Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman Dear Members and Friends: 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲The American Chamber of Southwest China is proud to be involved in another year’s publication of American Chamber of Commerce in People’s Republic of China’s American Business in China White Paper. The 2013 White Paper is AmCham China’s most important policy document which offers an authoritative economic review regarded highly by business leaders and government officials both in the US and in China. 亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 西一一 《》 2013 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲 。《 亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 》。 I want to express my sincere appreciation to our members’ support and contribution, AmCham-China’s resources and collaboration, and to the local government agencies for continuing an open dialogue with foreign businesses. 亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 亲亲亲 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲 ,,,。, 亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲


Message from the Chairman. Dear Members and Friends: 亲爱的会员以及朋友们: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman

Dear Members and Friends:亲爱的会员以及朋友们:The American Chamber of Southwest China is proud to be involved in another year’s publication of American Chamber of Commerce in People’s Republic of China’s American Business in China White Paper. The 2013 White Paper is AmCham China’s most important policy document which offers an authoritative economic review regarded highly by business leaders and government officials both in the US and in China. 中国西南美国商会很荣幸能再一次与中国美国商会一起出版《美资企业在中国》, 2013 年的白皮书是中国美国商会最重要的政策文件。《美资企业在中国》提供了一个权威的经济评论,此书被公司领导者和中美双方的政府官员尤为重视。I want to express my sincere appreciation to our members’ support and contribution, AmCham-China’s resources and collaboration, and to the local government agencies for continuing an open dialogue with foreign businesses. 在此,我由衷地感谢商会会员公司对白皮书的参与和贡献,同时,也感谢中国美国商会的资源分享和团队合作。当然,我也感谢当地政府持续对外资企业的对话开放政策。

Chengdu OverviewThanks to the advantages of diversified industry, improving urban infrastructure, efficient government management, as well as relatively low labor and production costs, Chengdu attracted a substantial number of multinational corporations (MNCs) and domestic firms, real estate investors and developers to the city in recent years. According to the China50 report published by JLL early this year, Chengdu is listed in the new “Tier 1.5 Transitional Cities” category, and ranks first amongst the 50 cities. It also ranks as China50’s largest office market, second largest retail market, and has strong growth potential for the logistic property sector. Chengdu has already captured the attention of many international corporations, with over 200 Fortune 500 companies with established bases in Chengdu. Representing western China’s emerging market, Chengdu hosted the 12th annual Western China International Fair and will also host the Fortune Global Forum this year.得益于多元化的产业、优良的城市基础设府管理以及相对低廉的劳动力价格和生产成来吸引了大批的跨国企业和内资企业、房地发商来蓉投资。今年年初仲量联行发布的最城市 50 强》报告中,成都位列新增的“ 1.5 线类,并且在中国新兴城市 50强中名列首位。已拥有中国新兴城市 50 强中最大的办公物业零售物业市场,并且在物流物业产业具有强。成都已经成为众多跨国公司关注的对象,业中有 200 多家均已进驻成都。作为中国西代表,成都还主办了第十二届中国西部国际于今年举办财富全球论坛。

In 2012, Chengdu’s GDP grew by 13 percent, to US $18.26 billion (RMB 177.51 billion). Chengdu’s growth rate, while down two percent from 2011, was still significantly higher than the national average of 7.7 percent. Although Chengdu has shown promising performance amidst a struggling global economy, certain factors threaten further growth. Government restrictions on foreign industries, a lack of skilled labor, poor regulation of industry standards, and poor construction planning are some of the issues that our contributors will explain further.

2012 年第三季度,成都的 GDP 增长速度为 13% ,达 82.6 亿美元(人民币 1775.1 亿元)。虽然 GDP 增长率比 2011 年下降 2% ,但依然远高于 7.7% 的全国平均水平。尽管成都的经济发展前景在全球经济不景气的大背景下依 然保持良好势头,但是依然存在着不少影响经济发展的因素:如政府限制外商投资行业、技术工人短缺、行业标准监管不力以及建设规划落后等等,将在下文详细论述。

In recent years, Chengdu has consistently performed the best among cities in southwest China, serving as a model for the Go West development initiative. Chengdu is listed in Asia-Pacific’s Top Ten Best Foreign Investment Strategic Cities. However, in an uncertain global economy, it is necessary to monitor and seek solutions for barriers that may hinder continued and sustainable development.


Recommendations 建议• Improve traffic support systems around manufacturing enterprises and economic zones. Divide future urban infrastructure projects into phases, and stagger these phases to avoid unnecessary interruptions for residents and workers. 改善制造业企业和经济开发区的分阶段实施城市基础设施改建项避免对居民和职工造成不必要的• Loosen restrictions on branch and sub-branch growth for foreign banks, to liberalize the domestic banking sector and improve competition. 放松对外资银行新设立分支机构内银行业的自由化并促进竞争。• Facilitate cooperation of pharmaceutical industry experts, pharmaceutical companies, and national regulatory agencies, to enact rules on punitive damages based on model international provisions. 加强医药行业专家、医药企业、合作,吸收国际通行的惩罚性赔• Attract and retain both domestic and international talent by relaxing labor dispatch and other restrictions. 放松对劳务派遣和其他相关事项留住国内外人才来蓉就业。

Recent Developments 新发展• By the end of 2012, there were a total of 13 foreign banks in

Chengdu: 11 operational branches, 1 Representative Office and 1 Business Processing Center. Foreign banks operating in Chengdu have been largely successful. There are 2 American Banks, Citibank and JP Morgan Chase. Other foreign banks include HSBC, Standard Chartered, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Bank of East Asia, UOB, OCBC, RBS, WOORI BK, a HK Bank under BOC Group and ANZ Business Processing Center. 截至 2012 年底, 13 家外资银行在成都设立 ,其中有 11家分行 , 1 家代表处和 1 家后台中心,并且令人满意。

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

• Foreign banks experienced their most profitable year in China during 2011. Profit after tax grew 115% to RMB 16.73 billion in 2011 up from RMB 7.78 billion in 2010.Total assets increased by 24% to RMB 2.15 trillion at the end of 2011. 2011年是外资银行在中国收益不菲的一年。2011年外资银行的税后盈利比2010年增长了115%, 从77.8亿人民币增长到了167.3亿人民币。 到2011年底总资产增长了24%达到了2.15万亿。

• Last year market share of the foreign banks increased to 1.93% from 1.83%. This is an impressive result despite the challenges limiting opportunities for growth.去年外资银行在华的市场份额从1.83%增长到了1.93%。在各种限制经济增长的挑战下,这也算是一个可观的成绩。

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Present Conditions: 现状• Foreign banks have limited market share due to later market

entry.外资银行因为较晚进入中国市场,市场占有的份额较少Foreign banks have 387 branches in China compared to about 66,600 operated by the five largest state-owned lenders. 在中国的外资银行仅有 387 家分行,与国内五大国有大型商业银行的 66,600 多家相比,势单力薄

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Capitalization barriers due to government restrictions, this can be restriction from both US Gov. or Chinese Gov. 因政府控制而造成的资本化障碍,中、美双方政府的态度和政策都可能造成障碍。 Foreign banks, like their Chinese counterparts, are restricted to lend no more than 75% of their deposit base. To gather deposits they must open branches, and government approvals have been slow in coming. They held just 1.6 percent of the nation’s RMB 83 trillion ($13 trillion) of deposits and had made 1.7 percent of its RMB 58 trillion in loans as of the end of last year, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. 在中国的商业银行包括外资银行,存贷比率不能超过 75% 。为积累更多的存款,银行就必须要设立更多的分支,然而通过政府审批的程序却需要一定的时间。据中国银行业监督管理委员会统计显示,外资银行占有国内 83万亿存款中的1.6% ( 13万亿)以及国内 58万亿贷款额中的 1.7% ( 14.5万亿)。

By contrast, according to the International Monetary Fund foreign banks typically control almost 50 percent of deposits, loans, and profits in emerging markets; however, foreign financial companies hold less than 2 percent of assets in China, the lowest share among major emerging markets.

据国际货币基金组织统计显示,外资银行一般掌控新兴市场上超过 50% 的存款、贷款以及利润。相比而言,外资金融公司在中国仅仅占有不到 2% 的资产,在各类新兴市场中最低。Source: Financial Times

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Chinese banks have long-term advantages of RMB business and state credit support中国本土银行拥有有人民币业务以及国家信用支持的长期优势。Long processing time for new sub-branch establishments sometimes in western China compared to other regions in China increases costs for foreign banks.有时候,在中国西部设立一个新的分支银行比在中国其他地区所需要的受理时间更久,会增加外资银行的成本。

Recommendations 建议:• Liberalize the domestic banking sector and relevant business

scope, i.e. investment banking sector, domestic corporate bond issuance etc.国内银行业各项业务的开放,如投资银行业务,国内人民币债券的发行等。

• A more open market will increase competition with local banks which will benefit the healthy development of local banking industry.一个更加开放的市场能够让外资银行更好地与国内银行竞争,有利于国内银行业良性发展。

• Be flexible on foreign banks’ business development supervision

according to the different business model and characteristic . 对外资银行的监管应该根据实际情况更加灵活,因为外资银行的经营模式和特点与中资银行有异。

Banking 银行业Richard Rang

Recent Developments

• The Chengdu hospitality industry had a positive year in 2012 but not as strong as 2011. 虽然成都的酒店业在 2012 年取得了一定的成绩,但是却比不

• The tourism market has recovered since the 2008 earthquake.

• In 2011, domestic tourists increased by a strong 42% year on year to 95.5 million – 67.4 million in 2010 arrivals while international arrivals grew 51 percent to 1.21 million.自 2008 年地震以来,旅游业得到了良好的恢复。在 2011 年,国内游客的数量以 42% 的年增长率从 6740万人次增加到了 9550万人次,国际游客的数量以 51% 的年增长率增加到了 121万。

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

The market has softened due to the addition of new properties.新酒店业的加入让市场偏软。Existing Hotels Future Hotels (2015)

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

Existing Hotels Future Hotels (by 2015)

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

From Q2 2012 to 2015, there will be an influx of 50 5-star hotels providing an additional 17,611 rooms, as well as 8 4-star hotels providing about 2,433 rooms.从 2012 年至 2015 年,将会有 50 家五星级酒店提供约 17611 个房间,同时会有 8 家四星级酒店提供约 2433 个房间。

Annual Hotel Room Supply Increase

Issues 问题• Overall outlook is negative due to the poor

state of the global economy while an influx of new inventory floods the market at this inopportune time.鉴于全球经济不景气,以及新建豪华酒店可能大量入市,该行业的总体发展前景不容乐观。

• Recruitment of new personnel. 20,000 new staff will need to be recruited and trained to ensure the correct level of service新增职位空缺 . 为保障豪华酒店的服务水平,至少需要新聘用并留住 2万名员工。

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

Recommendations 建议• Further training in the hospitality

industry.加强对酒店服务业人员的培训• Loosening labor restrictions to allowed

qualified staff to work in Chengdu.放松合格员工来成都就业的限制

Hospitality 酒店业William Hall

Winning in Chengdu赢在成都Elaine Sia Head of ManpowerGroup Solutions - ManpowerGroup ChinaNational Sales & Marketing Director - ManpowerGroup China谢妙凤万宝盛华集团综合解决方案负责人——万宝盛华集团(中国)中国区销售与市场总监—万宝盛华集团(中国)

Employment Status in Chengdu 成都的雇佣现状


Thought Leadership引领业界的远见卓识

Download in Research Center of ManpowerGroup China Official Website请登录万宝盛华集团(中国)官方网站研究中心免费下载

ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey-Quarterly万宝盛华雇佣前景调查 - 季度

White Papers—6 white papers in 2012白皮书—— 2012 年发布 6本白皮书

Survey Reports—4 survey reports in 2012调查报告—— 2012 年发布 4本调查报告

• Conduct over 50 years 超过 50 年的历史• Cover 42 countries & territories 范围涵盖 42 个国家或地区• Reference & Indicators to plan employers’ hiring intentions 雇主招募意向的参考依据• Leading in the Human Age 引领“人智时代”• How to Advance The Capabilities of Today’s Workforce 如何提升当今劳动力市场潜能?• Career Driven Youth Paper 青年势力—不容忽视的职业驱动力• Modern Outsourcing Strategies Meet the Need for a More

Agile Workforce 现代化外包策略—满足更灵活的劳动力配置• Winning in China 赢在中国• 2012 Talent Shortage Survey 2012 人才短缺调查• Leverage Talent Through Training 通过培训利用人才



中国 印度 日本 美国 法国 英国 希腊 意大利 西班牙-20










t: P




China India Japan USA

Emerging Markets


Consuming Countries Western Europe


Countries Impacted by European Debt Crisis


Source: ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey* All data is seasonally adjusted




新兴市场 消费国 西欧


Global Uncertainty Continued till Q2 2013全球经济不确定性一直蔓延至 2013 年第二季度 • Survey results are consistent with the global economy.

• 雇佣前景调查结果与全球经济大环境相吻合。


Employment in Sichuan

*Source: China Daily and Sichuan Daily


* 来自中国日报和四川日报

四川拥有 9千万人口,是近年来中国劳动力出口最大的省份之一。

2012 年,接近1300万四川农民离开家乡在四川省内其他地方工作。

最近几年,四川由于其资源丰富,生产成本相对较低,吸引了不少投资者从沿海地区到四川设立办事处,如零售业、 IT 业、制造业、汽车业等。因此,人才竞争异常激烈。

• With a population of 90 million, Sichuan has been one of China's largest labor-exporting provinces in recent years.

• Nearly 13 million Sichuan rural migrant workers left their hometown to work in other parts of Sichuan province in 2012.

• Sichuan has attracted 333.5 billion investment in 2012.

• Due to its abundant resources, and relatively lower production costs, Sichuan has attracted many investors from coastal provinces to set up offices in recent years, such as Retailing, IT, Manufacturing, Auto industries. Therefore, talent competition is fierce in Sichuan.

2012 年,四川省吸引了 3335 亿元企业投资总额。


• Chengdu has a population of about 14 million. And its employment poll reaches at 7.5 million in Chengdu

• In 2013, 238 of the world's Fortune 500 companies were represented in Chengdu.

• Chengdu's potential talent pool remains healthy, fed by more than 50 universities and colleges that provide around 15 thousand graduates every year. 25% graduates are from outland.

• Chengdu produces 46,000 college graduates in IT every year, 30.7% of total graduates.

• Services, Auto, Real Estate, Manufacturing sectors are emerging in Chengdu.

成都约1400万人口 ,就业总量达 750万。

成都潜在人才储备良好,每年约15万大学生从50 所大学院校毕业。 25% 的大学毕业生来源于外地,

每年,成都输送4.6 万名 IT毕业生,占总毕业生的 30.7% 。

2013 年,世界五百强里有 238 家企业入驻成都。

Employment in Chengdu成都雇佣现状



Employment Outlook Comparison between China Coastal and Inland Cities in 2011-2012 2011-2012 中国沿海地区和内陆地区雇佣前景比较

上海 广州 深圳 成都




18 18





161614 13


2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4Unit: Percentage

Shanghai ChengduShenzhenGuangzhou

上海 广州 深圳 成都




29 3034


2521 21


1821 23 25

2011 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4单位:百分比Unit: Percentage

Shanghai ChengduShenzhenGuangzhou


Employment Outlook Comparison between China Coastal and Inland Cities in 2013 2013 中国沿海地区和内陆地区雇佣前景比较

上海 广州 深圳 成都








2013 Q1 2013 Q2Unit: Percentage

Shanghai ChengduShenzhenGuangzhou

Chengdu is establishing a modern manufacturing base and creating the conditions for a high-end service industry to flourish.成都正全面打造现代化的制造业基地,同时为高端服务业的蓬勃发展创造有利条件。


Chengdu’s Salary Increase Fastest among Cities成都地区薪酬呈现最快增长速度

西安 成都 武汉 重庆 上海 广州 深圳







2012 年沿海与内陆地区主要城市薪酬增长速度

Inland Cities Coastal Cities

2012 :Salary Increasing Rate in Coastal and Inland Cities

Shanghai ShenzhenGuangzhouXi’an Chengdu ChongqingWuhan

2012 年沿海与内陆地区主要城市薪酬增长速度

内陆城市 沿海城市

2012 Minimum Wage:1050 Yuan/M


Increasing Labor Cost Pressure前所未有的企业人力成本压力

• Minimum wage increase 63% in 5 years• Minimum wage in 2015 is at least 1.63 times than 2011 • 最低工资五年内上涨 63%• 2015 最低工资是 2011 年的 1.63倍

Source: Finance Website来源:金融网站

Salary Cost工资成本

Service Cost实物成本

Risk Cost风险成本

Policy Cost政策成本


Motivate Talents in the Human Age“ 人智时代”的人才激励


The World that We Live in…….我们生活的世界…


Leading in the Human Age引领人智时代

科技革命 个人选择

人口统计 / 人才不匹配客户需求复杂度提升

ManpowerGroup has spent years tracking macro-economic forces which enable us to identify critical and current World of Work trends and help our clients win.

万宝盛华集团主席兼 CEO Jeff Jorres 在 2011 年瑞士达沃斯经济论坛中宣布世界正进入人智时代。万宝盛华集团多年研究改变世界的宏观力量,使我们发现当前职场趋势的驱动因素 ,帮助客户取得成功。

ManpowerGroup Chairman and CEO Jeff Joerres announce the world has entered the Human Age in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 2011.


Every Company is Faced with the Similar Dilemma每家公司都会面临类似的困境

“ 我如何能在人才短缺、利润紧缩和经济不确定等因素的情况下保证企业竞争力,并实施业务战略?”



Winning in the Human Age is Humanly Possible赢在“人智时代”,人人皆能


Talents’ Potential

Retain Key


Generate Sound

Competing Environment


Employee Engagement Improve Management


Source & Select









Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

What is Logistics? 什么是物流? A modern idea of the shipping, one that includes transport and tracking, infrastructure, customs, and supply chain management. 物流阐述了运送的现代概念,包括运输和追踪货物,基础设施整修,海关关税,和整个物流管理。

Increasing Trade = Growth in the Logistics Industry贸易增长 = 物流产业增长

Different Types of Logistics – 不同分类的物流• General Cargo -一般货物• Supply Chain Management -供应链协调• Project Logistics -项目物流

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

Recent Developments 新进展• Opening of line 2 of the metro地铁二号线开通• New terminal at Shuangliu Airport

opened in 2012 increasing passenger and airfreight capacity of the airport. 2012 年双流机场第二航站楼正式启用,成都的航空的客运以及货运量剧增。

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

In 2004, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport’s passenger volume was over 10 million. In 2009 it grew to over 20 million. By December 2012, passenger traffic reached over 30 million making Shuangliu Airport the fourth largest aviation hub in mainland China.成都双流国际机场继 2004 年旅客吞吐量突破 1000万人次, 2009 年旅客吞吐量突破2000万人次, 2012 年 12月又突破 3000万人次,成为中国内陆第四大航空枢纽。

Basic Trade Statistics for Sichuan

• GDP (2012): $385 billion• Per Capita GDP: $4,775• Growth: 12.6%• Number of US Entities Invested

in Sichuan: 1,214

• 19% increase in exports in 2012• 11% increase in imports in 2012

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

From 2012 Chengdu started the construction of an elevated ring road above the second ring road. 2012 年起成都开始在现有二环路之上再建高架桥。

New Rail Infrastructure

Newly opening ‘Airtrain’ will be fastest rail connection between China and continental Europe.

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

Issues 存在的问题• Failure to consider transportation facilities for industrial parks

in suburban areas. 忽视了郊区工业开发区的交通设施建设 • Chengdu’s massive renewal of traffic infrastructure in 2012

will undoubtedly benefit the future, but it fails to adequately consider transportation facilities for highly centralized industrial parks in suburban areas. 2012 年,成都进行了大规模交通基础设施翻新改造工程,这无疑将赵夫未来城市发展,但却未能充分考虑到市郊高度集中的工业园区对于交通设施的需求。

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

• Traffic jams during construction.城建施工导致了交通堵塞 • The construction of the elevated road above the second

ring road has proceeded very quickly, however it has also brought tremendous inconvenience to those living in the city and had a negative ripple effect on transportation. 虽然二环路高架桥建设速度很快,但的确给市民生活带来诸多不便,而且对城市交通造成负面涟漪效果。

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

Logistics 物流业Eli Sweet

Recommendations 建议Chengdu Municipal government should consider the needs of economic zones in future transportation plans. 成都市政府在未来交通规划中能够充分考虑经济开发区对交通的需求 Stagger schedule for future urban infrastructure projects to avoid unnecessary interruptions.城市基建方案要错开施工时段,以减少不必要的交通阻隔。

Recent Developments 新进展• GDP growth in Sichuan grew by 14.3% in 2012 to

$2400 Billion四川正在快速的成长。 在 2012 ,四川的 GDP 增长了14.3% 至 24,000 亿人民币。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

Chengdu has attracted renowned international enterprises like Dell and Lenovo, as well as leading OEM companies such as Foxconn, Compal and Wistron, in 2012, which have all further attracted core support companies. Over 200 Fortune 500 companies have established bases in Chengdu, the most in southwest China, including 173 overseas enterprises and 56 domestic enterprises. 2012年成都已经吸引包括戴尔、联想以及龙头代工企业富士康、仁宝和纬创在内的诸多企业落户成都,未来还将吸引更多的上下游关联企业进驻。世界500强企业中已经有200多家企业进驻成都,数量居中国西南地区之首,其中包括173家外国企业和56家中资企业。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

• Over 200 Fortune500 companies established bases in Chengdu, such as Intel, Accenture, IBM, Ubisoft Entertainment, Maersk and Philips世界 500 强企业中已经有 200 多家进驻成都。

• Foreign direct investment fell by 3.4 percent during January to August 2012在 2012 年一月到八月期间,外商直接投资额下降了 3.4% 。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

Specific problems 具体问题• Lack of efficient traffic infrastructure around manufacturing enterprises.制造企业周边的交通配套仍需大力改善

Chengdu is undergoing a massive construction of traffic infrastructure in 2012, however, there is still not enough attention paid to transportation facilities for concentrated industrial parks in suburban areas.

Factors, such as few bus lines and unreasonable transit times are inconvenient to company employees. Additionally, traffic congestion and limited time-frame during construction are even more troublesome.


Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

• Manufacturing enterprises are confronted with great cost pressure.制造企业面临巨大的成本压力• Rising labor costs and labor shortage has become an irreversible fact.

Combined with the rising trend towards CPI, manufacturing enterprises are under great cost pressure. One of the biggest challenges for foreign invested enterprises is how to recruit employees, keep employees and prevent resignation without notifying enterprises. Because of lack of relevant regulations about resignation without notifying enterprises, the recruitment cost can be greatly increased.劳动力成本的攀升和劳工短缺等问题已经成为不可逆转的事实, CPI 持续上升的趋势下,制造企业面临巨大的成本压力。招聘、留住员工和员工的频繁流动是外资企业在中国面临的最大挑战。没有相关的制度对随意流动的就业者加以规范,大大地增加了企业的招聘成本。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

• In 2012, China has taken a series of control measures such as credit control, which led to revenue decline of some American enterprise, or inhibition of the growth needs of enterprise.2012 中国采取的控制信贷等调控措施导致一些拥有中国业务的美国企业营收入下滑,或抑制了企业的增长需求。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

Recommendations 建议• The government can coordinate relevant departments to

evaluate networking integrity between each industrial park and bus system, reasonably distribute sufficient resources to meet the increasing transportation needs and give special policy to enterprise vehicles especially enterprise buses in the aspects of number limit and time limit. 政府协调交通等相关部门评估各工业园区与公交系统的联网的完整性,并合理安排充足的资源来满足日益增长的交通需求,在限行限时要求上是否能对企业的车辆特别是企业的交通车给予特殊的政策。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma

• Expand preferential policies and further strengthen support efforts for the small and medium-sized enterprise. In the meantime, perfect the corresponding laws and regulations; protect laborers' rights and interests while regulate laborers' obligations.扩大对中小型企业的优惠政策,进一步提高对中小型企业的扶持力度;同时完善相应的法律法规,在保护劳动者权益的同时规范劳动者应履行的义务。

Manufacturing 制造业Jolly Ma


Professional Team for Injectables Excellence

The 1st Injection Company Approved by FDA in China

The best sterile injectable operation in Asia with isolated filling system1

No. 1 to implement QBD – “Quality by Design”2

Industrial leader to set the high quality standards3

Leading sterile injectable filling facility approved by US FDA4

Leading Edge

专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectables Excellence52

专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectable Excellence 53

The 1st Injectable Company Approved by FDA in China

2013, Official Notice from FDA:



China Macro-Economy-Pharm Sector

54 专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectables Excellence

Lead the Industry Standards

55 专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectables Excellence

KSCP directly participates in policy making in an efforts to set higher safety standards

for sterile products in China.

药 品 G M P 专 家 定 稿 会

专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectables Excellence

Leading Edge —

The automatically decontaminated isolator system provides Grade A aseptic environment that is monitored on-line. Technology employed at KSCP has offered safe and reliable aseptic manufacturing environment that segregates operators from sterile drug product, hence effectively preventing human error and risk of cross contamination. The other important benefits include the significant enhancement of operator safety and fast product change over.





① Incentives for SAFE Medicine

② Policies to Attract Industrial Talents

③ Infrastructure & Environmental Improvement

专业团队致力于高品质注射用药 Professional Team for Injectables Excellence

Grade A Office Market 1Q13

Supply/Demand Dynamics – Grade A Office

Grade A Office Pipeline

Occupier Profile Analysis

Tier 2 Commercial District

Prime Retail Market 1Q13

Supply/Demand Dynamics – Prime Retail Market

New Completion Project HighlightCity Center & 2nd Ring Road

New Completion Project HighlightNew South Area

High-end retailers expanding in Chengdu

AmCham Southwest White Paper Contributors