Metalanguage .

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Transcript of Metalanguage .

• Metalanguage

Post-structuralism - Barthes and the need for metalanguage

1 Barthes exposes how this structuralist system is regressive;

orders of language rely upon a metalanguage by which it is

explained, and therefore deconstruction itself is in danger of

becoming a metalanguage, thus exposing all languages and discourse

to scrutiny

Metalogic - Metalanguage–Object language

1 In metalogic, formal languages are sometimes called object languages. The

language used to make statements about an object language is called a metalanguage. This distinction is a key difference between logic and metalogic. While logic deals with

proofs in a formal system, expressed in some formal language, metalogic deals with

proofs about a formal system which are expressed in a metalanguage about some

object language.

Viable System Model - Metalanguage

1 This defines a metalanguage stack of increasing capability to resolve

undecidable problem|undecidability in the autonomous lower levels. If

someone near process level needs to innovate to achieve potential, or restore capability, help can be

secured from management of higher variety.

Meta language - Types of metalanguage

1 There is a variety of recognized metalanguages, including

embedded, ordered, and nested (or, hierarchical).

Meta language - Embedded metalanguage

1 it is in the nature of any formalization of number theory that its

metalanguage is embedded within it.”.Douglas Hofstadter|Hofstadter,


Meta language - Ordered metalanguage

1 An 'ordered metalanguage' is analogous to ordered logic. An

example of an ordered metalanguage is the construction of one

metalanguage to discuss an object language, followed by the creation of another metalanguage to discuss the

first, etc.

Meta language - Nested metalanguage

1 The paradigmatic example of a nested metalanguage comes from the Scientific classification|Linnean

taxonomic system in biology

Meta language - Metalanguages in natural language

1 Since all these metalanguages are sublanguages of L0 they are all

embedded languages with respect to the language as a whole

Meta language - Metalanguages in natural language

1 Metalanguages of formal systems all resolve ultimately to natural

language, the 'common parlance' in which mathematicians and logicians converse to define their terms and

operations and 'read out' their formulae.

Meta language - Types of expressions in a metalanguage

1 There are several entities commonly expressed in a metalanguage. In

logic usually the object language that the metalanguage is discussing is a formal language, and very often the

metalanguage as well.

Natural Semantic Metalanguage

1 The 'natural semantic metalanguage (NSM)' is a linguistic theory based on the

conception of Polish professor Andrzej Bogusławski. The leading proponents of the

theory are Anna Wierzbicka at Warsaw University and later at the Australian

National University who originated the theory in the early 1970s (Wierzbicka 1972),

and Cliff Goddard at Australia's Griffith University (Goddard Wierzbicka 1994,


Natural Semantic Metalanguage - Approach

1 Languages studied in the NSM-framework include English language|English, Russian language|Russian, Polish language|Polish,

French language|French, Spanish language|Spanish, Malay language|Malay, Japanese

language|Japanese, Chinese language|Chinese, Korean language|Korean, Ewe language|Ewe

and East Cree,The natural semantic metalanguage approach, in Bernd Heine and Heiko Narrog (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of

Linguistic Analysis (2009) Oxford: Oxford University Press

Natural Semantic Metalanguage - Semantic primitives

1 It is very important to realize that some of the exponents in the

following list have meanings in English that are not shared with

other languages, but when used as an exponent in the Natural Semantic

Metalanguage, we are only concerned with the meanings that

are universal.

Natural Semantic Metalanguage - Semantic primitives

1 The English language|English exponents of semantic

primitivesNatural Semantic Metalanguage: The state of the art, in C. Goddard (ed.) Cross-Linguistic

Semantics (2008), p.33.

Zellig Harris - Metalanguage and notational systems

1 Natural language demonstrably contains its own metalanguage, in

which we talk about language itself.Harris 1968:17, 1982:90-91. Any other means for talking about

language, such as logical notations, depends upon our prior shared

'common parlance' for our learning and interpreting it.Even


Zellig Harris - Metalanguage and notational systems

1 To describe language, or to write a grammar, we cannot rely upon metalinguistic resources outside of that intrinsic metalanguage,Harris 1991:31-32, 274-278; 1988:35-37 for any system in which we

could identify the elements and meanings of a given language would have to have already the

same essential structure of words and sentences as the language to be described.Harris 1988:3

There is no way to define or describe the language and its occurrences except in such statements said in that same language or in

another natural language

Zellig Harris - Metalanguage and notational systems

1 Any metalinguistic notions, representations, or notational

conventions that are not stateable in metalanguage assertions of the

language itself import complexity that is not intrinsic to language,

obscuring its true character


1 Expressions in a metalanguage are often distinguished from those in an object language by the use of italics,

quotation marks, or writing on a separate line.

Semantic primes - Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM)

1 Likewise can any complex semantic sentence in English be paraphrased reductively to the core words and

syntax of the natural semantic metalanguage

Semantic primes - Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM)

1 Conceivably, if the dictionary of meaning descriptions of each

language was reductively paraphrased in the text of its natural

semantic metalanguage, and that natural semantic metalanguage was

translated to a common natural semantic metalanguage for all

natural languages, it would greatly reduce language barriers.