Michael Risuque Falling

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Transcript of Michael Risuque Falling

  • 8/3/2019 Michael Risuque Falling



    [b]Character's full name: Michael Risuque Falling[/b]

    [b]Alias/ Nickname/ Code name: Not applicable.[/b]

    [b]Gender: Male[/b]

    [b]Age: Nine[/b]

    [b]Date of Birth:[/b] (06/30/2003)

    [b]Nationality/ Ethnicity: Caucasion[/b]

    [b]Birthplace/ Home/ Place of origin: He was born in a rather small village

    on the coast of Maine. The town is called Friendship.[/b]


    [b]Hair color and style: Its a brown color, a dark hazelnut, but sometimes

    it looks a bit black. Frankly, it all depends on the lighting. His brown hair

    is often messy and unbrushed, considering how much he hates to take showers.

    Water gives him the feeling of being pulled away, because the current of

    water is uneven.[/b]

    [b]Eyes: A smoky grey to a light blue.[/b]

    [b]Height: Three foot ten.[/b]

    [b]Build: Skinny and slightly malnourished[/b]

    [b]Visible mutation: Nothing visibly is mutated about him, though he is

    completely genetically different from his parents, so he thinks he might be


    [b]Scars/ Tattoos/ Piercings: One right along his back. Its very long, he

    got it when he had another one of his moments as a little baby. He hurt

    himself when falling into his coma.[/b]

    [b]Other features: His expression normally remains sad, or gaunt.[/b]

    [b]Everyday clothing style: Very very loose clothing, jeans and a large whitet-shirt.[/b]

    [b]Uniform: Not applicable[/b]

    [b]Sleepwear: Whatever he wears during the day normally.[/b]

    [b]Miscellaneous clothing: There is one thing that he does always keep on

    him. Its a leather wristband, around three inches long. Nothing else is

    really special about it, he just enjoys the feeling of leather.[/b]


    [b]Personality:[/b] It is not really known, nor has it been diagnosed, but

    Michael has a form of autism. Its called Aspergers. This is something that

    really affects his ability to form social relations. Its not a very severecase, but he has a tendancy to not speak to people he does not like, or even

    feel threatened, and lash out. His mutation does not protect him, but he will

    physically throw something at someone. Other than that, he is a person that

    really loves to do certain things, and is very, very kind hearted.

    [b]Hobbies/ Interests: Part of his Aspergers is that he gets very attached

    to certain things. For instance, he has an obsession with languages and with

    math. Hes learned over 2 different languages. English, Japanese, and only a

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    bit of latin. Enough to know E pluribus Unum. No one can really hold a

    knuckle to him in math either, he just blows right through it. Japanese is

    his more recent language because he does have quite an obsession with the

    Japanese culture and history, and finds Anime fascination.[/b]

    [b]Job or part time job and description: Not applicable.[/b]

    [b]Fears/ phobias/ concerns: The fear of getting hurt, the fear of other

    people getting hurt, and also he has quite a large fear of violence in

    general. People often scare him enough to be considered a large phobia, and

    his mutation being discovered scares him as well.[/b]

    [b]Special talents:[/b] As mentioned before, hes quite good at languages and

    math. His languages include: English, Spanish, French, Latin, German,

    Russian, and Japanese. His math skills are most likely at a college level,

    and he particularly enjoys functions. He likes the uniformity. Also, Michael

    is a Japanese history buff.


    [b]Good/ bad/ neutral/ other:[/b] Other. Hes not really good or bador

    neutral. He doesnt have a stand, but he doesnt know what the stands he

    could have are, or what the options are.


    [b]Mutation description: This entire mutation is based on protecting other

    people. He doesnt have too much self-worth, and his mutation was born most

    likely off of that belief, or perhaps on his own physical weakness. When his

    power is used, the other person can feel it, but he cant. His entire body

    shuts down, going into a coma-like state. Hes incredibly vulnerable, but the

    person to which hes decided to protect, hes like a knight in shining armor.

    It happened once before, with a school friend of his. He was playing out inthe school yard, and Michael saw him climb on top of the playset, claiming he

    could fly. Michael didnt see wings, and hed never seen another mutant fly

    before, so he was scared, and wanted his friend to be safe. In the next

    instant, two things happened. Michael collapsed on the ground, as though his

    heart had stopped, and something surround the boy who jumped in the air. It

    was Michael, but Michael was weird. He was made of a pure silvery light,

    strong and powerful, and yet not a solid mass. He cradled the boy who

    obviously could not fly, and this thing that took on michaels shape brough

    him down safely. The extent of michaels own power is unknown, because hes

    been isolated for a long time, due to other such incidents. One time this

    silvery thing stopped a boat from cutting off the head of a local swimmer by

    basically lifting the kid out of the water, and holding onto him tight. Thenext instant, the silvery thing had teleported with the kid, into his home.

    Then, it vanished, and Michael woke up. Things like this happened for so

    much, that his parents decided to keep him inside, afraid of what their child

    might do. He yearns to go outside and play, but his parents dont know how

    much damage he might cause.[/b]

    [b]Strengths: The mutation itself is a strength that he only taps into to

    help somebody else. It is almost indestructible. Its not a physical entity

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    in itself, but its able to pick up and move things that have been touched by

    the one that its protecting, and to move the one its protecting anywhere.

    This entity cannot communicate with the one its protecting, so it might at

    times be counterproductive, unless Michael himself has become a very

    compatible partner with someone. The range is rather large. It has only been

    measured for a couple of miles, but Michael does that with ease. Or rather,

    the entity does. It takes only a few moments for the entity to appear there.

    A second or two delay. It would only be instant if the compatibility was


    [b]Weaknesses: The entity itself has merely one weakness, and that would be

    Michaels body. If Michaels body is harmed, the harm will reflect on the

    entity, and reduce effectiveness. Michaels personality is also to be

    considered here. This power is highly tied to Michaels care for another

    person. If he cares quite a lot more for a person, the entity will last

    longer, and other effects may be heightened. If Michaels care is just pity,

    it will only last a few minutes.

    [b]The short analysis of his Entity Form:[/b]First to be explained is the

    form. The entity as he calls it, is made of an unknown substance. Those

    that have been protected by him often describe the feeling as being some kind

    of silvery, sticky substance, that hardens when something threatens to go

    through it, so long as hes in contact with them. When the entity is not in

    contact with the person Michael is protecting, hes considerably less solid.

    The silver is metallic, and seems to come off in reams of smoke, like dry

    ice. Only the top half of Michael is depicted when not in contact with the

    person, and he appears to float in midair with a long skirt of billowing

    silvery smoke. This entity is able to expand to different heights, and

    different shapes of all kinds. When in contact with something that the person

    he is protecting has touched, he is able to become a solid form. If not, the

    form is translucent, and everything will pass through it, so the entitymerely moves about on its little skirt of silvery air tendrils. The entity

    can interact with the flesh of a person, but its senses are limited. It

    cannot hear anything from either side, so the sense of touch and sight are

    very important here, and are heightened in some cases.

    [b]Terms for power activation:[/b] Michael cannot remain unconscious for too

    long with his power active. There will come a point where his body will pull

    the power back in if a physical need arises. If his body is physically

    injured to a large degree, his power will stop working. If he needs something

    rather bad, the power will stop. If he has to go to the bathroom?

    Wellnormally hell just wet his pants. His power will not activate as soon

    as he falls unconscious. Being unconscious is not the cause of his power, itis the effect. The boys mind is extremely vulnerable at this point, as well

    as his body, because he does not much care for his own having powers. The

    time period would be much longer than twelve minutes had he any trust in his

    own power. If he accepts who he is, the power will most likely increase in

    effectiveness and time. The current range, while unknown by my character or

    really by anyone is around 200 miles. Its not short, by any stretch of the

    imagination, but the farther away, the less effective the power will be.

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    Effectiveness is determined by a simple set of things. Effectiveness = Power

    supply distance + compatibility. The power supply has to do with the amount

    of nutrients he has, and the mental stimuli hes been allowed. For instance,

    in his house, cooped up in his room, his mental stimuli is low, and hes not

    gotten to experience too much. The distance is rather self-explanatory, I

    believe. Compatibility is something that deserves a category of its own.

    [b]Compatibility:[/b] This is something that is not only chemical, but

    emotional. Michaels brain perhaps works a bit different than other peoples,

    But there are people that can understand him, or how he works. If someone

    compliments his personality well, then they can most likely become a good

    friend of michaels, and it increases compatibility. Most likely someone with

    the opposite personality would work as well, but it would take time for

    Michael to fully form a bond with them. Currently, its only fear that

    someone may get hurt that causes his entity to come out, however, it has the

    possibility to progress into a much more attack oriented power. The other

    side of compatibility is chemical compatibility. If someone has a mind very,

    very similar to michaels, it would be much easier to produce the most


    [b]Specific Abilities projection can preform:[/b] [b]Harden:[/b] This power

    is simply the ability to harden completely into a rather impenetrable object

    when in contact with something that his touched the one he protects. Can last

    only for a few moments, due to the level of concentration he needs, and he

    only has so much of Michaels brainpower. He can still move about as freely as

    needed. [b]Teleportation:[/b] Just as the name says, teleportation is the

    transport of objects. The entity, while it can appear one hundred miles away

    from Michael, will only be able to transport a person up to nine miles away,

    just due to size comparison of people to himself, and his entity can appear

    as being almost weightless, and has less restrictions. [b]Telekinesis:[/b]This is also self explanatory, but he can only use telekinesis when in

    contact with the person he is protecting, directly. If in contact with

    something that the person hes protecting has touched, he can only use his

    telekinesis on that item, none of the others around him. [b]Fog:[/b] one of

    the few things he does not need contact with a person to produce. The silver

    stuff that makes him up expands suddenly, and rapidly to form a thick, thick

    fog. This obscures the vision of both parties, but provides an escape plan.

    For the moment. [b]Frostbite:[/b] Contact must be in place at all time. If

    the entity is holding onto the person being protected, then it can cause the

    skirt of silvery smokey material to envelop the person, causing something aki

    to extreme frostbite if the person is touched by the flesh of the assailant.

    [b]Secondary mutation description:[/b] Not applicable.

    [u]Fighting Style[/u]


    [b]Pros for fighting style: He must fight with a partner, if at all, and his

    physical body must remain untouched for it to work at all, but his fighting

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    will create a very, very powerful singular adversary. There is a very, very

    high range of his power, so his partner can go most likely to another country

    and it would still work, if he could see the danger that was unfolding, at

    least for a moment.[/b]

    [b]Cons for fighting style: When his partner and him are not on the same

    wavelength, the entity of Michaels might be doing something he thinks is

    protecting his partner, but his overall hurting a general outcome. His power

    only lasts for Twelve minutes, because he hasnt trained in using it for any


    [u]Faction Allegiance[/u]


    [u]History Of Your Character[/u]

    Michaels birth has been shrouded in mystery to him for a very, very long

    time. Hes still not convinced his parents are his real parents at all,

    because hes never seen any baby pictures of himself. The real story of what

    happened in this hospital where Michael was born most likely wont be found

    out. Three years old is the earliest memory he has, and its not much of a

    memory at all. He just slightly remembers his mother crying and scared as he

    spoke fluently in French to her. Skipping six more years, Michael had his

    first experience with his power. (For more information, the incidence is in

    his power description.) This was when he realized he wasnt normal. For the

    next few years, his powers kept reappearing as he made a friend, whether the

    threat was real or perceived. People started to bully Michael, calling him

    weird and stupid for passing out all the time. After school one day, his

    parents brought him into his room after one particularly bad day, when

    Michael started throwing things at the kids he didnt like. They told him he

    was going to stay in his room for a long time, to protect the other kids. He

    was upset at this of course, and he started to throw things at his own dad.Ever since that conversation, Michaels been shut up in his room, drawing,

    reading, and learning things all by himself, his parents both working full

    time. His mother works at a caf in Rockland, and his father works at a bank

    near there. Hes fed and allbut sometimes Michael chooses not to eat. He

    just wants someone to recognize hes there, even if he doesnt like people at



    [b]Where did you learn about this site?:[/b] I wanted to do an X-Men

    roleplaying site, and I went on google, searching through a bunch of them.

    This one seemed really cool!! So I decided to make an application.

    [b]Do you have any other characters on MRO, if so who:[/b] I do not haveanother character on this site, no.

    [b]Sample RP:[/b]

    There was always some kind of noise in Michaels room. His parents had tried

    taking it away once, and hed almost kicked them. He was yelling and crying.

    So, the noise remained. It was mostly the familiar noise of the TV blaring

    anime in Japanese, with no subtitles. He never liked subtitles, because they

    hid the artwork he really liked. One of his favorite shows was bleach. Bleach

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    held a lot of respect from Michael, because there were a lot of really weak

    people who got beat up, and then returned a lot stronger.

    This particular episode hed seen many times, and he was speaking along with

    the tape as it played, though his eyes were focused on another thing. It was

    the drawing he was doing. This drawing was a common character for him, his

    favorite character ichigo plastered the walls of the room, in fact. He was

    rather good at drawing, because he liked the lines to be in the right place,

    and couldnt stand having them be different from ichigo. It sometimes took

    him hours to perfect one line to get his beloved character correct.

    As he looked down at the artwork, mumbling some sound effects, he heard a

    knock on the door and his eyes lit up. The boy, who was curled up in his

    favorite circular, black chair, sprang up, almost tripping over fallen

    pencils that were worn down to nubs. The blue jeans he wore also did not

    prove to help him much. He managed to keep his balance and run to the door,

    opening it happily. Mum always came back from the caf with very yummy

    things. But it wasnt his mom. It was dad. Dad was more of a stranger to

    Michael. He didnt bring yummy things, and he wore a suit and tie all the

    time. Even in the house. His frown quickly returned and he glanced the other

    way, holding the door.

    His father was used to Michaels blatant disrespect, and refusing to talk to

    him, but he was holding a tray of food for Michael. He spoke first. Your

    mother said that you might like it if I brought you food. Shellshell be

    home late. But she got you this DVD.

    This brought Michael to glance over at him. A DVD? Was it the one hed asked

    for. He slowly took it from his father and glanced over it. It was. The boy

    hugged it to his stained white t-shirt, then looked up at the food. He wasnthungry anymore. The boy actually started to close the door on his father. He

    was just a stranger who yelled at him a lot to clean his room, after all.

    The thing that also made him dislike his father was that his father just

    left. He didnt try to set the food down or anything like his mother did when

    she had made him upset. He simply walked out of the room, and down the

    hallway to the stairs without saying another word. When he started down them,

    however, Michael could hear him speak. Weird kidwonder why we dont just

    send him away. And he sat in his chair again. The boy curled up, still

    holding his DVD, and started to cry.