Men's Styles For All Occasions

10 Men’s Styles For All Occasions The Size Base Guide

Transcript of Men's Styles For All Occasions

Page 1: Men's Styles For All Occasions

Men’s Styles For All Occasions

The Size Base Guide

Page 2: Men's Styles For All Occasions

When trying to decide what to wear for

a wedding, the first place you need to

look is the invitation.

It will probably tell you what the dress

code is, but if not take into account the

location, time and the style of the

invitation itself.

If it’s a beach wedding, a formal suit

isn’t necessary, but if the invitation is on

fine paper with fancy typography, dress



Page 3: Men's Styles For All Occasions

White Tie: This is the most formal

dress code and demands the full works

including tailcoat, waistcoat, white

bowtie and dress shoes.

Black Tie: At a black tie event, the

dress code is similar to that of a white

tie event but ever so slightly less formal.

Semi-Formal: Wear a suit, but you can

switch the bowtie for a long tie, and

ditch the cummerbund!

Casual: This may sound like an

invitation to wear whatever you like, but

for a wedding, it’s a good idea to dress

it up a bit. You could wear an open shirt

without a tie and relatively smart


Dress Code Guide

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When you first meet a prospective employer, you should dress to impress! First impressions are everything, and your attire is the first thing a new employer will take note of.

If you’re unsure of what you should be wearing, you might want to conduct a little research on the company you are interviewing for to get an idea of how formal to dress.

To play it safe, wear smart trousers, a shirt, tie and maybe even a smart jacket. Make sure these fit you well as an outfit that is either too big or too small will look scruffy.

Job Interviews

Page 5: Men's Styles For All Occasions

This is another event where you want to

make the best first impression. Although

it will ultimately come down to your

personality and compatibility, the way

you look will have a big impact on your

chances of getting a second date.

The most important thing is to be well

groomed and smart. Don’t wear a

creased shirt or jeans that haven’t been

washed in weeks!

What you wear will depend on the

activity you have chosen, so read on for

some suggestions!

The First Date

Page 6: Men's Styles For All Occasions

Walk in the park: Dress comfortably and

casually. There’s no need to suit up if

you’re just popping down to the park.

Clean jeans, an ironed (non-offensive) T-

shirt and your favourite jacket will do the


Fancy Restaurant: You would expect

your date to come dressed up so make

sure you do the same. Wear smart

trousers, a nice shirt and maybe even a tie

to impress and show off just how well you

scrub up!

Cinema: Again, make sure you wear

something comfortable. You’re going to be

sat in a stuffy screen for a few hours, so

don’t wear anything too tight. It might be a

good idea to err on the side of dressed up

as cinema can often lead to restaurant!

Date Activity Guide

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If your first date went particularly well, you will hopefully reach the point where you can meet her parents for the first time! This is a daunting task, one which is incredibly important for the future of your relationship, so you need to make a good first impression.

Hopefully, your other half will be able to give you some instruction on what her parents might expect of you, but dress smart, making sure that your clothes and yourself are clean and well presented.

You want to show the future in-laws that they can trust you to look after their child, so you need to show them you can look after yourself!

Meeting Her Parents

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Simplicity: Nothing quite beats a

simple white crew neck T-shirt and blue

jeans. Keeping it simple will never lead

you astray.

Dress for your shape: Make sure you

keep your shape in mind when buying

clothes. What looks good on a

mannequin may not compliment your

curves or lack of them!

Accessorize: This adds something a

little more unique to your look. Invest in

a decent watch, wear cufflinks with a

suit and add a scarf to your winter


Fashion Do’s

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Socks and sandals: The ultimate

fashion crime. Just never ever go there,

even as a joke!

Dirty clothes: Even if you’re just

popping to the shops, T-shirts with food

crusted on are never a good look.

The wrong size: For a classy and

stylish look, your clothes need to fit well.

If they are too tight or too loose, it will

look scruffy.

Fashion Don’ts

Page 10: Men's Styles For All Occasions

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Size BaseFor the big man