Merchendising boooklet

Merchandising booklet



Transcript of Merchendising boooklet

Merchandising booklet


Dear AIESECers,

No matter if you’re coming to IC or not, our CC team would like to know what type of gadgets you’re interested in. This booklet was created, so that you could go through the designs of gadgets we can produce for International Congress.

After you examine all designs please go to our survey LINK to tell us which gadgets you’d buy if you had the chance. Your opinion would allow us to predict how big of an order for gadgets we should make and which types of gadgets we should invest our money in.

We’d greatly appreciate your help! J

CC Team of IC 2016 in Poland

Bracelet: 2 euro

T-shirt 10 Euro



Mug: 7,5 Euro

Set of four stickers 2 Euro


Linen bag: 5 Euro

1 2 3

Thermal mug: 7,5 Euro String Bag: 10 Euro