Methods for explorative user research in an agile context

Methods for explora/ve user research in an agile context Lars Bo Larsen, Aalborg University/Infinit Designpeople, Tuesday May 6 2014 Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen


Oplægget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet Temadag om integrering af usability-arbejde i agile udviklingsprocesser, der blev afholdt den 6. maj 2014. Læs mere om arrangementet her:

Transcript of Methods for explorative user research in an agile context

Page 1: Methods for explorative user research in an agile context

Methods  for  explora/ve  user  research  in  an  agile  context    

Lars  Bo  Larsen,  Aalborg  University/Infinit    Designpeople,  Tuesday  May  6  2014  


Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

Page 2: Methods for explorative user research in an agile context


1.  What  are  the  special  requirements  for  UX  methods  to  fit  into  the  agile  process  (if  any)?  

2.  Why  should  soQware  developers  be  involved  in  UX/usability  work?    

3.  Which  methods  are  we  talking  about?  

•  Jan  will  speak  about  usability  methods,  I  will  concentrate  on  user  requirements  gathering  early  in  the  design  process  

•  Tina  will  speak  about  the  different  ways  UX  and  Agile  can  be  integrated  •  I  will  only  address  Scrum  as  the  most  widely  adopted  agile  method  

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The  philosophy  of  Agile  soQware  development:  •  “Individuals  and  interac/ons  over  processes  and  

tools”  (Agile  Manifesto  2001)  •  “Agile  is  itera/ve,  values  face-­‐to-­‐face  communica/on  

and  emphasizes  collabora/on,  also  with  the  customer”  (Kollman  2008)  

-­‐  fits  well  with  UX  design  ideas,  which  are  also  itera/ve,  involves  the  user/customer,  etc  

•  Methods  must  be  “light  weight”  and  quick  •  Scrum  sprints  are  typically  two  or  three  weeks,  so  we’ll  

look  at  methods  which  will  fit  into  this  /meframe  

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

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Why  should  developers  be  involved  in  UX  work?    

One  way  to  achieve  an  integra/on  with  Scrum  is  to  directly  have  the  developers  carry  out  (or  par/cipate  in)  UX  work:  Key  benefits:  

•  Developers  could  be  the  only  resource  available  (no  dedicated  UX  specialists  in  the  company).  Or:  Will  reduce  UX  bo`leneck  

•  Developers  will  gain  a  greater  insight  into  the  user’s  point  of  view,  which  could  lead  to  be`er  UX  in  itself  

Key  Drawbacks:  •  Developers  have  other  tasks,  UX  work  will  take  /me  from  these  •  Not  trained  •  Might  not  be  mo/vated  

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

Page 5: Methods for explorative user research in an agile context

Example  of  Study  (Latzina  &  Rummel):  

Findings  from  Personas  case  study  from  SAP:  •  User  perspec/ve  had  improved  •  Able  to  develop  own  ideas  for  poten/al  solu/ons,  •  Mo/vated  to  engage  in  more  usability  training.  •  Key  observa/ons  on  organiza/onal  demands:  

•  experienced  a  need  for  good  communica/on  both  between  team  members  and  collabora/ng  teams  in  order  to  succeed  with  their  user  driven  approach,  and  the  use  of  usability  standards  and  user/task  informa/on  required  /me  and  solid  project  management    

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

Page 6: Methods for explorative user research in an agile context

Requirements  revisited  

Suitable  methods  must  be  applied  by  developers,  who  are  non-­‐specialists  Therefore:  

•   Methods  must  be  easy  to  learn,  use  and  analyse  •  Methods  must  be  fast  and  “Light-­‐weight”  –  fit  into  sprints  •  Results  must  be  easy  to  understand  and  communicate    

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

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(from Færch & Dam 2013)

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen (from Færch & Dam 2013)

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To  Sum  up:  

•  A  number  of  studies  have  shown  that:  •  Enabling  developers  to  carry  out  certain  UX  tasks  is  a  

feasible  way  to  achieve  an  integrated  Scrum/UX  environment  

•  But  important  to  be  aware  of  limita/ons  and  compe/ng  tasks  to  avoid  conflicts  

•  UX  processes  are  poorly  described  and  to  a  large  extent  missing  (especially  compared  to  Scrum)  

•  There  are  some  low-­‐hanging  fruits  •  Techniques  such  as  observa/on  studies,  interview  

techniques,  card  sorts  can  rela/vely  easily  be  learnt  

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Infinit Workshop - Lars Bo Larsen

Page 10: Methods for explorative user research in an agile context


Agile  Manifesto:  h`p://  2001  Kollmann,  J.  Designing  the  User  Experience  in  an  Agile  Context.  Faculty  of  Life  Science,  University  College,  London,  London.  2008  Latzina,  M.  and  Rummel,  B.  Collabora/on-­‐Based  Usability  Training  for  Developers.  In  Mensch  &  Computer  2002  (pp.  285-­‐291).  Vieweg+  Teubner  Verlag.  2002  Søren  V.  Færch,  Jesper  Dam  Mortensen,  “An  Easy  and  Cost-­‐.effec/ve  user  research  method  for  suppor/ng  idea/on  in  the  ini/al  phase  of  product  development”.  Engineering  Psychology,  Msc  Thesis,  June  2013,  Aalborg  University  Hackos  &  Redish:  “User  and  Task  analysis  for  Interface  Design”  Wiley,  1998    

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