Method of Data Collection

Method of Data Collection For this topic, all the data obtained is primary data since this statistical research has never been carried out before. Used in this report, the population is mixture of boys and girls and the sample is an average of 50 girls and boys with the ages of 15-16 whom receives an allowance every week. Previously, a survey containing a few question was prepared in order to collect the necessary data to achieve the aim of this statistical report. This sample was selected since according to several studies, ages 15-16 years old have recorded for the most percentage of their allowances to be spent. This sample will aid in acquiring a more accurate and precise data analysis. In the survey, all of the questions asked required quantitive responses thus the responses acquired from each of the persons will be the raw data collected. The raw data will then be organised into several ways such as tables, bar graphs, histograms, etc. An analysis of all the information gathered is approached, thus aiding in finding whether or not this statistical report is true.


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Transcript of Method of Data Collection

Page 1: Method of Data Collection

Method of Data Collection

For this topic, all the data obtained is primary data since this statistical research has never been carried out before. Used in this report, the population is mixture of boys and girls and the sample is an average of 50 girls and boys with the ages of 15-16 whom receives an allowance every week.

Previously, a survey containing a few question was prepared in order to collect the necessary data to achieve the aim of this statistical report. This sample was selected since according to several studies, ages 15-16 years old have recorded for the most percentage of their allowances to be spent. This sample will aid in acquiring a more accurate and precise data analysis.

In the survey, all of the questions asked required quantitive responses thus the responses acquired from each of the persons will be the raw data collected. The raw data will then be organised into several ways such as tables, bar graphs, histograms, etc. An analysis of all the information gathered is approached, thus aiding in finding whether or not this statistical report is true.