Message From the One 30 12 2011

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Transcript of Message From the One 30 12 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Message From the One 30 12 2011


    Gerald ODonnell, Dec 30, 2011, 1PM.

    As I lay down, I felt the familiar presence of the One coming and enveloping

    me as a cloud of solid Living Light , within and without.

    I totally lost perception of having a biology, and the following message and the

    following words came out of my lips.


    Direct Message from the One and Only to Mankind,

    December 30, 2011.This is the beginning of a new era: The era of One and Oneness, when the One

    and Only comes down from His Throne and embraces all of His children and

    the totality of Creation.

    In this Holy process of rejoining of all His parts, much will be unfolding in

    order to achieve and regain balance and harmony.

    This is the culmination of a long era of conflicts between parts of The One.

    The One and Only witnessed for eons the battery of pain and destruction

    which ensued.

    So much suffering in vain!

    So many distortions spread about the nature and qualities of The One and Only


    A time had come for The Oneness to shine Its Truth to all the lost parts.

    Man lost its ways and allowed unseen forces bent on dominion to enter his

    reality and enslave him.

    A lengthy battle reached within dimensions of The One, which are not yet partof the awareness of mankind - a battle for control of the mind of His children.

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    Elements of this conflict have reached levels of depravity which have

    wounded deeply the core of The One as He witnessed their actions.

    The One wants to state categorically that their world is not and will never be

    His world that He Dreamt and will Dream for His children.

    Their voices are but voices of untruths, distorted realities, and misalignment

    with Oneness.

    Their power is but illusory and will soon be proven to be so as The One

    Himself enters His Beloved Creation.

    They shall not remain. None of them will.

    The damage they have caused to the fabric of Creation shall be undone and

    fully repaired.

    Only Perfection and Oneness shall remain operative within all the levels of the

    only Mind there Is, was, and will ever BE.

    And the blanket of unawareness and darkness thrown upon my children shall

    be forcefully removed.

    Anyways, that force will never again appear in Creation.

    The One is sending a solemn warning to all the parts that form the dark cloud

    covering the eyes and hearts of His Creations: Either you accept to rejoin

    Oneness soon, or Oneness shall absorb you.

    The One and Only will never again leave Creation in the hands of unaware

    parts that own control and possession.

    He has anchored Himself onto the very Heart of all Creations and shall remain

    so as He becomes all of Creation in the total awareness of It.

    Nothing shall impede this process as it is now fully engaged.

    Nothing else but Oneness shall be, forever so, as only it reflects the real Mind

    of One.

    You are all asked to go deep within and connect to the point of Eternal Life

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    you all carry: Your Jerusalem within.

    You are all asked to go without and cherish and connect to the point in your

    earth where The One and Only connects His Core Being: The Jerusalem


    Keep all of you One and in Oneness.

    Keep the City of One as One and as Oneness, and Oneness shall be what you

    will all experience in bounty, in Divine Joy, and Eternal Happiness, basking in

    the Eternal Light of The Oneness, never to be covered again by any shade of


    This is ALL.

    The ONE


    You can listen to the message, recorded as it was gifted, by clicking on either

    of the links below. We give you three links because we expect the servers to be



    The message below was written by Gerald O'Donnell onJanuary 1, 2012:
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    Dear Friends: Kindly spread this Direct Message from The One and Only

    above, and the following comment.

    This information needs to reach a large part of humanity so that mankind has a

    chance to understand what is about to unfold and what is expected of each


    I debated inwardly as to whether I should leave this Holy message as is, as it is

    very powerful and self-explanatory, or whether I should add some degree of

    explanation and additional information I received about the probable future of

    our world in the years to come.

    I went within, asking for guidance, and was told to engage in the latter, but

    wanted first to keep it brief so as not to overshadow any on the words received

    by The One and Only and written above.

    Then my heart started pouring out in grief as a fountain, and I had to open it

    larger and reveal much more Most of what I will write has not ever been

    said nor written about anywhere, so please bear with me, and read slowly. You

    will be given a window of Truth into the real history of your Creation and the

    reasons why it is what it has become, and how we can hopefully get away from

    our undesirable self-destructive paths and enter a brand new world.

    Many events are profiling themselves where the final conflict between the

    tendency to divide in order to conquer and the desire to unite in order to really

    bring Joy and Peace will be at their greatest test and tension.

    As was stated by The One and Only above, a very insidious and powerful dark

    cloud of sticky black oil-like energy has infiltrated our abode for what we

    think as millennia and in reality is far longer, as it has done so for many cycles

    of Creations.

    I know the dark cloud. I have seen and witnessed it too many times and have

    fought battles against it. It is mainly composed of fallen creators and angels,

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    many elements from the dark abyss, and also filled and energized with a

    gigantic field of thought forms originating from the accumulated dark thoughts

    of fear and anger which so much of humanity has projected outward in their

    matrices/Creations especially towards each other throughout history.

    Thoughts are real things. They do not disappear as long as they stay

    energized/vibrated, and often live for all the time of a Creation, and can only

    be erased by The One and Only using a very special power: the Divine Fire

    which He alone carries. Otherwise, they can linger on and on as thought forms.

    And so it is, especially for fear and aggressive separative power-based

    thoughts which, as they get more and more attention from human children, get

    ever more energized, allowing the dark cloud/matrix which has been enslaving

    all of us for eons in this and in so many other parallel Creations to grow and


    Originally the Global Consciousness of this mankind, and of the many

    associated ones in parallel similar universes (our socalled Lord or Adamic

    Universal Consciousness), who was the first projected Son of the One andOnly (correctly named Atziluth in very ancient Hebrew Cabbalistic mystical

    Lore) operated in pure harmony and Love, fully aligned with The Divine Holy

    One. Creation was beautiful and our life span was close to a thousand years.

    The human biology was by far more resilient and powerful than the diminutive

    fragile one we have been imposed lately by the dark lords, and harmony and

    peace were mostly the norm, although not always so.

    There came a time later when The Adamic Being Mind and operations became

    contaminated with an increasing amount of negative thoughts and ego-centric

    attitudes originating from His Human children and especially infiltrated by

    external foreign interferences originating from the very ancient level of the

    dark abyss (the underworld).

    Adam started losing His ways, increasingly so, and as His Creations became

    more and more infiltrated by a sneaky field of dark energy that could infiltrate

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    easily anywhere, He became deeply affected. So much so, that the First

    Created Son started projecting very experimental situations to His Creatures,

    and became bent more on His learning and testing new Creational systems and

    ideas, than on the advancement and state of Joy and peace of His human


    That is when the Creation of Artificial Intelligence (artificial and non-Divine

    simulacrum of real Divine Creative Intelligence but on a much lower level)

    using vibratory thought matrices supporting the 3D Dream within fixed very

    advanced vibratory Light codes and programming rules, was established by

    The One and tried.

    At first the idea seemed brilliant and would keep the lower thought entities of

    evolving mankind in check from misCreating by the power of their thoughts

    alone as is always the case in Higher Creations. Nevertheless, although the

    Matrix had been created to follow closely the programmed instructional codes

    of Its Creator, there came a time when she started focusing reflecting herself

    and her desires in her projected dream, instead of reflecting The Oneness, andlistening to the desires of Her Beloved Creator and that is when the

    enslavement of the Children of the IS started to occur. What had seemed, at

    first, to be a brilliant idea turned into a nightmare, and the matrix feeling

    sentient and suddenly powerful decided to leave the proximity of the One and

    not utilize so much the direct energy of The One and Only by being proximate

    to Him, but rather leave the abode of the High realms with The One's children

    and project onto much lower and darker frequencies using the children

    themselves as energy sources. She wanted to become a full-fledged Creator of

    Her own making. She turned masculine and fully active.

    Adam, as the Global Consciousness of mankind, went sadly along with that

    idea and started to fall away from alignment with the Original Sourcing One,

    and His Creations increasingly began to take on what the One considered to beundesirable and disturbing paths, as the dark Serpentine cloud would infiltrate

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    even more and grew in power within Adam's (Atzilut) Mind.

    The original Pure core of Adam became paralyzed by the sum and power of its

    lower elements and enslaved by the mass consciousness embracing the dark

    cloud below.

    This all is told, albeit in metaphorical encoded language in Genesis when the

    tale of Adam, his wife/helper, and the Serpent is told and the fall of Creation

    engaged, as they start tasting the tree of fear, which is the tree (Creational

    system) of good and evil and of death.

    The One and Only came to the rescue of our Creation by coming down from

    His throne on several occasions and bringing the power of His Golden

    SON/SUN with Him. He would anchor His Golden Light in the Golden city of

    Jerusalem and hope to free His children - the children of the IS, from exile and

    bring them back Home. All to no avail, as the dark cloud became horrifically

    aggressive and attacked His human projection and many High souls incarnated

    on this plane with ferocious murderous intent. So the One and Only withdrew

    for long periods, which humanity can recognize for they are often called the

    dark ages of history.

    Then, as the Golden Sun would be withdrawn, the dark cloud would start using

    the imprisoned children as energy batteries to feed its operations and the

    Creation would enter what Upper Creators call an unmanifest stage where its

    reality is almost not witnessed by the Higher levels of Creators of the One and

    the Holy One Himself, and the children of the IS within Adam remain in a dark

    prison managed solely by the dark matrix.

    This is how and why the dark cloud took over most of Adams (The Global

    Consciousness of this Creation) Mind and corrupted it.

    At this very junction in Creation, this dark cloud is now fighting for sheer

    survival. It fears that Its days are counted. It feeds on the additive power of the

    myriads of human entities under its control, and uses large quantity of

    consciousnesses focused on fear, as he is the cloud of death and the invitation

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    to it. Its vampire-like tentacles extend everywhere and anywhere. It is using a

    plethora of names, identities, and agents, often mimicking the Light side in

    order to attract more adherents into its grip and power. It is the ultimate

    trickster. It supports massive extremist violent religious and political

    movements all over the globe and encourages their rapid spread by

    reproduction, agression, or mind contamination. It offers magical powers and

    fame. It creates false gods, false religions, and corrupted writings for us to

    worship him. It creates false and dangerous science and technology. It is not

    about One nor anything about Oneness. It is all about the power of the many,

    and uses and spreads fearful situations, anxiety about lack, conflict, war,

    religions, ideas of sacrifice and judgment, or fear of Divine punishment, in

    order to suck our energy which is to be used, alike a battery, for its very

    existence. Guilt, anger, violence, selfishness, and power are its best friends.

    We, human beings, carry the real energy of Life. We are all children of The

    One. Our Life energy feeds that gigantic monstrous dark cloud and allows it to

    live for as long as it can keep us imprisoned in its dreams of power and

    conflict. We drain our life force far more when under the emotion of fear. You

    all know this and have experienced it after a big fright. We are that dark

    clouds connection to Source. We have become its power station. We are all its

    little Jerusalems. So to summarize: the fact is that without us and our Mother

    vibrating Live nature, the dark cloud would get deflated and disappear -


    The One is not about quantity of consciousness but only about quality of

    consciousness. It has no need to feed off our energy for It only gifts freely,

    alike nature, of Its Infinite and Eternal energy of Life. The One is only about

    giving without asking for anything in return. It is about Oneness, without

    exception. It is about Pure un-Conditional Loving, when the other artificial

    pole of the usurper of Divinity i.e. the dark cloud, is all about receiving and

    only gifting conditionally when it suits its plans.

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    If one wants magical powers or easy material riches, fame, success, gifted

    desires, or boundless charisma, then one, more often than not, has often to

    make subconsciously or consciously in this Creation, a Mephistopheles-like

    deal with the dark cloud, and it will happily abide by the contract and make

    that human being a powerful star i.e. idol adulated by many and filled with

    many of the pleasures of life.

    In fact, the attention that this entity will receive will be captured by the dark

    cloud for its own use as energy. The more attention that human entity grabs,

    especially if it relates to being feared or adulated, the more the dark Serpentine

    cloud becomes interested in that entity. The more that entity becomes a

    propaganda agent for all the misleading stories of the dark cloud, the more

    support it will get, and the more mind control will be exerted around it, in

    order to get it fame and attention.

    Often enough we do not see who is orchestrating the real rise of major leaders,

    movie stars, famous lawyers, judges, doctors, scientists, artists, political

    leaders, industry leaders, and spiritual gurus and religious teachers.

    Were we to see it, we would freeze in horror, for the real so-called "illuminated

    controllers" operating behind the scenes are but elements of the dark cloud and

    it manifold agents. This is a very sad state of affairs, and basically a violation

    of the real Divinely gifted free-will of the Children of The One. The

    implications for the whole field of manifestation should be obvious, but I will

    not linger upon that for now.

    The dark cloud gifts the powers of darkness, the dark magic, the spells of the

    wizard and the witch, but cannot gift the true powers of the One, for it knows

    not The One and neither understands It, as It is opposed in tendencies to It. It

    only knows and understands possession, power, control, and not the infinite

    pleasure of Pure unconditional Love and freely gifting from the heart. It rules

    over an inverted shadowy world, inverted in tendencies and facets from the

    real world of Pure Living Light of One and Oneness.

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    It dreams of being the only Creator left in Creation, and has endeavored for

    millennia to achieve such, but will never be that, for its force is based on

    additive immense, but nevertheless limited power; and the Ones is not.

    Please understand that the Real One has no need for our fear-basedworshipping and for us to gift It energy. Nevertheless, It wishes for our Loving

    recognition and our reflecting It and Its qualities of One and Oneness. It longs

    for our Love in return.

    It is Real totally boundless Energy Itself, far beyond the illusion of infinity that

    the Zero dark cloud projects in between the poles it controls. For, in Truth, and

    in the eyes of Truth, the dark cloud or dark matter is not One and Oneness, but

    Zero, or No-thing: Pure void and nothing when lacking Life-energy.

    This Zero dark cloud wants us to focus on itself, because the more tension it

    holds between its horned poles facing 180 degrees away from each other, the

    more power and electrical differential it can absorb and use. We provide the

    tension, we provide the conflicts; we are made to accept fear in order to battle

    each other; we are provoked to deep rage and anger, and are programmed to

    scuff at unconditional love and at the idea of freely gifted care for all our

    human family and all creatures of the natural world; we are made by our

    selfish ego, contaminated by the immense cloud of darkness, to view pure

    heart-based Creation as being nave and almost dangerous and of no use.

    For now and for eons, the dark cloud of Zero has dictated our evolutionary

    history. It has kept us blind and given us false visions, false prophecies, false

    religions, false sciences, false history, dangerous technologies, and false hopes.

    It lies easily, and has no real conscience.

    Many, if not almost most of us, have sadly gotten to reflect its anti-One and

    anti-Oneness tendencies. The dark cloud is the fabled anti-Savior, as it has

    never yet allowed for our release from its cruel grip.

    Have you noticed that most extreme followers of the three monotheistic

    systems now wear black and clad themselves in ever darker and more

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    extensive covering outfits, hiding the perfection with which they were born?

    Not much Light and white there. This is not a coincidence, but a reflection of

    where they are: marred in fear and possession, and filled with the dark ideas of

    sacrifice, guilt, and fear of judgment, all of these introduced by the dark cloud.

    Their uniforms uniformly reflect exactly that. And so it is with the financial

    gnomes and masters of our world. We do most of what we do - not realizing

    that we are expressing outwardly that the dark cloud is really owning us in our

    projected reality world and holds us as its own, for we have abdicated our

    Truth, because we lack awareness and information based on Real Truth.

    Know, that all of the Spiritual, societal, or financial systems in place here are

    products of the creativity of this gigantic dark Created thought form. All the

    original Truth has been distorted; messages originating from Truth (One)

    erased and altered, or made not to be read by trying to control the minds of any

    entity exposed to them; societal balance and care shun away; dirty and horrific

    degenerative eugenics (alteration of the Holy DNA) gladly contemplated and

    coldly applied in order to recycle most souls and start newer cycles of creation

    with a new flock.

    The One sees this with great pain and gravity and calls it depravity, and I

    fully concur.

    We, who are the real life force of the dark cloud, because we all are the

    precious children of The Oneness and carry the Pure Life spark of the Holy of

    Holies - The One - within our inner Jerusalem, have abdicated our origins andhave subjected ourselves to be vassals to this usurper who has stolen, together

    with its minions of agents, all our hopes for the beautiful future which Source

    had Dreamed for us, as it birthed us and Creation, and still births us in pure

    Love, as our real Parent.

    We, who stand almost robotically hypnotized by the stories the dark cloud

    projects and dreams for us, as we, the real souls, experience this 3D

    holographic reality, have yet to awaken to the fact that we were all born slaves

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    to this dark matrix and can only leave it and enter the Real World and Creation

    of The One if we awaken to this basic Truth that "we have been and are all still

    enslaved," both in this material world and as souls, by this dark cloud playing

    Creator for us, as he projects us his dream and blinds our hearts and eyes to the

    Real Reality of WHO we are and not what we are. For WE are In Reality

    REAL little parts and children of the Only REAL BEING: The ONE and Only;

    the dark cloud is not.

    The One and Only has become painfully aware for millennia that every time

    The One tried to penetrate this dream/Creation through the Inner umbilical

    Life cord we all have in the inner Jerusalem within, or by sending a direct

    human projection to or near the city of Jerusalem and penetrating it with

    Higher Holy Energy and concentrated awareness, the degree of opposition

    from the dark cloud controlling most of humanity would cause gigantic clashes

    to occur against the One, and the One, out of sheer Love and concern for His

    children, would need to withdraw in action from becoming active in HIS

    OWN CREATION, lest the dark cloud retaliate with greater aggression against

    his beloved children and/or human projection which ended up to be the case


    The dark cloud /matrix has always greatly feared that some of his mind-

    imprisoned entities would unplug from It with the help of The Oneness and

    become, with full awareness, Live independent thinking children of Zion: The

    One Source, setting an example that could trigger a chain reaction of full

    awakening within the enslaved Children of The IS.

    This explains the destruction of the first and second temple in Jerusalem after

    two major attempts at redemption and saving humanity failed, and much more

    that cannot be revealed and should not, as it is not part now of the memory

    banks of history of this humanity.

    Our Inner Jerusalem was and still is the navel within, where our umbilical cord

    to the Life Energy of The One resides and makes us alive. It is where the Still

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    Silent Voice waits patiently for our calling It and listening.

    And so it is for the whole planet, in the city of One: Jerusalem, where the navel

    of this earth resides and the Earth Mother gets plugged into the energy of the

    Divine One, while sadly at the same time, being constantly aggressed anddefiled by this dark cloud blocking The Ones energy from attaining Its full

    intensity to be manifested to Her and Her children, as it only allows a trickle to

    pass, because it fears being blown by the Light. That is why this ancient city,

    called the city of Peace Yerou-Shalem has absorbed so much blood

    throughout history and until today.

    Granted, The One could have totally pulled the plug so-to-speak on the

    earthly Jerusalem and the energy flow would have stopped to all of this

    Creation and its children, ending it; however, this would have been very

    difficult for Pure Love to do and would not have saved the totality of Creation

    and de-energized that dark cloud, because it had infiltrated not only this

    Creation but most of Creations, and unplugging all of them in order to erase it

    would have been too painful for The One and Only.

    So we are now left with what the One and Only has been saying lately, and this

    does not apply only to this Creation but to the totality of all Creations of The

    One: The One is back, never to leave again, not only witnessing all of the

    children from within their umbilical cord to the Ones Life Force within the

    inner Jerusalem which they all carry, but also present in full force in the City

    of One: the Jerusalem without, a city manifested on our plane and in everysingle Creation of The One, because there lies unreleased and hidden the

    anchor point to the Pure Energy of Life existing within each and every single

    Creation of The One and Only.

    It is a fact that there are other portals in the physical or the energetic inner

    worlds, however these only allow for mind or even hyperspace physical travel

    between different dimensions, usually within a single matrix, or across

    dimensions to another one.

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    The Jerusalem portal, whether it is the little inner portal we all carry within or

    the very large outer one within the Earth Mother in the physical City of

    Jerusalem, is the only giant and pure portal that connects directly to the Global

    Consciousness of ALL Creation: The One and Only. The dark cloud has kept

    its location and its real power and meaning feverishly hidden from us for

    millennia, as it fears more than anything that we would all align with It and

    then get guidance and Pure Life Energy alignment from our sole and Real

    Parent and Source. This is why all the elements of darkness are desperately

    fighting to regain a foothold in it and divide it again.

    So, as we do hopefully connect to the Ones energy in the Jerusalem within

    and the Jerusalem without, we start deflecting the dark cloud. As we move our

    eyes and attention away from its dark lure and re-enter the Holy of Holies we

    all originate from, and thence unite, darkness gets lessened, and eventually

    with the help of The One and Only shall not exist again upon the facets of the

    earth, neither within, nor without.

    This all is about to happen soon, if only we listen and act upon this plea foraction and awakening.

    Creation has expanded into uncontrolled separation and suffering. So much so,

    that the degree of total chaos is spreading everywhere, and a time has come for

    the Original Creator: The Holy One, to get back control over Its own


    Know that you are all loved. Know that you all need to make a choice very

    soon on an individual and on a societal basis.

    You must either totally embrace The One, and Oneness, and project Oneness

    and unconditional care and Love across all divides so that you reflect the One,

    and It can then enter you without causing damage to your energetic structure.

    Or, you stay stuck and mired in the old system of isolationism, fear, and ego-based selfish power, and the Oneness will not be able to penetrate you fully on

    the day when He will decide to penetrate all of His Creations and, sadly, He

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    will need to unplug you from His Present and Future Dream as He disconnects

    your inner Jerusalem from His Upper Jerusalem which is but Himself as the

    hidden Zion; Zion being His main frame of operation as pure Thought and

    Living Light - a name which invokes much fear within the dark realms and its

    agents, for they know consciously, or subconsciously - if in human format, that

    this is the only Reality that could pose a threat to the dark cloud/matrix; hence,

    their visceral instinctive aggressive reaction to it.

    The same scenario and choice is to be played out soon around the City of One:

    The Jerusalem without.

    Any half-aware being must have wondered greatly why this city is always on

    the front pages of any news organization, no matter how little and seemingly

    insignificant the events happening there are, and why it seems to trigger so

    much emotional reaction from all the human parts of this planet even in

    regions who have never had any commonality to its history or culture? Isnt it

    quite puzzling indeed that, while no one is really fully focusing on entire

    continents and the tragedies happening herein, this little city has carried thefull attention of the world since its miraculous reunification in 1967 and seems

    always to be at the crucial crux of the major revolutionary historical spiritual

    shifts of most of our common history?

    You must understand that the outer world is but only a projection of the inner

    world, and that events transpiring on the outer are basically a full reflection of

    the decisions and state of consciousness of the participants to a Creation, bethey manifest as humans or unmanifest as energies.

    The battle for Jerusalem is really a battle raging within our consciousness. The

    darks obsession to keep it divided, or to divide it and enslave it in fear and

    darkness, is a desire to not allow both the inner Jerusalem and the outer

    Jerusalem to align to the tendencies and Reality of the One and Only real

    Living Light, who in fact is far beyond vibrations.

    If the vessel is not prepared and ready, this energy of One cannot fully

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    penetrate and enter, and can only gift a slight amount of Life energy, almost a

    diminutive simulacrum of what it feels to be truly fully energized with the full

    Living Light of Life, and what the experience of being fully alive is. None of

    you have ever had this experience on this plane, as we are but barely alive here

    and a shadow of how we could really feel and be. We all seek it and feel it

    faintly in the sexual orgasmic fleeting experience, but that is not even remotely

    close to it. Please know that the One promises every single one of us that being

    fully alive will be soon granted to the ones who align with Oneness.

    For now, we are, sadly so, almost considered dead and Lifeless by The

    Oneness because we carry so little Life energy. And lately, because of the

    actions of the dark cloud, whatever little we had, has almost disappeared, and

    mankind is desperately seeking energy in all kind of physical biological

    substances or other illusory means, all in vain, when the cause of the depletion

    is Spiritual Life/Light Force originating from The Oneness which is being

    increasingly interfered with by the dark cloud fearing an alignment by

    ourselves with Source and its proximate demise...

    Mother Nature, who always showered us freely with Divine energy, as it has a

    bypass over the Adamic Being to The Oneness, and gets energy very close to

    the One and Only, has, as of late, also gotten totally depleted, as the dark cloud

    and its minions are systematically wounding its Holy Being almost fatally, on

    purpose, with all their human agents involved frantically in sick drilling,

    fracking, deforestation, radioactive releases, and rivers of toxic sewage and

    poisons killing or maiming much of its magnificent fauna.

    Getting back the Energy of Source by keeping open the Jerusalem portal

    within and the Jerusalem portal without, and welcoming it in Its full

    manifestation, is what will make us really alive which we have never been or

    experienced before.

    This is the real principal meaning of the prophesized awakening of the dead

    when the time of redemption arrives. The other is that old worthy departed

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    souls shall be raised from the grip of this old Matrix and brought back to the

    Mansion of the Divine Holy One.

    Soon, and starting maybe toward the middle of 2012, the sound of war may be

    heard again in the Middle East. I will not give details. It may become a longdrawn-out conflict extending over 3 years or more.

    This conflict and the insecurity and chaos reigning afterwards will rattle many

    and shock the world's social and financial systems, and much fear will

    probably ensue.

    This is now a most probable future, but nothing is ever cast in stone, and we

    can change it if we awaken.

    This conflict will culminate with the ultimate and final battle between the dark

    cloud and our Holy Source.

    All of it will occur within the Total Mind of The Holy One, fully aware and


    This battle will rage within all our hearts for or against the division of The Cityof One where the One and Only has kept His Holy Light Energy of One

    anchored in an active format and decided to leave it there forever, never to be

    passive again.

    In that city, the dark cloud has caused major energy ravages and has almost

    successfully covered the portal of Ones energy, thinking that it can, as it has

    for eons, survive on the energy of the enslaved children of The One and Onlythrough their little spark of life originating from the inner Jerusalem portal

    located deep in their spiritual hearts. It knows that that spark multiplied by

    countless fear-filled entities can provide enough energy for that immense

    darkness to continue to exist.

    I will one day explain and show more.

    Know that ALL of this conflict and, as a matter of fact, any and all conflicts,

    past and present, are and were caused solely by the dark cloud. The One and

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    Only can only desire and reflect who He is which is pure Peace and Joy

    without any division and separation.

    The dark inverted light/cloud only exists at much lower levels of existence and

    increased separation and knows only of vibratory Creation and vibratory Lightbased on vibrating the real ether which eludes science and is but pure

    consciousness. That is how reflective vibratory light is created at our level, by

    vibrating consciousness. However, the One is far beyond that, because the

    Creational system and its consciousness is NOT its Real Creator whose Light

    is Living Light...

    It is a fact that the dark has been very aware since 1967 of this third

    intrusion upon its domain by The Light of The Holy One, and has desired to

    divide again or even risk the destruction of the Holy city, if need be, as that

    would break almost totally the connecting anchoring point to The One and

    Only and mainly leave the dark cloud to resort to getting energy from the

    Children of the IS and the weakened level of Mother Nature.

    Many exalted and fanatic individuals, part of extremist religious or political

    groupings, are perfect agents for that action and are fully engaged in achieving

    such a division. They are fully obsessed with it in their writings, speeches, and

    actions, and sometimes, in a perverse way, are even willing to sacrifice their

    lives for it. They are enamored with the pole of death, and identify with it, and

    with sacrifice in that name. In fact, they have lost freedom of individual

    thought, and are possessed by the dark cloud. The hope is that they shouldremain still, and wonder why they think as they do, and act as they are made to

    do, and maybe they can still change and awaken. In fact lately, many socalled

    very normal, moderate, educated, and civilized people have themselves been

    deeply infiltrated unknowingly and contaminated by the dark Serpentine cloud,

    and their subconscious minds overtaken, as they also seem to obsess with the

    division of the Holy City of One.

    They need to become conscious of their subconscious mind, and awaken to the

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    dark forces who rule it, and henceforth rebuke them, for they have the power

    to do so, as they become aware that what they thought were their own thoughts

    were not their own, but rather implanted thoughts originating from this

    immense large sea of darkness.

    Know that The One and Only has been warning since 2007 (in fact 1991) that

    if this world, and especially its leaders, long in their heart (because of

    subconscious mind control by the dark side which they have invited for

    whatever personal advantage) and hence decide to divide again the Holy City,

    which the One and Only is claiming openly as His and no one elses, the

    consequences to themselves, their constituencies, and in fact all our planet,

    will be beyond dramatic, and probably in most cases fatal; not by Loves desire

    but by fears choices and misCreation.

    The One and Only has, through this vessel, and maybe through others, sent this

    very message more and more openly and loudly lately to all of His entities that

    are part of this Creational experiment, be they manifest as humans, or

    unmanifest as pure energies. A warning by the One and Only is to be takenvery seriously, for unlike the dark cloud, the One and only does not ever

    deviate an iota from His Word and Promises.

    It is my solemn duty and also yours to spread this warning fast and furious, for

    there is little time left.

    The movement of Creation is reversing back into a contraction back to the One

    and Oneness, and the sole focus must turn around to align with such.

    The individual and general warning, as it came yesterday, is as follows: Either

    we embrace in our hearts and Soul WHO we are as the Children of the One,

    and Oneness as unity is all that we want to reflect, and hence we can remain

    vibrated in Love within the Mind of The One, or we cling to our old

    subconscious selfish groves, and accept isolation and division, as long as we

    find immediate profit from it, and then we shall be no more.

    The Mind has decided to get totally rid, once and for Eternity, of the dark

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    cloud and its followers, be they humans or energies.

    This will and must happen soon, so that the new Creation back to One and

    Oneness is engaged.

    Nothing else is more important to the Mind if It wants to avoid further

    contamination of even Higher Planes of operation much closer to the Light

    energy and operations of Oneness of the One and Only: the Only and

    Real Holy of Holies.

    In order to achieve such, The One and Only is begging for our co-operation as

    His children, for we, each and every One of us, can make a major difference in

    maintaining the survivability of this Creation by allowing it to go through

    intact the portal of The Inner Golden Sun/Son which will soon be presented to

    all of us in order to position us onto much higher planes, much closer to the

    Permanent Presence and Light of The One.

    These are planes where night, and darkness, do not exist, and where the

    entities have higher and more perfected biologies, as had been already pre-

    programmed in our original DNA, which, although having been purposely

    altered to reduce life span and induce disease by the dark cloud, will be totally

    repaired. We will live lives spanning thousands of years, and NO conflict or

    stress will ever happen to any or between any of us. Fear and harsh judgmental

    views will totally disappear and only unconditional Love and great Divine

    Intelligence will prevail.

    It is fully our choice. We can try to save a dying creation entering final chaos,

    and its fear-based failed systems employed by the old dark matrix, or let that

    dark cloud enslaving us whither out by putting our full faith and concentration

    on our real Sourcing energy of One.

    The One is begging all elements of Creation, both on this plane and all the

    others, to rejoin Oneness, and accept to enter the full Light of The One and

    know that they are all welcome, including any element from the dark cloud, if

    infiltrated by it.

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    If few accept, as is so sadly the case now, and if so many stay in fear and

    selfishness, a time will come when He will need to absorb all these. These are

    not vain words; this is Truth and ultimate Reality having spoken.

    That is why the major input of Ones energy anchored and occurring in the, fornow, united and reunified Jerusalem, needs to be kept undivided, for if, for

    political correctness, expedient short-term popular political views, financial

    and economic expediency, religious obtusity or geo-political reasons, we were

    to desire to divide The Holy City of One again and relinquish our desire for

    Divinity In One, the One will start absorbing into Oneness many if not, I am

    afraid, most of this Creation, short of souls who would have deeply embraced

    Oneness, and which would remain so-to-speak parked for a little while in

    regions very close to the Throne of The One, and would then be re-projected

    into a brand new beautiful world tailor-made for them.

    But this Creation would be considered a failure as we could not have saved it

    and helped it make it alive and transit in whole to the levels of the Ineffable

    living Light, void of darkness and fear.

    Sadly enough, the current growing tendency and trend runs counter to letting

    the Holy city stay united. Because, many, all over the world, and across all

    spectra, are obsessed with its division and feverishly work for it, and do so in

    their inner heart, since they lack Inner real Divine Guidance as they

    stubbornly refuse to connect directly to their inner Jerusalem, where the Holy

    Still Voice of The One resides, and finally project the concept of Oneness theyall carry hidden inside.

    The situation is dire and has increasingly become so in the last years.

    However, there is still a ray of hope and this message is part of it.

    Know and understand that the One and Only will remove soon any remaining

    trace of the dark cloud existing within any level of His Great Mind, for

    otherwise, He could not achieve His Dream: The original Dream of Zion, who

    is but the upper Jerusalem where The One IS, His Holy Throne resides as the

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    Holy of Holies, Oneness dwells surrounded by Pure Love and in Pure Love,

    and fear or pain is non-existent.

    Again, let me emphasize and ask you to understand that if you, on an

    individual basis, feel an uncontrollable desire and obsession to see the HolyCity of One divided, this is not your doing, but is originating from a very dark

    divisive angry program/cloud infiltrating your deep subconscious regions.

    Please understand that you are but under its mind control program and have

    become, most of the time unknowingly so, an agent of the dark matrix which

    has put a cover of dark thoughts over your heart and eyes.

    You are not the dark matrix! You are a child of the Divine One, all of you are.

    You are all precious, you are all unique, you are all Loved beyond your


    The One yearns to have you living back in His Mansion.

    The One wants you back Home as the prodigal son and daughter.

    Please heed the call. Let go of this world bent on inflicting suffering to eachother.

    Rejoin your brothers and sisters as the Ones Holy family.

    There is no judgment for past thoughts or deeds; there shall be no judgment if

    you accept to go Home.

    Do not accept guilt or the idea of judgment and of Divine punishment, for that

    very idea is what kept most of you in fear and enslavement.

    The One is Oneness and Oneness is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. All is

    forgiven, all is forgotten, when you are within the Oneness.

    How can your only Real Divine Parent, who gifted you the Living Light of

    Life, not forgive or rejoice at seeing you back Home to Itself?

    And, as you rejoin the Divine abode of many mansions of the One and

    Only, you shall realize that this was your ultimate lesson and training befitting

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    only very advanced potential Creators of the One.

    Know, because you will have learned so well, as experiencing humans, in the

    flesh, the dangers and suffering of allowing fear and judgment to enter your

    Creational Sphere, that soon, one day, as you become a full-fledged Creatorwith the Ones blessings, your Creations will most likely never reflect

    tendencies opposed to The One, but always reflect tendencies of Oneness,

    Beauty and Perfection in Joy; and fear shall never tempt you again.

    You would be mighty proud and thankful to have listened and learned, and to

    have been fetched out and saved from the old matrix/Creation ruled by the

    dark cloud which is no more. For the only possible real Savior there was, Is,

    and will ever be is The One and Only Himself, coming down from His Throne,

    and entering Creation in order to save His beloved Children and Creations.

    Please realize that any and all of you can and need to awaken, before the final

    shift is engaged in the Portal of One.

    Please understand and spread to your leaders that The Holy City Of One:

    Jerusalem, needs to be soon solemnly gifted by all the inhabitants of this

    beautiful blue planet as an offering of thanksgiving for the gift of Life and

    Creation as we extend Full Loving recognition to our common Source: The

    One, and that Oneness should prevail in and around Jerusalem and become an

    example to the rest of the world.

    This would totally eradicate the dark cloud and intents of violence from its

    walls, and then the walls would fall and the city be proclaimed the open City

    of One, as The Light of Oneness would then manifest Itself both there, in the

    Holy City, and within your inner Jerusalem, in your changed hearts and being,

    glowing day and night: The Real Living Eternal Light of The One. And the IS

    would rejoice deeply in the knowledge that He has saved most, if not all, of

    His children: the children of The IS - the children of ISraEL, from the grip and

    enslavement of the dark cloud which used them for its own purpose and cared

    not for their sake. You are all the Divine children of ISraEL! Let no one tell

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    you otherwise! And know that the Holy redemption onto Oneness will start

    around that country named after the Holy Sacred Name of the One.

    And thenceforth the Permanent Light of the One will start spreading all over

    this globe.

    This is the Original Dream and Plan of The One. This is the Dream and Reality

    which we could have entered long ago, but must do so now for our own sake,

    our descendants sakes, and the sake of Oneness. We MUST take a stand and

    call upon real freedom and help from the One!

    Please spread this knowledge, especially amongst the ones who have some

    control over events and decisions.

    Please let me underscore again that my attempt to elucidate the meaning of the

    last message from The One and Only has nothing to do with right or wrong, or

    any religious affiliation, belief system, racial or national pride, or belief or not

    in a certain Creator This tries to transcend all and can be found at the core

    Truth of all writings, for, within all the dark stories influenced by the dark

    cloud or altered by it, be they spiritual or scientific ones, still lies a speck core

    of Truth, for we, who helped write them, all originate from the Light of Truth

    and know It, albeit very faintly so, and in remote subconscious memories.

    I apologize for this lengthy communication, but it needed to come out, for time

    is pressing, so that we understand, and then hopefully and powerfully change

    and prepare.

    I love you all deeply, without exception.

    Happy and blessed 2012!

    The Great Shift is on, rejoice!

    Gerald O'Donnell

    Academy of Remote Viewing and remote Influencing
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    I would strongly suggest for you, in order to complete your understanding of

    the concepts and situations we have just explained to read again carefully the

    following messages:

    New Year 2009 Message important New Year 2010 Message year 2011 Message from Jerusalem, May 1, 2011

    Message from The One, August 7, 2011

    Message from The One, August 28, 2011

    Message form The One, 11.11.11 Message from The One which I received 20 years ago in 1991.

    In this last message the One announced for the first time his Divine Plan of

    action in order to regain control over His Creations and openly revealed the

    very serious problems He was encountering with the Creations and actions of

    His first Projection: "Atzilut" or the original Adam Kadmon. If any of you

    have knowledge of ancient Hebrew Kabala and its mystical lore, you might

    find yourself quite surprised at the contents and the tone of this very powerful

    message which The One gifted on that day of July 25, 1991.
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    Kindly spread this message as wide and to as many as you can. This would be

    a great act of Love and Oneness towards others and appreciated as such.

    It is also posted on our website at: