Micquel Little, Claremont College Library, USA Faculty expertise in collection strategies: building...

Faculty Expertise in Collection Strategies Building resource sharing workflows through faculty partnerships

Transcript of Micquel Little, Claremont College Library, USA Faculty expertise in collection strategies: building...

Faculty Expertise in Collection Strategies

Building resource sharing workflows through faculty partnerships

Agenda •  Claremont Colleges Library

Overview •  Resource Sharing and Collections

Strategies •  Teagle Grant: Consortial

development of resources and engagement

•  Outcomes and integration •  Next Steps

Director of User Services and Resource Sharing [email protected]

Micquel Little

Claremont Colleges

Claremont, California

Claremont Colleges Library 7 private colleges:

5 Undergraduate Colleges 2 Graduate Institutions

Approximately 7,000 Full Time Students

Resource Sharing @ CCL

Resource Sharing @ CCL

-  Expands to include Campus delivery

-  Expands to include Document Delivery

-  Expands to include absorption of local shared catalog requests

Resource Sharing @ CCL -  Staff expand to include

cross-training across division

-  Collaborations with Acquisitions begins with ebook requests

-  Financial system training for future collaborations and budget management

Resource Sharing @ CCL -  Teaching librarian

collaborations begin for integrated information literacy in resource sharing

-  Continued collaborations with Acquisitions for purchase on demand of physical books

-  Faculty engagement in POD process begins with focus groups and testing

Resource Sharing @ CCL

-  Continued collaborations with Acquisitions for purchase on demand of physical books

-  Faculty engagement in POD process begins with focus groups and testing

Collections Strategies @ CCL Current processes –

traditional buying auto-ship/slips

Librarian involvement – traditional buying sporadic

Faculty engagement sporadic


5C Consortial Grant This project will bring faculty from across the colleges together, working collaboratively to engage in advising the library in improving its tools and venues of communication to build collections.

5C Consortial Grant Colleagues involved –

Collections Teaching Librarians Resource Sharing

Strategy for 3 meeting completion – Focus Group discussion Tool testing Focus Group discussion

Focus Group One Current Process Challenges

•  Hard to find suggestion form

•  Expertise difficult to share •  Easier to buy themselves •  Not often think of the

library and their role in building collections

Testing The combined form

•  One form – easy to find •  Suggestions vs

Recommendations •  Buying vs Borrowing

The new form

Focus Group Two New Process Opportunities

-  Review book first -  Option to offer expertise if

difficult to obtain through obscure publishers, etc.

-  Option to purchase while traveling and be reimbursed by library upon return

-  Easy to access form in multiple places Add this title to the Claremont collection: Yes or No

Next Steps •  Add ISBN Search •  Communication with more faculty •  Completed implementation of new changes with

new website •  Routine reports and assessment for librarians and

faculty •  Extension to graduate and undergraduate students

Image credit: https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/30/11/30/240_F_130113095_49KHrPJrPK2hh4ukRfD4AxIedxjkZHrU.jpg