Meriden MagFunday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café...

See inside for Opening of Meriden C of E Primary School Peace Garden Taxi Bus – 89 Bus Service - Ring and Ride Update Funday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café Meriden Mag Meriden Mag Summer 2017

Transcript of Meriden MagFunday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café...

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See inside forOpening of Meriden C of E Primary School Peace Garden

Taxi Bus – 89 Bus Service - Ring and Ride Update

Funday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café

Meriden MagMeriden Mag

Summer 2017

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On Friday 24 March, we were honoured to have Dame Caroline Spelman MP and the Mayor of Solihull,

Councillor Mike Robinson at the unveiling of our Peace Garden, in memory of Chris Fryer.

See front cover of this issue.

The garden is designed to be calming and consists of seating areas, pebble mosaics, a water feature and a

mixture of plants chosen to provide colour and draw in local wildlife. A focal point in the garden is the

‘tree’, a dedicated spot for people to remember loved ones with students able to attach leaves bearing the

names of those that have been lost. All those present were given a holding cross, crafted from olive trees in

Bethlehem as a special gift.

The Mayor said, “To see the official opening of the Peace Garden gave me great joy. The garden will give

pupils the chance to take themselves away from the hustle and bustle of school life and really unwind. It is a

beautiful space and I am sure it will provide lots of comfort over the years to come.”

Caroline Spelman tweeted @spelmanc ‘Thank you @meridenprimary for inviting me to open their

new #reflectivegarden earlier today!’

If you would like a leaf attached to the tree of remembrance, please let us know by calling into the office,

sending a note into school or by emailing us at [email protected] the leaf will have the name

of the loved one your child wishes to remember burnt on and then will be attached to the wall. Although

there won’t be a charge for the leaf, a small donation towards the upkeep of the garden would be most


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To finish off our Spring Term at Meriden CE Primary school, we had our

annual 'faith week' focus.

This year we focused on the question 'what do you believe?' Each class

had a different faith to explore where the children took part in exciting

activities to uncover the key beliefs of the major world faiths. The school

was a hive of energy throughout the week as the children took part in

activities as far ranging as cooking to collage; from investigating

Fibonacci sequences to making face masks. The week climaxed with each

class showing off their work to other classes around the school and of

course our amazing Easter production led by Years 3 and 4.

On 4th April, Troy from Wasps Community Rugby

came into school to teach some basic rugby skills to

Years 5 and 6. All the children (and teachers!) had

a fun day. Thank you Troy!

At the beginning of April, our netball team

competed in a tournament. They played 6

games, won 5 and lost 1, placing them 3rd out

of 14 teams! Well done! The team has also

achieved a final league position of 2nd across

the borough, which is a tremendous


We said a sad goodbye to Mrs Ryan at Easter.

Mrs Ryan had worked at Meriden for ten years and

so is known by a lot of the village community.

However she is now moving away from the area.

A lovely tea party was held with the children and

parents who wished to say goodbye to her.

We wish her and her family every success in the


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Although I


Mobile: 07811 545 247 (for emergency use only)

email: [email protected]

Lay Reader: Peter Wright 01676 522414

Church Wardens: Jonathan Douglas 01676 522455

Lis Willis 01676 521080

Services are held every Sunday at 10.30 am

Enquiries for Baptisms and Weddings please contact Lynda on

01676 522825 for further details

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6

Life is a journey from our beginning to our end, but like any journey

there are many twists and turns. Occasionally we take the wrong path,

we take the scenic route. Sometimes we need to make a ‘U’ turn when

we realise that we are going miles off course. We take rest stops –

sometimes planned sometimes not. Our journeys in life are often

difficult – but what better way to travel through life than with someone

alongside you who knows the way. Jesus said, “I am the way.” Following

Jesus means that we won’t get lost; our journeys won’t necessarily be

smooth and trouble free because we all make bad decisions, but He is

always there to guide us back to the right path because not only is He the

way but He is also the truth.

If you want life, in all its abundance, the best place to start is at the very

beginning. The first step, for you, or your child, is to consider inviting

Christ into your, or their, life. Baptism (also known as a Christening)

provides this opportunity. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Choose LIFE.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is a statement of personal commitment to Jesus Christ and His

Church. Originally it was for adults who became Christians, but it soon

began to involve whole families. So children of Christian parents were

naturally baptised too.

There are two sides to the baptism “coin”.

FORGIVENESS: We all need God's forgiveness, and Baptism is a washing

or “cleansing”. Just as we wash our dirty hands, or dirty dishes, baptism

is about being clean on the inside.

NEW LIFE: Our forgiveness cost Jesus His life, and God offers a new life

as we turn to Him, and give ourselves to Him.

So in baptism we receive God's forgiveness, and turn over the coin to

start a new life with Him, following Jesus.

If you are interested in finding out more we will be holding a

Baptism Preparation evening at 7pm on Monday 3rd

July at St.

Laurence church. All are welcome. Or call me to arrange a


Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it

abundantly.” John 10:10.

Choose LIFE. Choose JESUS.

With blessings, Lynda Lilley

The church will be open on Sunday

afternoons from 12noon to 4pm from

April 23rd to October 22nd.

Everyone is welcome to visit this

beautiful historic church.

Do you have a spare hour or two on a

Sunday afternoon? Why not volunteer

to help keep the church open to visitors.

Please contact Flick Blewitt on 523229

Meriden Churches together are hosting a

new initiative – a community cafe. We have

a fantastic community here in Meriden but

we’d like to make it even better! Come along

to The Pavilion on the second Friday of the

month for a cuppa and cake. We will be

launching this on Friday 9th June from

2pm-4pm. We hope that this will be an

opportunity for the community to come

together – All Together – to meet new

people, develop new relationship and

provide a friendly environment in which

we can all support each other.

Come along to enjoy

a cuppa and cake.


Every second Friday of the month

at The Pavilion.

The new social venue for everyone.

Friends of Meriden Churchyard.

This group meets at the Church at 10.00 am on the 2nd

and 4th Wednesdays each month to do some gardening

and other maintenance in the Churchyard for a couple

of hours, and also to share coffee, cake, and

conversation. For more details please contact Pat &

Peter Wright on 01676522414

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Meriden Spice, Old Road, Meriden, CV7 7JP

Tel: 01676 523740

Entrance and parking at rear of Queen’s Head Pub

One free chicken

or vegetable

curry with every

Takeaway order

of £25 or more Not to be used with

any other voucher

£5 off Voucher

when two or

more people

dine in

Parties and

outside catering


Take away service

10% discount on


Free home delivery


4 miles radius

Minimum order


At Meriden Village Hall 7.30pm

Quote from the Coventry Telegraph: “Revealed: Best Indian restaurant in the

West Midlands isn’t in Birmingham!”

“Want the best curry in the West Midlands? Then head for Meriden, according to official

Tripadvisor statistics. Meriden Spice Indian restaurant situated in Old Road Meriden has

been crowned the region’s best-rated restaurant for Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi

food on the popular review web site.”


“Lion” (PG)“Lion” (PG)“Lion” (PG)“Lion” (PG)

Saturday 17th June 2017 at 7.30p.m

We are delighted to have finally secured the early release

date for this much acclaimed film. It tells the story of a

five-year-old Indian boy who gets lost on the streets of

Calcutta, thousands of miles from home. He survives

many challenges before being adopted by a couple in

Australia; 25years later, he sets out to find his lost

family. A’ Must See ‘tipped to be Film of the Year.

We apologise to our loyal supporters for the unavoidable

change in screening date for “Lion”. The distributers chose

to delay the release date (after we had been assured we

were licensed to screen it in May). However, we have been

able to re-adjust our screening schedule to show “Lion” in

June and “La-La Land in May.

The Big Picture Show will take a break for July and August

but will be back with you in September, watch this space !

Tickets £5.00 will be printed and available for sale

3 weeks before each screening but can be reserved

in advance of this date. Tickets and advance

reservations available from Chris Copper (01676

522645) and are also on sale at Fordes on the

Green, Hairdressers, on Meriden Village Green.

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Keep a look out for

In Meriden

Over the last few weeks, like many of you I expect, I have been working in my garden. It had got quite overgrown and

needed a lot of cutting back, pruning, digging and weeding. It is also very dry from the lack of rain. The grass had got long

and not only needed cutting, but it also needed the seeds that had fallen from the trees removing from places they were not

meant to be! As I cleared a space for new things to be planted I made sure there was plenty of compost and nourishment for

the new plants and watered them all well.

As I worked in my garden, I was reminded that throughout the Bible there are many references to gardens. Two of the more

well known are the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the Bible(Genesis 2), and the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26: 36 -

46), where Jesus went to pray before his arrest and crucifixion. In John 15 Jesus tells his disciples that his Father is the

Gardener (John 15: 1). That's why the Bible is so rich with analogies of gardens and the various processes involved in

gardening - because he is a Gardener. God's gardening is a universal theme in which he wants our lives to bear fruit - good

fruit - and the source of the production of that good fruit is Jesus1.

The Bible compares our lives to a garden. So often our lives can get messed up. If we aren't careful they can get clogged up

with weeds, some of which have long roots that go down deep into our lives causing bitterness and hurt. They can get

overgrown, full of things that no longer produce fruit and keep light out, affecting how we look at things, keeping things

dark and in the shadow. We can become stony and hard hearted.

As the Gardener who loves us, God sees our potential, sees all that we could and can be. He is a Gardener who tends

gardens very carefully with attention to detail, knowing the right season to do everything in. He clears the ground of stones (Isa 5: 2). He uproots and tears down, digs up and prunes (John 15), getting the ground ready for all that he wants to

plant in our lives - so that our lives can flourish. These things might not always be comfortable as we pass through these

seasons, but when we trust God for the outcome, we are already starting to show new fruit.

God's desire for our lives is not about being under pressure to perform and be productive - that is the world's aim. God's

desire is that we flourish, and are freed to love him and others. God wants each one of us to be 'like a well-watered garden,

like a spring whose waters never fail (Isa 58: 11).

Next time you stand in a garden, whether it be yours or someone else's, admiring the beauty of it, remember that is how God

sees us. He is more committed to our abundance - our growth and our fruitfulness - than we are. Whatever the harshness of

our surroundings and situations, whatever the weather, we can each rest in his care today1.

May you know God's blessings in your life in this coming season, Jane

Minister Rev Jane Braund

Tel :01676 533737

Please phone to arrange

marriages, baptisms and


Services: Sunday 10:30am.

Meriden Methodist Church Diary Dates

9 June - Coffee in the Pavilion from 2.00 – 4.00pm

18 June is the Kinwalsey Tree Service at 4 pm - bring a packed tea.

14 July - Coffee in the Pavilion from 2.00 – 4.00pm

Sunday services every week at 10.30 except for the 1st Sunday in the month

The Methodist Church Hall

Is available for hire

Please contact

Alan Gabbitas on

01676 522148

Meetings are held at

Meriden Village Hall

7. 30 – 9.30pm approx

On the 3rd

Monday of

every month

Meriden Floral Society

June - Club Annual Outing

17 July - Oranges and Lemons - Kerry Stress

August - No Meeting

New members are always welcome

For more information please contact

Mo Reynolds 01676 521457

The FThe FThe FThe Firebird Singersirebird Singersirebird Singersirebird Singers Present

The Magic of Sondheim and The Magic of Sondheim and The Magic of Sondheim and The Magic of Sondheim and

Lloyd WebberLloyd WebberLloyd WebberLloyd Webber Saturday 10

th June 7.00pm

The Blue Coat Church of England School

and Music College Terry Road, Coventry CV1 2BA

Tickets £10, £8 concessions

Please ring Val 01676 522963

Our chosen charity for 2016/17 season is the

Alzheimer’s Society

Registered charity number 296645

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01676 522256

Monday night is music night come along

and join us, music starts 9.15pm approx.

Pub lunches Mon – Sat 12.00- 2.30pm

Pop in for good food and a warm welcome

Take away available 01676 522256

Queens Head Old Road MeridenQueens Head Old Road MeridenQueens Head Old Road MeridenQueens Head Old Road Meriden

• Servicing

• Repairs

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01676 521010 Meriden Garage,

Temporary premises Back of Shirley’s Garage,

Main Road, Meriden

Call in for a quotation for your motoring


PA ELECTRICS (17th edition qualified)

All aspects of domestic

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Phone Paul

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June 5th

Keith Brett


Karen West




Darin Day *

July 3rd

Marade *


Sam Southall


Micky Dean *


Stevie Best *

31st TBA

August 7th

Keith Brett


2 Left Feet

21st Chrissy


Marade *

� To be confirmed

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Heart of England

Social Club

Come along and visit us! Families welcome

The club offers a warm welcome, with excellent facilities for all, including a large concert room, bar, games room,

snooker room, darts and a beer garden with play area

New and Non Members Welcome

� Newspapers and Magazines

� Beer and Wine

� Cash Machine and

cash back available

� Dry Cleaning

� Lottery

� Award winning

Lashford sausages

� Send and receive parcels

from here

Spar, 1 The Green, Meriden

01676 522287

Opening Hours

Weekdays 6.00am -10pm Weekends 7.00am-10pm

Direct Carpets &


Stockists of leading Manufacturers

Carpets, vinyls, laminates, real woods,

underlays and accessories

For a no obligation free quotation call in to

see us or…we will come to you

The Old Forge Stores,

68 Balsall St,

Balsall Common CV7 7AP

T: 01676 530695 Mob: 07775 515504



Now open

Heart of England Social Club,

Berkswell Road, Meriden 01676 522430

• Every 3rd Thursday –

‘Open Mike Night’

• Every Friday evening – Cash Bingo,

Meat Raffle, ‘Open the Box’

and ‘Play Your Cards Right’

• Saturday 29th July Decades Band

8.00pm Tickets £5 on the door

• Saturday 26th August 8.00pm

Boy George and Friends

80’s Spectacular. Tickets £5 on door

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Great for children and pets to play,

No mowing, edging or watering.

Stunning looking lawn 365 days a year

Just relax and enjoy

Please phone for more details

0845 388 0800

Visit our website @

Meriden Archery Junior Section

Have continued to fly the flag for Meriden, putting us on the

map across Northampton, Wolverhampton, Cheltenham and

Lilleshall, to name but a few. Along with target archery, Junior

Club on a Saturday morning has had coaching from “Grizzly

Jim” Kent demonstrating the traditional instinctive side of

archery, widening their interests across different disciplines.

Escape from MeridenEscape from MeridenEscape from MeridenEscape from Meriden 2017201720172017 On Friday evening 2

nd June lots of competitors from all

over the country will leave the warmth and safety of

Meriden Methodist’s Church Hall and set off at midnight

from the Village Green to see how far they can travel on

foot in 24 hours.

The winners of the event that took place in November

2016 managed 105 miles and ended up in Merseyside.

See last issue of the Mag for details.

We are encouraged to go and wave them off !

For more details see

The photograph shows Monty and Paddy Orton - each winning their respective

U14 and U12 shooting categories in the Cheltenham Archers Charity Easter

Bunny Tournament on Monday 17 April, raising funds for the Gloucestershire

Kidney Patients Association.

Interested? Contact,uk/contact-us

We are delighted to announce that Meriden has been

invited to enter Channel 4 TV programme:


This summer, Penelope Keith and her

team of judges will be visiting villages

across the UK to determine a winner,

with a £10,000 prize up for grabs. It is

quite an honour to be approached by

Channel 4 to encourage us to enter.

We have a lot to be proud of, so if you

see Penelope and her film crew out and

about tell her why you love living in


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Jamieson Christie Wealth

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MeridMeridMeridMeriden Fish and Chipsen Fish and Chipsen Fish and Chipsen Fish and Chips

The Green, The Green, The Green, The Green,


Opening hours Monday – Saturday 11.30-2.00pm

& 4.15 -9.30pm Closed Sundays

01676 523476

Opening hours: Tuesday 9.00-7.00pm Wednesday 9.00-5.00pm Thursday 9.00-8.00pm Friday 9.00-5.00pm Saturday 8.30-4.30pm

A family run business, for the ultimate A family run business, for the ultimate A family run business, for the ultimate A family run business, for the ultimate ladies hair, barbering and beauty ladies hair, barbering and beauty ladies hair, barbering and beauty ladies hair, barbering and beauty


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[[[[[[[Kinwaldsey, William son of Gerard (possibly Geoffrey’s brother elsewhere called ‘ Gilmyn’), Richard Hill

the Mason, Nicolas Godyng and many others. I imagine them all crowding round listening, all of 700 years ago.

Doreen Agutter.

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Around Meriden Green Part 2‘

At the eastern or Coventry end of the Green stood an old building previously the ‘Swan Inn ‘but in its latter days a farm with a

grocer’s and butcher’s shop owned by Percy and Mabel Tuckey. To enter the farm yard you passed through a half- timbered

coaching arch where, to your left stood the kitchen, slaughter house and cowsheds. On the right was a high almost blank brick

wall, at the rear of a group of late C18th cottages. The Chemist and Co-op now stand on the site.

For centuries Meriden thrived on travellers passing through this village on route to or from the Capital, the North East and

North Wales. As now residents were drawn to work or study in London while the road acted as a conduit attracting new

inhabitants. The property had begun life as Edward Smith’s cottage ale house: ‘the Cock’ in 1570s but in the hands of the

enterprising Mottershead family from Prestbury in Cheshire, it developed into a sumptuous first-class establishment: a rural

inn attracting wealthy clients, as many as 20 a night, who might hire a suite of rooms or the ‘Court Parlour’ or the ‘Paradise’

offering silver service and a four poster bed with fine Holland sheets on a feather mattress. The business was largely self-

sufficient with home killed roast meat and gallons of own brewed ale. After almost 100 years by 1682 two great-

granddaughters of the original Mottershead, Ralph sold out to their manager William Smith leading to another 100 years in the

Smith family’s hands though frequently employing a working landlord. Once more contemporary ‘improvements’ led to a

barn at the end of the farm yard being remodelled as cock pit, cock fighting being a popular sport and laying out a bowling

green near what is now the start of the Straight Mile. The building underwent changes too with the previously mentioned

cottages built along the eastern side used by small craftsmen: a carpenter and a weaver. The main wings were brick encased

hiding the wooden structure set into the sandstone base. The Overseers of the Poor and Highway Surveyors conducted

meetings here as did those planning Enclosure after 1785. Now called the ‘Swan’ the Earls of Aylesford became the owners

by the early C19th. Local men applied to be licencees. The last one Thomas Hunt had previously run the Fillongley Lane

brickworks near Lodge Green for the Aylesfords. The ‘Swan’ finally closed its doors in 1868 though its name was still

recalled nearly 100 years later. Road transport had dwindled as the railway took over from coaches, horses and carts. There

was insufficient local demand for its ale and spirits with competition from the Bull’s Head, the Queen’s and a beer house on

the opposite side of the Green.



Please come along and join in

the Fun and Activities with other

children aged 0 to 5 years, term time only.

Our Sessions are:

Wednesday and Friday 9.30am - 11.30am

Meriden Sports Pavilion (Next to the Park)

Thursday 9.30am - 11.30am Jubilee Community

Centre (Balsall Common)

Admission is £3.50 for 1 Adult & 1 Child + 50p

for Additional Child Includes a drink and toast.

Call Rachel Platt 07812 127772

for more information.

The Tuckeys came to Meriden soon after the Great War when life here was still very rural. Their milking cows grazed on

the Green itself, meandered to pasture down Maxstoke Lane in the 1930s or were still driven up Fillongley Lane in the early

1950s. They remained until the premises which they bought in 1925, were demolished in 1969. I enjoyed working in the

house and shops for 8 years in my school and university holidays. Each morning my first task was black leading the kitchen

grate. The schedule included cleaning a different room each day as well

as tidying the kitchen, making tea and coffee for everyone, helping to

prepare and cook the lunch, washing up and taking telephone orders. One

day Mr Tuckey told me my weight, spot on. Amazed I asked him how

he had worked it out. ‘I quartered you up like a cow’, he replied. Well;

after all he was an experienced butcher. Many years later I discovered

there had been an earlier Meriden butcher called Tuckey… at the time

when Ralph Mottershead rebuilt the Cock Inn c. 1600.

Doreen Agutter

Tuckey’s Shop in1969 before demolition

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Summer Fun 24th July - 1st September Nature Babies and Nature Tots will be running as

normal throughout the summer.

ALL OTHER SUMMER EVENTS will have two daily

sessions at 10:30-11:30 & 12-1

We will be pond dipping, learning about bats,

bees, butterflies, foxes, owls and creating wildlife

art. Dens will be built and also teeny tiny den

building for our youngest visitors. There will be

stories, games, a compass challenge, creative

mud sessions and lots, lots more.

If you fancy discovering nature at night our

Family Bat Night (5+) on the 25th

August, £5 per

person or 2 adults and 2 children for £15

could be just what you’re looking for!

Learn some facts and play games. When dusk

arrives you will take your detector and hopefully

hunt out some of our batty friends, a great night

for the whole family 7:15 till 8:45

The Parkridge Centre Brueton Park, Solihull, B91 3HG Set in the middle of Brueton Park, on the edge of Solihull

Town Centre, 5.5 acres of tranquil beauty offering nature

themed activities for babies and children, holiday events

and Really Wild Birthday parties. Tearoom and shop for

refuelling and treats!

Nature Babies every Monday morning 10- 12 Drop-in format and exclusively at our Parkridge Centre site in

Solihull. Wonderful gentle nature themed sensory play, a

good chance to meet other parents and make new friends.

Nature Tots every Friday 10:30-12 or 1:30-3 Absolutely perfect for active 2-4 year olds.

Really Wild Parties Very competitive prices, offered every

weekend throughout the year for up to 20 children

OUR EVENTS COST £3.50 per child All 2017 events now booking online:

A desert love story Once upon a time there was a very handsome male camel

named Alfred with two huge camel humps. He fell in love

and married a beautiful female camel named Marie who had

one perfect hump and beautiful lips. As time progressed they

became proud parents of a wonderful baby boy camel born

with no humps. They contemplated long and hard on what to

call their beautiful little boy, they finally decided on

(are you ready for this ?) HUMPFREE

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Private William Thomas Price (No. 28004)

The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 10th (Service) Battalion

Since the publication of ‘The Fallen of Meriden, Great & Little Packington during the Great War 1914 – 1918’, two members of the First World War Meriden committee visited the grave of Private William Thomas Price at Hébuterne Military Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais, France, whilst on a trip to attend the 100


Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Private W T Price is also recorded on the Ring of Remembrance (L'Anneau de la mémoire) a memorial that records the 579,606 names of the fallen in Northern France (Pas-de-Calais and Nord) during the First World War.

It is a 328m ring consisting of 500 sheets of bronzed stainless steel listing all the names. Its innovative construction enables 20% of it to cantilever out horizontally as the landscape falls away. It was inaugurated in November 2014 at a cost of £3.9 million.

It is adjacent to the French National Military Cemetery, Notre Dame de Lorette, at Ablain-St-Nazaire.

Also named on the Ring of Remembrance are Meriden’s Captain Edgar Godfrey Izon, Lance Corporal Philip West and Private Thomas Pointon.


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Balsall Common CV7 7FX

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CAMEOCAMEOCAMEOCAMEO Come and Meet Each Other at the Community Centre on the 4

th Friday of the

month at 2.00 p.m.






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Come and Meet Each Other at the Sports Pavilion

on the 4th

Friday of the month at 2.00 p.m.

In February we welcomed Reverend Jane Braund, the new Methodist Minister. Jane was born in Bristol where

she lived until she was 11 years old when the family moved to Dartford in Kent. She lived there until coming to

Balsall Common. Jane’s father was a Methodist Minister. Her first job was with the Royal Army Medical

Corps at the Ministry of Defence in London which she loved. During the Toronto Blessings she had a profound

spiritual experience which re-focused her life once again on Jesus, having invited him into her life when she

was 11 years old. Jane married Andy and they have two children. She worked for a while in a crèche for the

children of Kosovo refugees and then for some years as a driving instructor. During all of this time, she was

attending and working within her church and for six years served as a Circuit Steward. Jane then decided she

should train as a local preacher which she did, knowing this was her first step on the road to Ministry to which

she now felt called. Eventually she was accepted and studied at Queen’s College in Edgbaston before being

allocated to the Meriden, Balsall Common and Fillongley Churches where she is happy and has settled in well.

We were fortunate to have Dame Caroline Spelman, our local Member of Parliament, speak to us in March

about her role as Second Church Estates Commissioner. This is an unpaid honorary position which is held by a

lay member of the Church of England who is a Member of Parliament from the Governing Party. David

Cameron asked Caroline to undertake this role in 2015. The job is a link between the House of Commons and

the Church of England. Caroline therefore introduces required legislation and answers oral and written

questions about Church of England matters. Fortunately, her former experience as a Cabinet Minister helps her

to answer on her feet. She also hosts events in Parliament on behalf of the Church of England to showcase the

fantastic work which the Church is doing in the community. Caroline then detailed a few such community

projects being carried out and described how, although some Anglican churches are closing, others including

Cathedrals are expanding. Caroline concluded by answering questions on matters such as the loss of the taxi

bus and school funding etc. before leaving to take part in the television recording of The Politics Show.

In April we had our annual trip out for lunch and this year 32 of us enjoyed a meal in The Cottage in

Fillongley. We presented Ellen Watkins with a bouquet on her retirement from the Committee in recognition of

all her hard work in setting up CAMEO in Meriden and helping to run it since 2003.

We look forward to welcoming more friends to our meetings so if you need information or a lift please

telephone: Joan 523507 or Pam 523372

Forthcoming Meetings:-.

June 23rd

– Holiday at Home

July 28th

– Poems and Strawberries

August 25th

– Illustrated Talk on Peru by Ken and Stephanie Sherlock,

Please note this meeting is at the Village Hall

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Just before writing this article I was preparing an 'Order of Service' to do my Aunts funeral on the 2nd

May and was remembering all

the fun I used to have with my family, and my aunts, uncles and cousins when I was a child. I came from quite a big family as my

mom was the youngest of twelve children so I had lots of extended family. We always seemed to be together growing up and this

made for some great memories. We didn't have all the expensive toys children have today and we certainly didn't have the smart

phones, computers, iPads etc. that everyone now has and which they use to converse with each other on the impersonal 'social media'.

But what we did have was a great one to one relationship and a real sense of belonging and endless hours of fun playing together,

either at each other’s houses or more often than not, taking over a section of Elmdon park. This has resulted in our family still being a

close knit one and even though we don't see each other as much as we used to or as much as we'd like, there is still a commitment to

one another and a love that will always be strong. This all sounds great, and it is but it came at a cost, it took effort and commitment,

there were bad times as well as good, there were tough times as well as easy ones and as time has gone by there have been a lot of sad

farewells as different members of my family have passed away. But as the old saying goes 'It is better to have loved and lost, than to

have never loved at all'. And I have to say having all those memories has meant that none of my family members have gone

completely, because I still have them in my heart and mind.

In John's gospel chapter 14 Jesus is telling His disciples that He is going away to prepare a place for them and that He will come back

to take them to be where He is, and tells them that they know the way to the place where He is going. To this Thomas replies; ‘Lord,

we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ 6 Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one

comes to the Father except through Me. 7 If you really know Me, you will know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him

and have seen Him.’ 8 Philip said, ‘Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.’ 9 Jesus answered: ‘Don’t you know me,

Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us

the Father”? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my

own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in Me, who is doing his work.' (John 14:5-10). Jesus' response to Thomas' and Philips

questions is a great example of how we build relationships and memories. The disciples had been with Jesus for almost three and a half

years, they had ate with Him, ministered with Him, been taught by Him been empowered by him. They weren't just His disciples at

this point they were considered by Jesus to be His close friends, and family. As a Christian I now belong to God's family, I now know

Jesus as my Lord, Saviour and Friend. I am able to talk with Him, listen to Him, laugh with Him, cry with Him and build memories

with Him. Knowing with absolute assurance that I will one day be with Him in the place that He has prepared for me, because I know

the Way to the place where Jesus is. I also know that when I die I will once again see certain members of my family and friends, those

who received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour before they died, and will once again rejoice with them.

I have no doubt in my mind that I have been blessed to be part of such a large and loving family, and now have my own children and

grandchildren to build memories with, and that others aren't as fortunate as myself. However, I now belong to an even bigger family,

one that I'm still building memories with. Anyone can belong to it, and it functions much the same as my natural family with its ups

and downs, good and bad times, and is based not only on natural love but God's supernatural Love. That family is my church family,

whom I've been a member of for the past 36 years and whom I love deeply. This family is made up of people from all different

backgrounds and with different life experiences but has one thing in common, the thing that holds it all together, our love for Jesus.

Not because we first loved Him but because He first loved us and gave Himself up for us. Over the years I've been supported, loved,

encouraged, and at times discouraged but always felt part of an amazing group of people called by God to serve Him and one another.

Church isn't about religion, it's about relationship, with a God who truly loves us and wants us be part of His family. So if you're

looking for friendship, and maybe trying to make sense of this life, and would like to know more, why not join us at MCF Life Church.

We come together at 12:30pm each Sunday as well as other times in the week, and we meet in the Methodist building in Meriden.

We'd love to meet you. It's how memories are made.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

(1 John 4:9-10)

Every blessing. Kevin and Lyn Hunt

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As a start, I will confirm that all monies raised to date have been paid to The Marie Curie Hospice, Solihull and

Macmillan Cancer Support. As I stated in the previous Mag, this totals *** £51,365. ***.


11.00am until 3.00pm approx Writing, as I am on the 24th April, I am up to my eyes in preparation for the event on The Village Green. I am

receiving much appreciated support from several people in various ways. There will, again, be many excellent prizes in

the Midsummer Draw (Tickets on sale in Meriden Tearooms, Our Spar Shop and Lloyd's Chemist). The number of

Tombola prizes is growing, thanks to those who are donating, very kindly. On the day, there will be a number of

features. To give you some idea, these include (as at this moment) A Barbecue, A Refreshment Tent, The WI Bottle

Stall, Hook a Duck, Face Painting, Tombola, Candy Floss, A Combined Churches Craft Stall, The Village Stocks, The

Skittle Alley (There will be, again, a Spar Voucher for the best overall score!), Meriden Parish Council, and Guess The

Name for a fabulous Teddy. As usual, there will be, on sale, tickets for The Draw I would just say that my prime

motivation for organizing FUNDAY ON OUR VILLAGE GREEN is to provide a few hours enjoyment for our

residents at The Heart of The Village. Clearly, I hope that it will also generate a useful amount of money for The

Charities. I do hope that many of you will come along and support the effort put in by a considerable number of people.

Thank you Alan.

Dear Editor,

I should like to thank the Coventry Way Association

for erecting the lovely new fence on our Fillongley

walk last week and also for the replacement of stiles

with gates or kissing gates.

We do a lot of short walks around North and South

Warwickshire and further afield and it is so sad

when farmers have removed signs or chosen not to

leave a walkway through their crops (even when it is

a public footpath).

If anyone is interested, I have three books of walks

available on Amazon and we are now re-walking the

first book to make changes and put the walks on the

internet as single walk PDFs.

My books are:

• Walks in Warks

• More Walks in Warks

• Midlands Meanderings (completed last year)

Thank you

Kind Regards Julie Chiswick

St Patrick's Day fundraiser nets

over £600 for Alzheimer's Society

A successful St Patrick's Day charity fundraiser has netted

£648.44 for the Alzheimer's Society.

Meriden musician and fundraiser David McGrath entertained

shoppers singing for 4 hours and then travelled to the Queens

Head pub putting on free entertainment for the local patrons

David's father - Irish born Waterford man - died of dementia

and 'The day was to honour his memory' said David. 'But all of

our volunteers have a relative or friend living with Alzheimer's

so it was a joyous and emotional day to receive such amazing


“There are an estimated 3,100 people living with dementia in


We were amazed at how welcoming and positive everyone was

towards us - sometimes joining in for a jig. Many people also

related personal stories of friends or relatives living with


Collectors raised £648.44 for Alzheimer's Society

See centre pages for colour photograph

Meriden United Charities

is a small, registered charity, administered by

nine local Trustees, meeting three times a year

to help people in need, although there is one

condition, all recipients must reside in Meriden.

Financial assistance is also available to support

education, further education and people with

special needs.

All enquiries are strictly confidential and

applications can be made to:

The Clerk to the Trustees,

Meriden United Charities,

c/o Meriden Library,

The Green.

Samaritan’s Purse Correction

In the last issue of the Meriden Mag we were told that eight

shoe boxes were sent to the Middle East.

In fact the figure should be eight thousand!!

Well done to all concerned

Thank You The Meriden Mag team would like to thank all our readers who

have made donations towards our postage costs or general


Your generosity and kind comments are much appreciated

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Governor Vacancy

The Governing Body at Meriden C of E Primary School is seeking an enthusiastic and committed individual to join an effective and cohesive team of people to hold the school to account, to shape the vision of the school and to set the strategic direction. Although governors are volunteers, excellent support and development opportunities are provided through an induction process and a full programme of training as well as having an experienced governor as a mentor. We don’t expect you to be an expert in education and welcome governors from all walks of life to bring different perspectives and views. You just need to be committed to supporting our school community and the educational outcomes of our students. However, we are particularly interested in hearing from anyone with skills, experience or understanding in any of the following areas:

1. Finance 2. Business development 3. Data analysis 4. Marketing

For an informal conversation about the role or to receive a full role description, please contact the Chair of Governors,

Dr Adam Boddison on [email protected]

“The governing body provides effective support and challenge to the school” Ofsted, 2016

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Berkswell Road, Meriden, Coventry CV7 7LB

Tel: 01676 522403 Mob: 07917518724

Fax: 01676 523181

Email: [email protected]





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Margret Watts came to talk to us in March about ‘Save the

Children’. The movement was founded in 1919 by Dorothy

Buxton to help children in Europe suffering after WW1. She

thought it would only be needed for a few years but sadly 100

years on the situation is worse than ever. Every penny donated

is sent to workers in the field; and she herself has been to

Mozambique and seen workers in action training local people

as health visitors and nutritionists, paying particular attention

to the survival of young children and providing invaluable help

in refugee camps.

In April Paul Noble gave a short talk about his life on the

Royal Yacht Britannia, where he had been a serving officer for

many years, he felt very privileged to have served and was

greatly saddened on her de-commissioning.

We welcomed Paul Thompson again in May; this time his talk

was titled ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’ and related to the

home front in WW1. He had many interesting examples of

items that were sent to the men at the front.. Apparently some

officers received hampers from Fortnum and Masons delivered

by 16 year olds in their F & M uniforms!

He also talked about the important role that women played in

those times having to do the jobs that had been done by men.

Many worked in the munitions factories as well as running

their homes

Future programmes


June Antiques Jeremy Thornton


July ‘Everyone loves a wedding’ – Molly Murray


August Social Evening

Meetings are held on the first

Monday of the month 7.30pm at

Meriden Village Hall. Contact

Flick Blewitt 01676 523229

On Wednesday 10th May we held the Meriden Group

meeting, comprising W.I.groups from Meriden,

Allesley, Earsldon and Eastern Green. There will be

a report on this next time. Elizabeth Spencer

Elizabeth Spencer

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Heart of England High Speed Railway Action Group HS2 is in a lull at the moment. More environmental surveys, ground investigations, and enabling works are underway, but the serious business of mitigating the construction impact and knock-on developments can't start until contractors have been appointed. Brexit and the General Election add further uncertainty. A new Parliament will doubtless want to think again as to whether HS2 is value for money and the best way to boost the economy of the Midlands and North. The new elected Mayor of the West Midlands will have control of local transport expenditure. Current plans are aimed at connecting the HS2 station at Bickenhill with the tram system, but areas either side of Birmingham may not feel this will compensate for a reduction in fast services on the current main line. HS2 also affects the proposed A46 - A45 link road, but no further details have emerged.

Richard Lloyd



This year will be Fillongley Agricultural Society’s 93rd

annual show. Quite an achievement! However, as old

as the show is, the event is very much up to date and full of entertainment for the whole family. Despite its

name the show ground is in Church Road, Corley, CV7 8AG, not Fillongley, and very easy to get to.

Fillongley is a traditional, small, agricultural show with the regular attractions of vintage tractors, classic cars,

cattle, sheep, pig and horse classes, a very popular horticultural section and dog show and the poultry section

with a variety of classes to enter.

As part of our main ring attractions we are glad to welcome back the very popular 'Quack Pack' with Meirion

Owen and the audience having lots of fun herding the ducks. New to Fillongley this year is the BMX Bike

Stunt Show with Ben Savage's team of fearless and inventive riders performing stunts designed to astound

us. There will be a chance for people to try out BMX Stunt Riding for themselves on Ben's purpose-built track

under supervision.

We've got Circus Whiz, Face Painters, Birds of Prey, Rare Breeds and, as always, the Bouncy Castle, Bouncy

Trampoline and the Quad Bikes. New to Fillongley this year is Clayzer, a laser based Clay Shooting game,

and we think it is going to be an exciting popular addition to Fillongley Show.

Main Ring attractions include horse showing, heavy horse classes, and the Champions Parade. All of these can

be enjoyed on ringside seating, or, for Members, from the viewing area of the Member's Marquee, and of

course the popular and the hilarious Pantomime Horse racing events.

The horticultural section is known around the Midlands as one of the best. A visit to see the wide range of

vegetable, plant, flowers and produce entries is not to be missed. Why not enter your own famous home made

jam or cakes? It includes photography and art classes, many children's classes and much more. The artisan

craft tent is becoming more popular each year and is packed with items for you to admire and buy. Throughout

the year the Farm and Field competitions, including Gardens and Allotments take place and are available for

you to enter if you meet the criteria. We hope to see you there!

The show will be open all day from 9.00am until 5.00pm.

Download one of our schedules to enter at

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BUBBLES HAND CAR WASH Quality Hand Car Cleaning

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Balsall Common U3A

Are you retired or semi-retired; have you considered joining the Balsall Common U3A? The local U3A is part of a

national voluntary learning co-operative whose aim is to encourage activities for people no longer is full time

employment. Members join not only to learn new subjects but also to meet and socialise with likeminded people.

We have over 310 members and 30 active groups providing something different on each week day.

Beside the group activities, each month we have a core meeting. Included in the core meeting is a talk on subjects

of interest to the group, the subjects and speakers for the next few months are as follows:

Date Topic Speaker

1st June 2017 Food Banks – Trussell Trust Ann Danks

6th July 2017 Eastern Europe by Scooter in the 60’s - behind the Iron Curtain Ian Lester


August 2017 Lasting Power of Attorney - Made Simple Jackie Lewis

Core meetings are held in St Peters Hall, Holly Lane, Balsall Common and start at 2:00 pm.

Prospective members are always welcome to attend. For more information see our web site or telephone the Chairman Jim Melville 01676 534938.

Bank Holiday 26th – 28th August 2017 10:00am – 5:00pm daily

Berkswell Reading Rooms

Entrance Free - Refreshments Available Ample Parking & Disabled Access

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Scholarship preparation

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15a Ainsbury Road

Coventry CV5 6BA

Page 22: Meriden MagFunday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café Summer 2017 MERIDEN COVER SUMMER 2017.qxp_Layout 1 15/05/2017 15:33 Page 1

The Job Squad

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nday 11th



Bennetts Road North

Corley Coventry


01676 540178 Opening hours

Mon-Sat 9.00- 5.00pm

Sun 10.00 – 4.00pm


Tel: 07904 239365

Email: [email protected]

Hanging baskets made to order.

Many of our bedding, herbaceous and

perennial plants are home grown.

New Coffee

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JC Gardening Services and

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POTS AND PLANTS TO YOUR DOOR We can supply all types of composts to

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Call Chris or Tina

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Page 24: Meriden MagFunday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café Summer 2017 MERIDEN COVER SUMMER 2017.qxp_Layout 1 15/05/2017 15:33 Page 1

nday 11th



Bennetts Road North

Corley Coventry


01676 540178 Opening hours

Mon-Sat 9.00- 5.00pm

Sun 10.00 – 4.00pm


Tel: 07904 239365

Email: [email protected]

Hanging baskets made to order.

Many of our bedding, herbaceous and

perennial plants are home grown.

New Coffee

Shop now open

JC Gardening Services and

Maintenance 07710676792

Hedge cutting, Fence Treatment, Lawn Mowing,

Weeding, Mulching, General Garden Maintenance,

Strimming, Edging Planting.

[email protected]

POTS AND PLANTS TO YOUR DOOR We can supply all types of composts to

enhance your garden plus

topsoil/turf/flowers and plants /

summer bedding/shrubs and trees to order

Garden Canes/Trellis etc

All delivered to your door

Call Chris or Tina

07973834579 /07875475990

Page 25: Meriden MagFunday Sunday 4th June • Rotary Megaride 25th June • Churches New Altogether Café Summer 2017 MERIDEN COVER SUMMER 2017.qxp_Layout 1 15/05/2017 15:33 Page 1

A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve

made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his

mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become

A Coventry Way Challenge 2017

The 20th A Coventry Way Challenge took place on 9th

April 2017. This 40 mile Challenge started and finished

at The Queen's Head in Meriden. The route encircles

Coventry, always outside the City boundary.

The 250 limit was reached early in 2017, with walkers and

runners plus several relay teams taking part. The

Challenge web master, Peter Page has produced a

comprehensive list of 'results' which can be found at Albeit not a race, the fastest

round was Graham Stevens from Kenilworth and Matthew

Ma from Milton Keynes in 6 hours 17 minutes - 32

minutes ahead of Warwick man Michael Scandrett. First

lady was Sarah Booker (5th home) from Rugby in

7:08. There were times all the way through to 14 hours

51 minutes!

Apart from a warm welcome at the Queen's Head, those

taking part visited nine refreshment points along the

Way. Many of those taking part had collected

sponsorship for their own particular charity. Local

charities will benefit from the surplus from the event entry


Frank Hodgson provided the following recommendation -

"A big thank you to everyone involved in organising and

supporting the event. It was my first long challenge walk

and I enjoyed it . The registration, check points, extra

water stations, and the finish were all so efficient, friendly

and helpful it was a joy to be a Coventry Way walker".

No doubt Frank will be walking it again in 2018 - the date

has been set as April 8th for the 21st Challenge Event.



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07970 119142 mobile

email : [email protected]

Terry Griffiths

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Created By Julie Hyde email: [email protected] Copyright © 2017

Here is an interesting picture for you to have a go at… You will need watercolour paper, watercolour paints, a pinch of salt and a bit of imagination. 1. Draw a few goldfish, draw as many as you like but vary the size and shape 2. Background. Get a pinch of salt ready (fine sea salt works best). If you know you have problems with getting an even background, then wet the background first and then re wet after you have mixed the colours. Mix big puddles of strong washes of:-

• Blue

• Blue even stronger

• Blue + a touch of Yellow (strong) Wet the paper carefully around the fish, making sure that it has an even glaze but is not sitting in puddles. Working quickly with a big brush, backwards and forwards, from the top down, apply an even covering of the blue (avoiding the fish). Add other colours to this straight away while still wet for the weeds. Add a pinch of salt and leave it to dry. 3. Shading. Brush off the salt when it’s all dry. With a smaller, very weak puddle of:-

• Blue Wet one fish at a time and add the shadows to the sides of the fish. 4. Colours on fish. Using small strong puddles of:-

• Yellow

• Red + Yellow (orange) • Crimson Red

• Blue

• Blue + a touch of Brown (very dark blue/grey) Wet one fish at a time with the yellow, then add the stronger colours letting them run together. Move on

For more information on art classes at Centre of England Arts contact Julie on 01676 523357 or see the website We now run pottery and stained glass glasses as well as painting classes.

to another fish. The choice of colours is up to you, you can add spots of dark blue if you wish or leave white patches. 5. Details. Using the same colours as before but a lot weaker, add a few hints of scales. 6. Add the eyes with a little:-

• Blue + a touch of brown (very dark blue/grey)

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On 23On 23On 23On 23rdrdrdrd February 2017 February 2017 February 2017 February 2017

Storm Doris hit MeridenStorm Doris hit MeridenStorm Doris hit MeridenStorm Doris hit Meriden ----

felling a large tree on Main felling a large tree on Main felling a large tree on Main felling a large tree on Main

RRRRoadoadoadoad, opposite the V, opposite the V, opposite the V, opposite the Village illage illage illage

GreenGreenGreenGreen,,,, onto a parked car.onto a parked car.onto a parked car.onto a parked car.

Very happily no one was Very happily no one was Very happily no one was Very happily no one was


Luckily Luckily Luckily Luckily Councillor Paul Lee Councillor Paul Lee Councillor Paul Lee Councillor Paul Lee was passing was passing was passing was passing at the time at the time at the time at the time and and and and was able to contact was able to contact was able to contact was able to contact Dovetail Dovetail Dovetail Dovetail FacilFacilFacilFacilities Management who ities Management who ities Management who ities Management who rapidly responded to remove rapidly responded to remove rapidly responded to remove rapidly responded to remove

the debristhe debristhe debristhe debris.... Photographs courtesy of Photographs courtesy of Photographs courtesy of Photographs courtesy of

Councillor LeeCouncillor LeeCouncillor LeeCouncillor Lee

In March The Orme In March The Orme In March The Orme In March The Orme

School of Dancing School of Dancing School of Dancing School of Dancing

once again presented once again presented once again presented once again presented

their annual their annual their annual their annual

ShowTime at the ShowTime at the ShowTime at the ShowTime at the

Royal Spa Theatre Royal Spa Theatre Royal Spa Theatre Royal Spa Theatre


Above the Adult Above the Adult Above the Adult Above the Adult Tap DTap DTap DTap Dancing classancing classancing classancing class

Right Seniors dancing Right Seniors dancing Right Seniors dancing Right Seniors dancing to “One”to “One”to “One”to “One”

“A Dream is a Wish“A Dream is a Wish“A Dream is a Wish“A Dream is a Wish

Your Heart Makes”Your Heart Makes”Your Heart Makes”Your Heart Makes”

performed performed performed performed bybybyby

Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette and theand theand theand the

Preparatory Ballet.Preparatory Ballet.Preparatory Ballet.Preparatory Ballet.

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David McGrath and friend at the St. David McGrath and friend at the St. David McGrath and friend at the St. David McGrath and friend at the St.

Patrick’s Day fund raising event in Patrick’s Day fund raising event in Patrick’s Day fund raising event in Patrick’s Day fund raising event in

Touchwood Touchwood Touchwood Touchwood shopping cshopping cshopping cshopping centre Solihull. entre Solihull. entre Solihull. entre Solihull.

David raised an amazing £648.44 for the David raised an amazing £648.44 for the David raised an amazing £648.44 for the David raised an amazing £648.44 for the

Alzheimer’s SocietyAlzheimer’s SocietyAlzheimer’s SocietyAlzheimer’s Society


Below Below Below Below Meriden Archery Club Juniors have Meriden Archery Club Juniors have Meriden Archery Club Juniors have Meriden Archery Club Juniors have

had a very successful few months,had a very successful few months,had a very successful few months,had a very successful few months,

LLLLeft to righteft to righteft to righteft to right::::

“Grizzly Jim” Kent and friend“Grizzly Jim” Kent and friend“Grizzly Jim” Kent and friend“Grizzly Jim” Kent and friend

Monty Orton winning the Junior Gents Monty Orton winning the Junior Gents Monty Orton winning the Junior Gents Monty Orton winning the Junior Gents

Recurve Trophy at the West Midlands Recurve Trophy at the West Midlands Recurve Trophy at the West Midlands Recurve Trophy at the West Midlands

Archery Society Novices Tournament Archery Society Novices Tournament Archery Society Novices Tournament Archery Society Novices Tournament

in Mayin Mayin Mayin May

Training Session at the Training Session at the Training Session at the Training Session at the Meriden Archery Meriden Archery Meriden Archery Meriden Archery


Meriden in springtime photographs courtesy of Roy HandsMeriden in springtime photographs courtesy of Roy HandsMeriden in springtime photographs courtesy of Roy HandsMeriden in springtime photographs courtesy of Roy Hands

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1st Meriden Scout Group – News from the Green Hut

Please contact the Leaders below if you would like to join – Go on, come and meet some new friends, learn something new and have


Beavers: Girls and boys aged 6-8 years meet on a Monday at 6.30pm. Contact Becky 07967674308

Cubs: Girls and Boys aged 8-10½ meet on a Thursday at 6.30pm. Contact Malcolm (07967 325520)

Scouts: Girls and Boys aged 10½-14 meet on a Tuesday at 7pm. Mark (07801 773352) or [email protected]

We also need help from any adults out there that would be willing to spare some time with

any of the sections – even if it is just for the odd hour or two each month

Beavers Early spring saw the Beavers working towards their Digital Citizen Badge. To achieve this they had

to learn about the different parts of a computer, create a piece of digital media and send an email with

the link to their favourite website.

The Beavers also got 'crafty' creating lovely valentines and Mother’s day gifts. They also worked on their Communicator

Badge and have started their International Badge and Adventure Challenge Awards ... As part of this badge they will

take part in archery, den building and mud creations, to name but a few.

In June some of the Beavers will be attending the Warwickshire Scout County 'away day' at the Heart of England

Conference Centre, where they will participate in a range of activities. In July the Beavers will achieve their Time on the

Water Badge, with the Cubs where they will take part in Bellboating. Finally the summer term period will conclude with

an end of year party, no doubt with a lot of water being splashed around. As you can see a very busy fun time ahead.


The Cubs Section have recently been working on quite a few badges and awards, namely being the Pioneer Activity

badge, for which the Cubs built simple frames / ladders by using simple knots and lashings that they had learnt, two of

their Navigator Staged Activity Badges, whereby they completed a whole list of tasks which included; locating where

they lived on a local map of the village, creating simple maps of the village from memory, identifying Ordnance Survey

map keys and symbols, going on a local walk and navigating their way around using local services and key points on an

OS map, using grid references and 8 point compasses and using tracking signals. We also brought out the creative side of

our Cubs by working on their Artist Activity badge, whereby they designed and made Mother’s Day cards and created

posters based on their favourite elements of Scouting.

The Cubs are now working towards their Science Activity badge, where they have already taken part in a Star Wars

inspired night of experiments where they had fun making water filled / compressed space rockets from plastic bottles and

a foot pump, vinegar and bi-carb self-inflating "Death Star" balloons and generating electricity from lemons! They will

also complete their Our World Challenge badge this term by understanding what local services there are within the local

/ immediate area (and even get to visit one of them), take part and understand different faiths and cultures, which

includes visits to different places of worship, take part in different cultural celebrations and play different games from

around the world.

All in all, the Cubs are enjoying being very busy in earning as many badges as possible and having LOADS OF FUN in

doing so!

Scouts Once again we’ve tried to keep our programme packed full of a wide range of activities since January.

We had an interesting ready steady cook evening with some interesting creations from the Patrols, reinforced our skills

with Maps and Compass and had a ten-pin bowling challenge evening. We’ve spent time looking at Hiking equipment,

Rucksacks and how to pack them in readiness for our annual weekend visit to Snowdonia for some walking in the

mountains. We had a great badge evening where several Scouts finished off their Digital Citizen and Writing badges.

Some of the ‘stop’ animation done with their phones at home was really impressive. Maybe some budding film makers

in the making?

We finished the spring term off with a visit to a Sikh Gurdwara Temple. This is what Niamh thought of the visit:

“On Tuesday 4thApril we went for a visit to Gurdwara Guru Nanle Prakes Sikh Temple in Coventry. We were made to

feel very welcome in the beautiful and decorative temple. We had to wear something over our heads as a mark of respect

for the Sikh religion. A member of the temple explained the history and beliefs of Sikhism, it was very interesting and

educational.Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world. It is over 500 years old and was founded in the Punjab

region of India. I have learnt that it is important to respect people’s religious believes even if they differ from your own.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time to experience some Sikh vegetarian food that was offered to us but it did smell


1st week back for start of summer term we undertook a one minute Olympics. Lots of silly games timed to a minute.

Getting a biscuit from your forehead into your mouth with no hands was hysterical.

Coming up we have our weekend up to North Wales, shortly followed by taking Part in the Strategy Camp weekend

down in Cirencester, as well as an exciting summer programme.

For more detail of what we’ve been doing and what we have planned please visit our blog site at

1stmeridenscouts.blogsp and if you think Scouting’s for you get in touch. If Bear Dares why don’t you?

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The Orme School of


Meriden Branch

Methodist Church Hall

Classes in Ballet, Tap,

Modern Jazz, Gymnastic

and Contemporary Dance

aged 2 ½ years upwards

Tel: 02476 467271

Jennifer Faulkner

F.I.D.T.A BA.Hons

Fellowship Teaching Degree

Dip A.B.R.S.M

Beginners Adult Tap Classes

Adult Tap Class at The Orme

School, this is especially for

beginners Monday evenings

at our Meriden Venue

7.15 – 8.00pm

Any age, any shape,

2 left feet everyone will be

very welcome.

You just need a big smile and

a good sense of humour!!!

Principal Sandra Clarke F.I.D.T.A (Hons) M.B.B.O. (Hons)

Guitar and Ukulele


Individual or Group Sessions

Experienced Adult Education Tutor

Eastern Green

Contact 07742 288113

Psychic Medium and Crystal Vibrational Therapist

in Meriden

1-2-1 face-to-face readings, group parties

(up to 6 people), email readings

Email: [email protected]


Jane – Medium and Crystal Vibrational Therapist

Jane WestJane WestJane WestJane West Tel: 07715


Local Bookkeeper

With 25 years’ experience is looking to take on new

clients in the area.

“Let me take the stress away by completing your

� VAT/CIS/ Self-Assessment Tax returns

� Wages /PAYE

� Auto Enrolment Pension

Leaving you to concentrate on your business.”

Please call Fran to discuss your needs

07940 700284

Showtime at the Orme School of Dancing Showtime at the Orme School of Dancing Showtime at the Orme School of Dancing Showtime at the Orme School of Dancing

Meriden BranchMeriden BranchMeriden BranchMeriden Branch

The dancers at The Orme School of Dancing’s

Meriden Branch danced beautifully at ‘Showtime

2017’. The annual show included show stoppers

such as ‘Stepping Out With My Baby’,

‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ and our youngest

dancers looked gorgeous in their ‘Finley the Fire

Engine’ and ‘ZingZillas’ dances. The senior

dancers sparkled in their show pieces which

included a large group dance to ‘One’.

If you would like to get your child involved in

ballet, tap and modern jazz sessions at our Meriden

Branch on Mondays at the Meriden Methodist

Church then please get in touch on 02476 467271

or at We have

different classes suitable for children from 2 years

of age up to senior school age as well as our adult

tap class where there isn’t an age limit.

Please see advert below and

centre colour pages for photographs

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Meriden library

01676 522717 Monday 10am - 6pm

Thursday 10am - 6pm

Saturday 10am - 1pm

Readers Circle 14th June. A book by Terry Prachett

13th September. Our Summer/Holiday Reading

We are taking a summer break for July and August.

If either of these appeal, please give

Peter Moss a call on 01676 523590

for further information and the venue.

What’s on this summer at Meriden Library?

Summer Reading Challenge – it’s back! We are

delighted to announce the theme for the 2017 Summer

Reading Challenge is Animal Agents! The summer

reading challenge takes place every year during the

summer holidays for children aged 4 to 11 years.

Children's reading can 'dip' during the long summer

holidays. The annual Summer Reading Challenge helps get

three quarters of a million children into libraries each year

to keep up their reading skills and confidence. Because

everything changes when we read. You can sign up at the

library, then read six library books of your choice,

collecting rewards along the way – all FREE.

Look out for the colourful displays in Meriden Library and

come along to sign up and join in the fun when the

challenge begins on 15 July.

Summer Reading Challenge Volunteer Opportunities - Are you 14 or over? Do you want to gain experience,

develop skills working with children, discover more about

working in libraries or help encourage children to read?

Solihull Libraries, Arts and Information are looking for

volunteers to work across the whole of Solihull for Animal

Agents, the Reading Agency Summer Reading Challenge

2017, between 15th July - 2nd September. You will be

asked to commit to a minimum of 9 hours across the

summer and training will be given. The final closing date

for applications is Saturday 17th June 2017.

Email: [email protected]

Children’s Craft Table - Come along and join in our

summer activities at the library during August. There will

be a drop in craft table for children and their families

throughout August with different crafts and activities to do

each week. No need to book – just pop in when you are

passing and have some fun!

Story time for the under-fives – Our Story Time session

is aimed at pre-school children and will continue to take

place every Monday 2:45- 3:15. Please come and join in

our lovely group of parents and carers: make friends and

enjoy some stories and a craft.

Rhyme Time – Come along with your preschool children

every Thursday 2:45-3:15pm to sing along to some classic

nursery rhymes as well as learning some new songs. We

look forward to welcoming you to our lively group.

Board Games Club – Come along to our monthly board

games club for 7-11 year olds and join in the fun. Play

games, design your own board game to take home or join

in the quizzes and activities. Booking essential.

Wi-Fi - Free Wi-Fi access is available at all Solihull

libraries. Ask staff for more information.

Reading Café – Romance, crime, historical, classics, family

sagas, thrillers and so many more; what’s your favourite

theme? Drop into the library for our Reading Café and meet

other readers for a chat about books, authors, reading or

anything else over a coffee. Dates and themes for summer


Monday 19 June Learning

Monday 24 July Summer Reads

Monday 14 August Favourites!

Meriden Library has free to use computers and offers:

• 2 hours free internet access for library members

• Microsoft Office packages

• printing facilities (charges apply)

• scanners

You will need your library card to use a computer. If you’re

not yet a member, joining the library is easy and quick, so

ask staff for more details.

Library members can book a computer for up to 2 hours free

of charge each day. Sessions can be extended for

£1.50 per hour or part of an hour.

Computers are available until 15 minutes before the library


For further information please contact Amanda Jones,

Neighbourhood Library Manager. Tel: 01676 532590,

Email: [email protected]


“THE READER ON THE 6.27” by Jean –Paul Didierlaurent

This is a heart-warming tale which should appeal to all

those who enjoy a well structured narrative, which paints

vivid portraits of its characters with tenderness and humour.

Guylain Vignolles, a self-doubting, eccentric 36 year-old,

lives on the edge of existence. He works in a book-pulping

factory in Paris, in a job he abhors, not only for its tedium

but for its very destructive nature. He has but one pleasure

in life. Sitting on his commuter train each day, Guylain

recites aloud to his rapt audience of fellow travellers, from

pages he has saved from the hideous jaws of the pulping


But it is when he finds a memory stick which contains the

diary of a lonely young woman, Julie, who works in a

similarly horrid job and who feels as lost in the world as he

does, that his journey truly begins.

“This is a charming, clever, funny and humane work that

champions the power of literature” Sunday Times.

A perfect summer read whether on a sunny beach or curled

up indoors on a rainy day.

It will raise a smile, restore the soul and will certainly not

disappoint. C.C.

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Did you know that Meriden has had a golf course for over 100 years?Did you know that Meriden has had a golf course for over 100 years?Did you know that Meriden has had a golf course for over 100 years?Did you know that Meriden has had a golf course for over 100 years?

It goes by the name of North Warwickshire Golf Club (NWGC) and is located on the left side of Hampton Lane as you

leave the village. Founded in 1894, this heathland course was built on what was originally known as Meriden Common

and included a horse racing circuit!

During the Club’s centenary in 1994, over 2000 trees were planted as part of the Forest of Arden regeneration scheme

paid for by the EU in conjunction with Solihull and Warwickshire Councils. The planting was carried out by Club

members and volunteers from the village. The area is now well established.

It is a members’ owned club with a delightful, challenging 9-hole golf course with 18 different tees! We are family

friendly. Recently two of our members revived the Junior section (from 7-years-old) and, under the guidance and

instruction of our professional Andy Bownes, we are introducing golf to youngsters who perhaps were only previously

aware of the game electronically! We are in contact with local primary and secondary schools to promote the game. We

have an active social section which supports the monthly Free Draw and Treasure Chest night and the Bridge section

(you may play as a guest) meets on a Thursday evening.

In local golfing, we are best known for the simple fact we are weather proof, except for snow. We are built on sand and

gravel, conditions that are ideal for drainage, and so, very rarely closed, even in winter. In the wettest winters (or

summers) if you want to play golf, you can. We are playable when others nearby are closed. We are also well known for

our friendly atmosphere, having an “honesty bar” (how unusual is that?) and being able to get snacks and meals.

You might have heard rumours that the course was to be sold. To reassure everyone, at an EGM in April 2017 the

membership rejected, by an overwhelming majority, offers to buy the site for sand and gravel excavation.

Modern day life seems very full on, especially with families. Our course can provide a haven for stressed out mums and

dads as well as children. One of the issues with golf is that it can take a large chunk of time to play e.g. an 18-hole round

in 4 hours plus of course the possibility of the 19th hole! However, our 9-hole set up enables players to enjoy a shorter,

natural game, at a reasonable cost, yet fitting in with family commitments.

I have measured my 18-hole round as a 5.2-mile walk, if I can get to play twice a week, that means I walk over 10 miles

but I wouldn’t go for a 10 mile walk otherwise. There is the quote "Golf is a good walk ruined". For myself and many

golfers, golf is the reason for a good walk.

Si solum (if only) is the Club motto. It can refer to: the missed putt, the tree that hadn’t been there, keeping one’s head

down – but in my case if only I had started playing golf sooner. If you are interested in golf and want more details,

contact us by telephone or by calling in.

Paul Blewitt Hon Treasurer and Vice Captain

Office Manager 01676 522915

Professional (Andy Bownes) 01676 522259

EXTEND provides exercise to music for senior people

and for anyone of any age with a disability. Our

mission is to promote health, increase mobility and

independence, improve strength, co-ordination and

balance and to counteract loneliness and isolation.

Come & Join me at Meriden Village Hall

and exercise whilst sitting or standing


June 2017 2pm – 3pm

Every two weeks

with tea/coffee and a natter for afters !!

Jay 07983 979 404

Qualified EXTEND fitness instructor

Captain David Hartley

Ladies Captain Diane Blake

North Warwickshire Golf Club

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It’s good to talk…but it is even better to listen

For my latest message I thought I would start by talking about a new messaging

system West Midlands Police has launched as part of our ongoing commitment to

keeping in touch with local communities.

The service is called ‘WMNow’. It is free to sign up to and you can register according

to your interests and where you live and work.

While I will continue to share messages in this publication, and I thank those involved for allowing

me to continue doing this, WMNow will also add an extra opportunity for me and the team to

provide updates about what’s happening - whether it’s details of incidents, timely crime prevention advice, community

events or appeals for information.

As well as sharing our messages we’re keen for this to be a two way process. We want to hear from you about any issues

or concerns you have and also any important information you may want to share. This service allows you to tell us,

directly, about local issues which will allow us to intervene early and potentially prevent matters from escalating into

bigger problems.

The information we receive can be absolutely crucial in preventing and detecting crime and anti-social behaviour, so the

more people that join WMNow the safer our communities will be. Signing up takes less than five minutes, so we’d

encourage everyone to visit and join today.

Talking about making communities safer, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share some tips on how we can make this

summer even safer. Our first reminder goes to green fingered residents. This time of year can see a traditional increase

in burglary and thefts from gardens and sheds. Opportunist thieves can also take expensive items from the back of vans

or trailers or even mid-job as the worker turns their back for a cup of tea or rest.

At the end of a long tiring day in the garden it may be really tempting to leave equipment such as spades and ladders in

the garden ready for the following day. While these items are relatively inexpensive they could be used to gain access to

your property. So please lock away all gardening tools and make sure ladders are kept securely locked.

As well as gardening, some of you may have other home improvements planned that require professional assistance.

If you choose to get someone else to complete the work for you then we’d strongly suggest that you visit the Citizen

Advice Bureau website for a host of information and advice you should consider before getting work

completed. Remember to get several written quotes from reputable firms before deciding which one is best.

If in doubt talk it through with someone in your family or a trusted friend. Don’t let unexpected callers to your door

pressurise you into having work completed that doesn’t even need carrying out. Don’t forget if you think someone is

acting suspiciously - call us immediately.

If you are going on holiday then don’t forget to cancel the burglar! In the eagerness and excitement that precedes a

holiday it can be easy to forget things. Whether you are leaving your home unoccupied for a fortnight, a week or even a

few days we are asking you to follow some simple advice.

Don’t discuss your holiday plans online. Adding a photo of you on the beach could let strangers know that your home is

empty. Make your home looks lived in by setting timer switches on lights and/or radio. Cancel the milk and papers if

you get them delivered and get a trusted friend or neighbour to collect your post.

Something else we traditionally at this time of year is an increase in anti-social behaviour. In particular I’d like to ask

parents, grandparents and young people for their help with this issue.

I am aware that the behaviour of a small minority of young people must not give a whole generation a bad reputation.

There are some incredible young ambassadors for our communities. The team and I see evidence of this when we visit

schools and clubs throughout the community.

All I would ask parents and guardians to do is simply

remind young people to be mindful of how their behaviour

could affect other people. The last thing we want to be

doing is knocking on their doors and telling them their

loved one has been involved in anti-social behaviour.

At the same time we’re also keen to remind young people

that we are also here for them. If they have any concerns

about the safety of themselves or their peers we are always

here to help and offer advice.

Finally I will finish with the promise that I and colleagues

across Solihull will continue to keep you updated about the

latest news via WMNow. There are so many ways that you

can get in touch with us so if something is affecting the

safety of yourself or your family please do not hesitate to

get in touch.

Thank you. Police Sergeant Mick Lloyd


The service I provide will include

• Feeding/changing water

• Clean and change litter trays/accidents

• Spend time fussing your cat/s

• Any other needs your cat/s may have.

If you are interested in this service please contact me

Gail on 07913 872280 or email

[email protected] and I will come and meet you and your cat/s.

Reference available, security checked/fully insured.


I am offering a service that will stop

the worry of putting your cat/s into

a kennel while you are away

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Faye Scotter, Evans Derry Solicitors, Coleshill

Clarity has been brought to the 1975 law permitting claims on the grounds that a will has

not made sufficient financial provision - the Inheritance (Provision for Family and

Dependants) Act 1975.

The Supreme Court has now highlighted the importance of limiting financial awards

to adult children, and gives weight to the wishes of the testator and the period of


The Court has also recognised the importance of charitable legacies, highlighting that

they depend heavily on testamentary bequests for their work. The unanimous judgement of the Supreme Court is the final chapter of the ongoing saga that is the case of Iliott v

Mitson, which has made headlines in recent years, due to the various appeals made by the parties. A summary of the

background is this:

Mrs Iliott was the only child of Mrs Jackson, from whom she had been estranged for 26 years. Mrs Jackson died in

2004, having made a valid will leaving her estate worth approximately £486,000 to various animal charities. Mrs Ilott

was married with 5 children and received benefits. She brought a claim under this 1975 Act for financial provision.

In the first instance, the court held that the Will did not make reasonable financial provision and she was awarded

£50,000. Subsequently, the Court of Appeal replaced this with an award in favour of Mrs Iliott in the sum of £143,000

(to purchase her home) and a capital sum of £20,000, sums intended not to impact on her state benefits entitlement.

Following the appeal to the Supreme Court, the charities’ appeal was allowed and the original award of £50,000 was


The decision is clearly a victory for the Charities concerned, but will no doubt have an impact on adult

children contesting a Will, making it more difficult and potentially less likely for them to succeed.

Faye Scotter, Evans Derry Solicitors, Coleshill 01675 464400 email: [email protected]

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M.J. Mowing [email protected]

Grass Cutting Hedge Cutting

Pruning Strimming

Weed Control –Pesticide Licensed

Leaves Cleared

No Job Too Small

Competitive Prices - Free Quotes

Call Martin 01675 465 204

07922 241 181

Balsall & District Horticultural Society's

Annual Show

Saturday 22nd July

Exhibits of Flowers, Vegetables and Crafts

St Peter's Church Hall, Holly Lane

Doors open at 2pm.

Admission by donation

Free parking, Refreshments,

Plant Sales, Raffle

The 69th annual Whitacre’s and Shustoke show

Saturday 29th July

At Blythe Hall Shustoke

• Minibeast road show

• Falconry centre

• Punch and Judy

• Rockwood dog display team

As well as the usual features of a traditional local

country show , this year will feature the Bolddog

Lings Freestyle Team provide a unique, non-stop

show, using Britain’s best motocross and extreme

sports participants, introducing the articulated

mobile freestyle ramp.

StrawberriesStrawberriesStrawberriesStrawberries Strawberries are incredibly easy to grow. Strawberry plants can be grown almost

anywhere – in borders, containers or hanging baskets. And of course the fruit is

extremely popular – home-grown strawberries taste delicious and are great value too!

Water frequently while new plants are establishing. Also water during dry periods in

the growing season. Water from the bottom as overhead can rot the crown and fruit.

During the growing season give the plants a liquid potash feed – such as a tomato feed – every 7 to 14 days. In early

spring apply general fertiliser such as Growmore at a rate of 50g per square metre. As fruits start to develop tuck straw

underneath them to prevent the strawberries from rotting on the soil. Otherwise use individual fibre mats if these are not

already in position. The straw matting will also help to suppress weeds. Weeds that do appear pull out by hand.

After cropping has finished, remove the old leaves from summer fruiting strawberries with secateurs or hand shears.

Also remove the straw mulch, fibre mat, or black polythene, to prevent a build-up of pests and diseases.

Expect strawberry plants to crop successfully for three years before replacing them. Crop rotation is recommended to

minimise the risk of an attack by pests and diseases in the soil.

Strawberries make an excellent dessert, on their own, in a meringue basket with cream or crème fraiche, as a sauce for

ice cream, strawberry gratin and strawberry shortcake.

Strawberry Shortcake

For the shortcake

Cream together 150g soft butter 75 g caster sugar

Add 225g plain flour and form into a dough

Roll out into an 8 inch circle ½ inch deep.

Cook in an oven 160 degrees gas mark 3 for 25

minutes until top feels dry.

Remove from oven and cut into pieces, sprinkle with

caste sugar and leave on the tray until cold.

Spread with cream and top with strawberries.

Strawberry gratin

300ml double cream

300 ml natural yogurt

225gm strawberries, sliced

Grated zest of 1 lemon

Caster sugar to taste

Lemon juice to taste

115 g demerara sugar

Whisk the double cream to soft peaks and fold in the

yogurt add a few strawberries and the lemon zest and

sugar to taste.

Fill the bottom of 6 ramekin dishes or one large dish with

the remaining strawberries top with the cream mixture and

carefully spread the demerara sugar over the top.

Leave in fridge for at least 2 hours to form a crust.

Fillongley Show August 13th

Best allotment kept by a bone-fide amateur gardener

on one site within 10 miles of Fillongley church.

Entry fee £3. Judging to take place on June 17th

To enter please contact Ken Whittaker

0121 443 5237

Email: kandtatwhittsend@hot

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Meriden Play Group

“Where Friends are made”

Meriden Methodist Church Hall

Every Tuesday during Term Time 10am-12

Join us for a fun playtime with your child,

where you can make new friends, do crafts,

play with different toys, sing songs and

enjoy a healthy snack (and a cup of tea or

coffee.) £2 for one child + 50p for each

additional child.

Call Sharon Corrigan 07811 588504, or

Vanessa Florey 07876 301620

for more information

Meriden Rovers

Football Club We are looking for new players to join the team in

preparation for the next season of the Central

Warwickshire Youth Football League.

Your child must be in the current Year 7 school

year (age 11/12).

If your child would like to come along to our

training session and meet the coach/team, please

contact Malcolm Eggar on 07967 325520 or

Kim Blackman on 07853 237158.

Heart of England Cricket Club

At the time of writing this the club are getting

ready for the cricket season which hopefully

will be as successful as last year.

With the promotion of the Saturday Xl to

Division 8 in the Warwickshire League we had to join with

Leamington Khalsa. It has been a great start for the team with 2

wins from 2 games putting us at the top of the table. A strong

start to the batting has seen Rakesh scoring 2 consecutive 100's

and Sreekesh, Arun and Harris scoring half centuries. Not to be

outdone Sriram has taken 7 wickets followed by Kiru taking 4.

The fixture list for home games being played on a Sunday and

Tuesday is displayed at the pavilion.

You can follow the club via our facebook page.

07940 146 063

[email protected]

01789 608 021

12th Heart of England Bike Ride Sunday 16 July Knowle and Dorridge Lions hope you will join this year’s ride from Packwood NT House around the beautiful Warwickshire countryside. Gear up, get your friends and family together and take on the challenge of the 12, 18, 30 or 60 mile routes, and raise funds for the British Heart Foundation and local causes. After your ride enjoy a free visit to the House and Gardens and something from the Lions BBQ. More details and register online via

A sad farewell to Tom’s Butchers

After 35 years beside the Village Green Tom’s butchers shop

closed in March. This family business, run by Tom and his two

sons Kevin and Terry, will be greatly missed by their

customers. On everyone’s behalf we would like to thank them

for so many years of service to the community.

Another independent shop closes!

Experienced Van

and Driver Hire

For private or commercial use

Local or National delivery or


Vans and drop side vehicle available

Please call Peter


[email protected]

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Meriden Parish Council The Centre of England

The public and press are cordially invited to all parish council meetings at 7.30pm. An opportunity will be given for the public to speak. Look out for the agenda and venue which is posted on the parish notice boards and our website prior to the meeting.

The next Parish Council meeting dates are:

• 26 June 2017 - The Pavilion

• 24 July 2017 - The Pavilion

• No meeting in August

Community Surgeries 11am-12pm:

• Monday 05 June 2017 – Meriden Library

• Monday 10 July 2017 – The Pavilion

• Monday 07 Aug 2017 – Meriden Library

Police Beat Surgeries at the Library 11am-12pm: (Welcome to our new PCSO Toni Rheeston!)

• Thursday 22 June 2017

• Thursday 20 July 2017

• Monday 14 Aug 2017

Should you wish to contact the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk or drop into the Parish Council office on Monday mornings where you may access information or have a private chat with the Clerk to address local community issues.

Barbara Bland The Pavilion Meriden Sports Park Main Road Meriden CV7 7SP

Tel: 01676 522474 (Mondays) Mobile: 07767 162423 Email: [email protected] Web:

Your Parish Councillors are:

Quarry news - update on the Sand Martins

Following rumours that the Sand Martins’ nests have been destroyed, we would like to reassure everybody that NRS Wastecare Ltd are looking after the care of the birds.

Wayne Wardle from NRS explains, “The nests were checked and as there were no young in and 90% were not completed - checked with a snake camera - part of the colony has moved to the top of the lagoon with the rest of the colony which is not being touched until after the breeding season.

“The NRS Meriden site has had two very large colonies for the last three years. These birds are also netted and tagged each year by professionals for monitoring as will the colony at Area E.

“These actions were planned, done with due care and attention, and I believe correctly carried out due to the pressure from the council, Environment Agency and other bodies to complete the work.”

Solihull Neighbourhoods in Bloom axed for 2017

With the rising cuts in spending in local authorities across the nation, Solihull Council has had to make the decision to cease its Neighbourhoods in Bloom initiative from this year. Meriden won best kept village in 2014 and 2015, placing second in 2016. We’d like to thank everyone who helped us achieve these awards over the years. As best we can, the parish council will aim to maintain its floral displays throughout the parish – see ‘The Parish Council would like to thank’ on the next page. We will also be planting purple crocus bulbs throughout the parish supporting the initiative from the International Rotary Club to eradicate polio. In 2018, we will enter RHS Britain in Bloom, Heart of England Region, having received a Silver Large Village Award in 2015. Volunteers are needed to meet the exacting competition standards!

Rosie Weaver Frances Bob Kipling Melanie Lee Paul Lee Mandy Haque Jon Barber Matthew Nunn BEM Lynch-Smith (Chair) (Vice-Chair)

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The Parish Council would like to thank

Bruce Brant, Neighbourhood Co-ordinator, Sarah Jones from NAP (Neighbourhood Activity Programme) and the Neighbourhood Rangers for the wildflower bank at Coronation Island, benches for Meriden Gate public open space, spring bulbs for the parish, and nesting boxes for the Copse. Our wonderful volunteers Lynn Parker, resident representative for Quarry Liaison Group, Sarah Sharland, Tree Warden and Rosie Nunn for administrative assistance to the Clerk, for their invaluable support. Wayne Wardle of NRS Wastecare Ltd for his support and protection of the Sand Martin colony in Meriden Quarry. Mrs Jeanette Gray and Mrs Pat Mills who have tirelessly campaigned on behalf of residents for community transport and reinstatement

of the Ring & Ride Service. Lee Butterworth and his team at Dovetail Facilities Management for their rapid response during Storm Doris to our request to remove the fallen tree from Main Road.

Taxi Bus - 89 bus - Ring & Ride update There have been several meetings with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and IGO with the parish council and the residents’ committee led by Mrs Jeanette Gray and Mrs Pat Mills. Following TfWM’s public consultation which ran up until 10 February, they introduced a feeder bus to ferry people from their homes to the 89 bus stop. However, this was deemed unsuitable by the residents’ committee as many of the people who were used to the Taxi Bus service could not, by any means, board the 89 bus due to accessibility issues.

Then it was agreed to introduce a shuttle service to carry people from their homes to the post office, doctor, library and to the local clubs on the following days and times:

• Tuesdays and Fridays 0945 to 1400

• Wednesdays 0900 to 1600

Also at one these meetings, a timetable was discussed whereby the 89 would travel to

• Coventry on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 0900, 1307, 1553

• Solihull on Tuesday and Thursday 0950, 1150, 1550

The 89 service does also furnish the Heart of England School from 0815 to 0830 and again in the afternoon 1535 to 1550. Supposedly, it is not a school bus, but does carry a 'school service' notice on the front of the bus.

Mrs Gray said, “The new 89 bus service does 'roam' around the areas, as per the timetable. Again this has not proved popular, consequently people with disabilities and elderly cannot use ordinary public transport as some cannot even walk down their own garden paths. Hence the need for the Taxi Bus or Ring & Ride service.

“The journey to Coventry from Meriden takes one hour and the bus is too large to take people to the mobility centre in Coventry, and as for the journey to Solihull, the 89 does not go into the hospital. The Taxi Bus did! The 89 cannot take blind people as it has no communication system.”

Aggie Wathes, member of the residents’ committee, added, “The Taxi Bus does not run in Meriden anymore. The service we are getting at the moment is what they call the feeder bus. This is unofficially the pathetic answer to getting people on the 89 bus, but that is not what is required. What the Taxi Bus gave was a service which picked people up from their homes and took them shopping, to the post office and library on a regular basis.”

Since the Taxi Bus service ceased in September, there has been continuous dialogue with TfWM and IGO which prompted them to conduct the public consultation. Changes have been made and there is still an opportunity to improve services further e.g. potential to drop residents at Hall Meadow Road to access the Balsall Common Surgery and to open up dialogue with Ring & Ride. A meeting was held on 9 May to meet with Ring & Ride, TfWM and IGO representatives, together with Meriden, Hampton and Catherine De Barnes representatives. You can read the updates from this meeting on the Parish Council website.

Failing to ‘scoop the poop’

Dog fouling continues to be a problem in Meriden Parish. Once again we would like to remind you that if you take out a dog you must clean up after its mess, regardless of whether you are the owner or not. This anti-social behaviour is taken very seriously by the Police and Local Councils. As well as being an unsightly, unpleasant nuisance, dog mess can also be a health hazard. This is why Meriden Sports Park is a dog-free zone.

It is an offence to allow a dog to foul in a public place, without clearing the mess up; reference The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, previously The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.

Solihull environmental health officers make regular patrols and respond to complaints. For first time offenders fixed penalty notices of £75 (reduced to £50 if paid within 5 days) are given. Persistent offenders can be fined up to £1000 and have gone to jail in Solihull for such an offence. Reports of dog fouling can be done online @ Please be vigilant and responsible.

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Then call Jenny now on 07901 530861

Domestic cleaning, Office cleaning Professional cleaning service

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Balsall Common Country Market

A weekly market is held at Balsall Common Village Hall, Station Road CV7 7EX every

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Home baking and preserves, meat, plants and seasonal vegetables, crafts and homemade


A free cup of tea

or coffee

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Excellent affordable rates.

TEL: 01676 522466 (Meriden)

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Meriden BlindsMeriden BlindsMeriden BlindsMeriden Blinds

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A former Heart of England student has been part of a debating team that has been victorious in a competition with Cambridge University. Kirsty Giffen, who was also Head Girl, is a member of

the winning University of Exeter debating team.

The achievement is made more remarkable because the debate was conducted entirely in French! The University Final of French Debating event took place at the French Institute in Kensington, London.

“We were debating political issues facing France, specifically the future of the French Army. All of the debating was done in French,” said Kirsty.

There were four students on each team, each with a specific role in the debate. Individual students had to speak for six minutes with interruptions allowed after two minutes. The opposing team

could then ask the speaker questions, which the speaker had to answer.

The team prepared for the event with hours of research, rehearsals and team meetings. A team of Erasmus students were on hand to help out.

Whilst at Heart of England, Kirsty studied French, Spanish, English Language and German. She is currently in her first year at the University of Exeter studying Modern Languages; French, Spanish and German.

“I feel honoured to have represented my university in such a prestigious and intellectually challenging event. As Head Girl at Heart of England, I was fortunate to have had practice at public speaking by delivering assemblies and presenting at Open Evenings,” said Kirsty.

At the moment Kirsty is teaching English at a school in France, and is an Ambassador for Routes into Languages. She has also given talks at schools in Devon about the benefits of studying languages.

“I am incredibly grateful for the skills my experiences and Heart of England have given me.”

Students have celebrated their achievements in art in an exhibition where the work was marked and then viewed by parents, staff and students.

“It’s really great to show-case the creative talent of the students,” said Head of Art Mr McLarnon

Heart of England students across the school have been taking part in a Maths Challenge over the last few months with amazing results including gold, silver and bronze awards all round.

It started in November 2016 when Year 12 and 13 students took the challenge, with a recent challenge in February being taken by Years 9-11. The challenge will continue with Years 7 and 8 taking up the baton in April.

The ChallengeThe challenge itself consists of a multiple choice question paper, which incorporates different problem solving questions. Maths teacher, Richard Bowman said: “Some of the questions have content that is covered in classes but most of the problems are based on using maths in different situations to what they see in lessons. This means it doesn’t feel like a test but the questions are very challenging.”

The Maths Challenge is run by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust which promotes and advances the education of children and young people in mathematics.

Glittering SuccessGold and silver was the order of the day for our Sixth Form students; Lynne Ye-Evans, William O’Farrell and Alex Hawkins all achieved gold and Oliver Schiffman and Katherine Hickson both gained silver awards.

“It’s really good to put this on my UCAS form and talk about it at interviews for university,” said Lynne. “It was a good experience with lots of challenging questions.”

There were gold and silver awards for our Year 10 and 11 students too with Annabel and Sarah achieving gold and five silvers from Maddie, Charlie, Megan, Kevin and Lauren.

Year 13 student Will said: “There was no pressure like in a normal exam, which made it more interesting. It was very different to A Level lessons because the questions made you think about the maths in a very different way.”

Year 9Student mathematical prowess was not limited to upper school either with bronze awards for three students and a silver for Alice, all from Year 9. Not bad from a group of seven!

“We’ve done really well and the students have worked to hard,” said Mr Bowman. “Lynne and Will have both been invited back to complete in the next stage of the challenge.”

The next Maths Challenge for Year 7 and 8 students took place on 27 April. Here’s hoping for more awards from our youngest students!

Language Success

Making It All Add Up

GCSE Art Show

Courage ∙ Determination ∙ Honesty ∙ Kindness ∙ Humour

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Award Winning Baby

Development Classes

Designed for babies

from birth to

13 months

Babies have an extraordinary capacity to

absorb information in their first year and at

Baby Sensory we don’t waste a single moment! With 40 themed lesson plans, you and your baby will discover a magical underwater world, explore a tropical jungle, journey into Space and have fun at our Baby Olympics!

Classes held in:- Shirley, Solihull and


Contact - Nina 07971 945 242

[email protected]


Shape up for summer with our 6 week Leisure membership from just £49.00 this July and August

The warm and friendly atmosphere allows you to relax and unwind in wonderful surroundings with fantastic facilities including:

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over 30 classes per week • 2 Floodlit Outdoor Tennis Courts

Please quote MMAGFI6 when enquiring or joining the membership

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Coventry, CV7 7HR,Coventry, CV7 7HR,Coventry, CV7 7HR,Coventry, CV7 7HR,

01676 526 107

*Subject to availability

*Fees applicable on joining


31/08/1972 – 24/12/2016 Mark was the first born son to Marilyn and David Williams, joined 2 ½ years later by brother Alun.

Mark was a model son, easy-going and popular with his friends. He started school on his 4th birthday, at Meriden infants’

school, where Marilyn was a playground supervisor. He could already read when he started school and was a good


When he was ten, Mark started having trouble with his sight and was eventually diagnosed with a brain tumour. The

operation to remove the tumour resulted in the loss of his pituitary gland and most of his sight. The loss of his pituitary

gland meant he had to have growth hormone treatment, which was very successful.

After a lengthy recovery period Mark became a boarder at Exhall Grange Special School. Later he went to Coventry

University and gained a Degree in Business Administration. Mark worked at Pertemps for a while, but was better known

for his fund raising for Guide Dogs for the Blind and Royal National Institute for the Blind, as anyone who tried to get

past him and his collecting box will testify.

With his many hormone problems, Mark gained a lot of weight and was selected for a Gastric Band operation. This was

very successful and he lost 8 stone over 6 months.

Mark was always cheerful and outgoing; he worked tirelessly as a volunteer in the Disabled Resource area in Solihull

Library, teaching Braille and keeping up with all the latest aids for people with sight loss.

Mark was a talented poet and his friends will remember his poems and the Quiz’s he devised for the VIP’s (Visually

Impaired People).

His long term efforts as a volunteer resulted in his nomination to attend a reception at Buckingham Palace hosted by the

Queen, Mark was very proud of this honour.

It was a great shock to Marks’ family, friends and colleagues when he suddenly suffered a fatal heart attack on Christmas

Eve. His cheerfulness, his smile and eternal optimism will be greatly missed in the village.



Pat passed away on the 25th November 2016 aged 84 after a short illness.

Pat was a very private person, but very kind and helpful when she got to know you. I am

sure she will be missed by all who knew her.

The funeral took place on January 16th 2017 at Robin Hood Cemetery. Thank you to all

friends and neighbours who attended. Connie Curtis

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Healthwatch Solihull: Keeping Solihull Healthy

About Healthwatch Solihull – questions and answers

Healthwatch Solihull is working for you to ensure Solihull provides the Health and Social Care services facilities you

need. We listen to your comments and concerns about the support you receive and feedback your views to Solihull’s

Health and Social Care providers. By doing this we facilitate the continual evaluation and improvement of services in

the Borough.

We want to hear from you so talk to us by calling on 0121 704 7861 (between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Friday) or by

email to [email protected]

What is Healthwatch Solihull? Independent of the Health Service, we are your way of engaging with the Borough’s Health and Social Care

system. Healthwatch Solihull is both a gateway and a watchdog to help local people navigate the Health and Social Care

world. We want to ensure that your opinions and experiences are heard by those who plan, run and regulate Health and

Social Care so we can improve their services to you.

Are you a business or part of the Council? Neither, we are an independent partnership of five local charitable organisations who are already accessible to you and

helping you in other ways. Together the Citizens Advice Solihull Borough, Colebridge Trust, DIAL Solihull, Experts by

Experience – Solihull and Independent Advocacy are working, on appointment by the Council, to deliver Healthwatch


So, what does Healthwatch Solihull do? If you need a Health or Social Care service and do not know where to get it then contact us and we will help you find the

right place to go.

Sometimes things do not work as we expect so you might want to make a complaint about a service you have

received. Talk to us and we will help connect you to the right people and make your voice heard.

Improving Health and Social Care in Solihull? We are passionate about making Solihull the best place to be so we encourage you to let us have your views about the

Health and Social Care services you or your loved ones have received. By listening to and feeding back information

about your experiences, we can understand what is great about our local services and, also, what is not so good. As

trends emerge from your feedback, we will liaise with those providing our services to influence both the spread of good

practice and to seek improvement. So, let us know about your stays in hospital, the response of paramedic and

ambulance services, visits to GP surgeries, opticians and dentists, taking prescriptions to pharmacies, visits from care

services to the home and the experience of relatives in residential homes. Your

opinion counts.

How can you get in touch?

We can be contacted by phone on 0121 704 7861 (between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Friday) or by

email to [email protected]

You can also send feedback via the website, where the online Feedback Centre lists

most local service providers and gives an opportunity to make comments simply online.

Also, look out for our reply-paid postcards in the Information and Advice Centres at The Core, Solihull and Chelmsley

Wood library, in doctor’s surgeries and some other public places.

How can I get more involved? We are looking for people to be part of our team of Ambassadors. If you can offer a small amount of time and you

would like to make a big difference, join us as a volunteer to encourage others to tell their stories and help us to build that

overall picture of the Health and Social Care services across the borough of Solihull.

By gathering the views and experiences of people using our services then Healthwatch Solihull can turn these into a

strong ‘patient voice’ in the system and encourage long term improvements.

We would like to hear from anyone who would like to get involved in this way so contact us via phone or email and let

us know you can help.

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Meriden Surgery 01676 522252 School House, 200 Main Road, Meriden, CV7 7NG

Dr M Bhandal Dr S Barratt Dr A Carlile

Dr T Nadeem Dr R Horsley (Partners)

Associate GP Dr L Whitehead


Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am to 6pm

Wednesday 8.30am to 12.00

For details on how to obtain medical help when the surgery is closed please phone 01676 935000

Coventry Breathe Easy

For more information

please ring Janet on

02476 460081

or Cynthia

02476 440316

A support group for all those affected by a lung

condition, including friends, family and carers.

Meets on the 2nd Friday of every month. 2 – 4 pm, Eadon Hall, Central Hall, Methodist

Church Warwick Lane, Coventry, CV1 2HA,

except in the winter months when we meet for

a coffee at Conroy’s

Friday 9th

June –Ramandeep Singh /Amanda –

Pharmacists – A day in the life of a Pharmacist

Q & A.

Friday 14th

July Mike McKevitt – BLF London

Friday 11th

August – Beverley Bostock –

Clinical Specialist-Asthma

The NHS Central England Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme is hosted by the vascular department at Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT) and provides screening

to men aged 65+ within Birmingham, Solihull, Sandwell, South

East Staffordshire and East Staffordshire.

The screening programme screens and refers patients to two

vascular networks at HEFT, University Hospitals Birmingham

(UHB) and Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals (SWBH).

What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm? The aorta is the main blood vessel that supplies blood to your

body. It runs from your heart down through your chest and


In some people, as they get older, the wall of the aorta in the

abdomen can become weak. It can then start to expand and form an

abdominal aortic aneurysm.

The condition is most common in men aged 65 and over.

Men due to turn 65 will be automatically invited for screening.

Men aged over 65 who have not been screened before can contact

the programme to arrange a test.

Is an abdominal aortic aneurysm serious? Large aneurysms are rare but can be very serious. As the wall of

the aorta stretches it becomes weaker and can burst, causing

internal bleeding. Around 85 out of 100 people die when an

aneurysm bursts.

An aorta which is only slightly larger than normal is not

dangerous. However, it is still important to know about it so that

we can check if the aneurysm is getting bigger.

How common is the condition? Around 1 in 70 men who are screened have an abdominal aortic


Why is screening important? If you have an aneurysm you will not usually notice any

symptoms. This means you cannot tell if you have one, will not

feel any pain and will probably not notice anything different.

We offer screening so we can find aneurysms early and monitor or

treat them. This greatly reduces the chance of the aneurysm

causing serious problems.

What will happen when I go for screening? We use a simple ultrasound scan, similar to that offered to

pregnant women. This is very quick and usually lasts less than 10


At the clinic we will check your personal details, explain the scan

and give you the chance to ask any questions.

We will ask you to lie down and lift or unbutton your shirt. You

will not need to undress. We will put a cool gel on your abdomen.

We will then slide the scanning sensor over your skin. The scan

will show a picture of the aorta on a screen and we will measure it.

We will tell you your result straight away and also send a copy to

your GP practice.

For further information or to arrange an appointment

please contact; 0121 424 3612/ 0121 424 1200 or email

[email protected]

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All aspects of Beauty Therapy to include; Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing,All aspects of Beauty Therapy to include; Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing,All aspects of Beauty Therapy to include; Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing,All aspects of Beauty Therapy to include; Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing, Eye treatment, Facials, Caci facials and body treatments, microdermabrasion , massages, Eye treatment, Facials, Caci facials and body treatments, microdermabrasion , massages, Eye treatment, Facials, Caci facials and body treatments, microdermabrasion , massages, Eye treatment, Facials, Caci facials and body treatments, microdermabrasion , massages,

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Anyone of any age can be a Dementia Friend by attending a Free Dementia Awareness Session. The informal

and enjoyable sessions last for around 45 minutes and can take place in local venues or business organisations.

Caroline Bates and Geraldine Davies are Dementia Champions trained as volunteers by the Alzheimer’s Society

to deliver Awareness Sessions to groups and organisations.

If you are interested in attending or being part of a future session, please contact either Caroline or Geraldine

and we can arrange local sessions for you. From a small group of friends and family to a company or business,

all can be accommodated, so please get in touch.

Help us spread the message by raising awareness of people living with dementia and how we can all make a

positive difference!




Well look no further.

Senior Care Support Services are here to help,

guide and support you with what can be an

extremely difficult, stressful and emotional time.

As a local senior care specialist, with many years’

experience working with the elderly and frail,

support, advice and guidance is offered in finding

the right care home, albeit residential, nursing or

dementia care, or domiciliary care in the home for

you or a loved one.

Why not speak, in confidence, with a ‘real’ person

with years of experience of ‘the care system’ to

help you through this minefield.

Telephone Geraldine Davies on

01564 743067 or

email: [email protected]

Would you like to learn more about what

it’s like to live with dementia?

Could you turn that understanding into

action? Every action counts no matter

how small.

Caroline Bates

07734 383509

Geraldine Davies

07798 703007

With 20 years’ experience in the field at big law firms

I am now able to concentrate on the local area

providing a more bespoke service in a friendly and

approachable manner.

Please contact me on 01788 833344 or 07734

383509 and be assured of

• Quality advice

• Value for money

• Free home visits

• Evening/weekend appointments

I am a consultant solicitor with Davidson Mahon

Solicitors a niche practice specialising in Private Client


Email: [email protected]

Specialising in Wills, Power

of Attorney, Trusts,

Deceased’s Estates.

Court of protection and

inheritance Tax/ Asset

Protection planning.

Caroline Bates, local solicitor

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Letter from Meriden, Connecticut, USA

Memories of Kensington Congregational Church

Berlin, Connecticut, is the next town north of Meriden and the geographical center of the state. The western district of

town is called Kensington, and the eastern part Worthington. There’s also a little village called East Berlin, whose name

reminds me of the Cold War. The whole area was originally called the Great Swamp.

In the early 1700s, the colonial General Assembly in Hartford granted permission for the establishment of the Great

Swamp Ecclesiastical Society, authorizing the locals to build their own rude little church. They did so around 1712, on

Christian Lane, at a cost of 60 pounds, near the fort they had built for protection against “the dreaded Indians.” Now they

wouldn’t have to trudge for miles every Sunday, on unpaved roads, in all weathers, “to attend the public worship of God.”

But eventually they outgrew that church, and in 1774 (during the reign of King George III, who would soon have a great

deal of trouble coming from these parts) the congregation broke up — not without rancor; those old Puritans could be a

quarrelsome lot — and built two new meeting houses, one each in Kensington and Worthington. It is said that they divided

the boards and nails from the old church equally.

Kensington Congregational is very much a classic New England meeting house — small, wooden, painted white, and

originally quite austere, with a few embellishments that were added much later. In colonial days it was also the center of

local civic authority. The Puritans ran a theocracy in those days, with very few Catholics around to frown upon, and some

Methodists. (It’s unclear to me whether the “piscopalins” mentioned in a town history were members of the Methodist

Episcopal Church, or the C. of E.) But unlike their forebears, the Congregationalists of today are associated with the very

progressive social and political views of the United Church of Christ, which has no hierarchy to speak of, and certainly no


Anyway, by 1961 it appeared that the old place might be structurally unsound, so a renovation began, which I followed

closely because my father was a trustee of the church and a member of the renovation committee.

Steel braces were installed to beef up the roof. A new heating system allowed the removal of a floor grate in the main aisle

that used to go “clomp” when people stepped on it. The dark wood and blood-red upholstery of the old pulpit furniture

gave way to a new, lighter, airier decor. But blood-red hymnals were chosen, mainly to satisfy old Mr. Clarence Baldwin,

a pillar of the church. Parts of the new chandelier were made in our garage. Olin McAdoo, a neighbor, who didn’t belong

to the church but whose family owned a small foundry, cast two metal eagles and donated them for the hymn boards. A lot

of other materials and labor were donated by church members.

All told, it was and is a clean, well-lighted place — no graven images, no stained glass, no incense, no mysteries of any

kind, thank you very much. Communion consisted of small squares of bread and tiny glasses of grape juice — certainly

not wine! — but when people put down their empty glasses all at once, it made a bit of a clatter, so plastic sleeves were

added to the holders that received the empty glasses, to hush the unseemly noise. For the same reason, I believe, the

collection plates were lined with felt; no need for the noise of coins being dropped in to embarrass anyone!

I remember that, for baptisms, our pastor at the time, the Rev. Joseph Reeves, used water from the River Jordan, which he

had collected in a canteen on a visit to the Holy Land. I also remember the time when old Mrs. Ellsworth became ill

during a service, and the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department had to be called to take her away in their old Cadillac

ambulance. And we would chat with Eunice Humphrey Williams, a lovely old person who often wore a Persian lamb

jacket and sometimes had lipstick on her teeth. (As even I can now see, my church experience in those days had to do with

almost anything except the liturgy.)


The front of the church has a round window, inscribed with latitude

and longitude lines that I believe symbolize the universality of the

Christian Church. Sometime during the 1980s, my father and

brother built new double doors, replicating the old ones, which had

weathered rather badly.

Another delightful detail of this lovely building is that the belfry

structure is slightly skewed with relation to the rest of the building.

If you stand far enough away and line yourself up exactly on axis

with the church, you can see a bit of the left face of the belfry, but

nothing of the right face, because the belfry is slightly twisted, in a

counter-clockwise direction from a bird’s eye view.

Finally, some of the siding on the meeting house was removed for

repairs a few years ago, and I took some pictures. I can’t help

wondering whether some of the very rough old boards that were

revealed might have come from the original Great Swamp church.

After all, those old Puritans were nothing if not frugal.

Anyway, may the Kensington meeting house last for another 243


Reach Glenn Richter at [email protected].

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First – class care for your car is closer than

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The aim of the History Group is to give its members

and the general public the opportunity to acquire

information & understanding on items of historical

interest, through meetings visits & research projects.

Meetings are held at Berkswell Reading Room

at 7.45pm for 8.00 pm start unless otherwise stated



“Bodices and Bloomers.”

A presentation by Paul Thompson. In Paul’s own words: “A hands-on exploration of Victorian

fashion using a selection of original garments to illustrate

the basics of men’s & women’s outer clothing and

women’s underclothing from the latter 19th Century.”

Wednesday, 2.00 – 4.00 pm 12th


at Balsall Common Village Hall.

Open meeting about Balsall Common.

Co-ordinated by Stephen Gill. Please bring along your photographs or documents of the

area. Share your recollections.

This is a Free Meeting for both members & non-members.

Refreshments Provided.

Wednesday 9th


“Victorian Warwickshire through the Eye of a

Stereo Photographer.”

A presentation by Dr Bob Pryce.

For our latest news visit the website:

or telephone 01676 535782

We service, repair and care

for your vehicle

If you think you can; or you think you can’t – you

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June Escape from Meriden Village Green Midnight

4th June Funday Sunday Village Green 11.00-3.00


Alan Lole 01676 522138

5th June WI Village Hall 7.30pm Flick Blewitt 01676 523229

5th June Community Surgery Library 11.00am–


Barbara Bland 01676

522 474

8th June GENERAL ELECTION Village Hall 7.00am –


9th June Churches All Together

Community Cafe

Pavilion 2.00-4.00pm Rev Lynda Lilley

01676 522825

10th June Comedy of Errors Packwood House 7.30pm 03442491895

10th June Firebird Singers Concert Blue Coat School 7.00pm Val Martin 01676 522963

11th June Maxstoke Castle Open Day Maxstoke Lane 11am – 5pm

14th June Reader’s Circle 7.30pm Peter 01676 523590

17th June BIG PICTURE SHOW Village Hall 7.30pm Chris Copper 01676 522 645

18th June Kinwalsey Tree walk 4.00pm Jane Braund 01676 533737

19th June Reading Cafe Library 10.30- 11.30am 01676 522717


June Police Beat Surgery Library 11.00- 12 noon

23rd June CAMEO Holiday at Home Joan 01676 523507


June Rotary Megaride Queens Head 12.30 – 5.00pm Neville 01676 532 709

26th June Parish Council Meeting Sports Pavilion 7.30pm Barbara Bland

01676 522 474

3rd July W.I. Village Hall 7.30pm Flick Blewitt 01676 523229


July School PTA Summer Fayre Meriden School 5.00- 7.00pm 01676 522488

10th July Community Surgery Sports Pavilion 11am–12noon Barbara Bland

01676 522 474

14th July Churches All Together

Community Cafe

Pavilion 2.00-4.00 Rev Lynda Lilley

01676 522825

15th July-



Summer Reading Challenge Library 01676 522717

16th July Heart of England Bike Ride Packwood House

17th July Flower Club Village Hall 7.30pm Mo Reynolds 01676 521 457

20th July Police Beat Surgery Library 11.00 – 12 noon Barbara Bland

01676 522 474


July Balsall & District

Horticultural Show

St Peter’s Hall B C. 2.00 – 4.00pm

24th July Parish Council Meeting Sports Pavilion 7.30pm Barbara Bland

01676 522 474

24th July Reading Cafe Library 10.30- 11.30am 01676 522717

28th July CAMEO Sports Pavilion 2.00pm Joan 01676 523507

29th July Whitacres & Shustoke Show Blyth Hall Shustoke

1st August Meriden Mag Deadline 01676 522963 / 522453

7th August W.I. Village Hall 7.30pm Flick Blewitt 01676 523229

7th August Community Surgery Library 11.00am–


01676 522717



Fillongley Show Stonehouse Farm 9.30am –


Pat 07794 622824

14th August Reading Cafe Library 10.30- 11.30am 01676 522717

14th August Police Beat Surgery Library 11.00 – 12 noon Barbara Bland

01676 522 474


August CAMEO Village Hall 2.00pm Joan 01676 523507

26th -28





Art Exhibition

Berkswell Reading


10.00am –


Village DiaryVillage DiaryVillage DiaryVillage Diary

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Out and About this summerOut and About this summerOut and About this summerOut and About this summer

Admission Charge

£2.50 for adults, (£1 per child - under 4's enter free),

£1.50 concessions,

£6 per family (2 Adults and up to 3 children (under 16).

Opening times Spring and Summer

1st April to 30th September

Mon to Fri

9.30 am - 4.30pm


10.00 am - 4.30pm

Brandon Marsh Nature Centre is the headquarters of the Warwickshire Wildlife

Trust. Set in 220 acres, the reserve consists of large pools created by gravel

extraction. It consists of reed beds, willow carr, grassland and woodland. It is

outstanding for birds and there are eight bird hides throughout the reserve

The Visitor Centre is a great place to visit including a Tea Room and well

stocked gift shop.

Around the Visitor Centre you’ll find the Orchard, mouse maze, bird watching

hides, Education garden, Sensory garden, as well as an under-cover picnic area.

Younger children will enjoy our brass rubbing trail: find the brass plaques

hidden near the visitor centre to create colourful pictures on your rubbing sheet.

Then it's off to the Onyx Nature Trail which guides you around the wildlife

habitats of the nature reserve.

Brandon Lane

Coventry CV3 3GW

Lapworth Museum of Geology

Birmingham University

Last year saw the completion of an ambitious expansion

project, transforming Lapworth from a niche academic

institution into a dynamic, public-facing museum telling

the story of the world’s four billion-year history.

From rocks and fossils to volcanoes, earthquakes, and

even dinosaurs, the Museum captures the imagination of

all ages.

The museum has been shortlisted for the £100,000 Art

Fund Museum of The Year 2017 it is one of the five

museums which have been selected as finalists for the

world's largest and most prestigious prize for museums.

Admission is free

Getting there, it is part of the university site and is within

walking distance of Birmingham University train station.

Opening hours Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday and Sunday: 12 noon - 5pm

Maxstoke Castle B46 2RD

Open Day

Sunday 11th June

By kind permission of Mr and Mrs Fetherston-Dilke

Approximately 5 acres of garden and grounds with

herbaceous shrubs and trees surrounding the

14th century moated castle.

The interior and gardens will be open between 11am

and 5pm No wheelchair access to house

Admission £7.50 Free Parking

refreshments and homemade teas

Plant and gift stall

Proceeds in aid of the National Gardens scheme

Packwood House B94 6ATPackwood House B94 6ATPackwood House B94 6ATPackwood House B94 6AT Comedy of Errors

Saturday 10th June 7.30 pm

Box Office 03442491895

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Meriden Primary School Mrs L. Winkler 01676 522488

Meriden Library 01676 522717

Meriden Surgery 01676 522252

Lloyds Chemist 01676 522722

St. Laurence Church Rev Lynda Lilley 01676 522825

Meriden Methodist Church Rev. Jane Braund 01676 533737

MCF Life Church Meriden Pstr. Kevin & Lyn Hunt 01676 523050

Parish Council Barbara Bland

(Mondays only)

01676 522474

Methodist Hall bookings Alan Gabbitas 01676 522148

Solihull M B C 0121 704 6000

Solihull District Councillors Ken Allsopp 01676 522301

David Bell 01676 248651

Tony Dicicco 07780 438290

Meriden Scout Group Gerry Russell 01676 522666

Post Office Sue Harper 01676 522230

Rural Police Sector Sgt Mick LLoyd 101 New non-

emergency no.

Meriden Village Hall bookings Valerie Martin 01676 522963

Useful Village Contact numbers

Reminder deadline for autumn issue

out by 1st September is

Tuesday 1st August

Val Martin 01676 522963

[email protected]

Margaret Argyle

01676 522453

[email protected]

Distribution: Paul Lee

Proof Reader: Claire Rose

Mag advertising rates

Eighth page £10

Quarter page £20

Half page £40

Small ads (sale or wanted) £5.00

Charity & Community events FREE

Views expressed by the contributors are not

necessarily those of the co-editors.

We are unable to print anonymous letters or

articles although we will withhold name and

address on request

Bickenhill Public Waste Disposal Site Opening Hours

Summer 1st April- 31

st October

Monday-Friday (except Tues) 9.30am -5.00pm

Tuesday 9.30am – 6.30pm Saturday and Sunday 8.30am- 4.00pm

Sunday 25Sunday 25Sunday 25Sunday 25thththth JuneJuneJuneJune

Marie Curie Care


Contact Neville Riley 01676 532709 Macmillan