mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi)...

r * '--' ^^^fff^VV^^jjjtf^ig^ / ' Week ^ Cents a Copy "(Dollars a Year ? ^QE^gUS-'T^'f^ \".'I2^ V ^ h Now For ihe GLORIOUS FOURTH • There won't be a boy in town this year who Tun'I oele!)iutL-and iiiake as much noise_as he likes, -Thai is if LEHMAN'S can help it. We've jjust Tccetved 5.000 packages of the finest noise makers any boy can wish for-, and we're going'to give them a w a y . : , ' - 1 ,.-.•'.•••-.;•.--..:•-,-; ; ;- 1 --.------- ; '.-,•:• •. , : ; ' Hom Stilts JOT {oot ami a A n ABII> TINTS. f3 eafih-iimj upward/' iBONitlld SUcHI.flBY bought and Sold. WALSH'S SONS .& CO..; Newark, N. J. Newark, N. J. . ,, 99o PusSiiio St. SCO WashingtA) St. QEOROE W. PEEK, JR.. ELECTRICIAN I Office, Standard Buildifix, . 'Westfleld. -: "'JtST-'! JT- - tj- MAN DAWN Firecrackers Free! With Every Pound of Tea, 30 Stamps. With Every Pound of Our Gold Aledal Colfee. ... -. : You get the UO Stumps just t hi; mime, "- '..-" L. LEHHAN & CO,, 133 Broad St , Cor. E. Grand, v_ Elliabeth, N'. J.. THE".SHOPPING CENTRE OF NEW (UoiedJulp ith nil day. Froia'8uttmUtp, .lull/ Vi(/i and during July and August start\ closes Stitvrdny> at IS noon. Open Writing A'igljd. VacalionrSala UqtilJhB "Fourth" Thordiughly/reliaqlp Trunks, Bags, etc. at reduced prices'until Thiitsdrfy Night./ , > F. WHBELElt, DEALER IN ICE .., s AIRS. A. W. MEYERS, EMPLOYMENT OFFI CRANFORD LOCALS. Mrs. L Urudley is at Springtjeld, A dunce nill be held ut the Golf Club toiuoirow night. Hubert Miller is the gi,iest of Itodgoru ut Suchem's Hem). - Mr. Kustuce 1J. l'o \«r left for Eng- hind today on it business trip. Mr. San ford of New York" was the of H. 'N. Fisko lust week. - -. A dunce ut the Casino on oThuis- duy eveningwill usher in'the 4.tli. ' ' Mr. und" Airs. J. l.{rTlioinpson will g o t o I'ortlnnd.^Miiine, tomorrow. > B. F. Huiley-'und family iiuve gone, to Moiimcuitli'. Ueucli for the suni- GIRLS CLIMB LADDER; BOYS CHEW GUAl" How Dizzypline is Enforced at Grant School Related jjy Those who Watch the Professor with Rellalje und for gir • Ladies. Supplied Help, and employment Apply, at i.O4 H^hStrbet EplANN'S STupio 4 and KODAK AGENCY 36 Elm Street, Weitfltld. ' 1 - (Near It. II. Station.) High Class Photographs at reasonable prices. *MI Amateur Supplies. \ Amateur work finishe . AVIludleyleft town this morn- for Shinneeork, I,ong Islnnd, to ijiend a. week. Mrs. \V. II. AddouiH of Hampton. Hallwill leave '.during thitPweek for Asbury Turk. • Mr. nnd Mrs. Canflcld of New York uro expected gur&tH'for one month inijiinipton l-i'all. Aithur C. Freuuian- of New York wns entextuinedI utthq home of L.1CV ov( : r Sunday. '•'-" witnessed the beginnin K o> a systematic inquiry by tho Uourd ofliducntion into the series of nets mid incidents nhifli, m tho opinion of Hurry Wilber, Horace F. Hill, j ; W. Hule, Uichurd 0. l'n K e, jr. A. U, Madden, William II. Smith mid others estublish tlio truth of'tlm charges ngninst Supemsing l'rincipul Thonma of generul inconipotency, rudo.and insolent conduct' toward parents, fuvoritism toward certain pupils -mid wi ful'misrepresentation and deceit. To tho disappointment of nli eoiiwrnediforiJiei (iovernor Voorhe.es was ubsout.. L'ndor dnte of June 1>U he wrofo to Mr; I'Um.ie that II.IMVUB uiiexiiectodly called to Chicago. He did nottisk, however,for-rr-deluy on that ueeoiint, us lie. had full confidence that the -Hoard woujd keep the examination within fuir lines. Hut his did ofthobourd, having been nppointed since tho prelimjnury bearing was held; but ut the request of the Hoard, and of Messrs. Thomas und Wilber consented (0 do so. tho Jl.05 From 5.00—Uasswood Dress Trunk, cnnvns covered. Iron bottom, steel reinforcements; Onn tray hut box, straps over top and .front. ' M covered,.hard wood sluts, cloth lined, brtisa-plntt.'d stool brnces. •:..... 7..!)8 From 0.48—WonifD'HltrHRS Truwk, onnroriiiiiirtmonf, ono ! dn-HH trity. Li-uther lininul. henvv stni-l mountin;;;i, imimi fltilnln. linen li.r.yd.. ' A GentlemiMi's Trunk, opuriiilly. arranged, snmo price. 7.75 From 0.00—.'10 inch SJiiit WiiiHt Trunk. PunvMS covered, 1 braHH plated triiniuinj;'). Thriv strung li - »i\ H. (\'o ehnrgp for letteiing ) Two Suit Case Specials for the "Fourth 4.50 m-.to.iil nf 6.S0—TIH-J'IC wort' 1 (1,50. Ilfii\y Cowludo Leather, «teol flump, e.iiit.is lnieil, side slin|i%. With or witlmul tliini«H:kct5rlinis>rlncksitnil— PRIVATE SALE I ni'^iefaold Goods, Furniture, Sldior. Iron Beds, etc. ' N. J. AUCTION CO. 85 HiioAD STRKK*, LDTeham; We Buy, Sell or Exchange. Mrs. Uritton anddiuijjiitcr K'anio- titi of Trenton, N. J.,iir« the guests of Mrs. Jumps L. Vuil. . • • Mr. mid Mrs, Hurry 'llrgcntiiii; left timn toddy for u. sojourn of two months rit ABlmry.l'itrk. . Mr. H. .Wjjber_hi!d funiily_ nj( . ependinjr the summer months at L-iburty Fulls, Nuw York. Miss Alice KiiiinuiiH of, Detroit, Mn-li., Bister ol C. L. Kminoiis, is spending n few weeks at. Hampton iiuii. •; .. . . Mr. William W .98insto.nlof 3 00—Stin steel fmine. reinforced comers, linen lined, inside "amps Inn"! locks nml S3 nnd 24 incite lGO-fi>-si]ll-iit this price. BOYS'AMDOlUIiS SL'ITCASKS " 3.98 to 4 98. Straw and Willow r a v i , Tefcscopes and Hand H.ig«. 3. SO ntnl as low n« (No clmrge for lettering. Flags for the "Fourth". Very attractive values in all size Flugs, limit ings, l'oh's nnd ItrnrkrtB. Webb of MiliVstroot, fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel Sownn •ward is spending with Mrs. C. Seward of A^duugliter (ids nrrived at tin-stop- ping place of Mr, mid Mrs. (tea, for- merly of this placn, but n»w summer- ing at Oceun Orove. : • . The Fourth of July progininnio ut TlKTGolf Cful) iiiclinloagulrlnmr tonlilH all day,: music uflernuon und even- ing, UrewoifcH ut H p. m., followed l»\ d President Phimo announced that tjie board had voted to hold tho hearing in private; iuid asked all who hud not been called, as' \\itnesHcn for one side or'the other to retire. No ono complied, although many wero present whoobviouslyiind ho 'connection with the case.- Mr. Wilber introduced us counsel for the Bigners of the churges, Mr. \V H. Crisp, whose opening remurks were in siibstunco ns follows: "The mutter under.consideration isi.one which is 'clo.se to our hwir'tB, lur itaffects ouretiiidien.": ^Tlie churgeH ugaiuHt MrrTlioiuusun; serious, and they ure made by.responsible citizens.'' They ask to be heard, "ami all thoV desire to reach is simple justice.. .'.•"' "It is theduty oftheUourd, wlieii charges are made, to nastnuc thu burden of the investigation. As public ollicinls you, and not the witnessm, should proHecute tliis cuso! Wu ask you to take cliurgo, and we will do our pu'rt by riirnisliing' witnesses nnd helping you in-performing your publio (liitios,- llefore proceeding, Lask lor u statement of the Hoard's ruling on tins point." " ..'-.,_.... M r ; _lliTiiTfeplic|l:"'"Wu hiivo jfie'ver lmd r uiiy other Intention. We uro hotasking citizens to furnish counsel, but: to give proof. We propose to investigate thin matter ourselves, und follow the lino you have laid d - b\vn." '. Mrs - Hurry. Wilbor wus the first witness called. She said that otic flay -in the winter of 1U0U-11)01 she culled on. Mr. Thomas in reference t o 11 punishment imposed.for her boy's being lute. Ho suid "1 suppose you . kept him homo to fake care of the baby, so yuu.could go to 11 curd party. Xlmt seems to be the rulu in Crunford." Mrs. Wilbor ulso stated Hint Misa lircli had ibid her of Mr. ThoriinH's, false rttatemont to Mi|j8 lJireh's cluaa catche-,; SSniid St inch; 12-1 ut this price. . cr.o'j/ir AXD'LKATIIKH IS VGS 39c to 14.98. SIMC Ffi.VOS—4xO-inch. Moijntnl on lilnck '.tick with gold spear henJ... .8u LAKQK PIJAOS—All-vVool Hunting, stars *owcd on W h -<iili'V«itioii£!ennui* i 2 r > for . . 2 SO tut .1.95 SILK FIiAdS 0\i:)J 1K1H ::: I2 ric 1»1\S2 . . 25e SMAMJ KIJAOS— \*fnm 3a do/, to 3Sc AMliltlUAX KI,A(J KllJUUXS-ln 4" Ppen fb_r_thgJ5eason Attractions ot all kinds. KU LL 6RCHESTR A' of six pieces. Music daily. HOPS—Tiicslay.Tliursilajr mid Saturday o\cmiigs. CONCERTS—Monday, Wcdnesdnyiiiml Friday evenings. KVKIll ArTKIIVUON. U Luv, 1'iictd;— UK I), -WHITE AND I11,UK ItlllliOX —Various widths, 3c t.) 19c yard. LS.Plaut&Co., Newark. Broad Street. : store «- Free Hail'/ llellveiit* by om aim uuyoii* _ _1" fojitjJIrwicfi.Atlit/riJ'iitLMifJH-OtvtC! and ntaiby rttort*. Special Kntcitainmcnt by UOVXTO.V IJEACII TitoL'IiADDL'HS t IS-IiL, mid Olhen. 1 Ktt Direct connection by trcllcy. Frecjuent trains by Central It." It. of X. J. The nVHilMd KH-HII Air Camp will "pflii today, July lar. On Wed n.*dii,\ ovojjiiig, tin. 2nd, under tho (mHjiici'K.of our Young i'ei)ple'H AN!<i,clutioii, nn ciitertalnnifnt con fisting ofBtereo}7ticon~~vTbtt8~«ilPbii given there by Mr. S. F. Austin. All intwestod avo cordiu1ly~invitfd "fo uttend. The KCIIOB ol danford defeatod the New Market team on tho Crnii- ford grounds lust Sutuiday by a srorcofll to «. Two gpod gnmes' are expected faf%Ju\y -I'tli. The morning game Mill be culled at I()-.'JO with th(> Urnngfl F. C. Tfio after- that their i»i>iouifil lcflintl made the teachjr^ick, when sho iiud'told him~i>t ,the opening of school'that she wus ill. .••-., , • ' • ii' • ' ' ' , | ..llelenWilbtTwuacalleJ to refute Mr; Thoinas's'Btatoment that ho was Tio1rihMr.-FogtOf8CliV8SfootoAvlieii 'tlul'IIlirEo^WeroTeni'lirqrms,'and tliat ho did not know of it until afterward. She waa positive that jie wow^tlioro, standing in" the back: of the roMj. Atthis point, County Suj)t^l[carer volunteered a Btatemcnt that ho had attended tho meeting by request^ the bourd, but thut he know nothing _ whatever iu rolation.tp the charges.aiuKwould say nothing if he did; for in enseofan appeal by either side to the stuVnutliorlties, ho would bo culled upon to net in ujudiciul cupucity. r A General dfavonte.: noon game nt .'!:.')() will l'lninfield ,Ir'H be with the Junior League Social. The members of the Junior r Lrq' n=Boclnl"-in~t he~clmpel l a s t UNION COUNTY M S I COMPANY. ELIZABETH. 3ST- J- ' Capital $200,000 ' Surplus $100,000 Pnvs 3 pnr cont. intcrcst'on accounts nbmo S500.00 snliject to check, payable in' N e w Yorfc fiinct^ if desired. Accounts of CurjKirotioiis, F i n n s nnd Intln itlunls solicited. ^ . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. or cent, on sums of S1.0O and -* TReCompsnf i*yi4titoresf',at 1 ilie rnte of » i d Open Moiidfty evenings from 7:30 to 0 o'cl Klbo Kid. Medium Heavy Welt Sole. Low HeeL evening. Itccitutions and songs were render ed by the Juniors, who also recited texts of Scripture and portions of other religious instruction given '-them «luring4he-yenrby Miss Jjottio: | Mendel!. Four prizes were awurded proficiency nnd attendance, to Dorothy Schindler, Lucy Jonegi Hazel Hice and Kdnu Kreie. Refreshmonts were served nnd a socinl time enjoyed, thus closing for Foster," lute principal of tlio high scliool.wiis in lurge purt.dW to the*general dislike felt toward him. "A little common sense would have vfrorked well, now and then." Mr. Foster ndded. "I wus employed to tench mutheinutics and ucteuLe, but «us culled upon tu tench history, bobk-kip und declamation—and then Mr. Tlmiiuls fold nle^ImPl hndn'tjfrijch to iltil I di<l not approve ol his. punishments. Once he saw u boy chewing^nini in thei'hapel and lu>miide him Htuutl up be'oii' thochildren und chew fort oi four minutes. Once 1 found u boy bent up like u jackknife under a bench in Miwa Vreehmd's room, apparently in great puiii._l;_wus_ouce uakeil by_ Miss Almy to punish one ol her pupils by shutting him up in tbodark room but refused, bi-cansn I did not believe in it.1' -ltegar4iug,..Adxu-liVrgUBj)n:tt mui ks he suid t hut hud the nile of marking zero for ubsences from recitation .been applied in hi'r.riwe sho would have been left back. Mr. Foster marked her according to bis own notion of what was right for the-work .-done when p r e s e n t . ..•••'..••- , . . • ' •':'* Mr. Foster also stated that Miss Armstrong left school and went to Klizubcth; but came buck soon aft'erwurd. lie noticed that her murks subsequently weie 10 to 1 '2 per cent, higher than before in the studies lie did not teach, while her record bused on uork in his classes wus lower. He inferred from tins thut she had been fu\ ored, especially as Mr. Thomas hud suid thut Miss Armstrong's leuving lmd hurt the school. Miss Palmer, a former student in the seventh grnde,Telatcd the "step- ladder incident." "Oile diiytliirpnpils VcrrmjiBy-inigaingfroiirtliFlJMeimrinr" to Miss Tuylor'sclussroom. Mr. ThomiiB had mstep bidder brought into tho room aboat 4 stepsJiigh, und ut his direction ull the .pupils except herseJi'-climue.<Jjlie..ludd.uA. y'^ t Reproduction of thb Style Shot. $3.00 Safe Deposit Vaults. BoMi to n . nt fro^s ? ye»«" up Acts as Executor, Administrator nnd Trustee and issties'lcttcrs of credit. Banking House, Broad and West Grand Sts. [ C '—'; /.OFFICERS:- ' THOMAS N, McCABTEB, President; ' , - FRANK 'BEUGEK, Vieo President, » . EVERY STYLE FOR ALL JOCCASIONS. They have that style and up- to-dateness'.thati& demanded by the fashionable dresser, and are the EASIEST shoes ever made.- _• Thfe most" popular and satisfy- ing woman's footwear. • : i .^i, s,obtainable. _ ,.^ THE PIKER SHOE CO., the summer Leagflp. the meetings of this Special Notices.' -Oirl Tor sencrnl. hmisewonl, Apply to Mrs. SKWIJID, 218 Wulimt nra- _ «L __^ _ r _ Ort Union •between South ntciuia nnd residence a package of lace. Konun] for return to MRS. CLARKXCK CHEK. ItRoil.Kita tor sale nt rcasonablo iirices. Writo to MRS. XESS, Xew'Orange. \ It. VAN- BROCKLIS, Veterinary Surgeon, 2.j (irore Street. 8 DB. .CHARLES FBEDfiMCK JONES, DentUt. , 1001 B. Jersey St., cor. Jfodison Avenue, n, N. 4, 1'ulmer-coullu'l wiy.' She uduiitteil that she had not been leprimunded fur disobedience. ' ' At another time nhen sjio accounted for "her'nb'ocnrc from school hv snying she remained at lntnie to take cure of her sick br.,thor, Mr. Thoiuu'a usked her.if she nus the dishuushcr for the family. Another time lie (inked if sh'cthonghrthe school wns run for her benefit. ' ~""~"""" : """"* "" Mrs. l'ulmer, mother of the preceding witness, snid' thut BIIO hud felt obliged to withdraw her daughter from tho school. , The girlj\;as much too large to muke a spectacle of herself by climbing otcpliuldc.ro.-. Mr. Thomas hud told her that bet* daughter wus not adapted to public school work—she should go to a private sclfobl. Mrs. T. A. Sperry repeated the published statement of .'discrimination' aguiust her daughter, and in favor of Mrs. Mjx's. regarding the making up of Ufeaons for absences, and told of her expei'it'nce in visiting the school. On entering the building-Mr. Thomas accosted her with the questions, Where did you come from7 Whut do >ou wunt? His manner, Mrs. Sperry said was'more, thun abrupt—it was brusque. Mrs. A. E. Madden wns tho last witness examined.' She told of-the fa- voritism, shown tcmar-d.tlie Mix child, us compared withjhediscrimination against her boy; uud how shu hnd proved both favoritism /ind deliberate falsehood by Mr. ThomaB in tbo Adu Ferguson cude. Ada Ferguson, said the witness, entered school last September a day later than her own child, and Mr. Thomas told Mrs. Madden thut for every recitation missed',, tho girl had been .marked wro. Later, hearing rumors of Miss Ferguson's high murks, Mrs. Madden demanded that Mr. Thomas produce the girl's > report card. Tbia.be. reluctantly did, and the figures showed a' standing that'could not possibly have been obtuined if the marks had no<~ been' changed in Miss Ferguson's favor. , •" .This Concluded the hearing for the evening. It will be continued at an > - early.date, cot,yet definitely fixed, , * "

Transcript of mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi)...

Page 1: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel

r * — '-- ' ^ ^ ^ f f f ^ V V ^ ^ j j j t f ^ i g ^

/ • '


Week^ Cents a Copy

"(Dol lars a Year



floss wonder, (going ttitboiir,lmi.r „



;t 3 in s; 4 divisions ofr.<ie.

".lirAcn-sCIiil. f8 n.arhcd Iry i,;,\Uy

''* ™ttif""'S)n> earner Brond n.,,,1


^QE^gUS-'T^'f^ \".'I2^V

^July 4th


• There won't be a boy in town this year whoTun'I oele!)iutL-and iiiake as much noise_as he likes,-Thai is if LEHMAN'S can help it. We've jjustTccetved 5.000 packages of the finest noise makersany boy can wish for-, and we're going'to give them

• a w a y . : , ' - 1 , . - . • ' . • • • - . ; • . - - . . : • - , - ; ; ; - 1 - - . - - - - - - - ; '.-,•:• •. • , • • • : • ; '

Hom Stilts JOT {oot ami a A nABII> TINTS. f3 eafih-iimj upward/'iBONitlld SUcHI.flBY bought and Sold.

WALSH'S SONS .& CO..;Newark, N. J.Newark, N. J. . , ,

99o PusSiiio St. SCO WashingtA) St.


ELECTRICIAN IOffice, Standard Buildifix, .

' W e s t f l e l d . -: "'JtST-'!JT-

- tj-

Store,*t," Elizabeth.

irs and Corset Covers,

est styles are desired,2t, will repay.



Firecrackers Free!With Every Pound of Tea, 30 Stamps .

With Every Pound of Our Gold Aledal Colfee.... -. : You get the UO Stumps just t hi; mime, "- '..-"

L. LEHHAN & CO,, 133 Broad St , Cor. E. Grand,v_ Elliabeth, N'. J..


»'.ic Departments.

(UoiedJulp ith nil day. Froia'8uttmUtp, .lull/ Vi(/i and during July andAugust start\ closes Stitvrdny> at IS noon. Open Writing A'igljd.

VacalionrSala UqtilJhB "Fourth"Thordiughly/reliaqlp Trunks, Bags, etc. atreduced prices'until Thiitsdrfy Night./ , >



..,s AIRS. A. W. MEYERS,



Mrs. L Urudley is at Springtjeld,

A dunce nill be held ut the GolfClub toiuoirow night.

Hubert Miller is the gi,iest ofItodgoru ut Suchem's Hem). -

Mr. Kustuce 1J. l'o \«r left for Eng-hind today on it business trip.

Mr. San ford of New York" was theof H. 'N. Fisko lust week. - -.

A dunce ut the Casino on oThuis-duy eveningwill usher in'the 4.tli. '' Mr. und" Airs. J. l.{rTlioinpson willg o t o I'ortlnnd.^Miiine, tomorrow. >

B. F. Huiley-'und family iiuve gone,to Moiimcuitli'. Ueucli for the suni-

GIRLS CLIMB LADDER; BOYS CHEW GUAl"How Dizzypline is Enforced at Grant School

Related jjy Those who Watch the Professor

with Rellaljeund for gir •

Ladies. SuppliedHelp, and employmentApply, at

i.O4 H^hStrbet

EplANN'SSTupio 4

and KODAK AGENCY36 Elm Street, Weitfltld. ' 1

- (Near It. II. Station.)

High Class Photographs atreasonable prices. *MI

Amateur Supplies. \Amateur work finishe

. AVIludleyleft town this morn-for Shinneeork, I,ong Islnnd, to

ijiend a. week.

Mrs. \V. II. AddouiH of Hampton.Hallwill leave '.during thitPweek forAsbury Turk. •

• Mr. nnd Mrs. Canflcld of New Yorkuro expected gur&tH'for one monthinijiinipton l-i'all.

Aithur C. Freuuian- of New Yorkwns entextuinedI utthq home of L.1CV

ov(:r Sunday. '•'-"

witnessed the beginninK o> a systematic inquiry by thoUourd ofliducntion into the series of nets mid incidents nhifli, m thoopinion of Hurry Wilber, Horace F. Hill, j ; W. Hule, Uichurd 0 . l'nKe, jr.A. U, Madden, William II. Smith mid others estublish tlio truth of'tlmcharges ngninst Supemsing l'rincipul Thonma of generul inconipotency,rudo.and insolent conduct' toward parents, fuvoritism toward certain pupils

-mid wi ful'misrepresentation and deceit. To tho disappointment of nlieoiiwrnediforiJiei (iovernor Voorhe.es was ubsout.. L'ndor dnte of June 1>Uhe wrofo to Mr; I'Um.ie that II.IMVUB uiiexiiectodly called to Chicago. He didnottisk, however,for-rr-deluy on that ueeoiint, us lie. had full confidencethat the -Hoard woujd keep the examination within fuir lines. Hut his did

ofthobourd, having been nppointed since tho prelimjnury bearing washeld; but ut the request of the Hoard, and of Messrs. Thomas und Wilberconsented (0 do so.


• Jl.05 From 5.00—Uasswood Dress Trunk, cnnvns covered. Ironbottom, steel reinforcements; Onn tray hut box, straps over topand .front. '

M covered,.hard wood sluts,cloth lined, brtisa-plntt.'d stool brnces. •:.....

7..!)8 From 0.48—WonifD'HltrHRS Truwk, onn roriiiiiirtmonf, ono! dn-HH trity. Li-uther lininul. henvv stni-l mountin;;;i, imimi fltilnln.

linen li.r.yd.. ' A GentlemiMi's Trunk, opuriiilly. arranged, snmo price.

7.75 From 0.00—.'10 inch SJiiit WiiiHt Trunk. PunvMS covered,1 braHH plated triiniuinj;'). Thriv strung li-»i\ H. (\'o ehnrgp for

letteiing )

Two Suit Case Specials for the "Fourth4.50 m-.to.iil nf 6.S0—TIH-J'IC wort'1

(1,50. Ilfii \y Cowludo Leather, «teolflump, e.iiit.is lnieil, side slin|i%. Withor witlmul tliini«H:kct5rlinis>rlncksitnil—

PRIVATE SALE Ini'^iefaold Goods, Furniture,

Sldior. Iron Beds, etc. '



We Buy, Sell or Exchange.

Mrs. Uritton and diuijjiitcr K'anio-titi of Trenton, N. J.,iir« the guests ofMrs. Jumps L. Vuil. . • •

Mr. mid Mrs, Hurry 'llrgcntiiii; lefttimn toddy for u. sojourn of twomonths rit ABlmry.l'itrk. .

Mr. H. .Wjjber_hi!d funiily_ n j ( .ependinjr the summer months atL-iburty Fulls, Nuw York.

Miss Alice KiiiinuiiH of, Detroit,Mn-li., Bister ol C. L. Kminoiis, isspending n few weeks at. Hamptoniiuii. •;.. . .

Mr. William W

.98insto.nlof 3 00—Stinsteel fmine. reinforced comers, linenlined, inside "amps Inn"! locks nml

S3 nnd 24 incite lGO-fi>-si]ll-iitthis price.

BOYS'AMDOlUIiS SL'ITCASKS "3.98 to 4 98 .

Straw and Willow r a v i , Tefcscopes and Hand H.ig«. 3. SO ntnl as low n«(No clmrge for lettering.

Flags for the "Fourth".Very attractive values in all size Flugs, limit ings, l'oh's nnd ItrnrkrtB.

Webb of MiliVstroot,fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- inthe rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujjewuped iiijnry.

Minn Harriether summerparents, Mf.""aridWalnut avenuel

Sownn•ward is spendingwith

Mrs. C. Seward of

A^duugliter (ids nrrived at tin-stop-ping place of Mr, mid Mrs. (tea, for-merly of this placn, but n»w summer-ing at Oceun Orove. : • .

The Fourth of July progininnio utTlKTGolf Cful) iiiclinloagulrlnmr tonlilHall day,: music uflernuon und even-ing, UrewoifcH ut H p. m., followed l»\d

President Phimo announced that tjie board had voted to hold thohearing in private; iuid asked all who hud not been called, as' \\itnesHcn forone side or'the other to retire. No ono complied, although many weropresent who obviouslyiind ho 'connection with the case.-

Mr. Wilber introduced us counsel for the Bigners of the churges, Mr. \VH. Crisp, whose opening remurks were in siibstunco ns follows:

"The mutter under .consideration isi.one which is 'clo.se to our hwir'tB, luritaffects our etiiidien.": ^Tlie churgeH ugaiuHt MrrTlioiuusun; serious, andthey ure made by.responsible citizens.'' They ask to be heard, "ami all thoVdesire to reach is simple justice.. . ' . • " '

"It is theduty oftheUourd, wlieii charges are made, to nastnuc thuburden of the investigation. As public ollicinls you, and not the witnessm,should proHecute tliis cuso! Wu ask you to take cliurgo, and we will do ourpu'rt by riirnisliing' witnesses nnd helping you in -performing your publio(liitios,- llefore proceeding, Lask lor u statement of the Hoard's ruling ontins point." " ..'-.,_....

M r ; _lliTiiTfeplic|l:"'"Wu hiivo jfie'ver lmdruiiy other Intention. We urohotasking citizens to furnish counsel, but: to give proof. We propose toinvestigate thin matter ourselves, und follow the lino you have laid d-b\vn."

'. M r s- Hurry. Wilbor wus the first witness called. She said that otic flay-in the winter of 1U0U-11)01 she culled on. Mr. Thomas in reference to 11punishment imposed.for her boy's being lute. Ho suid "1 suppose you .kept him homo to fake care of the baby, so yuu.could go to 11 curd party.Xlmt seems to be the rulu in Crunford." Mrs. Wilbor ulso stated Hint Misalircli had ibid her of Mr. ThoriinH's, false rttatemont to Mi|j8 lJireh's cluaa

catche-,; SSniid St inch; 12-1 ut this price. .

cr.o'j/ir AXD'LKATIIKH IS VGS39c to 14.98.

SIMC Ffi.VOS—4xO-inch. Moijntnl on

lilnck '.tick with gold spear henJ.. . .8u

LAKQK PIJAOS—All-vVool Hunting,

stars *owcd on W h -<iili'V«itioii£!ennui*

i 2r> for . .2 SOtut .1.95

SILK FIiAdS 0\i:)J1K1H : : : I 2 ric1»1\S2 . . 25e

SMAMJ KIJAOS— \*fnm 3a do/, to 3ScAMliltlUAX KI,A(J KllJUUXS-ln 4"

Ppen fb_r_thgJ5easonAttractions ot all kinds.

KU LL 6RCHESTR A 'of six pieces. Music daily.

HOPS—Tiicslay.Tliursilajr mid Saturdayo\cmiigs.

CONCERTS—Monday, WcdnesdnyiiimlFriday evenings.


ULuv, 1'iictd;—

UK I), -WHITE AND I11,UK ItlllliOX—Various widths, 3c t.) 19c yard.

. made of me.»»hed and well.rice Is very low.

of Malting Ina orcen, blue,"not help suit.I'd up.

LS.Plaut&Co., Newark.Broad Street. : s t o r e « -

Free Hail'/ llellveiit* by om aim uuyoii*_ _1" fojitjJIrwicfi.Atlit/riJ'iitLMifJH-OtvtC!

and ntaiby rttort*.

Special Kntcitainmcnt byUOVXTO.V IJEACII TitoL'IiADDL'HS

t IS-IiL, mid Olhen. 1 KttDirect connection by trcllcy. Frecjuent

trains by Central It." It. of X . J.

The nVHilMd KH-HII Air Camp will"pflii today, July lar. On Wedn.*dii,\ ovojjiiig, tin. 2nd, undertho (mHjiici'K.of our Young i'ei)ple'HAN!<i,clutioii, nn ciitertalnnifnt confisting ofBtereo}7ticon~~vTbtt8~«ilPbiigiven there by Mr. S. F. Austin. Allintwestod avo cordiu1ly~invitfd "fouttend.

The KCIIOB ol danford defeatodthe New Market team on tho Crnii-ford grounds lust Sutuiday by as r o r c o f l l to «. Two gpod gnmes'are expected faf%Ju\y -I'tli. Themorning game Mill be culled at I()-.'JOwith th(> Urnngfl F. C. Tfio after-

that their i»i>iouifil lcflintl made the teachjr^ick, when sho iiud'told him~i>t,the opening of school'that she wus ill. .••-., , • ' • ii' • ' ' ' , |

..llelenWilbtTwuacalleJ to refute Mr; Thoinas's'Btatoment that ho wasTio1rihMr.-FogtOf8CliV8SfootoAvlieii 'tlul'IIlirEo^WeroTeni'lirqrms,'and tliat •ho did not know of it until afterward. She waa positive that jie wow^tlioro,standing in" the back: of the roMj.

Atth i s point, County Suj)t^l[carer volunteered a Btatemcnt that hohad attended tho meeting by reques t^ the bourd, but thut he know nothing _whatever iu rolation.tp the charges.aiuKwould say nothing if he did; for inenseofan appeal by either side t o the stuVnutliorlties, ho would bo culledupon to net in ujudiciul cupucity.

rA Generaldfavonte.:

noon game nt .'!:.')() willl'lninfield ,Ir'H

be with the

Junior League Social.

The members of the Juniorr Lrq'

n=Boclnl"-in~t he~clmpel l a s t


Capital $200,000 ' Surplus $100,000Pnvs 3 pnr cont. intcrcst'on accounts nbmo S500.00 snliject to check, payable in'

New Yorfc fiinct^ if desired. Accounts of CurjKirotioiis, Finns nnd Intln itlunls solicited.

^ . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.or cent, on sums of S1.0O and-* TReCompsnf i*yi4titoresf',at1ilie rnte of » i

d Open Moiidfty evenings from 7:30 to 0 o'cl

Klbo Kid.MediumHeavyWelt Sole.Low HeeL

evening.Itccitutions and songs were render

ed by the Juniors, who also recitedtexts of Scripture and portions ofother religious instruction g i v e n

'-them «luring4he-yenrby Miss Jjottio:| Mendel!. Four prizes were awurded

proficiency nnd attendance, toDorothy Schindler, Lucy J o n e g iHazel Hice and Kdnu Kreie.

Refreshmonts were served nnd asocinl time enjoyed, thus closing for

Foster,"lute principal of tlio high scliool.wiis in lurge purt.dW to the*general dislikefelt toward him. "A little common sense would have vfrorked well, now andthen." Mr. Foster ndded. "I wus employed to tench mutheinutics anducteuLe, but «us culled upon tu tench history, b o b k - k i pund declamation—and then Mr. Tlmiiuls fold nle^ImPl hndn'tjfrijch to iltilI di<l not approve ol his. punishments. Once he saw u boy chewing^nini inthei'hapel and lu> miide him Htuutl up be'oii' tho children und chew fortoi four minutes. Once 1 found u boy bent up like u jackknife under a benchin Miwa Vreehmd's room, apparently in great puiii._l;_wus_ouce uakeil by_Miss Almy to punish one ol her pupils by shutting him up in tbodark roombut refused, bi-cansn I did not believe in it.1' -ltegar4iug,..Adxu-liVrgUBj)n:ttmui ks he suid t hut hud the nile of marking zero for ubsences from recitation.been applied in hi'r.riwe sho would have been left back. Mr. Foster markedher according to bis own notion of what was right for the-work .-done whenp r e s e n t . . . • • • ' . . • • - • • , . . • ' • ' : '*

Mr. Foster also stated that Miss Armstrong left school and went toKlizubcth; but came buck soon aft'erwurd. l ie noticed that her murkssubsequently weie 10 to 1 '2 per cent, higher than before in the studies liedid not teach, while her record bused on uork in his classes wus lower. Heinferred from tins thut she had been fu\ ored, especially as Mr. Thomas hudsuid thut Miss Armstrong's leuving lmd hurt the school.

Miss Palmer, a former student in the seventh grnde,Telatcd the "step-ladder incident." "Oile diiytliirpnpils VcrrmjiBy-inigaingfroiirtliFlJMeimrinr"to Miss Tuylor'sclussroom. Mr. ThomiiB had mstep bidder brought intotho room aboat 4 stepsJiigh, und ut his direction ull the .pupils exceptherseJi'-climue.<Jjlie..ludd.uA.


t Reproduction of thb Style Shot.


Safe Deposit Vaults. BoMi t o n.nt fro^s ? ye»«" upActs as Executor, Administrator nnd Trustee and issties'lcttcrs of credit.

Banking House, Broad and West Grand Sts.[ • C '—'; /.OFFICERS:- '

THOMAS N, McCABTEB, President; ' , -FRANK 'BEUGEK, Vieo President,

• » .



They have that style and up-to-dateness'.thati& demandedby the fashionable dresser,and are the EASIEST shoesever made.- — _•Thfe most" popular and satisfy-

ing woman's footwear. • :i . ^ i , s,obtainable. _ , . ^


the summerLeagflp.

the meetings of this

Special Notices.'

-Oirl Tor sencrnl. hmisewonl,Apply to Mrs. SKWIJID, 218 Wulimt nra-

„ _ «L __ _ r _

Ort Union •between South ntciuiannd residence a package of lace. Konun]for return to MRS. CLARKXCK CHEK.

ItRoil.Kita tor sale nt rcasonablo iirices.Writo to MRS. X E S S , Xew'Orange. \

It. VAN- BROCKLIS, Veterinary Surgeon,2.j (irore Street. 8


1001 B. Jersey St., cor. Jfodison Avenue,n, N. 4,

1'ulmer-coullu'l wiy.' She uduiitteil that she had not been leprimunded furdisobedience. ' '

At another time nhen sjio accounted for "her'nb'ocnrc from school hvsnying she remained at lntnie to take cure of her sick br.,thor, Mr. Thoiuu'ausked her.if she nus the dishuushcr for the family. Another time lie (inkedif sh'cthonghrthe school wns run for her benefit. ' ~""~"""": """"* ""

Mrs. l'ulmer, mother of the preceding witness, snid' thut BIIO hud feltobliged to withdraw her daughter from tho school. , The girlj\;as much toolarge to muke a spectacle of herself by climbing otcpliuldc.ro.-. Mr. Thomashud told her that bet* daughter wus not adapted to public school work—sheshould go to a private sclfobl.

Mrs. T. A. Sperry repeated the published statement of .'discrimination'aguiust her daughter, and in favor of Mrs. Mjx's. regarding the making upof Ufeaons for absences, and told of her expei'it'nce in visiting the school. Onentering the building-Mr. Thomas accosted her with the questions, Wheredid you come from7 Whut do >ou wunt? His manner, Mrs. Sperry saidwas'more, thun abrupt—it was brusque.

Mrs. A. E. Madden wns tho last witness examined.' She told of-the fa-voritism, shown tcmar-d.tlie Mix child, us compared withjhediscriminationagainst her boy; uud how shu hnd proved both favoritism /ind deliberatefalsehood by Mr. ThomaB in tbo Adu Ferguson cude. Ada Ferguson, saidthe witness, entered school last September a day later than her own child,and Mr. Thomas told Mrs. Madden thut for every recitation missed',, thogirl had been .marked wro. Later, hearing rumors of Miss Ferguson'shigh murks, Mrs. Madden demanded that Mr. Thomas produce the girl's >report card. Tbia.be. reluctantly did, and the figures showed a' standingthat'could not possibly have been obtuined if the marks had no<~ been'changed in Miss Ferguson's favor. , •"

.This Concluded the hearing for the evening. It will be continued a t an > -early.date, cot,yet definitely fixed, , * "


Page 2: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel

J B . JS. J.

PrXUkaA mrt Tne*lay »nd Fridaj ~

.. '" u d ln,lon Avenue*.

• JO IX ALFBKD PQTTKR.' - KdilQtSui4 Prop'r

r.«s * l l < n » ,•- • » .S « ILK Const - -•-Br CA*UCH, j«r weik


. .OS

- ' •ft'1

\ Ivc-lia'cu: rules rurtiiilu'J u|iuu IIMIIU allun

" Tno Cbronlcl* mar he found on adit al the

t'taion Se»-s itaml ."'id ul the C'hrotilLlL Unlit

ON account of next Friday being aholiday, tli« CHIIOMCI.H dated July4 will.bc issued on .Tliursiluy nftcrnnon. .- '- '"' ~. .

IN tlie New. Jersey .'Contractor's(•(instruction notes it is stutod thatArchitects. Oukley & Sou of K!izubeth are preparing pinna for theremodelini; of J. VV. FerguHuti'a(ninit^ lip.u^.^iliUo'niJ.JJjK^.th^.'JiSiJj^UuilJiiigl*iu'ukuig'''(lirco stores \vitli

— Iiviiij*' npiirtnTSntS^TilJ"*'^ Tlie ii»r

proveiuent con-teiiiulateH hot airheat, tin roof, open plumbing, newstore front*,uon light fixtures.

_tiuhitl)ly the greatest medicine knownto.themMlcaT profession; '"' —--—--

It is for sale by all drumjlsts in theMB W 30. Oent SIZB and the regularfl .00 sire bottles—less than a cent a done.Sam fit boflltz-iuugk far trial, frn h mail.

Dr. David K«nn«dy Corporation, Rondout, N. V.

I .

IK."TV in ii grace of pliaructerwhich operates 'to-restrict'acquain-tanci-sliip, while endearing• tlio" pos-,HeMsor.to those who i)re"priviliged topuss the barrier. To. inuuy Mr. II.

- 12. Foster is known onlyby name usthe lutif principal of tlib (iritnt HighSchool, and "to innny the notVM of hit*promotion to a position in.'Ne«vYork at a salary if GOO in advanco'' oftlmt which he received here I'H a. umttor of Hierely pausing' interest. Hutto the few who knew liini' well, hissuccess will bring keen' ])leusure, thepleasure"(lint edmtia {foiii a ci^nvic-tion tlmt it is well deserved,


Fair Acres IIUH BO well I'Htublislieda record-forfair eport. that wo linveno Invitation in ad vicing lovers ofthe horse to visit tbo track on Fri-day in order| to "watch tho threeBplendid races arranged by 'the driv-ing club. There will also bo an ex-hibition of speed by tlie beautifulhrutc that possesses almost humanintelligence, Neil Alcyoner, the guide-less wonder, who without driver orharness, has coverc.il a mile in 2:08,

ltacinghas beon culled t.ho sport otkings. It is np I»;BB the sport ofAmericans who, wear no crown, butwho nevertheless exercise.- through

—their-^balleta—u^power -nt—whiolitliroues'tiiid niontiruhs tremhle. .

To its already uuuquulcd and high-ly satisfactory service tho JerseyContra I has lidded another train,Icaviug the local etatiOu at 7:21 u.

-uithereby obviating the cliuugu of cars

---anti inifro-drlessprotracttiCf'tletuyTirfKhzubuth. ltetumiug,' the t r a i nleaves Newark at u:'J0 p. in. ,midarrives here ttt 3:53.. ; ;

While tbo railroad company and- , its consideration ol tin) public ure lu

niind, it may bu p.nrtinent to saythat the company has taken uttlmilituticeof the Board of KducatiouVrtHiuest tbut proper protection bt'giit-u at tbd Uarwood crossing, and.JmB_aln;udy.iiiudij-HuriJ.'ya;aiid_incuz.euroineuts preliminary to urectinggut«8 there.

Of the City Council, Wilkes-barre, Pa., Cured of


- Col, -Wm. J. llarvey, « president ofI W l k S b r ' i i t ' c o u n c U ; who willlong-lie TfflMemtereafcriiu great •wark for thecity, « u once a mere physical wreck,

_ torn in every muscleamLnfirve from thefngritful jiatns caused by 'rheumatism.He consulted the' bent physicians,' went•broad, took mud haths, and almostevejy Known treatment for the dikcasw.A f rleiid had had a very »imilar'experienceand Dr. DavidKennudy's Favorite Rem-edy had cured him, so he recommendedthis Krdt kidney medicine to Col. Harveyand he is to-day a well man, hale andbeany He writes straight to the point'.DK." DAVID KKNNCDV,-. | Pear $lr:—Thi» i» to certify that I

was permanently Jcured of rheuma- -ttsm by, the use of Dr. David Ken-nedy's Favorite Remedy, i

WM. J. HAHVIY. ,Rheumatism li but another name for

uric acid poisoning which is caused pri-marily by diseased^kidneys^j Cure.yourkidneys and the rheumatism disappears.

For all diseases of the kidneys, liver,"bladder and.blood, rheumatism, dyspep-•ia and chronic constipation, as well as

• sicknesses peculiar to women. Dr. Qa-KeTSn«J"#Ti'rav6^e;Tlem^y-Mtmq

'• Dr.Ua>llCaUrrh, H

a Bow i«llr radlbal.cur*l C l t l a l l i l 00c.


JDrrrlopmrnt iif a I.nltnt Sixth Sense\Vlil«(h'IIPIIIM to Caiapcaillc

••'-- f u r !.<>•• o f Hltrht .

II is iniuooihle fur the most of us torealize tlie nature of a sixth tense anIt i* l<> represent to ciur imaginationsthexondltlonsofnn existence in fewer,or more, 'than our jjiniillur three (11-liicnsrruis. .Hilt, the greatest mat heina-ticlmis are K«ill to attain ton concep-tion of ii fourth (liiiK-nsliin, and it iscertain thilt'mine people possess ar.mliii\elitary,anil niystcr4ou»--facultyof perception, which Is distinct frorhthe fumilriiF (iviv says .the LondonOlobe. According to Dr. Jovnl, theblind I'arihlnn physician, It 1* the de?vejonment of this Intent-sixth sensewhich serves to compensate the blindfor their loss of si(rlit-evcn.more thnnan Increased alertness uf hearing aridof touch? The wilt of this rudimentaryRense is in tlie jli«i|dj to.jiome of it»possessors it appeafVmofe djefliiitelyIn thci'forehead, while others'.lopulizett in the Interior of1 the enr. It» posrsessorK nre nhlr to ilrtcct the presenceof a solid object, Kiichas a door or wnll.wlthin-a iliorl distiinee of theJiend Intotal dnrkn'evK, imd become owartf.ofthe obstacle by ineans of n sensationof vibration or. pressure upon the earor brain. Many persons' possess thisRensilivenef> without knowing It to bea1 all exeeptiii.milj.lmt with most ofthem it is not strong enough to savecollisions iriTlH- ilnrk. except when theymove slowly unit carefully. Could Itonly lie devi-lopeil ton prnct leal degreethere would lie fewer ehlni> sen rifled Inm i i l n i s r l i t i ins-s i i<jrjs . . • •. ...

lorm rly Everett & Plerson.)

Mason and Builder.

Reliable work done at short

n p t i c c . '•.'.. \ • ••


oticeof Intention.hullec h> JILXUIJ ctvtn lliat It lj_llii_JuUutluH

orthvTuwiijdilp tuiiinillttu of Hie louuslilp <if |orpnlurarliilwu <-omjt>.**lul|' of >uw .lirrtty,'lopstu an onlniuuce rtlutlni; lu lire ouulms,t-arriacetiand ufber uppanitu^ IUH] tlmt ou Jul>Mil, VATi, at t* l* tluck II in. lit tin '1 u\v ludiljiKjomt a rublic liearinic will l>0 i;t\tli to ulllutemtmt lu MLM 1 rtt|t4H\nl (inlliiiiiK^, Tin*IirorUiuiib uf tliu iirujtunutl urUluumu art UH



tho lotanf l l»hl|iof CranforddolicribyordalUHnfull^

SECTIOX L Tliat uo (K'reon except, nutlromembenot the fire departmem'of tbu'rowiiffliipof Cranford >hall ride u|H>Uariy elgltio, carrla^uoroUiersppAntusbelODiciutf tu4 ur used by tliclaid departnieii't cither la isolns to or roturnlnjcIroai a Are, or when any cnjlne, uirrlanu orother apparatus U being Uft'il i>y ttreuifu luanswer to an alarm of fin. »

, Sections. Thatmnrpn«>iivhoshall\lolatetab) ordinance ihall, on conviction, lie imnlabedbj a fine pttYt ISrdollanj.

8*CTibii 3. TUU ordinance aball take effectat once. '

W. P. IULUCbalrmao of Towuhlp Committee.


E. W. HADDEN—Hoofs felted, painted, . i, and repaired; metal cfiUngs and aido walla*U)' • , .potoo ac Iowa* prices. TeL 9201. 1177h<!i, JJart Grand Stree',HliabeUl.r

Price, $i, $1.50




-• / A discount of twenty-five (25) cents per

thousand feet, will be allowed on &as bills, of

at iliii*--.:-.T—

-office within n>da>& from- date'of pr^ntation -.- .i.

of bill.

and. Haadstou* - for C«jn«««jFloU. AllOrdenDtUitndaiurSetUp

; 'p

oftent«nned Amerkssextravagance. HI*

plea is that American economy-is the economy ' which consistsin doing things on a large scale,in producing much • rather thanin *av)n£ Jjttle; thnt lh* old j^r»iemof ecunoruy cunsliiteil in picayune re-.frenchmeut—-a njs~teni wliic'li"~Bljbiil3luue,no place in America- to-day.^Uukef^cij-fr <>' the pennte" anU th«dollnrx will take cure of themtebekIs, from a modern—pnrnt of _\lew, aafalse 118 it is trite." The small eco-DomlcH of the French and (iermun donot fit the American, (irent plans,great nnentioiih, great expenditures,ure in the line of hU genius. Hechoose* to make, rather than to save.To make much 1e.q11ire.ii a large out-lay in iniiiifV, ein:i-£y and brains andthe American in ready to furnishthin outlay.! lie is read^1, -too,, to in-

in' luxuries, to speiid Jiiis liaunry'ly on his home, his Tfamlly and

public interests. In the lung r,un,even these expcniliturcs bring "ingood financial rbturiiH, since hisprosperity is shared by others whoneed employment, patronage or siil>-stantiiii. aid and on tthcim he, too, is

;*." "fSere ffl"bnp point, l iow-'cver.—obKervi'H the Chicago Chron-icle, which Mr. Ilii])good does not'tiluch upon in the generous view hetakes of the AmericaulS 'as econo?mists. His implication _ls that theAmerican IOKCH sight of little thingsund cares only for those which loomup us significant. The- fuct 1B, thetiiieccssful American sees the Hinnlland the great in due proportion. Hesees the increasing dependence ofthe great upon the s-niull-—not In a:picuyunish wiiy, but with: the broadginigerhe is~1iy"cuStoni«a UF use a»standard of ineiisure. It iajthlH eyeto the vnlue of little things that ha*led the American to utilize every-thing—even t i l e m o s t Mhilgnlficnritrubbish. He muy work on a largeBcale like nature herself, but, likenature, he takes neco jnt of the a p -parently worthlcsii und compels it toK«rve_ some - purpose—in- - the -largeeconomy. The fertility .-at Americangenius has shown itself in manywuys, but in none more than in theability to transform the insignificantto the Important nnd what Is re-garded as waste into productive ma-terial. " ' " . . - '


Every, few dayH n.i;jiiiic occiirij inionic crowded asseiiilihigc. A cry is

parted «n.l the. iriiwd rushes pell

ineii;'for? supposedBafety, biit ns a rule actually -to serl-ous injury. Some-day, says the U'nsh-Ington Star, n wise legislature willframe a law which will adequatelypunish the nersun'who thus awukensthe slumbering fears ol a throng byan Inconsiderate or. a inisclilevous

Kv'en the innocent uitcranceof a foolish fear may deserve mimemeasure of retribution, if-'only toleach others~Tlie~vlrtiie 01 coolnessin emergencies. Hut for the mall-clous Wretch who starts a crowdnuivlng.lu..punle..for the sake of.Kee-inp; tlie disturbance there can l>e noproper punishment short of Icing Im-prisonment.

The trade In fine miri urs is no loifgerwhat It used to be,' it it, said. Twi-nly.five, or thirty—years ng.i every well-to-'do funi^^bo_^gy^jft^.jgiwtrp3;eJttjils.11fe,*a*iurigian or a French 11111 nt el mir-ror or pier glass, framed in gold orebony, and worth from $200 to *50(l,lint now families no longer find It nec-cssary to invent their money hi tliiitwny Our builders, within the lust twoor three decades, lime taken more andmore to building mirrors into the,houses, just us the} build mantels ordoors In them. Hence, w hen ,\ ou go tofurnish 11 house It Is no longer neees-Ml-y for Jim to bio these eostl} andUiiif-uLomnmcnts. .

"The Vei applest' people on earth]{\v out in western-Kantas," sajb theKaptaa a t y JifiLrnal._J'Jlecen,flyuiimn.1 f b 1 : l H ^ ' i T r 4 i H n f g r


Price, $2.00Ik***,


Apply to

vrpn out

19 Eastman Strtct.

<• ' " i

; ' " . ^ e i — y - y / T trf*^ ••• —

One of tKelocSTpBpeTs'"snfrrit:undoubt-'edlj was a dinornis fossil. Therewouldn't appear to be anythingbumptious or quarrel-provoking inthat. Dut the other ppper hotlj re-cpouded^that-Uie bone-wat not-riljior—pis, but pterodactyl, and now the airis positively thick with bones nndLhlln language.

It is a duty to record conspicuouslythe \ictory of the American golf ballon, the amateur championship linksin Great Britain. Mr. Hutchings,who won the- finals from Mr. Fry,iSnjs the New York Sun, played withi t We should-much prefer to winthe championship with an Americanplayer, but," thai being still impos-sible, we gratefully celebrute theball. r

John Francis Qabb and Lulu Silencenere married at St. Louis the otherday. That is too bad. We have lastSIis« Silence and oDly gained anotherGabb. I

Salmon frozen In 0reg6rJ and shippedto the cities of Germany fan be boughtthere for 35 cent* • pouhd, while Get-lu'An solmou'coaU 11,85 ft pound.

GARBAGE COLLECTOR.- Aufliomed by ttfe VJTA. "Colfec-tioDB made daily 'or otherwise asdesired.

Reasonable Prices..


Dealer In

Carriages* Harness.

OusUimcrs of 20 years standing in

Cranford who will vouch fur .satisfaction

received. He p a i r i n g and puintiilg a


J. N. IRVING,• ' •' —Dealer I n - '

fieef; Mutton, Laiqb, Veal,

Pork, Corned Beef,^ Ham, Shoulder,

/^Poultry, Etc.: " • . " . . , * * * » * * * * * « * * •


0. W. UA.NKIN.J . U

' - Dealer hr- - - . ^ ^ / ^ - ; - •—,—:--: r - v -



(JKFICK Clironi..'lc lil'ic.K.




and - guildpr:

Dealer In


Office and Store,


Wines, Ales, ~Liquors and Cigars.


-OrdersIpr Buttled Beer Delivered.

Newly furnished Rooms. All- Improv;menu. Bath, electric funs, liidl<_tparlor, plauo ami everything necen-sary for the Comfort of guests, Hoaiilst Ho»sonal)le~RafeX ~


STEAMLAUNDT?YPlease Give Us Your Attention


And send tousyoureoiledlanndry.You can not get better Batisfactionthan in onr establishment. We harenot only the largest establishmentol Its kind in Hie State, but we havealso'the bent faciTitieg 7 to do goodwork.-- • r" - ^ -

Send a poetalcard i_.nd we'll sendour wagon.

Apericao Steam and. Hand Laundry.

V4f16 and 18 West Jersey St., ELIZABETH,

Telephone 145 Jlutnnl'f- - ; <




V : ! ^ : : : : ; f •!;;.1 ,15 7 IAa.rk.et Str-eet-

&e S -Broad. -Stireet--

United Eleetrie Company of New JerceyELIZABETH, N. J.

Electricity for Light and Power,' INGAN-DESGEN'i" L1G1 iTSv


OiEfloe: 2 1 7 3- roacVSt


"~;isT6Ti6l7f the first things a vvomih asks aUoul and ^ .and generally insists upon when she goes to -look.at a house for re'nf. You may be tliinkihgot putting due in your house. '1 hen. call and seethe models in working operation at our store.You will'get new arid practical ideas. •.-..',,.. .


Need a New Sidewalk?

If so. get the BEST. Flag walks last a life lime

and are no trouble to keep in order. They are also the

cheapcstT T^et^uscohvince you by furnishing an estimate



";;'•';• :J.. Kfo. 3 IJiiioii A v e n u e . ' :

i 'or Dances, Entcxtaihriverils, Meetings; Fair? and pub-

lic gatherings. Floor 'pace 01x24 Seating capacity 250

Dressing rooms and kitchen. Terms' moderate.


To Cord Comtlpatloiv Koreter. Ill/—IITake Cuacarets CiimlvCVI1 irtli, ll)o oj- 55c. I W 311

UC.C.C tail to cure, druu ihtB rttuud moncc

New Jersey CentralC irrccted to June 39, 1902.

Artist's Materials.


S 68, S 51, a K 714 (7 Sf to Xqtt art.l 7 it,, S 03,8I7.8S0, BIW.UM. 10«,,I14I A. M U'X, 1 OS,IDS. 803. 4 00. 484. SOS Gil. (14N, .'a, H4H9U3, 1032. ,144 I". M. Sundu>«, IVI.'SIT, 1108,1006 A M ISlb, 1 II, 2m, S3H, 8 18, »08, 70H,H 48, inSS ]> ?.l

Korl'lalllllelil-J'.a ("".OV!,801,OH, 1044. II 48,

For milndelphli-ice. n V3 8 01, 9 Ji \ V1«44, HV8 IB, 816, 7l(C7 81. 921, 1.13. mdt.Sundays 5 27, IIUJ. \.M J .0 4 ,0, HQ. 0 1H, 1* M" For Iicadins nml II inlslmis-tfL, SOIrDi'iA.M. 146 4 47. 7 61 to Itpadlnir OTI!J)P;M.l!f 43 nt Sunda>s 101 A M 1 47, ft U>, u fri 1* M. For Poltiivllle, Su>il>nry and WIMamimort—sos. soi, »w A M. Mr, J « , rs ir .M. aun-daynlOlA M. 147 P.M.

For Enstoii, Hoih'elicm, /Hrnlonn, HunchChunk—6tK, Fd01 to IliUilclieiu], on \ M 145147. [6 47 to 1 .utiml P. M SuiiUiiys S 37/A. M!147.0JHI M t

For W Ilkesbarro and Stnint«n—S 02. 9 21 A MF k l S WFor Lukewoml-IIOJ A. M 1W. 4 0J P M

SutMJayil008A..M. ' 'For Atlantic City—DOHA. M. 185 P. M.For Long llranch. Aihqry Pnrk, Poltt I'lens-

jnt and aeoahore points—153. 1141 A. M. i,iUP. M. • —~-


Oeniliaiuiger. . V0«i.Tiu«.''"AiCat.

If interested in »ny of tlie above,


WELCH BROTHERS,— Westlield, New Jersey.

Trolley cars stop at the door.


M t m tDcstGnsf

COPYRIGHTS A CAnrotn Mndlnc »ikelrb uxt dcMristian mkr

nutoklr amruin rnraplnloa fra* wdetlwr w>Inreuflon • prcbablriu\t«tit<iMe. Coninnmi™-tlon>«trtcU»contld«ntW. IIindbookanPMciit*sent free. OldfMt MJIBIICJ tortccurliiyjutgnt^

Page 3: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel




(55 ) cents per

n jjas bills, of



^ • *

Apply to J. A. POTTER.

o j j>rre>ental«>n _ . . s

ish & Knox,| Sanitary Plumbing, Steam am

Qas Fitting. Tinning and

Sheet fletal Work.


itfTtonij ATcnnc -—*-•—'vrsmonr, N.~

Estlmatta ChwfulJy FurnlahcdL

' The Ue^ Jersey Title GuararitBe and Trust Corrjpany.CAPITALUNDIVIULU I'KOI 115

.Sjno.aoo.oo• i • . . . $650,000.00

ttcceivcs DcpofiH Subject to Check anil Allows Inureit on Dally, llalanccs. IsiUi* Time 'and Demand .Certificates vt Deposits Bearing: Interest.

IMPORTANT TO RENTERS OF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES IN N. V."The Lepacy and Iiilirritnnce Tax L:iw," tis eimrti-ii ujuler t!ie IUWB of the Slate (if

Jfpw York, Sfi-tion i). chapter H99. of lHfi-i. authorize city »r county nOlclulg to axmnlii- .tire '1 i-niiV')'?" "1 !&*fe liopottit ltoxus at the Heath of rcutur, 111 order to ilrlcrmllic tht! .uinout

of tax 'i.» lM>"efIi'il <i" "M" ystatc. ' : .ISiiXKS TO HKNT KUOM^.OO TO (.H'IO PKH AN'M'M. '.



Sanitary Plumbing, GIR Filting, Steam,Hot W a t f i ^ d . Hot Air Heating,

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Woik.

¥Ia.rk.et Str-eet-larfcet --StreetBroad.-Street--

] BE AN OWNER !$ 1 O O . HOW? $±.OO


Agents for Itichitrdsou & BoyutonCo., Furnaces und Uances.

Telephone ao-A. Cranford, N. |


House, Sign and Fresco Painting,

Plain and Deco ativ*

Paper Hanging:,

Is the only monthly magazine in the United States wherein

' . each subscriber becomes

j .


and Power,



asks about ami ^ .n she goes to -nay he thinkingleu call and see1 at our store.? a s . • . . ' , , . .• ' ' '



* > • . • •

ks last a life lime

They are also the '.

hishing an estimate



I'l !!!.!<• iTJ'iX•TII'' HITS" i

WHICH isM tKlflli

Miiii.nt.vs n i l :• IT.-' niVXRIt*

WKI'tN1( • IT Kill! Y(ir

- »'i i l l Yiii: 11


Owner of the Publication.A CliKTIHIil) BOND Issued-to everv subscriber, thereby making him


" READ! READ! READ! READ!Tin; Tit Win Ciiiminnv IK lliror|niruti'll Ulilcrllh' I, iw»uf tliu.Stale of Xuw

.l/'i-wy. with $.'«).(X»i CHiiltiil.sniek'. (Miimliiiliii; nf .'m.ira sliiii-cs lit tho pur rultii4if $I.Uiiu'r uliiire. ThinHtni'k In full piliit ami IIOIWIHMI> siili!,?. . . •.

. Iniiiiler Unit uli'iires rim lie fairly illxtributiMl liriT lh« uiitlru cuunlry, ncttilharription *.vill be rci/clved for nuii'dliuti unit liunilrc-il allures.

' IZver.y 5ub5Cribar who pay.i Si.oo for one share of stock obtains twoyears' subscription to the magazine, free of cha j[e, and also becomes -stockholder ol the corporation, •—. ' - •

. The Miiirazlnu will In- Isiuifiil every month at llve'ei ntt.' per copy, or .V> ce.nts . per year* Tinfil>r liwur will IH-BIII WMII tll'i AiriJllst.nuinbi'r. Tlio pajiers will lie'llli»l«lliiu" nil "Tlt-Hlm of KllKlaml. which 1st I'm i'mist'SiH'ciHwful iHililli'iitloii»t llsprlcc In'tliu wnrld, but it will be. enclrely

• AiiH-rlr HI In eharaetiir und liilere»t. II will lie full of nil kliuli* of Inl'Tc^lilii; millliT and will eonmin more novel deiiarttiri'd tlmn any poriiidli'.ai upon tlie inarke£. \Ve ulial' try to exeel Hit: l>'ni:JIHII i>ul>Ili' itli>n l>y tiavlil^ Ilie lii.-st. nerial and Hliurt ptories by t'fie ulilu. t wrltet-n.

To Ilii'BtiieklioliliTS 'will iSeirivi'ii line pafc'e In eu'ch IssiiD.iiniler Ilin nipjlnn,- "Stuekjiol'dclsPasii." \il ii'tfcrn of 'Interest, eo li'menl niul ailvli'n. reeejyed fnnii them will liuve Kpeela.l nltent:on .onthi*|iitse. AsMoTruni Ilils, nil wrlllnns of iirliiliinl nieiit Jliat are,siihiiiltled: to til

:,.illti,r\vlll liepalii for, If nui'li'iiiBet wjth tlio reipilremeiitB nf Hie paper. All milbcrliitlons pay»}>u-14, ihi* undersl^nuil, who will at .>ne.u forward on rt'iieipt of siuue.. bniid certlftcates;

1HE Tlt=BIT5 COMPANY,AVorld Building, Park Row, New Yhrk City,

n.u.e-s; Fair? and pub-

eatingf rapacity 250



1 in »ny of tlie above,

1 BROTHERS,field, New Jersey.

irs stop at thadoor.



COPYRIGHTS A Ctlni a ikotrh and description mar•In r.oroptalore fra* wnMttar astibablriMtentahla. Conimimi™-mDdtntWL IlandbookonPBtciit*pt a n o e r f b r t a u i t Un fliroTlthogt

Ilr Mlentittaa,n.



enruiinn *utttaa'

. t«nr«trt>L T*rma.*>>




Good things—-Yo-U—Avij! be wellpaid for a look at 'em—Your

' home may _bc_beautified by them,all at little Cost;•or—open, account.

Cash Terms

10cto20c Off on Every Yardof Carpets

.7*',. In This "Overstock" Sale!.:>9cJnjrrains-at729cj'ard. • ' COti Tnjgrains at 49c yard.'7OG All Wool Ingrains 59c yd.- G5c Brussels at 52c yard.90c Velvet Carpets aUWcydi" | 1 1 0 Moquettes at 90c y

g y90c Velvet Carpets aUWcyd 11.10 Moquettes at 90c yd.

at $1.19 yd.

n atti rigs f romli

g i15c grade now l i e yard. 20c grade now ISc yard.

35c grade now 27c yard.

100 PARLOR SUITS,3-piece Reception Suits, no two

. alike,

^16.50, $26, $l4,™th*£t;ibM

80 Styles Bedroom Suits,new and popnlar in every detail,$1398,$17.98,$20,*ortl


100 ENAHELED BEDS,all sew patterns, hard, baked



Golden oak, with French mirror,

$11.98, $15, $18,worth one-thirdmore.

.40 EXTENSION TABLES,$4.98, $6, $8, $10, •

worth one-third more.


in richly colored velours,

At $4.89, $1 $9,worth one-thirdmore. ,

This Week,, Refrigerators $5.98-Doub1e walled, brasstrimmed, cleanable. Worth $7.00.* .

' Every buyer will get'set of nickel-plated Ice Tonga, Chopper and Pick'PRBE! "We want to*dVertise this Immenw^RefHgeratorjind Iceboxstocky None to eflual It! v • - ^ _ -r^_i_

Amos H.' Man Horn, Lid.Be sore l f a ' lNo. 76 " and you ice the Urat nun* " Amo» " before enteriag our itore.

OR votiR . #7 Tt MA11KJ£& JfTtoEETNear Plane Street, Weit of Broad.


' P S B B 73'K PriTatTpattTery Wa«do Gent on Requeit. " Telephone B80."

, " , 8ead fo* New «3>Fagc Catalopie.


Glass, Oil.nishesCltA.VFOUD.

point, l^cPaper.


Rosedale and Linden Park Cemetery,

Linden, N. J., ojit'ii tor inspection;. liirgcslutiil bost-equipjicd oeinctcry lixlfe'o in tincountry, free,triinsportiitiQxi4c) 'prospectivilot liiiycrs; carriujres meet nil tniiiistattikcvisitors ovbr tho iiropcrtiesj sjicciultnges now offered to cluirchcs, fratonmorgoniz:vtionsJ»iid indivMual. lot huyorB,Offices, lOWcst.Twenty-Tlijril. S t , N. Y.and Linden Lodge, Linden N. J. Descriitivo Booklets mid full information can lieobtained of William K. i^iray, VuncraDirector, CrnnfoW.^, J


A Large Metropolitan Newspaper Which !Helping the Summer Keiorta.

Tho.Brooklyn ..Kiigle screml years agoestablished a llurcan of Infornintloii 111Urooklyn, wlioro tho public could, free ofchuigo, secure details of hotels and board-ing houies for the Suiiimor.,The idea atonpo became- popular, i nd branch buronuswere opened in Mauhrittivn.and other cities.Country liotels und boarding |iouscs' bysending to this Bureau can secure'a' list-ing blank, fill it out and return it and thenJjo represented free oncost, and send theircifeularai arid "cords for Irco distributionr, Tlib Brooklyn Esglojms also been considorcd for y^irs the best medium for summor boarders in Now York City,

Tho Kooky 1'oint Inn, in iho AilinAi-dacks, said:.. "We arc B'V!»B tho Eagle 11larger sharo of advertising than most otherpapers, as experience, hus domoustrated llvalue to us in past seasons." •'•—•

Chaunoey l l . N o w k i r k Ol Wurt^boro,Sullivan County, said: "Last season onesmall adv. brought me five guosts."

l i t Kue Bros., proprietors of the Ameri-can HotcLof Sharon Springs, N. Y.,wrote:"OufhoU8e is full ahd mostly by 'Brobklynpeople. Diiily wo receivo .applications forrooms, and all on nccount of our standingadHrrthorHBgler11^^—^--=-^ fc'i-—--•-.

For Listing Blanks, Adv." Ratc'~Curdsand oilier information, nddrvss

EAOI.K .INFORMATION UUBKAU,0-30] ••.-''," .Brooklyn, N. Y.


• \Ve build homeland factorjeB.

C. L. BELL, Hgr.,


We prompt); obtain U. S. anil Foreign

PATENTS' Send model, iketch or photo of Invention for''/free report on patentability For free book, r

sowto,CTRADE-MARKS w r l t ° xto



• 1

Galvin'sParkBetween PlainficH & Westlield. .'

_ :li« boyB'iient to one oithe hLhools wlikh a «i»e and far-

tluiMi\° is t r \ i n• ' a n n u l Honor. . '". , , . * '

tu cstalilish > fu• h< ia^inf uf jminjj offenders f£uxnUie rtforni hcliiml nntl the j.nl. M I"IK- K(IlM(tnl l>f Stl'illlllf fllllll 111•""'l'lujeTi At first aiBUt._U)(f_erinj.cEvuUHjLC^iu. bej ujtlxuut-^Kuu&«, fur

^h* tMry^Wnw-ttf-n-^ittyr firmily,-"wi~t4>a line uf sturdy ami upright i\iu-e!>turs • bellhur hitm- Hi*-, inritlier wnnlimuit hiMit-broken at the IIIM'ONei\ of his (jnilt "Hi- lias n\\\.\\bun Hiich a gooil l)(i\'" she(ari-ful quest lolling reM-iileilfiK-inlU'unt f.loti. One wns that forJ a m the boy hud been nlluweil to•Ifo tu his nuither's jinrtse :iind helphiinsolf wht'nevtT he-choae, upou 'thsingle condition Unit he told herufier he hud tnkeii the'ni<iiu>v. ItWHS also iiNcurtaJUii-d thiLL for 'yenrstin- father hud froi].lifiitly ileoi'ivetlthe mother through the sun. Itnut strunge. thnt the boy liiid learnedhis lesson. In.the eyes of tHe ti'iich-ers Uir<iu'i;h~>vhoiii he W.IH«iii;cd to Imiiesty nnd . trutlifiiliii'ss,'tie (lu>|)est ijurt of the blani.e lilyttitli the father unil inothcr >vh(lwliiinist\ .mil earelesmiess leinjitvillinn"tii v. fDii^.-' VRiu'w'^apeiTt'^^aiThour to day —witluj—Jmies'..—'-fathi!.rJsaid a tolh jf« pri'sjilejit, iiv n dillicult1 ease uf .'dixcipliiie.' "1 luive euu-eeiied a better opinion of the sonnfter'^meeting the father!" UeniiUriggv, uf -llunurd, eomnie-ntinp;iipun the' ineideiit, iicforiiing to nwriter in the Youth's L'mnpnnum,gives ii vivid picture of Jhe pitifulprwesKion that endlessly liesiegesiia nflirv.door, from the mother wlu>

iusiniiiites_that the snii. grts frmritlie fiimily of yie father—wlinseiiin-liu<siiili>r she'.is-r-ji.ll his offensivetraits, to the father nlm, when hisson is suspended 'from the universi-ty, keeps him in a neighboring citynt any cost; and with any niiiminf,if lueynrieutiiin, rattier than tnketiim home nnd let tTie neighbors SUK-[lei't the truth. "One (if the snr-(irisi'H1 in uilmiiiUtrutirv life at eul-!?]{*•!!.Jl?.. ^llJ'!ij..KMIyt,ys .UM'_.nnd.erz

limiit' dealing of-parents, not merelywith .college ollleers,; Init with their

sons.". That is one side"of tliepicture. The 'other .also'he knows—he courage, the patience, the im-

wenrying; love of men and womenwho, through all experiences, wheth-;

r glail or sorrowful, stand side byside with their children;: "plnrciits-^litilding the standard high flir theirM>n,s IHHI for theiuselves in eve.ry re,-luliiin b'f life;' women, struggling illsllpht loyalty, to free their eltililrcn,

of tiie-fathers, nndmpn tm fender nsWomen, and as true

truth itself." , There are ninnyleslrnhle things In life—iniiiiy iul-t-antngcH ,_iunlouMedly to .which.voiilth und eitlt|lre and wisdom seemo hold the key. liiit there is Hiniie-hihg'helJU^r than these; and the boyr B'r', young man or young nciiniiii.

no matter'how, poor, who has known

grent~home friendshi]!, b'eglns lifeivlth the moHt jiriceless heritagehat the w'Tirld can give.

he New .York1 tribune, .never becomelecvish when theirgreat municipalitys mentioned us the Quaker City or theeaeeful hamlet of William Penii. .'Uos-dn loses no sleep whether it is calledfte llulToifThe"Universe,,tlie .Modern

Athens, or: inertly, the ruritanlel,tk;-irient of the yenefated frilg poiV(3Fyrtfte"•evered cQilfiskandthiiLeherisliedbeiin-ot. Xo one caa disturb the traiujuiUy of New York by dubbing it with any-ort. of nickriniueor by Using any kind

Batire lit its expense. Chicago isof dlstirfbed, no matter what gibes orlouts may be printedjitbook&'orncws-apers in ridicule of the huge capital>f the stockyards. It Isonly the feeblend puny folk that lash themselvesnto a wild frenzy over a blFof'fUnTlie"shallowsuiuirmurwhile"tlit deeps're dumu. "

'Stiver \Jk<m>\iw\> S<C$\<MA/- ™,-WVI.»u»i«>l at lw»»t 2.7 bucinpe* -whoa**- in

l i h l t J. S., e»eb~or tthfell

Opens Duy, September l.">.


TtLe- land. YE3-A.R

gry SctLOoi;;' K L 1 Z A U K T I I . NT. J.. ' ' ' . . . ' • • •

open September 17th, 1902. ^

J Elcmerrtary and Academic Department.JJd^J'iirlicultir attention is ciijUwl to the. reduction in tuition rates

in the Elementary Department—averaging nearly twenty-five per cent.CATALOGUE.-*^.

ty. K."ASarsh.: Head Master.


FAIR ACRES DRIVING CLUB,v '•' Westfield. °

Independence Day, July 4th,AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M.


iif? without driver (ii


Neil Alcyonor has a tocpnl an h.guiilelosa wonder,harness) over a hnlf-uiilo trnok of 2:08. :



1 Chios 2:1T) TUOT OK2 Oliiss li:'J5 TltOT OK


fe :.. . . I . .


The above races are all best 3 in 5; 4 divisions of25, 15 and 10 per cent, of purse. - ' \ . '

20(MK)- aoo'M)

jcconledfirst in-rdod 1111

•Tho pretty liulfmilo trnck of tlio Fair AcrcH Club is rciiclicd by. troi Irst

)i'Con(rul Knilroad to WcBtflcltl. . Htngcs .\yill run from cor*

i\m streets, direct to tlio truck. ' -^ :

Hrond nn'illH

Ideal ExcursionkuilmdiKnt-TO^^

l'oint niul Norfolk, thence Herons the liluo Kidgo Mountains throuplihistoric Old Virninin 16 NntFral HfiJfe'u, ruturni;ig to Now. York down tunShcriiindnoh Valley, far famed lor its-picturcHmio Hcuncry,' visitinj; en r011 toLuriiy ChvcriiH, thu niost wnnilcrfiilly lioimlifiiljn tho world, Washington orjottyebur^, BiUtinioro and 1'liiludolpliin, linsideH tho |ii)intHnnnioil above,{iclfmond, l'eteriiburf;< ltoiinoko 11111I numnrnus other intercHliti^iioinlscnii>o visitod en routo without iiilditioiml cost. • -'• ;

'l'ho trjpcnn honuade yer.y comfortnbly within a. week at a cost notxceodinp; f4i).00, e'xchiHivbol carriage driveHnndHiichlikcextniR. Pullmanlt'opinR-cur fare iB not inclmli'il.-UH tlio t'litire trip can.ho made in ilaytimc.'ullmnii sleeping cars are, Iiovro'vvr, on the traniH For those desiring them.

1 Thu ordinary expoiiHes.-pftlie trip arc comprised of-tho tollowiug itemn:

The jirjcn of tin) round trip, doveriug nieuls itnd istnlerr'«mi. I'wrth oir.stcnmir,flow York to Norfolk, mill triinspurUitioii nnly the rest of the trip, is $2!t.3O

1.LB USferJriy__slji^^ ,^';ijy 1 rij.1 J ^2 J ~ i i i i l c s w i t h — w i i y " • - "- -•-:-•. ••- - \ . . : : • » U _ • ' ' • • • ' ' 1 - 0 0

Admission' to Nnttiml lirid(;o Purk -.' " ', r ' ' ~~.__ . .50•Triuisfer from Ijiiray Station to Hotel niul Ijiimy Ciiwrns, 1J miles eiieTi way .'•&Admission to IJIImy Caverns, day - • , ' - / - l.WAdmission to Jjlirav Caverns, tij|,'lit - . _ - - 1.50

" llotel riites rniiKo from ,$3.()0 In }i3.50 per ilny.

Thie boy who'wants to do things inhin world, niust be around whenifings, £ft.»e-lra}fpeajin}jiriafifcfC2 tec si.

hingR, remarks the I'liilailelphin Sat-irdny Kvcning I'ost, tlmt the vitnlnes happen just before^he slow liiuji

jets down to his work, und jimt -nttorhe easy-going one has started hmne.

I ho. year at, tlie oflicc of the Norfolk & Western itiiilroml.'No. :t!(8 Kfb.iiljvay,,Ne.jv,Xprk«.-: TickutH UTO Hp»itcil,toI.Nluy-ilt8t-uirU:OetoiH!f-JW»ti 'Upciordiiij;todato of snlol 'Thoy pprijiit at.6p'-ov'or-ut plphsiire'i a t -nny point on tin"Norfo'lk 'dc-.-WoBterii Itailway and utOld i!i)iiitCom(ort,Norfo'lk, Wasliin^ton,lliiltimore, Philadelphia, (J(!ttyHburo; and tlarriBburg.

". For descriiitijvo miittpr, tickets, ui»|;for various trips Uy-seh or rail.

• . .J .;€, PRINDLE,' Truvelfng Passenger Agent .

cull on, or address

L. J. ELLIS,-Eastern . Passenger Agent,

;•""••••--. No. 3 9 8 B r o a d w a y , N e w York.Tickets sent by mail or"messenger.to any address 29*07 FRANKLIN.

Cranford People

Fjrst Class Vaude-

VTlle Show eyery eyen=

All. Trolley Cars Pass/Park.

In Texas and iTouiyinmi there nr*tow more than J00 cunnls and pump-ng-stntions, each capable of flooding

thousniid acres- of rice, These lireivined hy irrigution compnuiev, uliicliup'ply the water as needed to the rice


A' statintle!nn has • diKeoveiMSd-thnt'7,28? nien have sat as members of thehouse in the Fifty-seven congresses ofthe republic. K\idcntly there isneier any lack of new blood In thenutional legislative arteries.


If you want it fresh call in and

largest stock in the .State. - . ,

Fish almost yiven away Saturday night.

SEA FOOD, "Thats' All.

us. We have the

BROKAW'S, 115 BROAD SIKKKT, E I IZAIJETII.(Next/ to Mendel's.)

Seasonable Goods at R. BRUNNER'S.» / I cr

Vest and Fqu,Chn,iii8, Nooklaces nnd Charme, Enj;ngement nnd W'eddipg. _^_ t_

' Russell Snge_iiajs; "Be iirtuons nnd' Itings'. Tlipy nro 0 . K7* A rich nssortmont of(Vood qtuilitj I'lateil Wnre-jou will be wealthy."-Thjs sounds n I amy t"() 8tttj8fy a steady demand—A better stock "than ever in GOHIMM'S

° , CELEBRATED SILVEU-WAKE^-iU Gorhnm Prices. .

Patronize Home Trado nnd fill your o.rdere with us, for your JunePosBibly and probabjy-the man who - , , . „ ,

went crazy over ping pon^ didn't bare- JV-cddingb and Graduation Presentsiix to go.

I Tm) United States bos about 2,000,-OfO goaU. ^


R. BRUNNER, • Westfield, IH, J.

r*lki ^ c i? if&

Page 4: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel


mjf -l entered upon tb« discharge of his offl-;* * dal duiin »r*lhe meeting held Init

Saturday He wan a w i d

? * . • • • • • • - " - v . • • ' * • •• , - • • : • . . . * • . < - " • ' , ) . > - • ! . • • ; • ' • • • • , • ? ' • ; v . ; • • - . " • • / . • ; - . . . ; • • • • - ; • • ' • ? : - . . ^ ; • , • • • . , " • ' • < ,

to »U of tie credit; for/ mochthe »/>*•»—• "" •

^wistaftirjr and

phuf on the Finance CnmW,;^ v ' " M ^ ' " ^ "> l h e ^timate and~ ^ t . W.trict ClPrk, r e p o w ^ h a t i n ' T ' - v ' ^ ' ' 1 ' ^ S" T r a » « °« oarthe.unexpended bahjneeamountedUoK^™'}""^ J t »'H*rtid.*#. n*•374.60. t, . .'-,"; . ' . . I lyil >'« -••«JL« we ha*> one

folio.. Let.-r

, .. ,....,., j ,m ve inm eorroIjonifV roy ownMtn coVt of fr,(>.'; ventilating-tjj'e'jopinji.n, and fh.-it IH we liare__theAwcinbly room, fgOO; ,wnVh i>e,v,h.ffll(rt J,,,JJ cour».s'.(!> -holmj, in tin-(beach side of the basement, #100; .• r;. .s , ,,nd i i i« without quwiti.in thedrinking fountains 4n flret anU, rfec'-jlongn.t. Ilw remark tiiut "ilimhio-nnd floor II.IIIH. f:»0; p/jtiiting nosem- ''niouhtuiiiH and crowing. gorgMiminiIdy room and <"ld • floor waljn, fflO; i ,j,.(.il ciii« : " ' "finishing (HO new irlnn»room», 'Jdfloor, f "">(); tflrjorn cwnenU'd or*-r intoilet room*, $75;

end of inuin hulli>, • A W ; . rhnngcii iu Iheating syxttm, |8.",0—tolul $2780.

.'lhe committee wan authorized to.proceed with the workiricliidediri theijenw of heating and ventilation, andlo fit upone loom; the (/thermatteto wait until a.definite

e furidt HUH oi>t

ci'iuriiiij iir«

overl )<((;r9 | MJ overthe. l-t ter.

not Iji-ilf, buttiiomr with alii ._._ty fe.t,'_| to vert ours to


ill ;t* ,,iteamjoii io

2 0 in

v ^ 1

• • 1JUS i ~ * |i"*«*« ¥»ru» nsJarnr- | e l i a m o I e d ' !>r^>»^ '»> In aby way de-

*a<5ed I«»e theirciaraete* at pom-

- . - *al carda h e r e -"ft*f••?*-•*?!?»•.*pbject-id ordinarr


w o :

Diilj. AltiluUg.i till" TOODg

worn (it i Yiimauffrring with cnu»ump"tioo »lir- »tteriil>-<i to lipr dotiea u»

< f r n;i to wi'lu'u a wrt-k ofh

a t . the

her di*<ith. Shf »;i»«. 2ii years old.t;ml *•>•• i«.-< »"ttvr»» Ifld ihii morn-:

f'hn'rcir atiiiprmeiil,u;i>i lit

, infill; t I*OM <»f ( hurlnti E.Jirui-hlackef of Cinti-niMal avenue,

•g-e when they are all in j,ript. n,^*"''l?^^?^J^^*J»te*t

tot flsBi^fap^tgaito be the rmult of

thep a « with which «neh cardterfeiud. 'Though'the--had not discovered - the

- _ ^—•^^'^'••^ll^'l1*! nieinberH.. Kig-ftmomrttn^to ?•>, turn referred to 'the Tll,. t them andtawn.fih/ip eommitt i i ' '<•»• •••• *j>;committee for\,piiyment.

A communication from Mn. l/edonoiTg (if the V. I. A., askitig that MISHl'dgetiiiiibeljeemployed to give inHtriivtion. in gyinnui'licx, wan referredto the teaeherH' couimittw) Simiinrdi«""u'i:'>n »/is tniiijo of u letter from

i-y, unking for tho' urn- of theroom for thu cooking dem-no ol the HoiiHfhold Keit-

JIOUIICM Comrnitlee.

A letter froHTJIriTTJn^ Cooper was•i»i iu which sh

H'e. often- hear HUeh ait I'H so* full

rise* and decliw.fi;


, . . . • ' ' • • • * .A|»II ,rtHcij ifrut iticn

'!"" "•l"""'"P""'-me«tlii«l,Wi,li,j•men MrV'flnim«H took^harg,. „ariij

of a

even in the ruin. Four of the Edge-uater players were so pleoned withour ground they applied-Zor member-

" h i p . • . . . - . ' . ^~

The geni;ral!y excellent, eo.udition ofour club doe*, not require forcingmatters JIB in the past, but socialeveuto lire permitted to more along•laturaily. ' . . • ; . .

I am pleust'd to find such largeiitluy and platiB for-Fourth ol July

celebration. A larger display of flnTworks than hist year's has bm n pur-

t«o6;tWir.;.Ur.; Oreeniii.wroteilmt Mr*

I'WifHr.amohnd h,.en given «H i

ehiiHei]' and the display Will be ...an experienced nian, be'

ginning" at H p. in. TIUTI; will bemusic from '2 p. in. to midnight.During the day I undiTStuud two

' " oi'iji' prizes will be given,.iu .thSl'Clock Golf, -and prizes for

\~> Madison'• avenue. Air. Kos« wan70 years of uge; He hud Jjeen vinit-ing in this town about two weeks,was a resident of ..Ithode Inland andat one time a Congressmuu fromthat Htate. C'uuse of deuth wa*npufilexjr.-' On ..Saturduy evening thebody wus shipped to hij home withUndertaker Cray . in charge. He

a widow und several children.

maker ofthi* order

V'vvn for av.a* made

fitted ^e-nWl-KcVKcefer '"'

„--. eariU'»a« draun. itOiaa'b

tinre thst'ii

amvland thin.' u«e tlietn.Iw-en printed befh b

advantageous selccfion., Youg ., You wi^d SCAS" OR EASYPAYMnrr*


ed cnrilathodgh they hail


. . . ..^^v...™..vh-' .a ."...!/.t.«-.n. ..cal,,.,!..'..,^-.-te " fron, the -pre.-.t m,,,ii«r ,,f

aJi Jake,, „;,)•;„ i , . ,(„,;„ „„;;•-,'•-pher Stalr-.-.^cau,,.-,^ - ^ j_•. found _th«e•..,dnlnll,u; ;u "..ich

.''•""Janct that th'ey-.-pWne'd.a«M,»i.w: Kven a-earefUJ ri.W ,,,,, , .


in danger;of*i» horte( aVeiileatallvt," :>her lio'le.

.......ui.li i new Tablett. not onlycorrect duanlen of the utoinacli init regu-late the liver sad boirel*.' -They -nre easyto take and tilenaant in rflVct. I'rice 2->cents l«r box. Forsaloby all druggists.

reatnre after feature of the oM

determined, byanalvsix, that a hmiiun body* ofvgie -»ize, containH three .(UMiiidH

nnd 14. ounces ijf talcliira. "

Popular and serviceable new style. Form.reducing...- All the other favorite brands ofC o r s e t s * " :--. •• •• ' ... -;. / / ' / ••/."-.. '

U. S. Bunting and U. S. Flags for Indepen-dence Djy. In stock, Standard Flags 5x8aniii 6xj[o. Other sizes at short inoitice. I

Green or Red

^ t h e T h o m a H cknowledge. Hholuul,- w n i i n l t t l W



i '

Clock Oolf, -and prizea for'gi.'iitli-mi.'ii in the hundicupx both lobegin 'at* 10 n in *

...,,.n,-, HUH reierreto Mr, IJorgen ivith liiHtriictioiiM toii'iirclr-tlio titlo to the premises.;'

thoJKliining conimiltei! reportedthat ?7.r<00 wiiH inHiillieient to buildand fiirnlHti n brick Hch.iollioiise litNew Oriingv.-.—A" fraine. building iiiaccordance with pluiiH by ArcliitniCharlfH Urunvilli; .IOIICH, of ,\civYoj*k, WIIH Tecoinnii'iidiid, mid thuboard adopted it. Mr. .loiies' com-pensation ix to bu 5 percent.- of thocost, i'Htimiiti-d at ?ttUU0,

begin at'JO a. in.

I hopo J huve not taken too muchitpiice in your paper, buTTho condi-tion of Criiufurd Golf Club is 00 Veryfavorable, and coming home andfinding everything ^ in BBICII |g|>odBluipo 1 cannot help but pt|bl|clycongratulate ilM.o(Hccrn on ijts pronperity and excellwitcondifion.1 ] -^

•'-; , Yours very tfu\y,_.""• L'.\\.LYOX,Kx-i'resident.

1'. S. I iind^rHtUiidyiiil;. meTnt>er«are expected to bripg their friends

. an It ua» befo the' . »ah will KOOU be a

Dial*.. -memory, at thecurri^T rute of chunge. It might - beniij)]ni>ed that HO long ax cotton re-innliDi the staple Iu DiyC . nt- :at Iraki of unti'l.i'lluiii i.;.'..darky cot't'iir piirkirr -inii. t >.iHut ei'en thin tiini-ful nnd-.jnri.it' iflilinl-ilrlven.j relic of \h? .-pujft. it np-jieurM, initxt g>f. A toijtfiti-jifeliiilgiiiiio-clilni- has been |)iit on, the market.

which would give irn" ciich avalue, in the retort, of *1S,300, or one-fourth of our weight in gold.

-11iVfiritKhpr*e¥« "has .revived • the:ancient sheer about "diplomacy in

2 1-2


een |<ut on. the market,after tcnjyearB of i'x;,<'iiiucutiiij; andiKyimtliig nnd u e i t b

... ""ye nieir iriemisnnd enjoy iifl the. fun offered by'.'thu'iolf (.'lull (juring M10 Four th , day and•veiiiiiL'. I'-lent.o 1.11/.....-.. ' • '••g


I'.(ent,/, wilf be



Tli>-vpupils of MrH. J; I,. Vliil g a v e

11 iiiiiHicale laHt evening atXhef h o m e

on 11 f t l l y s t r c o t ; tT l i e ; p a r l r h l l

o. n n d ri-eVwirat't.-IIUH" juntbeeii eloxed thriii'^h whieh. the .'newlUiivhiheM- ulll be put in operutio'nin .MInnl.sAI|i;ii mi u (urge Hialf on uVVaitliinBtJineounty, pluiitalioin nextfall. Thi! jnw>nlor of the luaVhinr,nays tlic .'ililwtiuket- .Sentinel, mliiiitstniit it can be ut.e-1 only on the luieliipliind)i, low v/ilK-ys and prairie'groundx, but HIH-H-M. which I>I-I-IIIUreiiKoiiably a-HiircJ, within thme liin-itiitionx, will ruvi>Iiit|onlxe the i-ut-

»™ o.icjtirijimeof Amerin ofllciol conduct in rtlation to for

eign aiTairn. The flout has lout itssting, however, observes thu ChicagoC'bi-onicle, in the unfloutnble guprchi-acy of Americin industry Iu shirtsleeves. . : ,v Aleadingl'hiiadelphiu nociuty womanlays: "ThA iyomen,|\t bo make up 1'liila-deJJVhiasiHdctvlV'nlrliv'n.iii.i---1' '""

s. 1 a e Bystreet.

iplhila-a siMdcty hnlAv'nothing- of xucar-

ing." Thiii speakH HelLior-the-liubita-

I The Plainfield Trust

of the men of I'liiiadelphia wheu theyare at homo

), JuneJIOlh, 'lilOSJ.

Having had your ediii(iim (luringMny: and Jime •••••:l ' •'

yn .llftlly^gtrcut;and (lining room

parlor, hull



w i t h - - - , • : " " rilimieH wen; fi'S't.ooned iir.iuii.l

y< mtUami ffPiiH. Jtopos of* '

ton-pleklnif Imluxtrv•The. .Inventi« u .Vuiijce

-m—Z «n« LINDEN p*oiO-ntTERIES, Linden, N.J.

^-O,rer«09.A"e«- Ileunttfai «n,l «.




—a*Onaof real




•"•'-tos. WHi. ciire.1 t.i fwl? ft"""of real Ki.d- pt-wnn-il **Kf itwhero liit! f*J.ulntieJit Trust

r-iit. . ny niififli *% i J £ di;tiitmtitn 'rum t^-* fir-it |ttiTiwt

f tliiit

':" M'lio cii.t-iui1 pnilierty.. n>i |.fiill.iiinir wi-li,.liiiii di-!.im| | , r

. •

* rh.-nii.vs'in tJie:.. in «rin;r ti•

. nit; f.'tit

n r ^i-.tin''- to puti : u h y iuvlt»-i| h iif*r a n y inf"iiiiit-.


*,..<, u n u* miie pro*peetlv« lot htl)x-i-- •- ""*• '-"-'"' over toe propertlcn 0i<eclal advantage* now

If indiifitrv in thr Kouth. "(fered t»chiirt:lie«.fr»wmiiUor«ttiilittilonriind, : .. . *, „ —- - IwHvMiMl lor hilj-eni. I»c»crlptivelk)oklet8 millilOrj-r-jt--J«- needless to isuy, full InrormaHon cwq be obtained ot Hflllmir^,•e, TIMIH one Ynukre, Whit'- "r»y. rnneryl Director, Cranford, X J:L'd the fot ton1—fin. »••«•••.

wnll tliewith wi-eulhiV

^ , ...,1; imiKee, Wliit'-ney, deviticd the entton1—-(fin, whjehhelped iill the xotithern plnntatinnswith negroes by making their labo••norinoiiHlv profitable; ._ni»w anulhej

, - . . - . . „ . . • Club,.from Uilu Milonce

t IVIIH t iiken

and. 1 inferredivW mi l . u

d u e t t . l ,y ; , ! , • , . ; M i H 8 m - O


For a Satisfying Dinqer

. A . ' V . | | E t l . v A'h'e-l-VuNliJeiit--

.•etliili » l l l i _. .. _

liiid a M'p'jr.iti.' ro*uij ii«t ajtrirl f"i- lli«-!r use .

'llrM'r.f fi-.-.li: Vn-.:i'.iiiiu In ii.'l-":>.irl - r,i l!n> \v

H B M I T A . .Mi.-IInt, id V'iir. Pn ' s ' i .Jj' llKii'iiKnf C*3<, S B C ' V . 1 - Triii .- ,

thiHHeemingi.r, but no>v th,,t, I am ho,,,

Hlnd-nnTnerininhof;,,,^.,,,,, i n , j*atu,f,,ctory condition ti,,lt I „,'„„to eonanent_ p..hliclyjthrough yourimpor on H l l I m , ,,„,, , 0 j e f c i ^ r

Tho- lltmiieeH; are inThe flxod -iiiomn [„


^.i-iinurer HUB 110floating inerLhandiHe d( titH, and IIIIHCUNII on hand to tover two IIIONIIIHadvanced expenM(H

Third: All indebtedmMH of t i nclub in lo itu int'inbcn) nnd monthlypayments aru being" made rapidlyreducing the mi'tne.

Tho^roijndH are in nhuoM perfectcondition, I a m proud of t h egreens committee, yet they nre not

For Over 50 YearsM Mrs.WJnalow'9

o - SothiMrs.WJnalow'9 - so - , Soothing Syrop mal been u»fd for over PIPTY S£EAICS br MILLIONS of Mother* E

orUnlrCHILDkENwhlloTKETII = ^NG ^ u wnnoTKBTK-

JNO, *l(h perfect suceeu.. IT;tB»i»"OtJMS, AELAyrf ally P«ln,' CURBS W1NTD. COLIC, and if tho ibeit'reraedy for DIARRHCKA. Sold i

-*jr tMragglsts in every port of tho 'a »oro and ask. for lira.

."'-118111! nnd: Uamonu Uritton' o f

Trenton, ,vhb played- • The Charge oftlmUliliins." .Tlmirfo.llowed "OrainHof - MoM.1'; MIHM -Kthel 'Moore;'"InI'hiylii.,,- and "Legion of Sleepy-tiiii-.",(lrace ViU; violin gplo "Laniiiiim.itiiine" and "Linn diriiai,''"oy M_ H MM ion _\VugHtntT, "The

The London Luneet w'urni)'people not|'to open their loiter* nt the breakfast

• H e r n , | n , h ^ .table.

i i i n e and "Linn diM_ H MM ion _\VugHtntT,f,M d i i lop ," Mi

They aresure to be

p, eoigiulndle,I.J.IL.MJIJH Krtmnmi Hi it ton*, _,„.„„„.. ,-IIUUU,

ilui!lt,-'"..Spieiiiinn.nV •Standclien," theMIBSCH I'euscli and lirittnn't

tlio programme •|ind

le letter),, of our.,e—liml it isn't wellto mix tiu'sp germs with the oftlinaryarticles of fin.d. 'l'lie. ilapk of the eu-velopw thu,t h»,v« been nioi>teued bythe liuniun tongutvus well ns the•'•"'" thnt vx>u-»liek with 11

at the modeifate price of. 25c

• J.D.nyers RESTAURANT,Fett Building. Cranford.

paia.anofdifiaru-e f(»rth'and rrpalr «»f »*J'!ew «)ks

. i » j , »t« O,C1<MJC p HItmiR « jiuMic htarierr^trd ! ld

• """"lll<"i, relay,and thin un July

j c htarin^ will be jrhen to allh «., «n vttrii a** Hie j [nterr^trd !D uld i»n»jMif*L(J ordinance Tho

*tun.|)^ thnt j o u - t i .k with » hlk^na^l^^| |<«!LJi_l!!5_im!|><.»L-d-4.r.ll..«i1it-0Te-ar-6e~biihtirn(f with luntniiiinatiun 'ihe JA{< ORDINANCE PROVIDINO FOR THEin \ c lo | i i ilKvlf i> cjultt likt ly t o hate j cnNCTOII<*Tin« «>*• - - -envelope


. to have' while on



. -7. '-:--. - • •••:• ••- •••T^-"^-rair^-Ulliri lgroom, ulnch «aS decorated in' pinkand, green. .Pink' ribbons..... . . u u u , m we.rebrought from the corners of thotah|eaiid cuiight up to thu chandc-'i'-MjJJI'iM!mvliicli-wjifi-tBrined -^asphra-'

. Tliu piijiiiH received 'tie spuve-bf iho occiiHioM miniature satin

nniwYiTliiiHtriinients containing confetti. . O n l y " - - - ' "" ' 'Were.,

; Base1 Ball Noiei. - ' ~"i

.West Held jidded anothorvictory toB ljinp list last Sii'turday,. defeating

the Cedars of tho ilroni 8 to ,-S. OnJuly 4th at iO:ijO'.a. m. the West,field, will nccominodute the. OiirVvoodt^fyi^teeiqryibt^im^&to,brihreo t bings a bpiit•* baseball 'objhi)va Ut'cn iiankoi'ing. afteP:: a gamewith ,'ttie big tciirii to '"»--' •• *

n to sep-Icaeniia. This knocks.out about all

the .romance, that iva» left in letterwriting, complains the Cleveland I'luinDealer. Think of it! The dear girl whowrites" to-her loveV: ."'»'I have presseda kiss on the page,right here," mustundiThtand that she may be sendinghim In addition a half hundred germsand almost any number of bacilli. It'squite.too bnd of the Lancet. Insteadof trying to make life worth livingthey' deem determined to make it sucha tremendouH struggle against its ene-mles, (bat it really doesn't seem wortht h e e f f o r t . ; .-', ::',.. '•'•'*•.: :, •;.:'.:-.,-'. '.'.,'•'•.';,•••'

' J i e ' A » « O o o « . - ' • ; / • ' , : ; ' ' ' ' '

proof .hare

• i-i I



WMte Enameled Beds,




o (

.yonton the

r.i>y ft'--'•'}"•'>':•'•".''• r i ' - ' .V1"- '

rtrawlpCommlttAA •

i « •3.s«5;.Toini«bln)ni.

Page 5: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel

A i Issues XWwfc/ I Cents a Copy«< (Dollars a Year

OSg y overhaaled and some

1 an\pj»gibejajfanous.Sbes, Shd to conTonnto the size and stir

^ (

Q ( I^ues a Week7 Cents a Copy

Dollar* a Year

| - w 4 ^ " ^ ^ " ™ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ X S ^ ^ ^ ? ^ T Zf* '"P

to select a superior 1'iano, ftt "and to purchase a Piano, a n earlyii, > oa will find term* moderate.

PAYMENTS.iy choose, nojr/ wijl seiore it for

CHERiass: MEW row.



CORSETS.e new style. Formavorite brands of

Flags for Indepen-mdard Flags 5x8hortr?6tice. I

There won't be a boy in town this-, year whocan't celebrate;and make as much noise as lie likes.Thai is if .LflHMAN'S' caiv help it. We've justreceived "5,000 packages7)f the finest noise- makersany boy can Wish f6r, and we're going to jjiye them"away. . ' i . . ; ' • .. • •. \ ' _ / • ~

_—__,KucrAuh Ct-.t Ji fc jivcejui 111 i Ltlusu tigl i in e_< _Friduyji OOJI ) _wo will g ive lifUlCK uliirfjc p.irkijge "I1 genuine CI1IXKSK

N i i N { : ; : ' ;

Firecrackers Free 1. , With (jvery Pound of Tea. 30 Stamps,With Every Pound of Our Gold Medal Coffee.

You'getthe '80 Stamps jiist 'tilt.1 mime.

133 Broad S t , Cor. E. Grand,.Elizabeth,. N. J.

t^Trpa: or 2 [-2'chases.


Company fHOUSAND DfJLLARS: . :i:

Clmeil Julji Mil it In/cre rlmfiiStiilintiti/ ill 12. noon.

>in ftttunhty, 'lulu !»//' "/"/ tfitj't'iig July midJi'iiilni/

. i i i i * ; : 1 ^ ' 1 " 1 ' " " > : ••"•••riiii.-.

1 «*j>:ii-i {,„• n j , . ; r , |SI,

"lu.l l l (ill.-JMrl - M I!,,, „.„,.,,,_ .


AKMT TESTS. $.{ mchv and uj.winlIRON ami M i m i \ s K \ Inn^ht ami «r»U.

,- WALSH'S SONS & CO.,.Newark, N. J. . .

295 Passate St. ,"" :K0 Washington St .


PATRONS .Celebrate?ISecniisp they p»l purvmilk

, Iriim me at 7 cent* jwr quartwliilc utli»>rmilkmen cliargt^8.

J. B.. ROLL. Milkman,


ir i i iymfjl M l l i i i lVt-i-.v




ELECTRICIAN IOffice, Standard Building,

^ K. WliKiiLEIt,






Ladies SuppliedHelp, and employmentApply, at


.•*s<, SBH-V A- Tr,u,..


A solid phalanx of under-pricings

exteridijig to each-and every d«s

partm%t. Not Merchandis

bbughtjirtdiscriminately ta sell

at a prlfce — •

Summer Stock Surplus

uch-iire-ihg-ggoas you can buy Hecg,

Very Gream of Our

Reliablend for girl*


- - CRANFORO LOCALS; Hefif Up On Nprlh Aveone.

While Diujruist (iiii'iunid^o v,aa reg home lust night, nfter clos

store, he was stopped -hja man on North avenue near th

, who asked him for" tho till]

Howard Cox and family left tov\ntod.n for Alpine, New Vuk.

For first rlnss proscription workgo to (luiluiiidge's l'liariiiiiey. . . *

A .meeting of the Masonic HallAssociation will he/held'tonight.

Communion service will be ln-ld on !„ wnteh. From thSunday n tS t . PuuVs M. K. CliureliT (opposite >ide came

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler will go ' i vidontiy signaled for by hUf uccoinon Union' avenue nesLJlplieej M K GiiminidgUyCnrried : til

•\ '•' • | umbrella and used thaWvith'Leave your orders lor lce^i'ivum effect striking one of his acsailant

for the 4th at Unniniiilge-V Thar on the head. Kin^Kiig that they hu

j Mr. (iiiinmidgo replied that he couli• • • t e l l tin-mini u6 he'did not car;

woods oi

miiry. - .

A <TOOI1 t ime in [iroiiiiHOil In "tl

Mi\T. F, UrailleyofOri-lmrdslreetins liilly ft-co'vi'red froin an iit'tuck' o


Mr. "arid Mrs. Hurry- liegeman rir<gUterod.- at the PifHsiiic, Nun I

A'sbury I'ark-.Panama huts_ liko 4lu

.•anal come high, but smrie peoplmust have 'em. " /_

.Mr. and Mrs. (I. \V/JIedenberg oWillow-street-lire^pending a' shoriniein Anbury Prtrk.

Mr; and Mrs/N. if. Foster left tnwi.toddy for .Vbury Park, where theywill spend/a few weeks. •

The Uarwood A. C. nine will enler-um/he -Brooklyn Heights team on

^OTrd'ny at 3:80j>,Jilrt- and Slrs.-Jaili!

^ W ' ROSEDALE utfUNDES PARK- ~ . j r CUHETERIES. Uodtn. N. J.

Over 2U0"Arr»»; Ii a'saltiie. On ualu iioe

I!, it. lurmst and lintand » -

In the rountrr. Tran5pr,rt iU<inree to take prospective M bUrcrs

over the properties. Special adrantascs jnVvj6nered to chnrt'Le , fruternal oi^anizalton^ andllHihIilllillI.it buyer*. IK-3.-Ti[Ji>cl!.».tl<.lMiIii]full !l>fi>riimtioM<-;iu lkei.tilain.il >.! UilKaiu N.llriiy, KIIIHTUI Director, Cranfunl, X. J.


and KODAK AGENCY36 Elm Street. Wcstneid.

Piaut & Co., Newark.

the wholet is-with'day you

bu/t you0 for t to



Capital $200,000 S Surplus $100,000I'.iys 2 por cent, inbrrst oh accounts nlmic.S'iOO.OO milijrct to cl cpk pnynblc in

XcwVoik fluids it ilesircil. Accounts of Corporation-!, Fuiiii mid Iiuliudii.il* solicited.

. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT."""THfe CSimpiuiy pnyS mtorest ai'lhe vmtc of 3 per cent <>n vima'ot ?I.QD and

Upwards. Open Momlay,(vcnmgs from 7:!)0 to U o'clix;k."

3afe Deposit.Vaults. Boxes to rent'from $5 a year upActs us Executor, Ailministmtor nnJ Trii'tee, nnil issues lotlcr* of credit.

Banking House. Broad and West Grand Sts.f] ' OFFICERS: .

THOMAS N. McCARTEU, Prosfdent; - , ,1 , '•. . -; , FltANK BE1«3BN, .Vfce Prariilent, %

" '/ ' ; ' ' ' QU K ItALSK. ItALSEV, and -Trfas.

IIi»li Class Photographs at1 reasonable, prices, j :Amateur. Supplies. •

Amateur wdrk finished-

PRIVATE SALEFine Household Goods, Fornildrc*' — ^ - . • • i : . - •• • • • • 1 ... O :

i CarpelsTBeddiSlJ; Iron Beds, etc.

tuclion Prices. $


I J P . T 6 I . 3 1 I 3 ;

We Buy, Sell cr Exchanje.

returned from Atlant.ic City, wherehey spent u. few weeks.The tale of the Crossniiin "Lyom

property on Lincoly avenue-is uppointed for Saturdny of nex t week.

Mrs. \V. It. Hobinson and .Mrs. "('!Miller left, town yesterday [;.ir i

iTotrnctedstny at KloouiiugburgI'wYorkJ . .

•I i

A trolley piirty of twenty wiimeiiand children arrived yesterday fromPiaihfleld and enjoyed the day by f libanks of .the. Haliway.' .- '

George Mallory has awarded toW. W; Mendell the contmet for idwelling'on.Grove street, the cost owhich is'to IJO ?1400. •.-••

Elizabeth is to cuise by taxatioithis year the sum of ?l!l(),<i20.(J2. ()this $l.'!O,O0!i is required to pay tininterest on the city debt..' -

A continuation of the hearing owitnesseSvIn support of the ehiirgwagainst i Principu). .Thom.iS will l>iheld on MondujM'vening: -:

The Golf Club is preparing to celesports,

It wilbrat^Independencemusic, firtjworlis und dancinb c a g a y aa well as a ga!a.duy at thel i n k s . .' -; • , . ..:. :'.' . : • / - • c '

'/The teiinis clubpf'Kt. I'IIUI'SChurchhavearrnnged for tennis, etc.jit'thurear of thn church, tomorrow.Frieqds interested are invited to bepresent. . . ' .

Tlie iVew lork^ and Mew. JerseyTelephone'- Company .-"'has receivedpermission to lay its wires -in under.ground conduits through tliOicitvHahway




r- 'Grand Vaudevilleby onrCoon jubileeSingen", morjiing,afterliooD,ei-eurng.

See the Famoas AIslo« Bros.


All Modern Attractions. ^

^ Fine Hich Water , BatUax. ' .Direct connection by tidkf. Frequent

twins l y Central R . B . at X. J.

line is that" Mr_*J Z Smith is proparing to tear down the store adjoining Ins livery oflico, nnd to erect

'Tomorrow the I>ho V C will plujthe.Orunge 1 \ C. on. the ItooseveltManor grounds nt 10:.#J0 n. m. Inthe afternoon" nt 9 6'cjock a grtmewill be played a t the anuie place w.iththe P,lainfield tcam.-

The Cranford Library is opened onTuesday, Thursjiay and Saturdaymornings, ami also on Saturdayevenings. H o o k s nnd magazinescan be consulted without charge(luring tlie hours when the library isopen.

The ltev. 11. .1. Johnson, pastoi o^the First Methodist church,linvonue,and formerly ofrthei-iMrst M. EChnrch of Cruufonl, intends to bring

New'ttTrecover Iii8"\\rnter""o'vcrcoaffwas recently stfilwi by burglars; Thepolice foufld the coat, n hich budbeen pledged for $3. Xlie riiinisjerrefused to pay the money and decid-ed t o sue for the coat. ' , 1


1091 E. Jersey St., cor. Sladison Avonne,Bllzubth N. J. . •

t.u.'kled the wr/fiig inun , ' thi

ereiints iliMiimiea'rod at onee

IL""1" 'JS?vil!p "!• - j 1 ' ^ I""!'.!' o l

(iujiimidgI been iic

e<.>8.|/d at the same place, nnd pro.bjrnly by these snme men nn ho'Uiburlier. . Mr. Head of A r l i r i g t oItond was on hin way homo and(cw yards Uehind. Hearing Mrsliummidge's'call for help, lie went ther assistance, frightening the intrmlers myay. A policoinnn was obeat only a short Distance uwny ,nthe time, but did not hear tho di

• tiirbancc.--.-- ;. — : . .'. /:.

Daylight Robbery.

A daring robbery was committedin broad daylight yesterday afternoon at'tho homo of Mr.' Kred^Smitlion North uveu,ue, west, while tluoccupants wera away for the Any,

ed the hausn. by raising a window[lacked up what silverware he coulullud and then tnnicil his attention l<Heveriil uoruets. When he luullielpeihimself to all he .wanted ho mnde hiescape. As ho was disappenrlaijovetlie trackiu thu rear'of'the .lipu'ae,Policeman Hennessey w.as comingfrom (Jnrwood on his bicycle. ' Theiippenranco of (ho negro excitedpiclon, HO Heiin'eHHey pursued himcausing t hebnrglar to d roujyajboo

in somopoliceman.took the |>!

brought y

del-brush. W h o h t | ir •del- |/ 'lived on tlio spot, h

stolen goods, nniJ o tow li,'to awai

nan done a few

jaival This Year ?

Com. / re Miller of the (JrnhfordItoating APHoi'intion hus. called nmeeting of the association, to.-'whielthe general puhlic is inyited, to beheld ill tho township rooms on Wednesday,. I uly U, beginning a t.H o'clockIts purpose Js to soundopinion on the question of.holding acarniviil iK'.xi'niinilli; and if the respoiise is favorable steps will* beiinmetliatL'ly taken to1 bring the oven*to i>ass.

If the people"wimt a ctirnival, thisyeur, there is no doubt .that a riverpageant will bo-arranged that wileclipse in aplendofall its predecessorsKor the first time in many years thewater is clear and free froni pbriox-ious odors,- nnd there is un unusuallylarge number of boats "and canoes incommission this season, a\udable for

Came to Cranford to Wed.

Mr ( IIUIIIR 1 ledeiick Mnith, JI , <)l

fnrlton Wndcut the Methodist parsonage on Moniluy afternoon,, by' the Ki;v. l i . C.Thompson. Suyerul' of the smallboys o( tho noighborhoodj" uponseeing the coupi6~,.drive; up to' thelijbiiBe in a~eoueli7BU8pected wliat wasgoing on.andHjioueiedthecuiihlo withricu when they loft the parwoiifi

Special Notices.

liiioii.Kiis for siilcjit reason ihle^nUs-to Miis> XEKH, New Orunge.If hor-cs cnuld tnlk they nouM—ngrcr

with their druera Uml KaikN niigons ruii>i]y n't well nb look snmrt.The pens that with roust lnmh iiutkc the

finest liiiagiiinlrle ilinncr, can lie Ixuightjit Mdlcr'd. All ollierVM.-ouu.blu fruits nnd

cgetttbles.JIis^ WANTED—Of business ability;

•OJHP pnyni]f" njitt poVmiinuntf pnMtion *t"6iglit inun. on> ncijii.iiiitecl wall fiimiliosri-rerred Addrt-s K. W. Ehznljcth J'oat

.Till: iJKST LIN'lilKXT^OK STUAIN'S.Sir. F . II. Wplla. tho merchant nt Deer

'<irk, Longlslund, N. Y., siiys: "I -alHiiysrecommend Chamherlnin's l'ain Balm astho beat liuinient for strains. I used it. lastwinter for a severe" lameness in the sido, re-sulting from a strain, and wns greatlypleased with tho quick relief a«>l OUTJ itiffecicd." * For sale by alt draggisLv _ ••

Honor* for/lreilerf? Baker.

V"- Jori n,ral,l.Nens hdsjust been received from

l'nris tlmt the most signal honors ofthe spring Salon have been awardedFpskleric Itaker. a young iirooklyn

Artist and a former student of thePratt, Institute Art S c h o o l . Mr.linker has studied under Courtois,the, famous French portrait nndllguro painter of Paris, for sevenyears; Imtrforeseeing the promise o / 8

the young artist's fnturo, Courtoia "steadfastly refused year after year toitllow him to send any of li'is work tothe Salon," assuring him of its cer-tainty of nccepton'ce, but insistingthat he should send nothing until he

veil iipTpfiire wTiich should(ritrrqnitaticiii'at "nnce.TI

wisdom Of the master's course hasbeen" proved by tho sensatiojJ treatedby Mr. Haker's flfst picture.

Tho subject is religious, the titlebeing "Clirjat in the Garden ofGetliHeinuiie." It is one of threehundred canvases HeUjcted b} thejury from a total .of more than threethousand offered for acceptance, andhns not only been hung on the line,in itself an uniiHiu.ii honor for a firstpicture, but",""to' tliu~great surpriseof thi! artist, who was. unaware thathis nnmc.had been proposed, wcuredhis election as.an associate of theSociote Nutionalo des lleaux Atrs, anhonor which exempts his work fromjury decision-'in thiv-.futurn and us-

iijalunouegtioned niliiiiasion to _each Salon.-—~~-~~-—~tj-rf)-

This honor w ! ' ° / y ^ accordedforeignerw, and ,J -^''in* first in-Htaiicnof its ha-vi *,,.>i?en awarded anit-tinti on tho strength of his firstSalon exhibit. The Paris'press" hasbeen most laudatory in its pruisc ofthe work, while from one of our bestknown American pninlters, KruseinunvonKlten, now in I uris, { comes acriticism jtliat will bei.of special in-terest to Mr. Hakcr's A m e r i c a nJissociiitea *•••.-—--« - •-

Independence Day at Fair Acres.

Secretary Condict of thn KuirAcres Driving-Club ban announcedthe.list of entries for the great meetto. be held on III]O{>OXI(1OTIC<* Day.riicro aro 40 entries in the threo"races " scheduled: 11 in the U:inclass, V.) in the U:%25 class and 1(! inthe 2:.'IO cliiss, and a purse of ?20(lwill bo divided by the fourleaders inoach-eventr- - : - ..„,,.-.-,„, ^ _

Between the heats the audience.willlie entertained .with mtisie by theAnolian Brass Band, iiiid an uxhibi-ion trot-by NeilAlcyontTj-the guide-ess wonder., .•'"'.'"•

Stages wil| run every 15 minutt's

Niitionui bank coriiera t West field.

Justice J o Miss Minnie Vreelandrcquirea the, correction of nn in-accuracy in; our report of Mr. Fos-er's testimony belore "the""Bo7ird ofeducation on Monday. He w as

reported us stating that , "once I~ound a boy bent up like a juckkuifeunder n bench in Miss VreelandV00111 " As 11 mattir of fact Mr.'osti'r snid that thepunithmpnt wnamposid upon a pupil from Missreel and s room by l'rincip ll Thom-

as in his otliie, and Mr Foster saw

Mr. Uortoii, chiiirinan of the polit-ulommittee, desires those who. intend:o vacate their housi»s during theet'sou to notify him of the fact, that:he policeiuoii muy be directed tov'atch unoccupied dwellings and, soir as possible, prevent robberies.

The factional fight in tho ElizabethCity Democracy has given plrice to

urmony. On Tuesday thu Deino-:rats coniposingcthe majority of theitycouncilgot together and.electedThomas J. Pierson -freeholder toucceed the late Fredrick, Miller. _

v rum: FOU SUMMHU COMPLAIXT.Slimmer compl nut is uqiiMiallv prevalent

imong children this season. A well <Icvt>-opbdT-nSc"in tfie vfritilrvs fumifj-1 was citielast wcok by Uie timely use of Clmitibcr-

liiiu'a Colic, Cholcrn nnd .Diarrhoea licmc-dy—ouc-of the best patent medicines niann-itcturcd and whiclr is nlwuvs tept on han.lt the homo o( je scribe. This is not ia-ended as ft free j>nfl for the company, 'who-Id not advertise m t t u s , but to benefit' tit-le sufferers wjio may not be within easycces3 of 11" physician. No family should lib,ritho'ut a tptt'0 D t ^ U . medicine in 1 thoouse, especially in "summer-tune—Iig, Inwn, Jouriuth ForsalabjsM^d

if.*" "

. -J.

Page 6: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel


TheCranford Chronicleajt^:jy%£^::,^^^^^^.l,^.^,:^

iOIIll AlFRiD POTTM.' - JC4U«r ami fnp^r

ftrau: StrUJr Cut I i AJvaac*.

S * XOJITU-. - _

9 «ns Ctfrua — -Br Ciurn, ftt

-•.•••••-;--;"-:svflJ::/w5rk7 u h e n t h e ' -

dynamo that gave it

^•^povrcr Js spli;. SflXvith :



• AdTe-tUlnx ratea '/uraiibttltipon

. Tb* Cbronicla mar t>e foafid 6b gale at tbe

futon Vein Stand aad at the Chronicle Offlct

THK contractor who .lias iinde^itpn to complete tli^ Iron

ion of thepun llnilrowl tUriiilvu4 to throw upthe work b"cau8e|nf tin; terrible .

. . . . r


of mosquitoes «•}Jfcli makes it n | r a , ) h t

""PnMll,reloe,.t!lab«irin'tliiit HecUon. He is evi.l.Jctl.v „„, u r ( , a , j , . r o f

•Pdltoriirln; else tl,eeH pditpost would Jiavu. b(.'pn cxtiTMiinutby HIP Klizubetli process lonj;7)t;o.

IT IS beirij; generally cqnimwitvd on- U i a t - t he '-pwbltonToin " T T ' £ r T l


Of ks power for your

family's future use?


PRUDENTIAL9ns,urance (?©. of (America.

i Home" Mice:' Newark, iVJ.

J O H N K. r)iiVi)i:.\M'ri-»i.i,iii.r.Ksr.n: i). \v.\i:i*. Vm-VnMiiaKD'JA I! IS. U'AKI), .'.I Vhv-rVi*., ,inil

•KUKItKS-r. KnifYHKN, SeeraC K,

^^^^^^^^^^^ tMHPPf f i ^ i fPa f^ l%l^3^PEr^^3 * ^ * < l ^ a O T ^ > s ^


Monommta .ad Hea«uum4 »or-ceoet^j L ••' -.^K d i s c o u n t o f t w e n t y - f i v e ( .25) cer | t s ' i ) e r '

!•' ,'•_ .; .•;.. '...-.—L_l • . j - ' - '^ thousand fee't, will t e allpued on gas IbilJs, of. ' ^ ^ H

Jtlbng iiiode dail^r ior otherwise as » . ^ . V 1 M, - - : - . , -•.• . : ;; . .Idesired. ; •" - ~ '., l > f bill._ ' , \ ' ; . . . v '

Reasonable Prices. . •• ,— — ^ - , ' • ' .-••• ' • A S K . FOR


—-D«al«r Irt-

Carriaeea « Harness, j 1

(.'ustiliners of 20j yrars itmiilitig in

Cratifcinl who will vmicli for siillsfactlon


e l v i i l . . l t i | i « I r f «).' liniT | i . i l i it lng

ipeclaltj. —

140 Elm Suvet^-^—WestfieW

illini 11

qucstiori iirisoff, is tliecluM of bookswhich of recent yeurs baa bewi udrertiHi'd us "for girls" worthy of support, or, lire girls of the ilny reuilirj^bookH Hli/fh (ire written for theirfldcrH. vrnre tlity giviux ujilhebiibiiof rcmlirifr in order to "piny golf and.

friends will wharc in tbe pridi; whichAnii'ric'Hi • artiNtH i'vcryivlifr« l i r e

fii'lirifr in IM'H IK liiuvi'uicntH with the

briinli ntnl in' the ri'cogiiition of IIIH

til lent by foreign contioi«8i'iii-n, Air.

Jtnker i» the H TJ 'of .Mr. mid .MIH.

rhiirlco iluker, who formerly livpd

here, mid hppj<i'iit much of IUH viica-

tiiin tinii1 with IIIH panititH,,. Ujj.ri'.-

produce elMewliorcnn nrticli 'froniThi'

Sinidny Herald concwiirifc' Mr.Hiiker

and IJIH work to whiVh we invih«'nt.:tcntion. ' _ '




—Deafer i n -

Beef, Mutton, Lanjb, VeaT,

Pork, Corned Beef,

15 T 2VTa.rk.et Street"\. 1.51- Ivlarket Slivsaai-

— L1.. BSauBraad^StreetF

United EJectrifi Company of J e w JerseyELIZABETH, X. J.

Haln, Shoulder, Electricity for Light and Poutr;: Poultry, Etc. ...-..•_ INCANDESCENT LIGIHS,

flelil Krciih Air Cnmpknoluiun, "(,'iimp Woolfe" bau its formal open

iiif;. TdeHtlay. July lm, tbr- giii'Htsiini\in^or) the 5J..'{<) trilinl from- NewYork, 'i been nip opened under 1111titiinilly mifpieioiifl! circuniHtd net'stbiHtear. 'l'liu-grounds were nevemore atlrilttue, trees /irid the buildIHKH linviiifr been given n coiitwhite wash.

Tiie work thi^ year will be underfolloning- corps of workers: 'Sirs,Difhl, who will be the Matron of tinCamp, in a graduate of the CityTraining Scho.pl for ChristinnWorkers; she has also had eipiTicniiin Hchool teaching' nud practicalCity Mission work and.cometi-highlyrvcommended by Dr. .Si'liaulller. TheAssociation believe .that they huvifound a. matron of unusuul nbilitynud <|uuli(lcatigD9L.fur.'i4hMru. Viulil «illbe__a8siatei

WWte Enameled Beds,Brass Trlmmiriffs, 1 , 4 9


J . r. \y. tfANIflN, ; ;

. 'Oriilcr In ".:




ARC LIGHTS _ _ — - \

O m o e : . a i 7 F r o n d G t . ; ' •..T-"V0wiJoi >•'-


t4ie-%0rtTT)5Of"'0 'itBSOciuto uiutrjuiis.

Oiie is Jliss ilBurjettti....Va .Uore-, i\iha;

"UTll'littW-dirt'ct superviHion of theiNnrsery Uep«rtuientv She'-"is, aMoody .^cliool graduUte -mid" luisattended l'rutt Institute cliissi's inUyracetje ScieiTee for sevurul years. ,~

HUH done considerable, city iniHsioiiwork and lias hud ttide exjlerierice inliouHekeepinK and cooking, wilj^liavecllargeof the work in .the ctiliiiurtdepartment', n^d-tfiider her direxti6n|

j _ Hot for one d*y or one week, but for the wholeseason that this offering. JU nutd«r and so it Is witheverything In this great establishment. Any day yonchoose to come here sfld whaterer yon wish to buy, yoowill find tbe- price towtr hare than elsewhere for tinsame gnkfcef good* . '




Carpenter and 'guilder.

REENE'S3$ and 35 Market St,,

ielled, painted

?'s iiii l siqe walls

Tel. 8201. 1177

lirttt:'] n-pnlr ur ^lil^wulk.H,1 HIM thfll bn Jufyli, it*'.', HI n ii fl.ock p. m.. jit . i l if Townsliljioniy'» I'UhlU!. in urltrx. will- hft. irivfii to iifl!

. iv!*iu!i!« nf. llit- |irnpi'M.-d urillinitH'u art; UH


pt to jilur.piportunt and dilllralt,,aK


SitTi'is 1. .IV II .•rilulucl h y j l i e Townnlilp'f'oiiiniiru'f of the T(»\vij«lilu <trcrmiford tliHllnTi-iuir till >.|ilfwnlk« Kild or rvlnlil1 In tlivTown-).!!* uf Cr.tiifcM'il jifinil lit1 nf stone flaiiifliiifi-.fv>tir 1*' t wide, uliil In nil ua8tw wliiu-u it «IIHM he Jilfi-t'sy Vy Io ri'imlr liny fiiilrwalks hi'ri;t(tfort']

1HJII,"II,.. imrl'iiMsiirrd-Miatl In- madii^jf_«linl4w^

Ocaler In

- J U R X I S W - G O O D S . 'Office a n d S to re .


'••. i' i

Need a New Sidewalk ?

•.•••If ¥>• m the BEbT. - Ffdjj walks I i f e t i m c

and are no tab l e , to keop in order. They are also-the

cheapest; Let u, convince you by furnishin, an es . i m a t e



^ E V N U ES

Wines, Ales,

Liquors and Cigars.i I-AOER^NI) PALK EXTIIA.

Ord«rafor Buttltd Beer.Dillvered!

^ '.'. . That ni: slilewulkti shall b« In'd 111u fc'1.01: i.nitivvurkiimi.Irkt' lnunniT.i>H'u -heor fun' > iti 1111' miiu]«1 LIII<UI*K fiml HIIUH

lit* nminiitlitiil fn d lh

LighterPrice, $,,

VankeeSearchlightPrice, $a.6o

t ~ u . . . . . luyniK tue 81(11'hln of Crimlord shall l,c

1:1 tho iliannur p nvidtd- T l

| mid collected 1:1 tho iliannur p nvidth> unu i t mtltli'd "An Att-Tonrernlnit To»nBIIIIW,1 J:I_'\ Islim of ISUO, and lt> «ut>Itltm<!nla anmm ndni^ntn

ilar. ofW.l

Chalrmiiu of.Towinhlp Co'iifinltteo

a t t h e moderate price of 25ct

19 Eujaaa Street.

~Ni wl> furnislicil lioomS. All imjirov;

menta. > JSnth, ck-ttrlc fans, India

parlor, piano anil everything neces-

sary for the comfort of guest'. Board

at Iimsotfable Rute«.

• ; •:' N o : s OJnibn Avinu©^ , :C'T F -

^or Dances, Entertainments, Meeti^s, Fairs and.pub-

ncgathen,p. Floor s^ace 0ix24. Seating caracitv ^

Dressing rooms, and kitchen. Terms moderate.



' ; To Cure Constipation Foreritir* ' . -TakeCimcniets CandyCal'.jrtlc. KIcoriBc.-

I( C C. C. fall to cure, dru(,'i,'l!>ls refund monec.


N e w J e r s e y C e n t r a l

' Crrre0cd to June 19, 1901. '

LR??':!??A>"i''onD TO ELIZAB^TJI' AND


m CifeUsVpur Wilbll lf i H l l l



You can not tfet better sarfefi tion Zfr^sa.^^U^Witf.«$than.nohreetablislmienf.. We have S f t ' J ^ V ^ ^ - i l V * ^ " ^ ^ ' ! ?not onlj: the" largest; estabitahnient *f£V^&ltkk%frSb&}?*of itekindjn the'State; b t , ve iavH' S^sSLWg&K't'-1**^

beet faeilitios to dow o r k . / : • ' . • • • • • • • " ' • . y d : ' . " ' ' ; ^ ,''•'-:,:d'"

S^d;rpo^aftatdf^fip'n^nlour, •wagon." • , c~ .'

Anerican^Stetmj,and iHand LaBndiT rp|¥:i i?alSS^5^'o n-P3 .»2^/.5f.; MOREYSc IiRUE, Proprfrtof,

. - j . ^ iu™rtiTATMrrirp/sr • ^ •• - - ^ ^ - S t t n

8 p n d ^ For laatoti: Be'hMem. 'A!!i-nto#n v 1


'• ™i°*BBf»noh. Asbnry PnrV, I.Jn«jJ** wwhohi Hqtats-rSK). ii j , • • r i c n , .


' C.M.BO»T,~-C«n.Pa*i. Agent.


^ T

Page 7: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel



y-five (25) cerftb pe

Vo FINE OFFICES To Let.— ill tll©:

• ccl on jjas IbilJs, (Jf•#__ -. __ ...... - to.X.. A v PQTTER

date - of presentation / INTEREST OlT-DEPOSITSf' '*

TheNeW Jersey Title Guataqtee and Trust GoiTjpany.CAPITAI ;UNDIVIDED PROFITS

. . . $200,000,011 . ..S65O.OOO.OO

l»«ui«Tlmc '

2VTa.rk.et S t r ee t

Rccclvcf Depoiiti Sub|«tto Check and Allies Interest on pally Halances.-and lleniand Certificates ol. Deposits Bearing Interest. - •


"TI1111 Leirncy and Ililifrlt.nni-e Ttix !.:i\v,'\ it" r n u r t n l untii'i* tlur hiwS'iif tlie s t a tp nfN'i'W Yj'rk. ni'i.'tloii II. cliaiitf r 3W. HI HO-:. nl[lli»riz>'s i-ltly »r i imnty iifflduU tu rxmiiliw the '''• Hiiiii'iitHiif safi-I'l'iHiijIt ll".\i'i,'ii tli.t Kf.iili i.f n'lUiT, In iml i - r tu i lv t rnnl i i i ' ihu aniuiii.t,if lux ii In- l.'VlM'im 1I1.' I'rtuli-. • • | . ' . • - . ' "

I -IHlXKSTO ltiiST n t u n $i.l» Ti> <i:l"0 Hilt ANNTM-


• English &'Knox," j rhe^Mm^otv^,^•*» the tity for a couple of t]a\s. .

Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and j " A f « v purclmM-, to make," sluipl.uned. showing a short IUt. "1

Oas Fitting, Tinning and I pi-t s<ime things to Wtter a<fc«m

Sheet netal Work. } i n ""' l i t y - a i l l i VKO 1>W" « " » « « " Btin*. < huiK'r." ,

"Hut wh.it/s that loiiff list, thutJ O & C I N O A . P R O M P J . * ATTEHQSPV?O.


EstlmatetrCftccrfully Funthhctf.


Sanitary Plumbing, Gas Filling, Steam,Hot Water and Hoi Air Heating,

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,


^ of Jew Jerseyx . J . •-• . ' • • . • •

and "-Power;.

Is the only monthly magazine in tlve United States wherein

each subscriber becomes an


KNIil.lMI1MIII.H' I ' l lnS


Jl i k l S l iMILLIONS' I'lll!

ITH OWN Kits\VK I ' l X

ll.i IT Kill! .YorW I T H Y I I I UA-SISTAXI'IC

Owner of the Publication.A CliKTII'IRD IIONn issued tu every subscriber, thereby making hln




anr.irisks.abrmt a n dlien slio, V roes t o . -1 nl5Lv 1'^ tfii.nkni^ .'1 licit c'.ill a n d s r eion a t o u r s tore ,i d e a s . •.•••'".:

•>l Xr-VV

• *'l*1if= Tit Mils Company Is .MfVir.ftnih'd UMI* rtli<* Liwunf \\m sluLi* of New.Ii*rfn-y, with $M>,ooiir»,Hiul Shirk. «*nT.Hi»<tUii; uf .XUMslinr.-siit tin- i>in' vtihir

-»»f SI.tM pel- hlitire. ThtH -.tdck is full |>;ii't uiiit'ntiti-;isM> sitltl,*. •Inonlt*!1 tluit Hhim'scuu lit* fHtrly-diSirilitiictl ovt'r (lht' ciitlns onititVy, iu>

.Miil^criptiiiii -AMU bi' ri-reivr'i for imm- i)ur\ nhciiiiiKl.rt d hhnrci. •

l ivery Subscr iber whu pays.$I.OI» U>r o n e share of s tuck obtains twoy e a r s ' nubscripihtn to t he inu^azlne. frce~of chu i£c, and al.su become* astockliidilcr ot the corporutiun. . • -

Tin1 Miiinizinu wllMif kMied rvcry. inontti at'livu-ci I J U | K T copy, or .V) ryuts \»>r yt'iir. Thefir^l l>4Miiif will hi'ifln wl thTtn Auu'iist iiumt><>r. Tl i tnmpi is will liiMiiuiiidli'iI on'*'Tlt-l(lis of KIIIE^itiihi wliluli irt tint most Kiii-iM'ssrulpuhllriitini) ut Us prict! in Die world', but ii will !•<• cutiret\AIIHTIC -HI in rhitnu'-t 'r und Ii'itrrt^t. 11 wilflx' f till i»f.airi;lin]s of iTitcifsilntf inutdT nnd will conts.iii iiionVnovi'i tU'imriiiivrt limn any |ii*rliiillcal m on tlit; lin.rki-l, Wr'sliiil1 try mexri- l tin- Knirlish iMihllcaiiini by huvint,' t lit* lutxt si-rinl and'.Hlioit »lorii^ by I tie ablest wrl icrs .

. To / l i i ' sltM'liliohlcrs will ln '^ i ivn i»ni' pi iw In cu.-li is.-iif uudiT tin1 cnjitloii, ••'StockholdfrsPau'r." Ait-U*lij_*rs of im-n-sl , i-u iimmit and advlru. lvt'civi'd fro'ui tlii'iit will huvn. Hpcclal iitti-uttijn on this pitiru. AHlf|*'...friiiii l ids, all w i l l i n g of oi!»iiuil i m r i l ' tiiAt 'nm Milinillti'd tu tin*edilur will bi 'pnid fur, lisii.'li nii'ul wltli t Ii*> rviiiiiri'iiifiiH of iliu impcr. All xitliM'rlptiont* pnyab'i1 to'thi* unilrr-dtrin'd, whu w*H at nice forward on nVi'liil or^niut<, bond certificates.

JHE TIT=BITS COMPANY^Whrld Biiildin^i-Park|rRo\v^IS|owJYork CityJ

Ik?• • «

.si-a Mifc time

They are also -the

rnishino-an estimate



i&s, Fairs and pub-

cating capacity o


y of





SALE' VGood things—You will be well .

paid for a look at 'era—Your

home: -ma'y "be" beautified^^byr'theniy^-

all at little Cost; Cash Terms

or open account,_-

in ±~ on* Off on Every YardIOC tO 20C of Ckrpets

In This "Overstock" Sale I:,9c Incrains at 20c yard. GOc Ingrains at 49c yard.7oc All Wool Ingrains 59c yd. Goc Brussels at 52c yard.90c Velvet Carpets at 69c yd. $1.10 Moquettes at 90c yd.

$1.50 Axminsters at $1.19 yd.

Tlattingsf romC-Tina and Japan15c grade now 1 Ic yard. _20c grade_now 15c yard.

3uc giade now 27c yard.

100 PARLOR SUITS.3-piece Reception Suits, no two

alike.i .

$16.50, $20, $24, W ) r t y80 Styles Bedroom Suits

new and popular In every detail,

$I398,$17.98,$20,lhthIdw o r l hi n


n r V t h I r d

100 ENAMELED BEDS,all new patterns, hard baked




Golden oak, with French mirror,

$11.98, $15, $18,


$4.98, $6, $8, $10,worth onc-thlrd (more.


In richly colored velours,

C7 worth one-thlrdmdre.

This Week, Refrigerators $5.98-Doub!e walled, brass' trimmed, deanable. Worth $7.00.

Every buyer will get set o£ nickel-plated Ice Tongs, Chopper «nd PickFREE! We want to advertise this Immense-Refrigerator1 and Iceboxitock! None to eoual It!

Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. \Be aurc If* " No. 78 " and you KC the Ant nant "Amos " before enterUg our itore. i

Z$?-?A2£VR *7 *Z MA11KE& STREET.DELIVERIES V ^ - * »" ~~ • Ne«r P l»« Street, W » t of Broad. ? ;

A. Frlratc Deiyery Wagorf 6eot on Reqoett. " Tdephofie 880.". . . • '«ead for New 42-Pagc Cntalogne.

AgontH for RichuritaotiCo., Furnnres find

Telephone ao-A.

..t Hoyijt

Cranford, N. |.


House, Sijjn and Fresco I'nintinjf,

Plain and Deco a'tivc


Glass, Oil. Point,nish«s and ©all Paper.UjJAXKOHO, NlCW.'JbKSKY.

Rosedale and Linden Park Cemetery,

Liiuli'ii, N. J., ojHii for -inspection; largestami best i\qiii|i;«!il cemetery kxl^u in tliecountry,.tree transportation to prospectivelot liuyi'i.-; earringes meet all trains to takeyisitors'overtlie projicrties; 'S|iecial ail van-tages now.offered to churches, fraternalorganizations and, iiuliviilunl ly| buyers.Oniecs, 10 West THenty-ThirilSt . N. Y.,amriiiiidun lioilgc, Iiinden JT...J. Descrip-tive) IJooklcts\iliid full infoi'inatioit can lieobtainoil-of W'iflinm X.~ (iray,. KuneriilDireetorj.Gittiiford, N J. - — •-


A Large Metropolitan Ncwupaper Which IsHelplnir the Summer Kurorts.

The Ilrooklyu -Hnglo-several years ugocstahli'shOiV a Itiireau of Iuforuialioii inllrooklyn, where the 1'iililiu coulil, free ofclrni'^e, secure details of hutels- anil Imanl-ing houses lor tht) sunTmer. The idea ntonce been I no popular,' ami branch bureauswere oppiuul in Manhnttan and other cities.Countrjj hoiels and boarding houses bysewling.tnihigiltnrcnu Can ifecure a list'ing blank, Oil it,out and return it ami thenJHS^represented free of._qqst,. and.seudltheircireulars anil cards for free distribution.

Tho Brooklyn JOaglo has also been con-sidered for years tho best rnediiiin for sum--iiier-ooardcrsiir Now York City. .

Tho li<)cky Point Inn, in lho Adiron-dackH.snid: "We aro giving tho Kagle iilarger sharo of advertising than most otherpapers, aj experience, lms demonstrated itsvalue to us in past seasons."

Chauhcoy IJ. Ncwkirk of Wnrtsboro,Sullivan .County, said : "Last season onesmall adv. brought me five guests."

Jin Rue Bros., proprietors of tho Ameri-can Hotel of Sharon Springs,.N. Y.,wrote:'•'Our house is full and mostly by. Brooklynpeople. Daily wo .receive applications forraoius..andi alLoiuiccuunt... o t .oufc.sUindmir.ad. in the Kagle." '-"For Listing Illanks; A(Tv. Kate Cards

unil other information,-address10AUI.K iSFOIlMATION itUKKAU,

0-30] \ . Brooklyn, N. Y.


Contractors & BuildersWe build hoinos und'fiictorit's.

C; L. BELL, Hgr.,


• W(s promiitlr ot>taln U. 8. and Foreign

PATENTS1 itaiftr model, sketch or photo 61 Inrcntlon lor <' free report on lwtontnblllty. For free book, <'IIowtoSoeureTDIlhP IHIll^O «riteTatentiiaud I HAULt-WIBHIVj to


Galvin's ParkBetween Pljinficl.1 & AV'cstlielJ.



"« l i \ , that's the l>»t of tbnifis the

A quratlun of Ollnmlr.•An ohl .oolortd. preai'lier- .was tell-

ing his congregation that after d<*nthtbt'v would prolmbly po to th<% uiiioii.Aft ir nu'etiuj,'. one of the best . in-'iorincd of the brethren said to him:, "itrVr .linluns. jloirt you know datde uiiion is col' i->. fee, an' ain't gotno tiro 'tall in it?" • - ... •__"_ L.. •

"llr'or . TlKiiuas," replicil the pnr-si>n, "ef-bit's liri" j o u a-w:iutin', doskeep on in do way yon gwino «•« youcah-H miss it.''—Atiaiita ('onsfltutinn.

ju» l Wlmt jl«- Xrrdrd,A nwiii \f<'ilt with his) w i f f ' t o visit

IIIT physli'lanr Thr doctor .placet! atlii'.gnpnu'tcr in t h e w o m i i a ' s inim(li,

Aft^'r two o r t l i r c o ininutcs, justns Hii' pl'yslcian was'about to removethe iiistrumen!, tho man,, who wasnot used to slu'b a'lirolunirol sjii'll ofliriiliaiit siiriVi'v' on tfu' jiiiiri (if*KiiT

"Diicjur. what will you takethat thinirV—X. Y. Times.


* Same Old C'uuMrs. Noosens—My iln^Kfi*(lr's b<>-

poijiinjr * nuiru prollciturtii^STiv playsregular pieces now. Yoiiflon't. not let*her playing exerciser now as muchns you did." ' . ' • • ! •

'Mrs. Xaybor—No, liut I juitice herpiiijing exercises my. ".liiisiiaiid asmuch ns .ever it i l l t r . ^ ' J I ' ' /ltei-ord. •:

. / ' Ilia litiltrt'Nuliiti.

"What do you think of this educn-'titinal test of a, voter?"

"\Vell, sub," answered Sir. lCrastusPinkl v; "tie white gcminah wbali. I\vorks has a llb'iir)'. sin''jedgin' by depictures in°sonic er clein books, si'imuer tie folks what kin read ah" writeorter be mo'ashanie er ileirse'fs, dandeln.whnt cnii't."—Wasliinjrltiii Star.

.>.*...' -rr... I'urleMH.- •<- ;-u" ;

"It's too bad about . th'o.se crullersyou iniiile," said the new IIIISIKIIHI,sadly..

"Why?" asked his wife, quickly."Well," replied the husband, '"they're

ton rich to eat, jonhenvv for life-pre-'servers and too HIIUJI for quoits.*1-—.Ohio State Journal. , . - . . ' . .

Another-Tlilna;.'j Old. liocksey—I dcniht. my elcnr,;wlicther tills ymiiiff .minister is alilc

Uo Kiippii^tj you. "' ,i ..•'<-'"'Miss - Itoi'ksry—Why, pap. Ills snl-

nry ft( $7,500j .„_;„.„,.«,:.,„._,~»)lci"l{i>irk'sey—Plenmv it. my dour,but doi-h lie get it?—X. Y. Sun.

And CrmfrRtlo. ''

• "I prosiimc your wife innkrs. lifefor you OIH'-fjrantl sweet soti^." saidthe old frii'nd. • •.'."Mostly ;'ri't'ilative," 'nnsuTi't'd i Mr.

Henry I'eck, with just a litiprt* of sad-ness, "mostly recitative."—JSnltimoreAmerican. .

Kilrir Ilia linn.

Green-rWhy are you always t.ryinpto nvoid I-Svown? Vou vortaiiily don'tC)\vt» liiiri inoney? '

—AVhitc--^X"77hirt' I'm-Ttf rn id he wan t»-to owe +me some.—Chicago. DailyNews.

Xot So lMnln.. Mr^ Hunter—Well, Norah, aa g-ood plain"co"ok?"

' ~ nnnjwan, mum; but Oi'll i\M jp? knowthere arc some as donXconsidher meno tumble plain,

Anil Go7If jour fjdrj Is too cauz)

To teu to the mnrlm si It up'and send It

''the mprlhl> maKUjtliiitClilc.iKD Tribune.Tt f

First. Class Vaude=

ville Show every eyeri=

ing J

> All Trolley Carl P u s Park.

Ethel—I must confess that I liketo have a nice man around inc.—-Chi-cago Daily News. '

Trnf Lav*.Wheiv-Povtrty entc"ra tht portal

Lovt tUvs from -1 lie wjn^ou1',, lli't Fnob!'U Ix)vc were ttif rlnht sort of mwhil,

Hfr'd go put anr! hurl for i Job—Phlladtlphhi'Cren.

The Youthfu l .Feminine Id>°a."What kind of a bociety is. yoursT"

esked'her tstthcr. . - ' • . - - — - •"A Recret socictj," she replied."But what Is lti. object?" t"Ob, Ju«t to ha»e secrets from, the

other girls."—Chicago l'ostl ,, i a.

'No Plraarurcr<- "Why did you leave j our lasj. place?"

"It was so dull," replied the maid."The master and mistress agreed per-fectly, and never a thing came op for•the servants to gossip ab'out."—Chl-«ago Port. ( _ •

.-•'•- WV kliow ttt-ittclmm* tu lie

at which1

(\ptuis: Puy, September 2; NiKht, September 1T>

• • • • • • • •

THE 42nd

SclibolE L I Z A U K T 1 I , X . . 1 . ' ' • . • ' . . ' . . '

Will open September 17lh, IW2.

t Elementary and Academic Departments.S"i>"Llnrtieuln'r iit'dMition is ciilli'il tu the reilurtufh in tuitltmTJites

in tin1 Hli'im'iiliii\vln'ji.;)rtiiief\t—tivoriiKUig nearly t\\eiit_v-tlve |H»r w i l t

l.' Head Master.


V Westfield.

Independence Day, July 4th,AT 2 O'CLOCK P.

\TEII A I1>C1L /Vl-

lirmi:ii-»:ss WOMIKII,•, Wu.i. (in As KxiiuiiTioN XIII.K.

Neil AlcyoiiDr Ima u record HH I\ guitli'lcHH wonder, (goin^ wilirout ilriver movi'r.ii lmlf-milo truck of 'J-.OH. .'—



TROTTING AND PAGING RACES. 'No. ' l ClnHH '_':ir» 1 ItQT Oil VM'K - "No. -2 ClitHH '2:-2~> T l tOT. OK VM'E - - - -No.- :i CIUNK 2:110 TKUT (111 J'.VCK . ' . . ._ ..-. ....:_.• . ^ •

• • • ' • • • ' - • . . ' - . . & • . : • ' . -_ • • ' •

The above races are all best 3 In 5 ; ' 4 divisions of money.

50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent, of purse. ' ' - ' . ' . ' . '

Tho pretty lmlfniilc truck of tho Knir -Acres Cltib is rciiclu-iLby trolley

or. Central Ituilromi to Wt>Btflt<lJ. StiigOK will run from corner llro;ul nnd

Kim Btroeta, direct to tlio track. • '

An ideal Vacation Exci4t*sioln-^-S'A'Hyon-thoelPKnntnB\rMt^niiPWt)Ftli»OltV-l^>iiii«i«>n^IJne-t«OUlA ' rJint nnd Norfolk, thence IICTOHB tho lihie'ltiilgv Mountains throughhistoric Ohl Virginia tp NaturiiJ Kr'i j»u, returning to New \Oxk down 1n«.Shcniiudimh \ritlley, fur fumed tor HH picturesque scenery, visiting en rou(<>Luniv Ctivcnifl, the niOHt wonderfully lienutifnliiitlie-w»rld, W:mliiiiRton or(ietlysliurfr, Ilultimoie mid l'hiludelpliiti. lle'tiitlm tliivpoiiitsrnnnied above.Uk-li'inoml; I'l'terdhurn. Honnoko nnd minieroim other intt?riwtiii}rpoint8ciiiihe'visituil en route without iidditiotml cost • " ' 'I I I \J H i l l l . f • ! ^ • I M' *• . * • * • * - . m" » » • ^ ^ » ^ ^ - - ^ T » W - - _ -

IK;'viHituil on route without.additional cost.Tin; trip enn be Hindi; very comfortably within a w<H>k at 11 cost, not

exceeding $4.'l.()0, exclusive ol riirriiifji' drivtw and Hiiclilikcpslnia. Pullmanili-i'piiiKCHi1 fan; IH not included, ns tliu entire trip enn lie made in daytime.I'ullumn Bleeping cars uro, limvever, on the .trains for those iles-iringtlieni.

The ordinary cxpcnpeB of the1 trip lire comprised of the lollowing items:ThiTpriccdf (ho round trip, coverinj; inc'tilsand"sliitorixuii Iwrtli'on steamer,. • ,

Nes/\'ork to Xdrfolk, uiul tmnsportatioa niily tin) rest of tin'Irip. is JiJ.-W.'-TiiwwfeCiby Htu Sj, Xuturalllrulgii -Sliit.inn to Xtitu^il I»ridi;iv^«l iX'M'ni, . ..

/i\ miles cucii way - - • • " ' y. •JJJ/^Ailtiiission to Nfttiiml • Briil(»o 1'iirk - . ' • - " • " •/ ' - .

Tmnsfer from Ijumy Station 10 Hotel, iind.liifmy Ciivcrris, 1J-mileseach tray- ••-•- Ailmission to Lunly Ciivcrns, day - - - ' -. -\r,

AilmissioirtoLiiruyOaviirns, night ..-. • *.'. - . -. . 1-<>u

:„ _•• llotol rates nuiKU from $2.00 tii.^1.50 i>cnlay. - .TicketH fort 1MB "hlral Vaciition-KxciirBion-' nre-on-cnJ«'-pv4>ry—day-in-Ihe ji-nr nt the oillce of the Norfolk ic WcHtern Kailroiid.No. .T.»«<IJrond«ay,New York. ,Tiuki>t8 uro limited to Muy :ilnt nnd Octoljor :Ust. jiccordui^to date of mile. TJn'\ permit stop over at "pleasure, "t any -point on tlieNorfolk A. WeHtern ltmlnny nnd iitOld l'ointComlort.Norfolk, Wiubin^tou,lialtimore, lMiiladulpliiu, (ietiyHlilnn find llnrrMilir;?.

For doscripliveinatti'i, tickets, and for \unons trips b\ tea or rail,cull on, or uddreaa _ -

L. J. ELLIS,Eastern passenRer Agent,


No. 398 Broadway, New York.Tickets sent by mail ormessenger to any address

Telephone:2907 FRANKLIN.

Cranford People

If you want it fresh call in and see us. We ha\e the

largest stock in the State.

Fish almost/given away Saturday ni^Iit.

SEA FOODi 'Thats' All.". .


(Ne«Jj to,Mendel's..

: Seasonable Goods at R. BRUNNER'S.I _ J'estand. '"ot)1'Clnima, Nuckluces nud Charms, KiigngMhrnt nnd Wedding

! Kings. They arc 0. K. A rich OBSortu'lent of Rood qualitj 'I'lafwl *n"re"

'and to entisfy u steady d'ernnnd—A better Btock than ever in GOMIAM'S

'tELEBUATEU SlLVEK-W'ARE—at Gorliaia I>icre.

1 Putronize Home Trado and fill your orders with us*, for your June

Weddings and GraduatiqnJ'resenls. ' .


R.BRUNNER, - Westfield, N. J;

Page 8: mi r GLORIOUS FOURTH · fell from tiliH lop of a. cherry tret- in the rear ojf his hoimi) yia.tw(lny, bujj ewuped iiijnry. Minn Harriet her summer parents, Mf.""arid Walnut avenuel


P f a i J t ^ W i n i f r e d ^ , J e l i t j o , , n

£ a n t n > ' ^ ' M »«>»n, Henry Dro«n,e y H a r l d C l b

^^«nnii8«J^iLim»ieto>e rfpriaa; « " ! ' f t T I ( 1 ^ r 0 ^ n ' J U e D I 3 ! ; DroWlinew work Tby tin Jngenlou, . thicago ""^TJinrfcjr , Harold Chamberlain.

Tnan. lie ha« hit UIK.« the idea of ,ub- laurel-' CJnr.1:,'' Eleanor E.hvurdg

• J- B- MerkeV i f , h ^ . n < ^ ; , . . ; , " V «"nj«ret He*,. Annie L-odePlJ. a Merle . , 5 t h e . m e n t o r of ,hi>new p r o c r » . .Mr. Merkcl's l d i .o.Jereledt, \fllj7e

rnTbrtRatoto ri> ifiafc*! Jnllrt*" »* flrm»»• those turned out of on) hardwaresimp wflhthe aid of irons ami healing

| H ) t S . • ' • . - • '• . , • ' • • . ' • ' " ' • • ' -

• Kvery one probably haVat.soiiic i inn-or Other been the victim or (hi- per-petrator of the tillie-wofn juke, .jri

hipetrator of the tillie-wofn juke, .jriwhich the sun's rays are concentrated

• > • - — i s - . . . « .. III-II.-^HI-, Frieda^»«^'»i^Wig^ipi,jj^^^J;Tubb. Liiton Wanser. Natalia l'ork.

Xirant .School—Promoted frotn 2ndl<> .'ird Kr/ide-IJoroth--Bcll.KathrynJlourii... Otven lln,Hi,inK, MurjorieCooj.or, lNiul Connor, Kiitlierino, 1 i t i l C o n n o r , KiitheriueDatiii, Willie'Ftidler.l'e.ter liiejjore,l o w s e iluusiitj A l b t Il HLouitii- Huuson, Albert HiiHte, HarryHeins, Kutherine Hill, Willie Oakey,'Sylvia, I'prcellu, He len tieveriin,Kutherine Hperry, (iraoe TuyJor,l{i.TMiril"TnMrlor, Kittluiiinn Wood,

(Jliilit .School—I'ronmte'd fiotu'Urdtu -Itlr grade—Kojiisi; Ucyer, Aiidr-cwllurfcy, Kdwu'rd. ('hiiinln i-lain, Wai-ti-r I'hnniberluin, Victor 'UnitKuijiTfen, Kred 11 it mil Lou, Kennel Ii |Jmii.'H. vlliir.ry Minidrii, •', Ki'imelh

soi.j)i:ai.vo in- SUNLIGHT. _,

and foci


. . <• in a convex.pla^t- anil focused on thehand or iiecli, anil I lio.se uh<> have beenthrough this o id ia j ITnoM the amountnf Ill-lit Unit can lie generated in thl»,way. They learn Hiis' from the btirn-

' ing sensation ai'eoinpiinyliifr the joke.'\ It is thin, gcnrfnl 71rineipi.1l tliat Mr.

Merkel follows* in Milijcriiig by meansH f the liiinV ni.vs.;-

'••'.. The" burning gluss takes the place. . o f the kolilerinp iron or tube in hih

- nirt'cl process. Tlie sun's rn,vs lire con-centrated in the ghiMi mill then arefocused at n flni- point on the em! of1he htiekof solder. 'The adhesive mnii-rial melts, ami, fulling on tinpieces of iiietn! unites them usiunder the old method.

Ordinary snideriioi-s not fulfill therei|uirenieiits of tin- experiment be-cause it is so'hard that i|. rci-i-ls h<'«tof the intensity of that, fjeiiehileil'bythe «un'K rayn through th.e glass Aspecial soft. composition made of purezinc, lead, ntid bismuth in certirln pro-portions is an esi-riitinl feature of thissimple soldering process. A specialacid must al»o be prepared to aid In the

' work. This is made of'carbolic acid"in which has been dissolved losatnlra-

tioh a'ecrtain quantity of zinc, Avltha'prescribed proportion'/of .phosphoric

- .acid and -spirits of wine. . •„ ^This.incthud.ofiiKlderinf^eanfie em •"

-ployed to make connection on electricwires, to join small partjc.lcs of met'alin'.the watchmaker » and jewclerVtrade wherever direct heat Is ljkely_t<>

' take ont temper or burn preciousatones. In the use nf the burning plus.'only a small spot is heated, leaving.tlie adjacent part unaffected. This itexceedingly-desirable In certain line?of work, and the joints mi'i-de In thf>way are as solid and-dnrable as any. .

There are. however, two positivedrawbacks' to the sun proerss.of solder-ing. One Is that the solilcr placed Inthis mi-;»»i ••' ' • •

.Smith, ili.'len . iShurivuiid, Doro-thy Smith, Spencer Scott, Husel.Severns, (ieorj^e Scliintller, Albr-rtI'atlou, Harold Teller, K.lwin Tow II/OtiiHe Tray lor, Helen A'an Tine,LeHlii; WjifrKtinf, Itiith WeHtern, Ed-wniil Jeumiji'y, (.ii'orge Teller.

(frant .School—Promoted from 4t)ito 5tli grade—Lucille Allen, I'hilipAbry, Mildred/ l i m i t a, : EdwurdUf-ndle, Julia lleeker, Krunk Itrennen,Alfred (,'hamberluin, Myrtle Clurke,'l-eonee: Coiulert, Mildred Crane, FredDcckhut, A»*i!8tiiH DiUe), Helen(irow, Kiuilie IIIIIISK1'", .KatliurinolHurt, Ue>trude: Hill, 'Edith Hillier,Helen KIIIHC, Amelia Krcio, HobpccaMix, Frank McMnlioxi, Mumje Mayer,*• '-1 " • " Mnry Moore,


1tnct c)f which jt may be said, " 'Tis truly a pleasant spotto visit at all times "-—especially duringf the lieat andJiumidity of Summer.••'. .«.'• .'.: VVhen the plans of this great establishrnentjvjeredrawn, two' features of,the many appertaininjf to the

interest and comfort of our patrons were paramdunt,

LIGHT AND AIRWe tlioii{.'lnt «-.- phinneil, we studied—changed n little here, a little

_tli«rt', and tlie n-milt <>f uiir Iulior8_prodiiced fpr the.pectple of New.iftvey, ij (lei-fi'c-t store in every iietiill. The intensity of light is modifiedby-ii nyHtern iiln-fliflioii KO pi'ilcct thatitrediicesit8forceti>ariiiiiiuiunianfl ri-liVvpfi thi' i-y</ of tliut Kiraiii nhicli is 80 iioticfahle. underrfifferentconiJitimiH. Whilathm H.tinimportant feaiiire, the problem of making'ir 11 COOL STO1IE «us of greater niomeiit—recorlin>; to artilleiulmeatm t(>m-iVciiiir|Miriioni-Hu.-reciiiiipiinitivi-.lyeasy,-'hii'tthoperplexingprohlem of (•( jntri i l l inir i - l imaJ^j^ujM^MkiVtffs^f^

The que-tlJLUliillc^J^u^vri iijttrrcnHCTilctTTt—~.......Hiirin~nmi(17""How to en-et a moderli building-

and muke it it cool one." That we hav« cucei'i'ilcil IIIIH lm'eii 'demon-strated ere this, 11111I you may come here wilh our ussuriuite tliut thetemperature of tliix building in •

15 TO 20 DEGREES COOLERThan on the street. Spacious aisles and cozy overlooks']aretather features provided for - -

:/JGtrGi Johnson •; Jr. (*$v



Estate ofTrSsif- B y ORDErOF.'THE'TRUSTEE, ' •


The Large 2 ; Stopy Trame JJwelJiW... • . . • 4O,aa f.«t. -vith H'oomy Cottnge Extensirn

y J. • 4O,aa f.«t. -vith H'oomy Cottnge Extensirn



Ontennia. Ave.n, and Hfel, H , w t l C a S o ^ TM l ' ' l l



, . , , , o in< aim 1 u g h .Street, CltAN'FOKii, N. .1.

The-prdperty will be offered first as a whole and 'then'in 7

[1 parcel.*'of about one acre each, Tlie building are in '^t)Q>.\

fhulldjri^iuJ4^^.-^Wj^:)i'd^ and pic-tiireScjue .scciion of Cr.inford, five blocks from the, II. !<.'station 'and four blocks from the tr6llcy. Particular atten-tion is directed to the row of magnificent elm trees.hi front-of the house' plot, and to the exiensiVp. frontage oivthe riverwhich'is here at its best. ...• , /'-. . <:

Terms und nddi i ionul piirticulurs fiom Messrs..(*nli*> &Hiifdi'lil. A t t o i - :ne.vs, 7"X> Uroail .Street, Newark; Tliimiaii l v I'ilmvdrth, K.-K)., 1 7 5 1! jusmi'Street, Urooklyn; l-'erguson it Van Niiine, np|)(i.sili; the Htiilinn, (Vmifmil.or Jerp.,.Ioliii'8oh Jr . Co., lfcj7~J{road.wiiy, New "York, ami 1 Mil'.Montague.Street, Kami; ly 11. . > ' . ' ' .


J l t i iI'rice, Edgnr I'aye, Elizubctli Pierce;Santiago 1'orcellii, Fnink- l'hinio,Arthur liabb, Clifford Schiudler, Al-bert VanTine, Caleb Wullucc, LucileU'oodlitiff L l b t ' W i

On and alter July 1st, our The Williains Store.136 Broad Street, Elizabeth.


Oraiit School—I'romoted from iit.ltto (jtli. y.rildr—AgncH Hrtinduge,Helen Connor, Kate Crinieroii, Dtu-o.thy.IJuy,Alice'Fo\ylk»,. Lizziu lljinktl;dei', Kruest liiiiimni, Albert Jeatnhy,

Moore,CeliuWiiliani Ohlhaui, KUnu nCiirltou 1'ierce, Huby Pugo^tMabeiKice, Kosa lihuturd, Currio Sperry,Harriet Suiot'k, Minnie SiegL Hen-rietta Smith, Albert .See, MagdJSchufler, . Katharifie \Variier,Waotibiirnv Marieu. WugHtuft', IKT-man lia-ker..

(iriint School—I'romoted from <Uh••• 7tii gnule, tirainmar



inp water »r when briiuffht into con-tnct with n'higher tenipp.rature. -lliitthe chief drawbnrk Is thai the Min'snij-R arc not 'alwii}'» tivnllnble. andwithout their aid the wnrk cannut hecarried on.—^Cbicapu Trlbiinr,

The Court House.

I T U B SilMK OLD STOHV,J. A. Kelly loliitt-H nil oxpcrieiicc siinilar

t« that wliicli hhirhn|ijieii«l in ftiiiok everyni-iKhborhood in.tho l/uiti'd Slitcs and III-Mbven tnliland refold by UIOUSIIIHI.S of olhei>.Il« says: '-I..'.st si'iiiinur l.hiul an attack- nfdysentery anil imiclmsoil 11 lioltle of Clmin«berl:iin's' Colic.^Oliulcm, and Iliurrlinc.iRemedy, which I used accordliiff to direc-tions mid with entirely fiitisfactnry results.Tlie trouble wiif controlled much quickerthan former attacks u-licu I u>"d other rem-edies." Mr. Kelly is 11 well known citizen'of Ilendterson, X. C. Korsale by all;di-iig-~ ' Is . ' •'

Popular and serviccabl new style. Formreducing. All the ether favorite brands ofCorsets. '

U. S. Bunting and U. S. Flags for Indepen-dence Day. In stock, Standard F^gs 5x8and 6x10. Other sizes at short notice.. •' .-!•'• ••/ • f i ' I ' • ' ' I ' ' ' — • ' ' " '

- Green or Red Tradfng Stamps ory-2 1*2percent, off on all cash purchases. •

Tlie "V illiaixLS Store,••—- \ N . D. VVILLIAHS,


•> (In- <;lvcn WrlKht of HIP: .. Amrrlcan Crrc^il.

Science ag-nin brinprs a new para-dox to the front. It cnnccriiH theKtaple food supply of half the entire

jHHiiim—mcn=\viieat. I.oiiff before thediscovery of Jbe Chiildenuovcns, afjesbefore Tyre/sjireiul bowls were heu'iiout of the solid rock, iiiiin. gren-wheat, frrotmd and bukeil it for hisdaily sustenance. . ' :. • ',. •:

To-day jieicuce iiljinus thiit wlieut'4 u 'cnciiU filod product-.i.s doomed;

that not ifnly is the supply entirely.. iiiade(|iiate for the: maiiilt-n.-mci

the increasing racqs, bnt

Illock, MosKi'ove • Col well, CyriiHCuojier, Frank Cox, Donald Daggitt,lOvu Uent'O, Katharine (jrouiie; lZvti,tirulie,' Willinm ll/iste, .Miihvl .1

Alfred jMUgt

The liiHt Li'frishiture passed an actjfor /the™ jifotccticjn of arehiteeti',which act imposes heuvy penal liesupon -*ftiy~who, without u license,piepares plans or Hpcciticatioiis forthe Vrectiou or alteration of any

y. not,

^ V e r b e h a ^l. -You knoW I

^refenstahTji fo iepi i See,

Jeannie Tfiylor,— \Valter. WiigstSff,I>ulu\Vallv Clifford W'eater.velt, Itayniond' WcHteivclt, Donald Wilbor. -

(Jrinit.iStihool—_I'rauioted from 7th

now Court

hecraft^eorge: "After we uHmar-rled J,,u can keep right on wanting it,



No.13 6 Broad Streoi,'Phone 315 1

<3nno , 27 ®esf Qrand £ircbl.


«» M RAI.•MNKINli'


-at Elizabeth]

^rd Aihm.H, J,1IU1, I { u r K 0 8 i G

•".-•I1.-1I.U.. Cooper, tiea-Crowoll,Car-

" " ^ • . ' " ' " • • ' ' • ' ' m b e y . h , , ^ J o q

j , rf

v nrpsoa \V,v < kofl, MarJOIIL 0 dli mi

dun I Vhool—I'romoUd from Htli


ufter competition, accepted the plansol New York architects, with, tlie ex,plicit iimlerslandiiif!; that the newbuilding wasTTot to cost over $250,000. When bids were called for therawest-bid WUB over *u00,000, (iFmore, thuii double thofliini Which tlieBoard of Freeholders ^intended toexpend, Now, tlie question is,shouldnot tlie architects hiive had suilicientknowledge ijf their businees to

.•.-/^r-;.^.----'-'The.'Cohiinon Trnlt. .•Spine men are born to .win ronown. •/And «ime lo plod In lonely., ways; '•-•Some come' to sweep the 1uh«*lul strings,

And some to lead In bloody frays. -•. "Some jiearn fof honor, some for wealth,

And" some the love for women wltJi,But no boy ever paw a'pol*' • .

Without- the old desire to nsh.

ALL, the »i,me.lH loft thrj"^.morettLVi"""1.' •"•"vhllng'of

d IUOIL approximate estimate of thetost ol the structure their plans undHpecihiations culled for/ l ie would. . .i~.-i . - - — •


... .„. me. worlli. -. :-__ .Not ants that the .bamiim IjC 23

,'tli(nes . as ' nutritiouii as- tbc given"weight of whent; hut tiint It. is'44

times us, prolific. Tlius fruit con-quern over the cereal, Jiondunis overSouth Diikiith, nnd famine ]fri<iniseH,to be forever banlshe'd froiii the'faco

• of this earth. .";' •-.••'"•..,' The average cost of cultivating an

; ,ncre of wheatTiti tho Uiiitcd States isabout $12. An acre Of bannnas ennbe cultivated at the same cost, with

._ • yield 144 tiineii greater 'than' Yh t.

f ^ G t i o f ^ f - K e ^ _ „ ,l|obert I'hime,; Klsie Smock-\H.'«h SchooI-lVoinoted to 10th•Brnd«;:-A.l.iCox, Murgio DoiirmaiC

- ^ ' ^ori;U-.A''''-K"retUreenO;^fa.%!«., tiomce. Hill, iV|i«


^hooi-l'ronipfei ;'to 1 U | 1

tng w^ulircost *250,000 or . ,.000. And;' yet,4 the architects whofurnished' the pinna, for the Unioncounty building are regarded usstuudin'g at the head of their pro-fession.—New Itruuswiok- Mome'News.

;: .Bohanos-Jiar* ** times the 'niitrl-ment of potatoes,' the- staple; of mairy

.northern cduntriea of Europe; mid 30.

1st to^0 ! HarryK.,1,.

dall^board of.niore than B b»-.lfpupeople on the lobe. With trims-W^Jo^li ic l l iU^, . .perfected; S

Kathr/nt Dei mil V\Z I, '

Louise Kuhleiischmidt, Marv L

e t e d t K a t o M r F l:t?,

n n !>climit?, \ io la lliygerson,Freda Ziehlke, Oscar Ditzel, AlknKverett, Churles Krele, Jofin Moore.Thoinas'Wjilsb.-Seymour WwterveltL l l e n Crowlcy, JWargoret Kunkle,Cnrrie Meyer*, Florence Sneuson,

ANNUAL JUIiV DAKUAIX SAIiK.Tho Ureat Summer Kvent at X. S. I'laut

& Co'.". Xewnrk, commences July 7th. Thisis the SMst .year uf( i s oxis'ence »ud ittlirivex^so' well' liccAusc offering, reliable(limjiftes, not gootln made tip merely forWe pur|K>se, hujl giving our readers uifrc-stricted choosing from the bestiuercliandisetho coneeru handles. This sale distributessiirplus stocks ftt-o rodiiction of M , 1-3, 1-a-aii'u even greater reductions froin usual lowIiflCes". '• Though assdrtinents naturalljr arc,-omarkftbly cxtonsive it: will be' to yourdistinctive advantnfio to come as early uspossible. JUS. Plant fcCo. announce tliatconimtuciuB.JuJj_13t}iAnil.coatiaqiii^ohtjfSeptember 1st their'store will close Satnr-diiys at 12 noon and remain 'open Fridiijr

El W i lHADPEJJ-;Kpof8 felted, painted

and re(>aired; metal ceiliugs and side wnllg

put on at lowest p|ioes.: Tek-2201i'' 1177

Eijft Qmnd Streef»

* - »•• •'->«• to „„ ,

o , C r w m i l

Offloers: u

sonie t ime, but somehow I've bceu sobusy that I haven't been .able ttn- '

•She—rl'm delighted to hear it; Sfr.Hnrdupp. I hope you'll cont inuebe^usy.'^JPunch. '' '•;. ,. . ' .-.".';'.'• 7 ; ' - " m » M iBhryru i i . './•'.•.•: H o w doth the menial crowd look up

: : Through smoked .or, colored ^lasaTo,him who. trave!.clh,,un5ni-iiip

T i l l . - . K - - « — " " :/>:'••

i u imhlle heiirliiB will h. Blvcn tote<l In mid. proposed onlhii II™





W. P.' H A ' i , '-• •:

Chalrmaii-bf;Township fbmmilttc

. ....•'..-.;••:. . A O o n a n u ,He «Kved and pinched and

. i k l m p e d • . / • . ; . , ; . , . ; • . - " : .To lajj up hoards of -gpjd;

serapi-d anfl

cnneirnaa filed a clalmr .« for him who left the gold.- '•«rv«rr bl«ii lUi nanie,1'


i»«vM-j*li ©iiffii Ss£;s j:'1 fit

For a Satisfyiqg Dinqerat the moderate price of 2

00 t0 i' wD- J

Fell BulldTBgT"cranford


mm.Jf.?f''2 Beans 50c. ,

»M « n iw"1?""«'»<•• «i'eih


iJ'or s-iio'



i l i l l