merlcanrray People For The€¦ · go ahead and do it. All these abortion clinics and abortion...

... TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Staff Piper 1/5/81.. People For The _merlcanrray - Radical religious broadcasts Week of 12/28-1/3 700 Club ' Monday 12/28- Featured: Terry Meeusen as co-host; Anne Murchison, wife of Dallas Cowboys owner; segment on vitamins; segment on Knotts Berry Farm; and Sam Digliano, coach of the Cleveland Browns. In the last 30 minutes of the broadcast, Terry Meeusen asked Robertson if there was anyway in which the economy problem could be solved. Robertson said, "There sure is Terry. There's the Biblical way and the way we ought to do it and that is to declare a year of jubilee and cancel all the debts." This solution is derived from the year pf jubilee which was celebrated every 50 years during the 11 Biblical But of course, Robertson recommends that we re-liquify the banks and insurance companies . Tuesday 12/29- Featured: Kenneth Cooper on exercising while pregnant; a segment on depression and dying young at an old age. Following a feature on a young woman who attempted suicide before taking Christ into her life, Robertson reflected on her plight and said, "Di ane had an abortion 3 weeks before she tried to kill herself because she knew that was taking a life and she knew that that was wrong. And nobody has begun to even think about exploring the devastation all these abortions are having on the lives of young girls around the country. We just say well go ahead and do it. All these abortion clinics and abortion mills but what does it do psychologically to these people. It tears them all to pieces, many of them." Wednesday 12/30- Featured: segment on child snatching, "Somewhere Child;" segment on laser beamsJthe new era in medicine; Joyce Fosse, the wife of the mayor of Honolulu; and Arch Decker, former state senator from Colorado. After the segment on laser beam treatment, Robertson began discussing other forms of new medicine including the recent birth of the first u.s . test-tube baby in Norfolk . Robertson said, "Science is good if it's in the hands." Referring to the "700 Club " Robertson said they've been a \; .. little critical in vitro fertilization because it opens up a Pandora 's \( box." In order to change methods of this sort it is necessary to change society. Robertson then said " ... the Constitution of the United States, for instance, is a marvelous document for self-government by Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Chrisitan people and athiest people they can use it to destroy the very foundations of our society. And that's what's been happening." Thursday 12/31- Featured: Dee Dee Bridgewater, a Broadway star; Tom Waite on financial planning (a fairly regular feature); Jim Subers, a former U. of Florida football player, and Emmett and Steven McGraw's testimony on faith. 1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 202-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.

Transcript of merlcanrray People For The€¦ · go ahead and do it. All these abortion clinics and abortion...

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    Staff Piper 1/5/81..

    People For The 1~1 _merlcanrray

    -Radical religious broadcasts Week of 12/28-1/3

    700 Club


    Monday 12/28- Featured: Terry Meeusen as co-host; Anne Murchison, wife of Dallas Cowboys owner; segment on vitamins; segment on Knotts Berry Farm; and Sam Digliano, coach of the Cleveland Browns.

    In the last 30 minutes of the broadcast, Terry Meeusen asked Robertson if there was anyway in which the economy problem could be solved. Robertson said, "There sure is Terry. There's the Biblical way and the way we ought to do it and that is to declare a year of jubilee and cancel all the debts." This solution is derived from the year pf jubilee which was celebrated every 50 years during the11 Biblical way~ But of course, Robertson recommends that we re-liquify the banks and insurance companies .

    Tuesday 12/29- Featured: Kenneth Cooper on exercising while pregnant; a segment on depression and dying young at an old age.

    Following a feature on a young woman who attempted suicide before taking Christ into her life, Robertson reflected on her plight and said, "Diane had an abortion 3 weeks before she tried to kill herself because she knew that was taking a life and she knew that that was wrong. And nobody has begun to even think about exploring the devastation all these abortions are having on the lives of young girls around the country. We just say well go ahead and do it. All these abortion clinics and abortion mills but what does it do psychologically to these people. It tears them all to pieces, many of them."

    Wednesday 12/30- Featured: segment on child snatching, "Somewhere Child;" segment on laser beamsJthe new era in medicine; Joyce Fosse, the wife of the mayor of Honolulu; and Arch Decker, former state senator from Colorado.

    After the segment on laser beam treatment, Robertson began discussing other forms of new medicine including the recent birth of the first u.s . test-tube baby in Norfolk . Robertson said, "Science is good if it's in the ~:ight hands." Referring to the "700 Club " Robertson said they've been a


    ~ .. little critical in vitro fertilization because it opens up a Pandora ' s \( ~ box." In order to change methods of this sort it is necessary to change ~ society. Robertson then said " ... the Constitution of the United States,

    for instance, is a marvelous document for self-government by Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Chrisitan people and athiest people they can use it to destroy the very foundations of our society. And that's what's been happening."

    Thursday 12/31- Featured: Dee Dee Bridgewater, a Broadway star; Tom Waite on financial planning (a fairly regular feature); Jim Subers, a former U. of Florida football player, and Emmett and Steven McGraw's testimony on faith.

    1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 202-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.

  • Robertson did a short teaching on the state of affairs world-wide, especially concerning Latin Ameriea, He reported that it was likely that riots would be occuring in the u.s. by next fall because of the economy, and that there would be further takeovers by the Soviets. He said that those of us who love God have the state of the world in our hands because we can pray. This was followed by him saying that " ... let's assume the U.S. gives itself over to homosexuals, gives itself over to humanists, gives itself over to abortions, allows the Supreme Court to take a slap at God every time it gets a chance, we allow the ACLU and groups like this to continue to take manger scenes out and Christmas carols out, all the evidences of religion of our public life .•.. if we continue to allow that trend to go then God himself will say to us I have no cause in you any longer but judgement, And I'm going to smite your nation (slap) like that." Robertson says the only alternative to this inevitable destruction is to pray.

    Friday l/1- Featured: Dale Evans Rogers; Arthur Blessitt, the world traveler who carries a 12-foot cross with him where he goes; Malcolm McGregor on tax tips; and Terry Dobson on crime prevention.

    In the last 30 minutes of the broadcast Dale Evans Rogers appeared. The discussion with Robertson ended up on grandparents and what he views as a trend towards euthanasia, etc. because of the proliferation of abortions. Robertson said, " ... you can re-classify a baby as a fetus and then you can kill him, you can re-classify an older person as a non-productive eater, then you can kill them .... anybody over 50, you had better watch out about abortion because believe me, you're next."

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    //JIPeopleForThel~l IIA1mer1canrray TO: Staff FROM: Piper DATE: 1/12/82

    aE: Radical religious broadcasts Week of 1/4-1/10

    700 Club

    Monday 1/4- Featured: Special edition on past programs in 1981; segment on stunt men; Peter Darg on foods in Jerusalem; and Anita Edwards who was instantly healed.

    · In the last 30 minutes of the broadcast the evolution vs. creationism issue was discussed again. It was reported that a recent AP poll indicated that 3 out of every 4 Americans think creationism should be taught in America's schools. The audience was told that there is no scientific evidence for evolution; and that the portrayal of the Neanderthal man resulted from what was really a skeleton of a man suffering from rickets or arthritis much more recently than from when they believe the Neanderthal man existed.

    Tuesday 1/5- Featured: a 52 year old running nun; Dr. Kenneth Cooper on reducing aerobically; artists of Israel and John Giminez.

    John Giminex, chairman of America for Jesus talked about the up-coming rally scheduled for April 28 and 29 in Washington, D.C. It is a leadership conference designed for teens and will feature E.V.Hill, Pat Robertson, Bill Bright and James Robison to name a few.

    Thursday 1/7- Featured: Chris Rollen, an actor from CBN's soap opera, Another Life; Sid Roth on the new Bible for Jews; and a report from the telethon set-up in preparation for next weeks ·special, "The World in Crisis;" and Robertson's editorial on the current weather conditions in Northern California.

    ;' Ben Kinchlow asked Robertson about the bad weather in Northern . California and wondered why it was happening, what was it telling us.

    Robertson replied that, " ••• there is a life style, Marin County, has been famed for the swinging lifestyle, the hot tubs and the change of wives and husbands and all this kind of thing. San Francisco has been famed for homo-sexuality, they've all kinds of crime, they have the highest rate of venereal disease in the country. There are all kinds of things going on. Homosexual rape and various rather bizarre activities that goes on and is approved of and they're a very powerful, vocal group in the society. Well, this is what happened in sodom and Gomorrah when this type of person began to control the society and God said I'm going to go down there, the cry, their sin ha·s come up before me and I'm going to deal with them. I think in the United States and other parts of the world the time has come for God's judgement." Pat said that "God must judge the evil in this world." Hence, the weather conditions are a result of God passing judgement on that area and its occupants.

    1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 202-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.

  • Friday l/8- Featured: segment on the return of the sinai to Egypt; segment on a boy who had encephalitis; and questions from the TV audience through the telethon phone set-up.

    During the last 30 minutes of the broadcast Robertson answered questions from the TV audience that were phoned through banks set up

    ( around the country in preparation for next weeks special, ''The World in 1 Crisis." One question posed was whether a man should give consideration

    to his_family when God has called him into the ministry. Robertson said that none should be given. The man has to do what God says but if a woman hears from God she responds differently, In response to the man's action, can the woman do the same? Robertson said " .•. it doesn't work that way. God works according to his divine order, I know this is painful for the ladies to hear but if you get married you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. You don't have to be married and if you want to serve God unmarried then God will speak to you. But in the family context God goes through the established order and He says Christ is head of the husband, and husband's ahead of the wife and that's just the way it is .•.• This is the way the Bible sets it up. There is a divine order and that's the way the order works. n

    In response to a husband who has taken Christ into his life, but his wife has not; and what should he do,Robertson said that he shouldn't get real involved in all the activities of the church as they really expect too much time and " ..• I think the churches have a conspiracy to break up homes."


    ///JIPeopleForThe //A~~mer1can

    Staff Piper 1/19/82

    RE: Radical religious broadcasts Week of 1/11-l/17

    700 Club

    This week featured the special "The World in Crisis: Is There Hope?" Essentially, this is a fundraising special, with about the first 20 to 30 minutes devoted to world-wide crisis and the remaining time spent on receiving calls in their telethon venture. This special is 11 days long.

    Tuesday 1/12- #2 out of ll of special series The beginning of this broadcast centered on many issues that have been

    repeatedly discussed on the "700 Club." It covered religious persecution around the world, but especially in the Soviet Union and the u.s. The reporter on this issue said, "Religious persecution in the United States took on a much subtler character. In consecutive decisions the Supreme Court ruled that Christians could meet in college classrooms but restricted their ability to share their faith with others. Churches continue their running battle with the tax man too. As the I.R.S. and local municipalities moved to restrict the number of church activities which enjoy tax-exempt status. Also under attack, in California and Arkansas and other states was the right of school districts to teach the Genesis version of creation in science classes which also teach Darwinian evolution."

    During one of their regularly featured attacks on the ACLU attempting to rid the u.s. of religion, they showed a clip of Ronald Reagan addressing the Religious Roundtable last year when he said, "Under the pretense of separation of church and state, religious beliefs cannot be advocated in many of our public institutions, but atheism can. You know, I've often had a fantasy. I thought of serving an athiest a delicious gourmet dinner and then asking he or she whether they believed there was a cook."

    Rep. Mark Sijandler (R, MI.), Rep. Christopher Smith (R, N.J.), and Rep. Charles Dorman (R, CA) were shown endorsing the Freedom Council of CBN.

    Wednesday l/13- #3 out of 11 of special series Theme today was the awesome rise of the Soviet military machine.

    It was reported that the Soviets are stamping out religion because they know that it is the ultimate threat. On the contrary, the u.s. has that weapon, The Bible, however, " .•• Interestingly, the Supreme Court decisions and other things have stripped us of our greatest weapon in a fight against this enemy."

    Friday l/15- #5 out of 11 of special series Crime in the U.S. was the theme on this broadcast. It was reported

    that crime is bigger than any business in the u.s. and especially with

    1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 202-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.

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    teen-agers. Robertson said, " ••• at least in the old days when somebody was killed there was a reason ..• ~now they don't even have to have a reason. 11

    He went on to say, " ... when this country was primarily a Christian nation and where the Judea-Christian ethic was promulgated as the controlling ethic in society these things didn't exist. Yes, there were instances obviously .•.. but nothing like what we're seeing now. But this is aggravated by the fact that we've been teaching a whole generation of children that there is_no God, that we have not been giving them the standards and morality of the Bible. Everything is relative, you do your own thing, if it feels good you do it and so this ladies and gentlemen has become the prevailing ethic of our nation. 11

    The discussion followed into the proliferation of drugs in our society and the question was asked, what's the answer to the drug problem? Robertson responded saying, "There is one answer to this ladies and gentlemen and that is for a heaven sent revival. Now. Otherwise you're going to have a police state. Otherwise the people will begin to cry out for a police state, for oppression, for the sensation of so-called civil rights and the nation is going to be plunged into a dictatorship because anarchy will come about." Robertson continued saying, "First of all you've got schools where they can't teach Christianity and they can't pray and they can't hold forth a positive standard. So the kids don't have any relevance and many young people are growing up in sort of an amoral society.n

  • People For The 1.411 mer1canrray

    TO: Staff FROM: DATE: RE:

    Piper l/27/82 Radical religious Bfoadcasts Week of l/18-l/24

    700 Club

    This week was the second and final week of the "700 Club's" special, "The World in Crisis Is There Hope?." The themes of the programs covered affairs in Latin America, hunger in Africa, and terrorism. There were no controversial statements made. As was reported in last week's summary, the majority of the broadcasts were devoted to the telethon. This week, such notables as Rosey Grier and Maria Muldaur were on answering the phones.

    The LaHayes: Family Life

    We have begun monitoring this program. It airs 30 minutes a week, but not in the Washington market. A Friend of PAW is taping it for us. This week Bev interviewed Linda Burnett, author of The Unwanted Generation. The theme was that children nowadays are not developing the needed intimate relationships in infancy and early childhood because the mothers are working. This reflects in later life in an inability to maintain relationships, it was reported. Tim spent the last 15 minutes discussing scriptures. He told the viewers that "the Holy Spirit of God is going to improve your family life. And that in Verse 22 it says, 'Wives submit yourselves to your own husband, as unto the Lord, in everything.' I'm sure every man watching this program knows that verse by heart: 'Wives submit.' n

    This appears to be a slow moving program in comparison to the others. On first appearance, there ~&eno special reports, or any of the pizzazz frequently seen on the other programs.

    Dull week.

    1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 202-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.


    700 Club

    People For The 1~1 mer1canrray

    Piper Phillips 2/2/82 Radical Religious Broadcasts Week of 1/25-1/31

    Monday, 1/25- featured: Ben Kinchlow hosting; re-cap of Super Bowl; re-cap of end of telethon; r. Robert Gaines from Princeton University sReaking on eyolutign ys. creat1on1sm; Yvoone on sandwiches.

    During the last 30 minutes of the broadcast, Kinchlow completed a discussion with Dr. Gaines on evolution and creationism. Gaines discussed the two theories involved in the debate, 1 being the materialistic theory which supports evolution. The materialistic theory purports that evolution occurs through the change of matterj and that this is the theory presented in textbooks. The opposing • theory is of theistic nature. Gaines supported the theistic theory and had these remarks about the materialistic theory: "I believe because of that they are destroying the religion of these kids that are in that school and the families that they come from ••.. I believe that these state governments are violating the 1st Amendment by using materialistically philosophically bent books to teach these kids and thereby destroy religion. And I believe that as taxpayers these parents have the right to ask the state government to support these private schools if in fact the public schools are destroying religion in this way."

    Tuesday, 1/26- featured: Ben Kinchlow hosting; Challenge of Age, a report on senior citizens; Dr. Ken Cooper on aerobics for health; Dan Dalbosco on visions for finding oil in Texq~; a CBN dinner at a French restaurant in Pembroke, Ma.

    Kinchlow began the program discussing the decision by the Supreme Court on 1/25 to uphold the policy on voluntary school prayer . Once again, the Soviet Union's Constitution's phrase on separation of church and state is shown against the United States Constitution's 1st Article. Kinchlow told the viewers that it is not against the law to have your children pray in school, that one does not violate the law when going against a Supreme Court ruling, that only Congress can make a law . Kinchlow goes on to say that the Supreme Court is hypocritical because they ruled that humanism is a religion yet there are no rulings against humanism. Kinchlow shows the current issue of U.S. News and World Report whase cover story is "Marxism in u.s. Schools." He says that with the blessing of our government and tax dollars you can teach Marxism. Kinchlow concludes with "let me encourage you, whoever you are, wherever you are, get involved in the political system."

    1015 18th Street, N.W. • Suite 300 • Wash., D.C. 20036 • Telephone 2.02-822-9450 A Project of Citizens for Constitutional Concerns, Inc.

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    Sunday 1/31- tape # 485 Topic: Introduction of the "Sav~y" Old Time Gospel Hour_

    campaign. Falwell began the "Save A Baby" campaign by drawing a parallel

    between 2 Supreme Court decisions. He cited the Dred Scott decision and the Roe vs. Wade decision and said that there is a parallel between the Supreme Court saying that Blacks weren't human beings and that unborn babies aren't human beings.

    The program featured a 4 year old Korean boy who Falwell intro-duced as a product of an abortion, although the fetus was found to be alive and was subsequently adopted by a Christian family. Falwell spent the entire hour on our "national sin" and suggested that 1982 be the Year of the Unborn Child.

    The Save A Baby campaign plans on saving 100,000 unborn babies a year by reaching out to pregnant women and offering to take their babies and have them adopted into Christian homes. They will also provide counseling and Bible teaching to the pregnant women.

    Falwell suggests that his viewers check out their local United Way's as they support Planned Parenthood in many localities, and Planned Parenthood is an organization that makes women think that the unborn baby is just tissue.