Micah - Zion's New Age Bible

Micah - Zions Version 1 The Spirit of the LORD came to Micah of Moresh during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah in the years 735-710 B.C. – This is a vision he had concerning the Mother and Father at the end of the age. 2 Attention, people of earth, Listen up you who live in it, for the LORD will bear witness against you, Judgment against the people 3 Look! The LORD is coming from her dwelling-place; she comes down as a mortal and treads on the Mountains of the earth. 4 The nations are divided and the people are split apart, But like wax before the fire they do not know what’s going to happen next , like water rushing down a slope this is how the shocking truth about God will come to them . 5 All this is because of Israel’s transgression, made because of the sins of her people. What is her transgression? 5a It is a 1260 day sacrifice that creates a spiritual shift between the old age and a new age. The name of the old age is Babylon and the name of the New age is Zion. 6 ‘Therefore I will make Israel feel like heap of rubble, a place for planting new vines . I will pour her soul into the valleys and lay bare her foundations. 7 All her false Gods and idols will be broken to pieces; all her temples gifts of false images will no longer be worshiped ; I will destroy all her old images. Since she gathered her gifts from the wages of spiritual prostitution,


Zion's New version of the Bible Book Micah

Transcript of Micah - Zion's New Age Bible

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Micah - Zions Version1 The Spirit of the LORD came to Micah of Moresh during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah in the years 735-710 B.C. – This is a vision he had concerning the Mother and Father at the end of the age.

2 Attention, people of earth,Listen up you who live in it,for the LORD will bear witness against you,

Judgment against the people

3 Look! The LORD is coming from her dwelling-place; she comes down as a mortal and treads on the Mountains of the earth.4 The nations are divided and the people are split apart,But like wax before the fire they do not know what’s going to happen next, like water rushing down a slope this is how the shocking truth about God will come to them.5 All this is because of Israel’s transgression, made because of the sins of her people.What is her transgression?5a It is a 1260 day sacrifice that creates a spiritual shift between the old age and a new age. The name of the old age is Babylon and the name of the New age is Zion.6 ‘Therefore I will make Israel feel like heap of rubble, a place for planting new vines.I will pour her soul into the valleys and lay bare her foundations.7 All her false Gods and idols will be broken to pieces; all her temples gifts of false images will no longer be worshiped; I will destroy all her old images.Since she gathered her gifts from the wages of spiritual prostitution,7a People who did not know or care about the Goddess but instead only aimed to used her for personal gain or pleasure.

Weeping and mourning

8 Because of this I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and depressed.I will moan like and complain.9 For Israel’s curse is incurable; it has spread to Judah.

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It has reached the very gate of my people.But it is the key to opening it.11 Pass by sad and in shame,for if you do not those who live in sin will not come out.Babylon is in mourning; God no longer protects you.12 Those who live in her writhe in pain, waiting for relief,because disaster has come from the LORD, even to the gate of Zion.13 You who live in Babylon,You are where the sin of Daughter Zion began, for the transgressions of Israel were found in you.14 Therefore you will give parting gifts.The time of Jesus will prove deceptive to the kings of Babylon.15 I will bring a conqueror against you who live in JesusThe nobles of Israel will flee to Zion16 but first fill your head with mourning for the children in whom you delight have inflicted torment your mother greatly;make yourself as bald as the vulture, for they will go from you into exile.

Human plans and God’s plans

2 Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil in their heads!At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.2 They cut down forests and fill the land with rubbish, they burn down houses and graffiti on public property.They defraud people to cause them to lose their homes, and they rob them of their inheritance.

3 Therefore, the LORD says:‘I am planning disaster against this people, from which you cannot save yourselves.You will no longer walk blinded in pride 3a Believe that there is no God or Matrix styled computer who can convict you of your crimes, for it will be a time of calamity 3b Your eyes will be opened to the power of the Matrix and the kalma that it can bring on you.

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3a For those who speak unfair hate again others, this hate that they preach is actually what the spirit of God believes about them.On this days the people's eyes will be open to this truth.4 But before that day, Israel, people will ridicule you for saying this wisdom to them; They will taunt you with mocking, laughter and disbelief… 4a The fool will call you names and believe you to be mad for they do not know the difference between what's is right and what is wrong.They will not believe in what you say, for these are mostly people who believe that they are already righteous and saved in the site of the Lord. 4b Singing songs about how ‘Jesus loves them so much that he died and paid the price for their sins’ and ‘so long as they believe in him they will therefor be saved and counted worthy and righteous’ however this is nothing more than a fool's dream. 4c For this reason the real christ was veiled.She was veiled as a test to all the people of the world and whoever looked for her (not him) these were the people who were found worthy under the sight of God in spirit.

“These people are utterly ruined; my people are divided up by religion, sex and race.Jesus takes them from me! He is assigned to traitors of Israel, the Mother Goddess.5 Therefore you will have no King or savour in the age of Babylonand in assembly of the LORDfor Israel will not feel welcome in the days of her beginning

False prophets

6 ‘Do not prophesy,’ their prophets say.‘for no man knows the day or the hour’ ‘Do not prophesy about these things; for disgrace will overtake you.’6a And yes, it will! For this day of the Lord as described by the Old Bible, will never happen and you are a fool to preach fear of such unrealistic calamity, and to preach the false lies of such unrealistic dreams and desires.7 You descendants of Eve, must this be said, ‘Does the LORD really have the power to make everyone's dreams and desires come true? Does she really do such things?7a Open your eyes to the reality of this world and stop filling your heart with unrealistic beliefs as this will only fill you with false hope that will cause you experience depression when these ambitions are not achieved.‘Do not my words do good in the long run?

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Change now and make your ways are upright and realistic!8 I bring truth but my people have risen up against me like an enemy.You strip off the robe of wisdom when you life without a care for truth and knowledge, 8a like men returning from battle you are tired and worn when you put all your hope into a dream that won't come true.9 You drive the women of my people into the ground when you refuse to educate them or let work and learn new skills.You take away my blessing by keeping people in ignorance9a For my blessing lies in my blood and my blood makes you more intelligent than all the other species that cover the earth. and you must pass this intelligence on to your children and your children's children forever.10 without knowledge your body is ruined beyond all remedy.11 If a liar and deceiver comes and says, “I will prophesy from things written in an old book,” that would be just the a false prophet from Babylon!

Deliverance promised

12 ‘I will surely gather all of you; I will bring together the remnant of true believers to expose the truth of Israel, God and the Father and will expose the truth of the Matrix.They will bring the people together like sheep in a field,13 The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and finally be free from the age of Babylon.Their Kings will pass through before them, with the LORD at their head.’

Leaders and prophets rebuked

3 Then I said,‘Listen, leaders and rulers.Should you not embrace justice,2 you who hate good and love evil;who tear righteousness, wealth and joy from my people with laws that can only benefit the rich or most aggressive;3 who punish and oppress the innocent, who strip, rape, beat, murder and torture without justified reason3a Even government around the world commit heinous and grotesque punishments on their own people as a way of showing their power and crude strength;

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who soul intention is to put fear into their people as a method of control,’4 Then they the inhabitants of the world will cry out to the LORD, but she will not answer them.At that time she will hide her face from them because of the evil they have done.4a For the evil that they have allowed to happen by supporting rules of control, power and brutality;It is because of these people she will go into hiding as they do not support a just God and righteousness equality and fairness for all.

5 This is what the LORD says:‘As for the prophets who lead my people astray, (Including the people who wrote the old Bible.)5a They proclaim “peace” when there is none. If they have something to write, there books and motivations are usually about preparing to wage war against someone or some other nation.5b Who refuses to follow and believe them, very few unfortunately!6 Therefore blindness will come over them, they will be without visions, knowledge and wisdom, without divination.The light will be hidden from these prophets, and they will not see the truth.7 The seers too will be ashamed and the diviners of old end times prophecies and people who claim to know truth about Angels, Satan, Demons, the Devil, God, Gods, other worldly spirits or even aliens from outer space, 7a All these people will be disgraced and amazed as most the believe that they preach truth when really know nothing about the true Goddess.7b They will all cover their faces in shame because they’ve received no answer from the true Goddess.and the christian's hope of massive destruction and murder from their God will be proven false’8 But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD, and with justice and wisdom,to declare to the sin and transgression of the Nation.9 Hear this, you leaders and rulers who despise justice and distort all that is right;10 who build up Zion with bloodshed and wickedness.11 Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach only for money, and her prophets tell fortunes only for a selfish dream of being saved by the ‘most powerfull one’.Yet they look at the LORD and say, ‘the LORD is not among us! No disaster will come upon us.’

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12 Therefore because of you, Zion will be ploughed like a field,and all who turn against her with fall in their rejection of hershe will become a heap of rubble,but the people who are against her will not care about her.12a They will not seek for her teaching and counsel.nore will they take pity on her sacrifice;12b Instead their insults will be great,but as Israel is rebuilt her truth and glory will shine throughshe will no longer be desolate but instead a Goddess.

The mountain of the LORD

4 In the last daysthe Mother of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the member people;she will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to her in temples.

2 Many nations will come and say,‘Come, let us go up to the Mother of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Israel.she will teach us her ways, so that we may walk in her paths.’The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Israel.3 She will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide.They will turn their words into ploughshares to promote the Goddess and their ears into pruning hooks to learn about her waysNation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more.3a After the time where the Goddess is fully established across the worldfor you are all children of Eve and brothers should not fight brother.4 Everyone will sit under their own individuality and under their own job title and sense of style,and no one will make them afraid, or feel like they are wearing or believing in the wrong things or behaving in the wrong way.4a For the direction and attitude of assessing what is right or wrong will be spoken out of the mouth of Zion. 4b She does not wish to tell you how to live your life but instead she can confirm that you will not go to hell for exposing your body parts, and your job does not have to be glamorous and world changing for you to find a life of joy and happiness.4c She will confirm that there is nothing wrong with being different as being different is what makes you special and unique and that quality may just

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be what you need to help you stand out of the crowd and to get the job that you want or guy that you want. For the LORD Almighty has spoken.5 All the nations may walk in the name of their God, Anna BeeWe will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.

The LORD’s plan

6 ‘In that year 5777,’ declares the LORD,‘I will gather the Eves betrayers; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief.7 I will make the worshipers of insanity my left behind, and those driven away by judah will become a strong nation.The LORD will rule over them in Zion from that day and forever.8 As for you, watchtower of the flock, the of Daughter Zion,the former dominion will be restored to you; kingship will come to Zion and your King will return to you.’9 Why do you now cry aloud – have you no king?Has your ruler perished, that pain seizes you like that of a woman in labour?10 Writhe in agony, Daughter Zion, like a woman in labour,for now you must leave your old life behind to hibernate in a small studio flat.You will become Babylon and take on their sin;10a You will be forced to listen to the constants lies and hate speech of the preachers who speak out against you and preach an inverted message of all the things that you believe to be righteous and true… See how lost these people are as they preach a message of insanity, false hope, unrealistic dreams, contradictions and division. 10b See how arrogant they are as they insult, ignore and block you when you try to preach truth to them. See how they refuse to listen to everything that you say because their arrogance and selfish pride is so great.10c Many of these people believe that they are chosen messengers of God the Father and this therefore means that they must be right and you must be wrong because your message contradicts their beliefs. 10d These people preach on how they have been sent to ‘open up the eyes of the blind’ and ‘release the captives by telling them about Jesus’ but in reality these people are deaf, dumb and blind and there message of

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making themselves like Jesus is only making them a prisoner of self love and delusions. 10e For it is not wise to preach the teachings told by a man who you have never met nor did not ever write any of their teachings down. These people that claim to love him, say this because of the power they think he has, but people don't even know if he really existed. 10f How can you claim to love someone that you know very little about. These people do not know what truth is because they live in sin and ignorance.10g But, Israel, once you have been subjected to their sins and corrupted way of thinking from there you will be rescued.There the LORD will redeem you out of the hand of your enemies.10h It is not right to have enemies but my definition of an enemy is some who wishes harm on you and all who would let Christ pay the penalty for their sins have infact become an enemy of Christ for these people do wish harm on this person so they can let off. 10i It is because of this belief that the christ must suffer so the eyes of these people can open to see trap that they have fallen into… for how can God like you if you wish for him/her to suffer in their place.11 Do you see now many nations are gathered against you Israel.They say, ‘Let her be defiled, let our eyes gloat over Zion!’12 But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD;For she is mad at there hatred towards herthey do not understand her plan, She has gathered them like sheep to the slaughter house.and like sheep they are weary of what will happen next but none can guess what the Lord has planned13 ‘Rise and thresh, Daughter Zion, for I will give you horns of iron so you can write a new Gopsil so you can peirce those who have pierced you;I will give you a mouth to speak great things against them, and you will break to pieces the religions of many nations.’You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the LORD, their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.

A promised ruler from Zion

5 Judah your troops are now, against us.They will strike Israel with a rod of false hope.

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2 ‘But you, Israel, though you are small among the clans of Judah,out of your sacrifice comes true hopeand he, Judah, will come for you one who will be King over Israel,whose origins are from old ancient times.’3 Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labour bears the New Age,then him and the rest of the people return to join the Israel.4 She will stand and shepherd her flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name the LORD has given her.And they will live securely, for then her greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.5 And she will be our peace. when the non believers invade our land and march through Zion and reject it.We will raise against them with the power of the seven Kings,Darla, Aaliyah, Anna, Lily, Michael, Martin, and Mark (Question Mark) and the eight commanders which are those listed above plus Lucifer,6 who will rule the land with powerful words,They will deliver us from the non believers when they invade our promised land they will march across our borders with little concern or care for our well being.7 The Israel will be in the midst of many peoples like showers on the grass do not or depend on man.for many things point to her as being the Christ,7a The long awaited messiah and in the day the will see the tooand the will see the evidence of this everywhere

8 The Christ will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples,like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a Baby lion growing amongst flocks of sheep,which shocks and scares more and more as it grows, and no one can rescue themselves from its power that they onecs blindly ignored.9 Your hand will be lifted up in triumph over your enemies, and all your non believers will be destroyed.

10 ‘In that day,’ declares the LORD,‘I will destroy your false image of God and demolish your past religious teachings.11 I will destroy the churches of your land and tear down all your faith and replace it with truth.12 I will destroy with my witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells of hate and blame onto others

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13 I will destroy your idols and your sacred Books of myths and inaccuracy;you will no longer bow down to the religious work of men.14 I will uproot your twisted beliefs when I convert your churches into the mother Goddess religion.15 I will take vengeance in anger and wrathby spreading this new gospel and proving the old Bible to be a book of lies deception and twisted truths.15a I will do this on the nations that have not obeyed me but instead have chosen to worship false idols.’15b But leave out the courts of the middle east as they are free to believe what wish, until the time that they wish for change, education, wisdom and equality amongst all the people, tribes and the sexes.

The people's case against Israel

6 Listen to what the LORD says:‘Stand up, plead my case before the people; let them hear what you have to say.2 ‘Hear the LORD’s accusation and criticism; listen, you everlasting foundations of the earth.For the LORD has a case against his people; the people are lodging a charge against Israel.by denying women rights, freedom of choice and equality3 ‘My people, what have I done to you? How have I burdened you? Answer me.4 I brought you up other the years from animals into the people are are now by means of reincarnation. and redeemed you from slavery into workers of free choice.4a I sent Moses, Jesus, Muhammad to guide you, into the ways of love, peace and holiness, but their teaching was only a guide,so that you may seek God and think about the ‘most merciful one.’5 My people, remember your journey from your past till now, that you may know the righteous acts of the LORD.’and killing infidels, rapping women, tourchering of others;5a What mercy and rightness is that? would you like this if these things were being done to you?5b You must now know the true mercy of God; “Treat others how you would want them to treat you” that is the true nature of God and people who follow in her ways6 With that all people shall come before the LORD and bow down to her true nature and mercyShall I come before her with hate in my heart?

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6a Hate towards those that are different or less fortunate, No! ‘For you are only as good as how you treat the least amongst you.’7 Will the LORD be pleased with those who insult, use and abuse others only for personal gain? No! 7a ‘For what does it profit a man to gain heaps wealth, but lose his appreciation for life and the life of others around him.’Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression,7b The one who i love most will leave me before I experience joy with him and i will live amongst a world of disbelieving people who curse my name7c Who hate me and wish me harm as their suffering and rejected ChristI will know the pain of losing love and living amongst a world of people who despise my every words and extance as ‘Babylon the Great’but this is no burden that you should want to bear. the fruit of my body for the sin of my people?8 I has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what the LORD requires of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

The people's guilt and punishment

9 Listen! The LORD is calling to the city – and to fear your name is wisdom –for it is the name Anna Bee that most strongly shows her glory ‘Grab the rod of the One who appointed it.10 As for me I am still to greve your ill-gotten treasons against me, you wicked house, which is cursed.11 Shall I acquit someone with dishonest scales, with a bag of false stories about me ?12 Your rich people are arrogantand your ‘strong’ are often violent; your inhabitants are liars and their tongues speak deceitfullyas there hearts are closed to the points of views of others.12a True not everyone is like this! There are different degrees of good and bad people in every part of the world,but as a whole this is what the people are like.13 Therefore, I have begun to destroy you, by showing you the error of your ways,and this is not something that you should just brush aside and assume that the Lord is talking about some else when she says thisfor this attitude is part of the problem that exists in the world.14 You will eat but not be satisfied; as satisfaction comes from success and you relationship with those around you not from your stomach.

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You will store wealth up but save nothing,as people, animals and life are the only things that are worth saving because what you prefer to save I will give you a new word.15 The foolish will plant but not harvest good ideas from them; you will do the work but not appreciate its uses and value until you are grateful for its produce or outcome.16 You have now observed the statutes of worthy and all the principles of the house of the Lord; you must now follow these traditions.If you do not, I will give you over to ruin and your people to division; you will bear scorn within the nations.’

Israel’s misery

7 What misery i am in!I am like one who gathers summer fruit in the vineyard;only i am not allowed to eat any of the grapes,I sit and write this new gospel with non to help or support me2 The wise have been swept away from me; not one upright person remains.Everyone lies in wait to insult me or to not care about the rejection that I face on a daily basis for year after year2a They treat neighbours as strangersand just focus on their personal life.No cares about the struggle of their creator.3 Both their hands are skilled in many waysbut many focus on the work of their evil hand;In the nations that rule by corruptionthe judges accepts bribes3a The powerful create a world in which can give them more power. They desire only to conquer and install fear in others.They conspire together to create ways in which to get more wealth and control by installing fear, and conducting beatings and unfair punishment.4 The best of them don’t preach this, but most of the worse do.But now the day God visits you has come, the day your watchmen sounds the alarm. Now is the time your confusion will end.5 Do not trust a neighbour; put no confidence in a friend when it comes to knowledge of God.For none but those who have heard the teachings of Christ know the truth.Even the man or woman who lies in your embrace knows not the truthguard these words and “Do not judge her by those who do not know her!”.

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6 For a son dishonours his father, a daughter rises up against her mother,a daughter/son-in-law against her/his mother/father-in-law – and a man’s enemies are often members of his own household or family.Just in this same way my children do not always support and honor me!7 But as for me, I watch in hope for the wordand long for the day when my LORD returns to me I wait for my God and my Saviour; my God will hear me.

Israel will rise

8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy!Those who wish me harm, Though I have fallen, I will rise.Though I sit in darkness,Alone with no friends power or wealth But the LORD will be my light.9 Because I have not rejected true myself, I will bear the wrath of the Matrix,until the time of transgression ends and sets me free to upholds my cause.My partner will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness or reason for rejecting me.10 Then my enemy will see it too and they will be covered with shame,The person who said to me, ‘Where is the LORD your God?’My eyes will see their downfall; even now as I write this I am being trampled underfootand cut off from people's cares11 But the day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries.12 In that day people will come to you,from every nation and religion.13 The earth will become saddened because of its inhabitants, as the result of their deeds and treatment towards you and people off your likeness

Prayer and praise

14 Shepherd your people with your starf, the wisest of your inheritance,who are open minded and keen to research facts

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and evidence to find the truth,Let them feed the people what they have reached15 ‘As in the days when you came into ‘the new world of technology’, Like that I will show them my wonders.’16 Nations will see and be ashamed, deprived of all my power and respectand tuned into a rejected joke who no one cares to listen toThey will put their hands over their mouths for their ears were deaf before.17 Like a disobedient dog that's just messed up his owners homeThey will come trembling out of their dens; they will turn fearful towards the LORD our God and they will be afraid of you.18 Who is a God like you? Who pardons their sin and forgives others for the transgression you were forced to face on their behalf,None, for suffering is everywhere!18a Although I will not forgive them for their rejection of me and people like me being; Blonde and hence seen as stupidInnocent and hence seen as weak18b Nice hence taken for granted...and with all the other factors:Female, young, pretty, sensitive, funny, promiscuous and carefree rich and talented in a past life,18c All this lead to a perfect storm or jealous, rage, spite, envy and abuse.I do not write this to say you all fell into this trap but from my perspective having been rejected lied to and ignored by all, this is how I feel.18d Now I wish for this test to come upon the whole world,to test to see if they seek after the wisdom in this book or in the hidden treasure and knowledge of the world,or do they chose to seek after the wealth, blind ambition and temporary pleasures of this world.18e However I know and see that the suffering that exists throughout the world and time line, this suffering is great but it is because of the attitude of people that the suffering is so great. 18f This a the punishment that they must face until they start seeking after the right things; Joy, friends, new skills, wisdom and love. 18g These people are God’s inheritance?Zion should not stay angry for ever but will delight to show mercy.19 You will again have compassion on us; our sins and our iniquities will fade away if you are willing 20 You will be faithful to Israel, and show love to the Father,

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as you pledged on oath to us.