Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading 2 [Compatibility

To read a writer is for me not merely to get an idea of what he says, but to go off with him, and travel in his company. Andre gride Andre gride Reading Strategies


• Articles prepositions • Except questions • Variations • Inference questions • Time management • 10 types of questions • Vocabulary questions • Fact, detail questions • Identify • Check • Rhetorical structure • paraphrasing Q4. Clue is in the sentence which follows it and explains by carrying the same idea forward. An in-depth understanding of paragraph writing is the key Look for sequence of ideas to get a logical order Usually, a Para has broadly 4 types of sentences— sentences—

Transcript of Microsoft PowerPoint - Reading 2 [Compatibility

To read a writer is for me not merely to get an

idea of what he says, but to go off with him,and travel in his company.

Andre grideAndre gride

Reading Strategies


• Reading introduction

• Ways of doing a RC

• The screen

• Before answering

• Time management

• Articles prepositions

• Except questions

• Variations

• Inference questions• Time management

• 10 types of questions

• Vocabulary questions

• Fact, detail questions

• Identify

• Check

• Rhetorical structure

• paraphrasing

• Tip

• Sentence insertion

• Sequence

• Prose summary

• Sum up

• A thought


Reading Introduction

�TOEFL iBT starts with reading


�There will be about 3 to 5 passages

�Time given will be about 60mins to 100mins


Ways Of Doing RC-1

�Takes about 20mins

�Read the full RC

�Make notes by skimming

�Read the question�Read the question

�Ref. To notes, scan the passage & ans.


Ways Of Doing RC-2

�Could take more than 20min

�Read only the 1st line & the last line of

every para

�Read the Qs.�Read the Qs.

�Scan to locate the line

�Skim or read in detail to get the ans.,

�Develop your own strategy but we believe the

1st to be more effective


The Screen

�The screen is divided into 2 parts

�On one half the passage will appear

�On the other half the questions will appear

�You can scroll down to read the passage�You can scroll down to read the passage


Before Answering

�Make notes as you read

�Note Down the central idea of the passage

�Note down the central idea in every


�Even if you don’t understand something,

don’t stop, continue reading.

�An idea is enough at this stage.


Time Management

�As you start attempting the questions the

understanding will improve

�Refer to the notes, scan the passage and

answer the questionsanswer the questions

�Do read the full passage, it takes about 6-

8mins to read a 700 or so worded passage

� In the rest of the 12-14mins you must attempt

the questions related to the passage


The 10 Types Of Reading Questions



�Understanding facts and details �8 – 10

�Identifying negative facts/not given �2 – 3

�Locating referents/pronoun �2 – 3

�Understanding vocabulary in contest �2 – 10

�Making inferences �3�Making inferences �3

�Determining rhetoric purpose �3

�Recognizing paraphrases �3

�Recognizing coherence/sentence insertion �3

�Prose Summarizing important ideas �2 – 3

�Drag n drop/organizing information �1

�Total number of questions--36-429

Skill -1 Vocabulary Questions

�There are many shades to a word

� Look only for the contextual meaning� Look only for the contextual meaning

�Transitions ,appositions, surrounding

sentences help

� Look for contrast & comparison words

�Knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, roots help in

guessing & in eliminating


Look for the usage

Look For The Usage



• When you are in an interview, try not to show

any overt signs that you are nervous. Don’t

shift in your chair, shake or stutter.

• Overt means• Overt means

– a. subtle.

– b. obnoxious.

– c. obvious.

– d. confident.



• Although teaching is not a particularly

lucrative career, I wouldn’t do anything else.

Knowing I’m helping others to learn is far

more important to me than money.more important to me than money.

• Lucrative means

– a. highly profitable.

– b. highly rewarding.

– c. highly exciting.

– d. highly repetitive.


Q 1& Q 4

Q1. Fodder –writers need fodder to write ,in other words they need material not stories(to write a story),support or problems

Q4. Clue is in the sentence which follows it and explains by carrying the same idea forward.

• Runaway- with no internal force to stop it, the star will continue to collapse…

Skill-2. Fact And Detail Questions

�Tests the basic comprehension of key facts in

the passage

�Read the questions carefully

� Identify the idea not the specific word or idiom

� Look for a synonym or different part of

speech since the question can be restated


Skill-2. Fact And Detail Questions

�Scan quickly to eliminate the impossible


�Follow the directions if they are given

�Otherwise follow the outline(notes)


The Answer Might Not Depend

On The Tough Words



�Cause & effect


� Intension




�Negative words



�Make your choice based on stated facts not





Q 2&Q 3

Q2. 2nd Para , 5th line.

• However, is the contrast word which leads to the answer.

Q3. 3 rd Para, Q3. 3 rd Para,

• …exclusive principle---the resistance between the molecular…

• This is a appositive formation. The hyphen equates the term with the explanation.

Skill 3 Rhetorical structure

�Rhetoric is the art of speaking and writing


�Rhetorical purpose questions are based on

examples, descriptions and explanations

�These type of questions answer to ‘why’ and



Everything Has A Purpose


Types Of Rhetorical Questions

�Type 1- the purpose behind a particular idea


�Type 2- justifying the use of a structure (how)

�The correct choice refers to a fact from the

passage which is related to the question

�Watch out for distorted/altered information

from the passage



�Determines the purpose of a phrase or word

�Understand the rhetorical function of �Understand the rhetorical function of

�a word

�a phrase

�a sentence in relation to the passage


Q 5

‘like’ is a analogy word

Cartoon …. This phrase is to create a picture image and to illustrate better

Skill 4 Paraphrasing Questions

�Paraphrasing is the restatement of the given

idea in new words/new sentence but, the

meaning remains true to the original sentence

�Synonyms , idioms , phrases can help

�The right choice will have all the ideas

present in the highlighted sentence


Articles & Prepositions

�Know your articles, prepositions, adjectives

etc or they can trap you

�Don’t get foxed by repeated words. Look for

the context, it may vary


Prepositions Can Redefine Our



Q 6

Again a appositive formation to guideguide

…. nothing can escape…

Skill-5 Except Questions

� Inverse to the detail questions

� Look for facts or details not mentioned in the � Look for facts or details not mentioned in the


�Scan the passage for key facts

� facts can be clubbed


Except Questions

�Read the relevant part closely

�Read the choices closely�Read the choices closely

�Watch out for synonyms, paraphrases

�A clear understanding of grammar helps



�Small variations can act as distracters

�The right answer choice is unmentioned�The right answer choice is unmentioned

� in the passage/ inaccurately paraphrased


Q 7

Only B is the correct answer. Not mentioned anywhere.anywhere.

We can go wrong if we go by assumptions or previous knowledge on the topic

Skill- 6 Inference Questions

� Infer means to understand unwritten or

unstated ideas based on logic and detail

�But it is derived from written detail

� Look for information that supports the stated



Implication And Inference

�Read the relevant sentence carefully by


�Focus on the cohesive devices and


�To imply is to suggest or communicate

unstated or unwritten information based on

logic and stated detail


Two Types Of Inference


� 1. An effect is cited ,its cause has to be


� 2. If a comparison is made, the question asks

for the basis of the comparison

�Think about the explicit meaning of the

author’s words, &the logical implications


Watch Out For

� Logically impossible ideas

�Restated forms( not related to the question)�Restated forms( not related to the question)

�Distorted facts, sequence, time and place

�Articles, prepositions and tenses they can

alter the meaning


Words, Become What You What

Them To


Q 8

Para 6. 3rd line

The Time it takes to reach…..

Mass is based on the size.

Skill-7 Referent Questions

� Identify the pronoun

�A pronoun is used in the place of noun, �A pronoun is used in the place of noun,

phrase or clause to avoid repetition

�The neighboring words and sentences are

the clues

�Get a clear picture of what is happening

before and after the referent


Tip 1

�Try to phrase a ‘WH’ question with the

referent, to get the right choice. This might

work sometimes

�Replace the referent with the choices & check

the meaning


Tip 2

�Check your choice by replacing it with the

highlighted word

�Know the key idea (not the specific word)

�The right choice will not change the meaning



Which point would mark the end of time itself? singularityWhich point would mark the end of time itself? singularity

Second clue is the punctuation mark , the comma .


Skill- 8 Sentence Insertion

�These questions are nothing but the reverse

of the good old

� fill in the gap questions

�A sentence is given

� 3 to 4 points in a paragraph are marked

�Figure out the best place for the sentence

;based on the logic given in the sentence



� An in-depth understanding of paragraph writing is the key

� Look for sequence of ideas to get a logical order

� Usually, a Para has broadly 4 types of sentences—sentences—


2. Body consisting of explanation

3. Examples or illustrations or contradictions

4.The concluding statement

� Some paras can be in the form of a description and the different stages in a process.



To what does ‘a few’ refer to?


Hence, the sequence continues.

Skill-9 Prose Summary

� Measures your ability to understand and recognize:

� The major ideas and important information related to

the passagethe passage

� Record Para topics in your notes/outline while

skimming (from the beginning)

� The right choice may have ideas which are combined


� paraphrased so, read with an understanding


Q 11

Answer choices a,c,f,along with the introductory sentence summarize the sentence summarize the complete passage.

• b- is a minor point

• d-not mentioned

• e-inaccurate 48

Skill-10 Drag N Drop Table


� Similar to the summary based questions but they have to be categorized under different headingsheadings

�Understand the question thoroughly

� All the choices will be mentioned in the passage


� Pick only the ones which come under the given headings/topics


Sum Up

�Since these are the final questions, you are

expected to have a

� clear picture of the whole passage


Get The Reading Bug

• A fondness for reading changes the

inevitable dull hours of our life into inevitable dull hours of our life into

exquisite hours of delight.

Charles de Montesquieu