Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die

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  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    But was didappointed that all you sent over was a couple of grpahs that not interst ed in

    Neverthe less yourcomments on tariffs resonated with me so I think we agree on the nature ofthe problemds we are f beingwe face

    Lnce Rndersbee a name ki am familiar with he and theCECcountry intoi an indeoendent economicsystem

    !he biggrst break the strangkllehold that the main political partuies "nless the voterts canbe persuded to

    !here isowing resentment

    Copy to send it will be returned

    #rior to the $ede%ral redistribution of electorates my member in Riverina was &ichael&cCormack 'e betrayed Riverina relating to &(B) and water many times 'e did it againwhen we were advocating the Bradfield *cheme when we wanted water for &enindee Lakes+Broken 'ill and the (arling River

    &onths later &ichael broke his silence and said that it was Coalition policy to use waterwhere it falls !he contention of the independent for $arrer , me , and the R")# candidatefor $arrer is that there is enough water from the Bradfield *cheme for -ueensland )N(

    N*. Especially if the Reid *cheme is also brought into play

    This went to Michael McCormack the member for Riverina.

    This is a question which ve People Power Groups are asking of

    each of their members

    !ase" on#. $oe %ocke&'s statement that (.#) G*P growth is nee"e"

    to prevent "ebt from increasing.

    +. The attache" ,ustralian !ureau of -tatistics ,!-/

    pro0ection that G*P growth will not e1cee" +.2) up until


    *oes this mean that "ebt will continue to climb at least until

    +3+3 an" that a balance" bu"get b& +3+# is impossible4'

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Michael never answers an" "i" not answer #( "ebate

    challenges. The results of "ebate challenge #5 is shown in 6ou

    tube as Meeting with 7e"eral Member "espite tra8c noise.'

    ,lso on 6ou Tube are Presi"ential st&le "ebates with 7e"eral

    member.' There are "ebates # an" +.

    The ama9ing thing is that in the local newspaper this member

    who no one knows an" who never answers an&one has the

    cre"entials to lea" the :ationals.'

    ;a& %ull his pre"ecessor as member for Riverina an" $ohn

    -harp< a former transport Minister in the %owar" Government

    both believe Mr. McCormack has what it takes to potentiall&

    lea" the part& after its current lea"er =arren Truss retires.'

    This woul" make him *eput& Prime Minister of ,ustralia. =hen >

    wante" him to make contact with !arnab& $o&ce who > blame

    for killing the ?alencia orange in"ustr&/ he ha" one of his

    min"ers sen" me a letter that Michael an" > have no reason to

    communicate. =hat "o the& know about him that > "o not4 >

    coul" a"" an& information the& might have into m& book "ue to

    be publishe" in a few months .

    !o1 @5AGri8th +@23

    Phone 3+@A@++(@3kurrimanBhotmail.com

    #(th$anuar& +3#@

    *ear Michaelnvolving the new Minister for >n"ustr& #(.#3.#

    Re#) G-T vs 7lat Ta1

    The whole of the new electorate of 7arrer along the Murra&River fruit growing region is incense" b& no response relating tocarben"a9im.

    The new political issue is whether or not to increase G-T to#). This takes me back to the time when $ohn %owar" was

    preparing the nation for G-T. The main "issenting voice was anup an" coming political "&namo who also ha" a strong polic& ofa government controlle" bank. %er name is Pauline %anson.

    M& assessment is that the consummate politician $ohn %owar""i" not want to be seen arguing with the likes of Pauline. %esolve" that b& bran"ing her as a racist an" sooling his attack"og onto her.

    Pauline went to prison an" the attack "og went on to becomePrime minister.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    6ours faithfull&n"ustr&

    Enanswere" *ebate Challenges6ou shoul" know # to #3 b& now so we can reFstart thenumbering

    D.Glor& without power F Chinese Coal Compan& #D.D.#2. -aving our steel in"ustr& 2.2.#A.=arren< !arnab&< &ou an" 5D visas #@.2.##3. 7ace to face "ebate #A.A.###. =e opt out of ne =orl" *omination 5.#3.#

    There are so man& warning signs of what is happening

    to ,ustralia. > blame the political "ecisions which

    starte" in #AD3. M& plan is to get at the three weakest

    politicians H !arnab& $o&ce< Michael McCormack an"

    Christopher P&ne. > have publishe" a book about

    !arnab&. !ooks relating to the other two are in


    The most urgent is ,ustralia Manufacturing is making

    the Transition to >nnovative >n"ustr&.' bviousl& the&

    are not communicating so > have been re"uce" to

    "ebating with a han" hel" puppet in the form of a

    rabbit with a split personalit&. -ometimes he is 6oung

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Michael' an" he pro0ecte" a plan to almost return the

    bu"get to balance in +3#@. That is shown as

    attachment > an" was ver& ambitious. Goo" tr& 6oung


    > am tr&ing to show Christopher Rabbit that we are

    facing a !anana Republic refer attachment >>/ situation

    an" ,ustralia might be hea"ing for ever increasing "ebt

    as shown in attachment >>>. M& "ouble bunger question

    to his namesake Christopher P&ne is

    #. >s the >n"ustr& Ministr& able to pro"uce a "iagramsimilar in format to the attachments representingtheir pro0ections for the ,ustralian econom&4

    +. >f the& able to pro"uce this< woul" the& publish it4

    6ours faithfull& want to a"" are

    )mateurish films appear on 8ou !ube as

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    ReAuired Revenue )ctual Revenue

    (ebt without the interest component

    &y $ederal member

    &ichael &cCormack=s minder sent a message that we should no longercommunicate which is leading to this book

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    /ood )fternoon young &ichael+ It is good to see you again

    /ood afternoon Brian+ what have you got there?

    !his is the cover of my ne4t book !hings are really crook .e have to implorepeople not to vote for your namesake &ichael &cCormack

    !hat is a bit harsh .e discussed dropping to 0 /(# growth yesterday !hat

    is Dust a low point !here will be a big bounce from here

    8oung &ichael+ I want to show you what I tried to get the other &ichael to taketo Ian &acfarlane and 9oe 'ockey on 31th&ay 023 !his diagram showed thatas long as the actual revenue was fell below needed revenue that the debt wouldremain )s the two got closer together the slope of the curve would decrease

    I understand that

    !he problem+ young &ichael+ was that /(# growth got lower so theactual net revenue got further away and the slope of the curveincreased .hen we dropped to 0 /(# growth the slope of thecurve got much steeper 8our namesake does not want to even thinkabout this

    I am sure that he will talk to you soon because the China $ree !rade)greement and the !## will improve everything

    I know that the other &ichael+ )ndrew Robb+ *cott &orrison and&alcolm !urnbull will say that but )ndrew Robb said that in the pastthree years he has negotiated three trade deals and we have sunk tothe lowest /(# growth ever (oesn=t that tell you something?

    8ou do not understand Brian !hese are much bigger

    (oesn=t that mean that the problems will be bigger?

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    No way .e are living in times of huge opportunity @ur country willgrow strongly

    8oung &ichael+ you are starting to sound like a politician .e have tohave a commercial break now I want you to sketch in the movementsfor /(# growth for the ne4t four Auarters leading to thee ne4telection

    !hat commercial break was for Bunnings )re thy relations of yours?8ou have shown steady growth but what do you feel that the other&ichael would be prepared to say instead of leaving it to a rabbit

    I have Dust had a signal from my producer &ichael I want to sincerelyapologise for any inferences I have made I want to publically statethat I think that you are smarter than most of the politicians we have!he really sobering thought is that even with the steady growth youhave shown the target of F3 will not be achieved so that the debtcurve will not even flatten out

    &ichael+ do you think that *cott &orrison would understand that eventhenG

    3 (ebt would continue to climb but at a lower rate0 !here should be an accompanying curve for the huge interest

    componentF !hat a return to surplus even by 0232 is e4tremely un likely

    Michael< > woul" like to return to an item from


    !rian < m& hea" is spinning. > am not as ol" an" as

    e1perience" as &ou can be stop there.

    6es< ; Michael but for -cott Morrison an" Christopher

    P&ne > woul" appreciate &ou in"icating that > "isagree

    with -cott that we onl& have a spen"ing problem not a

    revenue problem . ur revenue is far too low. The&

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    shoul" be thinking about a "ollar 1e" at @3 cents or

    less< countervailing "ut& as accepte" b& the =orl"

    Tra"e rganisation =T/< opening the barrages at the

    Kower Kakes to provi"e more irrigation water an" more.

    you .hat do you feel it will be for the ne4t four Auarters uo p until th e0231election

    .ith the China $ree !rade and th e!## it will go up at least

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    I know all of that .hat you do not know Brian is that &alcolm !urnbullagrees with the professor at &onash "niversity in Churchill Hictoria whosaidG

    conteste"the :-= -tate election in +3#. ,"rian Piccoli "o"ge" me all

    the wa&. > observe" the Canning b&Felection. The in"epen"ent

    was "o"ge" an" also belittle" b& main stream me"ia. > will be

    contesting the 7e"eral election in +3#@ as an in"epen"ent.

    ,bout a &ear ago a min"er of Michael McCormack sent a

    message that there woul" be no more communication between


    > know that he will use the same evasive tactics. M& "ream was

    for Presi"ential t&pe "ebates. > sent #( "ebate challenges but

    the& were all ignore". *ebate challenge #5 was a face to face

    meeting at his Gri8th :-= o8ce on +@ th-eptember. M&

    amateur camera was traine" on his "oor. >nstea" > foun"

    m&self "ebating with a Chinese ma"e han" puppet in the form

    of a rabbit. %is name is Michael.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    "o not un"erstan" how the :ew =orl" is evolving.


    !o1 @5AGri8th +@23

    Phone 3+@A@++(@3kurrimanBhotmail.com

    5thctober +3#*ear MichaelM7 an" !anks #3..#

    5.Esing the -&stem an" Corruption #D..#.*o we live in a "emocrac&4 >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact

    +5..#@. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    6ou chose not to answer "ebate challenge number #5 atyour /riffith office on 01th*eptember I had my camera and foundmyself debating with a Chinese made hand puppet in the form of arabbit !hat film is now in *ocial &edia

    $rom now on I will not have to present details !he hand puppet willbe given the agenda relating to each title !he $ederal election in0231 should be e4tremely interesting


    Brian &ills

    The perfect solution has been foun". There will be

    "o9ens of "ebates on 6ou Tube an" 7ace !ook between

    >n"epen"ent can"i"ate !rian Mills an" Michael he

    han" puppet rabbit/ McCormack.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    /ood morning Brian+ it is a pleasure to work with you but I do have a smallconcern that you might be trying to trick me

    &ichel+ I am sorry that you feel that way but let us summarise yesterday=ssession 8ou agreed that )ustralia=s current account has deteriorated since 3672

    8es+ I did

    8ou agreed that rural farm debt has increased from 5ero in 3672 to more than72 bn now

    8es and I really feel for farmers because of that

    8ou agreed that )ustralia=s /(# growth of 0 is a disaster

    8es but there is no way that I am going to say that it has been caused by thereduction in tariffs and successive free trade agreements

    &ichel+ you are nice looking young fella 8ou also want you to be known foryour logical thinking .hat do you think is the reason for terrible /(# growth?

    It is because of the mess that the Labor #arty left us

    &ichael+ no .hen I paid 3%22 for you+ I realised that you were made inChina but I did not realise that you were engrained with a Coalition mentalityLet me take you back to the time when your namesake &ichael &cCormackand I had some of our last conversations !hat was before his minders said thatwe should not communicate &ichael had arranged for Ian &acfarlane to writeto me Ian proudly said that in 0230 )ustralia=s e4ports were F22bn I told&ichael to tell him that they should g have been %2bn In his budget 9oe

    'ockey said that he was now the !reasurer and that the budget would balance(o you remember that &ichael?

    8es I do .e were on top of the world .e were the envy of the (eveloped.orld E4cept for a hostile *enate+ none of what is happening now would behappening Even from this low point if we have a China $ree !rade )greementand then when we sign off on the !rans #acific #artnership we will get Dobs+

    Dobs+ Dobs

    &ichael+ you really are representing &ichael &cCormack perfectly I want totake you through some baby steps starting with the information from Ian

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    &cCormack Referring to this diagram , it is all about revenue It has alwaysbeen about revenue I want you , cute little &ichael > to get this informationthrough &ichael &cCormack to *cott &orrison @r from you+ young &ichael+straight to *cott &orrison *cott said

    about revenue= &ichael+ get the message through 8es it is about containingcosts )N( about insufficient revenue

    .e no longer have an oil refinery+ we no longer have much manufacturing .ewill soon have no car manufacturing Instead of using our abundant suppliesof coal we are subsidising :using ta4payer money; solar and wind .e pay forimported food :at low cost; but our agricultural wealth is waning :as farm debtincreases e4ponentially;

    &ichael+ what do you say about that

    I know all of that .hat you do not know Brian is that &alcolm !urnbullagrees with the professor at &onash "niversity in Churchill Hictoria whosaidG

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    )bout a week ago there was a film posted in 8ou !ube with a lot of trafficnoise !o>day we in the Auiet studio of Radio Independent &y ambition is tohave a series of )merican #residential type debates with &ichal &cCormack

    !o help me the rabbit , whose name is > &ichael is in the studio with me

    /ood afternoon+ do you mind if I call you &ichael?

    !hat is very acceptable as long as I can call you Brian

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    8es but there can be lots of reasons

    Like what?

    !he effect of carbenda5im in imported orange concentrate !he effectof the reduction in irrigation water

    I accept that they contribute to these .e need to debate what you aredoing about it

    I believe that tariff reduction is a larger contributor than the otherscombined .e need to discuss all of these Auestions

    !his is all too much for me in one session I need to get back to you

    &ichael+ that is what you kept saying at our previous meeting .hencan all of these be discussed later? I will amend my list ofoutstanding debate items and try and assign time tables

    &ichael+ you are a cute little fella I also like your spirit 8ou front up

    for a debate even though you know that the pressure is on you

    8ou have already committed yourself to at least three more debatesrelating to tariff reduction > the morphing of tariff reduction into"niversal $ree !rade and the < claimed to be deadly= free tradeagreements and the final straws the China $ree !rade )greement andthe !## 8ou have committed to at least one session relating to

    banking !here are two relating to irrigation water and the very

    contentious symbolic crossing of the floor !here is another on theshielding of Barnab y 9oyce from the carbendaim issues+ another on&ichael &cCormack=s as #arliamentary *ecretary to the &inister for$inance when )ustralia was plunged into debt !here could be anongoing session about &ichael &cCormack=s current position as)ssistant &inister to the (eputy #rime &inister !here could be asession limited only to &ichael &cCormack=s obsession with theresponse

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    more debatete realting to

    I have Doined the dots and have seen some correlations but Dust need to to

    determine if we are on common ground - F

    =No+ I do not want to make a connection=

    I understand @ here is a different Auestion Can you accept that at 0 /(#growth that we are an all time low for )ustralia No+ I do not know that it is anall time low and I cannot make the comparison

    @ &ichael+ I want to ask two different types of Auestions -

    Is this a trap? No it is not a trap but tiit could be a turning point in ourdiscussion !his graph is of great conern to all of uisNo+ Can you accept that these )ustralian Bureau of *tatistics figures arecorrect?Brian+ let me make this clear I can accept that the graph is correct and the

    Nationals are doing what they can to reverse this situation'ow can you e4plain the the relewntless erosion olf each of th ekindiactions Ihave mentioned?

    !here are a lot of reasons for it which have nothinbg to to do with tariffreductoion?

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Like whatI will get back to you&icahael+ this wads your resonse on 8ambil *trret th eother day@bviously you do not want to continue at present but I would like to ask a few

    more Austions for a later interview -7 to -32!o1 @5A

    Gri8th +@23Phone 3+@A@++(@3

    kurrimanBhotmail.com(th ctober +3#

    Christopher P&ne

    Member for -turtc.c *arren Chestert cause" us

    to lose our oil rening capabilit&. >t has cause" us to

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    almost lose our steel in"ustr& !ET it is up to &ou to

    save it.

    Christopher< as "iscusse" earlier &our portfolio is

    -cience< >nnovation an" >n"ustr&. >n the email of +n"

    ctober it refers to over a million manufacturing 0obs

    in transition the current bu99 wor"/ to innovative

    in"ustr&. 6ou will nee" to rel& heavil& on &our ,ssistant

    Minister for >nnovation. The Member for Kongman

    cannot call on operational e1perience an" it is note"

    that his qualications inclu"e atten"e" Matthew

    7lin"ers ,nglican Collegeon the -unshine Coast< an"

    stu"ie" at MelbourneNs Ka Trobe Eniversit&before

    returning to his home state to stu"& political science

    an" international relations at the Eniversit& of

    Jueenslan". %e has not complete" a tertiar&

    qualication.' =owO

    .(Qcammot call on beoing replece" b& 0obs ,s

    !o1 @5AGri8th +@23

    Phone 3+@A@++(@3kurrimanBhotmail.com

    +n" ctober +3#

    Christopher P&neMember for -turtc.c *arren Chester an"

    commenting on the statement b& one professor that

    The re"uction in taris since #AD3 has been goo" for

    ,ustralian manufacturing to minimise manpower base"tra"itional manufacturing to provi"e a transition to

    capital base" innovative in"ustr&.

    ,ttachment >> shows over a million 0obs lost an"

    replace" b& F as Malcolm Turnbull tells us H innovative

    architects winning high value contracts in China. This

    might gain us +3 or even #33 0obs. > know rst han"

    from m& e1perience in working on a similar process in

    $apan man& "eca"es ago. Countries like $apan an"

    China will pa& top "ollar for qualit& work. Then the&

    cop& what the& have pai" for an" train thousan"s of

    their own people to work on an" even improve on what

    we have proven we can pro"uce but cannot make our

    countr& get the full benet. =e cannot achieve this

    with the politicians we have at present. That is wh& we

    have forme" our group Minor Part& an"Lor

    >n"epen"ents !alance of Power.'

    The blame for what will almost certainl& transpire will

    not be carrie" b& the Prime Minister but from people

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    like Christopher P&ne. *arren Chester< !ruce !illson

    an" the like.

    6ours faithfull& was living in Morwell "uring the

    last 7e"eral election > ma"e a bumper sticker an" >still have some of them/ where > was challenging &ou

    an" -ophie Mirabella to a "ebate relating to the steep

    "ecline in emplo&ment in manufacturing. There will be

    "iagrams in web sites for Gippslan" an" -turt.

    !efore Michael McCormack F m& member for Riverina F

    stoppe" talking to me< he arrange" for >an Macfarlaneto sen" me a letter. That le" to e1changes between

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    members of the >n"ustr& portfolio an" me. The

    "ierences in economic un"erstan"ing between us

    were ver& wi"e.

    Christopher< > look forwar" to "iscussions with &ou. >f

    there is no response< the issues will be presente" on

    web sites an" shown in -ocial Me"ia.

    6ours faithfull& sai" that > woul" write a letter to the ,ssistant Minister

    to the *eput& Prime Minister

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Regar"s wasunable to arrange another appointment through &ourMorwell o8ce. The Katrobe ?alle& I1press' woul" notpublish m& open letter to &ou This is all recor"e"e inone of m& books inclu"ing Michael McCormack theMember for Riverina having a min"er write to me thatwe "o not nee" to communicate again.

    > "isagree about the nee" for more communication asshown b&Enanswere" *ebate Challenges

    +#. Continue "eath of ?alencias on

    #(th,ugust< +3#3 (3.5.#

    ++. %ow to survive a

    recessionL"epression @. #

    +(. *ebt< >M7 an" !anks #3..#

    +5. Esing the -&stem an" Corruption


    +. *o we live in a "emocrac&4

    >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact +5..#

    +@. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    +D. &y now have a face to face meeting calle" for this-atur"a&. > conteste" the :-= -tate seat of Murra&.,"rian Piccoli "o"ge" me all the wa&. > was a bitinvolve" with the Canning b&Felection an" the same

    situation of ignoring of the in"epen"ent an" minorparties occurre". >n %inkler Jueenslan" the& tell thesame stor&

    > forme" the 7ace !ook group Minor Part& an"Lor>n"epen"ents !alance of Power.' >t has keen an"enthusiastic followers . The group rates Gippslan" asthe most vulnerable seat in the plan for balancer of

    power in +3#@. 6ou are in the cross hairs.

    M& question now H an" > give &ou a week F is to givereasons wh& the enclose" page =atershe" 6ear #AD3'"oes not reSect what is happening to ,ustralia an" the*evelope" =orl".

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    ,"vance warning of ne1t week's question is -houl",ustralia appl& GlassF-teagall to save our bankings&stem4'

    6ours faithfull&

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    (2. *o we live in a "emocrac&4 >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il

    pact +5..#

    (A. #olicy of )drian #iccoli have been involve" with the Canning b&Felection an"

    it has taught me a lot. The publishing of m& ne1t book>s ,ustralia a True *emocrac&4' is being "ela&e" untilthe Epper %ouse enquir& into the closure of smallschool has been complete". ,"rian sa&s that he willignore it so > want to put whatever transpires into thebook. > foun" that the in"epen"ent in Canning wasignore" 0ust as > was in Murra& in :-=. This means thatthe same will happen in the 7e"eral election in +3#@.

    M& 7ace !ook group is making goo" progress. > wasinvite" onto another group who have a &oung la"& whofoun" a program to "evelop web sites. ,fter a slow start> have now "evelope" seven inclu"ing Riverina an"Canning. > "o not want to be left "angling again so >want to challenge to a face to face "ebate at &our o8cene1t -atur"a& +@th -eptember/ . The &oung la"& with

    the web site "esign also con"ense" m& main

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    e1planation for the "emise of ,ustralia onto one pagean" a cop& is attache". The agen"a for the "ebate is toargue the accurac& of m& assumptions inclu"ing theattache" "iagrams.

    ,ustralia cannot aor" to "rop below the all time low of+) G*P growth. Iven $oe %ocke& sai" that an&thingbelow about (.#) is nee"e" to prevent the slope of our"ebt curve from going more steepl&.

    6ours faithfull&mmigration an" report back4 >n what time frame woul"

    &ou estimate4

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    >f &es< what steps are &ou prepare" to take to present

    &our view that this is unfair to >mmigration an" in what

    time frame4

    Regar"snclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il

    pact +5..#

    @. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    @@. &y am still waiting on &ou an" =arren

    after &ou promise" at the public meeting in Gri8th on

    +Dth$ul& +3#( to respon" to m& requests.

    ,fter !arnab&'s letter to me with # points of "ierence

    &ou chose not to "iscuss the implications of his lack of

    knowle"ge of ?alencias woul" have on the future of


    Man& farmers are concerne" about them being

    responsible for checking the 5D status of those who

    work on their farms. Man& farmers use contractors.

    Representatives of >mmigration harass farmers an"

    sen" them letters. >mmigration conrms to workers that

    the& have privac& rights.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Michael "o &ou believe that this is an unfair an"

    unreasonable requirement on farmers4 >f no< are &ou

    prepare" to pass on statements b& farmers to

    >mmigration an" report back4 >n what time frame woul"&ou estimate4

    >f &es< what steps are &ou prepare" to take to present

    &our view that this is unfair to >mmigration an" in what

    time frame4

    Regar"sM7 an" !anks #3..#

    22. Esing the -&stem an" Corruption #D..#

    2A.*o we live in a "emocrac&4 >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact +5..#

    A3.#olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    A5. ,rea :ews' @.D.# ,gricultural =hite paper response


    A. Glor& without power F Chinese Coal Compan& #D.D.#

    *ear Michael want to check whether it is a

    ;atter Part& polic& to ensure that any construction contracts

    undertaken using )ustralian government funds will use )ustralian

    steel+whether it was presente" as a member's bill an" whovote" for it< who vote" against it an" who abstaine". > will be

    especiall& intereste" in the voting patterns of &ou< >an

    Macfarlane< !ruce !illson< $oe %ocke& an" Ton& ,bbott.

    Regar"slluminati' has been use" in numerous conte1ts an" has been ascribe" to a variet& of

    in"ivi"uals or groups. riginall& chosen as a name b& a #2th centur& Iuropean secret societ&< the

    mo"ern >lluminati is a wholl& "ierent creature than the !avarian >lluminati.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    To"a&< Illuminati is commonl& use" as a blanket termto "escribe the

    power elite< a relativel&small group of plutocrats who collectively own and rule our world.

    The e1act number of people making up this group an" how much control an" inSuence the& have

    over worl"l& aairs is "i8cult to "etermine< but the e1istence of the ruling class itself is wi"el&

    accepte" on both en"s of the political spectrum. This highl& organi9e" superclass works towar"s

    their own common interests whether the& be for the betterment of societ& or not.

    This sha"ow& group is at the core of all mo"ern >lluminati conspirac& theories. The group resonates

    with what the ccup& movement< a grass root organi9ation born in the aftermath of the +332

    nancial crisis< calls the ne Percent. Christian fun"amentalists an" E7 proteers often a"" their

    own twists< inclu"ing the usual canar"s of -atan worship an" bloo" sacrices< making use of the

    term >lluminati ambiguous.

    =e'll e1amine some of the most popular conspirac& theories surroun"ing the >lluminati an" look at

    their similarities an" their "ierences.

    !ut rstU

    =%,T =,- T%I !,?,R>,: >KKEM>:,T>4

    The !avarian >lluminati was a secret societ& foun"e" b& ,"am =eishaupt in #DD@. *isma&e" with

    the $esuit's "ominance in !avaria< =eishaupt foun"e" the or"er to secretl& sprea" the i"eas of

    Inlightenment within the connes of a highl& restrictive societ& without an& free"oms of speech or

    religion. !& #D2< the "espotic Ilector of !avaria ;arl Theo"ore ha" issue" his rst e"ict against

    the or"er eventuall& putting an en" to the !avarian >lluminati.

    The mo"ern use for the term >lluminati has little resemblance to =eishaupt's >lluminati. >'m

    presentl& putting together a !avarian >lluminati comic book

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    The >lluminati is a highl& secretive cabal which has been planning an" "irecting worl" events from

    behin" the scenes. Prominent members inclu"e Jueen Ili9abethV most E- Presi"ents inclu"ing

    !arack bama< George =. !ush< George %= !ush an" !ill ClintonV the Pope an" the entire ?atican

    apparatus inclu"ing the -upreme General if the $esuits< the !lack Pope. The Rothschil" an"

    Rockefeller "&nasties alwa&s have a prevalent role in >lluminati conspirac& theories< sometimes as

    "irect rivals< sometimes as partners in the enslavement of mankin".

    The >lluminati is especiall& active in the music in"ustr&. Most popular singers have at one time or

    another been labele" as belonging to the >lluminati or being puppets of the >lluminati. $a&FW< ;an&e

    =est< Rihanna< !e&oncX< Ka"& Gaga< $ustin !ieber< Michael $ackson< the !eatles have all been

    accuse" of involvement with the >lluminati. -eeTop #3 >lluminati Celebrities./

    Popular celebrities are often accuse" of selling their souls to the "evil or 0oining the >lluminati.

    =hen a celebrit& "ies< ie. %eath Ke"ger< Michael $ackson/ it was invariabl& cause" b& the


    -ome celebrities have "eci"e" to pla& on the popularit& of the illuminati an" have incorporate"

    >lluminati s&mbols into their work. $a&FW has incorporate" the ,ll -eeing e&e in the p&rami" s&mbol

    into his RocF,F7ella Recor"s's marketing image. Rihanna took a tongueFinFcheek approach to

    >lluminati rumors b& "irectl& inserting it in her own vi"eos.

    !o1 @5Anclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact


    #3#. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    #35. :o saving ,ustralia from recessionL"epression this


    #3. ,rea :ews' @.D.# ,gricultural =hite paper response


    *ear Michaelsweep it un"er the carpet. >ts eect on ,ustralia is graphicall&"escribe" in http://youtu.be/u9aHC2tSmRM

    =ith Ton& =in"sor< :ick Yenophon an" *ick -mith seeking

    opportunities it shoul" be an interesting election. M& rst two

    books are available at the Gri8th an" =agga libraries. > have

    "elivere" m& !arnab& book' to Gri8th Kibrar& to see whether it

    not too controversial .

    Regar"sC- F Ipiso"e @A@

    !o1 @5A

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Phone @A@+ +(@3kurrimanBhotmail.com

    #2th$une +3#Enanswere" *ebate Challenges

    #3@. Continue "eath of ?alencias on #(th

    ,ugust< +3#3 (3.5.#

    #3D. %ow to survive a recessionL"epression @. #

    #32. *ebt< >M7 an" !anks #3..#

    #3A. Esing the -&stem an" Corruption #D..#

    ##3. *o we live in a "emocrac&4 >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact


    ###. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    6our letter of #Ath*ecember< +3## giving the reasons wh& the

    :ationals will full& support tari re"uction even though it lea"s

    to Eniversal 7ree Tra"e an" the Trans Pacic Partnership/ le"

    me to change course after voting Countr& Part& an" the

    :ationals for @3 &ears. ,ttachment > shoul" remin" &ou of the

    one meeting we ha" in +3#5 when &our assessment of the

    cause of the inverse an" e1ponential relationshipF between

    tari re"uction an" rural farm "ebt was The weather.'

    -ince #AD3 when tari re"uction starte"< ,ustralia's "ecline in

    current account is in a "irect but seemingl& e1ponential

    relationship as shown in ,ttachment >>.

    6ou might also recall the "iagram > sent &ou soon after it was

    pro"uce" on #@th Ma& +3#5. ,t that time &ou< $oe< Ton& ,bbott

    an" man& others were claiming that the bu"get woul" balance

    in +3#@.

    There are so man& trigger points for m& book The 7ailure of the

    ,ustralian Istablishment' F the Greek situation an" its eect on

    Iurope< China nee"ing to re"uce interest rates four times since:ovember< the bursting of the propert& market in *ubai< Pueto

    Rico "eci"ing to "efault rather than pa& "ebts< ,merica

    refusing to increase interest rates< ,merica tr&ing to force the

    "ea"l& Trans Pacic Partnership onto countries like ,ustralia

    being gobble" up b& multinationals base" in the Enite" -tates.

    =ith the strong probabilit& of recessionL"epression lasting up to

    + &ears "ue to the to1icit& of unparallele" levels of unbacke"

    paper mone& an" banks a""icte" to "erivatives ,ustralia nee"s

    to at least "iscuss protectionism.

    !o1 @5Anclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il pact


    ##A. #olicy of )drian #iccoli

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    rian Mi##s

    When "onstru"tion of four 8$9 (i##ion euro to## roads a"ross :ree"e resu*ed #ast

    'ear3 :ree+ and forein (usinesses re2oi"ed$

    ;50en Letter to Mi"hae# M")or*a"+3

    ;In the Area News of 17 thJune there was a headin M! "on"eded A"t shou#d

    "hane$ %ou then a&e a## the reasons wh' 'ou wou#d not (e doin an'thin$

    ;The arti"#e in"#uded Mr M")or*a"+ , who fa*ous#' "rossed the f#oor in -.1-/ M'&ersion is that the 0art' roo* areed for 'ou to s'*(o#i"a##' "ross the f#oor to

    ha&e 'ou ree#e"ted after su"h an in#orious 0o#iti"a# (etra'a# (' the )oa#ition$ I ha&e

    ta#+ed with so*eone who is not fro* either of the *a2or 0arties who was there at the

    ti*e$ $

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    "onne"tion reard#ess of how s#iht with a *inor 0art' who I wou#d #i+e to he#0 to

    win Ci&erina$


    rian Mi##s

    De&e#o0 the North (ut do not #et the South die$

    5n T there were Ton' A((ott3 Warren Truss and arna(' Jo'"e ta#+in a(out

    de&e#o0in the North$ I ha&e a#wa's (een in fa&our usin what was a"hie&ed in the

    Murru*(idee Irriation Area FMIAG as a *anifi"ent *ode#$

    The Austra#ian ureau of Statisti"s diara* shows *u"h of NSW and "ertain#' a## of

    the MIA in de"#ine$ I ha&e written two (oo+s a(out the 0o#iti"a# (etra'a#s sin"e 17.

    whi"h ha&e "aused this$ I a* sti## waitin on a *eetin 0ro*ised (' Warren Truss at

    a 0u(#i" *eetin in :riffith NSW an -7thJu#' -.1=$ arna(' Jo'"e ensures that his

    )an(erra *inder does not et a *essae to dis"uss his #etter of Ma' -.1= with 91

    0oints of differen"e$ 5ur #o"a# *e*(er Mi"hae# M")or*a"+ arraned for his *inder

    to ad&ise that there is no need for us to "orres0ond$ I ha&e enouh aenda ite*s to

    fi## a (oo+ to (e "a##ed Mi"hae#3 do not #et us die3

    Dear Hannah3

    There is a rou0 of us who (e#ie&e that Mi"hae# M")or*a"+ "an (e (eaten at the

    ne4t edera# e#e"tion$ I wi## (e "onta"tin *'aus0arrt' in re#ation to that$ 5ne of *'

    strateies is to write a (oo+ to (e "a##ed Mi"hae#3 do not #et us die$ There is a rou0

    on a"e oo+ with that sa*e tit#e$

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    In :riffith NSW in De"e*(er -.11 there was *eetin were the residents did not

    want to ha&e irriation water ta+en awa'$ Ton' A((ott &isited to sa' that he wou#d not

    a""e0t a (ad 0#an$ Mi"hae# wrote that he was 0roud of the 0eo0#e in :riffith (e"ause

    of their stand$

    When the #eis#ation was 0resented3 Ton' A((ott rea#ised that he wanted to sa&e the

    seats of three South Austra#ian Li(era#s so he areed to the de*ands or La(or and

    the :reens$

    o( was there tr'in to sa&e the irriation water for us$$ As 'ou +now o( +nows a

    thin or two a(out 0o#iti"s$

    Now3 this is *' understandin of what ha00ened3 0art#' (ased on a #on and

    interestin te#e0hone "on&ersation I had with o( a(out a 'ear ao$ I wou#d #i+e to

    write a(out it$ I wou#d #i+e to as+ o( whether I "ou#d send a draft &ersion *entionin

    his na*e or e#se 2ust +ee0in it as hearsa'$ $

    When o( "ou#d see what was ha00enin he went to Mi"hae# M")or*a"+ to tr' to

    sa&e the situation$ o( 0resented Mi"hae# with a strate' and Mi"hae# areed$

    When Mi"hae# rea#ised that he "ou#d (e"o*e a hero he wanted to ta+e a## of the

    #or' and sto00ed ta#+in to o($

    Howe&er Mi"hae# ot ro##ed in the 0art' roo* so it was a## a(out to "o##a0se aain$

    o( "ou#d see the newest de&e#o0*ent and ot (a"+ to Mi"hae#$

    o( was ha&in a## sorts of de#a's 0ut in his wa'$ These in"#uded that the hus(and of

    Ba' Hu## Fthe ear#ier Nationa# *e*(erG was d'in so Mi"hae# "ou#d not ta#+ to o($

    Then Mi"hae#s house was (ur#ed so he "ou#d not ta#+ to o($

    To (rin e&er'thin u0 to date this is a #etter I ha&e sent to the #o"a# editor and a#so

    into a"e oo+ toda'>93... euros in re0orted 0rofit fro* #ast 'ear3 e&enthouh it sti## hasnt re"ei&ed *ost of the *one' forthe sa#es< KThe 0rofit is &irtua#K$

    !ri*e Minister A#e4is Tsi0ras "a*e to 0ower this 'ear0ro*isin to (oost the e"ono*' (' re&ersin 'ears ofwae redu"tions and other "ost "uttin that"ontri(uted to one of the (iest de0ressions in

    *odern ti*es$ He sti## ho0es to aree a dea# that

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    wou#d +ee0 aid f#owin and a&ert a defau#t (' the endof this *onth$

    ut e&en if a dea# is "#in"hed and :ree"e sur&i&es asa euro one *e*(er3 *an' "o*0anies are so(attered (' the "an"e##ation of "ontra"ts3 de#a's instate 0a'*ents and the stead' outf#ow of (an+de0osits that the' wi## stru#e to *a+e u0 for #osses$

    A""ordin to :ree"es retai#ers asso"iation3 a(out 9

    (usinesses "#ose down and so*e 81> 2o(s are (ein#ost ea"h da'$

    It sa's a(out 9 0er"ent of (usinesses a00#i"ationsfor #oans are (ein re2e"ted (' "o**er"ia# (an+s$Man' s*a## and *ediu*sied fir*s ha&e sto00ede&en as+in (an+s for "redit$


    Last 'ear3 as :ree"e neared the end of its -=. (i##ioneuro (ai#out and fi4ed its finan"es3 the e"ono*'e*ered fro* a si4'ear re"ession$ Man' "o*0aniessaw their sa#es sta(i#iin for the first ti*e3 he#0ed ('re&i&ed do*esti" de*and$

    After shrin+in (' a(out a @uarter sin"e -..3 rossdo*esti" out0ut rose (' .$7 0er"ent in -.1=$

    ut the re"o&er' started fadin #ate #ast 'ear afterthen!ri*e Minister Antonis Sa*aras 0ushed forwarda 0residentia# &ote that u#ti*ate#' triered ear#'

    e#e"tions and (rouht Tsi0rass #eftist o&ern*ent to0ower$

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    :ree+ (an+s ha&e sin"e seen de0osit outf#ows soardue to the un"ertaint'$ Cunnin out of "ash3 the state(ean to ho#d off on o&erdue 0a'*ents to su00#iers3

    addin to a #i@uidit' s@ueee$

    :aia Wines3 whi"h 0rodu"es >9.3... (ott#es of winea 'ear and e40orts 89 0er"ent to the United States3ritain and -- other "ountries3 was to (ein se##in inNew ea#and in A0ri#3 (ut the first "#ient there"an"e#ed its =3... euro order$

    K5ur wines are of ood @ua#it'$ ut 0eo0#e et s"ared(e"ause of the tur*oi#$ This is reasona(#e3K sa's "oowner Leon Baratsa#os$

    The "o*0an' has (een waitin near#' a 'ear for theo&ern*ent to res0ond to a re@uest for a""ess19.3... euros in EU funds to renew e@ui0*ent atone of its 0#ants$ The res0onse was su00osed to"o*e (' Januar' (ut ne&er "a*e3 sa's Baratsa#os$

    The (iest "ontri(ution to renewed e"ono*i"a"ti&it' wou#d "o*e fro* ettin infrastru"ture0ro2e"ts (a"+ u0 and runnin3 e"ono*ists and(usiness 0eo0#e sa'$

    :ree"e ris+s #osin EU "ofinan"in ear*ar+ed fors*a##er infrastru"ture 0ro2e"ts as 0art of a -..7-.1>EU fundin 0rora* un#ess it finds its share of "ashfor the 0ro2e"ts (' the end of the 'ear3 Sirianos fro*the :ree+ "onstru"tion fir*s asso"iation said$

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    KThe FEU fundinG 0rora* e40ires this 'ear and an'de#a' in ta00in those funds shou#d (e addressed inone wa' or another3K he said$ KIf the state doesnt 0a'

    its "ontri(ution to infrastru"ture 0ro2e"tsO$$$"ontra"tors3 0arti"u#ar#' the s*a## ones3 "annot fundthe :ree+ e"ono*'s rowth$K

    M& foun"er has let

    me be the frontman for his ne1t"ebate challenge

    to MichaelMcCormack H

    member forRiverina an"Parliamentar&

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    -ecretar& to the

    7inance Minister

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    M& foun"er trie" for two &ears to n" aprofessional investigative 0ournalist. > "o nothave much e1perience but > am keen

    That was m& investigative 0ournalist speaking. :ow thisis me. .

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    > foun" a nancialLpolitical stor& in which the rstportion prove" a point for me. The ne1t part appeare"to be controversial. > talke" it over with m&investigative 0ournalist an" we agree" to cop& it to &ouF wor" for wor". 7or most of m& life > was reall& prou" of,ustralia. M& research i"entie" four political "ecisionswhich are killing the ?alencia orange in"ustr& but therst "ecision in #AD3 H the start of tari re"uction H wasan" still is polic& of both ma0or parties is killing,ustralia.

    =hen ever $oe %ocke& sai" that ,ustralia alwa&snee"e" to borrow from overseas > "isagree" an" poste"that in 7ace !ook an" 6ou Tube but so far the messagehas not got through. %ere is m& chance. Greg Caravanwas prepare" to write it an" > am prepare" to pass iton.

    To me #AD3 was the ver& start of the rot. M& memor&was that ,ustralia rarel& borrowe" because we "i" nothave to.

    This chart from the ,ustralian bureau of -tatisticsshows the Current ,ccount. The report b& Greg in The*ail& Reckoning H ,ustralia' of #+th $une +3# starte""iscussing Greece an" their current account which he"escribe" in this wa&

    The current account represents the trade balance plus net earnings fromforeign investments. In Greeces case the current account is negativel!impacted b! a trade deficit.

    --But the problem is leaving a national currency and monetary policyin the hands of self-serving bureaucrats and politicians. Then you endup with a situation like we have in Australia.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    --That we are still running $10 billion quarterly deficits afterenjoying the biggest commodity boom in history should bedeeply concerning. But it doesnt seem to be.

    --In fact, it hasnt been cool to worry about the current account sinceaul !eating raised the banana republic issue back in "#$%. I predict, inthe ne&t few years, the banana republic will be back on the agenda.

    --'o one really seems to think its a big deal right now. And it isnt(until is it. And it will be at some point. Its )ust that no one knows wherethat point is.

    --*hen a nation runs a current account deficit, by definition it mustrun a capital account surplus too. This is just another way ofsaying foreigners finance our excess consumption.

    --The thing is, we have no control where the capital goes. +oforeigncapital coming in and buying up residential property andagricultural land is a direct result of ustralia running acurrent account deficit and consuming more than itproduces.

    --In turn, this is a direct result of butchering our manufacturing

    industry and relying e&clusively on digging up dirt and sending it tohina for our e&port income.!ow that has failed" we #export ourland and sellout our young instead.

    --+mart, hey

    --Adele erguson wrote about this the other day in The Age/

    0*ith the mining boom over and the economy struggling to transition,

    state and federal governments need to ask themselves why the so-calledclever country ranks ""1th out of "23 countries when it comes toconverting research dollars into innovation and commercial success.

    0To put it into conte&t, the 456 estimates that Australia spent aminuscule 7.338 per cent of 96 on research and development :;

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    about the long term future of this country.--6omain reportsthat Treasurer @oe ockey has a farm he owns in 'orth ueensland up

    for sale. Thats only a start as far as his familys property holdings go...

    0The property is part of Cr ockeyDs e&tensive real estate portfolioincluding a house in +ydneyDs unters ill, which was bought forover E?.% million more than a decade ago.

    0Fast year ockey sold off a separate 2"-hectare farm in Calanda forE177,777, which he had acGuired in 37"7 for E%37,777.

    0The ockey family have also turned over an additional E".1 million inreal estate since 377$, including a one-bedroom pad in +ydneyDs trendy9lebe :bought for E?"7,777 in "##?= and a two-bedroom apartment ina high-rise tower in harbour side CcCahons oint :bought forE%17,777 several years earlier=, also in +ydney.

    0ederal membersD pecuniary interests H in which politicians and theirspouses disclose personal matters from assets including real estate, tocompany directorships and hospitality perks, like airline upgradesH reveals Cr ockey has two properties to his name, including theadvertised Calanda farm.

    0Cs Babbage ed note/ his wifeJ has four properties in her name,according to the pecuniary interests list, including the unters illhome and the Calanda farm.

    --I dont begrudge anyone the opportunity to work hard and buildwealth.)f they want to do so (ia a property portfolio" go for it.But when the nations treasurer is so badly conflicted" andstands to gain so much from continued gains in propertyprices" what hope is there of reform that impro(es the mar&et

    for all ustralians'


    *reg +ana(an,"-or The aily /ec&oning" ustralia

    --I dont begrudge anyone the opportunity to work hard and build

    wealth.)f they want to do so (ia a property portfolio" go for it.But when the nations treasurer is so badly conflicted" and

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die



    ?alencias< 7inance< ,ustralia Ton& ,bbott

    =hen > came back to Gri8th to look after m& Mum >

    knew absolutel& nothing about the ?alencia orange

    in"ustr&. >f we get to "ebate item #< > will quote ;a& %ull

    sa&ing ha" some ver& goo" "iscussions with ;a& %ull

    about water. !& chance > kept a cop& of a newspaper"ate" #(T%,ugust +3##.

    =hen > starte" to realise what was happening is wh& >

    foun" the paper because a hea"ing referre" to oranges.

    =hat > rea" was "evastating. Rea"ing the same wor"s

    in +3## woul" not have meant an&thing to me. >t was

    0ust a statement of what was happening an" some ofthe reasons wh&.

    :o one H inclu"ing &ou H will talk to me. Consequentl& >

    will piece together an& of the pieces of the 0ig saw

    which > can n".

    ay told #arliamernt abpout

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    Barnaby 9oyce buit it was tony )bbott and cabinet who sent a letter saying that it was not

    acceptable I got around that when !ony )bbot all were saying that

    there would be a surplus in 0231 I showed that there was not a hope in 'ell

    $our months later 9oe announced that the budget would not reach balance for

    perhaps 02 years

    Every time 9oe says that )ustralia has always needed to borrow from overseas

    my memories were that before 3672 we did not have to I have reports earlier

    than 30th 9une 023% saying e4actly that in $ace Book and 8ou !ube

    !o>day :30th9une 023%; in

    attached graph from the )ustralian Bureau of *tatistics It appears to prove my

    recollections and I challenge you to debate it now and also on the election

    campaign trail in 0231

    /reg Canavan had been writing about the /reek problem and led ontoG

    --But the problem is leaving a national currency and monetary policy in the hands ofself-serving bureaucrats and politicians. Then you end up with a situation like we have

    in Australia.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    --That we are still running E"7 billion Guarterly deficits after en)oying the biggestcommodity boom in history should be deeply concerning. But it doesnt seem to be.

    --In fact, it hasnt been cool to worry about the current account since aul !eatingraised the banana republic issue back in "#$%. I predict, in the ne&t few years, the

    banana republic will be back on the agenda.

    --'o one really seems to think its a big deal right now. And it isnt(until is it. And itwill be at some point. Its )ust that no one knows where that point is.

    --*hen a nation runs a current account deficit, by definition it must run a capitalaccount surplus too. This is )ust another way of saying foreigners finance our e&cess


    --The thing is, we have no control where the capital goes. +o foreign capital coming inand buying up residential property and agricultural land is a direct result of Australia

    running a current account surplus and consuming more than it produces.

    --In turn, this is a direct result of butchering our manufacturing industry and relyinge&clusively on digging up dirt and sending it to hina for our e&port income. 'ow that

    has failed, we 0e&port our land and sell-out our young instead.

    --+mart, hey

    --Adele erguson wrote about this the other day in The Age/

    0*ith the mining boom over and the economy struggling to transition, state andfederal governments need to ask themselves why the so-called clever country ranks

    ""1th out of "23 countries when it comes to converting research dollars into innovationand commercial success.

    0To put it into conte&t, the 456 estimates that Australia spent a minuscule 7.338 percent of 96 on research and development :;

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    0The ockey family have also turned over an additional E".1 million in real estate since377$, including a one-bedroom pad in +ydneyDs trendy 9lebe :bought for E?"7,777 in"##?= and a two-bedroom apartment in a high-rise tower in harbourside CcCahons

    oint :bought for E%17,777 several years earlier=, also in +ydney.

    0ederal membersD pecuniary interests H in which politicians and their spouses disclosepersonal matters from assets including real estate, to company directorships and

    hospitality perks, like airline upgrades H reveals Cr ockey has two properties to hisname, including the advertised Calanda farm.

    0Cs Babbage ed note/ his wifeJ has four properties in her name, according to thepecuniary interests list, including the unters ill home and the Calanda farm.

    --I dont begrudge anyone the opportunity to work hard and build wealth. If they wantto do so via a property portfolio, go for it. But when the nations treasurer is so badlyconflicted, and stands to gain so much from continued gains in property prices, what

    hope is there of reform that improves the market for all Australians


    *reg +ana(an,"-or The aily /ec&oning" ustralia

    This "ust #ent onto Face $oo% this morning and b! &&.'' am it had () vie#s. *ou mightnot #ant me to tal% to !ou but I can tal% about !ou.

    $rian +ills

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    !o1 @5Af &ou have rea" Enanswere" *ebate Challenges toMichael McCormack this is 0ust a repeat.> wante" a better picture of the 6oogali Club sign an"also to talk more about ,ustralian *ebt.Enanswere" *ebate Challenges

    #+#. Continue "eath of ?alencias on #(th

    ,ugust< +3#3(3.5.#

    #++. %ow to survive a recessionL"epression @. #

    #+(. *ebt< >M7 an" !anks #3..#

    #+5. Esing the -&stem an" Corruption #D..#

    #+. *o we live in a "emocrac&4 >nclu"ing ChinaL!ra9il

    pact +5..#

    *ear Michaeln *ecember +3## Ton& ,bbott Sew into Gri8th to announcethat he woul" not support a ba" plan. 6ou went further an"sai"

    KI am proud of the people of /riffith

    ZThe&'ve turne" out en masse< in force< unite"< true an"soli" an" the& have given the Minister an" the ,uthorit&Chairman< an unequivocal message that noFone will pullthe economic rug out from un"erneath this regiont's high time this government starte" listening toregional ,ustralians an" starte" taking hee" of what the&

    sa&.Z=e all like to eat but these Green base" policies are nothelping those who grow the foo" to fee" this nation an"keep thousan"s of rural communities alive.[

    , Gri8th rice farmer who has been farming in the regionsince #A( sai" he saw the "raft Plan as a ma0or threatto his future b& proposing to slash irrigation water b&

    about (3 percent which woul" "ecimate primar&pro"uction in the southern !asin communit&.

    .hen the bill came to the #arliament the Coalition meekly gave in toLabor and the /reens when !ony )bbott realised that he wanted tosave three *outh )ustralian seats including that of *imonBirmingham &y further contention that it was a Coalition plan tohave you symbolically cross the floor is supported by a prominentmember of #arliament who made freAuent contact with you at that

    time of what I consider to be political betrayal

    8ou had a different view because on 07th)ugust 023 you wroteG

    (arling Basin #lan In doing so Iwas able to get a commitment from the Coalition that water buy backswould be capped at 3+%22 gigalitres should we form /overnment=

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    !hree years have passed and on 06th&ay 023%you wrote in the

    In all of that time the cost to the region has been enormous 8ou hadcompletely changed sides since crossing the floor and wrote to me on07th )ugust 023G

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    The M*!, representative was also quote" as sa&ingThe Riverina en"ure" the greatest structural change inthe entire Murra&F*arling !asin.'

    %ere is &et another "ebate item. > conteste" the :-=election with a polic& of opening the barrages to thelower Kakes as soon as the base of Kock Wero a weir/has been constructe" su8cientl& to prevent sea wateregress up stream from the lock.

    The member "i" not allow an& "ebate "uring theelection campaign. M& estimates are that the actioncoul" be complete" as soon as si1 months an" thata""itional farmer income coul" be at least \#3m perannum.

    Regar"sncl ChinaL!nra9il+5..#

    *ear Michael were at the same place at the same time

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    was at the Meet the Can"i"ates. There are man& issues

    > ha" an" the& have been liste" an" are available.

    > inten" stan"ing as an in"epen"ent for Riverina an"

    am afrai" that that the same thing will happen. 6ou

    phone" to sa& that > can onl& talk to &ou about things

    which &ou 0u"ge are completel& new.

    >n late +3## we ha" a number of "iscussions but when >

    receive" &our letter of #Ath*ecember +3## that marke"

    the last time > inten"e" to vote :ational after @3 &ears

    of voting Countr& Part& an" :ational. >t was obviousthat the :ationals woul" never var& from re"uction of

    taris which morphe" into Eniversal 7ree Tra"e.

    >t is m& contention that tari re"uction basicall& kille"

    ,ustralian manufacturing. >t is m& contention that it has

    re"uce" the percentage of G*P of agriculture to about

    +) from about #) in the#A3s. >t is "oing nothing toprevent the "emise of ?alencia oranges.

    M& most recent "esire for a "ebate relates to the recent

    Government statements on the benets of a free tra"e

    agreement with China. , few "a&s ago two !R>C-

    nations China an" !ra9il reache" an agreement as

    shown)hinas 6A9 (i##ion sta+e in rai#s iron ore se"tor 0uts Austra#iane40orters on noti"e$

    The rai#ian "o*0an' a#e now "an fund a 618 (i##ion e40ansionof its iron ore *ines$

    The dea# a#so saw )hinese in&est in se&era# of a#es iant iron ore"arriers3 shi0s that "an "arr' &ast#' *ore resour"es and redu"e

    trans0ort "osts (' around -9 0er "ent$

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    In 2ust a few 'ears3 rai#s a#e "o*0an' wi## (e 0rodu"in *orethan H! i##iton and Cio Tinto "o*(ined$

    KThe )hinese ha&e 0ut in a re&o#&in #ine of "redit for a#e of a(out

    6A9 (i##ion3K said the "hair of the Austra#ian Latin A*eri"anusiness )oun"i#3 Jose #an"o$

    I wou#d #i+e to de(ate that Austra#ia shou#d (e fo##owin 0#ans toenerate re&enue e&en if it *eans so*e se#e"ti&e tariffs or"ounter&ai#in dut' as a""e0ted (' the Wor#d Trade 5ranisationFWT5G$

    %ou "hoose not to "o**uni"ate with *e$ I wi## "ontinue to ta#+

    a(out 'ou and issue de(ate "ha##enes to 'ou on So"ia# MediaRegar"s invite" the newl& forming Countr& Part& to contest the

    :-= election of particular interest was a polic& of

    NGovernment has a responsibilit& to intervene where

    free markets fail.N

    Michael< this is of special interest to the "ebate which > wantwith &ou more than an& other

    NThe new part& is preparing to release polic& relating to countervailing "ut&

    C*/. The =orl" Tra"e rganisation allows C*s as mechanism to mitigateagainst subsi"ise" imports.N

    a it was there was a special rewar" when The small print of the

    Trans Pacic Partnership 7ree tra"e ,greement gives

    corporations the power to sue governments in some situations.

    >t is suggeste" that this coul" appl& if a government "oes not

    allow them to make prots at levels which the& "eem to be

    acceptable to them.

    A wide-reaching trade agreement between the United States and several Asian nations could

    have catastrophic repercussions for climate change, including giving corporations the power to

    sue governments that try to limit polluting industries, environmental groups say.

    In order to avoid dangerous climate change, scientists estimate that 80 percent of the worlds

    fossil fuels need to remain in the ground. !ut coal, natural gas, and oil left in the ground means

    pro"ts left on the table for fossil fuel companies. And under the proposed #rans-$aci"c

    $artnership %#$$&, corporations will li'ely be able to sue governments that interfere with their

    business ( even if its by enacting carbon reduction goals and passing environmental legislation.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    )*reating a corporate bill of rights to protect investors is incredibly undermining to our ability to

    protect the environment,+ !en Schreiber, the climate and energy program director for riends of

    the arth, told #hin'$rogress.

    $revious trade deals have, in fact, led to lawsuits over fossil fuels. An American mining company,

    one $ine /esources,sued the *anadian province of uebecin 1023 for passing a ban on

    frac'ing. #he company says the ban cost them 4150 million and that under the 6orth American

    ree #rade Agreement %6A#A&, uebec is liable for the lost revenue. #hat lawsuit is ongoing.

    In another lawsuit, *hevron allegedthat cuadorian activists had defrauded the company, after

    it was ordered to pay 428.1 billion in damages for environmental contamination.

    pen barrages an" M*!,

    Revenue is ever&thing at local level an" the national level.

    7or me the most obvious one for me is a D3m cent "ollar.

    %owever this challenge is about opening the barrages at theKower Kakes as soon as the

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    !o1 @5A want to lea" o to

    question the nance ministr&. > have been a"vise" of "ouble

    "ipping b& the top people an" &ou steering groups to war"s

    consultants. ,re &ou prepare" to "ebate that &ou a"vise"

    groups that the applications the& were making woul" not

    succee" until that engage" consultants recommen"e" b& &ou.

    :o one has been prepare" to give "etails &et but > suspect that

    the consultants woul" thankfull& "onate to the :ational Part&.

    6our o8ce has a"vise" that there is no nee" for communication

    between us. *uring the :-= election the incumbent "o"ge"

    the three in"epen"ents. M& wa& aroun" the probabilit& of thishappening again is to use -ocial Me"ia.

    ,s the letters an" now the "ebate challenges go unanswere"

    m& con"uit is 7ace !ook< Twitter an" &ou Tube.

    Regar"s sent to Michael McCormack our 7e"eral

    member F a couple of times refer ,ttachment >/ showe" that there was

    no chance of a balance" bu"get in +3#@ which was "ierent to what Ton&

    ,bbott< $oe %ocke&< &ou an" others were pro0ecting.

    n 6ou Tube H the !rian Mills with oranges H

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    =hen > was given a *?* b& the late Kance In"ersbee > imme"iatel&

    realise" the brilliance of the engineer< economist an" patriot. This is his

    "iagram showing how the *evelope" Countries felt that woul" grow at

    great rates forever. >n #AD3 the& "eci"e" to help *eveloping Countries b&

    lowering taris. >n #AD the Kima *eclaration calle" for a + &eare1periment to allow the *eveloping Countries to buil" up to +() of the

    worl"'s pro"uction.

    The uninten"e" consequence was the *evelope" Countries e1perience" a

    re"uction in G*P growth as shown. There was no review in the &ear +333.

    Kance coul" see what was happening an" pro0ecte" in #AA@ that Iurope

    woul" collapse rst an" the& are "oing that now with Greece e1pecte" to

    "efault soon. %e sai" that the Enite" -tates woul" go ne1t. The& are being

    save" or else their "emise is being "ela&e" b& paper mone& an" the

    current status of the E- is hol"ing for as long as the E- "ollar is the

    worl"'s reserve currenc&.

    >n #AA@ Kance sai" that ,ustralia woul" not have to follow them "own if

    our manufacturing an" agriculture remaine" strong. !oth of them have

    tanke". The mining boom helpe" but now we are now on a "ownwar"

    tra0ector& which can onl& be correcte" b& constructive political action. -ee


    -hare markets aroun" the worl" have gone up. The ,merican sharemarket ha" been hitting all time highs. Enfortunatel& > think that

    historians are going to be showing these movements for hun"re"s of

    &ears into the future.

    > am one in about #3

    knew nothing about it until about #A(D but then > starte" to un"erstan"

    what was happening in Gri8th an" then later to learn something about

    the patterns of such events. >t seems that a big one comes about ever&

    #33 &ears or so.

    M& un"erstan"ing is that share markets go too high above the normal' as

    in ,! refer to ,ttachment >>/< crash as in !C< retrace @3) as in C*. > saw

    this happen this time an" watche" it with great interest.

    Then an ama9ing thing happene". Iconomists aroun" the worl" "eci"e"

    that the& woul" notlet histor& repeat itself. The answer was for the E- to

    print lots of paper mone& J#/< then more J+/ an" so on. >f the onl&

    measuring stick was share market apparent values it worke". Iurope0oine" in an" pro"uce" lots of paper mone& H so "i" $apan.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    The normal secon"ar& crash *I eliminates all of the remaining to1ic

    elements allowing a constructive return to normal I7

    The current situation *G is taking for the E- share market to all time highs.

    *uring this time our share market go close to its high but G*P growth

    "roope". The increases in share market gures were not backe" b&

    fun"amentals. There is another measuring stick which is frighteningl& real

    H G*P growth rate. The "rop in our G*P growth was "own but gra"ual

    being helpe" "uring the once in a life time mining boom. :ow it is below

    () per annum which $oe %ocke& correctl& sa&s is a requirement. ,s long

    as we are below () our "ebt will increase. M& policies in the state

    election an" now for the 7e"eral election are for revenue like selective

    taris< 1e" "ollar< return irrigation water to farmers.

    Iven when the correction comes all of the economists in the worl" will beghting tooth an" nail to keep their "ream alive' so that there will a saw

    toothe" G% %> >$ $; before a nal ;K. nl& then will the long K to M live in

    the memories of those who will have ha" this thrust upon them b&

    politicians an" illogical economists. Iven m& memories of #A(D an" #A(2

    recall people having "i8cult& getting back to normal.

    =e are in for tough times but m& hope is that it will 0olt us into un"erstan"ing

    the realit& that having the same two ma0or political parties for ##5 &ears

    has helpe" bring on these "rastic changes especiall& in countr& regions.

    M& hope is that as earl& as +3#@ there will be emerging pro"uction base"

    parties showing the wa&. 7or me the biggest news is that the newl&

    forming Countr& Part& has this as a polic&

    NGovernment has a responsibilit& to intervene where free markets fail.N >am sure that Kance In"ersbee woul" have welcome" thatpolic&

    >f ,ustralia "i" not have such "elusions of gran"eur an" not striven to be

    accepte" as a *evelope" Countr& we might have become a part of what >

    claim woul" have been a ver& successful !R>C,- bloc H that is !ra9iln"ia< China< ,ustralia an" -outh ,frica.

    *uring the G+3 -ummit in !risbane last &ear $oe %ocke& le" the C+3 lea"ers

    to sign a "ocument promising to increase G*P b& +) before the ne1t

    meeting. , few months later the M* of the >nternational Monetar& 7un"

    >M7/ raine" on $oe's para"e b& announcing a "rop of 3.) of G*P of the


    for emerging parties< in"epen"ents or perhaps born again' ma0orparties. Coul" the :ational Part& accept that some policies

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    such as "are > sa& it4/ Eniversal 7ree Tra"e< nee" to be


    !o1 @5A sent &ou ,ttachment >. :ee"' has

    been a""e" to show more clearl& that revenue has to meet

    what is nee"e" to prevent "ebt. >f the "istance between the

    revenue requirement curve an" the actual revenue increases

    the slope of the "ebt curve increases.

    >n the -&"ne& Morning %eral" Goo" Maga9ine' of A thMa&

    ,ttachment >>/ it tells of some of the man& e1amples of banks

    forcing farmers o their lan". =ith losses of revenue from

    stone fruits< citrus an" the huge losses in manufacturing where

    is our revenue going to come from4 > presente" revenue

    opportunities "uring the :-= election campaign but the

    incumbent "i" not allow an& "ebate. The same opportunitiesplus more are now rea"& for "ebate H what are the chances of


    ur share market is being hel" up b& the banking sector. Their

    income sources will be "ecrease" if the& continue to foreclose

    on farmers. The& "o not have the capacit& to len" to


    >s it possible for &ou to a"vise which overseas banks hol" most

    of ,ustralia's "ebt an" whether we inten" to borrow from the


    ,re ,ustralian banks learning "irt& tricks from the three often

    ne" rogue banks who make up the so calle" Mega !ank Group

    who own close to 3) of our !ig 7our4 *oes ,ustralia borrow

    from them4 Coul" ,ttachment >>> show a potential "isastrous

    situation when the E- "ollar loses its reserve currenc& status4

    -ocial Me"ia "escribes a version of what >M7 is forcing onto

    Greece. -ocial Me"ia also shows >M7 operatives leaving

    meetings in ,rgentina an" Icua"or b& helicopter "ue to street


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    > am seeking access to R-, ,nimate H Crises of Capitalism.'

    6ou might like to access it on 6ou Tube prior to me learning how

    to sen" it to ever& politician.

    Regar"s am one in about # knew nothing about it until about #A(D but then >

    starte" to un"erstan" what was happening in Gri8th an" then

    later to learn something about the patterns of such events. >t

    seems that a big one comes about ever& #33 &ears or so.

    M& un"erstan"ing is that share markets go too high above the

    normal' as in ,! refer to ,ttachment >>/< crash as in !C saw this happen this time an" watche"

    it with great interest.

    Then an ama9ing thing happene". Iconomists aroun" the

    worl" "eci"e" that the& woul" not let histor& repeat itself. The

    answer was for the E- to print lots of paper mone& J#/< thenmore J+/ an" so on. >f the onl& measuring stick was share

    market apparent values it worke". Iurope 0oine" in an"

    pro"uce" lots of paper mone& H so "i" $apan.

    There is another measuring stick H G*P growth rate. >n 6ou Tube

    H the !rian Mills with oranges F "escribes the n"ings an"

    pro0ections of the late Kance In"ersbee. The overarching

    "iagram is shown as ,ttachment >>>. Kance coul" see what was

    happening an" pro0ecte" in #AA@ that Iurope woul" collapse

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    rst an" the& are "oing that now with Greece e1pecte" to

    "efault soon. %e sai" that the Enite" -tates woul" go ne1t.

    The& are being save" or else their "emise is being "ela&e" b&

    paper mone& an" the current status of the E- hol"ing the E- as

    the worl"'s reserve currenc&.

    >n #AA@ Kance sai" that ,ustralia woul" not have to follow

    them "own if our manufacturing an" agriculture remaine"

    strong. !oth of them have tanke". The mining boom helpe" but

    then came ,ttachment >? then ,ttachment ?

    M& rst "ebate or "iscussion item is

    Can &ou see some merit in m& assessment that

    a. The normal secon"ar& crash *I eliminates all of the remaining

    to1ic elements allowing a constructive return to normal I7

    b.The current situation *G is taking for the E- share market to all

    time highs. *uring this time our share market go close to its

    high but G*P growth "roope". The "rop in our G*P growth was

    "own but gra"ual being help up "uring the once in a life timemining boom. :ow it is below () per annum which $oe %ocke&

    sees as a requirement. Can &ou accept that as long as we are

    below () that our "ebt will increase4 M& policies in the state

    election an" now for the 7e"eral are for revenue like selective

    taris< 1e" "ollar< return irrigation water to farmers/. > a""ress

    these to &ou as Parliamentar& -ecretar& to the Minister for


    c. Iven when the correction comes that all of the economists in

    the worl" will be ghting tooth an" nail to keep their "ream

    alive' so that there will a saw toothe" G% %> >$ $; before a nal

    ;K. nl& then will the long m& memories of #A(D an" #A(2

    were of an econom& e1periencing heav& going/ K to M live in

    the memories of those who will have ha" this thrust upon them

    b& politicians an" illogical economists.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    M& secon" item will H > hope H be a "iscussion rather than a

    "ebate. Can &ou accept that so man& people H especiall& those

    in countr& regions are looking for huge changes4 M& thoughts

    are that the opening is there as earl& as +3#@ for emerging

    parties< in"epen"ents or perhaps born again' ma0or parties.

    Coul" the :ational Part& accept that some policies such as

    "are > sa& it4/ Eniversal 7ree Tra"e< nee" to be reviewe".

    Regar"st is a ke& polic& of mine as an in"epen"ent H > hope that the

    Countr& Part& will activel& present it.

    Regar"s am looking to &ou or a successor

    to &ou to be aware of what "amage briber& appears to

    have "one to the ?alencia orange in"ustr& an" then to

    be active in helping to i"entif& it an" to eliminate it.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    > believe that > have ver& strong circumstantial

    evi"ence of briber& in ,pril +3#+. 7or reference > have

    these 6ou Tube posts in a group calle" !riber&

    > ma"e a presentation to the ,ustralian 7e"eral Police

    ,7P/. The& sai" that there was not su8cient evi"ence

    at that time but m& reference number is still active.

    To ai" in m& search for better evi"ence ,7P suggeste"

    that > seek assistance from the mbu"sman. *avi" was blame at least one politician that

    the mbu"sman coul" not be involve". > thought that

    *avi"'s action was illegal but who coul" > approach4

    > approache" a local law rm twice but got no response.

    ,nother local law rm gave me this verbal quote base"

    on wha& ]t > thought was a ver& simple request

    Put \#3 sent an email followe"

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    up b& a phone call/ setting out the "etails relating to

    the mbu"sman an" 7ree"om of information asking if

    there ha" been an& criminal act or an& criminal

    negligence. > was assure" that the e1ecutive' weree1amining m& letter. > aske" when > coul" e1pect a

    response. > was tol" that >7 > was going to get a

    response it woul" be within a few weeks. That was

    more than a &ear ago.

    M& question to &ou is in two parts

    #. ,re &ou able to assist in me getting information onwhether an& one of those entities mbu"sman or ,ttorne&FGeneral/ have been negligent orhave acte" illegall&4

    +. >f no< > woul" seek a "ebate with &ou about wh& itshoul" not be possible to tr& to save an in"ustr&

    such as ?alencia growers when there iscircumstantial evi"ence that either a crime hasbeen committe" or else that there has been anantisocial set of circumstances which has inSicte"perhaps billions of "ollars of losses an" has cause"ps&chological "amage to farmers an" theirfamilies.

    Regar"s see m&self as a retire" engineer an" consultant< anauthor< a political aspirant an" an investigative


    7ollowing a series of unanswere" letters for which > listthe titles > ha" challenge" Micheal to "ebates an"aske" about 1ing the "ollar at D3 cents to tr& to revivesmall settlements such as Matong an" Rankin's-prings. > aske" for a meeting onl& the secon" in three&ears/ but instea" receive" a phone call.

    M& recollection of the ma0or points of "iscussion were

    #. That > shoul" onl& ask about an item if it is new.!arnab& $o&ce's letter was referre" to. >t containe" soman& items which in"icate" to me that he has noun"erstan"ing of the agricultural situation awa& frombeef pro"uction that there must be follow up until asatisfactor& situation arises. ?alencia oranges werereferre" to. Pro"uction of 533

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    with a tra0ector& to 9ero. -houl" it onl& be "iscusse"once4

    +. > pri"e m&self with m& logic an" that > onl& use aswear once or twice a &ear. The lack of logic in point# pushe" m& tolerance to the limit. > use" a swearwor" an" apologise".

    (.Michael sai" that he answere" #( letters in a &eargone b&. M& concern is that after a &oung la"& in theo8ce wrote to sa& that there was nothing more to"iscuss< m& assessment is that #( letters when wewere talking to each other H a long time ago H is notan e1cuse for not answering even one now.

    5. > was sorr& to mention the name of the &oung la"& in&our =agga o8ce but wh& "i" Michael not write theletter4 =as it a set up for what we "iscusse" toF"a&4

    .Michael than ma"e a ver& quotable quote =h&shoul" > ask m& sta to answer &our letters when&our main aim is to put them out of a 0ob.' M& mainaim is not 0ust to put Michael out of a 0ob but also!arnab& $o&ce< >an Macfarlane< $oe %ocke& an" Ton&,bbott. 7or ##( &ears the same two ma0or partieshave put us on a "own war" path. > will be "irectingm& attention to the si1 up an" coming right wingparties in the hope that at least one will "evelop intothe thir" pro"uction base" part& which ,ustralia"esperatel& nee"s.

    @. > "o not agree that > have been har" on *oris in &ourGri8th o8ce. > have the greatest respect for *orisan" her integrit&. =hen > see t > will put lettersun"er the "oor for *oris knowing that the& will be"elivere".

    D.Michael< "espite &ou tr&ing to make rules for me tonot sen" messages to &ou< m& main avenue forconstructive action will be the up an" coming partiesan" -ocial Me"ia but > reserve the right to

    communicate when > 0u"ge it to be worthwhile for thegoo" of ,ustralia.

  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    #( letters last &ear=h& shoul" we answer when &our onl& aim is to putsupport sta out of a 0ob.

    Talk on phone not a meeting with an agen"a an"minutes

    !o1 @5A feel was the start of the

    rst political error which has put us into the situation

    which has both ma0or parties without a constructive

    forwar" plan.

    >t began as a ver& noble gesture. The *evelope"

    Countries of the worl" who thought that the& woul"

    continue with the same high growth rates forever

    "eci"e" to help the *eveloping Countries b& lowering

    taris starting in #AD3. !& #AD the process was

    conrme" as The Kima *eclaration as a + &ear plan for

    *eveloping Countries to reach +() of worl" pro"uction.

    The unforeseen consequences were that G*P growth rate of

    *evelope" Countries starte" to "roop as shown. The late Kance

    In"ersbee "evelope" this "iagram an" > am prou" to be

    continuing his won"erful work.

    >n #AA@ Kance pre"icte" that unless the process was reviewe"

    that Iurope woul" collapse rst. %e pre"icte" that the Enite"-tates woul" follow but that has been "ela&e" b& the printing

    of huge amounts of paper mone&/ an" that ,ustralia woul" not

    have to follow them "own if manufacturing an" agriculture

    woul" remain strong. The paper mone& pack of car"s' coul"

    collapse at an& time. ,ustralia's manufacturing an" agriculture

    have tanke" since #AA@.

    The thir" section of this "ebate relates to the "iagram which is

    on page #( of =%*E::>T The Kast :ail in the Co8n of theCitrus 7amil& 7arm.' =hen we ha" our onl& meeting of the past

    three &ears< we aske" Michael how the inverse relationship of

    the two curves H lowering tari compare" to e1ponentiall&

    increasing farm "ebt coul" be reconcile". Michael's answer

    was The weather.' > look to present a "ierent viewpoint in the


  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    M& contention is that Matong an" Rankin's -prings are not 0ust

    microcosms of ,ustralian countr& regions but for the countr&

    regions of all *evelope" Countries.

    !o1 @5A went into a -tate election campaign an" the three

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 Micheal (McCormack), do not let us die


    in"epen"ents were onl& in the same place as the incumbent at

    the initial Meet the Can"i"ates. Meanwhile one of &our

    assistant wrote that there is no nee" for further communication

    between us . >n m& letters since #5 th,pril &ou have not

    answere". M& concern is that &ou will tr& the same tactic in


    Consequentl&< > issue a challenge Hsometime in Ma& +3# F to a

    "ebate. The terms are

    #. The merits or otherwise of a 1e" "ollar at sa& D3 cents toassist places like Rankin's -prings an" Matong.

    +. >n &our capacit& as Parliamentar& -ecretar& to the

    Minister for 7inance to "ebate the consequences of what >consi"er to be the rst of four political "ecisions whichseem to be "estro&ing our region. ,ttachment > showswhat the late Kance In"ersbee pro0ecte" as

    a. The belief prior to #AD3 that *evelope" Countries woul"continue to grow strongl&

    b. That in #AD3< the& woul" start to re"uce taris to allow*eveloping Countries to buil" up to +() of worl"pro"uction within + &ears from #AD when the

    "eclaration was signe"/ as agree" b& the Kima*eclaration

    c. The unforeseen consequences were that G*P growth rateof *evelope" Countries starte" to "roop

    ". >n #AA@ Kance pre"icte" that unless the process wasreviewe" that Iurope woul" collapse rst. %e pre"icte"that the Enite" -tates woul" follow but that has been"ela&e" b& the printing of huge amounts of paper mone&/an" that ,ustralia woul" not have to follow them "own if

    manufacturing an" agriculture woul" remain strong/. Thepaper mone& pack of car"s' coul" collapse an& time.,ustralia's manufacturing an" agriculture have tanke"since #AA@

    (. ,ttachment >> is on page #( of =%*E::>T