Migrating Jive To The Cloud

Sept 17, 2009 Migrating Jive to the Cloud: Practical Tips and Tricks Matt Tucker CTO, Jive Software


Talk given at Portland SAO cloud computing event.

Transcript of Migrating Jive To The Cloud

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Sept 17, 2009

Migrating Jive to the Cloud:Practical Tips and Tricks

Matt TuckerCTO, Jive Software

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Jive Overview

• Founded in 2001 – Series A with Sequoia in Fall ’07

• Growing revenue 100% Y/Y and generating cash

• Industry analyst recognition as leader in our space

• Only vendor to bridge external and internal communities

• More than 2,500 customers

• Operations in 5 countries, new office in Palo Alto

• Over 150 employees (currently hiring +20)

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Jive’s Cloud Evolution

Summer of 2008• All deployments were installed software or ASP managed hosting

• Customers lacked easy, cheap way to start with Social Business Software

• Evaluated and selected Amazon EC2 environment

October 2008 – February 2009• Dedicated, skunk-works team devoted to migrating Jive’s offering to the cloud

• First instances up and running in January 2009 – 3 months total development

Summer 2009• Over 250 Customers on Jive Express

• All customer sandbox sites migrated to the EC2 cloud

• Costs to run a Jive Express environment are 1/10 the cost of ASP

• In process of launching additional products via the cloud

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Advantages for Jive’s Cloud Offering

ASP takes too long and costs too much• 6 weeks to procure and install new servers

• Approximately $20K per installation, all up-front and no linear ramp

• No ability to turn off or manage capacity

Easier to manage• Minutes, not days or months to get up and running

• Instances spin up and down automatically

• Fail-over happens with admin tools in the background

• Vastly lower operational expense due to automation

Easy deployment for customers• Tools to manage and track adoption

• Customized wizards guide through typical use cases

• Customers can migrate from EC2 to ASP or their own SW deployments

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The Cloud & Enterprise

Enterprise Readiness Issues• No SAS70 Type II certification for AWS

• Need to improve SLA for high end customers. On Jive side as well as AWS

• Enterprise security reviews have not caught up with the cloud yet. Standard evaluation criteria still focuses on things like hardware vs. virtualization, data center tours, etc

Ramifications• Cloud is generally for smaller or “starter” Jive implementations; low

percentage of revenue but gets us into larger deals

• We’ve built an easy migration path to on-prem or ASP

• At least 2 years away from widespread enterprise cloud readiness, but trend is happening

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PaaS or IaaS?

PaaS IaaSGood choice for new code base Good choice for existing code


Innovative pricing models Straightforward metering pricing

Not mature Mature

Automatically scale Scale yourself; not always easy

Multi-tenant apps Multi-tenant or single-tenant apps

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Key Technical Challenges

Bring multi-tenant cost efficiency to a single-tenant app

Jive is a “fat” application. How do we fit in a small EC2 instance? Cut down app startup time from 10 mins to 2 mins, use small

Java heap

Any customizations break easy/automated upgrading Built new simplified admin console and did other simplifications

via product overlay

Must eliminate per-instance manual labor Invested in radical level of automation that maintains the

environment with very little manual intervention

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Architecture Overview

EC2 Instances

Controller Service

Redirect Service





Provisioning Site

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Trick: Scripting Java Install

• Basic tip: fully script the creation of your AMI!

• Ran into problem that install of Java can’t be automated

# Install Sun JDK (messing with whiptail to avoid license prompt)mv /usr/bin/whiptail /usr/bin/whiptail.origcat > /usr/bin/whiptail <<EOMexit 0EOMchmod +x /usr/bin/whiptailapt-get install -y sun-java6-jdkrm /usr/bin/whiptailmv /usr/bin/whiptail.orig /usr/bin/whiptail

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sunrm /usr/bin/javaln -s $JAVA_HOME/bin/java /usr/bin/java

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Trick: Hibernation

• Further cut costs by automatically turning off instances that don’t get active use

• Trick is to use DNS redirect so that they can be turned back on within minutes via self-service

Stale EC2 Instance

Redirect Service

Redirect DNS

Set TTL to 60s

Redirect Service

New EC2 Instance

Redirect DNS

Set Normal TTL



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Trick: Upgrades

The trick: use elastic compute to do things you hadn’t imagined previously

• In ASP environment upgrades are run in-place and manually; requires multiple hours of scheduled downtime in case something goes wrong

• At EC2 we upgrade “alongside” rather than in-place

• Upgrades at EC2 are fully automated and performed en-masse

• Have achieved low 2% failure rate (fix generally only requires minor intervention)

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Trick: Upgrades

How upgrades are done:

1) Make an instance read-only by putting up an upgrade message

2) Take an EBS snapshot of instance data

3) Create a NEW instance with NEW EBS volume from snapshot

4) Run upgrade on new instance using scripts

5) Run tests to ensure upgrade worked

6) Change elastic IP from old to new instance

7) Delete old EC2 instance and EBS volume

If any step fails, remove maintenance message on existing instance and log error message. Failed attempts only cost $0.10

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Trick: XMPP

• SQS is fantastic for asynchronous message processing; we use it to deliver things like hourly stats. But doesn’t solve all problems

• Use XMPP for real-time controller to instance communication

• Enables multi-step synchronous actions like creating a downloadable data backup

• Simpler and faster development than complicated web services

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Tip: Reserved Instances

• Lower costs by >= 30% -- purchase reserved instances

• Updated provisioning code to ensure that we always use an availability zone that has reserved instances first

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Tip: Retry AWS Calls

• We’ve found that 2-5% of AWS web services calls fail

• Work-around by adding re-try logic to critical code paths; retry of major functional actions has been easier than re-try of individual AWS calls (i.e., retry everything that goes into creating new instance and include robust cleanup code)

• Added reporting to track all “orphaned” resources for edge cases where cleanup isn’t perfect

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Tip: Use Userdata

• Possible to pass in dynamic data to instance when booting as userdata

• Userdata has small size limit so we securely download full startup script from S3 then execute it

$ export INSTANCESTARTUP_VERSION=instanceStartup-1.0.1.sh

$ /usr/local/jive/bin/s3-curl/s3curl.pl --id $AWS_ACCESS_ID --key $AWS_SECRET_KEY -- -f --retry 5 --connect-timeout 10 -y 10 http://xxx.s3.amazonaws.com/$INSTANCESTARTUP_VERSION > $INSTANCESTARTUP_VERSION


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Tip: Handling Email

• Sending email from EC2 doesn’t work: reverse DNS won’t resolve it needs, big providers simply mark all of EC2 as SPAM

• Solution: relay mail to external server at trusted IP address. We use same infrastructure that ASP environment does. Large amount of email being sent = high sender score

Also, check out Sendgrid (http://www.sendgrid.com)

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Demo: Backend Tools

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Matt [email protected]
