MESC School Staffing Manual - World...


Transcript of MESC School Staffing Manual - World...

Page 1: MESC School Staffing Manual - World… · The School Staffing Manual provides advice to MESC staff and principals


Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture



Page 2: MESC School Staffing Manual - World… · The School Staffing Manual provides advice to MESC staff and principals




Page 3: MESC School Staffing Manual - World… · The School Staffing Manual provides advice to MESC staff and principals


6.1 INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (MESC) has recently implemented a series of new policy initiatives designed to improve the equity and efficiency of school staffing and enhance the quality of educational delivery in Samoan government schools. The introduction of common and consistent staffing formulae will:

ensure that all schools receive a fair share of available teachers, provide a basis for allocating teachers that is easily understood by principals and school

communities, and allow the future staffing needs of schools to be accurately determined and acted upon.

The School Staffing Manual provides advice to MESC staff and principals on the school staffing process. The School Staffing Manual brings together key aspects of staffing policy, school organization, curriculum provision and teacher duties, to assist principals in the management of schools.

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6.2.1 School Enrolment

Primary Schools:

The maximum student enrolment of a Primary School should not exceed 750 students.

The maximum student enrolment capacity (SEC) of a Primary School is to be determined by the following formulae: Student Enrolment Capacity = Number of Classrooms x 40

A Primary School whose enrolment is in excess of their SEC must limit the enrolment of students to Year 1 in the subsequent years to students from its nominated contributing villages until its SEC has been complied with. A Primary School whose enrolment is less than its SEC may enrol students at all year levels until it reaches its SEC. Priority must be given to students from its nominated contributing villages prior to enabling students from other villages. Secondary Schools or Colleges The maximum student enrolment of a Secondary School/College should not exceed 750 students. A Secondary School/College whose enrolment is in excess of 750 students must limit student enrolments to Year 9 students from its district until its enrolment is less than 750. A Secondary School/College whose enrolment is less than 750 may enrol students at all levels in accordance with its facilities provision and the MESC class size requirements. Priority for enrolment be given to students from its district prior to enrolling students from other districts.

6.2.2 School Staffing Formula & Staffing Entitlement Primary Schools: The Staffing Entitlement of each primary school will be calculated on a base formula of one

teacher to every 30 students. The staffing entitlement will be calculated on a rounded up basis. Schools with eight-year levels will have at least three teachers. Schools with less than 8 year levels will have at least two teachers.

Secondary Schools or Colleges The staffing entitlement of each Secondary School or College will be calculated on a staffing

formula of one teacher to every 20 students. The staffing entitlement will be calculated on a rounded up basis. A Size Adjustment Factor (SAF) will apply to all schools below 200 enrolment as follows:

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Enrolment SAF Schools between 161 – 200 +1 teacher Schools between 121 – 160 +2 teachers Schools between 81 – 120 +3 teachers Schools up to 80 students +4 teachers

6.2.3 School Organisation Hours of Attendance

Primary Schools The required school attendance hours for primary students are:

Years 1 to 3 8 am to 12.30 pm Years 4 to 8 8 am to 1.30 pm. including one 30 minutes interval.

Secondary Schools

The required school attendance hours for Year 9 to Year 13 students are 8:00am to 1:45pm including a 30 minutes interval. Class Sizes

Primary Schools

All class sizes must be within the targets set out below considering the classrooms available.

- for single level classes, the target is 30 students per class (maximum 40 students) - for dual level classes, the target is 25 students per class (maximum 35 students) - for multiple level classes, the target is 20 students per class (maximum 30 students) - multiple level classes should not, if possible, contain students from more than three class levels. - year 1 classes should not exceed a maximum of 30 students. Secondary Schools There must not be more than forty (40) students in any secondary class. Curriculum Provision

The following guidelines should be used for the school timetable and for allocating teacher duties. The Principal is to determine the hours of instruction for each subject in the school curriculum having regard to the guidelines outlined in the next section.

The Principal is to approve the school timetable which allocates the weekly hours of instruction for each subject. The implementation of these guidelines will ensure that a balanced and comprehensive curriculum is provided to all students in Samoan government schools.

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Primary Schools

Years 1 – 3

The minimum hours of instruction for primary students in years 1 to 3 is 20 hours a week and in years 4-8 it is 25 hours a week. The following sample timetables are provided as a guide.

Year One Number of

hours/week Samoan 10.00 Mathematics 2.30 Poems and Speech training


Printing 1.00 Health 1.00 Science 1.00 Story/drama 1.00 Art/PE 1.30 Singing/Games 1.00 Total 20.00

Year Two Number of hours/week

Samoan 6.40 Mathematics 3.20 Oral English 2.30 Printing 1.20 Health 1.20 Science 1.20 Story/drama/Poems 1.00 Art/Craft 1.00 PE 0.30 Singing/Games 1.00 Total 20.00

Year Three Number of hours/week

Samoan 5.00 English 5.00 Mathematics 3.20 Printing 1.40 Health 1.00 Science 1.00 Reading 1.00 Art/Music 0.30 P.E 0.30 Singing/Games 1.00 Total 20.00

Years 4 - 8 Minimum time allocations in minutes per day (or equivalent periods) Core Subjects English 60 mins Samoan 45 mins Mathematics 45 mins Science 45 mins Social Science 45 mins The balance of the timetable week should be allocated to the non-core subjects of Physical Education, Art/Craft and Music.

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Secondary Schools Years 9 – 11 Minimum time allocations hours per week (or equivalent periods) Core Subjects Options English 4 hours Food and Textile Technology 2 hours Samoan 3 hours Design Technology 2 hours Mathematics 3 hours Agricultural Science 2 hours Science 3 hours Business Studies 2 hours Social Education 3 hours Physical Education 1 hour Music / Visual Arts 1 hour These guidelines specify minimum time allocations. The total of core and optional subjects should equal 25 hours per week. Where a small number of options is offered the time allocation to core subjects should be increased to meet the 25 hour weekly requirement. Years 12 – 13 Minimum time allocations 5 hours per week (or equivalent periods) per subject. Core Subject Options English Geography History Biology Chemistry Physics Science (year 12 only) Mathematics Accounting Economics Typing (Year 12 only) Development Studies (Year 13 only) Agriculture Science Computer Studies (Year 13 only) Samoan Food & Textiles Technology (Year 12) Design Technology (Year 12) Teachers Duties The normal hours of duty for primary and secondary teachers are 40 hours per week. This time includes:

Class teaching. Other duties.

Preparation and correction.

It is important that all teachers are treated fairly in the allocation of these three components. Principals will use the following guidelines to organise and assign teaching and other duties.

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Class Teaching Primary Primary teachers may be assigned up to 25 hours (or equivalent periods) of class teaching time per week. Secondary Minimum 16 hours per week (or equivalent periods) Average 18 hours per week (or equivalent periods) Maximum 20 hours per week (or equivalent periods) The Deputy Principal should have a teaching load of at least 10 hours (or equivalent periods) per week. Other Duties Teachers may be given time allocations for undertaking duties other than class teaching. For example Head of Department, Form Teacher, Culture Days, School Sport and Field Trips etc. Teachers with the lightest class teaching loads can be expected to take a greater proportion of other duties. Preparation and Correction Time Preparation and correction will make up the difference between class teaching and other duties, and the required 40 hours of duty per week. A teacher on the maximum class teaching time should have at least 15 hours of preparation and correction per week. Class Teaching + Other Duties + Preparation & Correction = 40 Hours per week For Example: 20 hours + 5 hours + 15 hours = 40 hours 6.3. THE STAFFING OPERATION The Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture has decided upon a staffing formula by which schools will be provided with a fair and equitable entitlement to teachers. They have also established an annual process that will enable:

school staffing entitlements to be calculated; the staffing needs of each school to be determined;

excess teachers to be identified and re-assigned; and,

the graduates from Faculty of Education (FoE) to be allocated to meet school needs.

6.3.1 Staffing Formulae and Staffing Entitlement Primary Schools The staffing entitlement of each primary school will be calculated on a base formula of one teacher to every 30 students. The staffing entitlement will be calculated on a rounded up basis. Example: A school which has a total enrolment of 273 students will have a staffing entitlement of 273 ÷ 30 = 9.1 which is rounded to 10 teachers.

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Schools with 8 year levels will have at least 3 teachers and schools with less than 8 year levels will have at least two teachers. Primary schools with less than 100 students may seek special consideration by way of an extra teacher if they can show that class organisation is difficult. Principals of such schools should discuss the matter with their School Review Officer. The Principal should allocate a class teacher to each class established at the school within the school’s staffing entitlement. The Principal should allocate any additional teaching resource time to support the class room teachers. Secondary Schools The staffing entitlement of each secondary school will be calculated on a staffing formula of one teacher to every 20 students. The staffing entitlement will be calculated on a rounded up basis. A Size Adjustment Factor (SAF) will apply to all schools below 200 enrolment as follows: Enrolment SAF Schools between 161 – 200 +1 teacher Schools between 121 – 160 +2 teachers Schools between 81 – 120 +3 teachers Schools up to 80 students +4 teachers The process will start in October each year with school principals providing estimated enrolments for the following year.

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6.3.2 Description of the Staffing Process

N o v

O c t0 1

O c t0 2

D e c J a n F e b M a r A p r M a y J u n J u l A u g S e p

S c h o o ls a d v is e S t a f f in g O f f ic e o f e s t im a t e de n r o lm e n t s f o r t h e f o l lo w in g y e a r

S t a f f in g O f f ic e is s u e s e n t i t le m e n t s b a s e d o ne s t im a t e d e n r o lm e n t s t o g e t h e r w i t h p a r t ia l lyc o m p le t e d S t a f f in g R e t u r n s .

S t a f f in g O f f ic e is s u e s a p p l i c a t io n s f o r t e a c h e rr e q u e s t e d t r a n s f e r s t o s c h o o ls in e x c e s s

S c h o o ls s u b m it c o m p le t e d S t a f f in gR e t u r n s .T e a c h e r s s u b m i t T R T a p p l ic a t io n s

S t a f f in g O f f ic e : - c h e c k s r e t u r n s - a p p r o v e s e x c e s s e s a n d v a c a n c ie s - p r e p a r e s s t a f f in g d a t a b a s e - c o m m e n c e s t e a c h e r r e q u e s t e d t r a n s f e r s - c o m m e n c e s e x i t c o l le g e p o s t in g s

S t a f f in g O f f ic e a d v is e ss c h o o ls o f s t a f fm o v e m e n t s

S c h o o ls a d v is e o f a n ys t a f f c h a n g e s .

S t a f f in g O f f ic e c o n t in u a l ly m o n i t o r s a n d r e s p o n d s t o s c h o o l s t a f f in g n e e d s t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r

S t a f f in g O f f ic e a n a ly s e s e x c e s s e s a n dv a c a n c ie s , a n d s u p p ly a n d d e m a n d f a c t o r s , t od e t e r m in e s y s t e m w id e t r a in in g n e e d s f o r n e x tin t a k e in t o t e a c h e r t r a in in g .

T e a c h e r s u p p ly m a r k e t in g ,p r o m o t io n o r in c e n t iv e s t r a t e g yd e t e r m in e d a n d im p e m e n t e d .

S t a f f i n g O p e r a t i o n - T i m e l i n e i n O u t l i n e

A c t u a l e n r o lm e n t s a n d e n t i t le m e n t sc o n f i r m e d b y c e n s u s .

E s t im a t e de n r o lm e n t f o r m sp r o v id e d t os c h o o ls

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6.3.3 Estimated Enrolments In October each year, school principals will be requested to complete an Estimated Enrolment Return (EER) estimating their school enrolments for the following year. School Operations Division will provide schools with their previous enrolment history as a guide. However local knowledge of retention rates, student intakes and other factors likely to affect enrolments are equally important and should be taken into account by principals in making their estimates. Principals should discuss their estimated enrolments with the School Review Officer, who will forward the EER to the School Operations Division. It is important that school principals make the estimates as accurate as possible, as staffing entitlements and staff postings will be based upon them. School enrolments will be confirmed through the school census conducted each March. Appendix 1 shows a sample EER together with instructions for its completion.

6.3.4 School Staffing Entitlements Using estimated enrolments provided by principals and the appropriate formula, School Operations will calculate each school staffing entitlement for the following year. Where a school has fewer teachers than their entitlement the school has vacancies. Where a school has more teachers than their entitlement the school has excesses. School Operations will advise each school of its entitlement through a Staffing Return (SR) for each school. This will contain school details and the names of all staff on payroll at the school. At the same time School Operations will issue applications for teacher requested transfers (TRT’s) to those schools with an oversupply of teachers.

6.3.5 Staffing Returns The School Staffing Return (SR) will be provided to all schools in October. This Staffing Return will provide the latest staffing information on each school and act as the primary source of data for determining school staffing needs and system needs. The Staffing Return will be a record of each school’s entitlement to staff matched against the number of teachers at the school. When a school has fewer teachers than its entitlement, the school has vacancies. Where the number of teachers at a school is greater than the entitlement the school has excesses. School principals will be expected to complete their Staffing Returns and return them by late October. A sample SR, together with instructions for its completion, is attached as Appendix 2. To complete the SR, Principals will:

check that all information provided is correct; and, determine the number of vacancies or name the names of excess teachers on the basis of the

estimated entitlement. School Review Officers will provide assistance to Principals in completing the Staffing Return. Completed SR’s, will be signed by the Principal, and the School Review Officers who will forward it to School Operations Division.

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6.3.6 Teacher Requested Transfers The MESC needs to move teachers from situations of oversupply (excess) to situations of under supply (vacancies). Generally, staff movement will be carried out on a voluntary basis in a fair and equitable way. A teacher requested transfer (TRT) process has been established. It has the following features:

teachers in schools with excess are entitled to apply; teachers may specify their preferences for transfer by school or district;

applications must be endorsed by the principal and School Review Officer;

all applications will be placed on the transfer register in School Operations;

transfer requests will be granted in order of length of time at the present school (i.e. The first

preference will be given to teachers who have been there the longest); and, transfers will not be granted where they create a vacancy.

Sample TRT forms for primary and secondary schools are attached as Appendices 3 and 4. These TRT forms will be provided to all schools with an oversupply of teachers. School Review Officers will provide advice to Principals and teachers on how to complete TRT forms and collect the completed forms. Completed TRT forms should be returned to School Operations by late October.

6.3.7 Management of Excess Teachers To bring schools with an over supply of teachers to their correct entitlement, teachers in excess will be reallocated from there to schools with vacancies. Wherever possible, cessation and voluntary transfer will be used to reduce the level of excess. Cessation will be monitored through information provided by principals in the Staffing Returns. Voluntary transfers will be through the TRT process. Principals must name sufficient teachers to reduce school staff to its entitlement figure. For example: A primary school has thirteen teachers and a staffing entitlement of 10. The school therefore has three excess teachers who must be named by the Principal. In naming excess teachers, Principals will choose the staff member/s whose transfer will have the least impact on the school. Principals may not name teachers in excess who are in positions of responsibility (i.e Deputy Principal, First Assistant, Senior Assistant, Infant Supervisor) and they may not name teachers who are the subject of serious disciplinary proceedings. Teachers named as excess must be advised to complete a TRT and indicate their preferred future location. The names of teachers in excess must be included in the Staffing Returns. Where the transfer of an excess teacher is required it will be to a vacancy at another school within the same district, or if that is not possible, to a vacancy in a neighbouring district. Teachers named as excess who do not complete a TRT will not be moved without consultation regarding possible options for transfer.

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In primary schools the principal must:

Advise all teachers of the new staffing arrangements and the number of excesses at the school. Explain the need to transfer excess staff to vacancies. Explain to all teachers the naming of excess teachers and the teacher requested transfer

processes. Invite any teacher interested to complete a TRT form. Collect and endorse the TRT forms and forward to the School Review Officer for endorsement

and delivery to School Operations Division. In secondary schools principals will be required to carry out the above steps but only invite teacher requested transfers from subject areas that are in excess. The School Review Officers will assist, identify and negotiate voluntary transfers between schools.

6.3.8 Staffing Database and Staff Movements School Operations Division will receive and check all Staffing Returns and will then approve the names of the excess teachers and the number of vacancies listed by the school. During the first week in November information from the SR will be entered onto the staffing database. The database will produce the following reports to assist the staffing process:

Vacancies by school, district and Island. Excesses by school, district and Island.

TRT’s by school, district and Island.

School Operations, with the assistance of School Review Officers, will post staff in the following order:

1. Movement of TRT’s into vacancies. 2. Posting FoE and returning graduates. 3. Transfer of remaining excesses.

4. New employments.

School Operations will work equitably by attempting to remove excesses, either by TRT or reassigning, from the most overstaffed schools first and fill vacancies in the most understaffed schools first.

6.3.9 Appointments and Transfers School Operations Division will advise schools of postings:

During the last school week in December, During the last week of the school holidays in January,

and then throughout the year as further changes take place. The school staffing database will continually be updated during the year as staff changes occur.

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Once schools resume, they will be required to provide the School Operations Division with notification of any late staff changes. (e.g. recent resignations) All teachers transferred or appointed to another school will be notified of their new posting in writing.

6.3.10 Confirmed Enrolments Principals will confirm their enrolments in the school census conducted in March each year. Where the confirmed enrolment changes the school entitlement, the entitlement will be revised. In schools with a revised staffing entitlement the Principal will either:

name further teachers excess to entitlement, or,

name further vacancies. Example 1. Based on estimated enrolments a school has a staffing entitlement of 7 teachers and an actual staff of 8. One teacher has been named in excess. The March census shows that the school enrolment is less than previously estimated and the schools staffing entitlement is adjusted to 6 teachers. The principal must therefore name another teacher in excess. Example 2. In the example above, if the confirmed enrolment was higher than the estimate, and the schools staffing entitlement was adjusted to 8 teachers, then School Operations will attempt to fill the vacancy.

6.3.11 Support and Assistance School Operations Division and the School Review Officers will support and assist schools in implementing the policies and procedures outlined in this manual.

6.4 APPENDICES The following Appendices are attached: Appendix 1 Estimated Enrolment Return (EER) and instructions Appendix 2 Staffing Returns (SR) and instructions Appendix 3 Primary TRT Form Appendix 4 Secondary TRT Form


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Instructions for Completion 1. Introduction

Your school’s staffing entitlement for next year will be based on the estimated student enrolment at the school for next year. That estimate will be confirmed by census in March each year. Since staffing movements will be made on the estimated enrolments it is important that Principals make those estimates as accurately as possible. The school’s previous enrolment history has been provided as a guide. However local knowledge of retention rates, student intakes and other factors likely to affect enrolments are equally important and should be taken into account in making your estimates.

2. Instructions for Principals □ In the space provided under 3, enter the estimated enrolment numbers for each year level at the

school with the total estimated school enrolment for the next year. □ Discuss your estimates with the School Review Officer. □ Sign and date the return □ Have the School Review Officer countersign the return. □ Submit the completed Estimated Enrolment Return to the School Review Officer to return to the

Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture by the due date.

Estimated Enrolment Return FA'AVAE I LE ATUA SAMOA


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Faleasi’u P/S 1. School Details Name of school: Faleäsi’u P/S School Level: Primary Year Established: 1949 District: Aana No.1 Type of School: Co-education Address: Faleolo Post Office Faleolo Post Office Telephone: None Principal: Savelio Taimalie School Review Officer: Lofipo Faletolu Number of Classrooms: 17 2. Enrolment History Year Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Total

1997 82 56 60 75 39 77 58 32 479 1998 72 67 54 67 72 39 70 53 494 1999 83 65 56 56 77 73 36 69 515 2000 60 69 70 59 50 64 61 44 477 2001 60 77 69 62 53 53 61 59 494 2002 70 52 83 66 59 50 53 57 490 2003 92 67 51 87 59 54 44 48 505 3. Estimated 2004 Enrolment Year Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Total 2004 80 86 66 50 98 68 60 53 561 Principal’s Signature: ______ Date: School Review Officer’s Signature: ______ Date:________________

OFFICE USE Enrolment approved Principal Education Officer – School Personnel

Estimated Enrolment Return 2004 FA'AVAE I LE ATUA SAMOA

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Instructions for Completion of the Return A. Introduction

Your school’s staffing entitlement for the next year has been based on the estimated student enrolment at the school for next year.

That estimate will be confirmed by the census in March each year. If your confirmed student enrolment is different from your estimated student enrolment then the staffing entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.

Your task will be to:

check that all information provided is correct. determine either the number of vacancies or the name/s of excess teachers, based on your

estimated entitlement.

A check box for Principals is provided at the end of each of these instructions. B. Instructions for Principals 1. School Details

Ensure that all of the school details entered are correct (including spelling). If any information is incorrect, draw a line through the incorrect entry and write the correct information beside it. Completed

2. Enrolment History

This is provided for information only. There is no need to correct these entries.

Completed 3. Estimated Enrolment

These figures are the estimates provided by your school in October. If there are errors in these figures, or significant differences between these estimates and what you now believe the enrolment to be next year, please contact your School Review Officer. A significant difference is more than 15 students in total.

Completed 4. Estimated Staffing Entitlement

This has been calculated on the basis of 1 teacher per 30 students or part thereof. An adjustment has been made so that no school with 8 year levels will have less than 3 teachers and no school will have less than 2 teachers. The Total Staffing Entitlement is the total number of teachers to which your school is entitled for the next year. Please note this figure.




Primary Schools

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5. Existing Staff This table lists all teachers on the school staffing database as posted to your school. Please ensure that all details are correct. Where an entry is incorrect draw a line through that entry and make the correction.

If for some reason (e.g. retirement, resignation, etc.) a teacher will not be available from the start or during the next year, please indicate this information in the space provided. Provide dates where possible. Example

Position Name Age Reason for inavailability in 2004 TRT Y/N

Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher

Simi Loli Sally Smith

60 27

Retirement – December 2003 Resignation – March 2004


6. Number of Vacancies This is the number of vacancies within entitlement recognised by the School Operations for your school. Every effort will be made to fill these vacancies as soon as possible. If your school has excesses the number will be shown.


7. Listing of vacancies by Type

If your school has vacancies please complete the table as follows: Where the vacancy is to be filled by a teacher, show the number of vacancies in the number column

and write “Teacher” in the type column. Where the vacancy is a position of responsibility, write the position in the Type column e.g,

Principal, First Assistant or Infant Supervisor. Completed

8. Number of Excesses Where your school has excesses then teachers must be named, according to the correct procedures.

The correct procedure for naming excess teachers is detailed in the School Staffing Manual.


9. Names of Teachers in Excess List here the name of each teacher named in excess. Indicate in each case with a Y (Yes) or N (No)

whether that teacher has agreed to complete a teacher requested transfer (TRT) form. The number of teachers identified and named in this table must equal the specified number of excesses determined by:

Number of teachers – Total Staffing Entitlement Completed Remember to sign and date the Staffing Return Completed Have the form countersigned by the School Review Officer who will return it to the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture by mid November.

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Faleasi’u P/S 1. School Details Name: Faleasi’u P/S School Level: Primary Other Level District: Aana No.1 Type of School: Co-education Region: Northwest Upolu Address: Faleasi’u Primary School Faleasi’u Post Office Telephone: None Principal: Savelio Taimalie School Review Officer: Lofipo Faletolu Number of Classrooms: 17 2. Enrolment History Year Yr1 Yr. Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Yr13 Total 1997 82 56 60 75 39 77 58 32 479 1998 72 67 54 67 72 39 70 53 494 1999 83 65 56 56 77 73 36 69 515 2000 60 69 70 59 50 64 61 44 477 2001 70 55 65 68 55 50 62 58 483 2002 70 52 83 66 59 50 53 57 490 2003 92 67 51 87 59 54 44 48 505 3. Estimated 2004 Enrolment Year Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Total 2004 80 86 66 50 98 68 60 53 561 4. Estimated Staffing Entitlement

Formula Entitlement Size Adjustment Factor or Special Consideration

Total Staffing Entitlement

Enrolment = 561 = 18 30

_______ 18

Staffing Return 2004


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5. Existing Staff

Position Name Other Names Reason for inavailability in 2004 TRT Y/N

Assistant Teacher SAISOLA Mina Assistant Teacher IOSIA Fetaomi Assistant Teacher SELUIKA Falaniko Tupa’i Assistant Teacher TIPASA Senia Assistant Teacher TUAISAMI Tapuaau Assistant Teacher MISIELI Marasavana Assistant Teacher LEAUPEPE Luai Aifualaau Assistant Teacher IAPESA Henerita First Assistant VAELUA Galu Head Teacher TAIMALIE Savelio Suasamani Infant Mistress MAULIO Maria Malia Sefo Assistant Teacher MAIAVA Meafou Tutulu Assistant Teacher PUA SOO Sose Total Staff 13 6. Number of Vacancies 5 7. Listing of Vacancies by Type Number Type Number Type 8. Number of Excesses 0 9. Names of Teachers in Excess Name TRT Applic.

Y/N Name TRT Applic.

Y/N Principal’s Signature: Date: School Review Officer’s:________________________________ Date:________________ *********************************************************************************************************** OFFICE USE Return checked Enrolment approved Vacancies approved Excesses approved

Principal Education Officer – School Personnel

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Instructions for Completion of the Return A. Introduction

Your school’s staffing entitlement for the next year has been based on the estimated student enrolment at the school for next year.

That estimate will be confirmed by the census in March each year. If your confirmed student enrolment is different from your estimated student enrolment then the staffing entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.

Your task will be to:

check that all information provided is correct. determine either the number of vacancies or the name/s of excess teachers, based on your

estimated entitlement.

A check box for Principals is provided at the end of each of these instructions. B. Instructions for Principals 1. School Details

Ensure that all of the school details entered are correct (including spelling). If any information is incorrect, draw a line through the incorrect entry and write the information beside it. Completed

2. Enrolment History

This is provided for information only. There is no need to correct these entries.


3. Estimated Enrolment

These figures are the estimates provided by your school in October. If there are errors in these figures, or significant differences between these estimates and what you now believe the enrolment to be next year, please contact your School Review Officer. A significant difference is more than 12 students in total.

Completed 4. Estimated Staffing Entitlement

This has been calculated on the basis of 1 teacher per 20 students or part thereof. A Size Adjustment Factor (SAF) has been provided for schools with less than 200 students. Details of the SAF are included in the School Staffing Manual. The Total Staffing Entitlement is the total number of teachers to which your school is entitled for next year. Please note this figure.


Staffing Return


Secondary Schools

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5. Existing Staff This table list all teachers recorded on the school staffing database as posted to your school. Please ensure that all details are correct. Where an entry is incorrect draw a line through that entry and make the correction.

If for some reason (e.g retirement, resignation, etc.) a teacher will not be available from the start or during the year please indicate this information in the space provided. Provide dates where possible. Example

Position Name Age Reason for inavailability in 2004 TRT Y/N

Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher

Simi Loli Sally Smith

60 27

Retirement – December 2003 Resignation – March 2004


6. Number of Vacancies

This is the number of vacancies within entitlement recognised by the School Operations for your school. Every effort will be made to fill these vacancies as soon as possible. If your school has excesses the number will be shown.


7. Listing of vacancies by Subject Area

If your school has vacancies please complete the table as follows: Where the vacancy is to be filled by a teacher, show the number of vacancies in the number column

and the subject in the subject area column. Where the vacancy is a position of responsibility, write the position in the subject area column eg.

Principal, Deputy Principal or Senior Assistant.

Completed 8. Names, Position Types and Subject Areas of Teachers in Excess

Where your school has excesses then teachers must be named, according to the correct procedures.

The correct procedure for naming excess teachers is detailed in the School Staffing Manual. Completed

9. Name of Teachers in Excess

List here the name, and subject area, of each teacher named in excess. Indicate in each case with a Y (Yes) or N (No) whether that teacher has agreed to complete a teacher requested transfer (TRT) form. The number of teachers identified and named in this table must equal the specified number of excesses determined by:

Number of teachers – Total Staffing Entitlement

Completed Remember to sign and date the Staffing Return Completed Have the form countersigned by the School Review Officer who will return it to the DoE by 26th October 2001.

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Aleipata Secondary School 1. School Details Name: Aleipata Secondary School Type of School: Co-education Year Established: 1975 Status of School: Government District: Aleipata Region: Rest of Upolu Address: Aleipata No.2 JSS Malaela Post Office Telephone: None Principal: Saifaalagi F. Matila School Review Officer: Talanivalu Fano (Acting SRO) Number of Classrooms: 9 2. Enrolment History Year Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr. 12 Yr13 Total1997 94 73 90 31 288 1998 85 85 101 40 311 1999 76 68 88 36 268 2000 65 64 75 33 237 2001 71 62 73 32 238 2002 69 77 54 39 238 2003 86 66 43 45 240 3. Estimated 2002 Enrolment Year Yr1 Yr2. Yr3. Yr4. Yr5. Yr6 Yr7 Yr8 Yr9 Yr10 Yr11 Yr12 Total 2004 100 68 65 45 278 4. Estimated Staffing Entitlement

Formula Entitlement Size Adjustment Factor or Special Consideration

Total Staffing Entitlement

Enrolment = 278 = 278 20 20


Staffing Return 2004

FA'AVAE I LE ATUA SAMOA Secondary School

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5. Existing Staff Position Name Other Name Reason for inavailability next year TRT Y/N Principal, Secondary School MATILA M. Saifaalagi Faatuono Teacher PALALE Vaituu Neioti Fili Teacher VAILI Peka Teacher ULUPAGO FUATAGA Mara Teacher SALEVAO Taumaloto Teacher TAUAILOTO Ionatana Teacher TOAFA Vaisaili Teacher ENARI Telema Teacher ALAMA Atapana

7. Listing of Vacancies by Subject Area Number Subject Area Number Subject Area

9. Names and Subject Areas of Teachers in Excess Name Subject Area TRT

Y/N Name Subject Area TRT

Y/N Principal’s Signature: Date: School Review Officer’s Signature:_________________________ Date:________________ *********************************************************************************************************** OFFICE USE Return checked Enrolment approved Vacancies approved Excesses approved Chief Education Officer - School Personnel

Total Staff 9

6. Number of Vacancies 4

8. Number of Excesses

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Teacher Name: Employment Number: Present School: Home Village: Postal Address: Number of years in present school: Reason for seeking transfer: *************************************************************************************************************************** Schools or districts to which a transfer is requested (In order of preference) N.B. The wider the range of possible locations the greater the chance that the transfer can be granted. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. (A list of schools and districts is provided over) Teacher’s Signature: ______ Date: _______ ************************************************************************************************************************ Principal’s Endorsement Is this transfer supported Yes/No


Principal’s Signature: Date: School Review Officer’s Signature:________________________ Date:______________________ ************************************************************************************************************************* OFFICE USE Entered on school staffing database ٱ




Telex: 260 EDUCAT SX Fax: (685) 21 917 Tel: 21 911/21915 P.O. Box 1869 Apia, SAMOA

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Faasalaleaga No. 1 Itu Asau No. 1 Lepa/Lotofaga Savaii Sisifo

Faleasi'u Primary Iva Primary Asau Primary Aufaga Primary Fai'a'ai Primary Fasito'otai Primary Lalomalava Primary Auala Primary Lepa Primary Gagaemalae PrimaryFasito'outa Primary Safotulafai Primary Papa/Sataua Primary Lotofaga Primary Sagone Primary Leulumoega Primary Salelavalu Primary Sataua/Fagasa Matatufu Primary Salailua Primary Nofoalii Primary Salelologa Primary Vaisala Primary Saleapaga Primary Samata-tai Primary Satapuala Primary Sapapalii Primary Samata-uta Primary Vailu'utai Primary Taga Primary V/Fogasavai'i

Aana No. 2 Faasaleleaga No. 2 Itu Asau No. 2 Malifa Vaimauga Apolima-uta Primary Asaga Primary Falealupo Primary Leifiifi Intermediate Fagali'i Primary Falelatai Primary Faga Primary Falelima Primary Falefitu Primary Faleu Primary Lano Primary Neiafu Primary Lauli'i Primary Manono Primary Pu'apu'a Primary Tufutafoe Primary Letogo Primary Mulifanua Primary Saipipi Primary Magiagi Primary Pata Primary Sasa'ai Primary Moata'a Primary Salua Primary Palauli Tanugamanono Samatau Primary Itu-o-Tane No. 1 Gataivai Primary Vailele Primary Satuimalufilufi Fagaloa Laumoli Primary Gautavai Primary Vailima Primary Siufaga Primary Lona Primary Patamea Primary Palauli Primary Vaivase Sauano Primary Saleaula Primary Puleia Primary Aleipata Taelefaga Primary Samalaeulu Primary Satupaitea Primary Lalomanu Primary Uafato Primary Tutaga Primary Sili Primary Lotopue Primary Tafua Primary Saleaaumua Primary Samusu Primary Falealili Satitoa Primary Nene Primary Safata Tiavea Primary Poutasi Primary Itu-o-Tane No. 2 Fusi Primary School Ulutogia Primary Salani Primary Aopo Primary Lotofaga Primary Vailoa Primary Salesatele Primary Letui Primary Mulivai Primary Sapoe Primary Paia Primary School Saanapu Primary Anoamaa No. 1 Sapunaoa Primary Safotu Primary Salamumu Primary Luatuanuu Primary Satalo Primary Safune Primary Sataoa Primary Salelesi Primary Siumu Primary Samauga Primary Tafitoala Primary Saoluafata Primary Vaovai Primary Sasina Primary Vaiee Primary Solosolo Primary Faleata Anoamaa No. 2 Aleisa Primary Lefaga Sagaga Faleapuna Primary Falevalu Primary Falease'ela Primary Afega Primary Falefa Primary Lepea Primary Matautu Primary Fale'ula Primary Falevao Primary Saina/Toamua Safa'ato'a Primary Le'auva'a Primary Lalomauga Primary Vaigaga Primary Savaia Primary Levi Primary Lufilufi Primary Vailoa Primary Malie Primary Manunu Primary Vaimea Primary Sale'imoa Primary Vaitele Primary Tuana'i Primary Vaiusu Primary Utuali'i Primary

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Teacher Name: Employment Number: Present School: Home Village: Postal Address: Teaching Subjects Offered: Number of years in present school: Reason/s for seeking transfer: ______ *************************************************************************************************************************** Schools or Districts to which a transfer is requested (in order of preference) N.B. The wider the range of possible locations the greater the chance that the transfer can be granted. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. (A list of schools and districts is provided over) Teacher’s Signature: Date: _______ *************************************************************************************************************************** Principal’s Endorsement Is this transfer supported Yes/No


Principal’s Signature: Date: School Review Officer’s Signature:____________________________ Date:______________________ **************************************************************************************************************************OFFICE USE

Entered on school staffing database ٱ




APPENDIX 4 Telex: 260 EDUCAT SX Fax: (685) 21 917 Tel: 21 911/21 915 P.O. Box 1869 Apia, SAMOA

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GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOLS Aana No. 1 FaleataAana No.1 Secondary School Faleata Secondary School Aana No. 2 Itu Asau No. 1 SafataAana No.2 Secondary School Itu Asau Secondary School Safata Secondary School Aleipata Itu-o-Tane No. 1 SagagaAleipata Secondary School Ituotane Secondary School Sagaga Secondary School Anoamaa No. 1 Itu-o-Tane No. 1 Savaii SisifoAnoamaa Secondary School Vaipouli College Palauli Sisifo Secondary School Faasalaleaga No. 1 Itu-o-Tane No. 2 Savaii SisifoMataaevave Secondary School Alofi o Taoa Secondary Savai'i Sisifo Secondary School Faasaleleaga No. 2 Lefaga VaimaugaAmoa Secondary Lefaga Secondary School Avele College Fagaloa Lepa/Lotofaga VaimaugaFagaloa Secondary School Lepa/Lotofaga College Samoa College Falealili Malifa VaimaugaFalealili Secondary School Leifiifi College Vaimauga College Falealili


Palalaua College Palauli Secondary School

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7.5 GLOSSARY Cessation: When someone is no longer employed as a teacher. Dual level: Two levels in one class. Efficiency: Best use of resources. Enrolment: Students registered in a school. Equity: Fair and just provision of resources. Estimated Enrolment Returns (EER): The expected number of students a school will have in the

following year. Multiple level classes: Three levels in one class. Quality: Standards of achievements. Retention Rate: The percentage of students who continue on in the School the following year. Relevancy: Meaningful and applicable. School Staffing Entitlement: The number of teachers a school should have. Size Adjustment Factor (SAF): Additional teachers for schools below 200 enrolment. Staffing Database: Record of information on teachers stored in computer. Target: What we aim for. Teacher Requested Transfer (TRT): A teacher in a school with an over supply of teachers asking

to be posted to another school. Voluntary Transfers: A teacher in a school with an over supply of teachers

offering to be posted to another school.