Memory CD8 T cell transcriptional...

Memory CD8 T cell transcriptional plasticity Ben Youngblood* 1,2 , J. Scott Hale 1,3 and Rafi Ahmed* 1,3 Addresses: 1 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory University, 1510 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA; 2 Department of Immunology, St Jude Childrens Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105-3678, USA; 3 Emory Vaccine Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329 * Corresponding author: Ben Youngblood ([email protected]) or Rafi Ahmed ([email protected]) F1000Prime Reports 2015, 7:38 (doi:10.12703/P7-38) All F1000Prime Reports articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found at: Abstract Memory CD8 T cells generated after acute viral infections or live vaccines can persist for extended periods, in some instances for life, and play an important role in protective immunity. This long-lived immunity is achieved in part through cytokine-mediated homeostatic proliferation of memory T cells while maintaining the acquired capacity for rapid recall of effector cytokines and cytolytic molecules. The ability of memory CD8 T cells to retain their acquired properties, including their ability to remain poised to recall effector functions, is a truly impressive feat given that these acquired properties can be maintained for decades without exposure to cognate antigen. Here, we discuss general mechanisms for acquisition and maintenance of transcriptional programs in memory CD8 T cells and the potential role of epigenetic programming in maintaining the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of cellular subsets among the pool of memory cells. Introduction and context It is now well established that memory CD8 T cells generated from an acute viral infection acquire the ability to persist in the absence of antigen [13]. The realization that memory CD8 T cells undergo antigen-independent homeostasis while retaining the ability to rapidly recall effector functions upon antigen re-encounter was a major conceptual advance for the field. In the years following this observation, efforts by many labs to dissect the mechanisms that instill memory T cells with their long-lived nature have progressively transformed the concept of T cell memory into therapeutic applica- tions to treat or prevent disease and have paved the way for vaccine efforts focused on generating long-lived T cell immunity [47]. We often describe the cardinal proper- ties of memory T cells as being their ability to undergo interleukin-15 (IL-15)- and IL-7-dependent self-renewal and survival in the absence of antigen, an ability to reside in non-lymphoid tissues to survey for antigen, and the heightened capacity to recall effector functions upon antigen encounter [811]. However, recent investigation of the cellular heterogeneity within the pool of memory T cells has revealed that these generalizable attributes of T cell memory are actually the result of a collection of subsets of cells with distinct phenotypic and functional properties (Figure 1). It is now evident that protective CD8 T cell immunity against a given pathogen is achieved by the collective efforts of each of these subsets. Although the discovery and dissection of the functional differences of memory subsets have significantly advanced our basic understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling their development, many important questions remain regarding the plasticity of these subsets and their role in long-lived immunity. Here, we examine phenotypic and functional character- istics of memory CD8 T cell subsets and discuss current issues regarding the plasticity versus stability of acquired transcriptional programs after memory differentiation. Major recent advances Memory subsets Protective T cell immunity is achieved in part by partitioning the pool of memory CD8 T cells into subsets of cells with distinct tissue homing, self-renewal, and Page 1 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Published: 09 April 2015 © 2015 Faculty of 1000 Ltd

Transcript of Memory CD8 T cell transcriptional...

Page 1: Memory CD8 T cell transcriptional · 2016-05-25 · population. Indeed, because the pool of memory CD8 T cells

Memory CD8 T cell transcriptional plasticityBen Youngblood*1,2, J. Scott Hale1,3 and Rafi Ahmed*1,3

Addresses: 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory University, 1510 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA; 2Department ofImmunology, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105-3678, USA; 3Emory Vaccine Center,Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329

*Corresponding author: Ben Youngblood ([email protected]) or Rafi Ahmed ([email protected])

F1000Prime Reports 2015, 7:38 (doi:10.12703/P7-38)

All F1000Prime Reports articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License(, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found at:


Memory CD8 T cells generated after acute viral infections or live vaccines can persist for extendedperiods, in some instances for life, and play an important role in protective immunity. This long-livedimmunity is achieved in part through cytokine-mediated homeostatic proliferation of memory T cellswhile maintaining the acquired capacity for rapid recall of effector cytokines and cytolytic molecules. Theability of memory CD8 T cells to retain their acquired properties, including their ability to remain poisedto recall effector functions, is a truly impressive feat given that these acquired properties can bemaintained for decades without exposure to cognate antigen. Here, we discuss general mechanisms foracquisition and maintenance of transcriptional programs in memory CD8 T cells and the potential role ofepigenetic programming in maintaining the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of cellular subsetsamong the pool of memory cells.

Introduction and contextIt is now well established that memory CD8 T cellsgenerated from an acute viral infection acquire the abilityto persist in the absence of antigen [1–3]. The realizationthat memory CD8 T cells undergo antigen-independenthomeostasis while retaining the ability to rapidly recalleffector functions upon antigen re-encounter was amajor conceptual advance for the field. In the yearsfollowing this observation, efforts by many labs todissect the mechanisms that instill memory T cells withtheir long-lived nature have progressively transformedthe concept of T cell memory into therapeutic applica-tions to treat or prevent disease and have paved the wayfor vaccine efforts focused on generating long-lived T cellimmunity [4–7]. We often describe the cardinal proper-ties of memory T cells as being their ability to undergointerleukin-15 (IL-15)- and IL-7-dependent self-renewaland survival in the absence of antigen, an ability to residein non-lymphoid tissues to survey for antigen, and theheightened capacity to recall effector functions uponantigen encounter [8–11]. However, recent investigationof the cellular heterogeneity within the pool of memory

T cells has revealed that these generalizable attributes ofT cell memory are actually the result of a collection ofsubsets of cells with distinct phenotypic and functionalproperties (Figure 1). It is now evident that protectiveCD8 T cell immunity against a given pathogen isachieved by the collective efforts of each of these subsets.Although the discovery and dissection of the functionaldifferences of memory subsets have significantlyadvanced our basic understanding of the cellular andmolecular mechanisms controlling their development,many important questions remain regarding the plasticityof these subsets and their role in long-lived immunity.Here, we examine phenotypic and functional character-istics of memory CD8 T cell subsets and discuss currentissues regarding the plasticity versus stability of acquiredtranscriptional programs after memory differentiation.

Major recent advancesMemory subsetsProtective T cell immunity is achieved in part bypartitioning the pool of memory CD8 T cells into subsetsof cells with distinct tissue homing, self-renewal, and

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effector recall potentials. The first functional description ofmemory subsets came from Sallusto and colleagues [12]when they parsed memory cells into cellular subsets withdistinct phenotypic properties. These subsets becameclassically known as effector-memory (Tem) and central-memory (Tcm) T cells. After the initial characterization ofhuman Tem and Tcm memory subsets, mouse modelsystems amenable to tracking primary immune responses

in lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues were used tobetter define the proliferative and trafficking properties ofT cell memory subsets [13]. From these studies emergedthe model that the pool of memory CD8 T cells can besubdivided into two subsets: Tem and Tcm. Down-regulation of the lymphoid homing molecules CD62Land CCR7 in the Tem subset of cells limits their ability toreside in the lymph node, allowing them to circulate and

Figure 1. Memory CD8 T cell differentiation and plasticity

(A) The pool of memory CD8 T cells consists of cells with varying degrees of effector function, proliferative capacity, and distinct tissue homing properties.The total population of memory cells has been broadly divided into subsets classified as central-memory, effector-memory, and tissue-resident memory.Central-memory CD8 T cells are restricted primarily to lymphoid tissues, whereas effector-memory CD8 T cells are found in circulation and non-lymphoid tissues.Tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells are retained at sites of pathogen entry. Upon re-infection of the host, central-memory and effector-memory cells furtherdifferentiate and contribute to the pool of secondary effector cells. During a recall response, tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells serve as a vanguard againstpathogens, recruiting secondary effector cells differentiated from central-memory and effector-memoryCD8T cells. Thememory subsets’ collective abilities of self-renewal, persistence in non-lymphoid tissue, and rapid differentiation to effector cells upon re-infection provide the host with protective immunological memory.Memory CD8 T cells have acquired epigenetic programs that are distinct from those of naïve and effector cells. These programs are coupled to the long-livedmaintenance of memory qualities. (B) It remains to be determined whether each of the memory subsets has distinct epigenetic programs and whether theepigenetic programs can be further modified during antigen- or cytokine-driven proliferation or both. The permissive versus repressive epigenetic programs inthe cartoon schematic are denoted as filled (methylated DNA) or open (unmethylated DNA) lollipops, respectively.

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home to non-lymphoid tissues. Additionally, the Temsubset of cells remain poised to provide immediateeffector functions. The Tcm subset of cells expressCD62L and CCR7, restricting their homing to lymphoidtissues. It is believed that the Tcm subset of cells serve as aself-renewing source for the total pool of memory cells.Recent investigations of memory and effector functions ofhuman CD8 T cells subsets have identified a new subsetof memory T cells that have naïve-phenotypic qualities(as well asmany naïve gene expression programs) but thatpossess the ability to undergo IL-7 and IL-15 homeostaticproliferation. This subset, now referred to as Tscm becauseof itsmany stem cell-like qualities, has the potential to giverise to multiple memory subsets and subsequently yieldan effector recall response [14]. During investigation ofthe various memory subsets, it became apparent that anadditional subset of memory CD8 T cells that enteredperipheral tissues were inhibited from recirculating.Subsequently, a series of adoptive transfer and parabiosisstudies demonstrated that a distinct subset of memoryCD8 T cells reside in mucosal tissues, remaining at the siteof pathogen entry [15–18]. Memory T cells with restrictedegress from peripheral sites of pathogen entry andexposure have become broadly defined as tissue-residentmemory cells (Trm). These studies have shaped ourcurrent view of CD8 T cell memory differentiation andraised key conceptual questions (highlighted in Table 1).For instance, with the latest description of the Trm andTscm cell subsets, a question receiving considerableattention is whether the functional differences betweenthe memory subsets are maintained by signals from thelocal tissue environment or whether they are maintainedby cell-intrinsic mechanisms that instill them with distinctproliferative and tissue-homing potential [17,19]. Recentfunctional, phenotypic, gene expression, and epigeneticprofiling studies of effector andmemory T cell subsets haveprovided insights into question of memory fate stability.

Memory gene expression profilesThe core principle that memory cells remain poised torecall effector functions has been a conceptual driver for

the field. Since this concept was established, a majorfocus has been to identify the cellular and molecularmechanisms that allow resting memory T cells to retaintheir antiviral properties. Broadly, retention of tissue-specific (environment-driven changes to the cells) andlineage-specific properties acquired during cellular dif-ferentiation is often maintained by heritable changes ingene regulation. Such stability in transcriptional pro-gramming is achieved by select expression of transcrip-tion factors, as well as changes in epigeneticprogramming that coordinate chromatin accessibilityby either restricting or allowing transcription factorsaccess to specific regions of chromatin. Initial genome-wide analyses of gene expression patterns in antigen-specific CD8 T cells differentiating in response to an acuteviral infection revealed that the progressive change intranscriptional regulation for thousands of genes wasalso coupled to changes in expression of key transcriptionfactors [20]. Several ensuing gene expression profilingstudies provided further evidence that the mechanism formaintenance of acquired antiviral properties in long-livedmemory T cells is mediated in large part by changes intranscriptional regulation [20–22]. Adoptive transfer andcell-fate tracking experiments have reinforced the idea thatmany of the gene expression programs acquired inmemory CD8 T cells are stably maintained in the absenceof T cell receptor (TCR) or inflammation [23–25].

Dozens of transcription factors that promote memoryCD8 T cell differentiation have now been identified(Table 2). Although it is clear that these transcriptionfactors are critical for the generation of memory cells, lessis known about their role in the maintenance of subset-specific acquired gene expression programs during

Table 1. Open questions in CD8 T cell memory

• Are progeny of Tscm (stem cell-like memory), Tcm (central-memory),Tem (effector-memory), and Trm (tissue-resident memory) memorysubsets committed to their respective memory fate?

• Are acquired memory subset-specific transcriptional programs stablymaintained during T cell receptor-driven or homeostatic proliferationor both?

•Can memory CD8 T cell subsets stably acquire new transcriptionalprograms upon boosting?

•Dohuman andmousememory subsets share a conservedepigenetic program?•Do transcription factors provide specificity for epigenetic modificationsduring memory differentiation?

•Can T cell exhaustion transcriptional programming be stably reversedafter rest or therapeutic rejuvenation?

Table 2. Transcription factors of memory CD8 T celldifferentiation

Protein name Reference(s)

Klf2 [43]Bcl6 [44]Stat5 [45,46]Bcl6b (BAZF) [47]Tbet [48]Eomes [48]Id2 [49,51]Id3 [50]Elf4 [51]Blimp-1 [26,27]Tcf1 [52]Ets1 [53]Stat3 [54,55]Foxo3 [56]Foxo1 [57]Irf4 [58]

This is a partial list of transcription factors known to regulate memoryCD8 T cell differentiation.

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homeostasis. Indeed, several knockout studies of tran-scription factors have revealed that, although deletion ofthe transcription factor had minimal impact on thequantity of the memory pool, the expression programsof the knockout cells were strikingly skewed towardeffector versus central-memory phenotype. Specifically,Rutishauser and colleagues [26] found that conditionaldeletion of blimp-1 resulted in heightened re-expressionof CD62L and CD127 during the conversion of antigen-specific effector CD8 T cells into memory cells, indicatingthat blimp-1 is used to promote transcriptional pro-grams of effector-memory cells. Likewise, Kallies andcolleagues [27] found that blimp-1 was critical forpoising the memory cells for a rapid recall of effectorfunctions [26]. Deletion of many transcription factors(such as blimp-1) in CD8 T cells has been reported tomediate memory T cell homeostasis or regulate (or both)the expression of gene expression programs nowassociated with specific subsets (Table 2). For many ofthese factors, it remains to be determined whether theirimpact on memory CD8 T cell function is directly due totheir regulation in gene expression programming aftermemory differentiation and establishment of the memorypopulation. Indeed, because the pool of memory CD8T cells is a composite of many phenotypically distinctcellular subsets, significant efforts are now focused onidentifying transcription factors that play a role in theacquisition and maintenance of phenotypic and func-tional differences among the memory cell subsets.

Additional insights into gene regulation stability havecome from studies investigating the changes in pheno-type and function of resting memory CD8 T cellsfollowing multiple rounds of acute infection. Using aheterologous prime and boost strategy, Masopust andcolleagues [28] demonstrated that, relative to primarymemory CD8 T cells, secondary and tertiary memoryCD8 T cells were enriched for effector-like qualities andshowed increased localization to non-lymphoid tissues.This study demonstrated that iterative rounds of antigenexposure progressively enriched the memory pool withcells having lower expression (slower re-expression) ofCD62L and CD127 and higher granzyme B expression,indicating that the repetitive (or prolonged) stimulationof the cells promotes development of the Tem popula-tion [28]. The issue of gene regulation stability wasassessed more directly in a similar study investigatinggene expression programs in secondary, tertiary, andquaternary memory CD8 T cells. The authors found that,with each additional boost, a subset of gene expressionprograms were progressively modified in the successivepool of memory CD8 T cells [29]. However, the authorsalso observed that a core memory gene expressionprogram was preserved in the pool of memory CD8

T cells even after multiple rounds of stimulation [29].Together, these prime-boost studies demonstrated thatthe quantity of vaccine-generated memory T cells can beincreased by boosting strategies and have importantimplications for generating novel T cell-based vaccines.In addition to the practical application of these findingsto vaccine design, these studies provided importantinsight into the mechanisms that regulate the genera-tion of memory subsets. Given that the phenotypicdifferences used to delineate the memory subsets wereprogressively modified upon subsequent exposure toantigen during the prime-boost protocols, it raises thequestion of whether the subsets are committed to theirrespective fate or whether they retain some level oftranscriptional plasticity.

Whereas it is clear that the individual memory subsetsenriched in different tissues have distinct functionaldifferences, it was unclear until recently whether thesedifferences were a reflection of the environment inwhich they reside (lymphoid versus non-lymphoid) orwhether they are dictated by cell-intrinsic gene expres-sion programs acquired during previous antigenic andinflammatory stimuli. To assess the role of the localtissue environment in maintaining memory subset func-tions, Wakim and colleagues [30] recently performed aseries of adoptive transfer experiments transplantingmemory subsets into lymphoid versus non-lymphoidtissues and then examined the recall response of thesecells. Trm cells taken from the brain, transferred intothe spleen (via intravenous adoptive transfer), and thenre-exposed to antigen were still restricted in their abilityto proliferate [30]. Likewise, memory CD8 T cells takenfrom the spleen and transferred into the brain retaineda heightened proliferative potential [31]. These datademonstrate that differentiation of brain Trm cells iscoupled to acquisition of a cell-intrinsic program thatrestricts their ability to undergo antigen-driven prolif-eration (Figure 1). In contrast to studies of brain Trm, astudy by Masopust and colleagues [18] revealed thatTrm cells taken from the gut and transferred back intocirculation were in fact capable of developing intoeffector and multiple memory subsets upon antigenre-encounter, suggesting that the cell-extrinsic signalsfrom the local tissue environment also contribute tosubset-specific memory qualities.

To better understand the influence that the local tissueenvironment has on Trm transcriptional regulation,Wakim and colleagues [31] analyzed the gene expressionprofile of brain Trm cells versus the conventionalmemory T cell subsets. Their analysis revealed thatbrain Trm cells acquired distinct gene expressionprograms of several transcription factors previously

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reported to control memory differentiation, includingTcf1 and Eomes [31] (Table 2). Similarly, Skon andcolleagues [32] reported that downregulation of thetranscription factor Klf2 is critical for programmingantigen-specific CD8 T cells with the expression ofhoming molecules that control the ability of the cell toenter circulation versus maintain residency in non-lymphoid tissue. Taken together, the prime-boost studiesand analysis of the Trm indicate that stability of geneexpression programs is coupled to cell-intrinsic changesin transcription factor expression and that the relativeplasticity of the programming is sensitive to duration ofTCR and co-receptor stimulation.

Epigenetic programmingMany studies have demonstrated that acquired gene exp-ression programs regulating effector and memory qua-lities can be maintained in the absence of TCR signaling.Most efforts to understand the stability of acquired geneexpression programs centered on investigating transcrip-tion factors that are specifically associated with effectorand memory stages of differentiation. Recently, though,some of the focus has shifted to investigating epigeneticmodifications to histones and DNA as a mechanism tomaintain chromatin accessibility for transcription factorsin resting memory cells. Epigenetic enzymes, includingDNA methyltransferases and histone modifiers, work inconcert to coordinate genome-wide epigenetic programsthat provide gene-specific chromatin accessibility. Theseenzymes include DNA methyltransferase that providenew modifications (de novo methylation) as well asmethyltransferases that propagate the newly acquiredprogram from parental cell to daughter cell duringdivision (maintenance methylation). Additionally, avariety of enzymes are used to modify multiple histoneamino acids. Depending on the combination of mod-ifications to histone amino acid, these marks can resultin repressive or permissive chromatin states, commonlyreferred to as the histone code.

Global epigenetic correlates of poised functions inmemory T cells were initially assessed by Araki andcolleagues [33] by performing genome-wide histoneH3K4me3 and H3K27me3 ChIP-sequencing (ChIP-seq)analysis of polyclonal human memory CD8 T cellsubsets. The authors observed that H3K4me3 histonemodifications positively associated with expressed genesin memory cells but that H3K27me3 modifications,known to be coupled to transcriptional repression,negatively correlated with expressed genes. Consideringthe combination of gene expression data and ChIP-seqdata, the authors were able to organize the transcrip-tional states of the genes into the following categories inmemory T cells: (a) active (expressed and associated with

the H3K4me3 histone modification), (b) repressed (notexpressed and associated with the H3K27me3 histonemodification), and (c) poised (not expressed butassociated with H3K4me3-positive histone marks), and(d) bivalent (not expressed and associated with bothH3K4me3 and H3K27me3 marks). Their findings werethe first to demonstrate at a genome-wide level thatthe acquired changes in gene expression in memoryCD8 T cells are coupled with changes in permissiveand repressive epigenetic programs [33]. Recently, Russand colleagues [34] used a mouse model of acute viralinfection to track changes in histone modifications inan antigen-specific population of cells undergoingeffector and memory differentiation. The authorsdemonstrated that the coordinate regulation of genesthat contribute to a common function of the cell wascoupled to distinct histone modification appliedbroadly to genes coordinately expressed at differentstages of differentiation [34]. Since the analysis ofepigenetic programs in the mouse antigen-specific CD8T cells was performed on the total pool of effector andmemory cells, it remains to be determined whether theepigenetic programs identified in the human memoryCD8 T cell subsets are present in the correspondingmouse memory CD8 T cell subsets.

Stability of acquired transcriptional programs is oftenreinforced by changes in DNA methylation program-ming. This concept was recently applied to the acquiredeffector functions in CD8 T cells in a study that analyzedgenome-wide changes in CpG DNA methylation inantigen-specific CD8 T cells at the naïve and effectorstage of differentiation [35]. Using the lymphocyticchoriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model system of acuteviral infection in mice, Scharer and colleagues [35]measured the DNA methylation programs in LCMV-specific naïve and effector CD8 T cells. Data from thisstudy demonstrated that effector genes (such as thosethat encode granzymes B and K) go from a methylatedstate in naïve cells to a demethylated state in effectorCD8 T cells. Notably, it was observed that differentiallymethylated regions between naïve and effector CD8T cells were enriched for binding sites of transcriptionfactors that regulate the naïve versus effector cell state[35]. Together, these studies demonstrate that naïve,effector, and memory CD8 T cells each have distinctepigenetic programs that are coupled to the transcrip-tional and functional capacities of the cells. In restingmemory cells, active/permissive epigenetic marks likelyfacilitate the ability of the cells to rapidly recall effectorgene re-expression, whereas repressive epigenetic marksplay a role in restricting re-expression of genes that areirrelevant or detrimental (or both) to the function ofthe cell.

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Collectively, the genome-wide profiling studies ofhistone and DNA epigenetic programs are providingnew insights into the fate commitment and recallpotential of memory cells. Considering these studies,one might predict that Tcm cells, having the highestdegree of cell plasticity and lowest degree of committedeffector functions, may retain the highest degree ofpoised epigenetic programs at genes related to fate-commitment and lymphoid tissue retention. Addition-ally, these cells may retain an ability to undergo furthermodification of the epigenetic programs during antigen-driven proliferation or homeostasis (Figure 1) (thefollowing logic may apply to the newly defined Tscmsubset of cells). In contrast, one might predict that Trmcells may retain not only poised/active epigeneticprograms at genes required for effector function andtrafficking/retention to peripheral tissues but alsorepressive epigenetic programs that restrict genes relatedto proliferation and developmental pluripotency.

Several studies have provided convincing evidence thattranscriptional plasticity of memory cells is inverselycorrelated with the strength and duration of antigenexposure [29,36]. This raises the possibility that memorycells also possess an ability to undergo epigeneticreprogramming, and this may also be dependent upontheir stimulation history (Figure 1). Recently, we exploredthe plasticity of the DNA methylation in functionalmemory and exhausted CD8 T cells by using mouse andhumanmodel systems of acute and chronic viral infection.Tracking changes in DNAmethylation at the PD-1 locus inCD8 T cells undergoing effector and memory differentia-tion during acute viral infection of bothmice and humans,we observed that antigen-specific effector CD8 T cellstransiently demethylate the PD-1 promoter consistentwith upregulation of PD-1 gene expression. Upon viralclearance, the antigen-specific CD8 T cells progressivelyreacquired a methylated promoter as the cells furtherdifferentiated into functional memory cells (Figure 2)[37]. Similar to effector cells from acutely infected miceand humans, the PD-1 promoter was demethylated inantigen-specific CD8 T cells at the early stages of chronicLCMV infection. As expected, the locus remaineddemethylated in LCMV-specific CD8 T cells as theybecame functionally exhausted during the sustainedstimulation at the later stage of the infection. Importantly,though, the PD-1 locus remained completely demethy-lated in virus-specific CD8 T cells even after control of thechronic LCMV infection. Therefore, unlike functionalmemory CD8 T cells, which are able to reacquire therepressive methylation program, these data indicated thatCD8 T cells with prolonged exposure to antigen wererefractory to acquiring a methylation program at the PD-1locus. To further examine the stability of the

Figure 2. Reinforced DNA methylation programming duringchronic infection

Naïve CD8 T cells have a fully methylated PD-1 (Pdcd1) promoter, but uponantigen exposure and differentiation into effector CD8 T cells, the PD-1locus becomes demethylated. (A) During acute antigen exposure, antigen-specific CD8 T cells that survive to the memory stage of the immuneresponse re-acquire a methylated PD-1 promoter. (B) During thepersistent antigen exposure of a chronic infection, the antigen-specific CD8T cells retain a demethylated PD-1 locus. (C) After control of the chronicpathogen, either by natural mechanisms such as those that occur during elitecontrol of HIV infection or by therapeutic intervention, the antigen-specificCD8 T cells retain a demethylated locus. In the cartoon schematic,methylation at the PD-1 locus (pdcd1) is represented by filled lollipops, anddemethylated locus is represented by an open lollipop.

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demethylation program at the PD-1 locus, we measuredthe PD-1methylation program inHIV-specific CD8 T cellsfrom individuals who naturally controlled HIV infection(elite controllers) or who had achieved viral control toundetectable levels via highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART). Strikingly, HIV-specific CD8 T cells either fromthe elite controllers that had achieved viral control formore than a decade or from HAART-treated individualsretained a demethylated PD-1 locus (Figure 2) [37,38].These data support the concept that prolonged exposure ofCD8 T cells to antigen reinforces acquired epigeneticprograms. These results have significant implications fortherapeutic strategies that attempt to rest exhausted CD8T cells to rejuvenate their effector potential, as they suggestthat stable epigenetic programs may maintain anexhausted state even after long periods of rest. Further-more, these data highlight a major unanswered questionin the field: can the transcriptional program of exhaustedT cells be stably reprogrammed during therapies thattransiently block inhibitory receptor signaling? The answerto this question will provide much-needed mechanisticinsight into whether rejuvenating therapies have thepotential to induce long-lived immunity from a pool ofexhausted T cells. As such, future studies are needed to testthe stability of epigenetic modifications in the generationof functional and exhausted memory CD8 T cell subsetsand the maintenance of their subset-specific functionsduring homeostasis and recall responses.

Concluding remarksOver the past two decades, studies investigating thestability of memory CD8 T cell phenotype and functionduring repetitive or continuous antigen exposure (orboth) have demonstrated that prolonged TCR signaling(as well as accompanying inflammation) progressivelyerodes away at the functional T cell properties known tocontribute to long-lived immunity. Efforts to dissectthese mechanisms have demonstrated that many of thedifferences between functional and exhausted memoryT cells occur at the transcriptional level and haveprovided key insights into the mechanisms that maintainthe functional and exhausted state. These primary studieshave played a significant role in the development ofnovel therapies to treat chronic infections and cancer byidentifying mechanisms for reactivating effector func-tions from cells once thought to be fully committed tothe non-functional state of T cell exhaustion. Thesefindings also highlight the importance of research effortsfocused on the fundamentals of CD8 T cell memory, asthey have resulted in tangible advances in human health.

Our recent appreciation that protective immunologicalT cell memory is the result of the collective efforts ofseveral distinct memory subsets has now focused our

attention on investigating the mechanisms for main-tenance of acquired subset-specific functions. Broadly,epigenetic regulation has emerged as a mechanism for acell to retain tissue- and gene-specific transcriptionalregulation and thereby maintain cellular specialization.Strong evidence now supports the concept that changesin epigenetic programming in memory CD8 T cells arecoupled with the phenotype and function of memoryCD8 T cells. It remains to be determined whether theseacquired epigenetic programs can be further modifiedduring memory cell homeostatic self-renewal or follow-ing a recall response. Additionally, recent exciting andprovocative studies tracking the lineage and memorypotential of single CD8 T cells have raised questionsregarding the stochastic versus fixed fate of cells duringtheir development into memory-subsets and has focusedour attention on changes in gene regulation at a single-cell level [39–42]. Future studies focused on the stabilityof acquired gene expression programs of memory subsetswill likely shed light on the questions surrounding fatecommitment and the mechanism for long-lived main-tenance of the memory pool. As the mechanisms thatdictate stable versus pliable gene regulation becomebetter defined, so comes the ability to manipulate“committed” memory cells, paving the way for therapiesthat use cellular reprogramming.

AbbreviationsChIP-seq, ChIP-sequencing; HAART, highly active anti-retroviral therapy; IL, interleukin; LCMV, lymphocyticchoriomeningitis virus; PD-1, Pdcd1; Tcm, central-memory T cell; TCR, T cell receptor; Tem, effector-memory T cell; Trm, tissue resident memory T cell; Tscm,stem cell-like memory T cell.

DisclosuresThe authors declare that they have no disclosures.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by National Institutes of Health(NIH) funding (R01 AI30048, P01 AI056299, andHHSN266200700006C) to Rafi Ahmed, NIH funding(F32 AI096709) to J. Scott Hale, and NIH funding (R01AI114442) to Ben Youngblood.

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