Met Morphed Form of Caste Discrimination

Met morphed form of Caste Discrimination India is no exception to it being a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingu istic and multi-cultural society. Diversity of all kind is the very soul of India. In an exact way Diversity along with discrimination is also a common feature of India. People may justify that discrimination as diversity. The past and present of the native people’s vista provide evidence, India is cherishing in discrimination rather than diversity. An inh uma ne sys tem of str ati fyi ng the societ y in to too many pie ces with a sin gle point agend a of exploitation. Justifying the same with baseless irrational, practices, culture religion and many dare to amalgamate the same with nationality. This is an attempt to give an idea about suppression of people in the name of caste and religion. Point of discussion is to locate whether the caste and religion are separate or one and the same? Is there any  provision of caste conversion same as religious conversions? Do the constitution guarantees equality to all or to a few people? Societies all over the world are socially stratified but they vary in the ways in which inequality is structured. To categorize different forms of stratification systems sociologists most frequently examine the way resources such as wealth, power, and prestige are acquired in society. In some societies, such valued resources are acquired on the basis of achievement or merit. In others, these resources are accorded to individuals on the basis of ascribed, not achieved, characteristics. One is born into them or inherits them, regardless of individual abilities or skills. Caste system which was handiwork of the God (Gods) Manu, Krishna (Chatur varnam maya srastam) is the most heinous form of stratification. Which is the most pitiful condition in the world? Depending for food on those who treats you not even like a creature. This was the modus operandi behind so called god’s stratification. What is a Religion? According to Barc “A religion is a base for democratic society”.1  In Durkheimian terms, a religion gradually emerges as the members of a particular tribe or society build a system of beliefs and rites that bind them.2 However, the main reference is Marcus Tullius Cicero, who lived in the first century BCE. In his De  Natura Deorum (The Nature of Gods) (2, 72), the concept of religion was linked to the Latin verb rel ege re, to rer ead , read ove r, to rea d repeat edl y; to con sider something wi th dil ige nce ; to check constantly what is important for the correct veneration of the gods.  The encyclopedia of sociology defines religion as a term of Latin origin religare, that is, to tie, attach, unite, or conjoi n. This meaning suggests a relati onship, a bond, but al so an obli gati on, a commit men t, or a submis sio n. Major fun cti ons of any rel igi ons sho uld be pro vid ing rel igi ous exper ience , promo ting social solid arity , unit y and identity , conve rsing the value s of life , enhan cing welfare, and as an agent of social change. Here the Sanatana, Vidika or Hindu (the term which was coined by the Muslim invaders) religion nowhere matches with the above said definitions. In fact it is the only religion in the whole universe whic h promo tes and susta ins inequal ities in the society. The Veda s, the Upanisha ds, the Puran as and varna vyavastha which are the fundamentals of Hinduism, all plunk for stratifying the society but not uniting, attaching, bonding up.

Transcript of Met Morphed Form of Caste Discrimination

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