Mens Golf Day Marysville

 Men’s Day Blokes get together Frida y 23 April 2010 Marysville Supporting health and wellbeing in the communities of Mitchell and Murrindindi Supported by: Registrations and payment for the 23 April 2010 Men’s Day Blokes get together golf day can be made in person at the Marysville, Narbethong or Buxton hubs. Blokes get together . Frida y 23 April 2010 Bring your father, mate or son along…..

Transcript of Mens Golf Day Marysville

8/9/2019 Mens Golf Day Marysville 1/2

Men’s Day

Blokes get together

Friday 23 April 2010Marysville

Supporting health and wellbeing in the communitiesof Mitchell and Murrindindi

Supported by:

Registrations and payment for the 23 April

2010 Men’s Day Blokes get together golf day can be made in person at theMarysville, Narbethong or Buxton hubs.

Blokes get together.

Friday 23 April 2010

Bring your father, mate or

son along…..

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Registration Form

The day

Meet and greet at the MarysvilleGolf Club


Assemble for shotgun start9 holes (Ambrose style 4


Pre-dinner nibbles 5.30pm-

6.00pmSpeakers 6.00pm

BBQ dinner and presentations 6.30pm

An opportunity

This day has been organised as achance for men affected in any way bythe Black Saturday bushfires to have a

catch up over a game of golf.

Any man connected in any way withthe bushfires is encouraged to comealong.

This includes fire survivors, allemergency services personnel, residentor non resident of any age.

Bring your father, mate or son along forthe day: the cost is $5.00 per person.

Never played golf? Don’t worry, golfingexperience is not necessary and theMarysville Golf Club has kindly offeredto supply golf clubs and buggies for free

to those who don’t have any to bringalong.

Some more information:

MC - David Atkinson, Triangle AreaCoordinator, Mitchell Community Health


Guest speaker: Richard Weld-Blundell -Bushfire Recovery Counsellor based in theMarysville Triangle. Richard has specialisttraining in trauma, marriage counselling andfamily therapy, with a particular interest instress and anxiety.

There will also be lots of opportunities foryou to ask questions.

So we can cater for everyone who wants tocome along, please RSVP to Mitchell Community

Health Service no later than Monday 19 April2010. You can do this by:

Completing this form and dropping it into theMarysville, Narbethong or Buxton hub alongwith your payment of $5.00.

First Name: ___________________________ Last Name: ___________________________ Contact phone #: _______________________ Organisation (if applicable): ________________

Have you played golf before?

Yes No

Do you have any dietary requirements? ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Do you have any food allergies? ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Photographs to record this event will be taken on theday by representatives of Mitchell Community HealthService. Such images will be used in MCHSpublications and in media releases . Names will not

be published with photographs.

Signature: __________________________ Date:______________________________

Finish 8.00pm