Migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP Plant Maintenance


Transcript of Migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP Plant Maintenance

Page 1: Migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP Plant Maintenance




Page 2: Migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP Plant Maintenance

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Mining is a capital-intensive industry, largely due to the cost of purchasing, maintaining large inventories of capital equipment and expensive spare parts.

Enterprise asset management (EAM) systems enable mining companies to keep track of equipment throughout their lifecycle and improve plant production availability. EAM systems not only track the location of the assets, but also their condition and maintenance history. Better equipment maintenance can deliver a high return on investment (ROI) with the added benefits of better regulatory compliance and the mitigation of risks related to equipment failure.

Mincom Ellipse is widely used in the mining industry. Recent changes in ownership and technology have led several Mincom customers to consider switching to SAP®. For instance, industry leaders such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto now use SAP software.

ConCERns of MInCoM CusToMERsMincom customers have some concerns: Risk due to the change of Mincom ownership and the resulting uncertainty regarding further

software development and support Software compatibility and capability issues, such as: Ease of interfacing with mobile solutions, cloud computing and other modern technologies Ease of making version upgrades Compatibility with third-party solutions Non-standard software architecture underlying Mincom (common business oriented language

[COBOL] with bolt-ons) Non-standard primary key methodology (database table joins) Need for very specific programming skills, for example, expertise in Mincom COBOL, for data

warehouse and business analytics Non-standard terminology

Mincom Terminology Commonly Accepted TerminologyEquipment Group Identifier (EGI) Equipment ClassApplications Parts List (APL) Bill of MaterialsLocation Functional or Geographic Location

Ambiguity resulting from the same terms being used in multiple contexts (for example, location, task, asset)

Focus on work-package management versus functional location management, for example, equipment by functional location instead of equipment hierarchy at functional location

The Mincom solution is not readily adaptable to current maintenance and logistics methodology. It also does not support risk-based methodologies and separate modules, and requires specific skills to implement geographic information systems methodology

Ease of financial reporting and regulatory compliance Difficulty integrating acquired companies due to the common practice of each Mincom

implementation being highly customized for each company

Page 3: Migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP Plant Maintenance

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BEnEfITs of usIng PRE-DEfInED TEMPlATEs foR MIgRATIng fRoM MInCoM EllIPsE To sAP’s PlAnT MAInTEnAnCE soluTIon Migration from the Mincom Ellipse application suite to SAP’s plant maintenance (PM) solution, using pre-defined templates, delivers many benefits:

Provides a proven methodology for migration from Mincom Ellipse to SAP software, using SAP best practices and Utopia’s accelerators

Enables faster, lower-cost business processes; industry-standard nomenclature and taxonomy allows faster purchasing and improved inventory levels

Enables use of SAP software for world-standard financial and operations methodologies Improves integration across all functional areas - finance, human resources, operations,

maintenance Allows for faster integration of new plants and acquisitions Enhances company valuation, based on standard financial asset reporting Reduces migration risks

An Ellipse to SAP PM cross-reference is provided below:

SAP ELLIPSE SAP ELLIPSECharacteristic Attribute (Mso070) Catalog Codes Job Code (W0-W9)Document Info Record (DIR) Document (link) Material Master Item MasterAsset fixed Asset Purchase order Purchase orderClass Equipment group Identifier (EgI) Purchase Requisition Purchase RequisitionEquipment Equipment Purchasing Info Record (PIR) Vendorfunctional location Position service Master service Contractfunctional location Hierarchy Productive unit structure storage location Warehouse / Bin locationMaintenance Plan/Item Plant Maintenance notification notificationsMaintenance strategy Job Plan/standard Job Prod. Resource (PRT) APl - Tool(s)Measurement Document Reading Task list standard JobMeasuring Point (Counter) Meter or Measurement Value Time Confirmation labor/Time Entryobject list Work flow Work Center Work groupBill of Materials (BoM) Applications Parts list (APl) Work order Work order

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APPRoACH: KEy ElEMEnTs In THE MIgRATIon To sAPBefore migrating data from one system to another, you should have a plan in place. What needs to happen? From a very high-level view, there are some key elements in a successful migration project:

Get Your Data Right First! Measure Actual Data Quality Cleanse, Standardize, Address Duplicates Conform to Chosen Standards Harmonize Data Across All Business Units Choose a Systems Integrator Blueprint Configure Obtain SAP Licenses Apply a Proven Data Migration Methodology Project Scope and Cost – Defined in Advance Business Process Analysis Technical Object Mapping

The first step is to evaluate the data that is coming out of Mincom, making sure that it is the right data for migrating to SAP software. This step is where you truly obtain the most value. Migrating poor quality data that does not support your business practices is counter-productive. When the data is right, you are ready for the actual migration. Consultants with Mincom Ellipse to SAP data migration experience can apply data migration templates and a data migration methodology that reflects industry best practices.

ConClusIonSwitching from Mincom to SAP’s EAM solutions solves a number of problems for mining companies, positioning them for future growth with the implementation of proven, modern software and systems.

Any company that is migrating data from Mincom Ellipse to SAP PM should strongly consider consultants with functional and technical knowledge of both Mincom Ellipse and SAP solutions, as well as expertise in data quality and data migration. To get the most out of the data migration, data quality is critical. Use of proven templates and methodologies saves time and money, and also reduces the risks associated with the implementation.

foR ADDITIonAl InfoRMATIonTo find out more about migrating from Mincom Ellipse to SAP’s plant maintenance solution, please call Utopia at +1.847.388.3600 or contact us at [email protected].