Messages From God the Father

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  • 8/3/2019 Messages From God the Father






    hen the Pharisees heard that

    Jesus had silenced the Sadducees,

    they assembled in a body; and one

    o them, a lawyer, in an attempt to

    trip Him up, asked Him, Teacher, which command-

    ment o the law is the greatest?

    Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your

    God with your whole heart, with your whole soul,and with all your mind. This is the greatest and

    frst commandment. The second is like it: You

    shall love your neighbor as yoursel. On these two

    commandments the whole law is based, and the

    prophets as well.

    Matthew 22:34-40

    (Cover photo of the sky over Maranatha Spring andShrine was taken by a pilgrim visiting the Shrine.)


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    June 28, 1999

    I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have cometo speak to you about the virtue o love. Holy Love

    is, as you know, the two great commandments: loveGod above all else and your neighbor as yoursel.

    It is the embrace o all Ten Commandments. HolyLove is the Immaculate Heart o My Mother. It is the

    Divine Will o God.

    Holy Love can be likened to the sun, which spills

    its rays over the earth enlightening the shadowso darkness. It is like the keys to the kingdom I

    entrusted to My apostle Peter. It is the door to My

    Sacred Heart and union with Divine Love.Holy Love is the harmony between man, nature,

    and the Creator. It is the interpretation o the law and

    the means o all sanctication.The will o man must choose Holy Love. It is

    not open to debate, and stands undaunted in the

    ace o discernment. Holy Love cannot be judged,

    or it is the judge.

    Holy Love is oered in every present moment

    and ollows the soul into eternity.You will make this known.

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    Is motivated towards sel-

    advantage in thought, word and


    Sees only others aults, not

    his own. Considers himsel on

    the right pathperhaps even

    humble and virtuous.

    Holds a checklist in his heart

    o every wrong perpetrated

    against him.

    Is quick to anger and stands

    vig i l over h is own r ights

    making certain they are not


    Hangs on to his own opinions

    reusing to surrender to another


    Takes pr ide in h is own

    achievements. May even take

    pride in his spiritual progress.

    Is motivated in every thought,

    word, and action by love o God

    and neighbor as sel.

    Sees himsel ull o imperections.

    Is always seeking to be perected

    through love. Considers everyone

    more humble and holy than


    Imitates Divine Mercy as best

    he can. Is compassionate and


    Is patient. Takes notes o others

    needs and concerns.

    Oers his own opinions but

    listens to others and lends them

    equal merit with his own.

    Realizes all things proceed

    rom God; that without God he

    is capable o no good thing. All

    good comes rom grace.

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    (Given to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle byBlessed Mother on August 18, 1997)

    Sees himsel and the world

    as the be-all/end-all. His only

    pleasure is thus achieved though

    the world.

    Uses the goods o the world to

    satisy sel.

    Objects to every cross. Sees

    trials as a curse. Resents others

    good ortune.

    Prays only or himsel and his

    own needs.

    Cannot accept Gods Will.

    Becomes bitter over trials.

    Takes joy in storing up heavenly

    treasure; in growing closer to God

    and deeper in holiness. Knows

    the dierence between earthly

    pleasures and spiritual joy.

    Uses the goods o the world to

    satisy quest or holiness.

    Surrenders to the cross through

    love as Jesus did. Sees crosses

    as a grace to be used to convert


    Prays or all in need.

    Accepts Gods Will with a loving

    heart even when dicult.

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  • 8/3/2019 Messages From God the Father


    Messages from

    God the Father

    Messages to the Visionary,

    Maureen Sweeney-KyleSeptember 7, 1996 June 1, 2008

    Archangel Gabriel Enterprises, Inc.

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    This booklet containsmessages given to the Visionary,Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, by God the Father.All messagesare posted on our website at:

    Current Canonical Explanation:

    Response to Apparitions and Visionaries

    for Roman Catholics

    Since the abolition o Canon 1399 and 2318 o the ormerCode o Canon Law by Paul VI in AAS58 (1966) page1186, publications about new apparitions, revelation,prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed to bedistributed and read by the aithul without the expresspermission o the Church, providing that they contain

    nothing which contravenes aith and morals. This means,no imprimatur is necessary.

    The Discernment o Visionaries and Apparitions Today

    by Albert J. Hebert, S.M., Page III

    Published by:2008 Archangel Gabriel Enterprises Inc.Elyria, OH 44039 All rights reserved

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    About the Apparitions ..................................................9

    Messages rom God the Father .................................13

    Novena to God the Father .........................................45

    Additional Resources .................................................47


    Sel-Love vs. Holy Love (table) ....................................2

    Visionarys Visit with Pope John Paul II .....................10

    The Chambers o the United Hearts o theHoly Trinity and Immaculate Mary .............................11

    The Complete Image o the United Hearts o theHoly Trinity and Immaculate Mary .............................12

    Image o Mary, Reuge o Holy Love .........................48

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  • 8/3/2019 Messages From God the Father



    About The Apparitions

    Since 1985, Jesus and Blessed Mother have beenappearing to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle on an almostdaily basis and have given her a series o missions toaccomplish.


    NOTE:On August 28, 1988, Our Lady came as Guardiano the Faith to Visionary, Patricia Talbot, o Cuenca,Ecuador, in South America. In 1991, the Bishops oIbarra and Guayaquil in Ecuador approved the movementwhich contains the name Guardian o the Faith and thusimplicitly the title.

    19901993PROJECT MERCY

    (Nationwide Anti-Abortion Rosary Crusades)


    The combined Revelations o MARY, REFUGE OF HOLYLOVE and the CHAMBERS OF THE UNITED HEARTS.In 1993, Our Lady asked that this Mission be known asHOLY LOVE MINISTRIES.

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    Maureen Sweeney-Kyle is a very shy, timid and rail

    housewie and grandmother. She grew up and stillresides in the Cleveland, Ohio area with her husband.In 1993, Our Lady began Holy Love Ministries andthen requested that the Ministry procure property or ashrine in Lorain County, Ohio. This was accomplished in1995. This 115-acre shrine is now known as MaranathaSpring and Shrine, the home o Holy Love Ministries,

    an Ecumenical Lay Apostolate to make known to theworld the Chambers o the United Hearts.

    Spiritual Director:

    Over the past twenty years, Maureen has had our spiritualdirectors who have been experts in Marian Theology.

    On the joyul occasion

    o the visit by thevisionary, Maureen

    Sweeney-Kyle, with

    Pope John Paul II inAugust o 1999. Her

    husband, Don (lower

    r ight ) , ArchbishopGabriel Ganaka (top

    left), and Rev. Frank

    Kenney, her Spiritual Director (1994-2004) (top center),

    accompanied her on the visit.

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    The Door to Each Chamber is

    Deeper Surrender to Love the Divine Will

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    Messages From God The Father

    September 7, 1996

    Listen! From the beginning unto the end I Am WhoAm. I call rom the burning bush and rom the peak oSinai to love. None shall prevail against this Message. Theery pit is the absence o all love. Heaven is possessedby those who love. Heaven is love in its ullest. I sent My

    Son to bring love back into the world. Now My Son issending His Mother.

    December 28, 1996

    Eternal Father: My daughter, in you I want to paintthe perect image o love, so that those who come toyou will be convicted by this virtue. Love is the regalvirtuethe crown o glory. No virtue subsists outside olove. Love and mercy are one. So as this is the Age oMy Divine Mercy, it is also the Age o Holy Love. Thesetwo are not side by side, but unitedjust as the Heartso Jesus and Mary are united. The unction o love is todraw the soul into My Mercy. Herein, lies the blueprint

    or conversion.

    September 21, 2000

    I am God the Father, Creator o Heaven and earth,Creator o Jesus born Incarnate**, Creator o all sexuality.I created each soul to pursue chastity, or this is according

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    to My Commandments. The human body is created togive lie and not lust.

    The virtue o chastity is not one like patience or

    humility which through time, eort, and grace comes toperection. No, the chaste soul must always live this virtueperectly, or any ailure in purity is a sin. Like orgiveness,chastity cannot be practiced in portion, but must beobserved always.

    As in any virtue, chastity must be observed inthought, word, and deed.

    Each soul has been created to share Heaven withMe. No one reaches the Heart o this Eternal Fatherthrough lustul thoughts, words, or actions. These are allinspired by My adversary.

    No one is childlike and at the same time unchaste. Itis only the childlike who enter the Kingdom o Heaven.

    Make this known.

    **NOTE from Rev. Frank Kenney, S.M.:According toPope Paul VI in an address June 30, 1968 on the topicThe Credo of the People of God Jesus was born ofthe Father before time began, and through the Father...all things were madethat is, created, which includesOur Lords humanity. One birth was from all eternity,impossible for us mortals to totally comprehend, while theother birth happened in time and is well-documented.

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    October 4, 2000

    I am Lord o the morning and Keeper o the night. Ix the sun, the moon, and the stars in their place. I spill

    the rain rom Heaven to nourish the earth. I press the chillagainst your cheek when you arise. Unnumbered are themiracles o My creation. I am the Eternal Father, Patriarcho all generations. I Am Who Am.

    Thus shall you remember Me and depend uponMetrusting all the while in My Divine Provision whichalls upon all mankind as dew upon the tender grass. As

    the world was created by a perect Hand, learn to lookor My perection in every present moment. The tapestryI weave or each soul is unprecedented, the opportunitieso grace abundant and irreproachable. I draw you into thesecret-most Chambers o My Sons Eternal Heart.

    October 6, 2000

    I am the Eternal Father, Creator o the Universe. Itis I Who command the seasons. It is I Who call lie romthe earth in the spring. I Who bring orth the young andsucculent new lie. It is I Who renew the earth, and bringthe sot showers to wash away the dormant. I am in the

    strong wind that orces the clouds past the sun and lits

    the dry leaves o o tender new plants.I am in the summer, heating the air with My loving

    Breath so that all o nature bears ruit in due season.It is I, the Eternal Father, Who in the chill autumn

    night, paint every lea o all My trees in a perect pattern sothat when you arise you can marvel at My handiwork.

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    I am Lord over all the harvest, the grains o the elds,the ruits and vegetables. It is I Who bear them orththeplenty o My bounty.

    In the winter, once again, I give earth Her rest. Ichill the air and ll the sky with snowfakes, each one MyOwn Design. A hush alls over earth and or a momentMy Benevolent Heart can be elt to beat as My childrenawait the birth o My Only Begotten Son.

    On which season do I show My greatest avor? Onall, just as My plan or each soul is individual and perect

    in My Divine Will. I order all things mightily.

    September 28, 2001

    (After the 9/11 Terrorist Attack on the USA)

    I am God the Father, Creator o Heaven and earth.I reign over all creatures. My Kingdom is in every heartwho does My Will. I have created the saint and sinneralike. It is ree will that separates good rom evil. It is reewill which determines the uture o each soul and theuture o the world.

    I ask the world to hear and understand in their heartthat no war eort, no negotiation, no leader can bringpeace and security into the world unless My Divine Will

    is the block you build it upon.My Divine Will is Holy Love.

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    November 11, 2002

    Many times ater saying the Chaplet o the UnitedHearts, I see the United Hearts with rose petals alling

    rom them. This time during the vision I heard a voice say,I am Yahweh. I Am Who Am. I tell you it is by means othis devotion the hardened heart can be made suppliantand touched by grace.

    October 2, 2004 (At Adoration)

    I am Yahweh, God the Eternal Father, the Fathero All Nations. Everything is created by and through MyDivine Will. Every creature is made by My Hand to giveglory to My Name. Every creature is created in lovetogive love and to receive love in return.

    Every heart and all nations will receive theirjudgment according to their response to the Divine Love

    I oer. Harmony with the Divine Will dictates harmonywith one another.

    As Father o All Nations, I call every nation andall people to be reconciled with one another and live inaccord with My Divine Will which is Divine Love Itsel.

    The nations that accept My Lordship over them will

    not allow moral issues to become political issues. I speak

    o new lie in the womb present at conception, condoningsame sex marriages, and all the advanced technologywhich seeks to create lie, destroy lie and play God.

    Mankind has not been created to determine thebeginning and the end o lie, but to love Me abovethemselves and to love each other.

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    January 21, 2007

    As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a largeFlame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said: I am your

    Father in Heaven. All glory to the Holy Trinity.The graces I pour through the Heart o the

    Immaculata into the heart o humanity lie unprecedentedduring these times. Also unprecedented are the ways inwhich Satan challenges My best eorts.

    As I speak to you through the vision o this Flame oEternal Love, I speak to the world through the apparitions

    o the Immaculata, Her Son and many Saints. How readily,what I allow by way o these graces, the Messages aresummarily dismissed by those in whom I have entrustedauthority. How easy it is or Satan to short-circuit Myplans, My guidance, in the guise o discernment. Evenhere, where the spiritual journey leads the soul into MyDivine Will, Satan has encouraged a cloud o controversyand suspicion to hide the reality o Heavens intervention.You have oered up your reputation or the welare omany.

    Now I am asking you to lead souls into the Flame oEternal Love with renewed vehemence, or time as youknow it, is short. Trust that I, your Eternal Father, am more

    powerul than the enemy. I desire that the Remnant cometo Meto this Flame. I will protect them.

    Pray or courage and I will give you peace.

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    January 21, 2007

    As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, a largeFlame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said: I am God

    the Father. All praise be the Most Holy Trinity.See that I am the God o All Truth. It is only through

    truth a soul can reach eternal salvation. Understand, Mymessenger, that the war between good and evil is reallya war o truth against Satans lies.

    You can understand this most clearly by looking atchurch and world politics. In these two arenas, Satan

    portrays truth as the reedom to choose sin accordingto the dictates o your conscience. But the decisiono a conscience cannot stand against the Deposit oFaith. Man-made civil laws cannot justiy the breakingo My Commandments. Your only justication or anyaction is the Law o Love which I set beore you in theseMessages.

    Once again I tell you, I have come to unite Mychildren in the truth. It is mankind who separates anddivides when he opposes the truth. This is the subtlewedge.

    Understand that the enemy knows no boundariesaccording to position or title, but attacks all people and

    all nations. This is why I exert an ecumenical eort hereto attract all people and all nations to the truth o Holy

    and Divine Love.Make this known!

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    January 25, 2007

    God the Father appears as a large Flame. He says:I am God the Father. All praise be the Holy Trinity. I am

    the Eternal Good rom Whom all good emanates.During these times in which there is a crisis o

    conscience, you must make known these Messages oOur United Hearts. For this reason, the United HeartsRevelation has been made known during these latterdaysthat all hearts be united in love to Our UnitedHearts.

    I will send all the graceall the angels you needwhen you make the eort. I will give you courage andperseverance. I will give you circumstances and time inwhich to evangelize, or I am All Good. I Am Who Am.

    February 6, 2007

    I (Maureen) see a large Flame and hear a voice.I am the Eternal Father. In Me, there is no

    beginningno end. Yet, I am the Alpha and the Omega.I am omnipotent and omnipresent. I am the EternalNow.

    All o creation is under My Domain. All is My Divine

    Will. Time and space are My creation. Use it, mankind, to

    establish the Kingdom o My Divine Will in every heart.

    February 11, 2007

    I (Maureen) see the Heart o the Fatheralways as alarge Flame. He says: I am the Eternal FatherCreatoro All Good.

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    My Creation gives all glory to Father, Son and HolySpirit. My Heart is benevolent and merciulall loving. Idesire that people know Me as a kind and loving Father,

    not as a stern judge. It is mankind who calls downjudgment upon himselnot I who condemn.I have come to ask all people to be united in the

    truthtruth that structures and leads the way throughHoly and Divine Love. Do not look at how each one o youis dierent, but look at how you are alike. I have createdeach one o you cell by cell. I have created you out o

    loveor love.Rejoice and draw near to Me. I desire it.

    February 14, 2007

    I (Maureen) see a large Flame which I know to bethe Heart o God the Father. He says: I am your EternalFathergive praise to Jesus, obedient unto death.

    My daughter, I saw and elt with what reluctance youlet your little puppy. Even now, you are solicitous aterher well-being. She is ne.

    I you multiply a million times your distress atseparating rom Katie, you might have a slight inkling asto My distress when Jesus asked or His Cup o Suering

    to pass Him by in Gethsemane. I could not bear to answerHim No, so I let My silence speak volumes.Today I suer yet again, as the heart o the world

    has lost sight o eternity. The ocus is on sel-graticationthrough power, avarice, money, esteem and manipulativecontrol. There are, o course, many hidden agendas inhearts, many subversive organizations, many who use

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    their positions or personal gain.This is all the ruit o an arrogant spirit who convinces

    the soul everything will remain hidden and there will be

    no accountability. It is like the gossip who destroys manya reputation without a twinge o conscience. At the sametime, such a one can never accept criticism o himsel. Forsome reason, many think I authored the Commandmentsor everyone else but them.

    The time o justice comes or each one. Themore souls given over to a persons charge, the more

    accountable they are.You will make this message known; thereby,

    alleviating some o the pain o your Heavenly FathersHeart.

    February 23, 2007

    I (Maureen) see a large Flame orm around thetabernacle and then advance towards me. I understandthat It is the Heart o God the Father. He says: Let usgive praise now to Jesus, My Son, ever present in thetabernacles o the world.

    Realize, My child, that it is by My Hand and throughMy Divine Will, every grain o sand is ormed, every drop

    o water is put in the ocean, every ray o sunlight brightensyour day. I control the movement o the waves upon theshore. It is I Who regulate the ormation o every cloudand their place in the sky. I I can do all o this, understandthat there is no present moment in its passing that I havenot created and given to you. As I give you each moment,I design the circumstances, the crosses and the graces

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    that come with it. Knowing all o this now, see how oolishit is o mankind not to trust in Me.

    Further, I tell you, while there is much talk about

    living in My Divine Will, most do not understand how toaccomplish this goal. This is why the Revelation o theUnited Hearts has been given to the world. The Chamberso the United Hearts are a step by step journey into MyDivine Will and the Flame o My Heart. You cannot jumprom the ground to the top o the ladder without climbingthe ladder. You cannot jump into My Divine Will by saying

    you are there without surrendering to the spiritual journeyrst. Today there is too much talk about the goal and notenough talk about how to attain it.

    The spiritual journey through the United Hearts mustbecome amiliar to all.

    February 28, 2007

    Once again I see a great Flame surrounding thetabernacle. I know It to be the Heart o God the Father. Hesays: Praise be to Jesus truly present in the tabernacleso the world.

    Dear child, no one can athom the depths o MyDivine Will any more than they can athom My Divine

    Mercy. But in the same way that Jesus petitions your heartto trust in Divine Mercy, I beg your trust in My Divine Will.Remember, trust is the ruit o love. Thereore, pray or adeep and abiding love o My Divine Will or you.

    Do not be quick to question circumstances andevents o the day, but see My Will in every presentmoment. Carry in your heart and upon your lips, the

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    ejaculation, Eternal Father, I trust in Your loving Will forme.This little prayer carries with itpeace. I send anangel to assist you when you believe.

    I, your Eternal Father, desire this be made knownand be made popular.

    March 7, 2007

    Once again I see a large Flame which I know to bethe Heart o the Eternal Father. He says: Praise be toJesus in the tabernacles o the world.

    Once again you are perplexed in your heart aboutthe Eternal Now. It means that there is no time, no past oruture. All o these are one in the here and now. I say I amthe Eternal Now or I created the now [such as time and

    space], as part o My Divine Will. Since I am the EternalDivine Will, I am also the Eternal Now. Everything existsbecause I will it to exist. I Am Who Am.

    March 9, 2007

    I see the large Flame which I know as the Heart oGod the Father. He says: My daughter, give praise toJesus.

    Do not allow the authoritative way in which I speak

    to you conceal My Paternal concern or the welare o allcreation. Most especially I desire the eternal salvation oall o humanity.

    This is why I have willed that these Messages o Holyand Divine Love come into the world at this time. Theyare an anchor or the Remnant Faithul and a sword o

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    truth thrust into the heart o the world. Too many soulsare now cast adrit on the sea o lies Satan has spewedupon the world. Many laws, many religious practices are

    based on the enemys lies.The United Hearts reveal My Truth. Listen tothem.

    March 18, 2007

    Once again I see a great Flame which I know to bethe Heart o God the Father. He says: Praise be to Jesus

    in the tabernacles o the world.Today I come to invite all o My children to take an

    active role in bringing souls to the Immaculata and to MySon. See that complacency is an enemy. Use the tongues

    I created or you to build up the Kingdom o Holy andDivine Lovenot to tear it down through idle gossip anda critical judgmental spirit. (James Ch. 3).

    Begin today to understand My dependency on yourrole in converting the heart o the world. The Flame o MyHeart is the Flame o Truth. Be My instruments o truth.

    March 30, 2007

    I see a great Flame which I know to be the Heart o

    God the Father. He says: The Divine Will gives praise toJesus, born Incarnate.

    How I long to be reconciled with the heart o theworld! Only when the heart o the world accepts MyMercy can reconciliation take place. My Mercy rides uponthe wind o truth. Souls must look with the conviction o

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    truth into their own hearts and with repentance, turn toMy Mercy.

    Thereore, during these moral trials which abound

    today, pray that souls accept and act upon truth.I extend to you My Paternal Blessing o Love.

    April 7, 2007 / Holy Saturday

    Once again I see a Flame around the tabernaclewhich I know to be the Heart o God the Father. He says:Praise be to Jesus present in the tabernacles o the

    world.You see beore you the Flame o My Paternal Love,

    which is One with My Divine Will. How I desire mankindcome to know Me as Love. All o creationsky, earth

    and seaare a refection o My Love. But you see, allI have given has somehow been misused, polluted andcontaminated by overindulgence.

    So I come here today, on the day when My OnlyBegotten Son is passing through Spiritual Limbo, toask that you help make My Paternal Love known tomankind. Everything that has been given you hithertowas in preparation or thisMary, Protectress o the Faith,Mary, Reuge o Holy Love, Divine Love, in and through,

    the United Hearts and, at last, the Shield o Truth o St.Michael. All o these Revelations build upon, and supportwhat I come seeking now.

    The journey through the Chambers o the UnitedHearts is a pathway to My Paternal Love and My DivineWill. I do not want humanity to deem this nal destinationas unattainable. Right now, in this present moment, each

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    soul has the way and the wherewithal to be transportedinto the Sixth Chamberimmersion in the Divine Will. Itis true!

    See that I call you with the tender and caring Hearto a Father who desires to share everything with Hischildren. Come, then, without delay. Desire to know Mebetter, to love Me more, to please Me in everything. I amwaiting.

    April 30, 2007

    I see a large Flame, and God the Father says: I amthe Eternal FatherFather o All Creation. I Am WhoAm.

    Today I have come to tell you that all I have created

    has been proaned in some waybe it through evil orree will. Nothing has remained untarnishednot lie inthe womb, not the human body rom birth until death, notany portion o nature, or even the universe itsel. All hasbeen compromised through mankinds choice to servethe god o sel-love, no matter the cost.

    Some o what I created that has been destroyed willnot be replaced. But some lie in nature, some disharmonybetween My Divine Will and mans ree will can be

    restored. However, it is the error in hearts that must becorrected rst. I hearts do not return to Me through theCommandments o Love, the damage done between manand God will be readily apparent soon.

    Do not presume, mankind, that you can overcome byyoursel, obstacles to living in love. Ask or My assistance.Desire My assistance. It is only in and through grace,

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    harmony with My Divine Will can return.Pray this way:

    dearheavenlyfather, youaretheeternalnow. youcreatedevery




    love, for i understand it is only


    creator. amen.

    May 18, 2007

    I am the Eternal FatherGod o Light and o All

    Truth.My Eternal and Divine Will is this Mission o Holy

    and Divine Love. I continually desire its ulllment in eachheart. Satan is always and everywhere the enemy o MyDivine Will. Do not allow this Mission or these Messagesto be suppressed in your hearts through his lies andmasquerades o the truth.

    You are children o the Light. In you is My hope that

    My Will, which is Divine Love, will stay alive and embracethe heart o the world. The Flame o Divine Love leadsyou to salvation. It is the Light on the path I call you toollowthe Light o My Divine Will.

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    May 19, 2007

    Once again I see a great Flame that Ive come toknow as the Heart o the Father. He says: I am the Eternal

    Now rom Whom all Good proceeds.This path, this spirituality through the United Hearts,

    leads souls into My Divine Will, apart rom which, thereis no salvation. Those who challenge and oppose thisspirituality are opposing My Divine Willno matter theirvocation or station in lie. While there are many waysleading to My Divine Will, this is the most concise.

    Today in the world, the spirit o lies has laid claimto many hearts, so much so, that civil laws condone sinssuch as same sex marriages and abortion. Few truths areupheld in the light o all this compromise. My children arepolarized by alse gods. So when I tell you that this is theway to direct your eorts into My Divine Will, even sucha straightorward path is challenged.

    Holy and Divine Love are never wrongalwaysappropriate. Gather now under the mantle o this powerulspirituality. It is the means o your salvation.

    May 19, 2007

    I desire, as your Eternal Father, that you comprehend

    this. The Flame o My Heart, which is My Divine Will,embraces the United Hearts o Jesus and Mary, or allGood proceeds rom Me.

    Just inside the Flame o My Heart is a great Light,which represents the Holy Spirit. It is He Who draws allpeople and every soul towards the Eternal Good. The

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    Holy Spirit also embraces the United Hearts.It is Marys Heart that draws souls out o the world

    through the Holy Spirit and into the Sacred Heart o Her

    Son. Through the course o holiness o the Chambers othe United Hearts, all are invited into My Divine Will.In the end all works together towards deeper

    holiness and personal sanctity.

    July 10, 2007

    Once again I see a large Flame around the tabernacle.

    The Father says: I come that you may know Me, love Meand trust Me.

    I desire you understand more completely the mysteryo My Divine Will. My Will, My child, is comprised o the

    three entitiesDivine Love, Divine Mercy and My DivineProvision. All three are perect; all three are given inperection to each soul in every present moment. Thegreater part o humanity does not recognize any o thethree in any given moment; and so, they are not used orappreciated as they should be.

    Take, or instance, your environment. Do you regardthe air you breathe as My Provision? I tell you, i I did notwill it, you would not take another breath. What about the

    test o patience I gave you today? That was My Provision,as well, or the virtues are strengthened in the grace o thetest. Every cross in your lie is My Provision, too; or eachsoul can only nd his salvation by merit o the cross.

    In the world every soul is called to recognize MyProvision and be a refection o My Divine Love andDivine Mercy. Really, these three come together as One

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    in My Fatherly Heart. No one enters Heaven outside oMy Will.

    July 11, 2007Once again I see a large Flame. God the Father

    speaks: I am the Eternal Now.In Me, all moments are one. My Divine Provision

    fows into the world through My Divine Mercy and MyDivine Love. All three are One in every present moment.It is through My Mercy and My Love that My Provision is

    complete. I desire that My children know this and cometo understand Me as a loving Father rst and oremost. Iam omnipresent even in their most dire need. All needsare given towards sanctication o sel or others.

    My Divine Providence alls upon the earth as a gentledew, which rereshes the soul and renews the spirit. Eachsoul receives his allotment to perection in every momenttowards his sanctication. He can accept or reject what Igive in proportion to the Holy Love in his heart.

    It is Holy Lovethat precious First Chamberthatenables the soul to recognize the kindness o MyProvision and put it to use.

    July 12, 2007God the Father is now speaking rom a great Flame

    that is His Heart.He says: Souls who respond positively to My Divine

    Provision move closer to Me. They trust Me and My Willor them. The souls who only trust in themselves move

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    away rom Me, and I rom them. I permit their mistakes.I allow them their ree will, even though sinul choiceswound Me.

    I await the sinners contrition which opens the doorto My Mercy. At the rst inkling o sorrow or their sins,a foodgate o My Love and Mercy opens to themrstin My Paternal Heart, then in the Heart o My Son. Allo Heaven begins to rejoice. I only the hardened sinnerrealized how I await him!

    It takes a beginning in the heart o the sinnera

    kernel o truthto open to contrition. Such truth can onlycome into a heart that is beginning to embrace humilityand Holy Love. The one that considers himsel humbleand holy is ar rom the truth. He is allowing Satan to puhim up through spiritual pride. He is in danger, or he doesnot embrace the truth.

    But My Provision continues to come, even to the

    spiritually depraved. For it is only when a soul nallyopens to his lowly state beore Me in response to DivineProvidence, that his conversion begins. It is My Provisionthat guards against the sinners discouragement whenhe rst awakens to his true spiritual state. It is the graceo My Provision that opens his heart to Mercy. Such asoul will no longer be spiritually bankrupt, but will drinko the wellspring o grace I tender towards him throughthe Heart o Mary Immaculate. This is the story o howconversion takes place.

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    July 13, 2007

    God the Father is speaking rom a large Flame thatis His Heart. He says: I am the Lord o lordsthe True

    Godthe Creator o All Truth.My Divine Provision is Truth Itsel, or My Almighty

    Heart is Truth. Accepting this, you must see that throughthis Mission, which I claim in truth, I am pouring out onall the world through My Love and Mercy, the solution toall errorthe way o salvation, the light on the path tothe New Jerusalem.

    Oh, you o meager aith who reuse My callyou,o little knowledge who think yoursel greater than MyProvision. Turn to Me and I will ll you with truth. Openyour hearts and ollow Meyour Creatorin docility. Donot, through pride, lay up obstacles or yourselves andothers.

    You cannot even mount the irst step into theChambers o the United Hearts unless you believeyourselves unworthy o My call. Humility always viewsitsel outside o the First Chamber. Those who believeotherwise have allen victim to Satans lies.

    Listen well!

    July 24, 2007Once again I see a great Flame which I know to be

    the Heart o God the Father. He says: I am PaternalLovethe Eternal Now.

    I come to give this generation encouragement. Thecrosses I permit in your lives are signs o My Victory.

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    Through the Heart o the Immaculata, you will be givenall the grace you need to cooperate with each cross andbe victorious in Love.

    Always remember that the Blessing o My PaternalLove is with you in every present moment. My Blessingrests gently upon the hearts o this generation, waiting tobe accepted and acknowledged. I souls turn to Me, it iswithin My Power to circumvent evil plans that the enemyhas placed in hearts. Every precious present momentcounts.

    I extend to you and to the world the Blessing o MyPaternal Love.

    Then, Jesus comes. He says: I am your Jesus, bornIncarnate.

    I come to tell you the graces attendant to theBlessing o Paternal Love that the Father has just revealedto you.

    Those who come to the property experience thisBlessing i their hearts are open, and i they accept theMessages o Holy and Divine Love. It gives peace.

    The Blessing o Paternal Love assists the soul incarrying his cross and mitigates Divine Justice throughthe cross. Thus, you should pass this Blessing on to thePoor Souls in Purgatory.

    September 18, 2007

    I (Maureen) see a great Flame that I have come toknow as the Heart o God the Father, and then I hear: Iam the Eternal Fatherthe Eternal Now.

    Beore time beganbeore I created time and

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    spaceI knew you. I knew what you would be doing inthis present moment. I knew the sins you ell into. I knowyour weaknesses now. I love you.

    The Message given on the Feast o Sorrowsproceeds rom a troubled Heart o your Father. It is givenas a last alternative to Divine Justice in the ace o themultitude o sin and error throughout the world.

    I all nations will listeni Church leaders throughoutthe world will adhere to My wishesthe heart o the worldwill turn white with innocence once again. World leaders

    will be shown their mistakes and convicted o their errors. Ieven give you, O man, the leniency, that this consecrationdoes not need to be coordinated into a specic time rame.Rather, when you hear My Voice through this Message,accomplish My request. This is My Divine Will. I speak toall churchesall governmentsall ecclesiastics. Speakup thus or righteousness: [God the Father then gives

    church leaders the ollowing consecration prayer:]

    heavenlyfather, inthispresent

    moment, whichyouhavecreatedand

    willed, i, (name), doherebyconsecrate

    theheartofthiscountry, (name), to


    mary.I enough accomplish this and answer My request,

    you will gradually see governments change their

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    policies, and nally, the heart o the world will return toinnocence.

    (Note: Please refer to Jesus message of September

    15the 3:00 p.m. Serviceregarding the worldwideconsecration to the United Hearts.)

    October 10, 2007

    I (Maureen) see a great Flame that I have come toknow as the Heart o God the Father. He says: I am theEternal Now. I am He Who coaxes every bud to bloom

    in the Spring. I am He Who nourishes the crops in theSummer. I am He Who blesses the harvest in the FallWho colors the leaves in their radiant glory and guideseach one to the ground as they all. I am He Who ormsthe pattern o each and every snowfake in the Winter.

    It is I, your Eternal Father, Who orms new lie atconceptionhuman lie bearing a spirit and a soulliethat is destined to share eternity with Me in Heaven.Only I can orm lie in the womb. When man destroysMy creation, he shows disrespect or My creation anddisrespect or Me. Moral degeneration is the bad ruit odisharmony with My Divine Will. This disharmony breedsdisease, war and calamities.

    So I am telling you once again, restore respect orlie in your hearts and you will have peace and prosperity.This is the singular solution you seek, O man o earth! Youcannot negotiate this issue, just as you cannot negotiatepeace. Do not be ooled by the enemy o your soul tobelieve otherwise.

    I am your Eternal Father.

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    November 22, 2007

    Today, as I entered my prayer room, I saw a greatFlame that I know to be the Heart o God the Father. I

    heard His Voice say, I am the Alpha and the Omegayour Creator, the Eternal Now. In Me, there is no beginningor endonly now.

    Today your country celebrates Thanksgiving, andyou have been telling Me what you are thankul or. But Iam here to tell you what I give thanks or.

    I am thankul or this Pope who supports the

    Tradition o Faith. I am thankul or the Remnant whocling tenaciously to the Tradition o Faith despite Satansconusion and promotion o his agenda. I am thankulor this Mission o Holy and Divine Love, and or thespirituality o the United Hearts, which many haveaccepted despite Satans lies. I am grateul or the manywho continue to add their numbers to the Ministry here,even to the point o uprooting and moving here. I amthankul or the promotion o the Rosary o the Unborn,and or the many lives that are saved because o it. I amgrateul or the many rosaries, prayers and devotionsoered at this Site.

    My thanks comes to earth bound up in Divine Love. I

    have the eternal desire that Divine Love will be the Flamethat consumes the heart o the world.

    December 19, 2007

    I see a great Flame which I know to be the Heart oGod the Father. He says: I am God, the Eternal Father,Creator o every present moment.

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    Realize that each present moment in each personslie is individually and specically designed by Me towardseach souls conversion. Sanctity lies in living out the

    present moment in as loving a way as possible.I am Creator and the Center o the Universe. I desireto be the Center o each persons heart in every presentmoment.

    January 20, 2008

    Once again I see a great Flame that I know to be

    the Heart o God the Father. He says: I am the EternalFatherAuthor o All Lie. It is I Who place all lie in thewomb o humanity. It is I Who knit the tiny miracle intobeing. Those who support death in the womb oppose My

    Divine Will. It is they who open wide the chasm betweenHeaven and earth. Yet, in all o this, My Son stands readyto orgive the repentant heart.

    O, man o earth, do not make a god o your ree will.Choose to love Me and the lie I give you.

    February 19, 2008

    Once again I see a great Flame around thetabernacle. I hear a voice say: I am the Eternal Now,

    the Eternal Father. I am not a rock or a crystal or a tree. Iam the Creator o all that exists in time and space. I calleach o you to your salvation through the Chambers othe United Hearts, which is a transorming love.

    I do not encourage violencenot in the wombnotwithin your heartsnot within the context o any so-called

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    religion, or I am Unity and Peace. Pray or a worldwiderealization o the truth that I have put orth here today.

    March 16, 2008I see a great Flame that I understand represents

    the Heart o God the Father. I hear a voice say: I am theEternal NowCreator o Heaven and earth.

    I have come to remonstrate mankind, or I tell you,never beore has the heart o mankind been led so arastray. Hypocrisy is the norm in church and world leaders.

    Whole religions have embraced debauchery, violence andhatred. The ruit these bear is eternal perdition.

    Yet, I have sent My Son into the world to give youlie-yielding Messages o truth here on this Site. You

    now know the direct path to My Paternal Heart, to theLight o the Spirit, the Divine Heart o Jesus and theImmaculate Heart o the Virgin Mary. All o these comegit wrapped to you in My Divine Will. Herein is the patho salvation, holiness, sanctication and world peace.Are you listening?

    Do not wait or compromised hearts to tell you itis okay to believe. Open your hearts. Listen to theseMessages with your own hearts. Do not ear anyones

    disapproval. Fear your own disbelie, which ultimatelyreverses your journey in holiness.Give Me your heart rst. Then I will help you to bring

    Me many more hearts.I, your Father, love you.

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    March 17, 2008

    I see a great Flame in the shape o a Heart. Iunderstand it represents the Heart o God the Father. The

    Father says: I am the Eternal NowPerect Love.Today I come to speak to the world about Unitive

    Love. This is the love shared between Me and the soulsthat abide in the Fith and Sixth Chambers o Our UnitedHearts. Unitive Love does not exist on its own, but alwayswhen My Heart and the human heart unite. Unitive Loveis the highest and purest orm o love that exists. It is

    the melting o our two hearts together to orm a newand perect love that is only shared in the hiddennessbetween us.

    Only ree will can separate us, just as only ree willcan excite such a union into being. Few attain this loty,elusive love. But each time Mary Immaculate visits earth,Her purpose is to draw souls into Unitive Love. You willkindly make these words known.

    The Flame disappears. For a minute there is a puo smoke. Then this diagram appears:

    Unitive Love (perection)

    Divine Love (perecting)

    Holy Love (purging)

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    March 20, 2008

    Once again I see a heart-shaped Flame that I havecome to know as the Heart o God the Father. He says: I

    am the Alpha and the Omegathe Eternal Now.I have come so that souls will nd their way into

    Unitive Love. Unitive Love is the ultimate love. It is theNew Jerusalem. This Love can only be experienced bythe ew who are perectly united with Me. Such soulshave been purged o their aults and perected in virtuethrough many trials. These souls desire sanctication. It

    is to such as these that I hold nothing back, but ministerevery grace upon them.

    Aspire to be perected in virtue, that I may use youmore prooundly.

    April 13, 2008

    I see a great Flame that I know to be the Heart o Godthe Father. He says: I am the Eternal Nowthe Alphaand the Omega.

    It is I Who will draw the Remnant Faithul out o thearms o error into My Heart, which is Truth Itsel. In truth,the Tradition o Faith will be preserved. This holy Remnant

    will be set apart and ounded upon Divine Love, Divine

    Mercy and My Divine Provision.Do not waste time wondering how or where or

    when. I have created this present moment or you to useto its ullest by loving Me, My Son and the Holy Spirit. Inthis Holy Love or the Trinity is the ulllment o all theCommandments, the illumination o sin and error in your

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    hearts and in the world, your peace and salvation. Thosewho listen to Me will choose the Tradition o Faith and willbe unfinching in their choice.

    June 1, 2008 / Feast of the United Hearts

    3:00 p.m. Service

    I am the Eternal Now. I am here that it may be madeknownI am raising up a holy nation o people. Thisnation will claim its citizens rom ar and wide.

    I claim as My Own those who recognize the

    Immaculate Heart o Mary as the Gateway to the NewJerusalemthose who pursue holiness through theChambers o the United Heartsall those who seekMe out as the Eternal Father, source o All Good. I am

    the Divine Provision. The Flame o My Heart always theDivine Will.

    I desire all people and every nation clothethemselves in My Divine Will, or herein lies their peaceand security. Then they will be like gold tested in re.Then the commandments o love will bind all people toMy Heart.

    Mankind was created out o Loveto love. MyPaternal Heart blesses those who take heed.

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    Novena to God the FatherDictated by Angel Alanus

    July 31, 2007 August 4, 2007


    (To be recited daily during the Novena)

    heavenly father, eternal now, creator ofthe universe, splendor of heaven, listen with


    pour out upon the earth your provision, your

    mercy, yourlove. withthewinnowingfanofyour







    .remove the cloud of deception satan has


    peopleandeverynationchoosegoodoverevil. no



    Dictated by AngelsJuly 30, 2007

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    DAY ONE(July 31, 2007)

    Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Divine Will,

    which is Holy Love, be made known to all people and allnations. Show those that embrace evil, violence and actso terrorism that these things are never Your Will and donot please You, but oend You gravely. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY TWO(July 31, 2007)

    Heavenly Father, Splendor o Truth, help me always totrust in Your Divine Will, which is One with Your Provision,Your Mercy and Your Love. Through Your Divine Will,assist me in always living in the truth. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY THREE(August 2, 2007)

    Abba Father! You are the Eternal Now, the Creator o timeand space, the Source o all that is good. In every presentmoment, I beseech You, help me to nd Your Divine Willand to surrender to It. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

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    DAY FOUR(August 2, 2007)

    Eternal Father, allow Your Divine Will to mold my heart in

    every virtue, to shape my spirituality according to Holyand Divine Love. Thus may it please You to make me aninstrument o Your Will in the world. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY FIVE(August 3, 2007)

    Heavenly Father, All Powerul and All Knowing God, EverPresent in the tabernacles o the world, grant the hearto the world the grace to recognize Your Will in the worldtoday, which is always love and truth. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY SIX(August 3, 2007)

    Eternal Father, in Your Omniscience, You understand thatDivine Love is engaged in the nal battle against hatethat Satan sows in hearts. Help us to be Your weaponso victory over every evil that opposes Your Divine Will,which is always Divine Love. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

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    DAY SEVEN(August 3, 2007)

    Heavenly Father, Source o All Grace, You created us inYour Image. Help us always to be refections o Your Heart,which is Paternal Divine Love in the world. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY EIGHT(August 4, 2008)

    Heavenly Father, Creator o the Universe, place in ourhearts today the will to live in harmony with Your Holy andDivine Will. We know this is only possible through Holyand Divine Love. Help us to choose this Love in everypresent moment. Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

    DAY NINE(August 4, 2007)

    Eternal Father and my Father, Your Mercy and Love ll allthe earth. Reach into every heart and reclaim each one

    as Your Own through the light o truth and righteousness.I it is Your Divine Will, grant me, Your needy child, thispetition I invoke o You (name petition). Amen.

    Our Father Hail Mary All Glory Be Prayer to God the Father

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    Additional Resources Available Through

    Archangel Gabriel Enterprises, Inc.

    Books and Booklets

    The Chambers o the Divine, Sacred Heart o JesusThe Conraternity o the United Hearts o Jesus and

    Mary Member HandbookThe Conraternity o the United Hearts o Jesus and

    Mary Prayers & DevotionsConversations with Divine Love

    Divine Love Messages rom JesusFirst Chamber o the United HeartsHoly LoveHeavens Last Call to HumanityHoly and Divine Love Messages or PriestsHoly and Divine Love Messages on the EucharistHoly and Divine Love: The Remedy and the TriumphLessons on the Virtues

    Messages rom St. Thomas Aquinas on the Chambers,Holy Love and Divine Love

    Our Lady Gives the World the Rosary o the UnbornOur Ladys Messages at the ArborPilgrim Photos: Through the Eye o the CameraThe Revelation o Our United Hearts: The Secrets

    RevealedSt. Michaels Shield o Truth DevotionTriumphant Hearts Prayer BookUnited Hearts Book o Prayers and MeditationsComplete Image o the United Hearts

    (Please visit the Holy Love websitefor downloadable books and images.)

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    Mary, Refuge of Holy Love

  • 8/3/2019 Messages From God the Father


    The Complete Image of the

    United Hearts of the

    Holy Trinity and Immaculate Mary(Back Cover)

    January 18, 2007

    As I (Maureen) was praying in my prayer room, alarge Flame appeared. Then I heard a voice that said:

    All praise be the Blessed Trinity. I am God the

    Father.You see My Heart beore you as a massive Flame.

    It is the Flame o My Eternal, Divine Will which burnsbeore you. It is this Flame that is the embodiment oPerect Love and My Divine Will. My Heart is a Flamewhich enguls the United Hearts o Jesus and Maryo

    Holy and Divine Lovemelting Them into Divine Unionwith My Will, never to be separated.So you see, I present to you a new Imagethe

    complete Image o Lovethe Union o Holy and DivineLove completely immersed in the Flame o My FatherlyHeart, which is the Divine Will. Remembering that My

    Will is made up o Divine Love and Divine Mercy, you

    must see My Heart as the Will o Mercy and Love. It isthe perection I invite all people and all nations to stepinto, beginning with the Heart o Mary. It is Eternally MyWill in you.

  • 8/3/2019 Messages From God the Father


    The Complete Image of the

    United Hearts of the

    Holy Trinity and Immaculate Mary

    Archangel Gabriel Enterprises, Inc.

    37137 Butternut Ridge Rd.

    Elyria, OH 44039 USA