
Metaphors Different Types

Transcript of Metaphors

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Different Types

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Standard Metaphor

A figure of speech that makes a connection between two unlike items.

•Ex.: My heart is a rose.

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Extended Metaphor

A metaphor extended over several lines, verses, or chapters.

•Ex.: Writing this research paper is a grind. My brain is not operating. I am running out of steam. (Each sentence extends the metaphor that the mind is a machine.)

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Implied Metaphor

A less direct metaphor.

•Ex.: The boxer pecked away at his opponent.

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Dead Metaphor

A metaphor that has become so common that we no longer notice it as a figure of speech

•Ex.: My sister drives me out of my mind.

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A figure of speech that makes a connection between two unlike things by using words such as like or as.

•Ex.: My heart is like a rose.

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A metaphor in which a nonhuman object is given human qualities.

•Ex.: The casino cheated him.

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A figure of speech in which something closely related to an object is substituted for the object itself.

•Ex.: The history department needs new blood (instead of new teachers).

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The substitution of a part for the whole (or vice versa).

•Ex.: Five hundred hands were needed to build the bridge.

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Let’s give metaphorical writing a try!

What’s the difference between tangible and intangible? Can you sort this list?

•Love, skateboard, hate, betrayal, jealousy, bracelet, CDs, driver’s license, envy, trust, pizza, friendship, locker, commitment, anxiety, movies, video games, confidence

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INTANGIBLE Love Hate Betrayal Jealousy Envy Trust Friendship Commitment Anxiety Confidence

TANGIBLE Skateboard CDs Driver’s license Bracelet Pizza Backpack Locker Movies Video games

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Complete the sentence by selecting one intangible item and one tangible item. Explore the relationship between the two.

(Intangible item) is like (tangible item) because ________________________________________________________________________.

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Now try this:

(Intangible item) is like (tangible item) because ____________________________________and ________________________________.

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Group Activity:

Write an extended metaphor for FREEDOM. Use the templates as a guide. Create a sign for your freedom metaphor. Sign must have the following:

Metaphor written neatly and creatively Illustration Group member names