MI ORTH E EWS...Permit No. 107 Address Service Requested 36520 (248) 848 North Congregational Church...

North Congregational Church ORTH EWS January, 2015 Vol. 36 No. 1 36520 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 (248) 848-1750 Fax: (248) 848-1752 Church Website: northcongregationalchurch.org NORTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 36520 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Phone: (248) 848-1750 Fax: (248) 848-1752 E-mail: [email protected] Website: northcongregationalchurch.org Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P.A.I.D. Farmington Hills, MI Permit No. 107 Worshiping God, Serving Humanity” We are gathered for worship of God and service to humanity. Call to the Annual Business Meeting January 25, 2015 The Annual Business Meeting of North Congregational Church will be held immediately following worship on Sunday, January 25, 2015, as ordered by the Executive Council, to transact business as specified in this Call or authorized by the By-Laws. At this meeting, the Treasurer will provide the annual financial report for the past year. The Trustees will present the proposed annual operating budget for the current year to the membership for their consideration and approval. We will have lunch in Fellowship Hall following the meeting, prepared and served by the Executive Council. Reservations are needed. Please sign up so we have enough for everyone. Judy Campbell, Clerk

Transcript of MI ORTH E EWS...Permit No. 107 Address Service Requested 36520 (248) 848 North Congregational Church...

Page 1: MI ORTH E EWS...Permit No. 107 Address Service Requested 36520 (248) 848 North Congregational Church ORTH EWS January, 2015 Vol. 36 No. 1 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan

North Congregational




January, 2015 Vol. 36 No. 1

36520 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331

(248) 848-1750 Fax: (248) 848-1752

Church Website: northcongregationalchurch.org

NORTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 36520 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Phone: (248) 848-1750 Fax: (248) 848-1752

E-mail: [email protected] Website: northcongregationalchurch.org

Address Service Requested

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage


Farmington Hills, MI

Permit No. 107

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Farmington Hills, MI

Permit No. 107

“Worshiping God, Serving Humanity”

We are gathered for worship of God and service to humanity.

Call to the Annual Business Meeting January 25, 2015

The Annual Business Meeting of North Congregational Church will be held

immediately following worship on Sunday, January 25, 2015, as ordered by the

Executive Council, to transact business as specified in this Call or authorized by the

By-Laws. At this meeting, the Treasurer will provide the annual financial report for

the past year. The Trustees will present the proposed annual operating budget for the

current year to the membership for their consideration and approval.

We will have lunch in Fellowship Hall following the meeting, prepared and

served by the Executive Council. Reservations are needed. Please sign up so we have

enough for everyone.

Judy Campbell, Clerk

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From the Minister…

This season has had me thinking

about light and darkness. There are the

short days and long nights of early win-

ter, making us grateful for sightings of

the sun. There are the happy memories

of the Christmas candlelight service, and

the way we passed the Christmas light

from one to another until the whole sanc-

tuary was lit. There is a world in which

we live that seems very dark, as every

day’s news is harrowing; as we watch

friends and loved ones struggle with ill-

ness and emotional trials, and as we

wonder why people are so unkind to one

another. In contrast, we are called by

Christ, the Light of the World, to be

bearers of his light into the world. That

does not mean that every one of us is to

blaze like the sun; it’s more like the

sanctuary on Christmas Eve, as one small

light is shared, and spreads from hand to

hand. Each person shares and holds some

of that Christmas light until all is calm,

all is bright.

So I remind myself and all of

you: as followers of Jesus, we have the

light of God’s love within us, a love that

our world desperately needs. Let your

light shine before all people. Do not be

afraid. The light does shine in the dark-

ness, and the darkness did not put it out!

Notes from the Moderator I recently returned from a business trip which took me to two completely

different parts of the world. The second stop was London, England. But it was

the first stop, Chennai, India, that left a bigger impression on me.

Chennai is a bustling, crowded, high-tech computer-centric city on the

country’s southeast coast employing many off-shore phone help desk and com-

puter programming centers. Traffic and driving there are like nothing I’ve ever

seen before. I simply can’t describe how treacherous their daily commute

is. The hotel I stayed at was like a palace -- extensive use of marble, very clean,

and multiple high-end restaurants, all for $80/night! This is their cool season

with daytime highs in the low to mid 80s. Their warm season (April - Septem-

ber) is oppressive by any measure with daily very humid highs near 100. There

is also an abundance of poverty, homelessness, pollution and

inadequate infrastructure.

One thing I noticed was the extensive presence of

religion (including Christianity) with multiple places of

worship around the city, and even Christmas decorations and

piped in Christmas carols at the hotel. But perhaps the best

indicator of this was at a recognition meeting at work. The host began the meet-

ing by offering “thanks to the Almighty” and asking one of the women to come

up front and sing a prayer in their native language. You’d be hard pressed to find

a non-faith based corporation or organization in the U.S. that asked everyone to

stand and pray before a meeting. I suspect many companies and government run

agencies flat-out prohibit it. But I enjoyed it, even though I had no idea what she

was singing.

If your travels ever take you to this part of the world, take the time to

look around and see how they live and even worship. But hire a driver and don’t

ever attempt to drive there yourself -- we want you back!

Bob Plummer

Let’s spread the light in the

works of charity we do for the sake

of our community and our world.

Let’s spread the light in the way we

treat everyone we meet. Let’s spread

the light by sharing our skills, our

friendship, and our resources with

one another and with our world.

Take a look at the many opportuni-

ties North Church already offers for

“light-sharing” and choose one or

more. Each small act works the

long, slow, but inexorable transfor-

mation of the world from a place of

darkness to the light-filled Kingdom

of God.

Happy New Year!

Rev. Mimi Biedron

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January Activities...

Boxing Up Day

Saturday, January 3rd, 10:00 a.m.

We’ll pack up all of our Christmas

and Advent decorations and carefully

store them for next year! Come help us!

A Little CHAOS For

The New Year!

After a fun Holiday party and a successful

Adopt-a-Family program in November and

December, the ladies of CHAOS will be back to

business in January. We will meet on Wednes-

day, January 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Middle

School room. Please bring your own dinner and


At our January meeting, we will be assembling

the children’s kits that will be taken to Crossroads

when we return on February 15th. We’ll also be

discussing and planning a Valentine party for the

residents of Halsted Place.

All women of the church are welcome to at-

tend. Come and see what's missing from our

group...YOU ARE!

Bible Studies continue...

Women’s Bible Study resumes

January 6th. You are welcome to join us

at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday mornings.

The Monday Evening Bible Study is

on hiatus for the holidays and throughout

the Lenten season. Our Bible Study will

return on Monday, April 13th.

We encourage you to attend the

Wednesday night Lenten Studies that begin

February 25th, the week following Ash

Wednesday (February 18th).

Communion…will be celebrated in worship on January 4th.

Tuesday Lunch Circle

Join us each Tuesday for lunch at

11:30 a.m. Reservations are needed, all

women of the church are welcome!

January 06 - Red Robin

January 13 - House of Lee

January 20 - Buddy’s, Novi

January 27 - Scrambler Marie’s

Happy New Year

from the Flick Chicks!

Start 2015 off right -- join

the church’s chicks as they en-

joy dinner and a flick. There are

plenty of movies to choose from,

so come help us decide. We’ll

meet during coffee hour on Sun-

day, January 4th, and go to the

show and dinner on Thursday,

January 8th.

Chancel Flowers

The following dates are available for

anyone wishing to donate flowers for the

sanctuary. Please contact the church of-

fice with any questions.

January 11; February 8, 22; March 1,

8, 15, 22; April 12, 26; May 10, 24,

31; June 7, 28; July 5, 12, 19, 27;

August 2, 9, 23, 30.

Flower arrangements are $45; and

checks should be made payable to North

Congregational Church.


Even though your Christmas decorations may still be up and you’re munching

on cookies, we’re looking forward to visiting Crossroads in February. We’ve noticed

that the number of children with their parents has increased – we usually anticipate 50

elementary age (and younger) children. Since the adults receive hygiene bags, the ladies

of CHAOS would like to fill “goodie bags” for the children too. So, we’re looking at

filling 50 bags – with your help. What to include? School supplies, crayons, small toys,

books and games, granola bars, fruit strips. Fun things. Again, Dollar Stores are a good

source of these items, along with the dollar bins at Target and craft stores. All items are

needed by Sunday, January 11th. All donations can be left on the counter in the pre-

school room, and CHAOS will stuff the bags. Just imagine the big eyes and smiles of

these children!

We’re visiting Crossroads on February 15th, so your contributions will be great-

ly appreciated.

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Mascot3s, is a social group open to all adult members and friends of the

church. Please join us once a month for fun, food (always food) and fellow-


January 10th, 8:00 p.m. – Detroit Symphony Orchestra at Kirk in the Hills

The DSO will perform Mozart’s Symphony No. 30, Mendelssohn’s Violin

Concerto in E minor, Ravel’s Le Tombeau de Couperin and Ginastera’s Vari-

aciones Concertantes. We will meet for dinner before the concert at a restau-

rant on Orchard Lake.

February 7th, 6:00 p.m. – Bowling at Drakeshire Lanes

We’ll have two hours of fun on the lanes followed by dinner at Cowley’s in

downtown Farmington.

March 7th, 8:00 p.m. – Shane Mauss at Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle

Having just released his first hour special on Netflix, Shane Mauss is back out

on the road. Originally from La Crosse, WI, he’s made five appearances on

Conan, as well as appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Comedy Central's

‘Live at Gotham’ and Showtime's ‘Comics Without Borders’. We’ll have din-

ner at 6:00 in Royal Oak/Ferndale before the show.

April 4th – Singing in the Rain at the Redford Theater

May 2nd – Painting with a Twist

June 6th – Detroit River Walk

Please sign up on the sheet outside Fellowship Hall for additional infor-

mation. Contact Danny Hawkins at [email protected] with

any questions or suggested activities.

Pilgrim Fellowship

Pilgrim Fellow-

ship is a youth group

open to all students in

grades six through

twelve. PF usually

meets twice a month on

Sunday afternoons at 4:30 for a variety of

activities including missions, education and


January 11th, 4:30 p.m. – Join us to plan

the mission projects and other activities we

will do this spring. Bring your ideas as we

look forward to warmer weather.

January 23rd – 25th – High School Re-

treat. Registration forms are available from

Mimi or Danny for the Winter High

School retreat at Plymouth Congregational

Church in Lansing. All students in grades

9 - 12 are welcome to attend and bring your

friends if you wish. Registrations are due

by January 13th. Registration forms should

also be available on MichiganPF.org.

January 25th , 3:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. –

World Sabbath, a celebration of interfaith

understanding, at Adat Shalom, 4:00-5:00.

We will meet at church 3:15 or you may

meet us at Adat Shalom (northwest corner

of Middlebelt Road and 13 Mile Road).

Families are welcome to attend as well! For

more information check out -


Book Group

Our January book will be Thun-

derstruck by Erik Larson. We’ll meet

in the church library on January 21st,

1:00 p.m. for a discussion. This book

is widely available at libraries, book-

stores, and in e-reader editions. Set in

Edwardian times, Thunderstruck

evokes the dynamism of those years

of industrial and technological trans-

formation. The story follows the vi-

sionary inventor Guglielmo Marconi

as he develops the radio technology

that was a catalyst for the world we

know today, and Dr. Crippen, who

commits the nearly perfect murder.

Their stories cross in a tale of a trans-

atlantic chase, a tragic love affair, a

conflicted investigator, and a driven

and compelling inventor who changed

forever how we communicate.

Come join the conversation!

Diaconate Benevolences Minister’s Discretionary Fund,

National Association of

Congregational Christian Churches’

Shared Ministries Fund

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

For the past 16 years, people from the di-

verse faith communities of Southeast Michigan

have gathered for a time of interfaith worship

and commitment to work for peace and under-


This year’s gathering will be at the Adat

Shalom Synagogue, 29901 Middlebelt Road,

Farmington Hills, MI at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday,

January 25h. The service

will last about 90 minutes

and will include peace pray-

ers from youth of many dif-

ferent religious traditions, as

well as sharing of sacred

texts, music, and dance. A

highlight of this event is the pledge made by

clergy and leaders of faith communities to work

to build a world where all may know that our

faith calls us to be builders of peace. Refresh-

ments and creation of an interfaith mosaic tile

piece will follow the worship service. You can

find much more information about the World

Sabbath at the website, worldsabbath.org.

Rev. Mimi Biedron and members of the

Pilgrim Fellowship youth group will be attend-

ing; we invite any and every adult, youth, and

child who is interested to join us. We’ll be car-

pooling from the church parking lot at 3:15

p.m. or you may join us at the Temple by 4:00

p.m. In a world where people have become

focused on differences and divisions, let’s share

a vision of unity and community.

Super Bowl Party! February 1, 2015

On Sunday, February 1st,

North Church football fans, as well

as those who just like to see the Ads

and Half Time, will gather to enjoy

the activities.

The annual Super Bowl Party

will be at the home of Steve and

Sara Lange. Everyone is welcome

to attend. PF ’ers are invited, ac-

companied by a parent, or a friend’s

parent. It’s a potluck dinner, so

bring your favorite dish to pass. The

sign up sheet is on the Information

Table outside of Fellowship Hall;

please indicate the dish you’ll bring.

The party begins 5:30 - 6:00

p.m. - with kick off at 6:30 p.m.

Reserve the date and join us! Love

of football is not a requirement! See

the sign up sheet outside Fellowship

Hall for further information.

New Orleans, Louisiana

8th Annual Mission Trip

Our reservations have been made for

the 8th annual South East Michigan mis-

sion trip to NOLA. The trip is scheduled

for the end of February

2015. Our workweek is

Monday, February 23

- Friday, February 27.

The weekend before

and after will be our travel time. The cost

per night at Camp Restore (with bunk,

shower, and 3 meals) is $30. If staying

over on Friday, when no dinner is served,

the cost is $25. You may also stay Satur-

day and tour New Orleans and surround-

ing area.

We will have an important organiza-

tional meeting on Sunday, January 18th.

PLEASE save this date and the NOLA

workweek on your calendar if you’re in-

terested. The mission trip is open to any-

one 16 years (under age 18 MUST have a

parent with them!) and older and includes

not only members of North but family or

friends that would like to go.

Please visit our website, for updates

(www.semaccmission.com). Applications

are now being accepted. Feel free to ask

Mark and Liane Jensen, Mark Payne,

Mona Utterback, Bob Plummer, Lys

Kennedy, or a host of others, if you have


Crossroads Hygiene Kits

and more... On Sunday, February 15th

we’re returning to CROSSROADS

where we expect to feed 800 + peo-

ple. We would like to take as many

hygiene kits as possible when we go,

and we know we can with your help!

There is a critical need for hy-

giene items, especially FULL sized

bars of soap, disposable razors,

Kleenex packets, toothbrushes and

toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and

deodorant. Donations may be placed

in the basket provided outside the

Toddler Room, or on the counter in

the Christian Education Office.

CROSSROADS is also in great

need of non-perishable food for their

pantry, and hats, gloves, mittens,

scarves, socks and jackets to help

keep clients warm. Please place them

in the Preschool Room, marked clear-

ly for Crossroads.

If you can help with any of

these needs, it would be greatly ap-

preciated! Thank you!


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To our Holiday Helpers!

Thanks to everyone who rang, who

sang, who decorated (and undecorated

too), who planned, who acted in the

pageant, who read in a worship service,

who lit candles, who helped children

and teens with their parts, who worked

on the Advent Workshop, who served

cookies and Christmas Eve treats, who

ushered and greeted and otherwise

served! Our Advent and Christmas cel-

ebrations were made complete with

your wonderful work!

Women’s Bible Study Because of the generosity of the

members and friends of North Church,

the Women’s Bible Study will be

giving all donations to Women’s

Empowerment through the Heifer

Project! Thank you for your donations!

Women’s Association

Our annual Christmas

Confections evening was a great

success, and thanks to everyone

for the delicious desserts!

The musical entertainment provided

by Laurie Meeker, Jim Wilking and

David Bauer was the highlight of the

evening. The donations of packages of

socks was overwhelming! They will be

taken to The Lighthouse in Pontiac. The

Women's Association thanks everyone

or their generosity.

The Knitting Tree was filled

with hats, gloves, mittens and

scarves. It was a beautiful tree

because of everyone's dona-

tions. Everything on the tree will

be donated to Lighthouse, in Pontiac.

Thank you for your kindness in this

winter season!

Chaos The women of CHAOS

would like to thank all those

who helped with the Adopt-a-

Family project.

All gifts were satisfied, a

substantial gift card to Kroger

was provided, as well as a gift

card to Meijer’s. Thank you

for your generosity!

Thanks... to the PF’ers who took part in

two important service projects in December:

Ringing the Salvation Army Bell –

December 6th. We raised $97.93 in two hours!

Thanks, Brian Ekizian, Matt Shand, Abby

Turner and Brandon Webster!

Helping with Christmas food boxes at

St. Alexander’s Food Cupboard –

December 20th. We helped carry loaded boxes

and bags to people’s cars, or loaded them into

their grocery carts. Thanks, Sydney and Zach

Harless, Nick Hornburg, Julia Rhode, Kevin

Schwartz and Garrett Sibley!

Dinner for Eight Dinner for eight, an opportunity to share several meals with a

small group of North Church people, will begin a new session in

March. The timing and style of the meals can be tailored to suit

the needs and desires of each group (you may choose afternoons or evenings,

pot lucks hosted by members of the group or meet at local restaurants.) Sign up to

join us for food, fun and a chance to learn more about your fellow parishioners.

Stewardship “Steps Towards Worship and Service”

Thank you to all of our Members and

Friends who have completed an Estimate

of Giving card for 2015. As of Decem-

ber 24th we have received 96 Estimates

totaling $213,705. Last year at this time

we had 102 Estimates, totaling

$207,075.00. Estimates can still be

turned in either by completing an Esti-

mate of Giving card from the sign-up

table outside Fellowship Hall or e-

mailing an estimate to Danny Hawkins at

[email protected].

An estimate of giving confirmation

will be mailed with your 2014 tax state-

ments in January to all members and

friends who have indicated an estimate

for 2015.


NCC Stewardship Committee

The North Church Communications Committee...

is working on updating

our social media strategy,

with the objective of mak-

ing our online activities

more effective for our

members, visitors, and neighbors. We

would like your input!

We have developed a short survey (7

questions) on your use of social media

and the Church's current online pres-

ence. The link to the survey is:


NCCSocial. There are also paper cop-

ies on tables in Fellowship Hall and the

sign up table in the hallway.

Please complete a survey and give us

your input. If you have any ideas or

suggestions for the Church website,

Facebook page, or other social media

outlet, please use question 4 on the sur-

vey to share them.

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The Farmington Area Celebration - Monday, January 19

The Multicultural Multiracial Community Council will host its annual celebration

of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on January 19th at the Farmington

Community Library, 32737 W. 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills.


9:00 a.m. Participants gather at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.

9:30 a.m. Walk from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 28000 N.

Market Road, (west of Dunckel Middle School) to the

Farmington Library.

Parking is available at the Church, Dunckel M.S. and at the Library.


10:15 a.m. Concert by the O.E. Dunckel Middle School Choir.

10:45 a.m. LaNesha DeBardelaben, Vice President of Assessment and Community

Engagement at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American His

tory talks about “The Courage of a King” and challenges the audience to

have courage to face the giant of our day.

11:30 a.m. Poet Ber-Henda Williams.

1:00 p.m. Enjoy a dramatic and energized storytelling experience by renowned

performer Miz Rosie.

2:00 p.m. Performance by the Harrison High School Dance Company.

2:30 p.m. Awards Ceremony for “Courage of a King” Writing Contest.

Crafts in the Children’s Program Room 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Artwork by artist Robbie Best will be on display at he Main Library from January

through February.

Also on display January 18-31: “We Don’t Want Them: Race and Housing in

Metropolitan Detroit, 1900-1968” from the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity

and Inclusion.

“The Courage of a King”

Writing Contest

Students are invited to submit original written

works describing or defining the idea of cour-

age as part of the Farmington Community

Library’s January 19, 2015 Dr. Martin Luther

King Day events.

Age Divisions: Grades K-4 Grades 5-6

Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12

Residents and/or students of Farmington/

Farmington Hills in public, private or

parochial schools are eligible.


Essay: 1-4 pages, typed.

A work whose content is produced by the im-

agination and a total invention, OR recalls a

real life event which applies to the contest

them of “The Courage of a King.”

Poetry: 3-100 lines, typed.

A work written in rhythm and/or rhyme.

Submission Requirements:

12 point Times New Roman, Courier,

Arial font

Double spaced

No graphics or specialty fonts

Works must be original to the entrant

No previously published works accepted

1 work per category accepted

Please do not include name on submission,

only the title should be on work to preserve

anonymity in judging.

Works should be submitted by email

to [email protected]

no later than January 5, 2015 at 5 p.m.

Essay or poem should be attached to an

email, the content of which contains

student name, parent/guardian name,

address, telephone number, age or grade

and title of work.

Please ensure the title is also at the top

of the submission.

All written works will be on display at

the Library in the days surrounding the


Prizes will be awarded at the Library as

part of the Dr. Martin Luther King Day

event at the Main Library, on Monday,

January 19, at approx. 2:30 p.m.

Two prizes per age division will be

awarded. Winners will be notified by


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January 04 - Cobian Gleason

January 11 - Jeremy Maurer

January 18 - John Bell

January 25 - Mindy Fernandes


Would you like to be a North

Church greeter on Sunday morning

for the worship service? If so, please

call Audrey Poese at 248/960-4881.

January 4

Steve and Susan Loree

January 11

Jean Burns, Marion Stowell

January 18

Barbara Dennis, Dottie Kendall

January 25

The Fernandes Family


January 4 - Theodore Holter

January 11 - Brandy Nicole Adams

January 18 - Gregory Stinson

January 25 - Lauren Jacob

Congratulations to:

Rachel and Brandon Rogers,

on the birth of their son, Soren

Jensen Rogers on November 26, 2014.

January Calendar

(Current version of our calendar can be found on

our web site: northcongregationalchurch.org)

January 1, 2015 - Thursday - New Year’s Day

Office Closed

January 2, 2015 - Friday

Office Closed

January 3, 2015 - Saturday

10:00 a.m. Boxing Up Day

January 4, 2015 - Epiphany Sunday

10:30 a.m. Worship with Communion, Sunday School, NO High School Class

Baptism: Aubree Monroe Ricketts

Lay Reader: Cobian Gleason; Soloist: Theodore Hoelter

January 6, 2015 - Tuesday

10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Library

11:30 a.m. Tuesday Lunch Circle - Lunch at Red Robin

6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Rehearsal

7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

January 7, 2015 - Wednesday

9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning North Church “Open” Bowling

January 8, 2015 - Thursday

10:00 a.m. Library Committee Meeting

Flick Chicks - Movie/Dinner

January 9, 2015 - Friday

7:00 p.m. Choir Christmas Party - Hawkins’ home

January 10, 2015 - Saturday

6:00 p.m. MASCOT³S Dinner at Crispelli’s, followed by Detroit Symphony

Orchestra Concert at Kirk in the Hills, at 8 p.m.

Our heartfelt sympathy to: Al and Marilyn

Smith, on the death of

Al’s sister, Linda

Williams on

November 19, 2014.

Bob Hummon and family on the

death of his sister-in-law, Norma A.

Hummon, on November 13, 2014.

Pamala and Dallas White, on the

death of their daughter, Nicole White, on

December 21, 2014.

Welcome! New Member Received, December 7, 2014

Stephen Plummer 29237 New Bradford Dr.

Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Phone: 319/830-1669

E-mail: [email protected]


January 4 - Pat and Art Lanier

January 11 - Jack Cooper, Jon Verdun

January 18 - Kevin Gromley,

Veronica Noye

January 25 - Lisa and Steve Ficker


January 04 - Communion

January 11 - Kendall Murray

January 18 - Julianne Noye

January 25 - Brandon Webster

Page 9: MI ORTH E EWS...Permit No. 107 Address Service Requested 36520 (248) 848 North Congregational Church ORTH EWS January, 2015 Vol. 36 No. 1 W. Twelve Mile Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan

January 11, 2015 - Sunday

10:30 a.m. Worship, Children’s Message, Sunday School, High School Class

Lay Reader: Jeremy Maurer; Acolyte: Kendall Murray;

Soloist: Brandy Nicole Adams

11:30 a.m. Memorial Committee Meeting - Conference Room

4:30 p.m. Pilgrim Fellowship - Meeting

Deadline for donations for the Crossroads’ Children’s kits

January 13, 2015 - Tuesday

10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Library

11:30 a.m. Tuesday Lunch Circle - Lunch at House of Lee

6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Rehearsal

7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

January 14, 2015 - Wednesday

9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning North Church “Open” Bowling

6:00 p.m. CHAOS - Dinner/Meeting - Middle School Room

7:30 p.m. Trustee Meeting - Middle School Room

7:30 p.m. Diaconate Meeting - Plymouth Room

January 16, 2015 - Friday

Consent Agenda minutes and reports due

January 18, 2015 - Sunday

10:30 a.m. Worship, Sunday School, High School Class

Lay Reader: John Bell; Acolyte: Julianne Noye;

Soloist: Gregory Stinson

11:30 a.m. BRE Meeting - Library

2:00 p.m. NOLA Meeting - Plymouth/Bradford Room

January 19, 2015 - Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 9:30 a.m. Martin Luther King, Jr., Walk - Prince of Peace Lutheran

Church, 28000 N. Market Rd., Farmington Hills

January 20, 2015 - Tuesday

10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Library

11:30 a.m. Tuesday Lunch Circle - Lunch at Buddy’s (Novi)

6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Rehearsal; 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

January 21, 2015 - Wednesday

9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning North Church “Open” Bowling

1:00 p.m. Book Group - Library

7:30 p.m. Executive Council Meeting - Middle School Room

January 23-25, 2015 -Friday - Sunday Senior High School Retreat at Plymouth Congregational Church

January 25, 2015 - Sunday

10:30 a.m. Worship, Children’s Message, Sunday School, High School Class

Lay Reader: Mindy Fernandes; Acolyte: Brandon Webster;

Soloist: Lauren Jacob

11:45 a.m. Annual Business Meeting / Lunch by Ex. Council - Fellowship Hall

4:00 p.m. PF - World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation - Adat Shalom

January 27, 2015 - Tuesday

10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Library

11:30 a.m. Tuesday Lunch Circle - Lunch at Scrambler Marie’s

6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Rehearsal

7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

January 28, 2015 - Wednesday

9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning North Church “Open” Bowling

February Newsletter... Newsletter articles are needed by the 10th of each month; please e-mail

your articles to Debbie at [email protected].