Merge #microsoft words copy function with selection function




Transcript of Merge #microsoft words copy function with selection function

Page 1: Merge #microsoft words copy function with selection function

Page 2: Merge #microsoft words copy function with selection function


In Words program:

User clicks, drags and select three words with the mouse pointer. 

By default, the three words are only highlighted with no other computer commands executed. 

I wonder if there is any hack that allows a selection from one letter to (CTRL + A) selection of the entire document which would not only select and highlight the intended word(s), it would also copy the selection onto the clipboard.

When you highlight a section of your text, there is no alteration to the text value on the screen apart from the black highlight.

When you copy the text the value is stored into short term memory of the computer and is replaced by the next 'copied' value.

This will render the copy button on #Microsoft., Words obsolete?

How much work hours are saved for the current and unborn computer users in the world; with the removal of the need to press the copy button in order to copy the text?

It could also be used for handphone text messaging?