Metalurgia International Sp8 2013

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Metalurgia International Sp8 2013

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    [email protected] SENIOR EDITOR

    Mihai Alin POP Ph.D [email protected]

    EDITOR Bogdan FLOREA Ph.D [email protected]



    Florentina Brndusa SCOREA


    SPECIAL ISSUE NO. 8 - 2013

    ISSN 1582 - 2214

    Romanian Metallurgical Foundation




    Vice-Rector of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University Bucharest

    [email protected]


    TEFNESCU DORU Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, S.U.A. (in alphabetical order)

    Chenguan BAI - College of Materials science and engineering Chongqing University, CHINA Constantin DUMITRESCU - Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, ROMANIA I. IMRI - Technical University of Koice, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Jingshe LI - University of Science and Technology Beijing, CHINA W.M. NICOLA - Tri. State University Angola, Indiana, S.U.A. Ion STANCU - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

    Qingguo XUE - University of Science and Technology Beijing, CHINA Zhengliang XUE - Wuhan University of Science and Technology,CHINA Gencang YANG - Chongqing University, CHINA Zhenkui YIN - University of Science and Technology Beijing, CHINA Xianqing YOU - Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, CHINA Liangying WEN - Chongqing University, CHINA


    PRESIDENT: Prof. Maria NICOLAE Ph. D., BucharestPolitechnical University, Romania Prof.Gheorghe AMZAPh. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. Marian BORDEI Ph. D., Dunrea de Jos University Galai, Romania Prof. Voicu BRABIE Dalarna Univerbity Suedia Prof. Ilie BUTNARIU Ph. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. Horia COLAN Ph. D., Deputy member of Romanian Academy Prof. Nicolae CONSTANTIN Ph. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. Adrian DIMA Ph. D., Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences Prof. Corina Adriana DUMITRESCU Ph. D., Dimitrie Cantemir University, Romania Prof. Arpad FAY Ph. D., University of Miskolcz, Hungary Prof. FRENCH DAVID Ph. D., CSIRO Energy Technology, Australia Prof. Mira Ricardo GARCIA Ph. D., University of Coruna, Spain Prof. Teodor HEPUT Ph. D., Hunedoara Engineering Faculty, Romania Prof. Gheorghe LEPADATU PH.D. Dimitrie Cantemir University, Romania Prof. Tiberiu MNESCU Ph. D., Eftimie Murgu University Reia, Romania Prof. Ioan MILOAN Ph. D., Transylvania University Brasov, Romania Prof. Valentin NEDEF Ph. D., Engineering Faculty of Bacu University, Romnia Prof. Avram NICOLAE Ph. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. doc. Florea OPREA Ph. D., Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences Prof. Florentina POTECAU Ph. D., Dunrea de Jos University of Galai, Romania Prof. Radu TAMARA Ph. D., Dunrea de Jos University Galati, Romania Prof. Doina RDUCANU Ph. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. Iulian RIPOSAN Ph. D., Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania Prof. Tiberiu RUSU Ph. D., Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Prof. Jean-Marc SAITER Ph. D., Rouen University, France Prof. V.I. SAFTA Ph. D., Member of Romanian Academy of Technical U.T.Timisoara,Romania Prof. Luc SALVO Ph. D., Grenoble National Politechnical Institute, France Prof. Cornel SAMOILPh., Transilvania University, Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Science Prof. Laurenie SOFRONI Ph. D., Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences Prof. Marin TRUCULESCU Ph. D., Member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences Prof. Petrica VIZUREANU Ph.D ,Technical University Gh. Asachi, Iasi, Romania Prof. Viorel ZAINEA Ph. D., University of Medicine and Pharmacy CAROL DAVILA, Bucharest, Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery Prof. Dr. D. Hociota, Bucharest, Romania


    PRESIDENT: Prof. Augustin SEMENESCU Ph. D. Bucharest Politechnical University, Romania VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Alina Adriana MINEA Ph. D., Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania

    Prof. Marin ANDREICA Ph. D - Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Prof. Erika ARDELEAN Ph.D - Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania Prof. Ionel BOSTAN Ph. D - Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava,Romania Prof. Florina BRAN Ph.D - The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania Assoc. Prof. Mihai BURLIBAA-University of Medicine and Pharmacy CAROLDAVILA, Bucharest Assoc. Prof. Mihai Butu Ph.D - Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania Assoc. Prof. Denis CHAUMONT Ph.D - Bourgogne University of Dijon France Prof. Anisoara CIOCAN Ph.D - Dunrea de Jos University of Galai, Romania Assoc. Prof.Dumitru FERECHIDE-University of Medicine and Pharmacy CAROL DAVILA, Bucharest Lecturer Floarea GEORGESCU Ph.D - Spiru Haret Universitaty, Romania Prof. Brandusa GHIBAN Ph. D - Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania Prof. Nicolae GHIBAN Ph.D - Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania Assoc. Prof. Guibao QIU Ph. D.- Chongqing University, China Assoc. Prof. Xuewei LPh. D.- Chongqing University, China Prof. Dumitru V. LEPADATU Ph. D - Tehnical University Gh. Assachi Iasi, Romania Prof. Nicu MARCU Ph. D - University of Craiova, Romania Assoc. Prof. Adrian MICU Ph .D - Dunarea de Jos University Galati, Romania Assist. Bogdan MASTALIER M.D., University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest, Romania Prof. Ion PARGARU Ph. D - Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania Prof. Rodica POPESCU Ph.D. - Transylvania University Brasov, Romania Prof. Ana SOCALICI Ph.D - Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania Prof. Ion STANCU Ph. D.- Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania Prof. Aurelia Felicia STNCIOIU Ph. D. - Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Prof. Daniela TARATA Ph.D - University of Craiova, Romania Prof. Bela VARGA Ph. D - Transylvania University Brasov, Romania Assoc. Prof. Marius VASILESCU Ph.D - Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania Prof. Ana VETELEANU Ph. D - Transylvania University Brasov, Romania Prof. Maria VLAD Ph .D - Dunarea de Jos University Galati, Romania Assoc. Prof. Chen YUANQING - Chongqing University, China Assoc. Prof. Shengfu ZHANGPh. D. - Chongqing University, China

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    Pfeiffer Vacuum welcomed Rntgen Prize winner

    Award for excellent research with innovative X-ray lasers

    Vacuum is essential for scientific experiments

    Asslar, December 3, 2012. This year, Dr. Christoph Bostedt was awarded the Rntgen Prize of the Justus-Liebig University of Gieen. For more than fifty years now, Pfeiffer Vacuum, together with the Dr. Erich-Pfeiffer Foundation and the Ludwig-Schunk Foundation, has sponsored the Rntgen Prize for young scientists in the field of radiation physics. Dr. Bostedt is currently a researcher at Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory in the USA, where he is successfully engaged in the Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS) as a team leader in the field of nuclear and molecular physics.

    Dr. Bostedt was awarded the Rntgen Prize for his scientifically very broad-based and successful experimentation in the field of research into innovative X-ray lasers. His excellent work with the free-electron lasers FLASH and LCLS is especially highlighted. Dr. Bostedt was repeatedly able to also take advantage of vacuum solutions by Pfeiffer Vacuum in his scientific work. On November 29, 2012, one day before the awards ceremony at the Justus-Liebig University in Gieen, Dr. Bostedt visited the sponsoring company, Pfeiffer Vacuum, and reported on his latest findings and research results.

    Press Contact: Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH Public Relations Sabine Neubrand-Trylat T +49 6441 802 1223 F +49 6441 802 1500 [email protected] About Pfeiffer Vacuum Pfeiffer Vacuum (Stock Exchange Symbol PFV, ISIN DE0006916604) is one of the worlds leading providers of vacuum solutions. In addition to a full range of hybrid and magnetically levitated turbopumps, the product portfolio comprises backing pumps, measurement and analysis devices,

    components as well as vacuum chambers and systems. Ever since the invention of the turbopump by Pfeiffer Vacuum, the company has stood for innovative solutions and high-tech products that are used in the markets Analytics, Industry, Research & Development, Coating and Semiconductor. Founded in 1890, Pfeiffer Vacuum is active throughout the world today. The company employs a workforce of some 2,300 people and has more than 20 subsidiaries. For more information, please visit





    MATERIALS SCIENCE Carmen Daniela DOMNARIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU, Minerva BOITAN: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IMPORTANT FACTOR IN DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY HEALTH CARE .............................................................................................................5 Gabriela BOA, Andreea Angela TEIU, Mircea TEIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU: BEHAVIOR OF PHOTO - POLYMERISABLE COMPOSITES SURFACES, USED IN RESTORATION ODONTOTHERAPY .............................................................................................................8 Luminia GEORGESCU, Claudia-Camelia BURCEA, Petru ARMEAN, Andreia Ileana MURGU: APPLICATIONS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES TO OPTIMISE WELLNESS AND SPA SERVICES ...........................................................................................................12 Dana Cristina BODNAR, Traian BODNAR: LASERS IN THE TREATMENT OF CARIOUS LESIONS ...........................................................................................................14 Dana Cristina BODNAR, Traian BODNAR: THE ROLE OF POTASSIUM IN THE TREATMENT OF DENTINAL HYPERSENSITIVITY ...........................................................................................................18 Camelia IONESCU, Ion PATRASCU: ATTACHMENT SYSTEMS FOR MANDIBULAR IMPLANT OVERDENTURES: A THREE DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR THE SPHERICAL BLUNT ELLIPTICAL MATRIX ...........................................................................................................21 Daniel BULIN: SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM COMPETITIVENESS THE CASE OF BLACK SEA COASTAL COUNTRIES ...........................................................................................................31 Mihaela I. MUNTEAN, Liviu-Gabriel CABU: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................................................35 Rong LI, Hai-Yun NIU, Jiang GUO, Xiang-Dong XING: RESEARCH ON PERFORMANCE AND PRACTICE OF 1750 M3 BLAST FURNACE (BF) WITH HIGH AL2O3 SLAG IN JIGANG ...........................................................................................................39 Duan OTRA, Damnjan RADOSAVLJEVI, Vesna OTRA: MEASURES OF PLANTS AND INSTALLATIONS PRESSURE ...........................................................................................................43 Damnjan RADOSAVLJEVI, Duan OTRA, Vesna OTRA: THE LOGO CREATING OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION "HEATING PLANTS OF SERBIA ..........................................................................................................47 Radmilo NIKOLI, Aleksandra FEDAJEV, Dejan RIZNI, Zvonko DAMNJANOVI, Andon KOSTADINOVI: ECONOMIC CRISIS IN THE WESTERN BALKANS ...........................................................................................................54 Slobodan RADOSAVLJEVI, Predrag DAI, Milan RADOSAVLJEVI: APPENDIX SPECIFICS OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN MINING ...........................................................................................................59

    Mirsad TARI, Veis ERIFI, Enis SADOVI, Emir MASLAK: WORKING STAGES OF ROOF RACKS OF THE SYSTEM OF DOUBLE HANGERS ...........................................................................................................69 Petar VESELINOVI, Nikola MAKOJEVI, Marina MILANOVI: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT: IS THERE A SIGNIFICANT CORRELATION BETWEEN FDI AND GDP GROWTH CASE OF SERBIA ...........................................................................................................76 Lidija PETROVI: INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL DIVIDE MEASURING: AN ADJUSTED FOCUS ON THE RENEWED I2010 LISBON AGENDA ...........................................................................................................80 Jelena AVAKUMOVIC, Julija AVAKUMOVIC: KNOWLEDGE AS A PART OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR THE SUCCESS OF TEXTILE COMPANY ...........................................................................................................85 Feng WANG, Qixing YANG, Anjun XU, Bo BJRKMAN: INFLUENCE OF Mn OXIDES ON CHEMICAL STATE AND LEACHING OF CHROMIUM IN EAF SLAG ...........................................................................................................88 Yin CHAO, Hu TAO, Chen YONG, Cui PENG: ANALYSIS ON THE MOTION MODEL ACCURACY OF A NOVEL PLANAR MECHANISM BASED ON PARALLEL MECHANISM ...........................................................................................................93 Slobodan STEFANOVI: RESERCH INTO THE CAUSES OF INACCURACIES OF COMPONENTS OF COMPLEX FOR COIL WINDING WITH FINISHED YERN AT OE ...........................................................................................................96 Igor FRANC, Zona KOSTIC, Aleksandar JEVREMOVIC, Ranko POPOVIC: DF-LAB: DIGITAL FORENSIC VIRTUAL LABORATORY FOR COLLABORATIVE DISTANCE LEARNING

    .........................................................................................................102 VASILIJE MISKOVI DANKO JOVANOVI, MILI MILIEVI, IVAN MILOJEVI, MARKO ANDREJI: FORECASTING THE EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS .........................................................................................................107 Marjan MIREVSKI, Radivoje ANDJELKOVI, Danko JOVANOVI, Velibor JOVANOVI: APPLICATION OF AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF MEDICINES AND MEDICAL ACCESSORIES .........................................................................................................112 Zaklina SPALEVIC, Mirjana KNEZEVIC, Dusko DIMITRIJEVIC: NORMATIVE - LEGAL PROTECTION OF WATER .........................................................................................................117 Zorica DJORDJEVIC, Saa JOVANOVIC: THE INFLUENCE OF MATERIAL TYPES ON STATIC AND DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPOSITE SHAFTS .........................................................................................................122



    Branko MIHAILOVI, Aleksandra TEI, Vesna PARAUI: MARKET CHALLENGES AND CRITERIA OF USING CONSULTING IN AGRARIAN ENTERPRISES IN SERBIA .........................................................................................................128 Majid PRAMANIK, Lu QIAN: TRANSMISSION EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL RICE PRICE VOLATILITY ON CHINA MARKET .........................................................................................................134 Mita BAGCHI, Yao SHUNBO: IMPACT OF FARMERS MANAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS ON TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF RICE FARM IN BANGLADESH .........................................................................................................142 Xiang ZHANG, Guojun MA, Chenhui WANG: LEACHABILITY AND SPECIATION OF HEAVY METALS AND FLUORINE IN ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE SLAG .........................................................................................................149 ivadin MICI, Neboja STANKOVI: KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATIONS TRENDS IN METALLURGY SUBFIELDS WITHIN STANDARDIZATION PLATFORM .........................................................................................................154 Milad Salem MOKRAF: FRAMEWORK FOR ETOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN LIBYA .........................................................................................................161 Sandra NESIC, Marija DZUNIC, Branka DRASKOVIC: THE IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN IMPROVING THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN SERBIA .........................................................................................................166 Malia IOVI, Nada DAMLJANOVI, Momilo VUJII, Nemanja JAKI: THE OPTIMAL CHOICE OF LIGHT BULBS ON THE SERBIAN MARKET .........................................................................................................170 Lefei SUN, Fuming WANG: EFFECT OF REFINING SLAG COMPOSITION AND TEMPERATURE ON SULFIDE CAPACITY .........................................................................................................173 Dong HU, Shaojun CHU: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR FAST COMPUTATION OF EROSION PROFILE IN SUBMERGED ARC FURNACE WITH FREEZE LINING .........................................................................................................179 Shaojie WULi XIANGChen ZHANGShengtao QIU: INFLUENCE OF INTERMEDIATE BILLET THICKNESS ON TEXTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTY OF 50W1300 NON-ORIENTED ELECTRICAL STEEL .........................................................................................................185 Guo JIANG Lu XIN: INFLUENCE OF LA2O3 TO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FREE-FLUORIDE CASTING POWDER CONTAINING B2O3 .........................................................................................................193 Slobodan STEFANOVIC, Radoje CVEJIC, Vladan VUCIC: FORMATION OF ALGORITHMS REENGINEERING THROUGH THE BLOCK DIAGRAMS IN THE TRANSITIONAL ECONOMY CONDITIONS WITH FOCUS ON MANAGEMENT IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES .........................................................................................................197 Dejan DJURIC, Dragana DJURIC, Jelena SIMIC: IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR FRUIT USING ECONOMIC MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL DECISION-MAKING IN BUSINESS .........................................................................................................205

    Hamid PAYANDEH, Mohammad Hussein ZADEH: TI-6AL-4V SURFACE ALLOYING BY TIG PROCESS WITH DEPOSITION OF BORON CARBIDE .........................................................................................................210 Dragoljub MILENKOVI, ivoslav ADAMOVI, Danijela ZLATKOVI, Miodrag KRSTI: PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION PROCEDURES OF ALUMOTHERMIC RAIL WELDING .........................................................................................................216 Gizela TANGL UNJAR, Agne SLAVI, Nemanja BERBER: HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS: TRENDS AND ADVANTAGES .........................................................................................................222 Gabriel FEDORKO, Vieroslav MOLNAR, Michal WEISZER, Martin HUDAK: TRANSPORTATION OF ORE BY BELT CONVEYORS WITH AN APPLICATION OF CONVEYOR IMPACT PLATES .........................................................................................................226 Xing-lan ZHANG, Qi OUYANG, Wanhong LI: PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTION STATE MONITORING IN BLAST FURNACE RACEWAY BASED ON MACHINE VISION ........................................................................................................229 Pei YAO, Fei DENG, CongCong SHU: A FAST IMAGE MATCHING ALGORITHM AND THE APPLICATION ON STEEL-LABEL RECOGNITION .........................................................................................................234 Julija AVAKUMOVIC, Petar BOJOVIC, Bljerim HALJILJI, Nahat MADJUNI: DECISION MANAGEMENT LIKE A PART OF INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................237 Slobodan STEFANOVIC, Radoje CVEJIC, Dusko KOSTIC: FUNCTIONS THAT CAUSATIVE AFFECTS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF REENGINEERING FROM THE ASPECT OF GENERAL FINANCIAL PARAMETERS .........................................................................................................240 Milan RADOEVI, Slobodan RADIEV, Marko CARI, Vladimir JOVANOVI, Marija JOVANOVI: IMPROVEMENT OF THE REQUISITION PROCESS WITH THE APPLICATION OF LEAN METHODS AND TOOLS .........................................................................................................247 Nina TOMAEVI, Janko SELJAK, Aleksander ARISTOVNIK: JOB SATISFACTION OF SLOVENIAN PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OVER TIME: THE CASE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS .........................................................................................................251 Roman KOLEK, Michal PRACH: RESEARCH OF SOLDERING SILICON SUBSTRATE WITH SOLDERS TYPE Sn-Ag-Ti .........................................................................................................260 Igor FRANC, Gojko GRUBOR, Angelina NJEGU: THE USE OF ETHICAL HACKING IN ACTIVE FORENSIC INVESTIGATION .........................................................................................................265 Fangxia HU, Gaofu DENG: FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF ANALOGOUS CIRCUIT BASED ON QUANTUM NEURO-FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM .........................................................................................................270 Tatjana GOLUBOVI, Bojka BLAGOJEVI: HEAVY METALS CONTENT IN SOIL AND MEDICINAL PLANTS OF MINING AREA .........................................................................................................274



    Dragoslav ILIC, Slavica KOSTIC-NIKOLIC, Slobodan STEFANOVIC: SUSTAINABLE MANAGING OF WATER RESOURCES IN URBAN AREA WITH SUBURBS .........................................................................................................278 Aleksander ARISTOVNIK: TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF PRIMARY EDUCATION: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF EU AND OECD COUNTRIES .........................................................................................................285 Zhengbing MENG, Guangliang WU, Chaoyang ZHOU, Xinbin LIU: RECRYSTALLIZATION KINETIC OF AUSTENITE IN TI MICRO-ALLOYED STEEL .........................................................................................................289 Andrej DJURETIC, Nebojsa ARSIC: LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY IN UNDERGROUND MINES .........................................................................................................294 Ana Maria BOBEICA: THE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE SERVICES AND THE MARKETING MIX COMPONENTS .........................................................................................................300 Aleksandar KEELJEVI: DEBATE AS AN EDUCATIONAL METHOD IN PROMOTING MORE PLURALISM AND HOLISM IN EDUCATION OF TODAYS ECONOMISTS .........................................................................................................304 Carisa BEI, Zorica KRNJEVI-MIKOVI, Dejan OREVI, Dragan OKALO: COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF SERBIAN COMPANIES ON THE GLOBAL MARKET: THE ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE .........................................................................................................309 Sebastian Marian ZAHARIA: USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SIMULATION OF ACCELERATED EXPERIMENTS ON INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS .........................................................................................................312 Valentin Marian STAMATE: AD-CAM TECHNOLOGY IN OBTAINING DENTURES BY USING MODELS WITH MOBILE ABUTMENTS .........................................................................................................316 Gheorghe AMZA, Adrian MILIC: THERMO-ULTRASONIC PLASTIC COATING DEVICE .........................................................................................................320

    Mohammad KUWAITI: STUDY KINETIC OF NON-ISOTHERMAL OF AUSTENITE TRANSFORMATION TO PEARLITE CK45 STEEL BY FLYNN METHOD .........................................................................................................324 Miroljub S. TRIFUNOVI, Novica R. GRUJI: METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE FOR PRODUCTION OF FRICTION ELEMENTS .........................................................................................................329 Florin BALTA, Sinziana GRADINARU, Emil UNGUREANU, Radu CIULUVICA: BIOMATERIALS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY: HYDROXYAPATITE INTEGRATED ORBITAL IMPLANT AND NON-INTEGRATED IMPLANTS IN ENUCLEATED PATIENTS .........................................................................................................334 Cristina NICULA, Daniela STANA , Catalina CORBU, Radu CIULUVICA: THE IMPORTANCE OF DESIGN AND MATERIAL OF INTRAOCULAR LENSES IN THE INCIDENCE OF POSTERIOR CAPSULAR OPACIFICATION .........................................................................................................337 Carmen Daniela DOMNARIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU, Minerva BOITAN: HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT SCIENCE-BASED DECISION MAKING .........................................................................................................340 Gabriela BOA, Andreea Angela TEIU, Laura TEF, Maria POPA, Mircea TEIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU: THE IN TIME RELIABILITY OF THE AMALGAM OBTURATIONS AND OF COMPOSITE DIACRYLIC RESINS (RDC) .........................................................................................................343 Gabriela BOTA, Andreea Angela TEIU, Maria POPA, Laura TEF, Mircea TEIU, Mihaela MIARIU-CERNUC: ASPECTS OF POLYMERIZATION DEEPNESS IN THE CASE OF PHOTOPOLYMERISABLE COMPOSITES USED IN DENTAL MEDICINE .........................................................................................................347


    Ultraseal America Inc, the global leader in sealants that reliably and permanently seal porosity in castings, has appointed a new Sales Manager. Mark Vance is joining the team to ensure that Ultraseal maintains its global leadership position in the US for its range of conventional and recyclable sealants and associated impregnation equipment. From his first job running an impregnation system in a process center, Mark has built up 25 years experience of the Adhesives and Sealants industry, with extensive experience in sales and coaching sales professionals. Mark said: It was clear after some thorough research that Ultraseal is the Global technology leader in its field so I am delighted to be joining the company. I will be bringing these leading technologies to US manufacturers to improve the reliability of customers products while reducing their manufacturing and warranty costs. His job is a new position for Ultraseal America, Inc, part of Ultraseal International, the company that has led the field for more than 40 years in impregnation sealants and associated equipment. Ultraseal produces three of only a handful of sealants that are certified to the US Military specification US MIL-I-17563C (Class 1 and 3). They are Ultraseal MX2 and the best-in-class recyclable sealant Rexeal 100, and conventional PC504/66 which has global approvals and specifications. Sealants are widely used in the automotive supply chain worldwide, especially for parts such as engine blocks, cylinder heads, and transmissions etc that have to operate under pressure and which could fail if they leaked. Marks commitment to helping people extends beyond his day job. He is active in his local church, mentors young people from challenging backgrounds and officiates at youth basketball and volleyball. He plays golf in his spare time. ENDS Editors Note: For further information contact Century PR on 024 7622 8881 or email [email protected]




    MATERIALS SCIENCE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IMPORTANT FACTOR IN DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY HEALTH CARE Carmen Daniela DOMNARIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU, Minerva BOITAN .............................................................................................................5 Key words: health care, culture, organization, patient, quality Abstract: Organizational culture in health care systems has gained increased consideration as an important factor influencing the quality of health care. It is related to the performance of health care units, job satisfaction and implicitly, to clinical effectiveness.(1) The relevance and importance of organizational culture in supporting quality health care are highlighted through a series of structural aspects at the level of an organization under the form of types of management and human factors. The health care system places the patient in its centre and the major aim of any health care service provider is to ensure the patients a corresponding level of health and safety. The organizational culture in health systems is closely related to the culture of safety. Safety, good communication, good management styles and good working relationships among the members of a health organization are prerequisites to deliver high-quality health services. BEHAVIOR OF PHOTO - POLYMERISABLE COMPOSITES SURFACES, USED IN RESTORATION ODONTOTHERAPY Gabriela BOA, Andreea Angela TEIU, Mircea TEIU, Mihaela CERNUC-MIARIU .............................................................................................................8 Key words: composites, roughness, finishing Abstract: The work studies the roughness of the composite materials surfaces used in dental restorations. The importance to know the behaviour of the composite materials after mechanical finishing has a real impact on the restorations reliability, as well as in stopping the apparition of the secondary pathology. The same behavior of the same material on different regimes imposes the dentist to know the limits and the finishing regime he has chosen for the best result. The life of a restoration with composite materials is translated through the unaltered preservation of the chromatic aspects, the preservation of a correct side closing, without micro spaces between the obturation and the dental preparation; the assurance of finest surfaces possible, to avoid the formation of microbial deposits and, last but not least, the conferring of a functional and stable morphology, during time, to the obturation-tooth ensemble. The after finishing surfaces state is responsible for the time preservation of the colour as well as for the stopping or favouring of bacterial plaque deposits, implicitly the appearance of the periodontal pathology appearance. This work is an alert for the dentist concerning the importance of restoration works finishing and we give practical solutions for different composite materials. APPLICATIONS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES TO OPTIMISE WELLNESS AND SPA SERVICES Luminia GEORGESCU, Claudia-Camelia BURCEA, Petru ARMEAN, Andreia Ileana MURGU

    ...........................................................................................................12 Key words: flipstepper withsteel structure,hydraulic cylinderandcomputer display; lateral stepperwithsteel structure; rehabilitation;questionnaire;spa resorts;wellnessandspa services Abstract: This paper is part of a documentary approach to an international project that aims to train specialists in the wellness and spa sector. The purpose is the implementation of the e-learning system to diversify, improve and promote new methods of learning, using the support provided by the cutting-edge and effective technology related to prophylactic and rehabilitation services in wellness and spa centres.

    LASERS IN THE TREATMENT OF CARIOUS LESIONS Dana Cristina BODNAR, Traian BODNAR ...........................................................................................................14 Key words: laser, DIAGNOdent, ablation, prevention Abstract: In recent decades,conservative treatmentin odontology has evolved spectacularly. Today there are unconventional treatment methods, which tend to replace conventional, classical treatments. The laser is part ofthese unconventional, special methods, allowing the detectionof dental caries (DIAGNOdent, laserspectroscopy), the detection of the earliest stage of demineralisation, as well as the assessment of the carious lesion development in the enameland/ordentine (cavitary lesions). The detection allows the orientation of therapy towards minimally invasivemethods. Ifinvasive therapeutic interventionis necessary, the laser enables the ablationof the dentalhard tissuesaffected bycarieswithout painand withoutvibration, at high speedand with high precision. Lasers are also employed in enhancing theenamel resistance to demineralisationprocesses, procedure performed following precise protocols. Thus, technological progresshas made possible for suchergonomic, simplified andpainless methods to be employed in detecting, preventing and treating dental caries. However, special attention should be paid to the risk sand precautions that are necessary inthe dental office during such procedures. THE ROLE OF POTASSIUM IN THE TREATMENT OF DENTINAL HYPERSENSITIVITY Dana Cristina BODNAR, Traian BODNAR ...........................................................................................................18 Key words: dentine, dentinal tubules, dentinal pain, K+, desensitisation Abstract: Dentinal hypersensitivity is a condition that has affected more and more people, irrespective of gender and age. In this paper we try to explain the dentinal hypersensitivity morphophysiological substrate and production mechanisms. There are many and varied treatment methods employed in the case of this condition, and they can be applied by the patient at home or by the dental practitioner in the dental office. Various techniques and active principles are used, after the stages of the treatment have been precisely established. Out of the substances and active principles used in treatment, we present the toothpaste containing K+ as KCl. Many studies conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness have shown that after 8 weeks of brushing using this toothpaste, dentinal hypersensitivity is significantly reduced and the patient comfort is enhanced. In this paper we try to explain the mechanism by which K+ produces significant reduction in dentinal hypersensitivity.

    ATTACHMENT SYSTEMS FOR MANDIBULAR IMPLANT OVERDENTURES: A THREE DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR THE SPHERICAL BLUNT ELLIPTICAL MATRIX Camelia IONESCU, Ion PATRASCU ...........................................................................................................21 Key words: dental implant, retention, overdenture, retentive system, finite element Abstract: The object of this study is the treatment of local aspects related to the design of special systems used in overdenture, especially the method where the functional parameters of such a system can be determined. Testing several constructive versions with relatively low cost is possible using modern methods of numerical simulation. By using these methods the design is carried out in a virtual environment and the high costs that are involved in prototypes testing and carrying out are eliminated. Designing by means of the finite element method for the spherical blunt-elliptical matrix in total mandibular implant overdenture has been used. The numerical simulation has fairly surprised the phenomenon because the value of the retention force and its variation in time are close to the data showed in catalogues. The analysis demonstrated that at the



    level of the system there are strongly requested areas that may lead to deformation of materials SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM COMPETITIVENESS THE CASE OF BLACK SEA COASTAL COUNTRIES Daniel BULIN ...........................................................................................................31 Key words: sustainable development, sustainable tourism, GDP per capita, Human Development Index, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index Abstract: Black Sea region is an important one in all aspects- geopolitical, economic, social and environmental. Tourism industry, both in this area and worldwide, represents a pillar of development, also relation between socio-economical system and environment is the centre of sustainable development policies. This paper proposes a brief picture of the Black Sea coastal countries, taking into account all these aspects. It will analyse the GDP per capita as main macroeconomic indicator, impact of the tourism industry in GDP, the human development index as a social and economic border indicator, and travel and tourism competitiveness index, as an indicator that integrates quantitative and qualitative aspects of tourism. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT Mihaela I. MUNTEAN, Liviu-Gabriel CABU ...........................................................................................................35 Key words Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Project Management, Monitoring, Key Peformance Indicators Abstract: With respect to the project management framework, a project live cycle consists of phases like: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & control and closing. Monitoring implies measuring the progress and performance of the project during its execution and communicating the status. Actual performance is compared with the planned one. Therefore, a minimal set of key performance indicators will be proposed. Monitoring the schedule progress, the project budget and the scope will be possible. Within a Business Intelligence initiative, monitoring is possible by attaching the key performance indicators to the OLAP cube. In turn, the cube was deployed over a proper data warehouse schema. RESEARCH ON PERFORMANCE AND PRACTICE OF 1750 M3 BLAST FURNACE (BF) WITH HIGH AL2O3 SLAG IN JIGANG Rong LI, Hai-yun NIU, Jiang GUO, Xiang-dong XING ...........................................................................................................39 Key words BF; high Al2O3 slag; measures; production Abstract: According to the research on the property of higher Al2O3 content slag in the laboratory, the effect of constituent and basicity on slag property and its changing regularity are obtained. The corresponding measures of adding confecting Serpentine and adjustling upper and lower operation and controlling crude material and fuel quality ars proposed, which to ensure stabilization of BF and improve economic indicators MEASURES OF PLANTS AND INSTALLATIONS PRESSURE Duan OTRA, Damnjan RADOSAVLJEVI, Vesna OTRA ...........................................................................................................43 Key words: vessels under the pressure, protection measures, risks. Abstract: The goal of the paper is to introduce measures and risks of vessels and installations under pressure at work an in working environment. Equipment under pressure must be projected, constructed and inspected, and if needed, equipped and installed in a way to provide its safety use and in accordance with manufacturer instructions or in predictable working conditions. THE LOGO CREATING OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION "HEATING PLANTS OF SERBIA Damnjan RADOSAVLJEVI, Duan OTRA, Vesna OTRA ...........................................................................................................47 Key words CorelDRAW, application, logo. Abstract In this paper the process of the logo creating of business association "Heating plants of Serbia" is described. The process of

    logo creating is done using the software package CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4, more precission CorelDRAW X4. The result is a logo that is shown on the end of this paper. ECONOMIC CRISIS IN THE WESTERN BALKANS Radmilo NIKOLI, Aleksandra FEDAJEV, Dejan RIZNI, Zvonko DAMNJANOVI, Andon KOSTADINOVI ...........................................................................................................54 Key words: economic crisis, Western Balkans, transition processes, market economy. Abstract : A few years ago, the world was faced once again with the economic crisis, according to many, similar to that in 30-ies of last century. Firstly, it emerged in the most developed economies, and then it spilled over, with the greater or lesser intensity, to the other countries on the planet. Western Balkan economies have been facing a crisis for more than two decades, specifically since the 90-ies. The reasons for this are, first of all, political events such as the collapse of former Yugoslavia, inter-ethnic wars, UN sanctions, border disputes, etc. It required a lot of time, effort and hard work, and, above all, the political climate, for economic stabilization and recover of new countries. Some progress achieved in the meantime, was stopped by the first wave of the crisis in 2008. Today, the Western Balkan region is, certainly, economically the least developed territory in Europe. APPENDIX SPECIFICS OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN MINING Slobodan RADOSAVLJEVI, Predrag DAI, Milan RADOSAVLJEVI ...........................................................................................................59 Key words: diagnosis, FMECA, maintenance, risk, mining Abstract: Management of technical systems in the mining industry, an important condition for their operation. If we recognize the need for risk analysis and management of individual technical system can generate potential overall efficiency and effectiveness. Special importance for the realization of the objectives of the company belongs to the ranking organization, redesign, system harmonization between the various technical structure, standardization, technical diagnostics, analysis of different levels of criticality with variant selection and application of optimal solutions. Question rational configuration of analytical and methodological approach to risk management is becoming more topical. The potential for the destruction of the complex technical systems are a reality in the mining industry and their expression in various applications is a realistic and often. The overall state of the products of such great damage, and different levels of scale, causing huge financial losses to the company. Progress in the context of possible changes in a systematic approach to risk management using modern standardized methods, models and systems development, their practical implementation, verification and validation. In practice, it is also possible in the analysis meets both. For different aspects of the analysis it is possible to decrease risk index range from the threshold to the range of high and low threshold of moderate and acceptable risk. Application of FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis) methods to manage risk related to the initial phase of defining the prediction of all possible risks, risk factors RPN budget priorities. Some risks can be grouped according to the type of errors that occur due to their realization. For effective risk analysis and implement measures to reduce their need is and competent team. No matter what the risks involved, FMECA method can reliably estimate the possibility of their implementation with a satisfactory degree of flexibility and compatibility. This paper presents a part of experiential practicum for a concrete example of implementation method of mining production practice with initiating modern approaches to the analysis of risks and potential benefits generated by improving the overall quantitative, qualitative characteristics and functions of the system's overall performance WORKING STAGES OF ROOF RACKS OF THE SYSTEM OF DOUBLE HANGERS Mirsad TARI, Veis ERIFI, Enis SADOVI, Emir MASLAK ...........................................................................................................69 Key words: double hanger, wood, steel, tie rod, stage of montage, stage of exploitation.



    Abstract: There are numerous static systems when it comes to classic roof constructions. In most common cases for making of load-bearing wooden constructions are applied the stools and hangers. What was present in so far designing practice, as well as in technical literature, when it concerns to these constructions, was that in calculation process they were treated just as the final completing design is doing in statical sense. There were not taken into consideration the static systems through which are passing some constructive elements of load-bearing wooden construction - stage of work of the constructive element from its mounting until the whole construction is not going to be formed, respectively the foreseeble static scheme. In the study was provided an example of performed double hangers, also were given shortcomings of previous access in calculation of this constructive system and suggestions for future calculations of hangers. There were proposed the stages of work of constructive elements of the double hangers, so that the final impacts of the elements are obtained by superposition of individual impacts by stages of work, depending on the performance of technologies. For presented and load-bearing construction hangers are used two materials: steel and wood. From steel is made a tie rod while the other constructive elements of hangers are made of massive wood. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT: IS THERE A SIGNIFICANT CORRELATION BETWEEN FDI AND GDP GROWTH CASE OF SERBIA Petar VESELINOVI, Nikola MAKOJEVI, Marina MILANOVI ...........................................................................................................76 Key words: Economic growth, Foreign direct investment, correlation, Serbia Abstract:. Since the beginning of the transition period, economic policymakers emphasized FDI inflows significance for dynamic GDP growth rates. They emphasized the fact that along with money, FDI brings new technologies and know-how, influencing national economys changes. Since we are witnessing a new program in the form of subventions to attract FDI, it is important to analyze the influence of FDI realized so far on economic growth. This Paper will use the existing methodology for assessing FDI impact on national economy, developed in the last 20 years during FDI expansion. The results will be useful in making certain conclusions about the correlation between FDI and GDP growth rates. INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL DIVIDE MEASURING: AN ADJUSTED FOCUS ON THE RENEWED I2010 LISBON AGENDA Lidija PETROVI

    ...........................................................................................................80 Key words: Information Society, Lisbon Strategy, Digital Divide, Composite Indicators, Digital Divide Index. Abstract: The paper deals with the challenges, problems, and opportunities for economic analysis emerging from the social and economic influence of the controversial phenomenon called digital divide. The importance of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the Information Society (IS) development has been analyzed in the context of the revised Lisbon Agenda priorities stating that i2010 Lisbon strategy has been launched as a continuation of its previous initiatives to support creation of an open and competitive single market for converging ICT and media through regulation, to increase EU investment in ICT research and to promote an inclusive EU IS closing the gap between the IS haves and have-nots, respectively. In that context, the digital divide serves as a prime example of the need for introducing multidisciplinary approaches with a specific need for an effective measuring instrument, a composite indicator Digital Divide Index (DIDIX) to systematically monitor the reached level of the IS development on an aggregate level focusing on the presumably disadvantaged groups of society. KNOWLEDGE AS A PART OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR THE SUCCESS OF TEXTILE COMPANY Jelena AVAKUMOVIC, Julija AVAKUMOVIC ...........................................................................................................85

    Key words: knowledge, business success, textile enterprises, information, information Abstract: Modern manufacturing system business in textile manufacturing has to become learning organizations. It is necessary to strive for as much of the knowledge is documented in a suitable form and stored in the relevant databases, such as method of accumulation of knowledge is the most effective way of transforming knowledge into all resources available to insiders. The knowledge as an important resource for the business of textile companies will be discussed in this paper. INFLUENCE OF MN OXIDES ON CHEMICAL STATE AND LEACHING OF CHROMIUM IN EAF SLAG Feng WANG, Qixing YANG, Anjun XU, Bo BJRKMAN

    ...........................................................................................................88 Key words: EAF slag, chromium, melting, leaching Abstract: In order to study the influences of Mn oxides on Cr in Electronic Arc Furnace (EAF) slag produced in a stainless steelmaking plant. To simulate EAF slags, two synthetic slags (slag A and slag B) were prepared through melting the two groups of reagent-grade compounds, respectively. The phase composition of samples was characterized by means of XRD. In addition, the slags with different particle size and some mixture were leached following Europe standard procedure. There was only one main compound MgCr2O4 found in spinel phase in slag A. While there were two compounds MgCr2O4 and Mn2AlO4 co-existed in spinel phase in slag B, in which Mn and Cr occupy the octahehral sites. For leaching tests, the influence of different factors, such as slag types, slag particles size, mixed manganese oxides, were studied in detail. The leaching result shows that MnO2 melted in slag is the most important factor for improving Cr leaching. But Mn oxides mixed in Mn-free slag have a little influence on Cr leaching ANALYSIS ON THE MOTION MODEL ACCURACY OF A NOVEL PLANAR MECHANISM BASED ON PARALLEL MECHANISM Yin CHAO, Hu TAO, Chen YONG, Cui PENG ...........................................................................................................93 Key words: planar mechanism; position error; accuracy Abstract: The planar mechanism is a kind of 3-DOF mechanism that allows it to complete two vertical movements and to rotate around the vertical direction. This mechanism has been widely applied for precision assembly in the industry, national defense and other fields. A novel planar mechanism is presented based on the low pairs. By introducing the mechanism principle, the analysis is given to error source based on the mechanism kinematics model. Engineering practice application shows that the mechanism is satisfied in meeting the heavy load, high precision and small space requirements. RESERCH INTO THE CAUSES OF INACCURACIES OF COMPONENTS OF COMPLEX FOR COIL WINDING WITH FINISHED YERN AT OE Slobodan STEFANOVI ...........................................................................................................96 Key words: Tree failure, mechanical oscillations, reliability,system for winding yarn, OE - spinning machine Abstract: Analysis of tree failure showed events occurred due to increased levels of mechanical oscillations. The values of failures were used to determine reliability of the work of constituent components of analyzed complex. Based on them are determined areas of time of reliable (safe) work, as well as the areas of reduction of their reliability. DF-LAB: DIGITAL FORENSIC VIRTUAL LABORATORY FOR COLLABORATIVE DISTANCE LEARNING Igor FRANC, Zona KOSTIC, Aleksandar JEVREMOVIC, Ranko POPOVIC

    .........................................................................................................102 Key words: Digital Forensic, Data Acquisition, Virtual Environments, Web-based Education, Distance Learning Abstract: In this paper, a novel model for teaching digital forensic on distance has been described. Practical exercises were conducted in virtual laboratory (DF-lab) with sharable elements that every student can accessed in the same way as in the real environment. This computer science course has been developed based upon



    experience of using virtual environments for collaborative distance learning. Proposed laboratory applies the project-based learning methodology that engages students into integrating forensic theory with practice. The analysis of laboratory use, together with the observed fact that students tend to spend much time in Virtual Reality (VR), justify the choices taken in development of DF-lab and orientation towards integrating virtual environment with reality. The proposed model is designed to address the limitations of existing virtual laboratories or simulators used as a part in distance learning practice, as evidenced by qualitative and quantitative evaluations given at the end of this research. Efficiency is measured by comparing the students final results, presented in virtual and real labs. Quality is improved through student interactions, suggestions, and the pedagogical diagnosis of the students' behaviors. FORECASTING THE EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS Vasilije MISKOVI, Danko JOVANOVI, Mili MILIEVI, Ivan MILOJEVI, Marko ANDREJI .........................................................................................................107 Key words: change, effects, forecasting, inventory

    Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of forecasting the effects of changes introduced into the organisational systems. One

    model of possible forecasting is presented here, that is by applying

    industrial dynamics. The change being considered is the automation of subsistems of spare parts supply in the system of spare part

    maintenance and procurement. APPLICATION OF AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF MEDICINES AND MEDICAL ACCESSORIES Marjan MIREVSKI, Radivoje ANDJELKOVI, Danko JOVANOVI, Velibor JOVANOVI, .........................................................................................................112 Key words: medicines, cold chain, supply chain, automatic identification technologies Abstract: Expansive growth of the pharmaceutical market has resulted in the need for a greater safety of medicines which pass through the supply chain. Supply chains of medicines which require special temperature conditions of storage and transportation take a prominent place. Systematic approach to the preservation of the qualitative properties of thermally unstable products along the supply chain, from the producer to the end user, includes cold chain. Automatic identification technologies have found a wide area of application in the supply chains of medicines and medical accessories. Through their media, they provide a key level of supplies transparency throughout the supply chain. The defence system of the Republic of Serbia which has limited resources should optimise its supply chains and adjust them to the needs of its users in order to improve its operational efficiency. NORMATIVE - LEGAL PROTECTION OF WATER Zaklina SPALEVIC, Mirjana KNEZEVIC, Dusko DIMITRIJEVIC .........................................................................................................117 Key words: Water Framework Directive of the European Parliament and the Council (2000/60/EC), Water Protection and Preservation in the EU and RS, Right to Healthy Environment, National Water Legislation. Abstract: Water Framework Directive belongs to the basic EU legislation; it regulates water protection and preservation in Europe and ensures its long-term quality use through precisely determined standards that member states must reach by the set deadlines. The Directive applies to surface, transitional, coastal and ground waters. Water protection in the Republic of Serbia is legally regulated by means of the Law on Environmental Protection and the Law on Waters. The Law on Environmental Protection prescribes the adoption of the National strategy for sustainable management of natural resources and domains and of the National program of environmental protection as basic strategic documents. This law introduces the category of special state interest area in the field of environmental protection. The Government is the competent authority which establishes the criteria and identifies the area of special state interest in the domain of environmental protection and

    determines the amount and manner of payment of the compensation for environmental pollution in these areas. The Law on Waters regulates the legal status of waters, integrated water management, management of water objects and land, sources and the manner of financing water management as well as other issues pertaining to water management. The existing legislation should represent a foundation for further legal work in the field, in order to ensure water quality, water management, irrigation and drought management. Harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the legislation of the European Union, which primarily concerns more intense environmental protection, is developing in the direction of conforming to the understanding of water as a strategic resource in Europe. THE INFLUENCE OF MATERIAL TYPES ON STATIC AND DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPOSITE SHAFTS Zorica DJORDJEVIC, Saa JOVANOVIC .........................................................................................................122 Key words: carbon fiber, glass fiber, aramid fiber, hybrid aluminum/composite shaft Abstract: In recent years, composite materials have been increasingly used in various engineering constructions in the field of mechanical engineering, plane engineering, navy etc. These materials have excellent mechanical characteristics and good stiffness to weight ratio, which can be additionally improved by the right selection of the fibre type or by the proper fibre orientation in different layers. Worldwide, the trend is to use the combination of aluminum and composite material for shaft manufacturing, so, in this paper, the analysis focus is put on those materials. MARKET CHALLENGES AND CRITERIA OF USING CONSULTING IN AGRARIAN ENTERPRISES IN SERBIA Branko MIHAILOVI, Aleksandra TEI, Vesna PARAUI .........................................................................................................128 Key words: consulting, agro-complex, performances, management, standards. Abstract: A subject of the research in the paper is a demand for consulting services in enterprises in Serbian agro-complex. In other words, demand for the consulting services represents a need for professional assistance in identification, diagnosis and solving the problems which refer to various fields and business aspects and management of an enterprise. Accordingly, this research's aim is to determine and reveal an initiator of demand for the consulting services in enterprises in agro-complex of Serbia. The enterprises try to improve competitiveness through adopting new products, technologies and services, where the need for becoming acquainted with some business process, has initiated greater consulting involvement. In the paper was researched a level of the consulting services use in Serbian agro-complex, funding models of the consulting services, criteria for the consulting services selection, as well as future demand for the consulting services. TRANSMISSION EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL RICE PRICE VOLATILITY ON CHINA MARKET Majid PRAMANIK, Lu QIAN .........................................................................................................134 Key words: Rice, Price, International, China, market Abstract: This paper aimed to make an empirical understanding on relationship between domestic and international rice markets on price volatility and their transmission effect by using error correction model and vector autoregressive model. The study carried out by using monthly data from February 2006 to March 2011. The results showed that the long term fluctuation of domestic rice price is mostly caused by inflation. In the short term, the variability of world rice price is the Granger cause of domestic rice fluctuation. When domestic rice price departs from equilibrium price by suffering some distraction then it will converge towards equilibrium state by an opposite force. World rice price affects domestic rice price through foreign trade and futures way has a more prominent transmission effect to domestic rice price.



    IMPACT OF FARMERS MANAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS ON TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF RICE FARM IN BANGLADESH Mita BAGCHI, Yao SHUNBO .........................................................................................................142 Key words: Technical efficiency, scale efficiency, managerial characteristics, rice farm, Bangladesh. Abstract: This study aims to estimate technical efficiency and scale efficiency of rice farm in Bangladesh using the computer program FRONTIER 2.1. Estimation is carried out by detailed primary data collected for 100 rice farms in 11 villages. Variation in technical efficiency also explained by some managerial and farm characteristics. The result revealed that the mean technical efficiency 0.77, suggest that farmers have the opportunities to increase the output or decreases the inputs, given the existing technology and resource in the study areas and majority of farm are operation on decreasing returns to scale. Moreover, the farmer who have contact with agricultural extension workers and more managerial experience and concern for maintaining the environment are associated with higher level of technical efficiency while increasing farm size and education negatively influence the technical efficiency. Empirical findings suggest that policy should be taken to improve farmers education level and strengthen the extension service and farmers training program to increase the technical efficiency. LEACHABILITY AND SPECIATION OF HEAVY METALS AND FLUORINE IN ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE SLAG Xiang ZHANG, Guojun MA, Chenhui WANG .........................................................................................................149 Key words: EAF steelmaking slag, heavy metals, fluorine, chemical speciation, leachability Abstract: The leachability and speciation of heavy metals and fluorine in the EAF steelmaking slags were studied. The results show that most abundant elements in EAF stainless steel (SS) slag are Si, Mg and Ca, while the main components of EAF carbon steel (CS) slag is silicon, iron, magnesium and calcium oxides. The contents of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg and Ni) in these slags are less than 0.4 %. The major minerals of EAF slags are slicates. The F-bearing phases and Ca3TiFe2O8 are also found in EAF SS slag, while Ca2Fe2O5 is present in EAF CS slag. The leachable elements (Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni and F) are lower than the relative national limits in the HJ/T299-2007 test and TCLP test, separately. Only the leachable Hg content is higher than the regulative value in the HJ/T299-2007 test, which shows that these EAF slags are harmful solid wastes. Moreover, most of Cr, Hg, Ni and F are present in the matrix of EAF SS slag, and hard to mobile, while Zn is mainly associated to organic matter and sulfides, or bound to spinel group minerals and silicates. In the EAF CS slag, most of the heavy metals are bound to spinel group minerals and silicates. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATIONS TRENDS IN METALLURGY SUBFIELDS WITHIN STANDARDIZATION PLATFORM ivadin MICI, Neboja STANKOVI .........................................................................................................154 Key words: metallurgy, innovations trend, knowledge, subfield, standardization Abstract: The paper presents an original approach to ranking/clustering of standardized subfields presented on examples of innovation trends in metallurgy. A multi-criteria statistical analysis of knowledge database units was applied in the paper. A number of objectives have been realized on innovation pathways, both globally (ISO) and locally (SRPS standard designation in Serbia), and initial hypotheses in PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology have been confirmed. Based on standardized quantities and values of knowledge database units, ranking/clustering indices were checked within standardized metallurgy subfields. Web-applications for analysis and singling out of samples from the entire Web-population (local (SRPS) and global (ISO) standardization) served as software support to statistical methodology. Original regression equations with accompanying indices of quantity, knowledge database values and ranking, given on examples within the field of metallurgy were developed. Study results aim at a more sensitive ranking of all classified fields of human endeavor, from the standpoint of innovation frequency..

    FRAMEWORK FOR ETOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN LIBYA Milad Salem MOKRAF .........................................................................................................161 Key words: Framework, e-Tourism, Development, Libya Abstract: Libya has competitive advantages such as location in North Africa and Southern Europe, its climate is mild most of the year, and it has got long beach about 2000 km, archaeology, mountains and deserts. All of these have been neglected because Libya relayed on oil as a major source of GDP to finance the public treasury and this led to a lack of revenue from other sectors as sources of finance specially the tourism sector. The efforts to promote tourism and especially e-tourism is not sufficient because the tourism industry faces enormous challenges, mostly related to the lack of a clear strategy for tourism development, the results of war in Libya and the dramatic changes in the Libyan foreign policy and an unemployment of 13%. This article studies the challenges facing Libya in the tourism sector and proposing the workable model to overcome them. Framework for e-tourism development to enable Libya to be an international tourist destination, as the first choice for tourists and investors in the region, has also been given. The article concludes that despite of Libyan tourism advantages there are major issues such as how to provide appropriate prices, high quality products, integrated programs for tour operators, access to international tourism media, branding, integrated electronic services and other challenges that should be overcome by integrated program for the development of e- tourism in Libya. THE IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN IMPROVING THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN SERBIA Sandra NESIC, Marija DZUNIC, Branka DRASKOVIC .........................................................................................................166 Key words: leadership, corporate governance, business environment, public sector, organizational culture Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to emphasize importance of effective leadership and corporate governance for companies and societies, especially under the influence of economic crisis. Recent researches in global companies point to a strong need for effective leaders who have a role on development of innovation and improvements of business models and strategies, as the economic crisis has caused a crisis of leadership too. In the case of Serbia, business leadership is still prevailing traditional; hence it is necessary to modernize leadership and achieve and greater flexibility. As in the present conditions, the role of corporate governance is very prominent, for firms in Serbia and in general, it is crucial to establish good corporate governance practices. Equally as real sector, public administration should and must find a way to meet the challenges of contemporary work and business. Our research points to necessary changes in leadership and governance practice in both sector in order to achieve better business climate,as well as more concerns about organizational culture that is more flexible and in tune with modern business practices. THE OPTIMAL CHOICE OF LIGHT BULBS ON THE SERBIAN MARKET Malia IOVI, Nada DAMLJANOVI, Momilo VUJII, Nemanja JAKI

    .........................................................................................................170 Key words: energy saving bulbs, criterion, decision. Abstract: In this paper, we have applied the Lattice multicriteria decision making procedure to the comparison of some types of energy saving bulbs with similar characteristics of 20W . The samples were collected in the market offer of one town in Serbia. These samples of bulbs were evaluated with respect to the brightness, lifespan and price, and the best alternative (best choice) is determined. EFFECT OF REFINING SLAG COMPOSITION AND TEMPERATURE ON SULFIDE CAPACITY Lefei SUN, Fuming WANG .........................................................................................................173 Key words: sulfide capacity, refining slag, sulfur, molten steel temperature



    Abstract: In the present study, the sulfide capacity of refining slag of high strength steel with effects of temperature and composition was investigated. Twenty-one samples were analyzed which were taken from 7 heats at 1843K,1863K and 1883K,respectively, And The obtained results show that the sulfide capacity was increasing as temperature increase at 1843K-1883K, which increase more between 1863K-1883K. The value of W(CaO+MgO)/W(SiO2+Al2O3)can truly express the influence of refining slag composition on sulfide capacity. Cs and Al2O3 have an inverse relationship at T=1843K-1863K with W(CaO)/(SiO2) = 4-8. Rational content of W(Al2O3) in slag is 18-22%. MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR FAST COMPUTATION OF EROSION PROFILE IN SUBMERGED ARC FURNACE WITH FREEZE LINING Dong HU, Shaojun CHU .........................................................................................................179 Key words: Submerged arc furnace, freeze lining, erosion profile, boundary element method. Abstract: Lining of submerged arc furnace is subject to chemical and physical erosion during smelting process. In this paper, a new 2D mathematical model is developed for monitoring the erosion profile of freeze lining in submerged arc furnace which is used for smelting ferronickel. Temperatures monitored by thermocouples at different positions of refractory are utilized for solving an inverse heat conduction problem, namely estimating the shape and location of the wear-line in melting furnace. In order to solve this inverse problem, the optimization procedure which is used to minimize the sum of the squared residual between calculated and measured temperature at different thermocouple locations should be executed with the aim to enhance computational efficiency. Temperatures at thermocouples locations are calculated by Boundary Element Method. Modified simplex optimization method is employed. The result obtained from numerical experiments indicates that this algorithm could reduce the computational memory and time, at the same time improve the computational accuracy. Furthermore, thermal conductivity of the refractory in freeze lining may decrease after smelting for a period of time. This is mainly due to refractories has experienced the high and low temperature cycle for many times. The accuracy in computation of erosion profile will be affected either. The influence degree is also discussed in this paper INFLUENCE OF INTERMEDIATE BILLET THICKNESS ON TEXTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTY OF 50W1300 NON-ORIENTED ELECTRICAL STEEL Shaojie WU Li XIANG Chen ZHANG Shengtao QIU .........................................................................................................185 Key words: non-oriented electrical steel; intermediate billet thickness; texture Abstract: The intermediate billet thickness of 50W1300 cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel produced by thick slab casting process in Xinyu Steel has been studied. The results show that: when the intermediate billet thickness is 38mm, it is helpful to increase favorable texture and decrease unfavorable texture volume fraction, which can reduce the core loss and improve the magnetic induction intensity. This paper summarizes texture characteristics and evolution law of 50W1300 cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel produced by thick slab casting process. The texture distribution is uneven along the thickness direction of hot rolled plate, and the texture type in center layer is mainly anti-Gauss {100} component. Texture types of cold rolled plate along thickness direction are basically the same and they are mainly and fibre textures. From cold rolling to the final recrystallization annealing, the texture intensity decreases gradually. Texture types in annealed sheet are mainly fibre textures which mainly gather in {111}. INFLUENCE OF LA2O3 TO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FREE-FLUORIDE CASTING POWDER CONTAINING B2O3 Guo JIANG, Lu XIN .........................................................................................................193 Key words: La2O3; free-fluoride casting powder; crystallization property; slag membrane heat transfer.

    Abstract: The paper researched that how Fluorine free mould protect Slag crystallization property When slag basicity (CaO/SiO2) is 0.9,ingredient of 2736.47CaO-3040.5SiO2-4Al2O3-5MgO-8Na2O-2LiO-4B2O3 and the quantity of La2O3 increases from 0 to 20%, Research shows that La2O3 has the ability to increase thickness, crystallization ratio and crystallization temperature of slag, It also can reduce the melting temperature of the Molten slag and improve heat transfer ability of Crystallizer effectively FORMATION OF ALGORITHMS REENGINEERING THROUGH THE BLOCK DIAGRAMS IN THE TRANSITIONAL ECONOMY CONDITIONS WITH FOCUS ON MANAGEMENT IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Slobodan STEFANOVIC, Radoje CVEJIC, Vladan VUCIC .........................................................................................................197 Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises, re-engineering, algorithm, economic parameters. Abstract: The model formation previous analysis of economic parameterswhith whome will be made algorithm model reengineering whith using their influence parameters blocks in small and medium enterprises. In this way, in other word, application of this type of algorithm will be presented a methodology to transform number of input data into a new high-quality input data. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR FRUIT USING ECONOMIC MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL DECISION-MAKING IN BUSINESS Dejan DJURIC, dragana DJURIC, Jelena SIMIC .........................................................................................................205 Key words: internal and external equilibrium, Serbia external debt, economic policy; Abstract: Production and processing of fruit is a profitable activity because of favorable conditions for the majority of the continental fruits and growing demand in domestic and international markets. Commercial systems for fruit are among the most complex food production systems that must meet a series of technical, technological, hygienic, economic and other conditions. Serbia operates a relatively large number of companies whose main activity is production and processing of fruits. In the present conditions that are characterized by unstable production and even greater oscillations in the market, lack of raw material and financial resources proper choice of production is coming increasingly to the fore. Application of modern mathematical and statistical methods is one way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business systems. The basic idea is to optimize the production quantity is available and determine the optimal distribution of raw materials such range of products which will provide the maximum net income. This paper has been formulated general theoretical and mathematical model aimed at defining the product structure, which will provide the largest economic effects of fulfilling all the conditions (constraints). Comparative analysis of model variants come to the conclusion that a combination of types and categories of fruit pulp in the circumstances most favorable for processing. Confirmed that the type and category of fruit processing influence the production orientation, range and movement of business results. Based on the results of the postoptimal analysis enables timely decision making and the changing structure of production to achieve the maximum net income. Ti-6Al-4V SURFACE ALLOYING BY TIG PROCESS WITH DEPOSITION OF BORON CARBIDE Hamid PAYANDEH, Mohammad Hussein ZADEH .........................................................................................................210 Key words: Ti-6Al-4V Alloy; surface alloying; TIG process; Titanium Boride; Boron Carbide Powder. Abstract: In this study, for the Titanium alloy surface alloying the process of Tungsten Inert Gas arc welding (TIG) was used. So that, the Boron carbide powder (B4C) with sodium silicate binder that was pre-coated on the sample surface, and treated by the TIG process. Microstructure of alloying layer was studied by Optical Microscope of Nikon Epiphot Japan and as well as Scanning Electron Microscope of VEGA\\TESCAN equipped with EDX analysis. The



    chemical composition was determined using X-Ray diffraction which indicates formation of Titanium Boride hard phases in the form of TiB, Ti2B5 and saturated Boron carbide with combination of B8C. Also, the results of the surface micro hardness test using Future Tech _FM_700 shows that the production of hard phases on the surface increases the surface hardness and wear resistance to about three and a half times. PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION PROCEDURES OF ALUMOTHERMIC RAIL WELDING Dragoljub MILENKOVI, ivoslav ADAMOVI, Danijela ZLATKOVI, Miodrag KRSTI .........................................................................................................216 Key words: whole body vibration, forklift, exposure limit value, exposure action value Abstract: The most widely used welding method on our railways today is alumothermic welding of rails. Therefore, the entire process of welding was analyzed in this paper, as well as the material necessary for the procedure, failures during the procedure and testing of welded rail joints using ultra sound. HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS: TRENDS AND ADVANTAGES Gizela TANGL UNJAR, Agne SLAVI, Nemanja BERBER .........................................................................................................222 Key words: resource management, information system, Central Eastern Europe, Cranet Abstract: The application of information system for HRM (HRIS) enables systematic processes for collecting, storing, maintaining, and recovering data required by the organizations about their human resources, their activities and organizational characteristics. In this paper author made theoretical analysis of HRIS accompanied by empirical data analysis of Cranet data for Central Eastern Europe (CEE), from research period 2008/2010. Main goal of this research was to emphasize the advantages and limitations of HRIS but also the usage of HRIS for main HR practices in mentioned region. Methodology used in the research included exploration of the Cranet questionnaire, sample of CEE organizations and statistic techniques, trough the application of the program SPSS Version 17 and Microsoft Office Excel. TRANSPORTATION OF ORE BY BELT CONVEYORS WITH AN APPLICATION OF CONVEYOR IMPACT PLATES Gabriel FEDORKO, Vieroslav MOLNAR, Michal WEISZER, Martin HUDAK .........................................................................................................226 Key words: analysis, belt conveying, metallurgy, ore, impact plate Abstract: This paper analyses in detail the effect of the speed of ore which is transported by belt conveyors in the metallurgical industry on the angle of impact, rebound, speed during the impact and after the rebound. The analysis is focused on the specific solution in which a vertical conveyor impact plate transfer is used in the continuous transportation of siderite. It determines the input parameters and solves the output parameters taking into account further possibilities of optimization of the impact plate angle. PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTION STATE MONITORING IN BLAST FURNACE RACEWAY BASED ON MACHINE VISION Xing-lan ZHANG, Qi OUYANG, Wanhong LI

    .........................................................................................................229 Key words: pulverized coal combustion; radiation measurement; machine vision; blast furnace Raceway. Abstract: At present, many devices are used to realize non-contact radiation measurement for pulverized coal combustion flame. Whenever the body to be controlled behaves as grey body or a body of known emissivity system, all devices inferring the true temperature from the body radiation are accurate and reliable. On the other hand, the emissivity of pulverized coal combustion flame is uncertain because of the influence of raceway shape, physical chemistry, working states, temperature and spectral et al, emissivity compensations need to be done, or else the result will lead to big deviation. Furthermore, the saturation of the CCD sensor will be appeared during high temperature measurement process. In this paper, a real-time bicolor system is more likely to be utilized. For all

    other cases, a multi-spectral system of two CCD cameras based on machine vision has been built and used in pulverized coal combustion flame measurement and working state monitoring for blast furnace. A FAST IMAGE MATCHING ALGORITHM AND THE APPLICATION ON STEEL-LABEL RECOGNITION Pei YAO, Fei DENG, CongCong SHU .........................................................................................................234 Key words: image matching, ring-projection, steel-label recognition, similarity Abstract: This paper presents a kind of image matching algorithm based on two steps matching process. This algorithm could measure the similarity between two images fast and accurately. In the first stage, the color ring-projection transforms the 2-D color image contained in a circular window into 1-D color signals as a function of radius .In the second stage process, a rotation invariance moments based on a set of complex polynomials are used to determine the final similarity. The proposed algorithm has shown promising result based on the experiments on steel-label recognition. It has a good robust performance and excellent computational efficiency FUNCTIONS THAT CAUSATIVE AFFECTS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF REENGINEERING FROM THE ASPECT OF GENERAL FINANCIAL PARAMETERS Slobodan STEFANOVIC, Radoje CVEJIC, Dusko KOSTIC .........................................................................................................240 Key words: Reengineering, small and medium enterprises, financial parameters, business functions. Abstract: This paper work includes general financial parameters of small and medium enterprises which causal influence on the implementation of reengineering in transition economies through: management processes, Luirao marketing functions, functions of scientific research, the function of management approach in planning production, development and control aspects of business operations with the economic and financial effects. Based on these parameters the financial analysis of major economic indicators of application of reengineering in small and medium enterprises is shown. IMPROVEMENT OF THE REQUISITION PROCESS WITH THE APPLICATION OF LEAN METHODS AND TOOLS Milan RADOEVI, Slobodan RADIEV, Marko CARI, Vladimir JOVANOVI, Marija JOVANOVI .........................................................................................................247 Key words: lean, VSM, JIT, pull system, process improvement Abstract: To ensure efficient and effective execution of all work processes within the production or service systems, among which are also and institutions of higher education - colleges, it is necessary to organize the work processes to meet a high level of efficiency and that the relationship between the working process enables integration in single unit, all in the aim of achieving the goal. In order to achieve this goal sometimes it is necessary re-engineering of the process and the application of specific approaches such as Lean concept. Each organizational structure consists of eight integrated functions such as the functions of management, development, marketing, manufacturing, commercial operations, financial management, human resources, logistics and regardless of whether it is a manufacturing or service organization. In this paper it was shown the application of certain lean methods such as just-in-time (JIT), pull systems and lean tools such as value stream mapping (VSM) for commercial function on the faculty, precisely for process of requisition of resources for the work as one of the sub-process of the entire procurement process. JOB SATISFACTION OF SLOVENIAN PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OVER TIME: THE CASE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Nina TOMAEVI, Janko SELJAK, Aleksander ARISTOVNIK .........................................................................................................251 Key words: job satisfaction, public employee, Slovenia, reward system, promotion system.



    Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to examine the results of a job satisfaction survey of employees in the Police Service in Slovenia, compared and analyzed from data collected in surveys conducted in 2002, 2009 and 2012. The analysis focuses on the impact of demographic characteristics on perceived job satisfaction at different levels of hierarchy. In a 10-year period the biggest drop in perceived satisfaction involved the possibility of performing work autonomously, the promotion system, the relationships among the staff. Compared to 2002 in 2012 Police employees were more satisfied with working hours, the leadership style in their organizational unit and job location. The 2012 analysis showed that most employees would like to see changes in the reward system and in working conditions (premises/equipment). Compared to all police employees, the traffic police employees are the least satisfied in terms of most facets. RESEARCH OF SOLDERING SILICON SUBSTRATE WITH SOLDERS TYPE Sn-Ag-Ti Roman KOLEK, Michal PRACH .........................................................................................................260 Key words: active solder, S-Bond, shear strength, ultrasonic soldering Abstract: The work deals with soldering of silicon substrate with active solders designated S-Bond 220-1, 220-50 and 220-M. Soldering was performed with power ultrasound in the air without flux application at temperature 250 to 280 C. The results of EDX analysis have shown that active elements as Ti, Ce and Mg support wetting of Si substrate and thus assure the joint formation. Strength of joints was studied by shear test. The highest strength was achieved with S-Bond 220-1 solder. The strength of joints fabricated with S-bond solders on Si substrate varied from 23 to 38 MPa. THE USE OF ETHICAL HACKING IN ACTIVE FORENSIC INVESTIGATION Igor FRANC, Gojko GRUBOR, Angelina NJEGU .........................................................................................................265 Key words: Digital Forensic, Hacking, Virtual Environment Abstract: In this work the valuable definition of hacking is implied. In the context of justified applica