MHS Band Panther's Breath 2015-2016



Created by Aly Ramirez, Gaby Hernandez, and Irving Calderon

Transcript of MHS Band Panther's Breath 2015-2016

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This year has brought many adventures for all of us. From concerts, to late night football games, rallies, and parades. From social events like bowling and volleyball days. We’ve all

had a pretty good time hanging out with each other this year.

This year we had so many incoming freshmen and a few new members from other grades as well. It was, obviously, a bit of a rough start for us to all be able to get to know each

other, but in the end we were all able to get to know each other.

This year was pretty fun. Hopefully all of you guys had a good time. We all got to know each other pretty well since we all spent so much time with one another. For those who did a

winter season, you guys have gotten to know one another much more.

Gaby, Irving, and myself (Aly), wanted to leave all of you a way to relieve a few memories. If you guys weren’t there for some of them, then you probably heard how they went from

your friends.

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We have seen you guys grow as musicians, come out of your shells, and be more sociable with those around you. We’re glad that you guys were able to make friends and just get


As a thank you, we’re continuing the tradition of the Modesto High School Band’s Panther’s Breath. The Panther’s Breath is a way for you guys to look back on a certain year in band and see what went on. We include photos, jokes, quotes, answers to questions, and the

great memories that were made that year.

This is our way of saying thank you. Thank you for giving us seniors so many more memories to cherish. Even though there are many seniors graduating this year, most of us will remember you and stay in contact with you guys. We’ll remember you guys. Thank you

guys so much for giving us an amazing year.

Keep making memories after we leave. Include them in the next Panther’s Breath, so you can remember the really fun things in the year. Make more friends, help out those around

you, and include the new freshmen. Make memories. Cherish those memories.

Thank you for making our senior year fun and enjoyable.

We love you guys. ☺ <3

~From your Band Mom, Aly Crystal Ramirez <3

Things end, but memories last forever

Seniors~Class of 20161. Why did you Join Band? 2. What is your best memory of this band? What is your worst? 3. Out of all of your year(s), what is the most important thing you have learned because of

band? 4. If you come back next year, what would you like to see happen to our band? 5. Any other comments, concerns, or violent outbursts?


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Amber Gonzalez (Bugaboo) - Percussion

1. I joined Band because I absolutely love music.2. My best memory was my winter percussion season my senior year. My worst

memory was my sophomore year during winter season.3. I’ve learned that you’re not always going to get along with others.4. I’d like to see this band working together.5. I’ll miss my pit.

Soterra Vith (Solen) - Tenor Sax

1. To be the very best that no one ever was.2. My best memory is meeting Amber. My worst memory is nothing because I’m a

Gee.3. I have learned what it takes to be disciplined and well mannered.4. I would like to see the band mature music wise as well as in manners.5. I am gay. The end.

Elizabeth Carrasco (Lizzy/3.0) - Guard (flag/rifle)

1. For the color guard.2. Marching band (overall), my worst memory is performing in the rally and being a

whole 8 counts off.3. How to work together and take responsibility.4. I would like to see improvement and more dedication.5. Ummmmm no.

Teresa Rodriguez Camargo (Hur-durdur/Mom/Dad) - Oboe, Mello, Bass Drum

1. My mom dragged me by my hair to band camp my freshman year.2. My worst memory in band would have to be losing a friendship I had over drama

that I still don’t understand. My best memory would have to be being able to spend time with my best friends Bear-Toe and Justin over this past winter season.

3. I have learned how to stop making excuses and just do what I was told to do with confidence.

4. I would like to see less focus on drama and a greater focus on working together to better musical skills.

5. YeahnoIan Rodriguez - Mello, French Horn, Trombone

1. I wanted to learn an instrument.2. One of my favorite memories was when Victor and I mooned Los Banos High

school at the hotel during championships.3. I learned that it is not always about you. I also learned about sportsmanship and

patience. Not everyone has the same musician level as you.4. I would love to see that people practice more. Hopefully a full horn section of 4.5. Don’t procrastinate and don’t be late like me. :)

Frank Deng - Alto Sax

1. I joined band for the meme.

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2. Best memory - me yelling at [insert name here]. Worst memory- my sophomore year.

3. People take time and need some external...pushing to be better.4. I want to see it better in any way, shape, or form than it was my freshman year,

when we were the “best”.5. Nah. Just git gud.

Anthony Henriquez (Bootylicious) - Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

1. Just because I thought it would be cool to play an instrument again.2. My best memories would be the fun times we would have at football games and

worst would be when I get hit in the face by color guard my junior year during marching band.

3. The most important thing I learned was how to count to 4.4. If I came back I would like to see the band expand and become more of a family.

Marilyn Martinez - Clarinet

1. I joined band because I thought it would be an amazing thing to do in my last year of high school. I also wanted to play the clarinet again.

2. My best memory is when we played in the Christmas parade. My worst is when I got sick the day of the first concert and couldn’t make it.

3. An important thing I have learned because of band is if you keep on practicing over and over again, you will get better.

4. I think I would like to see the band get more fundraising money. If band had more money, the better things it would be able to do.

5. I should have stayed in band when I was a freshman. I was in color guard, but I lost my inspiration to be in it. I should have switched to playing the clarinet because I should have realized how much fun it was.

Miguel Hernandez - Tuba

1. I originally joined band the second semester of my freshman year to win the love of my former best friend. Eventually I fell in love with music and studied to get better and here I am, being with the band for 3 ½ years.

2. The best memory in band was the time I tried teaching Victor and Batman a “baby freeze” and David fell and farted. The worst memory in band would have to be the results of band camp...the orange tan and the horrible tan line. I was either orange or white. There was no in between.

3. Out of all my years in band, the biggest lesson I learned was trust. You build a deep connection, especially within your own section. I trust my section the most because I’m literally always next to them. When I say section, I mean just the tuba section lol.

4. If I come back next year I would like the band to at least have a class where everyone practices and is passionate about music. I would like the band to flourish to have a marching band. Being able to have 150+ [people marching at the same time. Having different levels of band and having different kinds of band. I want kids to fundraise to the point where they can travel and perform.

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5. Whoever stole my drill masters sophomore year… I will find you. Hi mom. PRACTICE! Ummm. Go Tubas!

Alicia Gil (Licha) - Flute

1. I joined band because I thought music would be a sort of adventure. I joined marching band because my mother said I had to do band as long as they were still paying for my flute.

2. My best memory at this band would be when we went to the festival at downey and the instructor described a different way to play and shape the notes and it gave me the strongest desire to want to teach others to think about things differently and be that teacher that makes students rethink things they do every day.

3. I’ve learned that everyone matters. Everyone has a place and part in the world in music.

4. I’d love to see the band get bigger and better. I’d also love to see us have a marching band again.

5. Even though I left at semester, I love every one of our band members and I’ve adored being part of such an amazing program.

Isabel Manibog (Izzy) - Guard

1. I decided to join guard because Lizzy was recruiting people and I saw interest for it last year while watching Lizzy and Brandon performing.

2. Having that rush while performing was one of the best memories for guard. One of the worst was that our first performance was trash.

3. One of the most important things was to pretend you’re performing in front of actual people so that we would learn things better.

4. Better choreography for the guard people.5. I’m Asian. Bye ~^-^~

Lynnsey Hardy - Guard, Pit

1. My mom had me join because all of my siblings did band.2. Best- none. Worst- none.3. The most important thing I learned is if you put effort into something and not sit

on your booty, you will get somewhere in life.4. Not coming back losers.5. Don’ do drugs and fart on people more. It’s fun.

Gabriela Hernandez (Gaby) - Clarinet, Flag, Synth

1. I joined band because my friends said I should. I also joined because my mom thought it would be a good program to keep me busy.

2. My best memory is this year’s football homecoming because Anthony was impersonating John Cena while Robert (in the background) was playing the John Cena theme song. It was great and super funny. I don’t really like to remember the bad things, so nothing.

3. I have learned to work together with other people.4. I would like to see people more committed to this program in whatever way is


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5. I know everything hasn’t always been sunshine and butterflies, but I want you guys to know that I will miss you guys and this program. Thanks for these four years.

Jadeen Llora (Jade) - Flute

1. I joined band because I want to play flute in college and possibly minor in music.2. My best memory is playing at a school rally for the first time. I don’t really have a

worst because I haven’t been in band too long.3. I would like to see our school bring back the marching band.4. Nope.

Aly Ramirez - Flute, Trombone

1. I joined the MoHi band my freshman year because my best friend told me that it would be really fun and that I would meet a lot of new people. Ever since then, I have met so many new people and I couldn’t be any happier.

2. I think my best memory would be winning all the drill downs in marching band my sophomore year and being chosen to participate in a competition-wide drill down at a marching band competition that same year. We had to be blindfolded to, by the way. It was epic! :) I think my worst memory was basically the second semester of sophomore year. There was so much drama going on between the upperclassmen at the time and the teacher. It was horrible.

3. I want to see people take their instruments home more often, practice, and work more on fundraising. I also want to see the marching band come back.

4. Our freshmen year, the first marching band competition was coming up and we went to the seniors to see what we should take with us. The competition was in Dublin, sometime in October. The seniors told us that the weather would be great and that we should just take what we would wear under the uniform. Next thing you know, after we performed, a bunch of freshmen are in shorts and t-shirts freezing while the seniors are in nice warm blankets and sweaters. The seniors were awesome though.

Barely enough room for Irving to write something….

You have this much space Irving lol

This is how the seniors looked before the stress of high school. Look at how happy they look!

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All of the Flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today…

1. What is your favorite memory from this year? 2. What was a challenge that you overcame this year?3. What do you feel like the band can improve on for next year?4. Any other comments, concerns, or violent outbursts?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brianna Garcia (Bri) ‘18 - Trumpet

1. My favorite memory from this year would be our first winter percussion competition. I felt proud of my group for getting 2nd place!

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2. A challenge that I overcame this year was when I managed to stand up to a mortal enemy of mine and put her in her place. <3 It felt great to finally spill the beans and be a savage. #Savage4Life

3. One thing we NEED to improve on is keeping our drama to ourselves. It will help us grow as a band because maybe then we could actually trust each other.

4. I do have to say that this has been an amazing year for me and I love y’all. <3 P.S. Elias is my bestfriend!!Kayleigh Collins (Kay Kay) ‘18 - Flute

1. Band meetings and the jokes that came along with it.2. Learning to do better on rhythm.3. Practicing more4. Haha none to document

Monica Ruiz ‘18 - Trumpet, Trombone1. Even though there were a lot of great memories from this year like football games, parades, and concerts, my

favorite memory has to be when I was in color guard. Even though I was only there for a short amount of time, it was just so amazing doing something I’d never see myself doing.

2. A challenge that I overcame this year was finally letting go of someone who would just bring me down.3. Something the band can improve on for next year is people need to fundraise more. Also, people need to keep their

drama away from band.4. This year had a lot of ups and downs, but for this year being my first year in band, it was really great.

Nina Hardy ‘18 - Percussion1. The picnic at Graceda was fun.2. I’m a better musician.3. Doing fundraisers people would want to buy.4. In the Avengers piece, I said I wanted timpani, but Megan said Amber called dibs, so I dropped it. The, Sobeyda

took it and I told her that it’s Amber’s, but Amber said it was no big deal. I tried to tell Sobeyda it’s mine, but I couldn’t, and I wound up not having a part in that song.

Derek Tang ‘19 - Flute1. My best memory is buying lunch.2. My biggest challenge I overcame was figuring out what to buy for lunch.3. To improve this band, we should practice our music and have a good lunch.4. Lunch is pretty cheap, which is good I guess.

Julian Hernandez (Birotes) ‘19 - Tenor Sax, Snare1. The day I made the drumline. I felt like I had accomplished something.2. The traditional grip. Also our boss show, which we were judged unfairly. Lol3. I hope we can go to a place like Anaheim and do a parade. Also, I really want a marching season.4. It’s all about Michoacan, Mexico, soccer, and corridos. Also, get out of here seniors. Nobody likes you Lol.

Kimberly Hernandez (Kim) ‘19 - Clarinet1. Playing very fun music and meeting new people.2. Playing while marching was a challenge.3. Let us take part of the rally time to sit with everyone else?4. This year was very fun. Thanks for the experience.

Rene Mendoza ‘18 - Trumpet

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1. My favorite memory was the Christmas parade.2. I learned how to read notes without depending too much on the fingerings.3. The band can improve by fundraising better.

Lauren Jolly ‘18 - Alto Sax1. Making new friends.2. Playing on my own.3. Better sight reading.4. Have a marching band.

Frank Randolph ‘19 - Alto Sax1. My favorite part was pep band playing the music.2. Playing this year’s music was more challenging that last year’s music.3. Fundraisers need to have more participation.

Sobeyda Aguilar (Beyda) ‘17 - Percussion1. My favorite memory from this year is going to campus clash with a friend from band. We were screaming and

cheering for our school. The best part of the night was watching all the schools compete against each other.2. A challenge that I overcame was staying in fourth shair for orchestra and moving to second. I did that by working

hard at my music. Tera Waterman ‘19 - Clarinet

1. I wasn’t here long enough to do this one lol.2. Crossing the country.3. IDEK

Erick Moreno ‘19 - Baritone1. I would have to say all the fun we had at the rallies.2. Making friends was hard and now I have some close friends.3. Fundraising was a big issue this year. We need to work on that.4. Nah fam 10/10

Nancy Martinez (2.0) ‘17 - Rifle, Sabre, Flag1. My favorite memory of this year was when I tossed the rifle through the door because I didn’t know I could. Like

WOW! I can actually do something.2. A challenge I overcame this year was that I couldn’t toss 5’s os rifle for the love of God, but by the end of the

season I was able to.3. I feel like next year the band should have more communication with guard members that are not in the band about

fundraisers and fees.4. Nah

Anna Napoles ‘17 - Flag, Rifle, Sabre1. When we found a ball and were playing with it and it ended up bouncing off of Nancy’s head.2. Getting my tosses down on rifle and learning new techniques.3. Recruiting more guard members and getting more fundraisers to pay for fees.

Ellen Zheng ‘17 - Flute1. My favorite memory was when Mr. Cover told us stories of his dead friends. Dead or imaginary? We’ll never know.2. Talking in class.

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3. Not talking in class.4. Shut up trumpets.

Micah Buckelew ‘19 - Tenor Sax1. Going to the football games with friends.2. Memorizing the music for parades.3. Everyone needs to get more involved and fundraise more.

Elias Tlapaltotoli (Toto) ‘18 - Bass Trombone1. The funny jokes that the low brass would make.2. Double tonguing3. Their counting

Justin Valencia ‘18 - Tuba1. It’s hard to think of a sole favorite memory, but I found a lot of pleasure in the retreat for officers toward the

beginning of the year. 2. A challenge that I have to overcome is people leaving. I’ve grown to enjoy the company of our seniors, and I don’t

want them to go.3. The band still has a long way to go. As a group we need to work on fundraising and focus on listening when spoken

to.4. I love this program. I hope to contribute more to it.

Ninfa Cariloria (Gigglez) ‘19 - Clarinet1. I had made many memories in this program, but my favorite memory was meeting up at the park. We played

volleyball, tag, and hide n seek. But most of all was the food. There was watermelon, cookies, and hot cheetos.2. A challenge I overcame was the fear of playing by myself to a crowd of people. I overcame this when I played for a

test in front of the whole band. I was shaking because I was so nervous.3. I think the band should improve on working together, listening to each other, and being dedicated to band. People

should be caring when it comes to fundraising to places because it is not only your goal, but the entire band’s goal.4. There were violent outbursts, but not from me and it’s none of my business. My comment of band here is I love it,

and the songs we play are amazing.Megan Brown (Princess Consuela Bananahammock VII) ‘17 - Percussion

1. In winter percussion, there was a day when for the first half of our Saturday practice we just danced on the floor in the boy’s gym. I think the purpose was to be comfortable around each other, but it’s entirely possible that that’s just some BS I made up and inserted into my memory of that day.

2. In winter percussion, the vibraphone players (A.K.A myself and Everest) learned a grip technique that was different from the one Thu had us use last year. The challenge was basically playing while my fingers blistered in different places than before, and learning to play through the pain(like seriously, my hands finally healed like 3 days ago.

3. Band definitely needs to work on fundraising (not that I can really criticize because I suck at fundraising). Also, we need to improve our attitude, meaning we aren’t God’s gift and we need to practice more often individually.


Ruben Alfaro ‘19 - French Horn1. From this year I don’t have much to choose from. The best memory I can recall was at my first football game.

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2. I don’t think I have overcome anything this year. This year was very plain for me.3. The band can work on self discipline. There should be more emphasis on doing as you are told right away.

Jovany Zamora (G-Oh) ‘19 - Oboe1. My favorite memory was championships for winter drumline. My other favorite was the Christmas parade.2. A challenge I overcame this year was marching in time. This was hard because playing and marking time was hard.3. We can improve on practicing more. I think we need to practice more because I see little people practicing.4. I think it’s bad that lots of our band leaders don’t practice. I think this is because it sets a bad example. This is also

the reason why lots of people don’t practice.Michael Courtney Dumars Jr (Court) ‘18 - Alto Sax

1. When Frank played Danny Boy in the middle of La Bamba2. I overcame my busy schedule to be in band.3. I think we can be better organized 4. Julian has the dankest memes.

Jorge Espinoza ‘18 - Baritone1. Probably the Veteran’s Day parade.2. A challenge I’m still trying to overcome is learning bass clef.3. Retake math4. I got nominated for the band council. I wish to back down and let Justin take the throne. May he make band great

again.Everett Vasquez (Everest/Rhode Island) ‘19 - Trombone, Vibraphones

1. Playing in the drumline. 2. Learning how to double tongue.3. Learning how to play diddles.4. I would love to have the band/drumline play at a rally. That would be nice.

Alberto Garcia (Beto/Beartoe/Curly/Bird Dog/Curly Fries/Curly Top) ‘17 - Trumpet1. Going to the cabin with the band council. Hiking with them was probably the best moment.2. Something I overcame was probably learning how to play Jazz. Even though I’ve only played a few days, it’s fun.3. We could fundraise more. I think it was better than last year in my opinion.4. I just wanna say that I’m gonna miss the seniors. Every year I see my senior band members leave and it makes me

sad, but it also makes me happy to see them go on to do something they love to do. Next year is gonna be different though… I’ll be the one leaving. I’ll leave it at that so that next year I can continue. Thanks for an amazing year Cover! Thank you band for an amazing year.

Fabian Gutierrez ‘18 - Flute1. My favorite memory from this year would be the time that we went bowling.2. I overcame the struggle of getting used to playing the flute again and being in a band again.3. Fundraising4. I had a lot of fun this year, getting to know all of my bandmates.

David Trejo ‘19 - Flute1. The picnic2. Playing the flute.3. Dynamics

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4. NOMagdalia Esparza (Maggy) ‘17 - Clarinet

1. When Mr. Cover almost tripped on a cord.2. Having my section leaders leave. :(3. By actually becoming better musicians and having more support by the district.4. I will miss you Gaby and Irving. :( I will Facetime you guys in class. ;)

Julian Lee (Jiggle) ‘18 - Trumpet1. Playing trumpet2. Trumpet playing3. Better planning and more notice of things earlier4. Why do we have to do a collage? I’m already buried in like 16 projects.

Samantha Smith (Sam) ‘19 - Flute1. My favorite memory is probably the first rally.2. A challenge I overcame was being introverted.3. I feel that the band could improve by providing a serious atmosphere.

Kaya Stanford ‘18 - Flute, Piccolo1. When we did the volleyball picnic in the park. (My ball ripped by the way.)2. Projecting and dealing with being heard (Piccolo)3. Fundraising and participation4. I’ll miss the seniors!

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Our Band Quotes………“My Goodness…” “Como te lamas” -Aly Ramírez ’16 - David Trejo ‘19

“Allah Akbar” “Brah”

-Alberto García ’17 -Alberto García ‘17

“21” “Look at Mr. Cover”

-Alberto García ’17 -Mr. Cover ‘87

“New year, new Beto” “Eww, Butthole salad”

-Alberto Garcia ’17 -Kayleigh Collins ‘18

“Praise the Sun god” “My milkshake bring all the

-Drumline (Kevin) boys to the yard…”

-Brianna Garcia ‘18“It’s not beto it’s Bear-toe”

-Teresa Rodriguez ’16 “Dropkick Them”

- Beto & Justin ’17 ‘18“ “I am the Real Slim Shady”

-Anthony Henriquez

“My friend (insert name), (insert story) “Well You See…”

But they died” -Jojo Cambosa ‘16

-Mr. Cover ‘87

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“ I don’t talk crap, I just state the truth” “Nailed It”

-Irving Calderon ‘16 -MHS WinterGuard

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Since we are leaving we want you to remember us…here is part of our legacy that we leave behind…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amber Gonzalez

To my pit babies: I leave Megan as captain (good luck) and Everett my mallets (you’ll get there one day)

Soterra Vith

Micah and Julian: I leave my gayness

Jovany: I leave my cuteness

Everyone else: Live long and don’t suck

Elizabeth Carrasco

Julian Hernandez: I leave behind my talkativeness

Teresa Rodriguez

Jovany and Julian: I leave to you… “It’s just a prank bro!”

Ninfa: I leave to you silly faces.

David: I leave to you my loud voice so you can burst ear drums.

Ruben: I leave to you my loud playing and nonexistent horn abilities.

Everett: I leave to you dank memes.

Brianna: I leave to you MAH!

Elias: I leave to you the ability to post and share terribly hilarious snapchats.

Kaya: I leave to you my love for your awesome shirts.

Monica: I leave to you pretty eyes.

Justin: I leave to you confidence to express yourself freely, the ability to have patience to let food cool down, and my terrible, punny jokes.

Megan: I leave to you a bigger love for fandoms.

Ellen: I leave to you optimism to pass your classes and IB tests.

Ian Rodriguez

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Ruben: I leave to you the joy of playing the best instrument in band. Don’t suck.

Frank Deng

Lauren: I leave to you my sax skills

Marilyn Martinez

Kayleigh: I leave my weirdness

Isabel Manibog

Random: I leave behind my weird, awesome, foolish asian-ness

Lynnsey Hardy

Max: I leave you the guard. You keep it up you.

Megan: I leave you the pit and the authority to rough up the newbies.

Everett: I leave you the whatever to take somebody else’s legs. I want mine back.

Monica: I leave you my space.

Julian: I leave you permission to give Lizzy back to me.

Kayleigh: I leave you the whatever to stay savage.

Gabriela Hernandez

Brianna: My beautiful daughter. I leave you my amazing motherly love, so now you can find yourself your own band child that you can bother all the time like I did to you. <3

Maggy: I leave you my craziness because you need more of it. Nah, but take care of all the clarinets and always be there to make them laugh, like you have for Irving and I… Make me proud honey. I’ll be back to take those pics. With you. <3

Ninfa: I leave you in charge of the clarinets, even if you are not section leader. Make sure that you take care of them and help them out whenever they need it. Oh and keep working hard and being that great clarinet player that you have been.

Kayleigh: To you honey boo boo I leave all my chismes <3 Use them well.

Fabian: I leave you my loudness and my outgoing attitude, so you can be more outspoken.

Monica & Suliema: I leave you two my happiness, so you can be happy more often and be able to brush off the bad things in life.

David: I leave you my sitting spot in the hallway for lunch, so you can be amazing just like me :) .

Julian: My baby brother, to you I leave my love for this band so you can love this band like I have and commit to it.

Jadeen Llora

David & Fabian: I leave my senioritis.

Alicia Gil

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Kaya & Fabian: I give my friendliness and ability to bring out the best in everyone. I also give my ability to make everyone smile.

Kayleigh: I leave my ability to be a sort of nurse to the band members and care about all of their little injuries. <3

Aly Ramirez

Ellen: I leave you my senioritis, since this next school year you will finally be a senior. I leave you my ability to ignore those stupid people in your classes. I also leave you the role of section leader after I graduate. I wish you good luck, because the flute section is all sorts of crazy! *cough* Fabian *cough*

Kayleigh: I leave you my ability to calm down when needed. I also give you the title of Savage Thursday when I leave. Use it wisely. With great power comes great responsibility.

Derek: I leave you my ability to talk more with the others in the band. I want you to be more sociable and outgoing, so that you can have a greater experience in the program.

Kaya: I leave you my awesome breath support so that you don’t have to worry able using up so much air for the piccolo. I also leave you the ability to play in tune as much as possible.

Samantha: I leave you the authority to say “Fabian” every time Mr. Cover says that someone, or something is wrong. Doesn’t matter if it is music related or not. Just do it lol. I leave you the legacy.

David: I leave you the ability to play all the notes in the music. I also leave you the ability to play out confidently. Don’t get embarrassed. Try your best. I want to come back next year and see you playing like it’s nothing. Make me proud.

Fabian: I leave you my sassiness. You are already sassy enough, but I think you need some more lol. I also leave you the ability to give out hugs without acting all awkward for the first 10 seconds.

Everyone Else: I leave you guys my awesomeness. I want to see you guys get better, musically and socially. I love you guys and I will really miss you guys. Especially my flute section. <3

Once again Irving, you only have this space for your wills. Use it wisely lol. I’ve been trying to keep the number of pages to a minimum. :)

On behalf of the seniors, we want to thank...

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Mr. Cover- We want to thank you for everything you have ever done for us. You brought our band back and have made us more of a family than ever before. You have made many sacrifices for the better of the band. You have been, to most of us, a second father, a counselor, and a teacher. It is really amazing how you do all of it. You have taught us many things that many of us did not know before and we appreciate it. So thank you for everything that you have ever done for us. Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made, for the love that you have shown us and this program, for patient, for dealing with us being teens, and, most important of all, your dedication. We all hope you stick around for a long time so one day we come back and see your conducting as an old man☺. THANK YOU again <3.

Kevin Apicella- You have been around with us for a long time. You have been with us through thick and thin. You have always supported us and cared for our program. We thank you for always wanting to make us better. We also want to thank you for caring about the percussion and showing them all that they know. We also want to thank you for sticking around and for your patience, and also for all of the facial expressions that you make. Those are unforgettable. Thanks again.

Kevin Marin- Kevin, although, you just worked with the percussion this year and most of us didn’t get to see you, we still appreciate all that you have done for us and all of the time and effort that you have put in for all of us. Thank you for being there as much as other Kevin was there for us. We appreciate all of your support and the great stories that you would sometimes tell us.

Rob Erickson- It was your first year teaching us here at Modesto High and we all hope that you have found your new job fulfilling and fun at the same time. You have been a great instructor and have taught us many things that we did not know before. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated. We hope that you come back next year and keep being part of our little crazy family.

Josh Figueroa-Josh, it was also your first year here. We also hope that you have found this new job rewarding. You are a crazy instructor but you have taught the guard many things. It was interesting to have a new guard instructor at such a short notice, but we are happy that you took this job. We hope that you have had a good time here and return next year. Thank you for everything.

Jonathan Cervantes-It was nice to have you back this year. We hope that you have had a good time coming back here and spending time with the percussion. You coming back shows your dedication to this program and we appreciate that. We hope you come back next year to teach the drums some more and so you keep being part of our family.

Band Boosters-You guys are our behind the scenes people. Many times your work goes unnoticed, but we know that you are always there for us and will always be there to support us. We love you all very much for all of the time you put in coming to the meetings and planning our concerts, as well as planning and organizing all of our other

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events. Thank you a thousand times over for everything you have done. We hope great things for you guys and it has been a pleasure to have you guys help us.

The 2015-2016 Modesto High Band and GuardYour seniors: Irving Calderon Marilyn Martinez

David Campos Aly Ramirez

JoJo Cambosa Robert Randolph

Krystal Daksla Teresa Rodriguez

Frank Deng Ian Rodriguez

Alicia Gil Soterra Vith

Amber Gonzalez Elizabeth Carrasco

Anthony Henriquez Lynnsey Hardy

Gabriela Hernandez Miguel Hernandez

Patricia Omega Jadeen Llora

Isabel Manibog

And Special little you: Jennifer Abarca ’17 Alberto Garcia ’17 Monica Ruiz ‘18

Sobeyda Aguilar ’17 Brianna Garcia ’18 Samantha Smith ‘19

Ruben Alfaro ’19 Fabian Gutierrez ’18 Kaya Stanford ‘18

Elena Alvarez ’19 Nina Hardy ’18 Derek Tang ‘19

Thomas Brower ’17 Julian Hernandez ’19 Elias Tlapaltotoli ‘18

Megan Brown ’17 Kimberly Hernandez ’19 David Trejo ‘19

Micah Buckelew ’19 Kyle Jolly ’17 Justin Valencia ‘18

Ninfa Caracoria ’19 Lauren Jolly ’18 Everett Vasquez ‘19

Sulema Cervantes ’18 Julian Lee ’18 Jovany Zamora ‘19

Kayleigh Collins ’18 Rene Mendoza ’18 Ellen Zheng ‘17

Michael Dumars ’18 Juan Mendoza ’19 Max Cooper ‘19

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Magdalia Esparza ’17 Erick Moreno ’19 Nancy Martinez ‘17

Jorge Espinoza ’18 Frank Randolph ’19 Ana Napoles ‘17

Alan Martinez ’19 Stephanie Martinez ‘17

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss

Brought to you by your Band Mom:

Aly RamirezWith the help of:

Gaby Hernandez & Irving Calderon

“Your Journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what I needed to be. Don’t

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think you’ve lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to

the now. And now is right on time.”

-Asha Tyson

Time for me, Aly, to announce the future band moms for the 2016-2017 year!!!!

This was a very difficult decision for me to make because I had only the current juniors to choose from, I had to see who would work well together, and who would possibly continue this tradition. After a lot of thinking, thinking, and more thinking, I was able to reach a decision. I love all of you dearly, but I think the decision I made was for the best.

I have chosen Alberto Garcia (Beto) and Magdalia Esparza (Maggy) to be the next band moms for the Modesto High

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School Band and Guard for the year 2016-2017. I know you guys will work great together!

You guys need to know that it is quite a bit of work, but it can be pretty fun. I hope you guys will create an amazing Panther’s Breath next year. You guys will be great!

You both are amazing people and I will miss you guys very much. I love you guys. <3 . Do good. I trust you guys with this privilege. When it comes time for you guys to choose your successors, I just know you guys will make a smart decision for the benefit of the band and for tradition. Good luck and have fun next year. :) <3

The 2015 - 2016 Panther’s Breath is also available online!

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*Most of the Panther’s Breath can be found under
