Microsoft Word - Brochure_Education

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  • 7/31/2019 Microsoft Word - Brochure_Education



    Master of EducationAcc reditation: B

    No: 014/BAN-PT/ Ak-VI/S2/X/ 2008

    Majoring in

    Instructional Technology Education Management

    Early Childhood Education Human Rights Education

    TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages

    O verviewProviding good quality of educational services is a shared

    task among the government, educat ional inst i tut ions and

    the community. Both formal and non-formal inst i tut ions

    take an act ive part in providing quali f ied and competent

    graduat es w i t h h igh-qual it y of t ra in ing and educ at ion


    The UPH Master of Education program offers an opportunity

    to engage intensively in t he f ield of educat ion in a broad

    sense. Through academic and practical studies, students will

    learn information t echnology to m eet societys demands for

    qualified, progressive, and creative personnel in diverseareas of educ at ional t ra in ing and hum an resource


    This program delivers courses in managing educat ional

    institutions to provide a good quality of educational service.

    Master of Education graduates acquire skills in developinginstructional technology in education as competent trainers(instructors, teachers, and lecturers) and program planners,

    crit ical and creat ive curriculum developers, conf ident

    information and technology users and effective, efficient

    managers of training and educational institut ions who excel

    in st rat egic p lanning. D et ai led requi red sk i lls and

    competencies of the graduates are described under below

    co n ce nt r at i on s o f M a st e r o f Ed u cat i o n p ro g ra m ,

    Instructional Technology, Educational Management, Early

    Childhood Education, Human Rights Education, and TESOL.

    O bjectives?To become a center of innovative and creative leadership

    development in education and human resources.

    ?p To prepare the students to acquire knowledge and skillsindesigning, developing, and evaluating t he administration

    and management of education and training institut ions aswell as human resources training and development



    Final Project (choose one):1. Thesis

    - This project requires empirical data collection and analysis2. Non-thesis

    - Corporate Report- Term Paper (take two or three subjects equal to 6 credits from

    the other concentrations)

    I n st ru c t io n a l T e ch n o l o gy Ed u c a t io n a l M a n a g e m e n t

    First Semester

    Learning Theor ies and Teaching Concepts (2)

    Philosophy of Science (2)

    Instruct ional Design (3)Interact ive M edia (2)

    Second Semester

    M easurem ent and Evaluat ion (3)

    Research M etho dologies (3)Know ledge Development (2)

    Leadership Development (2)

    Third Semester

    Co gn i ti v e St r at e gi es ( 3) A cc o un t i ng & Fi n an c e ( 3)

    Human Resources Training and

    Developm ent (3)Strategic M anagemen t (3)

    Training for Trainers (2)Human Resource and Program

    M anagement (3)

    Analysis and Design of Learning

    Organizat ion (2)Organizat ional Behavior (3)

    M anagem ent o f Innova t ion ( 2 )

    Fourth Semester

    Total Quali ty M anagem ent in

    Education (3)

    Total Quali ty M anagem ent in

    Education (3)Fin al Pr oj ect (6 ) Fin al Pr oj ect (6 )

    Total Credits: 40

    Ea r l y Ch i ld h o o d Edu c a t io n Hu m a n Ri gh ts Edu c a t io n

    First Semester

    Learning Theor ies and Teaching Concepts (2)

    Philosophy of Science (2)

    Instruct ional Design (3)

    Interact ive M edia (2)

    Second Semester

    M easurem ent and Evaluat ion (3)

    Research M etho dologies (3)

    Know ledge Development (2)

    Leadership Development (2)

    Third Sem ester

    Chi ld Gr ow th and Deve lopm en t (3 ) F ounda t ion o f Hum an Righ ts ( 3 )

    Ear ly Childhoo d Learning

    Developm ent (3)Human Rights Actual Issues (3)

    Ear ly Childhoo d Program Planning

    and Leadership (3)

    Advocating and M anaging

    Confl icts, Peace, Hum an Rights (3)

    Ear ly Childhoo d Curr iculum Design

    and Deve lopm ent ( 3 )The Right for Education (3)

    Fourth Semester

    Early Childhood Education

    (Classroom Observat ion) (3)

    Human Rights Education in

    Pract ice (3)

    Final Pr o j ect (6 ) Final Pr oject (6 )

    Total Credits: 40


    (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages)

    First Semester

    Learning Theor ies and Teaching Concepts (2)

    Philosophy of Science (2)

    Second Semester

    M easurem ent and Evaluat ion (3)Research M etho dologies (3)

    Third Sem ester

    Comput er Assisted Language Learning (3)

    Language Test ing (3)

    Language Acquisit ion (3)

    Curr iculum and M ater ial Developm ent (3)

    Fourth Semester

    Com mun icat ive Language Teaching (3)

    Final Project (6)

    Total Credits: 40

  • 7/31/2019 Microsoft Word - Brochure_Education


    Class Schedule Saturday, 08.00 18.00 WIB

    Registration Fee (subject to c hange w ithout p rior notice) Rp 200.000,- (Dua Ratus Ribu Rupiah)

    Tuition Fee of Even Sem ester 2011/ 2012** ) Subject to change without prior notice

    * ) Payable in 4 tim es installment (per semester)* ) For UPH Alumni t here will be a special rate

    L a n g u a g e

    Program will be delivered in Bahasa

    Registration O pening Sep 5

    th, 2011

    Ne w C lass of Eve n Sem ester 2011/ 2012 Jan 23

    rd, 2012 (tentative)

    Ad m ission Te st Sche du les Term 1: Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011; 5.00 - 9.00PM

    Term 2: Thu rsday, 20 Oct 2011; 5.00 - 9.00PM

    Term 3: Thursday, 17N ov 2011; 5.00 - 9.00PM

    Term 4 : Saturday, 3 Dec 2011; 8.30AM - 12.30PM

    Term 5: Saturday, 14 Jan 2011; 8.30AM - 12.30PM

    A c a d e m ic Re q u ir e m e n t s1. Bachelor of any major from state or accredited private


    2. Min. GPA = 2.50

    3. Applicants with Bachelor Degree from overseas university

    m u st su bm i t L et t er o f D eg re e Eq ui va le ncy

    (Penyetaraan I jazah Luar Negeri) f rom Directorate

    General of H igher Educat ion of t he D epar t m ent of

    National Education (DIKTI)

    Ad m ission Req uirem ents1. Completely fill the Registration Form

    2. Complete all required d ocuments:

    1 (one) legalized copy of:

    - Bachelor Certificate

    - Bachelor Transcript 1 (one) copy of a valid ID.

    Recent color photographs:

    - 2X3 cm (2 pcs)

    - 4X6 cm (2 pcs)

    Ad m ission Te st M a te ria ls1. TOEFL Prediction, min. score 450

    (Free T OEFL t est f or c andidat es w ho have a v al id

    TOEFL/IELTS score from UPH Language Center or any

    t est ing c ent er aut hor iz ed by Educat ional T est ing


    2. Study Program Test: Basic knowledge in Education.Note

    1. For UPH alumni, applicants whose bachelor m ajor background is the

    same with the chosen graduate program and GPA > 2.75 do not need to

    sit for study program test.

    2. For public, applicants wh ose bachelor major background is th e same

    with the chosen graduate program and GPA > 3.00 do not need to sit for

    study program test.

    Fa cu lty m em be rsHead of the program:

    Dr. I Made Markus

    Lecturers Prof.Dr. Aris Pongtuluran, dr., MPHUniversity of Pittsburg

    Prof. Dr. Hafid AbbasSyracuse University, USA

    Prof.Dr. I G.A.K. Wardani, M.Ed.SUNNY at Albani

    Prof. LaurensKaluge, Ph.DUniversity of London, England

    Prof. Dr. Musdah MuliaUIN, Indonesia

    Clara Evi Citraningty as, Ph.DMacquarie University, Australia

    Dr. Fransisco Budi Hardiman, M AHochshule fur Philosophie, Germany

    Dr. Frieda MangunsongUniversitas Indonesia, Indonesia

    Dr. M arlin M arpaungUniversitas Negeri Jakarta, Indon esia

    M. B. Rini Widyastuti, Ph.D

    State University of New York, USA Dr. Pujianto Yugopuspito, M.Sc.

    Kyushu University , Japan

    Dr. Rijanto PurbojoUniversity of Tw ente, Netherland

    Dr. Sri LanawatiUniversitas Indonesia, Indonesia

    Suciati, M.Sc., Ph.DSyracuse University, USA

    Drs. Agustian Budi P., MPADrake University

    Ardhi Ko, MM

    Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia Budianto, ST., M Pd

    Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

    Capital Levy Rp 7.000.000

    Fixed Tuition Fee Rp 14.520.000

    Credits Fee @ Rp 360.000 Rp 14.400.000

    Re-Registration Fee Rp 300.000

    Final Project Rp 4.000.000

    T O TA L ( w it h 4 0 cr ed it s) Rp 4 0. 22 0. 00 0

    For further information, please contact our:

    ?Marketing & Admission ?Phone: (021) 25535161/68

    Fax: (021) 25535162/63

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Mond ay to Friday: 09.00 18.00 WIB

    Saturday: 09.00 13.00 WIB (by appointment only)

    UPH Graduate NEW CampusThe Plaza Semanggi

    Kawasan BisnisGranadha 3rd

    , 16th

    , and 17th


    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50Jakarta 12930

    For Online Admission click:

    w w w . u p h . e d u