tsaylhatall ...... fput- PATENTS .d.u,. ............ train,,,,,, .....t ........lie,cozzzonary c<,z:sz]znj~t~mz aro witizin .reach o£ medi- -clue, I,ut he cmph:ttically aFserts flint often xvhon

t in;ida frnnl the native roo~ n~([ barbs of Ca[ifor-

],aticntt~ ha’co tile |ileal alarlnillg .~ympt OlllS~ ~Uell ]nv, i~t,,r~ ~,h,, ;?~sh t,,.{:tko ol/1 Lt Hers Pat( I~1 l£1;L ~r,.e frtqll fill alt’ohol]o s[hnui.utl,, q.+hey areare a,lvi~cd to e:+nn~el with ~1 [’~’N" J+ CO., tdi- the grcaL hh.od I nrilier and life.gluing 1;r[neiple+it~ zt ~iu|cnt eotl~h, ereeplog chills, night ~wc~ts tots of Iho ,N, 4"C It;’~/(’ Amrr;ctt.. n]m hays rose- i~ i,crh’ct rct.o,’l, tor nnd illv]gorntor ol the ~ystclucneral duhi ity. bvun t,, eueh a degree lhat t, nh;,I ,’[alut~ hrF,,r’e curry,lit r, ff nil p,,t~,,nt~u~ n:atlcr nod restoring

~i~n u ~ Ly their physleians "hey zneZ still he tw,’uty y,’ar~. ’1’belt American nn, l~t r,l,~.aL~~ttr,.d. .We ul6t]ieat trcatmcn(can -¢r-e3to now Patent-Agency I+ [!lc II|o~]~l~ewt+r d. -take these llit’lersa~;t,~,rd|/,~ todll re-

,Charges less than any other rc+h t,le a,,c it’)’]un~.~S, hut when tho ]tlnlZ.q arc vcry sadly diseased~ pazzsls ;h~l~+~+nlni~it~2.~ullJnFtrlK.li~n.W t,l.~ ivc~or nn Incurable case, pro.- ....

¯ fi!ctcd I,y l,r. ~chcnck~ nlcdiclnc~, ralis, vi,/,,d II,at ILc I~t,llcs ale Bo[ de~lrt,yvd I,y minerall+,,i.,,t:s t,r ,Ih, ~ nlt*llT*~l Itlld lhe y]Ju1, orgal~S

aally ellleient¯ Dr, Sehcnek has photugraphs ?,liF’..N’f~ W,¯l.~’i I:D I"O]l l’.r h~li:lnla+ol [~l~nl$t~)ors,cos who h.~ve l~cen uuarl) ]lardlng’+ N,nv l]]unHoatcd aml lih:s h,!tt, "Pvsl,/psi: Imiige~tion¯ Eilioas, Item,t-" h’t:t at.d inlcrleittrnt fe’,-ers, lIDt.aresof Ihe bh, od,nj~. q-’hls ~bows its

hills[ hc dol [.,.cl, 115+ Pl ;ur’(’essful. b~((t.]~-Kscs nro-cau~,d. -vitiatc,l i,h.,tl ~vhh¯h is gt.uerally prudueedbyuttm,~t im ,orlanec tqgtve v~gor and a healthy l[).lIDINI;’S NJ’:W I’IC’/’t)ltAl. l.’.tMl dcrapgctacr;t t,l the di;-c~lire organ.+.

tone to the ~ystem. I[cnco it is necessary to ./$ li[l;I,l~,-;. Ch.anse Ihc ’,¯itiat,.d hlc, ud ~Eetsever ~ou findstren~tlsen tim appelil.a_v.~the patient and im-prove the digestion. Prgperllodrishulent ts re. ’Jhe ’,vurks ;ire nuW r,’adv f,~r ( eli ’trr. A l- its it+ purl,its bursting tligc, ugh the skin in plea.

tlired together ~sith such mcBriB ~$ wilt Innl;e lrcs:~, tvr Cnl:,],, ,11,, ,, Iho i,es ~t g S ¢ ’r , i,le), erul,th,u~ or sores: eltaTISt~lt whenevrryou

the fo,,d e:,¢i y (] gosl )C. ’1 to attle es most .tit,n toobs ptd i-"hud " fiud ~t ,d~strt:eted nz;,t sluggiHs ill Ihe veins;

~txi+able f~r the dlct ,,feon~umptiv¢ pat,cole or,. ~l’~ t, flAL¯D [.Nd. Iq~ih.la. l’ut,li~llt, r. cl,:,m;e.h "ah,.,i it is t’/+ul, i, vd ~.onr-frelfn~swill

will f.lh. w.Pin, ’Iapc an,I ell,or W

~ I ~" G ~ A .vs:t.m +nt’ ~o man , tt,,u~and,, are effcetaMly de-[ dtl~t r,lt,~d 31 u[xt[:;y

thq ~t.~ l~ ul the " f,’~JttCt ll’,u/.~tz.’" "ill ]lilt,ms¯ ]~t’Iztllt,qtL nnd [nlormltl[:tlt fever/,¯J:tl. reelion.~

b+,d:." i. deli_+h{u,l Iti:h l[: az:t] .. i~’eh,’al, Ih.tt uv,’r~ ;,,,,]e t¯:;Tt ~:,b*? it. pri~:t,.d iu f,,ur la++gn.gee--Engltth, GormatbO.ly ~D’ty ~’,’:~ts]’t)r:t’r. +i’~’;~ c,,I,le: Ftrn,’h and S1 :t.i~h.

nck’s 5[;n.lrahe .Pills ilre Inlt, tlded to rt,-in+,vu t~b:trnelien~ !r,:m the liver nn,I rc~l.rc ilhealthy a,’ti.u. They h:~ve.~ll thee~caey whichs a~erit)t,d Io c;tlomcl or " hluo nla.~s.’’ ahd at,

~ot to contain a I ~rt]clc oF any u~i~i’-"

.cu.qivet,es~, sick headache, pil.s, I~illi,~t!s ~ffe~ti,,tls, and all other diseases whirh nri~e fruln a

t,r .b.~truclol co~l~titi~n of the liver. One

pnnv pr,,pcrly .tcurud ............... 33.[}D[~,ISReal I~lnt~,~ ................................ 3,f~eo.o0

’l’l,~! c,~t.l~tL[ly I,ns i,, en d,drl~ I,n>h,,,,~ ]]lth.~,ver Ih¢~,o v,,,~z’~ Iliad is in a very flr,u,tsi,lug ,,,,I)lill,,n, i~s Iho .h,.v,, ~ h~t*:n,r I~l will shl~w.Wr i,,,,+r, ¸ ,,t t~= I,,,,,.I ~,,t+* and call altl.nlh,t~

t~f I’*,,,~ wh. ,h’~lr,s ~, ,,heal, i~t~,l roliahlo l~iroIr,.,,nzl ~, 1~+ Ihlk C,,. ’1’1,~, o,~1 ,,I wl,ich I.,int~[,,,u I,,n tln ,,~.,,l*,, ,,h.,+,lr,,I,l.lth,,,,.~eJ,~ .I’(LKS, SI7FS&PIH(TSTOtUIIgl. F^II!,I

f,.r/),,. I,,,~I ,,la.. t,f iI~k#. :,l~,i nt,+rt, baz.trd.1£¯ ,,~. ,I,H u(’ll,,,~.,ll,z,.,r" llj, Sf.il,.its it, l,r,,IHlZlh,n.

nll,t a i,~ct:llll:£1 [ur .~’,5. Caavas.~,r-~v~,rx+~’~!crt.. Scz+~] f,,r ~pet’inlen.~. Fin-

~hl nnm.,(,r~ l+,r ~a[e hv n.’P:.~,l< nh,l.~. ¯P. f" Ate.’rI|ult ,L .~t)N,~, l’hil:’d~lt.bia , Pa. ..

’qlEl’ ,TAA.N ES!: ColiN F[IA:

Ml,,e ~h,rcs. +<am] [es [ll:,il, +| +,tl r,.,,,.i;.~ ¢,t l~r[(’o,UFi,]i~d l,y ll¯o ,IA/’ANt::-I.: ( OltN

.Nosy Y,.rk

J. WALI’~ER. l’roprictor,:,2 C~ n:meree .q., N. Y.

-- B. IL ?,[cB,~z.n ,~. Co.,I ~rn,:,:i. t~ A~enls. Snn Francisco and

,"tree,. Now YerI;.UtIUISTS & DEALER..S


..I ¢;I:.VT,< 11¯+INT,t:D FOR

That Ihc 1/¢.1 ,~[¢,,.rr¯- the I,’,sl /;"7’/" "’-- Se:,d for sicctnleu pagte, clreular~, terms. Ae.l",+t h’+#:Jbd’e o.bu fuund iu Ihe w rl I are, AddrO~ S, 3[. IIETTS ,++ Co., IlnrtforJ, Conn,¯

,to Do, d.le-M.ti.,n .’E 1 NA 47:50taedirine, It, ¢onsuml~lion the Sc’aweed Toni° .MACIIINt;S. made by the .I."L’+~A M¯~.Nt:l’.4 t’. ._anl Mandrake pills arc tnvaluahle auxiliary TlltlNI; t’O.. ~,fSah, m. Ohi,,. Settd h i,.tm¯ o t;I’¯VT:; II’+tXTElr EI’I:RYB’IIk.I’L" FORmedicinc~. They rHic’,¯o the sufferings of th,’p~- l,hh’t c,.,ntaini.g particulars.

~.~[’~". Al.li~lElg’r B,I]II, NFJgti .......i ,~s+isl. h.~,’,,rh~ h,.,n1’nimenl+f,,uudS"mPGoful ini" ~+,t,’a,,e+,t’~ a=¢li,,=.~.t i.I+-~ r~+.~-- ,,--~.-~.- -nl-~ l-~+~-:I,T;-l~,,~.-,,,--.N t .~.v 13ook, Sale Iml+nert se+t:l:ze+ of e;m+unlpticn.u ott cut rely destroyed an(t nil +rrnFtot.+ ..............- " Ili’31AN 31.’tClllNt:. Nt’u h* u].. Int,t,lh. ~,.nd f,)r ciEetlhlr~, tor n rd h,~t ,,-4 hejedgem +n ~ f=fih~phy~ci2n -%~z -

xth -

~tt I1 Nt, ltller~ who enli~, c,l ,It ,r t July ~ 2prlCCS lllUC]l lo’.k~T ~cr~ ed f,,t sn,mll,~ hy the tt~e of Seit~’nck’~ --~1. 21. 1:,61 fur three years, a d were ret-usvTI A (,IE.~’l’$1 ’P,’A.NTI.:D--($10 per day) thnt,sually chargc~/for Garments gr,,.t ......~,.Or(~’~

. " Dr. Schcnek’.~ Aimanaecontah~ a full treti~etl~eir i,up~,ty ,;Is a~c,nlt;t ~t" havin+~ ectvtd le~t .EX ;h.~,,’;~,.z h’nittiny .th~chin¢ (Yon,j,+~.,j,]lo~ton

1 ll.~(Ic¯ou the varh, us furmsvf,lisease, his mode of tr’eat-

thI~ tw. ycz~rs, c:,~; n,,w "e,.]!vct lh~. +,:zme it1,:0 3h, t~. or SL l,r, uis, ~[u. SaTtoC_.#~. I~.~’~" .....

t,. ........ t ,l~,i,i ..... .....X.t,lr,,+I I~.¢ .~l: ......l..’""t’.~:dt:"n’,i~,’-S-’+-;~~:II:YEO:-L’-~07~gF’CA’kti:-Ee-~W:"Gentl visiting Phila- m,,nl, ,,nd g.ner:~l direeti,,ns hm, t,, u,¢ hi.,me,1-,,f th. t;l,it.d ,g:,t

__~a, ]’~al~, 1F... Street, l’Lfiladelphla,iei .........bc ha,leratipa. ........ t by mail by ad- ItF+L, ..’~tt.,r,:’,.y._ .t Law. 2"._ .........


delphi ly having their ,lrcsAnt~ his l’rlncilml Ol~iee, +~, 12 North ~qixth

_._rUcas~~i L our Tho s SOl .... .... BULLS_ .....ofwails,,e+,BEARS. ....._r+~.~,.(li~o.1.,l,,,,.,,~+ +~, and s .......ItCh. ea t . AND

35~, ,+,t-¢ E W+FrS+ELT-I i; L+G ST~" :’,1.+nt]rahb-i;+/I.~, 2:,c~ per I,~x(-.d,]ld I, i" allforwa~tcd,’with price lists, by d.,g~i,t .... m,l,l.ty. . i,, t~. ~ ............... t ,t.: .......tl .....,:u, i, i. J2z.icu ~,’ ~,50~. ..I ........r, ......,,,-,.~.., I, .......I ..........,. ,,+ ~,~,,,..,hon,.,..+,d.t++k,,.d~old ga~-mail,+t\ any time, and gar- (~),0(I]~;i’KILiit-;i~/g-i~(i~"i-!N]~-~LN r, i, ,1I f ’l,rt. r [, I-

t}., I,*~tvels nl,,A,.iru~fe,l, th,, ,ti,~ .,ti ,n .~t+~i~:4 =t~t,~t1,lint, ,,n,t th,, tai,.ellc, of unf,,rtunate tpeeula-

-. nlcnt%~it]lcr zuadc LO o~dcr+or ,,, AgPuls t,, ~,.ll the celebrate l WILSON SEW- h, 1,1,,+,,I <",L,I i+~ wt, rln ’+~,’nther "’. rr’, 4Ib,:1, itlld exl,o+.,,< lllo sw~tldlt, s. (rick++, and grinds

1.~;’ 31ACIIINF.:4. The he/t in’achh.,’+’lu thu

,,},j,.,.+¯ tnt,,:,,t,c:t.i,,natiy-a.d.v~r ,ff ,l+Att,~iA.~Prt.;

t,l ,~ ,,:ratt, rg. It ttAh+hvrt tnillinnn aremadctuld¯ selc~cd~om our Ready-Made world, Stitch ,’Aike .... b,,th ,~i,Le..’. ’,)st: 3|+t. I,I,t’i ..... Is.v, h,,~ H,r,,~,l ,nt.n are iulned’how --

J;i:ITItVEaCL:{T,’;I:I,TZI:ILAI’IItlI-.~T 11 "corner="ar. mada txt ~zraiu aud produce, howl)y CxtlrCSS,t’lZlY,~l: ",,.ir[l¢~t;’c 31 , l ’; l : ,~- . F~r fnrU:t.r ~:trtleularsIs ,k geLtl,: t :t[),,,IIh’, :t u l:,,l~ , I+,e t’n,i . ul anti- .,,m,,n t-i~,’ulal~ ,,u the tlrcCt, ¢lc,, Agents

which ~.;,J]] bL’ ’tt~d [o 1~[:a,l,!res~ 25N. t~hSl.j l’hih.lelp,ia.t’a., 31.13 th,tu u, I,ilh,,usu,~. :,. Ln,..~ ,len,,r,mt .nd " w.al,,l. W,, ray l,’t,,I;~ht West. Scud fott,.rma. "K’~=U’K~" r~t~’-~’l :.~.~Wl.~t" u<+:,t dutighl!Ltl I’,l,rift~ c. ,:,fired iq .]tc e],arh.

ha,;, fu.~hJi.l~ tlixlr, I,t,’l .tru,t in . lUm:u ++ anti J. I1. ]1U P.lt ,t Co., ]Intlfgr,l. C,mn. ¯17.50~"l’~.~(..~’~y[~J~.~t; ~"~, " ,,ill ...... h," ,’i,I ........... bh.. tr’+Jil’S iSNO tli’?,IBt’H! "

,~OI,D" ltY A 1, t, DI: UG<I f:~’l’:4, t. ]ly ~end[nK’ 05 eeahl, whh- ~-|~-~,.d¥1 fCTfii:i;IV,~i-e~i[’:q¥ii+i~i~L:,+,,, l,e:ght e,,l,,r ,,f u)’++ and hair y,,u .ill re-

A~Jl. (:nitJttj.£n ; +’,Itl,"tTl.:+Iz.il~;Mrrs; .~Ir;~J t, xt.t+

Page 2: mii As.=o - atlanticlibrary.org · bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosed W hen you stamp ¯ letter, always place the ~iamp ... the 8’s ssk if there isTm3thing for William


, hnlid::. :a’nd~

an~, one in i

. ?-/(,".,


lilpel~h- - .1.

these,Ameri~o filrnier~,-

" " ~o~ Omoe 8ugge4~o .~:. : ,’.: "

and oo~tr takn |ttcdnsiro’(o ~k ~di~-quesd~ns .rdating ti

hess men haod:th+ei_r’lolters in at the dr-

f~ pOh~hav.e issued a new

’:’.~_tr~o so immense

we havn an a pen.o! ’the ira.

.d tn (~ri’y ittime, have: dilated

6or ha-Yet even at tlds svO hear

"~o~ib" re|sting to"aiTd: the public’¢vldently bc-

’~lhi te it, W~ Propose to~iih some,~fflie.plu ms:

ork, perhaps

-Ilii~e2~eadent, and it hss also

Its editor

~lte ’large~ daily is el-

l’he smMIgst daily is

and Bonnet’s /~dge~’ore than thou

i~ t hb_r._es.pegt~ Amongare ..printed with

at., on thni the South doed: and tweuiy,

~ltate~ is about six

and in the.Eant about ninecounty paperwhinh Ilas n.~nd, Tlieredeh annuelly

,¯ find there

dsh. five in Dutch, tb!/rtwo Bohemi


this proporttoo to.New York has Six German dailies.

twnii’ty.threo ia English. The highest sol:i, (Aliieri{m is I~,

~=we Would not dare to sayall tl/e lolrest is.

information on these and otherwn desire to rebonlmend this bunk.

-in:.iiddit ion .n ISlewspaper 1flare-|leek.:-llivieg ihh ~l~ blf ~,dvertisltig ta oil the

prominent newspapers of Atueri~, Iromwhleh we learn that it costs thirty dnllar~

t nnndvertisement onn iech long iu.l~aper.~naAime-; and u

mimhet ~f sketehe~ 6fMoa Who Advertise.i;....ltl~’~liho advertise nnd:make mo~ey by il

n’0cessity know something, and lib.of theti’ lives they gaieet!


for .~ntcttaitt-

JBorne forty yosrs ago thor0 lived in Nnw

fi/;,’fi-iv h~3i//iv e- / li/ill call Briggs-,"who had, a pupensity for "hooking" stoMI

art!des that c~me in his way.Ag ho wan poor tad It"~t labor, and well

~"kuowuabout ton, r,o htthor notice wastiikeu of hh p~ulatioas then to keep t,

..... filter p lookont when he was around. Adualist had a quantity of dry fish landsd ou

rf et ~ hour too late.to .gut Ilion,and am he win about tn cover

old tail cloth, lie espiedutly reeon,eitericg, flelecting

lie ~id, "l[ern, lltigge,

will give y0u these two il you prom.l.~.0.11 will net octal any.!’ - ’ ilThel-

Mr. A.," mid thn ohl tone,II--~l~ don’t kuow," with nglaee.

ff0ro~ illth and then ot at the pile,1: I can dq ~etter 1"

Wedee,d,y moruieg Secretary llool-Fi|lleifl~u a lalx VOlt-

lot el dead s,iat eli, Ilia¯#, flie~ u,,Iiniporlcd In flint eiiy tr,,t.

Yo Cby Tol,g & (’e., e-uailo.es,ef druids and ut¢,didace.

al 8eu Fraeeiteo rdu.ml tuarlieh~, on lhe gromtd Ibut

an~i Iraliumhledli In l#~-Imer# lloolwt, ll flit l~h d~cii~

I~he elmkml ire ehoal five I~et long,.ln’¢olh, and ugly leukiug rut lih.s.

sro ¯broil gig ineh.n hiltsdisagreeable in el,peat-

vf an ItM, oratorpolltkil ileal thai "he never

nllelpt to put bin loot ie,afp~ to i lilrli awned by T. It.

li(i. ~lr. Thit grille-i Ill lag week ioi eolldil.

ltlll.lll~h nn eaperlment.hi,, mouth I!!~l

the ho~fill wtlh ¯ Will iUIkl

I i ilk ~ li~nlntlm pllt’-Ill,,

r~l w la~da

transuiis~don.--E0e[~.le[ter ~ce_..d in tie7~l~r- o--~x ~ s’ont Ul/iO the vary Inn.maulItea’s werkiogmsn to a starvation point, nl ~flockiugthemail-hagsL--Never-Wtito-’~-i,-’

wmkmn~ and m~hani~s to pnliti~ (nr ether

a living in the ~,iti~, or tilling the ceil’inthee ouotry, all ef-6hio-h-pursuits am ab

ready so gr~.a)ly overdone that ~-~ti~-~’e-nominal.

Such bill, Mr. K. Estimates as largeeuengh to eneblo Congre~ to abolish theentire geternsl Rnvenue system of legatine

he does not deem his advocated rates olLag!ff plig!~jlli.ti~.e ; hur..Z~.h to.bo.rogretttglithat he has not from detailed autheutltdata, demonstrated that the duties proves

than ltred be,.in order to protect AmericanL~bor in the only way possible to do so,’b~securing ntaaulacturing nnd miniait capita,"j’rem loss. " ’ "

On~ of the most interesting e~tatioas elthe speech .is from A.’ G. Ca¯tell, a Phila-de!phi~ graiii-delllor. :-tlis-supply nf gram-l~Torm~.r 3"oors-we~eotirelTt ram- the flus’quehaun~,h Juniatu and Lehigh valLeys,

Ol late thn receipts from those val~ya-havcbecomc nnmmal. Indeed-impor-

tant shlpmnnt~ el flour to thoso’valley~have become the ruin. Surprised at thefact M~:¯-t~att~tli

Iha~ the prod¯erie¯

grain did uol reach the ~e~ bx any other

The.secrdt was, mini_~g.all~ real in-

valleys, that the grain raised the:reboth ,i,iiled aud consumed on the spot,gethcr with tuauy other f’atm.preduci~.

those valleys had rapidly risen$40 to $200 per acre, while thn pride~vheat ruled higher than at Philadelphiaand ~ew ~’ork. - ....

Inter¯sting.tables of ~urnpcan wages art

it is, that auralsold abroad ibr re small u price

I~nero whole lamifies work together. ’£htzhildreo earn Ireful to 8 ets per day. We-men troln 20 to 3D ct~. blen from 30 to 5t~etc. It~oulya small tax s, Jnyied upon th~goods LvMch ]’~, .......... v,--one

iu-ihg,lAiuerlunh,d t:l,ii.Iodi aimI’eopl~

MUSCLE.--W. S. Cla, k,

rienltaral College, in his recent r~pori, otfersthe following sensible rnlnarka: " Someperseus appear te look upon thn cnntenteUp._er_fn3pianco_of.coarse and di$eult, mautmx

~ith nuepiciol~ any attempt to avoid or reliwe it ns indicative of laziness. Bet a

lion of all .progress in_ thoAr!s, and. bY timinteliigho(,.;ffet’-tso/ men dissatisfied wilhth-o cffort.$ of the past, agriculture is rapidly ri~ieg tos~ard the dignity mid physicalenoilort of a learned p.rnfo~sion, llowuiTleh more mind and how much less muscleis called into requisition in the various up.orations of hu.~banttrv than tweaty-fivey.enrs sgo. In prej,aring ~lm soil ia plant-ing,. i.a euhivating, in haying, iu harvesting,in threshing, lit the nionagemeet et’ the.da!rl--in fn~, a_lt~_o~ cvctv’/lh~lo--iotctli-~lean¯ is the prln¢lpsl thing, and allele bruteInree comparatively wnrthlese. ’t’hn oldi,rejodiee agai.~t thoughtful, studious, andprogiesste~ men, arid book farlecra andlaeey farnier% lias at Ion/tit been overco’meby tlJo mass Lll I p!’it!ted matter whiqh ptiltrv

its lillit into every household, nnd by theiluinl~ril~as tmprovemetitii wlii¢[l h¯vu beendeolcnstrslm[ l¯ be lint luorely espeuitivu!all!!!9~_ !clr the r!%h ,.b_ 7t o!" pric~le’41.v!lluotO OYel.ll’ llilur of lltn soil.

No oen need ever despair of waking up, tofind hiinsnlf ¯tunas. On the lfith inst. ageel]enian of Sen II’raoeisc¢, hitherlo mdynoted fur deeds ot daring in "flghtieg thetigei’," was seated asleep iu die sltielliegear of Ihe ¯eel, in¯ trtin Irom 8acranieotoon the VMleJo route. ’/’ha ear-wiedow outhe side opposite him was open ; suddenlyhe sprant to liis lena,and dave h0nd.fera-most out uf it, his heels barely louol,hlgthe essh ned tearing it to frs~flucots. AI

leas lhsa o5 nliles a. Imar ; hut ae quicklype~lible it w=s eloEped a,id backed to tim

plaellld the oeearruon.,, about live miles|i’oln 8oi~io. ’l’lia geuthlmau was |oand.hti,lg uo die grauud, evidently a,hlllo eon-In-¢d ns Io Ida whereabouts, lie tlnS nit-hart I execill, a niel¯e leraleh ou one arm.lie dhab. d hiio the car willioai dilli~:uhy.Wheu lie saw, lit ~’lll n~ bciud allnot wlialho’had gOllll Ilirollili, im t’llllailim~ Iliat;u’el’i~u~ly. wlien awake, lie h.d bcua llh.L-lilt bleokberlie, and wa#~ialiled by ihoep-I,earalie.o efo retake. W hil~ ~l¢,’picl4 io abeear lie drva,,,ed el the rel,tilt~, mid i,llmbt avlgoroiis JiilUll Ill avoid il. llur ih. |ulilrvhe hlleedl i,i ~ek,cl a ~ate junii~isg-ell’ vla,’vwli~ii lit has "In eilin-ilioa el sh,eli "upon biln,

An I’:.gli,h h,Jy trav,,hog ,,, I,’ra.eaelOllliing nt the (fraud Ilui~l d+l I,,inrie,wli~r0 lgliglil, li il tl.,keo Ihlrntly licellrilinilIo Iliandvi211t~ell,lml, by all ILv wull,’r.,Iicsrblg el Ihe llr¢l’uh’lil’n i,I Ihe llilal~-lies is Ihoeiiy, she rn~lit.d Iri,liilallyIho nice. alill deii,aiidt.d i,I ili~ i,h.rL : " I~Ihe enllll-pui hcrc.~ .... Nail .vlq, Iniln,li,"was tile rcpl! ; " as ~tiOli aa It nilive, Ielii,I It el, in milldi."

lq 81. Paul, Mhm., ilia .ih<r d~y a Ihik.lid el aatlu yeirt% while drliWilig h0r b.lL#brolher aboul Ilia llrd ioa bal,y Is¯ira

,lly uil~et il, lud the beby lalhurt lfl eeliil’,leeot’t’. 1"1io lililein t©rrill~l by thli Irill,iig leeid~nl

,hal the droppid duwo iO her Ireckl, aud,Irlillla, hssletdug to Iheir rhildreu,


iiaste " OIl ~’our.]ettcrs; tile pustmnftler tl,a duty boued fo trannmit nil mnil matte,aa speedily u~ 1~

]ct£er, give thn fall nnme distinctly, don’l’-for ¯loiter- for-0ny-ol the,l-~’.Thom’~

cr :’Brnwns." When it is pnssi-

bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosedW hen you stamp letter, always place the~iamp on the righth/md corner el the ew

uicnt-s~mpcd envdlopen.tot yoursel£ Do n~Llcg~lnttes-aed u

van off, leaving die rest to the posLu’iesl-,r.--Ile is not obliged to reeelvn letters h1bat wey. Don’t ask |or a fetter tor Lue.~6niith, sad when the’postmaster runs noelthe 8’s ssk if there isTm3thing for William8nmsnn. When yen urn disappninledioeOt getling a lntter, don’t ~wear at tl,~postmaster,=-fnrih vine ~l~@s~ut:=bFtetf he

.will swear back at you, . I L --II

’ W~ ~oi{kVi-dd ~o~ : ...... "~ -~ ,i-lette~indow~and

el!at ~ith lhoclnrk nt~out matters not eoe-neoted with theand keep others(who are io.a hurry,rag.- Do your busioe~ and lnavc,-- " ’ :

T/le .London Eo~o el Juno 21 says : Tm

be hold st

el~ Satnrday, July 9, will command u spet-ial interest, ns mauy OI the finest wcrks

artists. Among the pictures is theed,.brated portrait el Mr Dickens by thlate Dauiel Maolise, IL A., painted in 1~39

" by ~i’.

~V,~I".~.,r’FlflK-,E. A.; "Pickmek aud Mrs.Bardell," by (3. Leslie 11. A.; three spin¯

~hd _works by CJarksuufxanlieldrill~tratiog-"’ The Frozen Deep;" a portrait of MrDickens in." Used Up," hy.


[From the Alltnllo Ctty l;l.,Iz:lq~w# ] ;

.Mr. Edltor;--TWo~"y’~+ara ago/;at .~bi~ili,he thno Ihey Wel’e decoliih~g the soldlei’s’

.nhli..hod and, lavornbty.eolie~d by -eeveisl

who wss captain in the 81h N.Jelfin,ecru, nnd who was killed at lie bat-

A.J-ot Ch a n~ltot~ill~--4tRer-fi~hlilrlin~ nyveary hears our aruiy was [}elllue nr.d rn.t,irned, leaving the li~.ld el in

-~ion .I the re~l-f~ces.The grnvn of my brother was hastily dnl~

-md,- n fier-t he- hurinlr-wns n~-htistily-desert;,d--consequently no nnn has bnen able to

¯ titut,d immediately sfter t|ln hatde.

thenot&prolapt n cation.. "lhC Ylitmgill¢~ flYrnP Is a medic[no whlekhlisla~l a long probetlon befb’rd’th0’publie;:’Ila V-i-~lost papers are continually beset hy so-

¯ ailed writers

ly paper,-anll hy’npply6ig ~i I~l esrly u sea.¯ ~on hope-tw-s~ure-room--tor-rlm-lnetosed

~nelL rYours ~s cry Tru]y,’" flea Si1~g Itol~sz.’!

MY IIItOTl[EIt’fl OUAVENo flowers bloom ..O’er his louoly tomb~

h’or a grave.ttoue marks hilt pillow ;And the soft Spring wind~

- Iu its track, beb|nd~ .......Leares not treulbling willow.

The wild bird’s snag"__: "-- Aa3L[l.~ong~__ g~til~e,

By hi* gr~.vo o’er the field of at iWas bid last farewoU ;And hi~’funeral kuell

.... Though peace bat como~And th~ dark-Simeon

Of oar war Is 1,~t and over;Though tlaveli are free,

...... ~And-hiher t3

There’s not a hind

That can paint out my brother’s grave;- Ai~d there’s not a stone,

~u m~rk hte homo, .....-I~ih-6- I ~ffd -’iihi6 h-h~I I%diEt~i-a v e~

¯ Grasshnlilmrs aud crickets have takenAm field in th~ Pantie fltates in f~rmidabh.

their tread, and euactmeut~ even inure rigthan .those met

theUhinese failed to di.’~riekers ia a belt one mile wide and of un-i:uowo length, struck the Humbolt Tti~:er

danosh; "Mr. F.’sAunt," by IV. Gale, hours, and fishes gathered from up and&e. ’.Pliedrawings include "’Iho Braise- down thn river to feast upon them. ]twas

,,in," tile vessel in which Mr. Dickens firsi tiiund that horses driveii into the column~eat to America, by O. fltanfield, R.A.; of eriokets, became ffighixaed-.aad"Little ~ell s Home" and "Little Nell’~ b9 .L-.~’a~ed-To-p-roceed. Soma or’ the

aud her (Jrandlattte~ " and ".Ba~rnah:l[u~.i~al’ bi-a ~o/lt ~,r," by F. W. ’1’1 ph ..,,iu iilu*traHen tO "The Celter’s ~, urd ,~~ight," by ~Ir Daviu Wilki, i R. A, &cThs " Silver Ptckwiek "Ladies," witil char’,uters from the work prescn

old ~lankin blue nnd white, end richly us

alianl a’nd infidelity to r.’lzo the (}hristtaomhlislnry." ()tie of tbo speakers ddmittedthat JMlu Wet,[~y licensed w<m~ca tollrl~aeh, bet alley iinl I ~ovl!d ilia hi~ iuuihod.~alter lii.~ death, itlld ~.ltlplled Itllt W<HlleU.Dr. llust ul iiio We.In’u, l"eluala Colleg~,~undcd a-~ry ~f olattn : it We {li’o fl,lailngIo llerditine eli thls tide of revolution."Dr. lJughen tuodiQed his exllre~sio~L by say-hit Ibat lie was not telerriug Io 31rs. VanCott nr any otlmr woman, and othnr speak-ors indicated that there was a wida diver:gin, co of opieion in din utatter.

.I~IAKINO NIIWSPAPnRn. --~very eeluntnOt a newspsper contains ~renl live to lwentylhoesand dislinet pio~s ef melal, nccerd-fag 1o Ihe silo’ef the paper mid lypl’. TI,edispln~meet of a siugla one makes’an er.ror. Is il any wonder that errors oi:eur?hl largo ul~cea profeanional proof-resder,urn kelll, wlieae prasth’~d eyed Dn~nmgtwice eveiT Iihe dl lltOOt, defect mo-~t of thne, rura; n bey, kel,t f,lr that purpose, ntIh0 aalnl~ time rqading Ilia nopy aloud.

[n Utah,.grasshoopers are said to"~o~slde V soetelihat oiler a flock of’sheepi~ drlveu rapidly about in a field euolainiot;them. Near ~toektee, as a railr,mdwas l~o~g up a ~teep grade ia Euhu Caueu,


with pleetilul distribution el sand and use[L~on-t he now

~rder, the toud has ila-preplr-4ffi¢ll the- syetllmhf the llatlent is invlgoretld’ind the lanllli beginto e geretse their fanell0nl In normal and healthymanner. Pul-

era, and other decorative objects will be catcher, the locality so iul~sted was withioeluded in the sale. Thecollection will Le diflicnhy pa~sed. What u miraculous storyoe public view tar three days preceding tl o thin weald have made for Athenians whoe de, and will doubtless prove ,~cry attrnc- he,isled dneen.t_from_ thg.grnssltoppers !..

A %rAL!JAItLE CuT.-~--There is ~id to beA prnfound excitement ruffles a lloper in Pl-ihdelphin which has one woodthe Methodi

ciueati. Mrs. ]gliza Van Colt ha~ been ~ent Arthur 8print, but. the prnpri~lx~r --lien.seal as regular blethndi,t .preacher; liked itsomucli thet lie determined tokeepby a Quarterly Conlcreoco in Troy. Mere it nil Iland~ mid ruo it inlo die i.mpvrvihen-thno n haker’edo*en ot the ministersnt Lhat n,ls body was ruing, or died, or wasde¯oral¯aline held a meeting in (]ineinnti, elected, or nlnde speech. "-And-~o everyml the 20th inst., and resolved against the timc.a portrait ofenybody was wanted, thisRoy. Mrs. Elisa, as oat in harmony with wnoti uo¢ was altered to fit it. First. thethe 8e]pture, i,or tn be allowed "as a pru- oat was elit down; .then th’o ~ nose wasdcntial measure. Dr. Wiley cut her serlp- chiseled into various shapas ; then theeyesrural lootieg entirely away, and left ,io worn gouged a little, then the beardGosDel ~taading whatever. Tho ehnirmnn, shared ned ths ehenks hellnwed eat. Itthe lice. Dr. Moody, iliseOvered that she eevor nt its best looked like nny I,uinau

.was horn.out o{ due dmo, and thought the belpg that had ever exi,ted iu this werld;proededi~lg "oae of’tho efforts of ration, but that made eo difference, for thn pro-

prietor nlwnys jam¯fed it’right in everylime, witlialr~h l;aliie .... 1 bioglaphieal ~j~;~

It lies s~rved o]ready fbr James IIonh-anau, Jeff l)~is. Pt.h~t. (Jniieral (Jrautl~asan .~l. ~’inlhooy, ~fayur Fox, ~euillurRevels, Attemn~ Ward’. D~ihi;A~-ii~ Lht~],ieo’e Llell. Winoeu,orc, Jefler~.on I. RipVau Winkla, llistnri A~a Pa~ker, Guy.Cortin, and ii score or tWO et others. Jtis smntwthat rusty now, that old wend eati~, but thu owner e]lcge to it with uunlter,

able affu¢lion, al,d tim first Ihue nnybedydoes onyihleg alsrniieg in h wi~l go againwith u llcw skmeh. Thi,i won’t lnuke so,Lueh differenue new, i,e~use iht block iswry nlncb worn, ntl,i when the pleturn inprieled, you can’t tell, to~ve year llfe,whetbnr it is intended |or a man’S fnen nrIor a study el ¯ moon in the desmt of Sa.hnra.

Where Mr. l)iekens was reeouotiug hieowe p,’rsoual experience, there ta rmthtughi hi. wurks that ~e,,I. like a~.ribleg to the

SIill.,,i~lakcs are Ireqnnntly foend sfh’r nihii~iry ia gelleral Iho pe0uliaritle~ by¢olnbil( through aueh har.ds, end probsbly whk.il Im has porlra)ed the ~iiigainses ilid .nO uewallallOr er book was ever published the (’liadbaud~. (Ju lee oootrnry, speak.without errors that taight b’e dnteeted bythe u erect nov co. In hook prietlngit Isc~lhnatcd i hnt prmff.reodieg ro~ts ooe qliar-icr tit niul!h eS the eelllliil~iliOll, ill eiiliii-Iry ,,lliet, n ,h~ edilor hen io he hb |ernillun,i,,b vri,,it, r, bnilk-!~C¯eller n,id uhnf.~l evrr)-Ihing ~lsu, and, ii the ~aina earn had Io beel~,il’i~rd thai i, Ilcci.ml hldisl,elisabla euI,illihl, Ihn t’onlilry lii,ltspapt.r t’llehl liOl be,iibll~hcd ot all [ireaui~e el Ibn eslieilsO.

A i’d~,btalcd divan% who wes reamrka.~Iv hi ,Iw lir,t pcriod of his liliui~lry I.r n

boisteruus lands of preaching¯ ~uddetil~rhangvd hie wbuhl nlalint.r hi Ilio pulpitnod u&li,tml n mild nl.l ,linpatsionnlo lili~,>t d~lirery, tint, el lilt br.,ihlen ot,~ervh~git, h.luired el hiol wbal hod i.duced hmllit inike ihr ehlillr, lie replie,I : " Wll,.nf Wil )’t, Un~ l Ili.u/~bt h Ilia thoiidl’r Ilialkill.,,l tl., I-"’1,1~’ but wlieii I 14r~w wi.rr Idi.v,,t’¢rcd h wn~ lilliining, in I de,cat,fie-nd iii Iuliira Io lha’uder I~s lind lighiliillIillorl-,

--"The llrillht H .In," Thai I/iguloa.I )Oulig " paper for nil rhlldrro" iio~. ri.-iia ils rtadrrl ©vt’ly Wl2eli. in.Iced of oll’eI n iuluiih ia IOillirrly. h ~u~i,I eel l.~

uu,l.le.me, ii hks the lun~l,lnc, h ihould! i.-,Iule rlciy d,i)-, i|.DQa)l.lr, l~llo~iment’,ll,i~, tier. Ad&rln "TI,o filL. hi -~i"e."#d b ieallO, [ii.

The Ill’tl of patient! wholl~ l~ladt. [iiu bk~’e been



Page 3: mii As.=o - atlanticlibrary.org · bali nn hour before the moil is to bn dosed W hen you stamp ¯ letter, always place the ~iamp ... the 8’s ssk if there isTm3thing for William

Onin June. The

ch’~ulo.t|oli clair. Among the. cattle that

¯ " ¯ crable donkey. - He tents]ned quiet andnear one el the side windowli-

’t~, during tim rending+6!the Seldices. The bMiop onnottt}~thigltext and pieached

....................... ,+- . ., _

¯ "G~0UGH,-tile conversation- The wholo~nll~sued~lv|tb, ldpoctlnil tncidoniiPulI

or: IhterestaTid’pat}l.i. Fifiy’thoutlaml sold thuthi’lik~ licarly.~rd f0T’~Wtt~as Soil,it eonslgnnmlltl 0fjdll’l~de of PRODItCE llLst five months. -Pc~plo wil] bay th[, notwith-ilfe ’:’ ........... " Also Butter, EggsnJ)l~.ultryr &n.. ~ ,-- St¯lUting the "ht~rd ttm~L". J[t Jl_li lllaaluto.to

to therc’wero sen- .;~milli,ptd[-a(i, lti, hl~itu~roine#k.-.lt-~;..................~ " 31did’el- +eoll’l|¯f~i-l~IJ~d~ll~-~l~-eiI good. The work Is

etorl i th-O- daiTt-Bid6 Prcs’t Unlo¯ Dank Co. Philo, splendidly boahd’oml Illaslrated; AddrvsJbetween Lexin ’,loan & Son. il. C,,10II~SON,

31:8a4.~" -7icnttrcly nuwau4 hen-

= ~ -- . orable. Libcrid inducements. D¢~,£rJp., y~la sennas drnxxv~---~-Z. ~= 7. tLvEd/etflaiU/)-j~¢Af£d~/2..C<.tt,~£ An:

ilae~ by tallnod (;;, U~U’RE STORE;, , . ford.~fc. ,~- 8,t7Nsrth’~o’eoadStbeet Pldl~.del1~lii~. ,q3~ .A.G-]~IZ’N.51~.~ I~,I~]A:D- TI-IXS.

umphnnt Is SE’ LI, INtlroom. F UR NIT_UIOZ. .......... Th e Hem o-of-Washin~-t6~iT

the recent delgl;~ssion In business, Mount "lrernon slid its AS~.ci.liot,S, by BEN-laid in For cash, cIIeapast and hest assorted stockII, s rail, ix ,% _ i e,

]rant] a copt’. ~old i,li])’g]R, suitab]o f r slok ioonzs prin., ih+glaI re.m.: given. Sentioffices. " ? tlr, ,n,l t,otleo ’¯our extrai ~0~r~ok and ~’~t~i+t~ t’tt’.~’km’ re+VaTS. -~trun’A. ~. IIALE, & C.:, Ilarff.rd. C.n. [b0Hnsk~ ]lTxoelMnrand Sprlng’,,Ma’ttressotl ....

visitor." The f~.t~jt:t,~rtors.lts UpholR¢i’~d in’ nfi~ Jtyl~’to ]%~-Itgilm (hl, nlb wile augo. ,v,’,, ore ha returnedaloae, tu|vpnr# *lute’co. " ...... , ’ ", .." J.~J t,r hcar,I I,~ it ,crmnnent I,l:~t, ~ or h’nX~.n

:~#b.Od.? at the door .... , .... " IVlNS+DIlOS. It c.~Jalns no p,dson. Auyone can use it. lineIg .’lilt North Second 8r. nb. Vifio, Eaet 81do, Phil. sent by mail for $I. Addre.~s "

!middib, of the street. :" !.~:;_~: ~""_’~’_".i"?a~gY~n2~ .’ .: ...... 36-4’+1 ’ M.,,llie C.%tll Ca., 81,rlngflel,I, 31 .....

IN EVERY If"//}"~aithig, ~r-(~p dpsratd l#u[iI ~ll~ tossing his arms about.there wasperfpct~llnd~ ~ acid’ ~iak/1~ep. 1 Sir. -- now wer, t to tlm front door 11£~; I-~OOp/f~It~ITl,"~8 111~himsnl£ When he opened ithe found one ,:; i~’ ’~id’~gi~,:’6i6~ ~la~E/’low, and oppl~s~rhtttotld./~/A~/t; i~’o~v; be- who was evidently a gentleulan--he could _ . ,

sub that hy the nlooulight’---standing on the Inuil’tht~NewSpringSfylesforLadles,Ms’le~Children i the.quality aud. prieee;of wktch

~’ 77’IY OF

,o~t~f-his*is head through

creature bht one of ltis kind ca., and el~qi-fib-Wbr~d~ ca. eonv~ an a~iV I zrish to

him.he /ang in~." ’Sell’?" hd Coa~v.rs I Co,szrz I 1 ..Ooasr~s ! l

at an hour soP.~t is, some

tO ,cite+ cuetom¢




!r ,:/.

thelr~outlt% in order to keep in thcmni.

’-pressi~esi’[eoeo p~vailed, ~nd :tl)~ bisltop,

s T..’,~ha-very instunt;-eame+ tlto .dgafeging,I lee- lfi~ be

ned in the 11turn--nest question. "This ’fells. t.oo.inueh. In

ing lli~.~tran~o-!~i~itor:Wa~ sittitlg" Ii~a. ehait’.~wi.th.hisll~fip61’Lthe.’lD.ble; asleo I.

:’. Mll thail a min~lfe( floe seimoo, b~nedie:i~,aThe motion male by the ’,’oUng lawyer ell,O’l all vta~.~l.--Ap’Plelbn’s donrlml awakudillg.~irgur ell U,c ..

.... re~" Soe’.fi e~l lie aisle td .be

Jhly 11, Fen]an Brotberbood.July. 12,T~mples oJ IJonof. +, , " ¯ ’

t rit,gi0g your "b’ell. o0:ti0

lawyer. ~ir." ,corset at 75e, reduced $1 SOre-ddchd from$l.dg ; nit $1.2.5 rd~Juectl frotn’$1.~5,,~trangorfollowed hiih into the inner ,re.. &e., to $5.00 reduced from 37,110.t , )dtero the bright fire was buru-I Thompson~.(llqvl~IHttinXl~t>rsel~s’ t ~1 75 ee-l grate¯ The manner ofhN gue.-t ihtoed, fin’s/ $~..:’O: ’ Mrt,. 51"oodj.’a Pate t e¢lf-¯

wessive ot iute]lect that 31,’.!! ’ ’ k mljusting Abdominal eor.~et~ at ,t r0duetlon of 25his bed $1.00 per lmir nee.r,ling I. qu,’l’lity. All


lows. _ igiual with you as an ;lekt, owlcdgetnent ofJnly:~lB, Fnmkliu Circle*Nod, Brother- your kindlings uttder~oirdum~ttmces so Ivy-

wM. x.33.45

.,~-’~ ~" P/I, EN:’6t; IIe *l~lOillOlil- i TU-r~oriPntt.rial dExterna] 71tit ~,,.ln .l’ .._ _, _ e_....g a-.l.tchinglng~ li.l~]tlcnly~ ,oi, fuetly,iind~ perm,ln¢ itl)’Cvu~i; ~ilhout pain daugcr, in~ tureen S orc.~un tic~ by

ruler v.tl to711 the best nit]zerOs of Philadelphia. who have beencured. A +ractieo ore even years as It specialtyn this dlseaso withouta failurid tim y~ung lawyer,

w atl’have,comuot-" hOOK~;~i~.~-~k’+~T~-.:l~-pOR ....iger, "ala~hdve’the’-o~-~ .: . . :Nlruggles and Trlumllhs of

’ The stranger left. The’.lawJulylO, Union Lodge, No ]4,.K. o~ P. know uhtil a -Ira -titffeddy ~,:8I,-t7

,Men. aiid beeoln0 |alnnusPut< .,. !~. "

July 27, St. Patrick’s Ohureh. + " :¯ Ek~b~iS/~fffg-i~ade in Paris have ldilly 28. American Prote,~tant mii As.=o:pretty dearly die hdlaey at the id-;elation.

July 30, St. G6urge’~ l’rOt¢ztaut EDis{:o’-forth at tltu lime at q-’raullmaa’s e.xtby Frcndil ,by..ieians. tll/~t a head .~evercd

pal Church¯ front file body .7 ehdns lite tar ssv.3ral hours.Meos Chri~tlon Asso- The head of It eulpriL guilloti.ed

rl-~tffair ~a~-d

O. O. F.August 3, bl’onpa’rid, No 11. K. ofl’.

nit t>St An~u,litlo) Chnrn!l:_ Auguse 5 ddonfield,

Auguet i Protestant I5-seei~¯ Atlgust O, Fuirmeunt:Eo::~,: .: "

liol~TJ:~dg:, No.’ :,0, I. O.O.F.

"August II, lladiant 8tar Lodge, ]. O.O.F.

August 12, St. John’s ]leseroleot Sot’i-ely of Manoyunk.

August 13, ~harp’,~, oI WIihl~ ILut.e.At glint .]4,-l’goutitwark- Autoxde:iit’.’ .%in.

than]co’ llal As:¯oei~tk~v= +0rdcr ol (h,ud F,:l.

Augum 17, f ~l’cclia’lde* t,f C. at-

don, N. ,T. ¯ - ’ ’ ’August 18, ¥igihllt L,dge, I. O. O. F.Augul+t 20i’llaad.i!l-llatid Lodge, I. O.

09. ......... ¯ _L.....Augusi.~2, Fidelity l~dge, K. nf P.

AUgust 2~,’]Ieebo~ldie A~seeiolion,August 25; Excelsior, NO. 2.A ug~’.lg, ’Clan4 ~ tthl]@ ~ 3loin, light:SeplOnligr’ ]. Ftie.d~ldt, l.udge, I. O,

t). l!t~,.~o}gred..+.

The Fateh~ lk,lt~th’~.~ p.I t’oml,tia g+,loil I,it’l~l,:ollS’i:[I+ 4th, +++2] ’v..u. It, ....

Pat ht,r amllttto tvc~-l,i:Vuttl, i/eel ge I,~H~l illg.’, l)),’Itho~ ~riL tiVeoty. Ulilc,, the l),,.,,di.a. It;d,

bat Ibm Coati)rio tnektM u’ith Iha wiitd al.soe~d to gel ahead, ’rilu ~ind had +.ltai, g-

¯frond hl~w attn.2.: lr’,t.i tht~ SouIh11TM.:~::::".~h~iT0-tiKl-10%-~i:i,,Srkdlii~d\,t~-lh’( oilier ~i,lc

il that with a quiet la.a sl,t] lavot’ilJg wind,the DaUUl]e~s will win; l,.t IUtlg]l ’a’l+;lth:Or wollld bl.t ,lIOtt~ tll gi%’fl Ihr ,ave to "IdaCalubrJih llclling ¯/~t~ ’ldtl~tl ,n tl. It,

salt.II~l!e lltllr.~u,’ ~.n,aa ~%ith tl,. tPtlil)h~

name ol 31artha lia,.,,~ Butt [|.l,UVl b:,.turned tip .ll++Itl.’ II,t~i.g l~t.t,ll thch,d411c~ president ol a WOlllnn’rl I’ighl. coet(.t+-

tlou llhlh.ut bur ktltlwh.]tl,, or t’.n~,:ut Phedeoolllleul tile 1 r.)t’cvd]ne :la uu Iltt,’tllpl 11Ivillifieatit,u by al, tlia lir,itl it, I,Illtia. bh,,i,¢~ho woman rightcro ini;dht tl~ n’rll di-l,le.t,

: BOW,

Ai negro Itareon hi tl,n B’lu+l, I,rcaching¯ leinet the luw, of i.u,,,y, e,mclu,h.d h6

.’ +: ller!lltlll bp lil’hig: "Aud li.MI}, I,r.thrvn,,Fen Ilitju,lg0 wbat God Ihi,,L~ el n.,,.,y

,:" by thiehis ol I,eoplo he ltir~, it i,,,"

lti)nll’| tJl-’ilt ,]’OUP t’ar|,l~ln," t~a) S .’t)llll~klllil JlOItltmi .per*~u ; IrX kil.lne,~ ’nt,djiJllmliltUllOd If Ihut de~cu’l kit I, data

,.+41OI1’11. ~ |or ¯ Imliet.mon, at~d havc

!.n,i~l ~ltha l.,;rI~sl Iho t otulp d#

Id-Wmll to Cal~. nwinll Io

mdebl e¯ Id

theThe /ace was then bh~odless; of a

pale and tudtl,ral hue ; thu ]ou’er jaw hadhi]Ion, und the n)utttll was gai,itl’j~.. Thethaturu~5.vldch: v:cro iulmo~ahlo, ¯ bofi.’m~expres~iml of s.Lupor, but noLot ~a[n The

I~ slYu r~ ir )e-

3’ cotntn~dcd tulUMt’o and. tran.;pareaey, ~onl~ sawdust~till 8tuck hcte and-there to the face, bultllero Iva~ lib ve~tig+e el ariy eilber oil theiu,l~,r Htrf~o ol_tlteJillz_or_on the tom~uc.The el,using ott ha..eiir was ~len carefullycleansed, n,d the exi)eritn’en’tbrs tt ildyi.gll)’..ir I[p,~ :is closely as llOSsiblo Io the or]-flee called out three t ate.% .a,loud vo ee.the nauru of Ihe criininal," ~N6t a fi.otoreluored ~ tilt!re n’ns lie’ tllO~eehlr lot)octal)liteillter of tim eyca nr -n Ihe Jh(’e,~A |dceeoflinl ~aturaled bill, stn,7:6hlit,.~va..extI,h~e,d ut+der Ibe I}’ty, tt’il~i; Iht, to w;l~ IiuC,lm rat’li,m t,f til,, nhu .,)r <d the hire. The~,lDjtint)til, qt t.I i’;w~l"r ’,Jl’ "wd~’ih’eplv HIidKlVcr.tl tlna’n-,:Ixw~;r~,dillIv~cattim.littd’ with~litral,~ u’| giivel.;- ti’u hzh’~ of a (.at.lh, ~:l.Lrot/ght eh)~. h, the e.r t.i, lid ¯ I Oe,+lllri*rlltm ’,Vli:l i+ln+rt’t,d .ilb+r u I ,’u t.+,-lid:, ryeLall.4 ut’ th<ri,Ul,ilsl

r :’A dolt is adorned ’by pi~ynl~nt.ltogu,,~ i t t~ last uL’Irado~.’,r£-

" 7Ncw;r lake a crooked path whiln yau ca.~ee a’tqrn}sht ’one.

l"car not tilt Ihrdate olt]e,gtca I,t ,raider the tedrt~ of Ills puoi’:.... Ark a pig l0 diu.er, a.d hn ~vill p t 1eel t~lt [hn [£d)]tLli;s(mse co...., io ],y hut~Jlt’dwcighlHa.d

go(?:, nut [}y t)lUl(’nPi.I’d’cry hltJn h’.g in’ big iu hh m,., hug.l~ll (1[’~ II’;(!lld la Xl’)U’tlJ tWO Inlw OlltNi.Ih’ prai.,’d i,o ]el’ your uCct.~,t.r,% Iml

llltt,, i.Vtrll li crab is u f ¯ ,J%i lalllPf;4 l)lt?~il)g e+ln0+)t ’bt+ d~owIil:d

ill t%it’l’l+ II1= I’ilii’illlll*ll ]1%’ lireA Inlllll ~ltl ill ii.yl~f ¯’11 ilfaly Illi |fOUl Ihti

deplhs ol Ilic ~l~il

to all who arc about to

second to no

It .isamong

~, that our ,y-Made

meat, is by

NI’A;iIL~ ~%DVIfl~--hayi lhti Nt:W I.’(,I kH,,uhl :

A I e,,.o~ who cal/a hiln~<,l[ William It..~ll-~ahlb¯l’ it Ilt)h~ndiihiZlag iil¯lluti~{ Iliaelly h,sil~ lllh lily t,) lil, lil a i/#rl+l~l~ rrllt)rh+l".

{il~ liilii h,+t,t Pi

’l’h~ till,l’,t~ It~l’l’i~’i {5 g,)htl llUl hlt|)t’l]lilliitb

l[tr+t/)[ h I +11)’1.~ ~’Cl I""’1) t] tl[Ivli Crillil.IO :ilaI. O ~it h ,I It’l I lU,I liJllit t’ll+l,i’ Iliilil i’l,tts,lrj’.

+ ..

it i,, I]l,itL. l,I .~.’,liill()u W,ull4 [i,i%’i, la,iehtI% /~lh.I ~lhl’hi i.irl~q.l" lit’CAil-i lit i’ll,I i] ]i,l%tl~ii t;l-IQ bl-Ildlit ihlltli Ihli itl ..

’J’l. lil,llhl lilliiii,il Hi illlll+i,I lip iI I,it r, lie

iht, I,l,lw. .% |ll.ilih iil,ii ,~l’d~,iy +’4 t’.ab0ql ~11 nlil,.~ htitil .’l.i..¯il-l,t, I’, ),, I,ll~ di--c.r~rcd all nddhi.il I. Ihl, lid i,l d.ilii’,, i-

cilh’d ui~in~ah’, I"..,l,h’,.I,d a. a ",.I,.tl.ttttc " iu wuf Ihu. f.r tl., Iwa.l,i .I the.fh M %~l~i,’ll ,ll-al,I.’,H, ,I ,Inli,,g ~hcint,li(~lihlll h, ihl. ilu’,lhl Io iho ~liill li,l~ i,lll%i,dhhllH¯ll a gttnt ltil.e,+~ " Ill~ hilr+llv i,h

ih,’ ~lu|lhorli vhim h.~ I,i~lk,,," ni,,I II i-

Wrltten bb I.imsel£ Pn one large Octaro Volume~’ua rly 1~IOO

engraving...tt embraces fort. year~ recollectimls ,if

ltfe a~ a Merehnnd gives accounts of hi-ilut 4thi, t ull.~Sff~tT~-:r~:t

pl~aii’teurl, and IUil~ tlt’nl [IDtoi ieal and Per~ou-

terln~ to agents cent free. o,l~ B. llUlllt & co., Publldiers,


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I,adtea dtalltc.~f-every.- de.’,crtpt Ion-’dyed~leancd, Enit and wool blanket ldiawls dyed oreleliiled. Ciitlil.i’~ :hair) PIii~le; ¯ "end ]I/ol:tiuihawlll ~lt’anad in It Stllh~rlor inn’nnor, : ¯ -"

¯ qelv~X’t, leM;s lialideol’l ~l~’-" d);¢d "-81 Iln nndw irslcd lhilnalik Cillllillill dyod llr elcall~d. Ta-hlu ¢lWL’rlt dyed or ch, an~d. ](bl gloves i,r fe~lli-ors d)’cd t,r t, lcaned,

~l~O only Itlk. e trlalf to prnTo our¯:eqp0duiltyflild ~kill.

IfAIlIlET’Ig, NIFPlil.ill’~il ,t l!lll.’,|7 Norlh l’:lghlh ~411eet, l’hila. 31.11w

33_A T 7G T-I’~RAW lit.IN E

assortmand varied that cvcrbc fitted at once,

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l~ilVille’Muttml lnsurane6 00.$ P;I p.kate fLiup s o, ITI0 " ’,u,,,,, ,b+,d .+m,. ,/ ......., ......, .....i,, ............r

Ihl’ ,%111~111~ *%|lllll!ll llililr:lllt!o I+illilll:llll ,. h.l,I ,,rl

"$’ ", SITI BaAY. Mny .Tilt, 1~Tfl Ih I’,]],,lliiilf #hll¢i-

_ E t~i~l~K ’ ......... f th,, I ................. lill ...... f ll .......... I,tt .yI6AI;I ..........-- ’"I[’burl+ 14 Illl~ enlslaadhic/ Illiil,llnt

l~+.’" :!. + ¯

lutqlrildt" ....................... , .........~iis;I 7,2~lli.lia1’ tl,nlinsi Illltll I "Oh (qnil., ...... . ....... a55 fi%l.lli

_ Clllli’lii;lieifl’ll~lllllglli/.~ O) lhol’,llu.’llatly properly ~e0uf¢l~...,.,...,’ .... :l:hllegAt~

Ilcat F.~Iut~... ........ ..,., ....o, ......... "l,tliio.ee........ Tho eolnl~any blil bl~lill illdlig llii!lhlPii little, $1TANI)A!f ,D M!&IlII.&.NTIF-dO.t : ,,v,.r II,re,~ )’uarl and I. h, a very iI~.,hhi,~g ~.aWu ,,+ff~r Io farumrl, Iho preteut +’all neaavn, ilill-ll, al the llb)ivilillil,,llti Ill will II.ll~.

liKlltttl’, u, ltA%Y tttINY, lglJPleAt I’IIt’fi4PIIATP~ til’e /...,’e,,t theh,,re+tr,rt~.,,n,I,.;UI.th,ntl.n

.I IAllll~ tl~ beilUf hlgbty hnpruritd..p Iti.ll,’wli~ ilullro li ohll~lli.u~lrl talhbi~ Fifo’

Jlaulh’a lllw Lhlno ~ulivr i’li,ll lhlllli ill I lilt iis Inlqliillr,i I. Ibt~ I’ll, Tho eo~t .f ~llii,.li h glllltliD lllllh,al~¢l llrtlluted by dissllllltig filw lllllie~ Pilll, ii I.il f lll}l!llul~ ilii ii hlliidltid Ibdluol i&bi’llil I~l’.Vlllvl~lbiil’ ti lbll~ Ih.t bnvu Bid r.llho hc!lt chics ol rllkl. ~lill Ilillro

d). ,rlwd i,t thvir’urg,l’ntll aiJitt¢l--tho Sleollllo ll% tl¢~lt)l)ttl~t)l¯Thl, llll,,Cl,,r. ,,f lira I>l,lil~lilIV~ a[7_tivrr~’i’$tih~n~,57;,hl~-lUi~;~ I*.lt~il~ile i d.h. M

,llli,.rc o Chlj trill; J.iVlllhlb ~liillli. ~u. 7, .’daikti

awl ghle--by h)lrllbut’ ,)r I,akb.g, lh Ih~ruf*,rt+Ltlti.il~ ti~>i-ih e~;i.-m nl.-a r:l~i h e~v alllD, bll--i ff~~ i~. i;.i.iell t+f ltaw lt,+nol hi a h/gbly I,.n,~entrllt~tl fi)rul--li’il,lofltli~ I ill oitl,e liitil,h la ,lillli’as snd yvryi..lhl.,+en L

I,h,r, lvrl ,,rl, rrvoiltili,,i~d)>d Io IHir),h,l~o .f th~I)dilh’r h,l+illt!il hi ili,,ll l,il ghh,lrli.,,d, hi ..ll

I’li~idl.I. iliil.v Im prlwlirc’d ilirul, II I |li+ni Illutlt.l,~r.lglltd:+ ¯

liAtrGH A:SON~,itl~i i" li’Tl,II I~,ll~.

I,Itll,T, ,~,l. ~,.! II l~.lilh l)lla’,~all: .~t#11iiillii8,311 I)’ [’J//LA I;,ELI’I/Lt

IIO Ill" I’.’II’M

C0iiiplet0 Manur0.

AIAI)I: r Iin31


.%qM(INIA .,,,I I’()TASII.i,,il~lll: i,i Ill lilhl~i, 01~llKliS,

,ll lll’r{l’ct f~,’rl(l{ll, l" |l,r Jill e, roilll.

lilt irl ’,llhl (,t LIio it,iuvmd e,,i I lit Ihu ltllW*~l.l"ii,ils I I It,, IUllblcd IkI litl i’ rlllll ,lllllultn.iihfI III ii ll~l,r l,ii, ~, ul. h)+ Iho ilhl ilfll©w ilili.,l+h+~,,~Ubl il t,I)~lll+l b e. t II) tl>ll II II lill.

Jh ~l., IL,u i,i b .~l~l))it~clullill~ t’l. ,,+l.I,Illi)ll l’~lrl’livi,I l’klla.

" Thi, Ili ilillll, I ,lililllil all Ih. t/i lill’lill if Idllllli ,ll ii, ,i., hilb’ f, ,,i,l+lll,iliiJlli~ ill n)ll+ fvt,dI i ~, ,i .i ’,,-IH,K I.itilliy I~ ii,) ~.11.

},’al I.’][1~1’,’)1 ah)l)C ill Ihu I,l,,rali,)l+~ ) I . _.I,I,,~,iltg~ll)hd cahi%alillg thn i’llliii# Iori. : E, I’ +l.,.,. h+ th,, ..,,,,t "t’.m ,hr, M.,turv,"I{rspH-tiilg t|lt’~)’ .l~lll’tlil’,it~, 7’/.¯ .llijil,h ,i,, I,<hl..h, :qll)lllid, .il,l ,,i ihl Nrw EliI.~.’~i’~,-i;,4. ,I../ o’i,’~li~i’-’.~ i. i~-~t,tln.ibl, fer l.,.,t -i’llt’re; r~untlll~ 411pmlltl II ],rrt~t-l~f-thr¢l

Ibelr llOlli; a., f, wll,o i,,wir) +l]il) anulltil l,.i. tilll litl) l,,idl~d i~,,*nrtizl g t oLotloi,,.I hllililtr iH w ,,~t.d f~r *il..

il a :l.]ll ptlulrl nllgtlf,)r. The I,et %¥i)lklllitXuN, elll.4111’LL’.’l- .It t’O.,kl,)dly i,, h=,ne,, ; e. ),4 tl,t d, lver d. ,.el

nol need Io " put a huvk ill I|ie laws el b’- I ttl r +.ll, Drip.it. Av il+.l I’hihidill,hhi.ii , . ttM, It t~ t NI) 1.11.4,vlslhan, IhouAb ho nlly IO ¢lilo O| iierll ; l~ , ~. ~th Sl ,), I, ll~ll~m,,F% Md, .l: ~,+~lli,j for iilall,ee, ii Ibe lihinlul tbt)uLl ltrlltih c " Jl’lllE Allilllll, llilikilillll$.tha B-ilk O’rihr-u(,l,,~ h,- I=il orer tiic dill,- x.., bU.MKIts’ rol.vr, .4il.i, lil l.uui#, ~. Jin S ~. h~ th. s* (’ollnplelll Niillli.~" lie lllli

hi. |q,lliilh’lplihl; I"ii,l ’.lllhll tI. ’~’illll’~,r..lllallll~,i.~ll i .N+,li,nl,h.I Vllr+lll+,i~ Milllili. ; llaII .Muih,l,l: I:iiriiiuii L..’dlill,ld, rio d,diii81ialp, I,, " I’raht, l~ llH,t,,~. ,h,

.~.’ t’rlt t ~ill I, "4rllllll,~ I)rl+l[)lllllt.i~ i%11 i.i I,’, I’ltll.l. +.,.i relarv.l?l illllk I,. xIt~l.rOl)l, ’Proalliror,

,% (J E N "i’#’l..J. ALI’RI’,II IICIl)INl~. WilTiali,,I,m.,C. IL l’, MAYIII’;lYi ]% ay’..,,tl,lblg,A, WI’I~PIIA NY 141~t llntl*t,r l’lly.t!.pt DA.~;I t’:l, W ~I,TI’:ItS. Ah.~..’l’lltl31J ’~ I Mtilt RIS. qi,iu,,lll’ I’.hllII~.i I I:1%QI{%IA~ I’.rl II, l,uhlio.AI.I,I’,N 1" lit~l{ll~,’riii,hsrl,lli.llr. l.l’,Wl ~ Itl:l:ll, %lhlnlh+ i’11¥.,%1,111EI’ W. t’I.I~,MENT, Ill,hl..ll~ld.

i2 17

,% (g It- I ~, .It T (I I,’ I,’ lp. I1IIIIItAl’i, V, II’l:ll~l,.ll, II IIIIIIAIIWAY, N, y.Will dl-1 H. I/..,L,,# / ,,..,...U,t.a,,+..iiid ¢%,/.1. - ,. ,11 11I,I illillt# illllk~ll, al ,, llll ilil,Ir I.- [1lll I ". r,i] {’llllil ~III1’11 I Itll ¢ llllllll~l ),I ++IllIil II I[ ’ +~:) ]lllllllli]+. illilil |,.I,I I lb.Iiililti Ill It I, +1 Itlril lllllll¢’y III i,Ih ’1 ir IiIIrt Ii)ll+,,It’tllvhlti’l.: , l’l.+l+t,+ Ilil Illehl.l,d ,i iho ul,,lll*,,Ih,r, 7 .,7:) ~*~++>.

Mi’lltherger’ll t’llil’l, rtiel i:xlrilelll

+ti,, .,lll,t+,ll ,I ,,i,lal i, all~ ii+:+,b, Th, ) +it,, I,,I,atlM ll+.l,I I ,+ Itllltl,l, llll Ii I I I,v ,,inid I~lll,+ + ,, Ih’r th++l+ 111111% |’~%ltllCll Ihal i,r, ~,,I,l.

Tt?" l~ )Hill tlll’t’ll I I l+illi’l’lll [ r ’1¥t51Lllmcr% It. ill,l, i.,

li~lltl~llIV~ INlillill I;hUl’:

Ii, IiIhi,iil ,h,iltd, Ih~ Lull oilhh, [ii il,~ iiliilkll+t,,r I,ht, ll,+( + [,,th*l, it *llll i,,,1,,i tlt*+l,,II, iu f,,ir rh,, .+*1,,,, ),,+ :hi .,f li,,ll+: I, ill .I lliil4 hlU.l.. Ih,,rl ,~+~ ~il,,r ,,.+.h I,h.-i,llh, u,.iLti’l tip vlily l’l llllliitt Ii IhiU I ul lip ill ?llfit,i Willhi i4~l’l iilil t ,<l.lr, Pi,i ~7’1 ~ ,I Ih .~cl’, ii I hi.I*hil+l *#tl hia ’r t,~ lllt,~l. I,-. % ,. t,,/f h ~% i[tl.il ~;i.l+l

I~1 [lil, le,,r ii th, 1)~ Iil.,~t ttr~,+’cr~ ;Ih ~ Ilrtigl;l~ll

~,l~J,’l itl’lliil;It+,~ INJ,l:l,llll.l: I.NK

frill ll~ f+,.I)d I. li Itl.il t.)l I I ill ’11llrj ulri l’IrAll~).,,i) I,i+,1 Ill" i..ilo ¯ I ,l~16nal~l. / i,,l’.,~,lil .,+.,t :.l,.,~, I]~,+,41{I.’ M~,h,h,%s t’l,~m, I.~.kl.., ill’ vl;~,. ’f.i d ,,.. 1’...1, I~.,e,,, il,l al,Iblllpl+l hi I1+. ,1II).° li.’L ¯AI,Fl~l:ll %i’ll.l"lil~Riil:It’. ~ /lltt’~/ r’t’f)lil’;

~.. ::J .~/istii S.~vi4 ~I., l’i+lld.; 1 htl.Isil-I1

.~7---.~,. . - -

,.’ l]y vltt~s:o£a writ ~Pflerl facial¯ d)’l~hedouto£-thocLr~%dt zourt of AtlarRt¢.I~..Un!Y# wiHbo.e~Ad itpub o sMo. qn"- -,z’r~ ~’llelilll~’. Jiily" 12t-]870i’, : i.at two o’clock la the afternoon ofuaid day at theho1¢l’bf.John /J.’Chumbtoh£al! May’s .Luudisg,’.

do.~.~rlb6d lilud uud’real esiat% ai follows: .frlilu o dwellln

erlbod as foilowa : llcgittoiog wt%cro the.t!m~_Ea~tjldo_PJ~_(JUl)li]iloy.Avenuo or,sins tim

.[tn~pf_t.[!9-~__o.!t[ll ~J.th.i nf_td~e0nd l~t~eoL.and_xruna(1) nleng the IineofSceund ~treot ~bath lllxi~;.otto degrees nnd fifteen minutes, Eagt tlfly ’feet

redorttl sixty-oue

~orth t~¢enlv-eight degrees7++a~t on~’hulrdred feet t6

bt’ghlnlllg, et, ntalnin+d I]%’,) t]lrlilsaotl s(lllaro fcet~

taken in ex¢cutioti at too tlnit ofCreelb ldff., nnd to Im ~u], by

dfl:49 $. 11. CAVILEIglt, ~horiff..f

,-. t.lm ~dmtl~;t!!it ni~.:~ ...... : ...... tJm~_i~mtnis-F.A.~W~.II~G?I~ . ]D,,..:Vl~lllkerYttClalltonla

~il~ ri~P+P~ xlt~ ! ,oro,m°lrfoml."°ndS]{~LE’~0~%[.,.. :+’ ~olld Porll

Thi.~ Corset ia collatru¢tud-ou an entirelyprlnciple,-heh:g otto:) , ai~ldharebTMlowlng tliefreest cireu]aLion i)osllble, b¢~ides girlng l)~lr fretedso .nd comfort to tha w~i~r~r, luld at the ~uule

Inou tpport to th0 Lody. ’rJA.tdth..&’race., a.d.. (.~.i./.lhey.nre un-

i. tile mark0]. They arcroeonlluended for summer nilll

iq Igh eqna]l2 well lapted to till ~e~lsons

ileal.eft, Fur ulr(,ulnrs,"we It CESl’l,’,]t ~Kiivr t

~" l:l 1S3t.

a of tbo Ih’el" a

~IIII~IIIIFI,’~J ,i’Ltl LIf,] WELCH & GRIFFITHS, "BYVirhloofawrlt’(,fflori£ae]a.,tu no d reel- $ A’ It,¯ 8 ! A X ig 81 S A’W.S’!ell) issacd out of the elreuit: eobrt or x~llanti~

County, will be sold at ptthlle cole, on ’ . Sn,’l¯.l of nil de~arl )lions. Aaes Bc nff an ~[i- . ]llonelay. Jsll)’ 18.+ 187Oi : l¢llri’lshhll~ s. Circular Saw.w7 h "S, ill Tee

; , r with l’alent A juelible ]’el]its, superior to all.at two o’clock in tbo lll’ternolln of e 1 ay at : [us~rtcd ’l’ve(h ~tlW$. Prices reduced "’thu lit,tel of Ja¢.h Ketnl in Atlantio C t3, Now

/: O" Selid fur l,rico llst and elrcuhiis "ql~"~Jur:ey all the folh)wlng describe I l)ic~c of la.d~’l~.l.t’ll l~ GRIrl,/rnsI.~itnato it Atlautie City, At]alitie C~llnt.~ ~vlr

B’vstun, Ma~s., or Dotrott ~l]cli. r 30-36.dt’r~ev, botutded as follows :-All+iliat t~*osl6?~.. Fro]lie ,hs~Iih,, ltSus~]

ate in A%lanlte City, +4t tbo .Nt, rthw~t ’c,)rne:

and ella hundredfeet on" Now York Avenue. " it "Leilil. 7 the loath Tl+ventar.a wh. n" Ill 19 take .ut Lol ors Patcnlprenii~cs whleh I’,liza Chlrk conveyed tu tleoege ;~re mh’+scd to t’,u,t~ml whh 3]UNN ,t CO., vdl-W. Ft)rce b.v deed dated ~t)v. littl ISt;S attd i,)rs of tits ,V,-ie,l¢;/;e A).¢reed.) wh6 hare prose-corded in hl)t,h .No. ,3,1 page 4~3, ,% e. cured e!aJm~ b,,P.ro _tOo. t’a el t. Oaieo--

ion aL the ~uit of Frederleklianni~tin us~igne¢, l

i0-.Iu 8. 71.

~IIEIgIF]?’,~I ftALID.

£"I, i#Sll¢(] (lnt of lho Colirt Of eon:lrll)lG I,[eas~ willbo st,[d at I ILblio s,~r0t Ca

Nttlul’thly, JIIly IO, "iPtTO,Iwo r)’c]t;ck in th~ ::ftcrt)oon of told day lit

lht~ h~,tl:l ,, " S¯itltue [ i, Spar ~, hiu" ke~pcr n{Ab-AL]allti~t’),utlly, .’-talu ,,[ .N’t, li" der,~, %,

]larh,~r Tcwllshil~,’boundc:i ,qhd II~L-cril~ed nslaws :

rl<)+s lire~.

hqlt ;%~t,ney is the lUOSt extenslvo~n ht i.aa lilly olher reltnble

t.r~ la ~ent gratis.Mt;NN’d" 120., 37 l’ark l{nw, iN’llw Yozk+

.................. + ..........

ORKiNG~’AN.Illustrated Monthly Paper after

Iht~ Hylo <)f iho " llriti+h il’ork.l+l..)’

S,i I)ea,lli fttl and attractive til~t evt)ry-body is dellgMed with it; and go

OI~l)" ~i~ty cctltS aycar. Tcn copieshnd e ] r~lalUIti for ~. ~an%’~$~rA

~veryw{tcr~ ~ettti f.r # ~tn-

i:d Grifliith Martin - "- = "~lauds of the]ate Thoma~ Adams~tnd John A. 3 "r |;I 11 l’]’ ,7,1, A -L;I:,’: I; CtJ I t N l.’II, l’rcmuv¢~Ctlrfittin.. - ...~. ._it_ x~ilh..t p.~:,n ; pri,’~ 25e. I~ola’ttt drug and

2,1 All that piece or wood ]:lnd, ll;’o ac’l/¢~, thol, ~t.rc.~. ;~ainl,[es lnlli!cd On rce¢l ) ot’i, rlrelaofc I,£ ]¢>F, a,lj.iiling laad~ ~’ff 31ark "Adams,ni~,l h’a,l~ ~,,ll,p!h,d l:y tl’o .IAPASILqI.: CORNJohli niid Ehj,d~ Martlrl,heir~ of dllnatb;in .’~hir- ] IrA; cIl.. ~1 Pint. sl~. .~ew ~l’,ql, -

till, dcu’d, and othcrtI.,’:.izud :,~ thu pr.perly of Evan 3lartin. d,,it¯. ~i’l’:,lli ! IT IS TItU~ !

t:d;i-u iu c~;cct*ti~n ltt titt. ~uit *,f 31:llqi ~; lL,t TJ,at tho II,~t t[,,,~er~--

31ny 7th; J S70. tu~tde hy the/~TXX 31AN tlFAC."It/.SG Saltlu. el]In, Build for pam-

fI.IkLEN.’Ili’N wanlcd in li paying bu$1nl~is.:t can excel tho powcrfnl $. KV.XNI~I)y, -I1:; Vl.ostnut st., I’hUadu.curative 1,~or of ..... ~ ..................... --1),",. 5:LtLILS’ 1VIIFTJfpI’LM02,’IC ~L1L.~AJL f]’~-]’L!~ IIU31AN MACIIINK, New beck.

It cures with a rapidityure,lualed I) 3’ uny other .l_ 1-1J~i Free for st:an],, Tarrant ,t Co., N Y

rctncdy tdPercd for throat and Luug dileases, li, Tho Soasonlaingtoli, and huadrcd+ hi Philadolpkia, llaltt- Of PO~’!l.i~loru alld ~tli~l eiti~s+.~nd eouiiaunitie,, ihror In lhe SitlOli

II le~l li@rVOll~ e0nditi,mno~ (~,’lth a f~ ex- iullll~li~O ofa eul..l~l:tem

family i¯ tlguch |l ils the blood cool in warm weather, To effect thlt

ularity wu--and this p( l, Ulari- .,1,jeer, tibiae neealhmnlly a dnse or TA)tltANT8.tyJlti:~us’fronl the fact that it uni*.~rstdTy- "tlF-’dFRAq’:SCENT-~.~TZIII[-AI’]:It]ENT Itall ~h , U-~C it. ’]’heru is till cruse of con~hl:I eldd2, i, a’gvtlt}e catharllc, a uhl)Ic.~olae tonic nn anl -*or~ Ihro,lt;~.q.lolla, Broa¢llltD, er~u ,.hlood~plt. dote t,i hill]cussers, a |,lend tleper~nt, and ulinK, ~Ioar~e)lu..~, alid uviln pulliltln~%rv CuBFlltn I- ino~t delightful fd,tifugo nailed in one ipark;.ti))li. :vhuru tim sy~tetn is i1ol br,,ken- h~lcn with llng. fo£tni li~ elixlr, prt,]mrod ia a Intlmcnt aridtbll %i’eai" of ,IJ~caec. or ]lrotett,lcd tn6dici~l., or ill- withnllt tll,~ sligh(esl trtulble.exlmrielieed ffth’ice, that %lii~ lials,,m will not cure 5eLI) ltY Ahh DKUGtI[STS.if carefully u.*ed, at.cording t- direelivns. %t’ogear:tntel~ it till wo reprei~etltit to be. attd invltt~

etlacrdte minhoeri : ~11~0 n )’~rccnl~l, liiedlrtla ldze, arid $1 fpr large I~ IO bottlol, tO l,),.r~tndl:nle ; I,egies Aug. ’-)9. Al~plyl’rpatl~d only by+ A. $. L¢¢ermore,’~.[etulql]e, l’;’A: ""

T¯I~Y Aali IIO? A VlL| "- f’liney Drlnl%)

Made of posr Hum,’,WbLiql

liUt ~lia li I~lllln(lo from the native route a¯d bslbs of I~ldlfof

nla, fren from.n)la eobellottlmnlantl..The.are ............(~e Sf¢-at Lined t urtll~r a¯d f©.g ¯ ng~rtoelpl6 . ’a perfect renovaloraild Inv]goratorof the rSmttm . " . j

tako.lllesO ~itler~ Sunwelk

It ptoovialed that die bones aro not dellroyed by llllersl

(ithor means, ~a~d ths villi orgaol

(1,)ut, I)ySl,ep~ia ,-r It]digestion, Bilious, Ilemlblenl nnd ]ntermitteel fevers, Dlseileoof tboblood;Lirvt, Kidneys and bhddor, lhoeo bltterl hiivubeen mum tueecssfnl. 8ueh dleealeS ara eaUledBy ’dtlatcd t,hlod ’~hlch Is gen~rlll~ pr~lle¢dby

blood wbsuevor yoe findits impuritice bursting thlleugh the skin m pialoides. ~rupti~n~ or ~oreli:find it obstrucled "arid

tell you when.~hcaTth nf the t,~

Pin ~ape ulld other Wormel lnrhlag |u tbusystem 6fso lnaey thoueandt, lifo effect¯ills de-.str<)ye,I and removtd.

In IIilious l{~lnlllent lUd Intermlttmat fsreis,these Bitlcre have no equal. For full dlreetlonorba.I Carefully the circular around eueh bolt]o,

four "hnguages--E0g|hlh, .Germlm;

E. IL "M’eDos*i.o-&I)ruggists and

btrcet, ~cw York.r~.~’S0LDBYALL DBUGGISTS & DEAI.ERII


a on.ors ,va~rx~ yon"LOST .A.B140.A.Zt."- Send for ~peelmen pag¢ll, elleallrl, terml, .i-e.


llIEV. ALIIEIIT ilIAilINF~N,_-~,,r Boo]:, Sale-Immense -- "! Duiln ,i~i3 fur e¢l~rybod)’; PnTs i~0 Io ll~llO psr

’month. ~ml for c rcnhlrs to~EittLI-’,It,. MicUII,DY & ’cO., Ie 8u~atb Slxih.Htr©el. Phllada., Pa, .. 47-50

GEN~II WAN’£ED-L il~y thu

, lhl7

MA l"/# k." It" llA #.1"; .vM# Tll+J ~1l~ IV 130 OK.’rWl~LVl~ Yl~ltS ltg011a ’inli .

- J.n. s:xMs. ~L ~J. O,,,..,i],,,u~ ,, ,,,,,, s, ..-~ ,.r~o ~o B1TLI~ AND’ BEARSi ~ e,,tumn l,apurcLedge. M.e,-Illustrnted; + ’Do- " ........ J" --i~ 0t’WallBtriliiil.:_--:::- ---- ._. :_No. 707 ~lilrlte.I Street, ~,.l~,l o ,l, otchc.% i,o+trs, ,,t ..... guanine’,~0 P~IGEs FINELY ILT,USTRATED ’ .¯ ;;,it;-ry" .......... tert.fnsff’j:o3,~ 11~3i,. ftin. nottsonltl+.(oftl i~cnltihl~ k nd).lnd tO tho

Phihidelphia deptJi, $,~liu.~oil.lIull~tray &C.w. expuaure tlf sWilldllng, blnlibngs, &t. Oil| . _+~_l_)~.l~l~tl~l.l~O .... "~ ¯

dtnl itn~ Arch-.Btrcct’. iwrb engrevhi Ir shows the Imyllorlle Of stoell mad Iold Ism-1.2X2 feet, qKilti’¯, ;ll)000 etrcuhl[lou.]lalthnoro d¢l,Ol, ,’4, S. ]lance. Iti~ Baltimore r~fun,le,I to all who ssk 11. It Is’tlhloSlre,.r. f.mri~,~% ttnlhfuL ’Pry il ntm, 7~ ~|IS. II eelF()r ~alo hy lnedlcinc ,le:llcrs gctterall)., S ,¢¢inlcns t’ltl’l,L Ad)lteat ’,llAN~JjJt,

Ilht~dlle, N. 1I. ¯’ I :: .....~2,OO6?(-i’!~+i¢[t I;~ --+ ,r,,,.,~ ...........,, ,, ......,obr,,,ed W,t..<O.~ ,~l:W. %k~Sr~’o-~(S~--~7"--t ~tt MA(’IIINI;fl. ’£i~ belt umehlllo itt t -+ll¢iui ti ~rlppl% I liavli nnule lluuiFi ,laninI aworld ~iiiel, alike on hutll, ehh.i. 0~i: l’lA- ~lleeial ~hldy, 0he huilt Is~tit’aenit lmi proved(’tll~t: xllrll,~i:T M.rIEl’. For furlher i)al’ilelilarll tl laOdel t~f conloti|,,nei/,addrl,~ 7.5 N. tilh iql., l)hlladelphla, l)u. 31-43............... ,s "t " , t )

rtiblr¢t~l (llhli ilanlll tit iiGIg(I. J. COLBI’, ArrhlltrlnlDiit.

......................... -’21, Fuilnnvill~ N. Y~ . .

"---0-amK :fi ndbex6N

bllng, and tSo mitofl.s of enforLunato alllOlo.¯

tlon, and expo,ee Iha iwlndles, Irlebs, and llladsof opcrlltors, It tol|lh~w ~lillione aremlldeandJ0et In ¯ d=yr h.w-elt~i~ Taen- nro ilillllid~# hOi .........~’eornerl".i~rti nlldS ha grale a0d prodaevI ao!vw,,laea tpeculttu oU Iho atteel etc., Allaatlwanted. We pay l’rolght Welt. Send for termlJ~’!t. BURIt d Co., l!artrutd, Cuan, 17.51

rl"ut ] ~s:t;o 11UMIIUli I

[-. ]ly pendldg 85 O0allt wl01

age, lielghl,eOlor of cyte aUd hlli, ~all Wl|l l~l.eoivo by telurn marl, a e0rroel phi.loll of yourfuture [lulband or wll%wllh ~amo sad dull o[tilltrhac Address W. FOX. P. 0. Drawar No.

}’,l,, IA. I)dh’Itte A’/.}li ~- L,t)

"-i:’---£2"L~!! u_ 1~ "At l’ru~#2" . .:)~’~5+--.

"Wise and : :’

, ,, Othermtso."¯ f[’ll.qlL’. That list+lul alid sph’y Illtlo Imuk

.1. ,,u Wah’l.,s, cllllwl " TIME,"contahllvikl.iii)hl~ tllh+rttlltlh~tl, dt ldso ¢olilattll ~. it litI. II,’A’ illi~l g’..llt’~# lvsn,llvll ll| lilllh+)ltl ilily ill, leo rio.it~) d, IgA~’I’),IAN .L CtL 12 et’halA~it, ll.~h~nlhi I /r~o. ~qrll [ ) .,tr fi ~il, i’ lianll nllli y ~ur411¢1% lliid.i~ll tel a Vliliy’

]n litle~l ,f -~-

TEA8 AND COFFEEBTu con f.tt*l Io

Pill.CLair] Olln ,GOI.ID.lacroaled fscllltlel Io e’+ub Urganllete’ Scud fo

-+./~W~ l’zlcs L!lt - ¯

-- rl’h0 Great Amorl0tm T0a -.~ompany.

,P- O. B0ab843, " .’ll & ~3 VrreyStG’tL Y 51"

?llll]’ANTIgD--AtlPlN’rS--IO eoll lhl Otl~lma¥¥ .~’¢.,’.,j J/.e/d,,~, It la Iletnlld, aniheo the

" l’:httlo bnek i~iltch" Ilid II wllrreaLlld 5 yeari.Plieo $15. All .ther mlehI,M wllh oil tinder.I~14 1.]4 f,)r $!h., blst at6 lufrlnllemeabl. A~I.tli’l~li t;i t,iVI,ll ,~l’.lrl’u’J il/,i(’#ll’l~ll ~tl,,)SlI J, ualb MeC I ~ag,), tl. J Ill ,urg, ] a, t,r lleel0a, Masl [Silt


nohl by I IrliiUlllli i11 llVrallr,........................... C., All .Iher u.dur.f.¢d Iqiultll Matblusll laid

-’[ .:

I~.[X Pl~lt:dS:lf~lub~t, ri I tiou to thn ltEl.eul~l

¯ .ill.: 2.1 II i,al.l .l,irllk~ lirat alx tllonth~,~1.’ .,tl if p:lid ariel’ nix lll~)llLti/l.

. t’ha 1’ ’l ’¢r itlll l),s st~plmti ’il til~l elhl’ of th.i ,~., t) _~ ,,):. ,¢,,o¯t -,, .)~.t,~’¢4: Ull~¢%liso it %vl ./¯ ""J

;.i. ,!~, _,.t ,(~,.lar ~1 .t!au+).ltl,lll~ tl I¢ rorul%’U+.,I. ,~.. *, r~ ,1’ ~4as t,.tt,b ~o,,l+,it)~, io IllW.

__ _ P.31~t~]lt;J-.I.1, I.~.t{.~°i’3~rlot¯r,,~tov, !

"2’ "+"+’N"’’." "’". ¯ " ’ C :" " r

~. :£ ,


.-’.~ ,/ ~ / (’" ..~ _/- ....., _ ~ .....


SATURDAY, JUhYI6; 1870; ...... : _PER A_R-¯ ~ . :.:~ J "..++:D- ~

¯[Per the R~:pubIlnan,~ ]PtlilpOl’~ POd~ ~ Old[




......... Cannon ehul.Wheu the filesOl the Isles, J

:From tko smok~ nlght..enelmpment;-bore thdbnnnel ot the ramplot

-Through the morn I lews witst

Then with j+yn~.t~ thu [rout nil, ...Aud wil h guns horilunml, 0he niiihl, hq .

Stood our siren: at tha foot ot the stliil IssUing up in~,And the l~alls whistled de¯dly, telegrapholti~l. Thcdo0rmillookl~ll: " " ’!Aud in._stteams filching redly he could not opellit.- .... " ........

¯ Aa the roarO, Ihe shore ~. e ....

battle.llieakera o’I¢ dll .i~_,.

tot my paper--a

[ ~n’t get in. What will I du ?"