Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document

1 Mid-West Mega Commerce Site 4.21.14 4 April, 2014

Transcript of Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document

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Mid-West Mega Commerce Site 4.21.144 April, 2014

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4 Foreword 5 Introduction

7 Overview

10 Education

19 Housing Demographics 28 Transportation

44 Conclusion

46 Mega Site Comparisons

54 Industry Clusters

60 Trends in Employment & Wages 62 WebApplications

64 Wind Energy

68 Recommendations

74 Press Release

76 NewsArticle

78 SiteAttractions

80 Appendix A

81 Appendix B

82 Appendix C

83 References

CLIENTJamie Gentry Enterprise Advisory Group, LLC

FAYETTE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS133 South Main Street, Suite 401Washington Court House, Ohio 43160Phone: (740) 335-0729 Fax: (740) 333-3530

Dan DeanJack DeWeeseTony AndersonSteve Luebbe PE, PS, County Engineer

CREDITSRickTrott,FirstVicePresidentColumbus Commercial Real Estate (CBRE)ColumbusOffice

Rebecca Ruan-O’ShaugnesseyformerStateofOhioDeputyChiefoftheOfficeofStrategic Business Investments

Joseph K. WaubenOperationsPlanningHonda Transmission Mf. of America, Inc.6964 State Route 235 N, Russells Point, OH

The Ohio State UniversityKnowlton School of ArchitectureCity and Regional Planning DepartmentKnowltonHall275W.WoodruffAvenueColumbus, OH 43210-1138


FALL 2014 STUDIO STUDENTS Beck, HannahEhrsam, BrianFisher, BradGalbreath, SarahGray, HannahKnox, EmilySelmek, JordanStiving,JamesSwift,AlexWilson, Aubrey

Table of Contents

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Thesitebeingaddressedbythisdocumentincludes1,660acresofindustrially-zonedlandlocatedalongInterstate71inFayetteCounty,Ohio.Thismassivesiteis intendedforlarge-scaleeconomicdevelopmentandhasbeenenhancedwithsignificantinfrastructureimprovementsof approximately $8.5M. Previous to The Ohio State University’s involvement via an undergraduate studio course in the City and Regional Planning Department, the Mid-West Mega Commerce Center (www.m2c2.biz) has been on the market for several years. The site is Ohio’s largestcertified“JobsOhio”location(www.jobs-ohio.com),whichiscentrally-located.However,inspiteoftheseattractivefeatures,ithasnotbeenabletosell.Thegoalofthisdocumentistoprovidefreshideas,recommendationsandtoolsforthemarketinganddevelopmentofthissite.Having1,660acresofagriculturallandisnotoutofcharacterforthearea,butimplementationofathriving,activeindustrialengineatthislocationwouldbeanextraordinaryboosttothelocal,regionalandevenStateeconomy.Promotingandsellingthisindustrialsitewillfostereconomicdevelopmentandprovidequalityjobs.


Inordertoattractinternationalclients,awebsitehasbeenonlineforabouttwoyears. Inthisdocumenttherearerecommendationstoimprovethesearchengineoptimization.After,collectedstatistics,facts,anddatathestudents’haveprovidedmultiplemarketabletoolsandstrategies. Furthermore, The students’ of the City and Regional Planning Department at the Ohio State University would like to thank guest speakersRebeccaRuan-O’ShaugnesseyandRickTrottfortheirconsultationsduringtheprocess.




Ithasbeenretoldthatpotentialbuyersofthesitehavestoodinthemiddleofthispristinecountrysideandseriouslywonderedabouttheavailabilityofworkersin the area. Our research clearly indicates that there are more than enough able-bodied and educated individuals looking for work in the area that will meet the needsofalmostanycompany.Ourworkdoesn’tjustconclude,“Ifyoubuildit,theywillcome”.Ittakescurrentdataandclearlyshowsthatthereisampleworkforceavailability, unemployment and underemployment numbers aside.

Ohioiswell-knownforitsstrangelyhighnumberofqualitycollegesanduniversities.Thisfactplaysperfectlyintoaprospectivebusinesses’needsbyprovidingalargevolumeofwell-educated,job-seekingpeopletofillofficesandtaketheircompanytothenextlevel.Theinfrastructureisinplace.Highwayandrailroutesarereadilyaccommodating.Mostimportantly,majorinvestmenthasalreadybeenmadeinthepropertytothetuneofover$8M.Aphasedsitedevelopmentpatternis readily accommodated for growing companies.

Our assignment was to assist the Fayette County Commissioners in the marketing and development of this truly “clean slate” site with tools, ideas, andrecommendationsmovingforward.These10studentshaverespondedtothisrequestaggressively,andhavecreatedadocumentthatwillnodoubthaveuseandlifeoutsidetheacademicrealm.Injustashort15-weekeducationalterm,avarietyofprofessional-gradeitemshavebeenproducedwhichwillgivethosewhoareinvolvedwiththeMegaSiterealtractiontoattractanepicend-user.

-Chad D. Gibson, AICP


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Reconstruction and preparation for the Mid-West Mega Commerce Center Site started in 2004.IthasbeencertifiedjobreadysinceApril,2012.Ohio’sJobReadysitecertificationentailsthe industrial site to meet minimum standards andincludethenecessaryattributesforthemostadvanced industrial facilities. Therefore, futureinvestors are ensured standards. Fortunately, the site is in close proximity with major citiessuch as Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus. Allthreeofthecitiesarewithin90milesoranhourand a half drive to the site. With close proximity to major cities, the twenty-seven surroundingcountiestotalapopulationof7,978,400providinga consistent workforce for the megasite. Further break down of populations for all counties areprovided in the document.

AllofthedemographicsincludeFayette,Clinton,Madison, Greene, Clark, Highland, Pickaway, Ross, Montgomery, Pike, Warren, Miami, Champaign, Union, Franklin, Butler, Failfied, Preble, Adams,Brown, Clermont, Hamilton, Jackson, Vinton,Darke, Hocking, and Scioto counties. Each ofthecountiesweresubdividedintothreeringstoconvey spatial relationship in proximity to theMid-West Mega Commcerce Center. Purple is used todenoteFayettecounty, orange isusedforthecountiesthattouchFayette,andgreenisusedforcountiesthattouchthecountiesaroundFayette. This color scheme is used throughoutthis booklet in maps, graphs, and charts.

Important Dates

2001 Oct. Hyuandai Site Search

2002-2006 Assembled site, rezoned,

Development Planned

2006 May Honda Site Research jULY JRS apps submitted

2012 APRIL JRS Certification

2013 MAY M2C2 Website launch

Connectivityandaccessibilitywasamajorportionof theresearchandanalysis. In thecontinuingdocument, theroadconditions,distanceto thesites in miles & miles, road proposals, and ideas foranadditionofan interchangeareexplainedin detail. Given that Ohio is ranked 5th in the nationformilesoffreightrail,mapsweremadetodemonstraterailaccessthroughOhio,majorports,and intermodal container terminal locations.Along with social and economic demographics, a housing review was conducted. Housing reviews includedthetwenty-sevencountiessurroundingthe megasite. Average housing size, the total housing units, total vacancies, and median home values were collected and taken into account for theanalysisandconclusion.Asectionregardingtheeducationlevelsandabilitieswerecompiledto inform the investors of possible workers. Locationsofuniversitiesandcollegesarevisuallydisplayed to show opportunity for a variety of higher-leveleducation.

Forfurthermarketingpurposes,thereisatablecomparing the Mid-West Mega Commerce

Fayette County Introduction

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98 Overview Map

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1110 Education Education


Private 4-Year Colleges2-Year Colleges4-YearPublicUniversitiesPrivateHighSchoolLocationsCollege Enrollment by CountyNumber of High Schools

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1312 EducationEducation

Total Enrollment 206,392

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1514 Education Education

Total Enrollment 372,208

Total Enrollment 139,704

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1716 Education

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Withthegivenresearch,thereareplentyofopportunitiesforhighereducation.Thereareapproximately34two-yearcollegs,35forfour-yearpublicuniversities,and58privateuniversities.Forthosewhoareunfamiliarwiththearea,Ohioprovidesmultipleoptionsforcollegesaswellashighschools.According,totheresearchthere isn’ta linearrigorofhighereducation. Ifthere isamanagerwhowould liketogivehis/herchildrenqualityeducationtherearemultipleoptionsnearFayetteCounty.VariededucationalopportunitiesenhanceM2C2’smarketableattributes.

Education Conclusion Housing Demographics


MedianHomeValuesMedian Household Income Average Household SizeHome Ownership PercentageAnnualPopulationRetentionTotal Housing UnitsVacancyPercentage

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Current median household income is comporable to the wages at Mid-West Mega Commerce Center.

Housing Demographics Housing Demographics

Homevalueswithin60milesofFayetteCountyhaveaffordablehousingbecausethemedianhomevaluesislessthanmedianhomevalues for Ohio and the US.

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2322 Housing Demographics Housing Demographics

85%(23outof27)ofthecountieshaveaboveaveragehomeownershippercentages.There are on average 2.5 people in an Ohio household.

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This graph shows the percentage of people staying in the same home for a year or longer on average from 2008 to 2012. This graph issignificantbecauseitshowsthatthepeopleinFayettecountyandinthesurroundingareaaregenerallynotmovingawayfromtheregion. Furthermore, M2C2 would have a steady workforce.

Housing Demographics Housing Demographics

This graph shows the number of total housing units in the surrounding areas gathered using 2010 Census data GIS. The units are what is available in each county, both occupied and vacant.

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The percentage of available houses corresponds with thepopulationdemographics.Themajorityofmedianhome values within the three concentric rings are lower than the median house value. For recent graduates lookingforwork,thehousingisaffordable.Thereareaffordablehousingoptionswithineachcounty.

Housing Demographics Housing Conclusion


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Students colloborated in teams to design different road proposals for Mid-West MegaCommerce. Road proposals were designed to fit the needs for light industrial, heavyindustrial, entertainment, hotels, restaurants, andtransportation.

Transportation Transportation


Current Mean Travel Time to WorkDistance to the Site (Minutes)Distance to the Site (Miles)Proposed Road-RailTruck/RailIntermodalContainerLocationsProposals 1-5Road Access ProposalsRail map of OhioRail map of the United States Truck/RailIntermodalConnections

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Source: Google Maps

Transportation Transportation

Source: Google Maps

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Transportation Transportation


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3534 Transportation Transportation

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3736 Transportation Transportation

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3938 Transportation Transportation

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4140 Transportation Transportation

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4342 Transportation

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4544 Conclusion



DemographicswithinandnearbyFayetteCountybespeakapopulationripe for investment.Hence, the total investment for theMid-WestMegaCommerceCentertotals$8.66millionwherethestateofOhiohasinvested$4.01millionandFayetteCountyhasinvested$4.65million.Despitetheeconomic recession in 2007-2008, Ohio has rebounded as every industry within the state has seen yearly wages increase by at least 30% over the past tenyears.TheseeconomicmovementsdisplaythereadinessofOhio’slargestcertifiedJobReadysite,therefore,futureinvestorscouldtakeadvantageofthiseconomicactivity. Inaddition,theMid-WestMegaCommerceCenterhasadditionalresourcessuchasOhio’sricheducationalsystemandplentifulopportunityforalternativeenergyusage.TheCountyandStategovernmentstrulycareaboutthefutureofthissiteandthesegovernmentbodiesarewillingtoworkinaquickandefficientmannertoassistincominginvestorsinpreparingthissiteforuse.

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Eastern  USA  AREA

Site  name State Site  Location Acres  available  price  per  acre  ($)

Average  Property  

Tax  (yearly  income)

Zoning  type Utilities rail  accessinterstate  access  (distance  to  nearest  


Natural  Hazards  (2012)

Earthquakes  in  the  Past  


green  energy

Site/County  Incentives

State  incentives


Midwest  Mega  Commerce  Center Ohio

9768  Milledgeville-­‐Jeffersonville  Road,  

Jeffersonville  (Fayette  County)

1660 25,000-­‐35,000 2.79% industrial

water,  electric,  natural  gas,  fiber  

optic,  sewerrail  spur  on  site I71,  road  frontage  and  SR  35

Floods:3,  Storms:3,  

Tornadoes:20 none

Job  Ready  site,  Foreign  Trade  

zone,  Enterprise  Zone

State  of  Ohio  Job  Creation  

Tax  Credit,  Ohio  Enterprise  Zone


Van  Wert  Super  Site Ohio1299  Industrial  Dr  Van  Wert  45891  (Van  Wert  

County)1595 14500 2.32% n/a n/a none,  currently  under  

construction US  30,  road  frontage  Floods:3,  Storms:4,  

Tornadoes:30 none

Job  Ready  site,  recycling  facility  at  site,  Foreign  

Trade  Zone

Community  Reinvestment  

Area  Tax  Exemption


Hoosier  Jack  Mega  Site Indiana

630  Wabash  Avenue,  Suite  101

Terre  Haute  (Vigo  County)4650 8500 1.70% M-­‐2  Heavy  


water,  electric,  natural  gas,  sewer,  

fiber  optic

positioned  with  rail  as  the  site  is  served  by  

CSX  Transportation  and  the  Indiana  Rail  Road  


I70,  10  miles  north;  US  41,  2miles;  St.Rt.  159  runs  through  property;  St.Rt.  46  eastern  


Floods:8,  Storms:7,Tor

nadoes:30 none

Industrial  Recovery  Tax  

Credit,  Hoosier  Business  

Investment  Tax  Credit,  

Workforce  2.1



POTENTIAL  SITE:  River  Ridge  automotive  

mega-­‐siteIndiana 6200  E.  Highway  62,  Suite  

600,  (Clark  County) 1730 N/A 1.76% heavy  industrial water,  electric,  sewer,  natural  gas none N/A

Floods:7,  Storms:6,Tor

nadoes:40 none

Enterprise  Zone,  Foreign  Trade  zone


Chinook  Megasite   Indiana Terre  Haute 7000 N/A 1.70% industrialwater,  electric,  

natural  gas,  sewer,  fiber  optic

yes I70,  parallel  toFloods:8,Stor

ms:7,  Tornadoes:3

0 noneSkills  

Enhancement  Fund



Lewis  &  Clark  Industrial  Site Illinois I-­‐270  &  IL  Route  3,  Granite  

City  62040 1,400 22,000 3.45% industrial electricity,  water  gas,  fiber n/a 270  and  255,    3  Miles.  

Floods:10,  Storms:9,  

Tornadoes:30 none Enterprise  Zone  

Program EDGE,  HIB



AP  Green  Mega  Site Missouri 1  AP  Green  Boulevard  Mexico  65265  (Audrain)   1112 5000 1.59% industrial

Water,  electric,  natural  gas,  sewer,  

fiberaccessible I-­‐70,  15  miles  and  US  Rt  54,  on  site

Floods:5,  Storms:5,  



0 noneEnhanced  Business  


Business  Facility  Tax  Credit  Program,  

Quality  Job  Program



River  Hill  site PennsylvaniaOak  Hill  Road  and  Paul  

Hoffman  Road,  Karthaus  16845

1837.61 6802.31 2.83% none  (subtype  is  industrial)

water,  electric,  irrigation n/a State  Route  1011  and  State  Route  987.

Floods:3,  Storms:3,  


0 none

Job  Creation  Tax  Credit,  

Opportunity  Grant  Program



Carolinas  I-­‐77  Mega  site South  Carolina Richburg 1151 34,500 1.42% industrial water,  sewer,  

electric,  natural  gas n/a I-­‐77,  1  mile  and  I20,  47  miles

Hurricanes:2,  Drought:1,  


0 none Job  Tax  Credit http://www.landcrailroad.com/pdf_chester/tracth.pdf

The  Carolinas'  I-­‐95  Mega  Site South  Carolina Dillon  County 1920 10,00-­‐

20,000 1.10% not  zonedwater,  sewer,  electric,  fiber,  natural  gas

accessible I-­‐95,  parallel  to  and  I-­‐20,  30  miles  Hurricanes:5,  Winterstorm:

10 none

Economic  Impact  Zone  Investment  



Memphis  Regional  MegaSite Tennessee Haywood  county   1720 n/a 1.52% industrial electric,  gas,   rail  spur  on  site I  70  and  I  79

Storms:8,  Floods:6,  

Tornadoes:634 none

Job  Tax  Credit,  potentially  no  property  tax


I-­‐24  Megasite  Industrial  Park   Kentucky Hopkinville  (Christian  

County)  42262 2,100 n/a 1.42% industrial water,  sewer,  natural  gas,  electric rail  avaliable   I-­‐24,  .01  mile

Storms:8,  Floods:7,  

Tornadoes:4,  Mudslides:2

0 n/a

Bluegrass  State  Skills  

Corporation  Skills  Training  Investment  

Credit,  Industrial  

Revenue  Bonds


South  Alabama  Megasite Alabama Bay  Minette  (Baldwin  

County)   2,362 n/a 0.99% unzoned electric,  water,  fiber,  natural  gass

CSX  borders  the  SE  portion  of  the  site I-­‐65,  contiguous  to  site  and  I-­‐10,  23  miles

Hurricanes:13,  Floods:7,  Storms:6,  


0 n/aNew  project  or  

expansion  project

Tax  abatements,  income  tax  

capital  credit


Mega Site Comparisons Mega Site Comparisons


Page 25: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


Mega  sites  (midwest) Utilities  (amount)electric fiber  optic natural  gas   sewer water


M2C2 69,000  volt  transmission  line  and  12,470  volt  distribution  line

runs  along  the  south  border  (length?)

26  inch  transmission  


12",  capacity  of  3mgd 12",  4000  linear  feet

Van  Wert  Super  Site n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPataskala  Corporate  Park 138kV not  on  site not  on  site 10  inch 16  in  West  Central  Ohio  industrial  

Center 69kV on  site 4"  lines   10"  and  12"  lines 10"-­‐15"  lines


Hoosier  Jack  Mega  Site provided  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions n/a 3"-­‐6"  lines

POTENTIAL  SITE:  River  Ridge  automotive  mega-­‐site present  but  no  dimensions n/a 6"-­‐8" 8"-­‐  10" 6"-­‐12"  lines,  2mg  water  

treatment  plant

Chinook  Mega  Site   present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions


Lewis  &  Clark  Industrial  Site present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions

Missouri1  AP  Green  Boulevard  Mexico  

65265  (Audrain)  present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  dimensions present  but  no  

dimensionspresent  but  no  dimensions

present  but  no  dimensions


River  Hill  Site present  but  no  dimensions none none none present  but  no  dimensions

HillsVille  Aggregate  Plant n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCarolina

Carolinas  I-­‐77  Mega  Site accessible   n/a 8  inch 8inch 300'  awayThe  Carolinas  I-­‐95  Mega  Site n/a n/a n/a 12  inch 10  inch

TennesseMemphis  Regional  MegaSite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


I-­‐24  Megasite  Industrial  Park on  site n/a present  but  no  dimensions 12  inch 12  inch

AlabamaSouth  Alabama  Megasite 12kV n/a n/a n/a 4"  &  6"  line

MarylandPiney  Reach  Industrial  Park n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

sites  with  around  500  


Site  name State Site  Location Acres  available  price  per  acre  ($)

Average  Property  Tax  (yearly  income)

Zoning  type Utilities rail  accessinterstate  access  

(distance  to  nearest  ramp)

Natural  Hazards  (2012)

Earthquakes  in  the  past  


green  energy

State  incentives


Pataskala  Corporate  park Ohio Etna  Pkwy  (Licking  

county) 520  (296.5  JR) 36,813 2.87% manufacturing

water,  electric,  

natural  gas,  sewer,  fiber  


rail  available,  possible  


I70,  2miles  and  SR  16

Storms:8,  Floods:7,  

Tornadoes:3,  Mudslides:2

1 none

State  of  Ohio  Job  Creation  Tax  Credit,  

Ohio  Enterprise  



West  Central  Ohio  Industrial  

CenterOhio Interstate  75  @  US  33  

(Auglaize  County) 471 15,000 2.36% industrial  

water,  electric,  

natural  gas,  sewer,  fiber  


rail  spur  on  site I75,  within  2  miles  and  SR  33 Floods:2,  

Storms:2 0 none

Community  Reinvestment  

Area  Tax  Exemption


HillsVille  Aggregate  Plant Pennsylvania

W.  Main  Street  at  BFI  Haul  Rd,  Mahoning  

township541 n/a 2.86% industrial n/a n/a I-­‐680  and  Rt  224  interchange Floods:3,  

Storms:2 6 none Job  Creation  Tax  Credit



Piney  Reach  Industrial  Park Maryland Billingsley  Road  Parcel  

1,  Waldorf

a  combined  amount  of  121  

acres3,572,000 2.67% industrial n/a available Rt  301,  3min  and  Rt  5


Hurricanes:3,  Snowstorms:3

0 none

Job  creation  Tax  

Credit,Enterprise  Zone  Tax  



Mega Site Comparisons Mega Site Comparisons

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On page 48 are site comparisons based on different types of utilities such as electric, fiber optic, natural gas, sewer, and water for different states. Below is a written explanation of possible site and county incentives categorized by states and individual sites. The states are highlighted in dark green and the organization is highlighted in light green. The following provides an easy format to look for possible incentives that are readily available.

Ohio• OhioJobCreationTaxCreditwww.development.ohio.gov/files/bs/JCTCSummary.pdfoProvidesrefundabletaxcreditagainstacompany’sinsurancepremiumstax,CommercialActivitiesTax,oranIndividual’sOhiopersonalincometax obligations• Ohio Enterprise ZoneoEconomicdevelopmenttoolthatprovidesrealandpersonalpropertytaxexemptionstobusinessesmakinginvestmentsinOhio• CommunityReinvestmentAreaTaxExemptionoPropertytaxexemptionsforpropertyownerswhorenovateexistingorconstructnewbuildings.

Mid-West Mega Commerce Center• JobReadysitewww.development.ohio.gov/redev/JRS_funding.htmoFundingtositewasbasedonmanystandardstoreceiveCertificationoProvidesoptimalinfrastructurecapabilitiesandattracteconomyshiftinginvestments• Foreign Trade zoneoAsiteintheUSAislegallyconsideredoutsidetheCustomsterritoryforthepurposeofduties,sogoodsmaybebroughtintothesiteduty-freeand without formal customs entry o No corporate tax of foreign income• No taxes related to property investment and inventory

VanWertSuperSite• JobReadysitewww.development.ohio.gov/redev/JRS_funding.htmoFundingtositewasbasedonmanystandardstoreceiveCertificationoProvidesoptimalinfrastructurecapabilitiesandattracteconomyshiftinginvestments•Recycling facility at site•Foreign Trade ZoneoAsiteintheUSAislegallyconsideredoutsidetheCustomsterritoryforthepurposeofduties,sogoodsmaybebroughtintothesiteduty-freeand

Indiana•Industrial Recovery Tax CreditoProvidesanincentiveforcompaniestoinvestinformer(morethan15years)industrialfacilitiesrequiringsignificantrehabilitationorremodeling expenses o Open to occupants of or investors in industrial recovery sites•Hoosier Business Investment Tax CreditoTosupportjobcreation,capitalinvestmentandimprovestandardoflivingforIndianaresidents.•Skills Enhancement Fund o Assistance to businesses to support training and upgrading skills of employees required to support new capital investment. (Reimbursement of around 50% of eligible training costs over two full calendar years)

Hoosier Jack Mega Site http://terrehauteedc.com/index.php/incentives-terre-haute-vigo-county-indiana/state-tax-incentives-indiana-terre-haute•BusinessDevelopmentIncentivesoVarietyofincentiveprograms(notspecified)oQualificationsarebasedonprojectmerit,numberandtypeofnewjobscreatedorretainedinIndianaandnewcapitalinvestmentsaddedtothe communityRiverRidgehttp://www.riverridgecc.com/index.php?/incentives•Enterprise ZoneoTaxincentivesbasedonaqualifiedinvestmento“Zoneemployerscanearntaxcreditsforemployingzoneresidents.Creditissubtractedfrombusinessstatetaxliabilitybasedonwagespaidto employeeswholiveinthezoneandworkatleast50%ofthetimeinthezoneonajobrelatedatleast90%ofthetimetothezonefacility.”

Lewis and Clark•Enterprise Zone ProgramoProvideslocaltaxincentives,regulatoryreliefandimprovedgovernmentalservicesforeconomicallydepressedareasoftheState.

Missouri•Quality Job ProgramoFacilitatingthecreationofqualityjobsbytargetingbusinessprojectsAP Green •Enhanced Business Enterprises o Provide tax credits to new or expanding businesses in a Missouri Enhanced Enterprise Zone.oEligiblebusinessmustbelocatedinaMissouriEnhancesEnterprisesZone,basedoncreationofsustainablejobsinatargetedindustryordemonstrated impact on local industry cluster development.

Mega Site Comparisons Mega Site Comparisons

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South Carolina•Job Tax CreditoStatutoryincentivesforbusinesses o No state tax, local income tax, inventory tax, wholesale tax, sales tax, or unitary tax.•Economic Impact Zone Investment CreditoManufacturerslocatinginthesezonedcountiesofferaone-timecreditagainstacompany’scorporateincometaxofupto5%ofacompany’sinvestment innewproductionequipment.

I-77 I-95

Tennessee•Jobs Tax Credit oAcompanygetscreditbasedonnumberofjobscreated•No Property tax on . . . o Goods in progress o Finished goods inventories in hands of manufacturers o Goods in transit (free port)

Memphis Regional Mega Site•N/A

Kentucky•Industrial Revenue Bonds oUsedtofinancemanufacturingprojectsandtheirwarehousingareas,majortransportationandcommunicationfacilities,mosthealthcarefacilitiesetc.•BluegrassStateSkillsCorporationSkillsTrainingInvestment

Alabama•Income Tax Capital CreditoAbusinessentityinvestsinaqualifyingprojectthatmeetscertainrequirementandisapproved...mayreceiveannualcreditagainstitsincometax liability. •Tax abatements

South Alabama Mega Site•NewprojectorexpansionprojectoAprojectconsistsofnewinvestmentatanewsiteinAlabama

Maryland•JobCreationTaxCreditoA$1,000-per-jobtaxcredittocreatenewjobsinthestatetoencouragebusinessestoexpandorrelocatetoMaryland•Enterprise Zone Tax CreditsoEligibleforincometaxandrealpropertytax(10year,80%creditagainstlocalrealpropertytaxesonaportionofrealpropertyimprovements)inreturn forjobcreationandinvestments

Piney Reach Industrial Park•N/A

Mega Site Comparisons Mega Site Comparisons

Page 28: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


Ohio Manufacturing WholesaleTradeRetailTradeTransportation/UtilityInformationFinancialActivitiesEducational/HealthServices Leisure/HospitalityOtherServicesGovernmentTotalNonfarmAgriculture(May)2004 822.1 232.4 619.9 187.5 92.2 310.9 746.3 495.8 226.9 801.7 5408.4 6.622005 811.5 235.5 611.3 195.8 89.9 308.5 762.3 499.8 224.5 799.6 5426.7 6.052006 796.3 237.6 602.9 205.2 88.4 305.6 778.5 500.9 222.3 800.1 5435.4 6.192007 771.3 238.2 600.5 212.1 87.7 299.8 793.9 500.6 220.3 797.1 5426.3 5.212008 739 236 589.5 208.5 85.8 290.3 813.9 492 216.7 796.2 5359.5 4.992009 629.4 220.4 560 186.8 80.8 279.9 828.4 476.9 208.6 788.1 5068.6 4.392010 620.5 215.1 551.9 180.6 77.6 276.7 840.6 475.3 206 780.2 5030.5 4.122011 638.6 218.1 555.1 184.6 76.1 278 852.3 483.5 207.3 764.7 5097.4 3.652012 656.2 223.9 559.1 189.9 75 279.9 865.8 500.7 211.8 761.1 5189.6 3.772013 662 227 562.4 191.9 74.8 283.2 877.9 516.2 213.6 758.5 5252.4




Wholesale Trade4.30%4.34%4.37%4.39%4.40%4.35%4.28%4.28%4.31%4.32%

Retail Trade11.46%11.26%11.09%11.07%11.00%11.05%10.97%10.89%10.77%10.71%






Other Services4.20%4.14%4.09%4.06%4.04%4.12%4.10%4.07%4.08%4.07%


Ohio Employment (Thousands) by Year (notseasonallyadjusted)

This chart displays the change in employment across each industry within Ohio over the past decade.Overthisperiodoftimeemploymenthas decreased in Ohio, but it has been steadily increasing since the 2007-2008 recession. In addition, the Health/Education Industry hasovertaken the Manufacturing Industry as the leading industry within Ohio.

Trends in Employment & Wages Trends in Employment & Wages

Page 29: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


2013OhioMichiganIndianaIllinoisWisconsinMinnesotaIowaMissouriNorth DakotaSouth DakotaNebraskaKansasPennsylvania

2013OhioMichiganIndianaIllinoisWisconsinMinnesotaIowaMissouriNorth DakotaSouth DakotaNebraskaKansasPennsylvania



Wholesale Trade227163.6116.9298.1118.9130.869.2118.526.619.841.960225.6

Wholesale Trade4.32%3.99%3.99%5.14%4.22%4.71%4.52%4.34%5.99%4.75%4.28%4.37%3.93%











Other Services213.6171.5119.3250.2138117.857.9115.716.31637.251.5252.8

Other Services4.07%4.18%4.07%4.32%4.90%4.24%3.79%4.24%3.67%3.84%3.80%3.75%4.40%



Total Nonfarm5252.44104.52933.35796.92818.12777.21529.62729.8444.3417.1978.31372.95742.5

Trends in Employment & Wages Trends in Employment & Wages

Midwest Employment (thousands) by State (notseasonallyadjusted)

This chart displays the changes in employment across each industry within the Midwest over the past decade. During this time theHealth/Education Industry has surpassed theManufacturing Industry in employment like Ohio, but employment within the Government surpasses both in many Midwest States.

Page 30: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


Ohio Average Annual Salary2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012

Change from 2000Absolute ChangePercent Change

Change fom 2006Absolute ChangePercent Change




Wholesale Trade$44,803$45,124$46,063$47,284$49,882$51,345$53,253$55,730$57,119$56,670$58,670$60,854$62,444



Retail Trade$33,475$33,878$34,932$35,828$37,152$38,629$40,039$40,708$41,763$42,485$42,314$43,253$44,348









Information$45,079 $46,505 $45,914 $46,811 $49,014 $50,118 $51,358 $53,379 $54,801 $54,838 $56,906 $58,614 $60,183

$15,104 33.50%

$8,825 17.20%

Ohio Industry Wages

FinancialActivities$43,221 $45,792 $46,918 $49,505 $52,327 $54,079 $56,038 $58,713 $58,455 $58,893 $60,879 $62,773 $64,437

$21,216 49.10%

$8,399 15.00%

EducationN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A$30,989 $32,337 $32,720 N/A$33,549 $34,081



Health Services$30,465 $31,580 $32,552 $33,446 $34,830 $35,592 $36,747 $37,451 $38,612 $39,499 $39,720 $40,294 $41,542

$11,077 36.40%

$4,795 13.00%

AccomodationandFoodServices$10,919 $11,141 $11,374 $11,492 $11,702 $11,827 $12,096 $12,854 $13,131 $13,232 $13,564 $13,849 $14,271

$3,352 30.70%

$2,175 18.00%

Other Services$20,549 $21,172 $21,582 $21,924 $22,739 $23,068 $23,691 $24,434 $24,976 $24,983 $25,498 $26,141 $26,795

$6,246 30.40%

$3,104 13.10%

Agriculture$19,730 $20,696 $21,069 $21,427 $22,711 $23,247 $23,723 $24,945 $25,630 $26,497 $26,741 $27,836 $28,661

$8,931 45.30%

$4,938 20.80%

Ohio Industry Wages

This chart displays the changes in the average annual salary across each industry within Ohio over the past decade. Every industry has seen anincreaseintheiraverageyearlysalary;thisincrease was even maintained throughout and past the 2007-2008 economic recession.

Trends in Employment & Wages Trends in Employment & Wages

Page 31: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


TRENDS IN EMPLOYMENT AND WAGESINDUSTRY RESEARCH SUMMARYThe following information examines employmentwithin the Midwest since 2004 by categorizing the data into industries of interest. Informationpertaining to employment comes from The Bureau of Labor Statistics, and information pertaining toincome comes from Ohio’s Department of Job and Family Services. When comparing employment data in Ohio to other states in the Midwest, one must keep in mind that Ohio employs more people than every other state except for Illinois (Pennsylvania also employs more people than Ohio. Although, Pennsylvania is, technically not a Midwest state, but has been included due to geographical proximity).

NONFARM EMPLOYMENTThe State of Ohio has seen a decrease of 0.0288% in nonfarm employment over the past decade, but this time frame does include the 2007-2008 recession.The most notable decreases in employment have been from the manufacturing, information, andagriculture industries. Within Ohio, manufacturing has lost 160,100 jobs and has gone from being15.2% of Ohio’s employment to 12.6% of Ohio’s employment. Despite the 2.6% decrease, as of 2013, Ohiostillhasthelargestnumberofmanufacturingjobswithin the Midwest (a ranking Ohio has maintained since 2004). Two other industries that have seen notable decreases in employment have been the informationandagricultureindustry.Whilethetwoindustries employ less than 2% of Ohio’s workers, the information industryhas lostalmost19%of itsjobsandnonfarmjobshavedecreasedby43%within

thistimeframe.Eventhoughthese industrieshavenot had a large impact on state employment, these trendsshouldbetakenintoaccountwhenevaluatingthe use of land within Ohio.

EMPLOYMENT INCREASEDespite the loss of jobs mentioned above, Ohiohas seen a dramatic employment increase withintheEducationalandHealthServices Industry.Since2004,Ohiohashad131,600jobscreatedwithinthisindustry which has caused this industry to become Ohio’s largest employer with 16.71% of the State’s jobs.IncomparisontotherestoftheMidwest,Ohioemploys the most people within this industry.As for the rest of the industries within Ohio, there have not been any notable changes with employment. Industries that have seen a marginal decrease in employment include wholesale trade (loss innumberof jobs,but increase inpercentageof state employment), retail trade, government, otherservices,andfinancialactivities.Thefollowingindustries have seen a marginal increase in employment within Ohio; Leisure/Hospitality, andTransportation/Utility.

On the issue of wages within Ohio’s industries, every industry has seen an increase in the average yearly wages since 2004 and since the 2007-2008 recession there has also been an increase in each industry. The industry with the largest increase has been financial activities where the average yearlywage has increased by $21,216 (its 49.1% increase was also the largest percentage increase). Since the

start of the recession, the agriculture industry has seen the largest percentage increase with 20.8% and wholesale trade has seen the largest absolute change with an increase of $9,191. When looking at the industries that have had the biggest employment change, the average annual salary for manufacturing has had the smallest percentage increases whereas health services ranks among the top.

Despite the apparent stagnant growth within the manufacturing industry, an expert in industrial real estate, CBRE First Vice President Mr. Rick Trott,informed our studio that the industrial market is the strongest it has been in 20 years. Wages within this industry have been increasing as Ohio exists as the leading Midwest state for manufacturing employment. The biggest challenge facing M2C2 wouldcomefromitssize,projectsthatwouldrequirea 1,660 acre mega site only come the area once every 5-10years.Ifthecountywishestocontinuetargetingthis sector then it would be best to make the process for building upon this site a quick process. The investment that would go into a site this large would cause an investor to want the process to go as quick as possible, and therefore, the infrastructure on the site must be fully installed for the site to be highly competitive. ItwouldbebestforFayetteCountytodetermine if they wish to divide the site into smaller parcels and then immediate zone the area properly. Allutilitylinesshouldbeextendedtothelocationinwhich the county would like to be built.

Mr.Trottrecommendedtwomethodsforthe“ideal”site: 1.Havethefirstparcelbuiltuponbe immediatelynexttowheretheutilitiesare currentlyinstalledandextendallutilities from that spot as future incomers enter the area. 2.Iffinanciallyfeasible,putthefirstparcel thefurthestfromtheutilitiesandextend allutilitiestothatlocation.Futureincomers canjustbeplacednearerandnearertothe centrallocationovertime. 3.“Itmightevenbeworthwhiletodoa concept plan for a 1 MSF manufacturing facilitythere,andshowhowutilitieswould beroutedthere.”-RickTrott

Theinformationanalyzedwhileresearchingindustrieswithin theMidwest painted neither a positive nornegative picture. As the nation further distancesitself from the 2007-2008 recession hope increases andifthissitecontinuestobewell-maintainedthenitcanbecompetitive.Alldatausedforthissectioncan be found within the provided external hard drive and the data contains yearly employment numbers by industry for every Midwest state dating backto 2004 as well as Ohio’s average yearly salary by industrydatingbackto2000.

Trends in Employment & Wages Trends in Employment & Wages

Page 32: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


Thefollowingisanexplanationforenhancingthemobileapplicationsandweb-siteresearch/optimization.Thethreemostimportantthingsthatwefeltwasanissueinregardstothewebsiteisthedifficultytosearchforthewebsite,thelackofapresenceonGoogleMaps,andthedifficultyforthewebsitetoleadon smart phones and tablets.

Totackletheinabilitytosearchforthewebsite,withoutjumpingthroughmanyexpensive hoops, is to make it present on Google Maps. The approximate area ofthesite,alongwithaconnectiontothewebsiteandabriefdescriptionwassubmittedtoaGoogleMapsedit,andaftermakingtheprofilethatsubmittedtheeditmore“reputable”intheeyesofGoogle(Reviewingothersitesandbe-coming credible) the site was accepted and is currently searchable on Google Maps. This solved the issue of the site not being on Google Maps, as well as creatingastrongeronlinepresence.

The issue of the website being less than mobile friendly is somewhat ongoing, but not as pressing of an issue. The idea behind mobile accessibility is more so basedaroundpeopleseeingasignforthesiteandwantingtolookitupquickly.The way that the website is set up now, with a large image as the background, andaslideshowofimagesofthesite,makeitdifficulttoloadonaportabledevice.Thesiteforcomputerpurposesisperfectlyfine.

Application design

Oneofourmoreimaginativeideasforthesiteisthepossibilityofamobileap-plicationthatwouldpromotethesite,aswellasshowcertainattributesaboutthe site that would be useful for someone interested in developing there. This goes along with the website being more mobile friendly, and is based around peoplewhowantalotofinformationaboutthesite,inthequickest,andmostconvenientway.Afterspeakingwithanapplicationdeveloper,theideaseemedmore plausible in terms of usefulness, but less reasonable in terms of price. The numbers that were thrown out ranged from $8,000 to $100,000, with ideasthatstemmedfromaglorifiedPDFdocument,toanaugmentedrealitysimulator that would act as a camera within the site showing certain data and statisticsregardingthesite.Intheend,thepricefaroutweighedthebenefit,andtherewasnofurtherdiscussiononamobileapplication.


Mobile App. & Website Mobile App. & Website

Outline of M2C2 on Google Maps.

Example of a QR code that is scanned from the brochure. Once it is scanned by a smartphone it will take the user to the M2C2 website.

Page 33: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


Mean Wind Speed at 100m

Black Fork Wind Farm

Timber Road Wind Farm

Blue Creek Wind Farm

Hardin Wind Farm

Buckeye Wind Farm

Hog Creek Wind Farm


Mid-West Mega Commerce Center


Russells Point Honda

Wind Energy at the Mid-West Mega Commerce Center

Zoning in I-1 Districts mandates: -All structures must be located no less than 200 feet from

residentially zoned areas-Structures cannot exceed 50 feet in height

Industrial Precedents:A project in Russells Point, Ohio uses two turbines to produce

10,000 mWh of energy, or approximately 10% of their energy needs. This manufacturing plant is located on a 200 acre site with compa-

rable wind speed and roughness levels to M2C2

Recommendations:-Utilize a Power-Purchase Agreement , in which a private wind company develops the facilities on the premise that you will buy the generated energy credits. This occurs at no cost to M2C2.-Change zoning to allow for wind turbines in I-1 areas, or create a Wind Power overlay district

Maximum Number of Turbines:10MW per square mile of land is ideal

M2C2 is approximately 2.5 square miles, so has a maximum capaci-ty of 25 MW. The number of turbines depends on their size - for

instance, a maximum of 33-750 kilowatt turbines, or 16 1.5-mega-watt turbines could be located at M2C2

Production Capacity

*According to Juhl Energy, the average wind project is developed in 13-14 months

Mean wind speed at 100 meters is 7.0-7.5 m/s at M2C2Based on precedents and wind/land roughness levels on site, each 1.5 MW turbine on site could produce 5,000 mWh of energy. With the maximum number of turbines, up to 80,000 mWh are possible

Zoning and Legal Factors:

Wind Energy Wind Energy


Wind Energy poster and maps by Emily Knox

Page 34: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document



Source: State of Ohio Power Siting Board

Power Density at 100 Meters


Surface Roughness

Source: State of Ohio Power Siting Board


Mean Wind Speed at 100 Meters

Source: State of Ohio Power Siting Board

Wind Speed MapWind speed is the most important factor to analyze when considering implementingwindenergy.Turbinesmusthaveenoughwindtoreachtheir 'cut-in' speeds, in order to produce energy. At M2C2, mean wind speedat100mis7.0-7.5m/s.ThisiscomparabletoexistingwindfarmsinOhio,andisasufficientspeedtogenerateenergy.

Roughness MapRoughness is a measure of the smoothness of nearby terrain and landscape, which can greatly affect the speed of windreaching a turbine. If wind is slowed too much by obstacles or roughness, it lessenstheenergyproductioncapacityforthatarea.RoughnessatM2C2isnominal.Themajorityofthesiteismeasuredat.03m,whichwouldaffectwindspeedminimally.

Power Density MapWindPowerDensityprovidesaquantitativemeasureofwindenergyataparticularlocation.Itcalculatesthemeanannualpoweravailableper square meter of swept area from the turbine, and takes into account wind velocity and air density. At M2C2, Wind Power Density at100mis300-400W/m2.Thisnumberiscomparabletootherwindfarms around the state.

Wind Energy Wind Energy

Page 35: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document

6968 Recommendations Recommendations

RECOMMENDATIONS Marketing Visibility Rebrand MobileApplication Website,SearchEngineOptimization Brochure Media State & Federal Transportation I-71 Interchange Road Proposals Rail Spur Other Wind Energy Grants Demographics Low Risk of Natural Disasters Industry Clusters Building Permit EducationalOpportunities Workforce Availability

MARKETING• Improve visibility by implementing creative marketing, such as constructing a wind turbine with signageo MarketingisvitalforanysaleandthereneedstobesomesortofcreativemarketingthatdifferentiatestheM2C2sitefromotherindustrial sites throughout the country. A windturbinewoulddrawsignificant interestto the site in addition to providing cleanenergy and a service.o CurrentlythesignalongI-71 isdifficultto read/understandwhen traveling ineitherdirection.Itdoesnotseemtograbadriver’sattention,asitissimpleandthecolorsblendinto the surroundings.o Update: Daytime and nighttimerenderings have been provided which demonstrate how such a marketing toolwould look if implemented.

• Rebrand to better identify the site’s attributes and create interesto The current logo and brand is somewhat plain and may not generate interest in the site. Rebranding will help generate new interest and may re-establish the interest of clients who have previously viewed the site.o “Mega”maynotbeanappropriatetermifthesiteisgoingtobebrokenupandofferedin parcels.o Update: Designed an example of a modern logo that takes into account the site’sattributesandprovidesamorespecific


• Develop a mobile application with virtual tour capabilities, photos and updated infoo A user friendly interface would allow visitors to get a brief overview of the site even iftheyarestrappedontimeorexperiencinginclement weather. Providing a mobile information source will widen the audiencehaving access to the site. Many people are able to gain a better understanding whenpresented with visuals.o Update: Dialog has occurred with a consulting firm which specializes inapplication design. Contact information, aswellasasummaryofthepotentialcostsandbenefitshasbeenincludedinthedocument.

• Update website with latest information and embed codes to allow for enhanced search engine recognition o Up-to-date information shouldalways be included on the website, as this information is vital inmarketing and sellingthe site. For example, the Google Maps view of the site has not been updated to show the presentroads.o Update: The site has been included on GoogleMaps, inadditiontoadescriptionofthesiteandalinkdirectinguserstotheM2C2website.

Utilize media to generate interest and awareness of the site’s positive attributeso Ensure that the community is invested and remains interested in the sale of the site. FayetteCountyshouldinvolvethepublicduringthe entire process and keep them up-to-datewith the site. One strategy may be to hold events that increase awareness and attract people tothesite.Issuingpressreleases,newslettersandarticles informing thepublic on siteupdates isalsoimportantintheseefforts..o Update: Our studio has issued several pressreleasesandhasbeenattractingsomemediatoattendourreviews.Anarticlewaspublished in the Washington Court House Record Herald on March 6, 2014.

• Frequently reach out to State and Federal politicians to help market and advocate for the siteo Advocating for the site should includeperiodical visits to representatives to ensurethe site is fresh on their mind when they are interactingwithpotentialclients.o Update: The mid-term presentationwas attended by State Senator Bob Peterson,andotherareapoliticianshavebeencontactedregardingthiseffort.

Page 36: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


this column folds over to theinsideof thebrochure

this column is theoutsideback coverof the brochure

this is the front cover
























MidWest MegaCommerce Center

60 Miles30 Miles







10 * Bowersville**

23 * Greenfield **

23* London **

23* New Holland**

25* Xenia**

29* Springfield

*Miles f*Miles from Site **City

11 41.6* Chillicothe


10 40.6* Circleville**

12 46* Miami**

13 47.6* Urbana**

32* Highland**

9 39.6* Lebanon**

14 48.6* Marysville

15 53* Columbus** 16 57.9* Waverly**

> 60 Miles

18 60.9* Lancaster**

19 63.4* Eaton**

20 64.6* West Union**

21 65.4* Georgetown**22 67.1* Batavia**23 67.7* Cincinnati**24 67* Jackson**

25 71.7* McArthur**

26 81.6* Greenville**

27 85.6* Logan**

Midwest Mega Commerce Center

133 South Main Street, Suite 401Washington Court HouseOhio 43160Phone (740) 335-0720 Fax (740) 333-3530

1,660 Acre Industrial Ready Site

• Water &Sewage- Capacity is 1MGD• Electrical Services- 69 Kv & 12 Kv • Natural Gas- Over 600,000

Dekatherm Per/Day• Archaeological Survey-Complete• Environmental Survey-Complete• Soil Test Borings-Complete• Certified by Ohio• 7 Year direct care with County



Housing Availability

Tax Incentives• No Individual Corporate Tax• No Export Product Tax

Commuting There are 24 commutable cities within a 60 minute drive. Average daily traffic past the site include 156,860 on I-71 and 72,160 on Rt. 35.












Total Housing UnitsTotal Housing Units





$44,089 39,735

0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000






Median Household Income

Median HouseholdIncome






0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000





Median Value of Owner-occupied Housing Units

Median Value of Owner-occupied Housing Units


this is thecentercolumn ofthe openbrouchure

this is theright-handcolumn ofthe openborchure

this is theleft-handcolumn ofthe openbrouchure

1600 + acres

1200 acres

1000 acres

800 acres13























MidWest MegaCommerce Center

60 Miles30 Miles







10 * Bowersville**

23 * Greenfield **

23* London **

23* New Holland**

25* Xenia**

29* Springfield

*Miles f*Miles from Site **City

11 41.6* Chillicothe


10 40.6* Circleville**

12 46* Miami**

13 47.6* Urbana**

32* Highland**

9 39.6* Lebanon**

14 48.6* Marysville

15 53* Columbus** 16 57.9* Waverly**

> 60 Miles

18 60.9* Lancaster**

19 63.4* Eaton**

20 64.6* West Union**

21 65.4* Georgetown**22 67.1* Batavia**23 67.7* Cincinnati**24 67* Jackson**

25 71.7* McArthur**

26 81.6* Greenville**

27 85.6* Logan**

Ohio Means Jobs - On The Job Training Grant Jobs Ohio - Growth Fund Loan - Workforce Grant Economic Development GrantState Tax Credits and Abatements - Job Creation Tax Credit - Ohio Enterprise Zone Program -R&D Investment Loan/Tax Credit Ohio Enterprise

Work Force AvailableType of School # of Schools EnrollmentTwo Yr College 34 206392 Private 4 Yr 38 139704Public 4 Yr Univ. 35 372208

There are 24 commutable cities within a 60 minute drive. Average daily traffic past the site include 156,860 on I-71 and 72,160 on Rt. 35.

Employee AssistanceFayette County provides public transportation for people with disabilities through job and family services. An additional workforce can be found within the Agricultural industry surrounding Fayette County in their off season. Over 10 counties offer over 21,000 optional seasonal help.

Potential Grants


Name (First/Middle/Last)

Position or Title

Business Address

City/State/Zip/Country Phone

Email Address

( )

How many acres would suit your development needs?

10 acres

500 acres

100 acres

50 acres

Please provide any other questions we may answer below.

Mail to: 133 South Main Street, Suite 401, Washington Court HouseOhio 43160

Recommendations Recommendations

MARKETING CONTINUED...• Distribute brochures with QR code at manufacturing trade shows and international industrial events.o Simple printed materials that provide basic informationforthesiteshouldalsobeavailable.Informationaboutthesiteneedstobe distributed in as many formats as possibleo Update: Two brochures with a QR code have been created which link to the M2C2 website. The first brochure provides anoverviewofthesitewithpertinentinformation for clients/developers. Thesecond includes a mailer that can be sent back toM2C2representativesexpressinginterest.

Brochure with QR CODE

TRANSPORTATION• 1-71 Interchange [pre-design and cost analysis]o A new interchange located north of the site has been recommended to provide increased access to the site from I-71.o Update: Have provided estimated costsand design standards from other interchanges throughout the United States but not actual estimatedforaninterchangeinFayetteCounty.There are a number of factors that vary from locationtolocation.

• New road proposalo Any development on the site is going to requireadditionalroadinfrastructure.o Update: Five road proposals have been createdthatwouldefficientlyprovideserviceforvarying industries throughout the site.

• Rail spur extension [update status and lay out process for facilitated extension]o Since the site is marketed to heavy industrialcorporationsthataremostlikelygoingto be interested on rail extensions into the site. Railprovidesanefficientmeansoftransportingrawmaterials and finished products. By layingout the status and process of developing a rail extension,FayetteCounty’ssupportofrail willbe obvious.o Update: Rail spur extensions have been included in the road and land use proposals.

OTHER• Implement wind energyo Constructing a windmill(s) could be aneffective marketing tool that also reduces thelong term energy costs of facilities located onthe site. It is also a source of clean, renewable energy thatwill helpmeet energyproduction/consumptionstandards.o Update: A feasibility study of wind energy was conducted using statistics from existingwindfarmsinOhio,indicatingthatwindenergyon the site is possible. Basic wind generationparameters were created to indicate potentialcapacity of wind energy atM2C2. In addition,renderings of what a windmill(s) would look like on the site have been provided.

• Highlight available development grantso There are numerous grants that are offered by the State of Ohio, both for newbusinessesandjobcreation.o Update: To make it easier for the buyer of the mega site to apply for a grant, a chart with the available JobsOhio grants was created with a listofpertinentgrantsthatmightapplytothem.

• Demographicso Demographics have been updated for all areasincludingincome,education,housing,andtransportation.o Update: Concentric rings were used to formatthedata,breakingdowntheinformationby set distances from the site.

• Highlight advantageso The Midwest Mega Commerce Center is ashovelreadysitethathasalotofbenefitsovercompetingsites,includingutilitiesandsize.o Update: A comparison chart has been constructed illustrating how M2C2 comparesto other mega sites in Eastern and Midwestern states. This comparison also compares M2C2 withsmallersites,ofaroundfivehundredacres.

• Implement “Growth Boundary”o Fayette County has one of the richestfarmlands in Ohio. In order to preserve the farmland and prevent urban sprawl around the site we suggest creating a growth boundaryrestricting how far construction can expand from the site.restrictinghowfarconstructioncanexpandfromthe site.

• Highlight low risk of catastrophic events o Natural disasters can be a concern for future buyers.o Update: To ease theminds of potentialbuyers, members of our team compared incidents of natural disasters in Ohio compared to other regions. Ohio has minimal rates of floods,earthquakes,mudslidesandhurricanes.Theselowratescouldbeattractivetoclientswhoareattemptingtoavoidthethreatofdisastrousevents (i.e. the recent tsunami in Japan).

• Use mega site comparison chart to adjust land price and other factorso If the site is subdividing into varying sized

parcels rather than sold as one unit, the land should be sold at varying prices depending on acreage. ex.1-100acres=$24,000peracre101-500acres=$18,000peracreEntiresite=$15,000peracreo The price of the land should be included on the M2C2 website for quick access for interested buyers.o Update: The comparison chart created indicates that the price of land at M2C2 may needtobealteredtobecomemorecompetitive.

• Use specific land use plans to cater to specific employment sectorso The buyer of the site is unknown, therefore theuseand layout for their facilitiesarenotyetdefined.o Rebecca O’Shaughnessy, past deputy chief of the Office of Strategic BusinessInvestment at the Ohio Development Service Agency, suggested increasing flexibility withinthe site by dividing it up or allowing other industries to develop.o RickTrott,vicepresidentofCBREGroupin Columbus, says “mega” companies comeabout rarely - only about once every twenty years.o Update: Five different road and railproposals have been created for the site. Land use planswithspecificzoninghavebeensuggestedfor each of these plans to illustrate how varying industries could divide the site. The also provide a strategy for phasing the development of M2C2.

this is thecentercolumn ofthe openbrouchure

this is theright-handcolumn ofthe openborchure

this is theleft-handcolumn ofthe openbrouchure

1600 + acres

1200 acres

1000 acres

800 acres13























MidWest MegaCommerce Center

60 Miles30 Miles







10 * Bowersville**

23 * Greenfield **

23* London **

23* New Holland**

25* Xenia**

29* Springfield

*Miles f*Miles from Site **City

11 41.6* Chillicothe


10 40.6* Circleville**

12 46* Miami**

13 47.6* Urbana**

32* Highland**

9 39.6* Lebanon**

14 48.6* Marysville

15 53* Columbus** 16 57.9* Waverly**

> 60 Miles

18 60.9* Lancaster**

19 63.4* Eaton**

20 64.6* West Union**

21 65.4* Georgetown**22 67.1* Batavia**23 67.7* Cincinnati**24 67* Jackson**

25 71.7* McArthur**

26 81.6* Greenville**

27 85.6* Logan**

Ohio Means Jobs - On The Job Training Grant Jobs Ohio - Growth Fund Loan - Workforce Grant Economic Development GrantState Tax Credits and Abatements - Job Creation Tax Credit - Ohio Enterprise Zone Program -R&D Investment Loan/Tax Credit Ohio Enterprise

Work Force AvailableType of School # of Schools EnrollmentTwo Yr College 34 206392 Private 4 Yr 38 139704Public 4 Yr Univ. 35 372208

There are 24 commutable cities within a 60 minute drive. Average daily traffic past the site include 156,860 on I-71 and 72,160 on Rt. 35.

Employee AssistanceFayette County provides public transportation for people with disabilities through job and family services. An additional workforce can be found within the Agricultural industry surrounding Fayette County in their off season. Over 10 counties offer over 21,000 optional seasonal help.

Potential Grants


Name (First/Middle/Last)

Position or Title

Business Address

City/State/Zip/Country Phone

Email Address

( )

How many acres would suit your development needs?

10 acres

500 acres

100 acres

50 acres

Please provide any other questions we may answer below.

Mail to: 133 South Main Street, Suite 401, Washington Court HouseOhio 43160

Mailer from Brochure

Page 37: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document

7372 Recommendations

OTHER CONT... Modify the zoning to allow dense residential, office and hotel as a conditional useo Mega site investors don’t surface frequently; implementing more flexible zoningto allow for a greater variety of uses will increase the chances that the site is developed. Allowing dense residential, office uses or hotels as aconditional use would open up developmentoptions.o Update: The proposed plans show sections of land that could potentially besubdivided within the mega site. The proposed zoningwouldallowofficebuildings,retailspacesandhotels, forexample, insteadof limitingthesite to exclusive industrial land uses. These recommendationswouldcreatevariationwithinthe site in attempt to attract awider range ofclients to the site.

• Allow a “bonus” or other incentive to the first company who invests in the siteo In attempt to catalyze development ofM2C2,werecommendofferingthefirstinvestoranextraincentiveorbonustoencouragemovingto the site. Using a special bonus may set M2C2 apartfromcompetingmegasites.o Update: The comparison chart shows the incentivesofferedbytheindividualsiteandthestate.Beawareofthecompetitionincentives.Alistofincentiveandbriefdescriptionsofeachisincluded in the appendix.

• Indicate ease of building permit and construction processeso Ittakesonaveragejust14days(30daysmaximum)forasubmittedbuildingpermittobereviewed and returned to the applicant.This is pertinentinformationforallinterestedparties.o Update: A summary of the permit process has been included in the document.

• Highlight prevalence, proximity and proficiency of educational institutionso Investors are interested in educationlevelsofthepopulationinthesurroundingarea,asthiswouldbetheirpotentialworkforce. It isalsobeneficialtoprovidethemwithinformationregarding surrounding primary educationalfacilities.o Update: We have created graphs and mapsindicatingthelargenumberof,andlocationof,secondaryandhighereducation institutionsnear M2C2 and in Ohio.

• Highlight workforce availabilityo Investors need to be reassured that a sufficient workforce is available in thesurrounding area.o Update:Weidentifiedworkforceclustersto establish what type of trained workforce is available nearby. Unemployment data has been provided which highlights available workforce. A spreadsheet of trends in employment wages in the Midwest has been compiled.

Page 38: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document



-Fayette County, Ohio, April 22, 2014 -- The 1,660-acre Mid-West Mega Commerce Center (www.m2c2.biz), located along I-71 near Jeffersonville is Ohio’s largest Job Ready Site. The issue is that it is currently just producing soybeans and corn. Over $8.5M has been invested in the property, upgrading utilities and other infrastructure to attract a tenant. Multiple corporations including Honda and Hyundai have considered locating manufacturing facilities here, but have ultimately selected sites in other states. The City & Regional Planning Department at The Ohio State University was contacted by the Fayette County Commissioners to generate ideas, create tools and provide recommendations to increase the probability for industrial development of the site.

On Tuesday, April 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at the OSU extension office, 1415 U.S. Route 22 SW, Washington C.H., OH 43160, the students will be presenting their semester’s work to the Fayette County Commissioners and other stakeholders. This presentation is open to the public, and you are cordially invited to attend. For more detailed information regarding this exciting project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Chad D. Gibson, AICP Associated FacultyKnowlton School of Architecture City and Regional Planning DepartmentKnowlton Hall | 275 West Woodruff Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1138740-857-1401 [email protected] osu.edu

Cranmer, Lance. 2014. RecordHerald. Web. 16 April 2014.

Cranmer, Lance. 2014. RecordHerald. Web. 16 April 2014.

Press Release Press Release

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Midway through the project research City &Regional Planning Students’ presented their findings and visuals to the commissioners,stakeholders, and Knowlton School of Architecture professors.

Online Media Press Release

Page 40: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


FayetteCountyissurroundedbyanumberofwineries,outdoor parks, golf courses and shopping centers. The locationsare subject to change. Notall the locationsare noted on the map. There is an in-depth list available in the appendix of find nearby attractions listed byattractiontypeandcounty.

Multiplesourceswereusedincluding:GIS,outdoorohio,googlemap, tripadvisor, mallseeker, tasteofohiowines, ohiogolferguide,geology.com/city-map-of-ohio,wikipedia.org/wikei/list, and Visitkingsisland.comAttractionmapcreatedbySarahGalbreath.

Site Attractions

185 Museums21 Shopping Centers34Wineryanddistilleries236 Golf Courses10 Parks 4 Amusement Parks

(Not all of the golf courses were included on the graph)

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8180 Appendix A Appendix B


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Source: Google Maps

Appendix B



HazardInformation: www.City-data.com;www.Earthquaketrack.com


Top industrial websites: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100832195;http://www.forbes.com/pictures/edgl45jgg/no-10-oklahoma-city-okla/

Employment data: http://data.bls.gov/pdq/querytool.jsp?survey=sm;http://ohiolmi.com/wages.htm




Page 43: Midwest Mega-Commerce Center Document


WindEnergyInformation:http://www.windpoweringamerica.com;http://www.windustry.org;http://www.nrel.gov/gis/wind.html;http://dsireusa.org;http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2013/01/25/honda-wind-turbines.html;http://anniegreenjeans.com/tag/windmill/ IndustrialMegasitesInformation:http://www.landandfarm.com/property/Piney_Reach_Industrial_Park-809788/;http://www.loopnet.com/Attachments/E/3/6/E368E429-48B1-4A70-B800-DD07C5281DA7.pdf;http://beyondshovelready.com;http://www.pataskalacorporatepark.com;http://www.southalabamamegasite.com/default.aspx;http://www.tvasites.com/InSite.aspx?details=4956;http://tnmegasite.com/mrm.html;http://www.thecarolinasi95megasite.com/Site_Information.html;http://www.landcrailroad.com/pdf_chester/tracth.pdf;http://www.loopnet.com/xnet/mainsite/listing/Profile/BasicMemberViewBasicListUpaspx?LID=18442444&MatchedKeywords=&PgCxtGuid=&PgCxtFLKey=&PgCxtCurFLKey=&PgCxtDir=Down;

http://printbrochure.locationone.com/PDFHandler.ashx?id=201477&profilename=MO-Administrator&doctypeid=1&site_id=201477;http://www.loopnet.com/xNet/Mainsite/Listing/Profile/Profile.aspx?LID=16552295&SourceCode=1lir2t003&Linkcode=17830&sourcecode=1laf0tc02511008;http://www.csx.com/index.cfm/customers/industrial-development/site-search/certified-megasites/indiana/;http://www.riverridgecc.com/index.php?/properties/site/63;http://www.terrehauteedc.com/terre-haute-available-commercial-industrial-properties/terre-haute-commercial-industrial-property-listings/219-hoosier-jack-mega-site; http://www.whyvanwert.org;http://www.m2c2.biz
