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The Palestinian Attitude And The International Attitude1.Palestinian Attitude: Palestinian position whether (formal or semi-formal or popular) is remains the most power in the face of the apartheid wall, and demonstrated achievements through raising the issue of the wall on the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations, and the case remained under discussion in many meetings and academic discussions . a.The Palestinian Government's Attitude. Her clear role is in the corridors of the United Nations led by the representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations Dr. Nasser al-Kidwa culminated in a meeting of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly resulted in a vote for a resolution condemning the construction of the apartheid wall, as well as to strip the US position when it voted against two resolutions to stop the construction of the wall, and the Palestinian Presidency officials and politicians considered the construction of the apartheid wall is nothing but the destruction of the peace process as well as data condemnation and denunciation in all international events and forums.b.Semi-Official Attitude . Represents this attitude in the role played by many academic and trade union figures a high degree of responsibility, where hosted European and American delegations, and held seminars at home and abroad, to explain the risks of construction of the apartheid wall, as well as to organize sit-ins on the ground to denounce the construction of the wall with the participation of many foreign delegations.c.Popular Attitude. We mentioned two models of public attitudes in the face of the wall in this chapter, in addition to the land owners sued of the wall in front of the courts, "Israeli", amounting to 4,000 call and this reflects the adhesion of the Palestinian citizen to their land and its rejection of the policy of displacement suffered by the In the past decades, the effects of which are still up to the minute.2. The position of the Arab countries: as usual, the official Arab position remains unchanged despite the indifference of the risks and the negative effects of the tragic construction of the apartheid wall on the future of the Palestinian people.2.The Attitude Of The Arab League. Was limited position of the Arab League on the condemnation and denunciation statements and denounce the construction of the apartheid wall.3.USA Attitude . Released from the US side several attitudes about the construction of the apartheid wall on Palestinian land, the US media expressed concern about the construction of the apartheid wall, the United States opposed the construction of the wall around the settlements west of the northern West Bank (Ariel, Karnei Shomron, Kedumim) and relate that by extension regional Israel also USA opposed build the wall of "Jerusalem envelope" on the campus of the University of Jerusalem. 4.But in practice, the United States supportive of the construction of the apartheid wall, and expose this fact the the US attitude that she voted against the Arab draft resolution condemning the construction of the apartheid wall presented to the Security Council, by using its veto "veto" on Wednesday, 15/10/2003, also criticized the US ambassador to the United Nations, "John Negroponte," who used the veto for the second time in two months against a draft resolution condemning Israel made by Syria in behalf of the Arab Group on the pretext that the Arab text to a vote "not balanced", and not just this but exceeded its opposition to the decision of the UN General Assembly United on Wednesday evening 22/10/2003 which drafted by EU calls for "Israel" to stop construction of the wall being built in the Palestinian territories.5.European attitude . European summit 17/10/2003 warns Israel that the wall being built and divided the Palestinian territories path, would undermine the coexistence between Israel and the Palestinian state .In the words of the High Representative of the European Union's foreign policy, "Javier Solana" who said, "Israel" plans to build the apartheid wall (harmful to the peace process and impose a fait accompli, he said, "Solana" was not appropriate to take the government, "Israeli" This decision, do not I think that we can accept a wall imposes on the fact decisions on land that has not divided. "

6.United Nations Attitude. The international community has condemned israel represented by the General Assembly of the United Nations, to build the apartheid wall and passed a resolution calling for "Israel" to stop construction in the apartheid wall, and to destroy the constructed wall within the Occupied Palestinian Territory. the UN General Assembly United adopted on Tuesday night 21-10-2003 resolution demanding that Israel stop construction of the separation wall in the occupied Palestinian territories, and described this Israeli action that is contrary to the terms of international law, where the resolution won the support of 144 votes to reject four voices, are: the United States, Israel, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and 12 countries abstained from voting. 7.The first paragraph in the text of the resolution asked the government of Israel "stop and reverse the construction of the wall in the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem, which was deviates from the 1949 Armistice Line." He described the text of the resolution of the Israeli wall as "inconsistent with the terms of the relevant international law."8.Since General Assembly resolutions are not binding on governments in legal terms, but they carry the world opinion on major international issues, as well as it represents the moral authority of the international community, as opposed to the UN Security Council, whose decisions are binding on the governments of decisions. ([footnoteRef:2]) [2: The Palestinian Ministry of Information, the Apartheid Wall in Palestine:]

9.International Court.Note by the Secretary-General to the United Nations General Assembly in which he says: In the twenty-third session of the tenth emergency special session, held on 8/12/2003 in resolution ES-10/14 in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations General Assembly decided to ask the international Court of Justice to urgently render an advisory opinion on the following question: "What are the legal consequences arising from the construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power of residence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and around, as outlined in the report of the Secretary General, and considering the rules and principles of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the resolutions of the Security Council and General Assembly resolutions? "([footnoteRef:3]) [3: The United Nations, the General Assembly, op. Cit., P. 1]

10.After discussion and deliberation the study of international laws on the request for the advisory opinion of the Court reached the conclusion that the construction of "Israel" of the wall in the Palestinian territory is contrary to international law, and in view of the situation that prevailed in the Territory of the British mandate of the Court confirms that Israel and Palestine are to abide by the exact rules of international humanitarian law, The Court considers that it cannot put an end to this tragic situation, but that can be happen by the implementation Security Council resolutions relevant in good faith, The Court considers it its duty to draw the attention of the General Assembly, which is addressed to this opinion to the need to encourage these efforts in order to reach as soon as possible and based on the international law to a negotiated solution to the problems relating to the establishment of a Palestinian state living side-by-side with "Israel" and its other neighbours in peace and security, and in paragraph 163 of the State Court of Justice, the court decides the following : a. Unanimously: it acknowledges that it has jurisdiction to give the advisory opinion requested.b. By 14 votes to one vote: it decides to respond to a request for an advisory opinion.c. As follows answer to the question posed by the General Assembly and issued the advisory opinion : (1)By 14 votes against one voice, that the construction of the wall being built by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and its associated regime are contrary to international law. (2)By 14 votes against voices one: Israel to terminate breaches of international law; she is under an obligation to cease forthwith the construction of the wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory acts, including and around East Jerusalem, to dismantle forthwith the structure therein situated, and to abolish immediately or render ineffective all legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto, in accordance with paragraph 151 of this Opinion.(3)By 14 votes against one vote: Israel has an obligation to make reparation for all damage caused by construction of the wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem. (4)By a majority of 13 votes to two votes: All States have an obligation not to recognize the status of illegal resulting from the construction of the wall and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction, and bear all States Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 08/12/1949 with respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international law, an additional obligation to ensure Israel's compliance with international law as in that Convention. (5)By 14 votes against one vote: the United Nations, especially the General Assembly and the Security Council, to consider what further action is required to end the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and its associated regime, taking due account of the present Advisory Opinion. ([footnoteRef:4]) [4: The United Nations, the General Assembly, op. Cit., P. 75,76,77,78]

Israeli Attitude11.The official position "of Israel" was on the lips of its Permanent Representative to the United Nations Security Council meeting on 14/10/2003 when he said (that the barrier does not include land to the state of Israel, and that Israel is willing and able with the consequent expensive costs to adapt and dismantling of the fence if it is necessary as part of a political settlement, and repeated this view before the General Assembly of the United Nations in 20/10 and 8/12 of 2003, but he added that as soon as the end of wars will end the need for the fence, and the fence is not a border, and has no political significance It does not change the legal status of the territory in any way). ([footnoteRef:5]) [5: The General Assembly, the United Nations, the tenth special session, item 5 of the agenda, Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, p. 55.]

12.Although the official attitude of "Israel's" apartheid wall, and their arguments flimsy to his residence in order to protect its citizens and to achieve security and safety for them, but that Israeli society is divided into two sections on the construction of the Apartheid Wall decision, there are those who reject the construction of the wall because it will not prevent the occurrence of martyrdom operations, A supporter sees hope in the return of security and safety of Israeli settlements .13.By reading the opinions of some opponents of the construction of the separation wall between the Palestinian territories and the Zionist entity ,these not love for the Palestinians or supporters of international law but stems from the Zionist ideas calls for further action to protect the settlements in the territories of the West Bank, the fact that the construction of the wall will create other targets of settlers guerrilla movement of Palestinian, In addition to inciting the invasion of Palestinian areas by demonstrating "the failure of the Israeli security establishment" and its inability to provide security for its citizens and hide behind walls and barbed wire .14.Supporters they are loyal to the decision to build the apartheid wall under the pretext of achieving security and safety of the State of the Zionist entity and they had no great fanfare but on the contrary have worked a lot in order that the wall becomes a fait accompli.The Supreme Court Of Israel15.Israel's Supreme Court rejected on 09/15/2005 at hearing THE opinion of the International Court of Justice, arguing that it did not take into account the needs of "Israel" security, and felt that the advisory opinion does not oblige the Supreme Court in "Israel", and "the Israeli Supreme" allowed the construction of the wall within the territory of the West Bank when there are security reasons had to be built in those places, and left estimating the security need of the army himself, who is building the wall.16.Despite the bias, "the Israeli Supreme" to build the wall, but that did not prevent citizens and human rights organizations against the wall of resorting to the use the papers in front of that court to face them, and were able to modify the route of the wall in several places through petitions they have made, however, that these amendments is not that value compared to the scheme of construction of the wall around the main settlements gathering and in particular: my finger "Ariel and Kedumim" who takes parts of ''Qalqilya'' and ''Salfit'', The encirclement of the settlement of "Maale Adumim" would complete the separation of Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, and construction is divided on the "Gush Etzion" the Bethlehem area for agricultural countryside undermining any civil or urban development potential. ([footnoteRef:6]) [6: OCHA, five-year-op, p. 31.]

THE EFFECTS OF THE APARTHEID WALL1.We will look at this chapter to the suffering of the Palestinian people by the construction of the apartheid wall in the West Bank, from direct damage was the confiscation of land and demolition of homes, and insulation in the ghettos, and to prevent freedom of movement and that is what constitutes harm, the most prominent, which is reflected on the lives of Palestinian citizens, There are many practices that preceded the wall of Zionism within the system long-term residence within the national their project for Jews in Palestine .2.Economic Impacts.The economic impacts resulting from the construction of the wall were not limited to material losses estimated at millions of dollars, it is through our study of what the wall and specifications and the path it takes, and an area of land which destroyed closed and ghettos established, the basis of previous studies and what is available from the data lies the importance of the talks on the economic effects of the wall so that it becomes exponentially more to estimate the material losses of millions of dollars lost by the Palestinian economy.3.Through the study prepared by the Studies and Planning Department at the Palestinian Ministry of Economics where he was taking the regions of ''Nazlat Issa'' and ''East bouquet'' in ''Tulkarm'' as a sample to the research, we will see the extent of the effects of the separation wall on the Palestinian economy: ([footnoteRef:7]) [7: ]

a.The impact of the wall on Investment: saw the area near the Green Line case of economic programmed destruction, because of levelling buildings and commercial and industrial establishments, where the occupation forces worked on the demolition of nearly 200 facility, in addition to the transfer of a number of facilities to other areas such as ''Atil'' , reaching installations that have been moved to 03% of the total establishments that remained after demolition ratio. These actions negatively affected the movement of investment in the region because of the fear of loss and the loss of capital due to the demolition of facilities for construction of the wall. The study showed the following:(1) All business owners believe that the apartheid wall hinders do planning for the development of existing projects .(2) 12% think or seek to create new projects under the apartheid wall.(3) 58% think to closure of the enterprise or stop working.(4) 54% think or seek to move the facility to another area or another province because of the wall.b.Impact of the Barrier on Marketing in the Areas Behind the Wall.Because of the location distinct areas on the Green Line (later became the west of the wall), which were considered as transit points , and draws many of the Palestinian citizens to invest in them, but after the establishment of the apartheid wall turning this economic prosperity to the catastrophe, which reflected the effects of the wall in these areas are as follows:(1)Influenced by commercial traffic and the percentage of sales: study shows that businesses and industry operating in the west of the wall area affected by commercial traffic where so that 81% of these properties decreased sales ratio in which more than 50% .(2)Affected sales-oriented Citizens Inside the Green Line The study shows that 92% of commercial and industrial establishments in the west of the wall area rely on sales to citizens from inside the Green Line before the construction of the wall, where 88% of these properties are affected by sales after the construction of the wall, it was 76% of these properties are up sales ratio 50% of the citizens residing within the Green Line, and 42% of these enterprises reached sales ratio to 90%, but after construction of the wall has been accounted for only 19% of these enterprises reached sales ratio to more than 50%.(3)Affected sales prices: study shows that 81% of the establishments affected sales rates, have reached the facilities where prices fell from 30% -70% ratio, and this ratio exceeds the average for all public areas by 20%.c.Impact of the wall on the commercial and industrial sectors.It exacerbated the problem of unemployment and poverty in the Palestinian territories, so that 85% of the establishments their workers affected and the effects caused by the wall as follows:(1)Lay off a number of workers: study shows that 77% of the workforce in that area installations has laid off a number of their employees because of the wall and this is a very high figure compared with the overall average in the rest of the areas where I arrived establishments laid off workers to 51 percent, and this led to the low percentage of workers in the west of the wall area for up to 49%. The study shows that the rate of reduction of employees in the commercial sector have been affected by more than the industrial sector, it reached 64% in the commercial sector and 45% in the industrial sector.(2)Afford extra expenses: as a result of replacement workers (who work from outside the region, workers from within the region): The study indicates that 58% of the establishments are running workers from outside the place where the project area, and this leads to incur additional expenses in employment costs, where the study showed that 08% of these properties are worked on replacement workers from outside the region of the workers inside the difficulty of reaching their places of work because of the wall and security measures tightened.(3)Reduce the wages of workers and staff: According to results of the study show that 65% of the establishments has worked to reduce the wages of workers and staff, This percentage is higher than the overall average for wage cuts in other areas, reaching enterprises that wages reduced to 22% of the total establishments ratio , Where the 15% of the establishments went to reduce wages between 10-40%, while the reduced 77% of these enterprises salaries less than 10%.

4.Impact on Agriculture.Agriculture is the most important industrial sectors affected by the construction of wall insulation because of its importance, they contribute up to 30% of the income in the Palestinian economy sector, in addition to that accommodate large numbers of labor.5.On the ground, the wall worked to isolate the 733 square kilometres between the Green Line and the wall (west wall) representing 13% of the territory of the West Bank, and through the study of the nature of the land and vegetation cover is clear that Israel has deliberately grabbing as much as possible of fertile agricultural and open land with a number of Palestinian communities and regions, and is seeking "Israel" to push them to get out and abandon their places of residence to crack down on them through the transit procedures through gates system and leave their land open to the settlers, and table 3 shows the classification of the vegetation of the land isolated west of the wall. ([footnoteRef:8]) [8: Areej, op. Cit., See:]

Table (3)CategoryArea (square kilometres)Percentage%

Agricultural land34847.5

Palestinian urban areas253.5

Areas under the "Israeli control" (settlements, military bases, ...)11015


Open areas16923


6.The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2006 survey of the impact of the wall on the social and economic conditions families in the localities wall passes in its territory, she noted the survey results that 19.2% of the families of the localities affected by the wall of annexation and expansion has been the confiscation of its territory entirely (by 16.6% inside the wall and 19.3% outside the wall), while the percentage of households partially been confiscated territory amounted to 28.5% (by 26.9% inside the wall and 28.4% outside the wall). It is noted by the results that most of the lands that were confiscated in the affected localities were used for agriculture, where increase of 87.5%. ([footnoteRef:9]) [9: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Survey Impact of the Wall and the expansion of the social and economic conditions for families in communities that passes the wall of its territory, the father of 2006.]

7.Two years after the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics latest survey, the results indicated that the area of land resources since start building the wall until the month of June 2008 amounted to 49.291 acres concentrated mostly in the northern regions, reaching area of land confiscated in the north 22.141 acres, and in the central area of 13.875 acres, and in the South amounted to 13.275 acres, With regard to the area of the isolated lands behind the wall has since start building the wall until the month of June 2008 amounted to an area of about 274.607 acres, concentrated in the central West Bank, where the total land isolated space in these areas 123.526 acres areas, while in the area North has isolated land area amounted to 89.498 acres, and in the South amounted to 61.583 acres. ()8.The Ministry of Agriculture has also prepared a report indicating the total losses caused by the construction of the wall, reaching $ 337 million, half of which resulted from the direct destruction, where the occupation forces worked to uproot 103 000 mostly olive tree, and the destruction of 300 acres of agricultural greenhouses, and irrigation systems.9.Through brief us on the studies aforementioned spaces and isolated land devastating because of the wall, we can imagine the impact of the wall and the estimated losses that there will be daily, year after year because of the wall, in addition to the losses in the agricultural side, livestock are also affected by the loss of grasslands and damage to bird farms, and in the study by Polls and Survey Studies ''Center at An-Najah National University'' were published in ''Al-Quds Open Avril University'' Magazine in 2004 describes the results of the study that 17.1% of respondents have lost their pastures, they have reached land area of confiscation which was used for grazing (42240) acres According to the study results show at the provincial level percentages of those who lost their pastures as follows: 52% in ''Salfit'', 32.9% in ''Qalqilya'', 19.1% in the ''Hebron'' governorate 18.5% in the ''Bethlehem'' governorate, 17.9% in ''Jenin'', 13.3% in ''Tubas'', 12.6% in the province ''Jerusalem'', 10% in Jericho, 9.3% in Nablus, 8.1% in the Ramallah governorate, 5.3% in ''Tulkarm'', through the previous results we see that the governorates of ''Salfit'' and ''Qalqilya'' more areas affected by sources of vast tracts of territory and annexed west of the wall which impedes Movement of livestock owners to prevent them from access to natural pasture. ()

10.Social effects.

a.The impact of the wall on the freedom of movement.Freedom of movement between cities is an important factor in the areas of development are the need for any activity performed by human to develop itself, and the center of all human activities on all political, social, economic, health and educational levels, so the disability movement of Palestinian civilians of the most difficult what happened to the Palestinian citizen because of the construction of the separation wall Racial especially in areas that affect them directly.b.After the initiation of the construction of the apartheid wall Israel issued a military decision bears the number (387) 1970-5730 issued on 02.10.2003 under the title "the announcement of the closure of the seam zone No. 30/2 / h, and this decision only with the explicit embodiment of the occupation forces to join those lands isolated behind the wall of the Zionist entity ([footnoteRef:10]), and this has significant implications mean: [10: Information center-Palestinian Wafa, op. Cit.]

(1) Preventing Palestinians from staying in these areas or access to it only after obtaining a permit.(2)There are no restrictions on the "Israeli" to enter those areas, but it is the right of their rights, and tourists are allowed to freely enter those areas and this means that these areas is an integral part of the Zionist entity. (3) There's not contained in the resolution states that "Israel" granting permits for Palestinians to enter these zones or respect for such permits have been in the case granted . c.Because of these procedures and complexities across torment barriers state of disintegration and social isolation became described feature on the people of that region, and remained a security visit a relative or sick or attend the funeral will by the mood of occupation soldiers at the checkpoints, as a result was forced approximately 2.80% of the individuals residing west of the wall to change places of residence and leave their homes and agricultural land, and 90.70% of families west of the wall deprived of visiting parents and relatives, and 30.60% of the households or one of its members in the affected localities separated from her relatives. ([footnoteRef:11]) [11: Al-Quds Open University Magazine, p. 271.]

d.They did not stop at that but exceeded to prevent Palestinians from Al Wasl to cultural positions, and impeding the tourist traffic between the incident in the north and south of the Palestinian cities, especially to isolate the holy city from the West Bank Jerusalem Envelope, which we talked about earlier and restrict Palestinians from visiting temples and sacred places, whether Muslims or Christians , and the city of Bethlehem archaeological located in the south, which is contrary to the ethics of the World Tourism concepts, there are also many archaeological sites that have taken place in the wall scale leading to isolated or destroyed, as happened with ''cave Atlanta'' in ''Alzawya'' which were completely destroyed, and this Business contrary to the effects of Law No. 51 of 1966 in force in the Palestinian territories and the Hague Convention of 1954 for the protection of cultural heritage during the armed conflict, and the International Convention for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1970. ([footnoteRef:12]) [12: Madhoun Rania, op. Cit.]

e."Human Rights," the Organization of American human rights according to a message sent to the US president that the apartheid wall trajectory and procedures leads to the violation of Palestinian human rights in the movement which threatens their ability to access to important to their lives, such as food, water and medical and education services resources, and leads to isolated localities from their land and farms .

f.The impact on the educational process.There are some facts must be found to determine the indicators on the impact of the wall on the educational process: (1) The wall of racism and the violation of international and humanitarian law and all that business results in childhood and affects their rights.

(2) The responsibility of defending and maintaining children in isolated and other areas are not exclusive Palestinian responsibility, but the responsibility of a large premium of which is located on the international institutions and the international community.

(3) There are 16 Directorate under the Ministry of Education, 0.9 of which is directly affected by the wall and suffer from exhaustion and daily assaults by settlers and Israeli soldiers, leading to weakness of their education because of the dispersion of their attention as a result of fatigue and exhaustion, anxiety, tension and fear of risk.

(4) 7 Directorates of Education in some of its schools suffer from the wall directly and the number is 48 school.

(5) The number of mobile students through the gates of the wall during the school year 2009/2010 (1228) students.

(6) Reached the highest number of students to be transported through the gates of the wall between the year 2003 - 2010 (1726) student. ([footnoteRef:13]) [13: Ministry of Education, the Racial Impact of the Wall and the expansion of the educational process, 2012, p. 6]

c. The impact on the health sector. The health sector in the West Bank is also not spared from the negative effects because of the apartheid wall, while all international laws and norms emphasizes the lack of barriers to this sector in any case, and in many cases, complications led to the movement of people to the death of a person as he waited in front of one of the gates in the hope of being allowed to occupation soldiers pass to the nearest medical center for treatment, according to a study issued by the Media Institute of the Palestinian health policy that 20% of child deaths were caused by the apartheid wall and checkpoints scattered. ()

d.The wall barrier physically prevents the citizens of the rural population in the areas through which the wall of access to health centers in the cities for treatment, this causes the wall in the collapse of health services for 16 percent of the West Bank population living in those areas. ()

e.Constitute the opening times built on apartheid wall also gates health hazard potential for farmers and workers in isolated areas behind the wall, being the only open for short periods and then shut down and there is no soldiers to open the gate in the event of a work accident or a citizens exposed to snakebite remains unchanged these people stranded until the next open the gate without the arrival of any first aid, except in exceptional and rare cases until they are drawing the attention of passers-by a patrol to open the gate .

f.Through the study conducted by Polls and Survey Studies Center at An-Najah National University were published in Al-Quds Open Avril University Magazine in 2004 describes the results of the study that 36.30% of respondents worsened their health because of the wall, while at the provincial level results were as follows: 79.60% in the Bethlehem governorate, 56.40% in Qalqilya, 46.20% in the Hebron governorate, 46% in Salfit, 37.90% in Tulkarm, 35% in Jericho, 30.80% in the Jerusalem governorate, 27.10% in Nablus 0.21 % in Jenin, 3.30% in Tubas, 11.60% in the Ramallah governorate. () g.The same obstacles that are placed in front of citizens and deny them access to medical centers for treatment are placed in front of medical personnel and ambulances, resulting in the late arrival of the health service to those in need in a timely manner, especially emergency ones.

Apartheid Wall settlement relationship

1.The apartheid wall of the most serious forms of settlement and the largest, represents two forms of settlement, at a time devouring the wall Vast areas have included 107 settlements out of 199 are built on West Bank land, as well, but it serves the "Israeli" ideas that rejects the 1967 borders limits an independent Palestinian state and serves to protect the settlement blocs built on West Bank territory. ([footnoteRef:14]) also stems from the gravity of confiscation of the most important necessities of life such as water and agricultural land fertile. [14: Ibrahim Bilal, Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Master Thesis, An-Najah National University, 2010, p. 125.]

2.American expert for the Israeli settlement "Jeffrey Orson finds that the construction of the wall process is the stage most decisive and important in the Israeli settlement projects since the 1967 war, and asserts that" Ariel Sharon, "which began to build the apartheid wall still refuses any ideas aimed at resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict through settlement based on Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, and emphasizes that, "Ron Nahman," the mayor of the settlement of "Ariel", south of Nablus in the saying: (The wall map that I see now is the same map that you see her since 1978 during all visits carried out by the "Sharon" to "Ariel" He told me he was thinking -haron- this plan since 1973), and this confirms that the Israeli disengagement plan was part of the Zionist schemes for a long time. ([footnoteRef:15]) [15: Jeffrey Arnson, separation plan interim Israeli-border fee for Palestine, Journal of Palestine Studies, GS 55, Summer 2003, p 77.]

3.We mentioned in the first section of the first chapter that the wall has worked to divide the West Bank into three sections, and through the study of the facts of settlements we see that:

a. The eastern section of the wall comes to the protection of the Jordan Valley settlements that have been built in the framework of making the Jordan Valley border region with Jordan for security defensible borders and through it all, "Israel", in addition to the vitality of this region and its importance given the climate of the features that makes it the most important agricultural areas as they contain large water stocks.

b. Western Conference, which was established along the Green Line came to protect the settlement projects set up to control the fertile agricultural land groundwater rich, and even serve as a barrier separating Palestinian towns inside the Green Line from the villages in the West Bank. ([footnoteRef:16]) [16: Bilal Jaber, op. Cit., P. 77-78.]

4.By tracking the route of the barrier in the West Bank we see that it has achieved most of the goals of Sharon's historical strategy, namely:a. Israel retain strategic control over the entire area between the Jordan and the Mediterranean River.b. The separation of the Arab population in Jordan and Egypt for their brothers in Palestine by land controlled by the "Israel" or inhabited.c. Separating Palestinians from each other by the limits are based on the settlement blocs.d. The territorial contiguity of the Palestinian areas in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip by a small number of bridges and tunnels, and in the Jerusalem area through a circular path.

The Impact Of The Wall On The Final Status Issues

5."Shaul Mofaz," the Minister of the Israeli army to the British Guardian newspaper in March 2003 stated that the Government of Israel crystallized the vision of a Palestinian state is divided into seven cantons in the major cities are all closed by the Israeli army and isolated from the rest of the West Bank, where will be divided into four main blocks, and these changes on the West Bank map drawn by the apartheid wall will create a new reality that has a direct impact on the final status of Jerusalem, borders, settlements, water and refugees issues. a.We talked in the first quarter from the wall place around the city of Jerusalem, "Jerusalem envelope" and the new reality that will create the wall of the city in order to Judaize and isolate it, so that the city becomes surrounded by settlements and Jewish areas of each side are difficult to evolve as the capital of the Palestinian state, and to achieve greater Jerusalem theory and stifle the development of Jerusalem Palestinian and prevent natural extension, in addition to the annexation of neighborhoods "Ma'aleh Adumim" and "Givat Ze'ev" and all settlements outside the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem, and output pushed the villages and communities so that they become outside the boundaries of the city of Jerusalem. ()

b.At the level of the border of the apartheid wall works on demarcation of the border on the ground which constitutes a violation of international law and international resolutions that are considered the territory of the West Bank is occupied territory, despite denials by Israeli officials to this idea, but the enormous cost of the project wall and size of the huge tracts that straight incompatible with the idea it is a temporary measure and will be removed when a final settlement on the border. However, deliberately "Israel" to build a wall in some areas differs from the basic wall structure and limited to build a fence of barbed or cement blocks wires are installed side by side, and perhaps this difference in the wall structure suggests that the area of demarcation is still open in some areas, with the possibility of resorting to the idea of land put forward in the Camp David negotiations in 2000. exchange ()

c.In the case of the settlements is a wall a satisfactory solution and satisfy a large number of settlers, the fact that the wall will include a large number of settlements, and Tangier's pool "Ma'aleh Adumim" of the most dangerous settlement blocs in the West Bank, because it is within the Jerusalem Governorate and works to isolate it, as well as Geography poses a threat to continue the northern West Bank to the south, which is an obstacle to the aspirations of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with territorial contiguity.

d.The issue of the impact of the apartheid wall on the water in the West Bank and how the work of the wall to isolate and destroy many of the water resources, and here say that as a result resolving the outstanding problems during final status negotiations, the water problem will remain a stumbling block in any Coming settlement between the two sides, but one of the most important Palestinian guarantees of these rights that the Palestinian negotiator remains sticking to its legitimate right to control the sources of water, the Israeli writer ''Ze'ev Schiff says'': "Water should be a basic principle in all settlement otherwise would be a gateway to the wars of the future." ( )

e.With respect to the most important issue, namely, the issue of refugees there may not be a direct effect of the wall on the return of refugees to their homeland and their homes and lands , but through the influence of the wall on the citizens residing on their land and how it narrows them in all aspects of their lives, in addition to the procedures, which means by outlook Israeli that there is no right of citizens residing behind him to stay, how will their view of the thousands of displaced tens of years and who were born in the Diaspora and in the Diaspora, from here Bottom line that Israel will not accept the return of the Palestinians to inhabit their homes and lands from which they were expelled in 1948 because this means the evacuation of Israel.The Apartheid Wall And The Security Of The Zionist Entity6.We've touched in the first chapter of the position of the Israeli Apartheid Wall and the Israeli including dissenting opinions, and for the following reasons:- Built on the territory of the West Bank Israeli settlements would be good targets for the Palestinians and will increase the attacks when their incomes can not penetrate the wall to get to the depth of Israel.- The wall can not be a solution to the security that it is possible to recruit Palestinian residents of cities within the Green Line or Jerusalem, giving them freedom of movement at home and access to targets in Israeli territory.- Construction of the wall will not prevent the Palestinian resistance from developing the means and methods of struggle against the Israelis, and this is what we have seen in the recent war on Gaza Where did the rockets Palestinian resistance to the depth of the Zionist entity and published horror in their ranks, as well as resorting to the use of forged documents to enter through the barriers, Proof The wall does not represent any security protection is that many of the bombers entered through checkpoints to carry out their operations.