Mental Health and Islam. · 2020-06-28 · Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of...


Transcript of Mental Health and Islam. · 2020-06-28 · Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of...

Page 1: Mental Health and Islam. · 2020-06-28 · Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of his bounties. Myth: Mental Health issues may be a cause of low Iman and character
Page 2: Mental Health and Islam. · 2020-06-28 · Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of his bounties. Myth: Mental Health issues may be a cause of low Iman and character Page | 1

Mental Health and Islam.

Every individual, at some point in their lives, goes through some sort of mental and emotional highs and lows. Many people around us suffer from Mental Health issues like Depression, Anxiety, PTSD [Post traumatic stress disorder], and so on. Though the reason behind it may differ from one person to

another. The society that we live in does not let us speak about our emotions and many tend to avoid it. The consequences of avoiding our mental issues and bottling up emotions may have harmful affects. Mental health does not necessarily manifest symptoms the way physical health does so people

think if they can’t see it, it’s not necessarily there. Our community wants to “see things” to believe in it and interestingly, our whole Imaan is based on the unseen. But unfortunately, in terms of mental health, we are far behind regarding educating people to understand that this is the real problem and people do need help.

When we suffer from a fever or break a leg, we immediately rush towards the hospital without thinking twice, it has become so normal for all of us whereas, there are so many stigmas associated with seeking help for mental illnesses.

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Stigmas associated with Mental Health Among


Myth: We don’t have to bring Islam in the field of Mental Health. Fact: Islam is not just a belief, it is a complete and comprehensive way of life. Its guidance includes social, economic, political, emotional, spiritual, and psychological aspects of life. Our hearts, mind, and body are the favors of Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of his bounties. Myth: Mental Health issues may be a cause of low Iman and

character flaws. Fact: Mental health problems have nothing to do with being weak and many people need help to get better. Islamically, we believe everything comes from Allah (SWT) so how can we be sad and depressed? If we look at that way, we will not feel like addressing our issues. But, Allah says in the Quran, “Ask those who know if you don’t know. [21:7 and 16:43]

Myth: It is a Western perspective.

Fact: Though mental health is getting some attention now in the western world but in reality, Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi from the 9th Century and golden age of Islam was among the first in the world to write on mental illnesses and psychotherapy. And a Muslim polymath Abu

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Zaid al Balkhi, some of his works were contributed to Mental Health issues and how to diagnose it and its treatments which were matched with today's latest edition of DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, for mental disorders) and if we put them side by side we can see that he meets every single criteria point by point. So, when Muslims say this field of mental health does not work for us, it is wrong. It was a part of our rich heritage.

Myth: Mental health should not be discussed and it will go away

with time.

Fact: A lot of times, one of the two things happens, either we prefer to keep it under the rug or keep it in the family or feel and think it is just a phase and will go through it. Here is an example: The Messenger of Allah entered the mosque one day and saw an Ansari man there by the name of Abu Umamah. The Prophet asked him: O Abu Umamah, why are you sitting in the mosque at a time that is not a prayer time?’ He replied: I was forced to do so by Anxiety and debt.

The Messenger of Allah then asked: Shall I teach you a supplication by which Allah will remove your anxiety and pay for you your debts? He answered:

Yes, O Messenger of Allah! The Prophet then said: Say every morning and evening: Allahumma inni a’udhu bikka minal-hammi wal hazan, wa a’udhu bika minal-‘ajzi wal-kasal wa a’udhu bika minal-jubni wal-bukhul wa a’udhu bika min ghalabatid-dayn wa qahrir-rijal.’ (Meaning: O Allah, I seek refuge with You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men).

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Abu Umamah said: I did that and Allah removed my distress and paid for me my debt.’ (Abu Dawud)

We can see here see that the Prophet (SAW) gave him the

solution from Anxiety and did not ask him to increase his

Iman. Also, as Muslims, we need to revive this Sunnah. We

should not shy away to seek help and take support early.

Over time, If we don’t talk about our mental issues then it

may affect us adversely.

Myth: Some people have the misconception that a Mental health

professional may intentionally label them some disorder.

Fact: In reality, no Psychologist/ Mental health or Physical

health professional would do that. It’s against their ethics.

Myth: You have to have a mental illness to go for counseling or

mental health professional.

Fact: It is true that some people who have some mental illnesses and they work with counselors to manage symptoms, but counselors also help people to work through everyday problems like relationship issues, sadness, grief, and career transitions.

Myth: Only ‘CRAZY’ people go for Therapy.

Fact: In the same way people visit doctors when they are not sick, they might want a checkup, test or advice. Similarly, Therapy is not exclusively for people with diagnosed mental illnesses. Therapists listen without

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judgement and teaches how to solve problems in a healthy way and live a happier life.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q1) What does it mean to have a mental illness?

Mental illnesses are health conditions that impact a person’s thoughts, emotions, relationships and daily functioning. They are often related to anxiety, grief, sadness or other distress, and usually a struggle to continue the regular activities of daily life. There is a wide variety of mental illnesses; some are rather mild and only have small effects on certain areas of life. Others can be severe and have large impacts on daily life.

Q2) Is there a cause for mental illnesses?

There is not an exact reason or cause for mental illness, but research points to a mix of genetic, biological, psycho-social and environmental factors as being the cause of most conditions. Mental illness can run in the family. Genetics have a part in the development of a mental health issues.

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Q3) Can people with a mental illness recover?

Most people with a mental health condition can get relief from their symptoms by taking part in a treatment plan. An effective treatment plan may include medication, psychotherapy and peer support groups. Different mental illnesses have different treatment plans, so it is critical to talk to a counselor or mental health professional. A healthy diet, exercise and sleep can also have a large effect on mental health. Early identification and treatment are important factors for recovery.

Q4) Is consulting an imam or religious scholar enough to address

someone's mental illnesses or personal challenges?

The majority of Imams are not trained in mental health (or mental health first aid). Although many Muslims seek advice or services from Imams, there may be a gap in understanding between an Imam and a mental health professional.

Q5) What is Islam's role in counseling and addressing mental


The Prophet (SAW) said, Islam is Naseeha (good advice).


In general, Counseling means Advising.

The Prophets who Allah(SWT) has sent to humankind

throughout history came to guide, advise, and help their

followers. Quran states that the Prophet Hood (AS) said,

“…and I am a trustworthy adviser to you.” [Quran 7:68]

Counseling helps to navigate difficult life situations, such

as the death of a loved one, marital problems, anxiety,

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depression, job-related stress etc. (NOTE- Though

counseling and advising have similar meanings, but

counsel is used for a more formal situation. Counseling is

instructions given by a certified person telling one how to

handle and tackle the particular situation in effective way

and to achieve the best outcome. So, it is important to seek

counselling from an experienced or a licensed Therapist/


Q6) What are the things that we need to keep in mind for our

Mental Health?

1) Taking adequate sleep: Allah (SWT) said he created

night for rest. Narrated Anas bin Malik (May Allah be

pleased with him): Once the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص entered the

Mosque and saw a rope hanging in between its two

pillars. He said, "What is this rope?" The people said,

"This rope is for Zainab who, when she feels tired,

holds it (to keep standing for the prayer.)" The Prophet

said, "Don't use it. Remove the rope. You should (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

pray as long as you feel active, and when you get tired,

sit down." [Saheeh al-Bukhari 1150 – Saheeh]

We are not allowed to deprive our sleep for Qiyaam

then what makes us deprive sleep to watch Netflix? We

don’t understand the detrimental effects of not taking

adequate sleep at night.

2) Eat a healthy diet and nutritious food for your

brain: And those are Fatty Acids like Fish- Omega 3,

things like avocado, grass-fed beef, Barley etc.

3) Nuts and seeds- Flax seeds, beans, leafy greens and

blueberries do wonders for your brain.

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4) Having a support system- Support can come from

family, friends and neighbors. Anas bin Malik narrated

that if the Prophet saw wouldn’t see anyone for 3 days

he would enquire where is so and so. Also, great stress

has been given for family ties and the rights of

neighbors in the Quran and Sunnah.

5) Exercise: Research shows that exercise helps us

relieve tension and boosts physical and mental energy.

It is a natural and effective anti-depressant.

Aishah (RA) said that “I raced with the Prophet and I

beat him. Later, when I had put on some weight we

raced again and he won…” [Sahih Bukhari]

Q7) What are some tips to manage stress?

Take a break: Take time to relax. We should give rest to our brain the way we give rest to our body. Strike the balance between responsibility to others and responsibility to yourself, this can really reduce stress levels.

Deep breath: Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful relaxation technique. It’s easy to learn, can be practiced almost anywhere, and provides a quick way to get your stress levels in check. When you feel really stressed out, try this for 5-10 minutes: 1) breathe in with your nose for 5 seconds. 2) Hold your breath for 3 seconds, then slowly breathe out through your mouth for a count of 7 seconds

Write a journal: A great way to expand on the positive

and manage the negative things that happen in your

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life, is to write down the blessings around you, which

is an important aspect of stress management. The

Prophet (SAW) once said, “Wondrous is the affair of the

believer for there is good for him in every matter and

this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If

he is happy, then he thanks Allah and thus there is

good for him. If he is harmed, then he shows patience

and thus there is good for him” (Muslim).

Spending time in Nature: There is growing scientific

evidence on the physical, mental and spiritual benefits

of nature. In the Noble Quran Allah (SWT) invites and

encourages us to reflect by observing and

contemplating His creation:

“And He it is Who spread the earth and placed mountains

and streams in it and inserted in it two pairs of each kind of

fruit. He covers the day with the night. Certainly, there are

signs in these matters for the people who reflect.” (Quran


Smile: Smiling helps to promote release a group of

hormones called endorphins. Endorphins may play an

important role in reducing stress and anxiety. A study

showed a direct relationship between endorphin levels

and stress behavior. The greatest reason for smiling is

because it is a Sunnah [practice] of our Beloved

Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)! The Messenger

of Allah (peace be upon him) had a smiling face and

advised us to entertain our guest with a smiling face

and good conduct. To smile is an act of charity!

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Page 13: Mental Health and Islam. · 2020-06-28 · Allah (SWT) towards us. Yet, it is the most neglected of his bounties. Myth: Mental Health issues may be a cause of low Iman and character

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