Memiors of White Owl

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Ariana is known as White Owl amongte people she has saved. Now she saves another, one who is different and yet the same. But, will he help her confront her own past. A past which almost destroyed the world.

Transcript of Memiors of White Owl

Memoirs of White Owl

By J. Todd

Copyright J. Todd 2012

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Chapter One

The war had begun in 2012, the year the Mayan calendar said the world would end. I was a child then, about five years old, rather small but very resourceful. Now, it is 20 years later in the world as we once knew it has been completely destroyed. The governments, once so powerful, now a shadow of themselves, controled by a corporate entity that has taken over the world. During the war many things happened, people disappeared, monsters emerged, weapons evolved. With the world the way it was terror filled everyone's souls. Few survived the final onslaught, those that did retreated to the once beautiful mountains and lush forests. The bombs had come in destroyed every city man had once built, the only places left were the wild mountains and forests, but these too were not what they once were.

I grew up in these forests, and knew everything about them. I knew what the monsters have done, what they have become. They hunted humans, I hunt them. I also saved as many people as I could. I lived in the northern forests, what once used to be northern California and Southern Oregon. These forests were wild and untamed, as if something had thrown a jungle onto the ordinary forests and fused them together. There were still a few spots untouched which had remained the same as ey once were. These were whre the peoplenow dwelled. Villages and small towns were now in these plain familiar places. The monsters filled the jungle areas.

Most the monsters were developed in the East, but some were developed in Los Angeles. The ones developed in Los Angeles were worse. Maybe it was because at one time it used to be at the epicentre of imagination throughout the world, where Hollywood used to stand now stands a factory where monsters have been developed, where monsters still are developed. Nobody won the war, it still rages even now, the only difference is who was fighting what. Those of us humans to have survived call it the Monster War. Calling it the Monster War did not necessarily mean we fought monsters, for the monsters we did fight were humans like us. These were the ones in charge of the corporate entity, it had no name, none that we knew anyway. It was just the corporate entity thats all we knew, it created the monsters hunted us, we hunted those monsters to save ourselves.

Who might I be, you ask, well I will tell you as it is important for you to know. With this knowledge you can piece together my story. After all what I did was legendary. I am called White Owl, but that is not my real name. I am Ariana, at least this was the name that I was known by from my parents. Ironically, no one else knew this name. I had been trained to hunt and to fight. I could track, gather food, and survive. My parents and grandparents made sure of this. Especially after I was almost hunted by the monsters, I was saved and I vowed then I would save as many people as I could. Little did I know what my vow would mean in the end.

It seemed I was always running through these forests, hiding, hunting, trying to survive. Usually, I would find someone who had escaped the corporate entity, I would help them, I would take them to a safe haven. One day my journey really began. Whenever I can find it and someone had it, I would trade for white cloth whenever I could. White was a color that was rare, you only ever found colors that were faded, old clothes. I guess that was why people began to call me by my name, White Owl. I was a solitary as the night owls and I love the color white, I would wear it whenever I could. Even with the village that I have helped create, Santuary, I stayed aloof, alone, a solitary figure only ever seen in the distance. The protector, the person who they were happy to leave bits of food and supplies out for, but never to talk with. I rarely used me voice, it became gruff and cold.

That day was no different than any other day, I would hunt and bring back food for the village. Thanks to my grandfather, I knew more about these forests than anyone else in the village. I sprinted through the forest. I was headed towards my usual hunting grounds, when I stumbled upon him. I had slowed to a walk, I was at the meadow where the best game was. There I found him, he came up the other side of the meadow as I came to its edge. I could see him from there. He was not a monster, but he was not entirely human either. He looked different. I could not identify him, or the type of creature he was. He was beautiful though, his hair was silver, even covered in filth I could see that much. There was a hint of pointed ears peeking through his hair and his eyes were almond shaped. He was also half naked, only some tattered cloth wrapped his waist and privates, covering them. I did not know what he was, I only knew two things. One, he was beautiful, and two, he was hurt. I could see the wound on his torso, it was bandaged in bloody rags, it had been done roughly, just enough until he obviously got to safety.

He looked around, dazed. He did not seem to know where he was, I believe he may have been lost. Could this be one of the creatures that the corporate entity had created, I did not believe this would have been completed though. He leaned against a tree, the pain must've been a terrible. I don't know why, but I did not string arrow to my bow. I stepped out from the shadows of the forest, my hands spread wide. I approached slowly. He caught sight of me and straightened up, he looked like he was about to flee. I was not sure of how fast he could be, or for that matter what he is capable of while he was wounded.

"It's all right, I won't hurt you. I can help," I said just loud enough for him here. As I got closer the litany continued, but my voice grew softer, to barely a whisper. He remained still, watching me get closer.

He seemed uncertain, he looked around. I think he was trying to see if there were others besides myself there. I approach slowly, watching him carefully. He eyed me warily, but still, he did not move. When I was within five feet of him, I stopped. I did not know why I stopped, but something told me that I must. Maybe it was his stance or the look in his eyes, but I knew he was scared.

"I am a friend and I will help you." I soothed, my voice a scare breath whispered through my lips. He seemed to realize that I was sincere. I took another step and he leaned back against the tree. I reached out and brushed his arm with my fingers, he did not move, he did not even flinch, he just stared at me.

I moved closer and placed my hand on the bandage, he winced but did not move. I carefully checked the bandage, the wound was fresh, he'd obviously lost quite a lot of blood. Despite that, he had managed to stay on his feet, he had great stamina, I could tell. It did not matter that he was not a human nor exactly a monster but he needed my help. I reached for his hand and he pulled away, uncertain of my intentions.

"I can help you," I said. "I need to get you somewhere else, somewhere safe, where I can help you." I reached for his hand again, this time he let me have it. I pulled his arm around the shoulder and wrap my other arm around his waist. I tugged lightly so I would not hurt him. "Come with me, I'll take you to my home." I lead the way and he stumbled at my side.

We got to the other side of the meadow barely. That was when we both heard noises coming the other end of the meadow. I did not know what caused these noises, I only knew the creature next to me stiffened at the noise, he was scared. I knew what I had to do, after all this is part of the job too. This creature made by man but it definitely was not a monster, and therefore I would protect it. I pressed him against a tree. I am unslung my bow, checked the string, and put an arrow to the bow. I then placed myself in front of the creature and waited. The noises came closer.

Three other creatures came out of the forest from the side we had just vacated. They were grotesque, twisted, malformed parodies of men crossed with animals. These were new. Usually, they were just animals mixed with other animals to give form to creatures similar to those of mythology. One man creature had the feet and claws of a lion and feathers covering his body. His head was scaly like that of the snake with eyes to match, and when he opened his mouth fangs protruded, dripping poison. The second man creature only differed by having scales all over his body instead of feathers. The third was even more grotesque. It had horns protruding from its head, and instead of claws for hands here the pincers of lobsters. Whipping behind him was a rat like tail. These monsters were hunting something, by the look of it they were hunting the creature behind me.

I pulled my arrow back, aimed, and fired. I hit the first of the creatures in the eye, my arrow sunk into the creature's brain with a sickening crunching noise. It collapsed next to its fellow monsters. The other two looked at me and started towards me. I took another arrow from my quiver and aimed at the second beast, I shot it directly in the heart. Before the third had it chance to decide what to do, I shot him. I slung my bow back up onto my back and turned towards the creature behind me. He was holding a dagger, my dagger, and he too was ready to fight. Although he stood barely holding his weight, he had remarkable courage to stand up against the monsters that were obviously hunting him.

"Come on," I said. "Let's get out of here. I need to get you somewhere safe. The monsters have come far into the forest, something they have never done before." I was not sure if he understood me at that time he did not seem to talk, nor did he seem to understand me. He was like a feral creature not quite sure himself, or even if he was himself. It didn't matter to me much, I still was going to take care of him. I again pulled his arm around my shoulders and lead him away. He continued to hold the dagger. I don't know why I did, but I let him have it.

I lead him to the West, away from my village, to some caverns I knew. If any monsters came, I knew this would be the best course of action, I could not lead them to the village. The creature next to me needed help. After mile of hiking I came upon the old canal that had a little bridge that lead down to the creek. I turned onto the bridge and crossed, I lead the creature carefully down the steep hill, around the boulders and through the brush, avoiding the poison ivy. I could hear the waterfalls ahead and knew shelter was not far away. I lead him down the paths that lead to the base of the waterfall and there turned towards the waterfall following the rocky wall carefully. The path was slippery with moss and slick from the water.

I got him into the cavern behind the waterfall and lead him down to the back of the cavern. There, the usual supplies and living utensils were arranged upon rock shelves carved into the cavern walls. I left him leaning against one of the walls and went to a shelf, I pulled down a bed roll. I spread it out near the fire pit, I then went o the creature and lead him to the bed roll where I indicated he sit. He did so. I went to a box carved of stone into the wall, and pulled out wood and kindeling.

I placed the kindling and smaller pieces of wood into the fire pit to make a good warm fire. Then I got a pot of of one of shelves and went back up to the waterfall where I filled it with water. I then placed the water on the edge of the fire to boil. I went to another shelf and took down a satchel, this was the cave's emergency. Emergency caves like this one were set up throughout the forest and the mountains surrounding our village. Out of the satchel I withdrew bandages, needle and thread. I was not sure what I would see when I took the bandage off of the wound.

"All right, let's get started. I need to take off the old bandage and clean your wound." I said carefully pointing at the wound. He seemed to understand. I reached for the bandage and pulled it away. The wound was vicious, it was a bite, but not from one of the animals I had killed. This one looked different, it looks like a large bird had taken a chunk out of him. I carefully examined the mangled flesh, and decided I did need to stitch up some of it. Into one of the new bandages got wet in the warm water from the pot and began to wipe away the blood and dirt and grime surrounding the wound. He flinched a few times but otherwise sat still. It looked as if the bite was from one bite, but it had three connecting scratches trough it. I had never seen such as this before. Making sure that I did not miss any grime I continued to assess the wound. Stitches were indeed needed.

I threaded the needle and looked carefully at the creature. "I will need to hurt you a little bit to make you feel better. I do apologize for this. But if I don't close the wound it will just get worse." I said indicating thread and needle. The creature seemed to understand this as well, so I began, I only planed to sew up the worst of the three gashes. The creature moaned when I pulled the first stitch through. "Can you talk?" I asked. He didn't seem to want to answer me. I waited a few seconds, but no answer was forthcoming. "There's so many questions I'd like to ask you, but if you can't talk how will I get the questions I ask answered."

I finished with the worst of the gashes, and turned to the second, it would need a couple of stitches, so I set my needle to the gash. I soon had it sewn up. I then turned to the third. After all the gashes werre stitched, I took a roll of bandages wrapped around his torso. I had carefully pulled his arms over my right shoulder and let him rest his weight across my shoulder as I wraped his wound tightly.

I carefully helped him to lay down. He watched me as I dumped the bloody water into the pool under the waterfall. It was swept away in moments, to diluted to be tracked. I then rinsed out the pot and cleaned it carefully. Filing it again I put the pot onto the fire to warm again. I then pulled drie herbs out of the emergency kit for healing tea. I threw a handful into the pot to steep while it boiled.

I went to the crate at the back of the cave and opened it puling out the wild onions and garlic stored there. Leathery and musty, but still good they would help him if used in a broth. I grabbed a small box from a shelf and opened it. In it was dried and salted meat. I was not sure of the origins, but I knew it was good. Poping a piece into my mouth i grabbed two more and carried my bounty to the fire. I filled another pot with water and shredded the dried meat into it. I then peeled and chopped up the garlic and onions into the broth. I let the food cook for a while. I grabbed a cup and dipped it into the tea. I then took it to the creature.

He still watched me, although I knew he was in pain. "What is your name?" I asked, hoping he would talk. He never answered me that day. I somehow knew he would not talk to me. I shook my head. "If you wil not give me your name I will just have to give you a name instead." I frowned. "I think I will call you Arian, after my grandfather. There you have a name." He just stared at me. I sighed and helped him to drink the tea. After I laid him back down I went to the soup and threw in some herbs to flavor it. I turned to look at Arian and he was sleeping.

I decided he was probably tired after his exertions and the tea helped him to sleep. I will say this about Auntie's teas, they did their job almost too well. Auntie was the healing woman in the village I had founded. She was once a doctor who knew many herbal remedies. She had several children learning her trade, she had even taught me a few things. Mainly about the emergency kits so I would stop bringing people to her in the middle of the night. Although I still brought those who were so badly injured they were beyond my minor skills, I did all I could to get the to her alive though.

I thought about all of this as Arian slept and the broth cooked.

When the broth was done I spoone out a cup and took it to Arian. He woke with my approach, much like that of an animal. I knew he wasn't human, or at least not the same as me. I wondered what had happened to him. I carefully helped him to sit and helped him hold the cup to his mouth and let him drink it.

"I am sorry." I said to him. "I am not the best cook in the world." I joked. I was good, but it helped people to trust me enough to try it. After all, I did not look like I even knew how to cook. He sipped the liquid carefully, probably expecting what so many other people did. He smiled when the cup left his lips. It was a beautiful smile. I liked it. "Are you ready to trust me with your secrets yet?" I asked, half joking. He just smiled at me and sipped more of the broth. It took two cupfuls for him to be full. When he turned his face away from the cup did I set it aside. I then helpe him to stand. He seemed to want to do his business. I lead him to the edge of the pool where he could take care of things. When he was done I helped him to the bedroll again. He lay down and went back to sleep.

I ate and cleaned up. I left the soup by the fire to keep it warm through the night. I then grabbed a blanket and sat next to Arian's head. I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and watched him sleep. I do not know when I had fallen asleep, but I woke up staring into the face of Arian.

He had been shaking me awake. I think I had dreamed and it had scared him. I smiled up at him. I was glad he was alright, but he shouldn't have been moving around with his wounds like that.

I got up and indicated he lay back down. He shook his head, frowning. He pointed to the waterfall and I knew he had to do his business again. I helped him and when he was back in bed I dished him up the remaining broth. He drank it while fresh tea brewed. I then gave him to tea. He was able to drink the liquids without my help holding up him or the cup.

Arian watched me clean up the area where I had made the tea. I do not know what he was thinking but he watched me work. I started a new pot of broth for later. I then checked Arian's bandages. He seemed to be alright. He went to sleep after that. I decided to scout the area for more monsters.

Chapter Two

I was away from the cavern for about an hour. When I came back there were two creatures sniffing about. I had no recourse but to deal with them. I did not want them to die close to the cavern. So, I showed myself to them and sprinted off. The monsters followed me and I ran for a fair distance. I unslung my bow and pulled an arrow from the quiver as I ran. I sprinted for a clearing I knew and gaining it I spun and loosed an arrow at the lead beast. It fell dead, the arrow through the heart. hese creatures were more wolf-like but with one hell of a twist.

They had fangs the size of my hand and rat tails, horns protuded from their heads. I turned and ran to the other side of the clearing. The second creature chased after me. I ran until I got to the othe end of the clearing pulled an arrow from my quiver again. Again I spun but this time I could not shoot the creature. It got me first. I barely got my bow up against its throat as it bore me to the ground under its weight. It snapped and growled at me over the bow.

I could barely hold him off. Using one hand to hold the bow at the creatures throat I groped for the arrow I dropped. I felt it, grasping it I thrust it up into the monster's eye. Letting go of my bow I reached up and grasped the arrow with my other hand to thrust it farther into its had. Its jaws snapped onto that arm and he began thrashing his head back and forth. I Held onto the arrow and continued to push it deeper into its eye. Finally I heard the wet snick of it enter the brain the creature stilled, stiffened and collapsed upon me. I pushed and clawed the creature off of me. Grabbing my bow, I bagan the trek back to the cavern.

I remember little of the walk to the cavern. I just know I had somehow walked there on my own. The creature had poisonous bite. It had festered within the time I was bitten until I reached the cavern. I slipped into the cavern and there was Arian, sitting waiting for me to return. I walked a few feet towards him and then I fel to my knees. Arian looked at me, I smiled wanly. He looked at my arm and went to get the emergency kit. Now both of us were wounded. His wounds were only pertially healed and mine were fresh. He pulled out the same things I had the day before. I waited while he boiled water and cut away my sleave, showing the bite. It did not look like I needed stitches.

"No stitches, I think." I whispered hoarsely. He nodded. Carefully he dipped some of the bandages into the water and cleaned my wound as carefully as I did his. He grabbed some other bandages. "No." I said. "I think I have poison running through my body." I pointed to another satchel. "There is emergency poultices in there. You need to get the green one. Make a poultice of the herbs there and put it onto my arm then wrap it. The poultice will draw out the poison." My voice got weaker. I looked up into his eyes hoping he knew what I wanted him to do.

He looked me in the eyes and nodded. I blinked and continued to stare, his eyes were beautiful. Bright silver like his hair, he was beautiful. I think I passed out, I jst do not know what happened. I still am unsure of how long I was out. Arian took care of me. If he was truely a monster then I would have been dead. Instead he did everything I had. He cooked broth for both of us, cleaned and took care of both our wounds. He even cleaned the cavern everyday as I had. I slept through all of this.

When I woke I was unsure of where I was at first. Job hazard, after all I never stayed in any place too long. I looked around and found my head in Arian's lap. I looked upat him and he was sleeping with his head hanging down. I smiled up at him, deciding he was not a monster, just someone who was a little lost.

I guess I shifted enough it woke him up. He opened his eyes and saw me looking up at him. I was still smiling, so he smiled too. He then lowered his head to mine. At first I thought he was going to kiss me, but he simply placed his forehead on mine. I wondered what he was doing. When he raised his head he looked me in the eyes.

"What did you do that for?" I whispered blushing. He just stared at me. I tried to sit up. My limbs all felt boneless. I collapsed back onto his lap. He frowned at me. "I need to get moving. We have been here too long." I said. He shook his head. I sighed and decided one more day wouldn't hurt. Unfortunately, that one day lasted three more.

During those three days we began to know one another. Although it was hard for me to understand who he was as he did not talk. I could tell his emotions by the way he moved and his expressions. He and I stayed in that cavern until his wounds were well on the way to healing. Mine were almost healed as well. I think I was definately unconscience for a decent time to heal. The poison must have done something to my system to shut it down so. I had never fought creatures like those and I really needed to tell the people about them.

Finally, both of us were healed enough to travel safely. I Lead the way. Sprinting through the forest with Arian behind me, at my back made me feel oddly at ease. I have never traveled with anyone, save the people I took to Santuary. Santuary was the town I had founded to keep people safe. I was their protector and their guide to survival.

We ran most of the day. He had stamina, I gave him that. No one else could ever keep up with me. I always had to slow down, to stop and let the people I helped rest. I knew then how he had gotten so far with those monsters at his heals. Arian could run.

We slowed at the edge of the clearing to Santuary. I waited until I was recognized.

"White Owl? Is that you girl?" A gruff voice said squinting into the gloom of the forest.

"Yes." I called back. "I have a friend with me, don't shoot him." I ordered. "He his a little different." I stepped out into the clearing with Arian at my side. He was only a head taller than me, but I am sure the old man standing guard at the edge only saw Arian as I had at first, beautiful and strange, monsterous. He was no longer dangerous to me and definately not a monster.

"You bring one of those into our village?" The man asked.

"He is different, that is all." I answered. "I came to warn you of new creatures. I have never seen the like of them before. I believe Arian may know more, but he does not talk. I brought him to see the healing woman to see what she says." I did believed Auntie would help me discover the reason he did not talk.

The old man grumbled, but let us through. He would not have let anyone else through with such a stranger, that was my right. I had, after all, saved all of them from something more than once. I went to the center of the town and began to ring a bell I had placed there when I brought new people in. Auntie came running and grabbed me around my middle and squeazed me tightly against her. When she let me go she turned to the new person I had brought. She looked hard at Arian.

"His name is Arian, I gave him a name. He doesn't talk. I brought him to you to look at. I think you can help him." I explained. Others had come and were looking at Arian with hostile expressions. Auntie saw this and grabbed his hand. She pulled him towards her home. Arian looked at me. I nodded to him. "You will be safe with her." I told him. He followed Auntie.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shouted a woman.

"That was one of the monsters." Yelled a man.

"That is how it is? You save us to give us back to those things." Screamed a woman.

"I am myself, I follow no man's rules or laws. Show me the rules and laws that say I am your poppet to protect you folks and no others and I shall leave forever, never to help any of you again." I shouted. Silence followed. "I came to warn you of the newest monsters out in the forest. When you leave the safety of your town be careful. These are creatures even I have not seen before." I then told the town how I came upon Arian.

"These creatures are more dangerous than any sent out before." I finished. I turned and went to Auntie's home. There I found Auntie chattering to Arian. Arian looked up at me when I entered the house. "It feels like I have been gone for a long time." I grumbled as I threw myself down on a cot by the door. This cot was always reserved for me. I slept here when I was in the town.

"It has been a while. You were goe for about a month this time." Auntie chattered away. The once beautiful woman pulled aside the scarf that always hid her face from the public. The scars there were from monsters. She always kept her face hidden when new people came. Until they were used to her ways she never showed her face to others. She did so now and waited for the intake of breath and sympathetic look from Arian. He loked at her with sorrow and nothing more. "Well." Auntie said. "I'll never..." She left the room and came back.

"Auntie, do you know why Arian can't talk?" I asked.

"Yes, sort of, he will tell you when he is ready. He isn't talking because he just is not ready to. He will in time." Auntie said. "I wouldn't keep him here though. He would be problematic to the town people." Auntie said.

"I know. We will go to my home. I need supplies. Can you spare old Martin to bring them to me?" I asked.

"I think I can." Auntie replied.

I sat up. "Then I will leave the details to you, Auntie." I said. Arian was next to me extending his hand to help me up. "I am not that old yet." I grumbled. Nonetheless I still took his hand. We left, I walked out and Arian followed. Auntie watched us cross the town square. The crowd had grown. but none said a word to me or Arian. At least they did not attack Arian either. I was, after all used to hearing their chatter and their laughter, their praise gone from my ears, I left Sanctuary for what I thought might be forever. The only town that had ever excepted me. Now I truely was a loner. I turned and looked at Auntie in the eyes as I got to the edge og the town. "Auntie!" I yelled. "I will be fine, don't worry." Then I did something no one there had ever seen me do. I smiled.

Chapter Three

Arian followed me deep into the woods. I lead the way at a run to my home. Once there I entered and did everything I could not to cry. I grabbed all the food and stuck it into my bag and got Arian one as well. I also wrapped up the extra bedroll I had into his bag. Once I had stuffed as much into the bag as possible, I looked around one more time. Nodding we left the hut I called home. I sat my bag down and looked at Arian.

"I know this looks strange, but we cannot stay here. I cannot trust you will be safe here. We will go somewhere else, ok?" I explained. He nodded. I sighed. I then turned and closed my eyes. I would miss my home. I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and unslung my bow. This one was for lighting fires. I used my flint and steel to light it. I then aimed the arrow at my home and lossed it. The house caught fire quickly and would soon be rubble. I slung my bow back into place and grabbed my bag. "Let's go." I said.

We sprinted away. The townsfolk would come to stop the fire. I would not be here. Let them think I am dead. I am White Owl, the reincarnation of death, the abomination of man without a soul. I am the one who will kill so others could survive with a soul. Yes, I would leave and they would think me dead. There was no one left to care for me, why should I care for them? No, that was not true. He did. Arian cared. I knew he did, I cared too.

Alone? No, I had him. Monster or not Arian was now the only one I could care for now. I knew the town would eventually turn on me. I was too much of a loner. I knew this. But I wasn't alone, he was with me.

I headed away and farther into the jungle forests. I would live where no one dared to go. I would go where only I knew it was safe. Those were my thoughts. After all, Arian couldn't tell me about his feelings. Like that story my mother told me about the three french men who fought for the people. All for one and on for all. That was me, and now it was like the cocoon I was in had cracked and now I saw the world for all of its color.

Arian and I ran for hours. We found refuge in a small thicket, hidden in the lee of an old tree. We camped there and ate a cold meal. I dared not light a fire there. It was a small thicket and prone to fire. Dawn found us again running. We rested for lunch and again for supper but we kept running until dark. Again we slept without fire. We went like this for several days. I kept the pace fast and strenuous. Arian never complained.

Finally, on the seventh day we came to my hidden home. This is where my people came from. My family. They were gone now. I was alone here. There were graves under the edge of the forest. My mother, father, grandparents, and my sister. All lay here dead. I was alone here. No, he was here. I went to the cottage in the center of the small clearing. I had kept it up. I did return periodically. I may have had a home near the townsfolk, but here was my personal sanctuary. This was the place I went for solace. This was a part of me.

Arian followed me into the cottage. I went to the only bed in the place, dropped my things on the floor next to it and threw myself upon it. I left Arian to his own devices. I slept a healing sleep.

I awoke to a clean cottage and food cooking in a pot on the hearth. I got up and went to the door. Something shifted to the left of the door. I thrust up with my arm and pushed the shadow hard into the door frame. Light hit his face. I had hurt Arian. I released him and backed away. He just stood there staring at me.

I expected him to come after me and hit me. Many men did that if I attacked them. I was truely out of my element here. I was lost. I was alone. No, he was with me. I wasn't alone.

It happened then. I cried for the first time since my family was killed. I cried for all I had done and not done. I cried for Arian. I cried. I don't know why anymore, but I cried for those who hated me and wanted me dead.

Arian wrapped his arms around me then. I stiffened. I was not soft. I pulled myself out of his arms and ran. I ran to the graves. They were unmarked. I threw myself onto my mother's grave. There I wept until my eyes hurt and there was nothing left in me to cry for. I did this for myself, I think. I truely had not given them the release they had needed. I am alone but not alone. I have him. But do I truely have him.

Finally, my hysterics done I stood. I turned and there he stood. He looked hurt and helpless. I must have scared him. He looked scared. I was the one who was strong and I had collapsed into sorrow and self-pity. I would be strong again.

I walked past him and stopped a few feet away. "I know, I was weak. I will not be so again. I needed to do that, I think. It was time for me to cry. I had held my sorrow too long. You helped me realize this." I told him. I walked to the cottage. Arian followed.

"I only want to help you." A whisper at my back said as I steped into the cottage. Arian went to the pot of food and began dishing it out as if he had not said anything. I stood there and stared at him.

"Wha... What did you say?" I blubbered.

"I only want to help you." He answered. "Like you did for me." He smiled that sweet smile of his.

"I don't need no one!" I cried. Tears threatened again. I couldn't allow him to care for me. Could I? Everyone who cared for me died, didn't they?

"I need you as you need me," he said as he set a bowl on the table for me then dished out some for himself. "I was hunted and you found me, you cared for me. You need that now. I found you when you cried, now I will care for you." He smiled his infuriating sweet smile at me again.

"I should have let you die." I muttered.

"Then you would not know my story." He said smuggly.

"You couldn't talk to me before?" I accused him as I sat to eat.

"I needed to know you first. My secrets are dangerous." He answered. He sat to eat across from me.

"What make you think I care?" I asked.

"You cried." He answered. Touche. After all, only the truely insensitive could not cry for everything I had. I sighed. I ate. I cared. Damn me to hell.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked him between mouthfuls.

"Three days." He answered. I stared at him.

"Your joking." I accused.

"No, I'm not." He shook his head.

"I have never known how long those sleeps take. I was curious. I always lost track of my time here. I was alone then." I said. I looked up at Arian. "I am not alone now." As I said it the thought that plagued me became truth. i wasn't alone anymore. I had him. The world shifted and I with it. The world and I made room for Arian. And he became part of my life that day, more than he ever had before.

"You needed to heal inside. I could not help you there. I wanted to. I was lost without you when you slept. Then you cried. I did not know why you cried. I wanted you to stop. I thought if I showed you I cared and it didn't matter that you hurt me you would stop crying. I am sorry I couldn't help you." Arian said.

"Who are you?" I asked bewildered. "I am sorry for hurting you." I blushed. "I acted on impulse. I am sorry." I lowered my head.

"I am alright." He whispered.

"Who are you?" I asked again standing and going to the hearth.

"I am here to help you. That is who I am." He answered. "I have no name except the one you gave me."

"Arian." I breathed. Tears fell from my eyes again. I turned away from him.

This time I did not pull away when he wrapped his arms around me. I felt his bare shest through my threadbare blouse. He was warm and comfortable. I wanted more.

I turned to face him. He looped his arms around my waist as I rested my hands on his shoulders and rested my head on his chest. It felt right being there with him. I let the tears scald his chest.

When I was done I pulled away. I felt empty of sorrow then. I felt empty of him as well. He was here and so was I and yet I would not see. I had cried for him again. As I would for many times after.

"Tell me." I commanded, finally ready for the world again.

"I only remember bits of my life before I was changed." He started. I sat back at the table. He ladled another bowl of food for me. He then sat. "I remember a little as a small child, but I can't remember what was asaid in my memories. I do know I didn't look like this then. I think I was captured and used as a test subject. I don't know anything more about that. I do know about a year ago I woke up in a lab looking like this. They made me fight monsters there. I survived. Then someone was careless. I got the keys. I ran. They sent those creatures after me. You saved me then." He sighed. "I know my story is incomplete. I do know they are now taking people to experiment on though. As a child I had heard rumors of the corporate entity doing that. I was about ten then I think. I remember that much. The knowledge. They thought I was stupid. I acted that way to get away. I think my seeming stupidity made the relax their guard on me. That is how I escaped." He sighed and stood. He then took his bowl to the tub for washing dishes and set it into the tub.

I didn't know what to say, what did one say to a man who had been changed so, and then hurt. i felt tears again sting the backs of my eyes.

"Don't." He snaped.

"What?" I said.

"Don't cry. Please." He asked. I stood and walked to the bed. I grabbed a blanket.

"You need this more than I do. You get the bed." I said.

"No. This is your house." He argued, still not looking at me.

"Fine, we'll both sleep on the floor." I lay down on the side closest to the door. and pulled the blanket over myself. I closed my eyes, but not before I caught a glance of surprise on his face.

I slept trough the night. As I woke a thought came through my head. He needed to learn survival.

I rose and crept from the cottage. I took only my bow and arrows with me. I hunted and brought a small and untainted rabbit home. I skinned it and gutted the thing. I burried the offal in the woods far from the cottage.

Taking the rabbit home I found a frantic Arian climbing down from the loft. Ah, that is why he did not sleep in the bed I thought. He found mine and my sister's old sleeping place. I had wondered where he slept. I shook my head and took the rabbit to the hearth. I put it on the spit hidden in the hearth. I then stoked up the fire and began to roast the thing.

I stood and went to the tub where I rinsed my hands off. I then turned to Arian. "I am afraid you will not survive out there without some training." I told him. I grabbed my bow and arows. "Come on." I said and lead him behund the cottage. There I pulled out an old battered target from the small chest placed there for practice equipment. I then attached it to a post several feet away. I handed him the bow.

"Listen to me carefully. This is a weapon. It is for killing. Never point it unless you are sure of your target. Do you understand me?" I explained. He nodded. "This is the bow, here is the string." I pointed to each as I named them. "Here is the arrow. The tip always faces away. The fletching is here. The the nock is here." Again I pointed to each as I named them. You nock the arrow like so." I said. I demonstrated placing the nock to the string and setting the arrow across the bow. "You stand like so." I said as I turned my body sideways to the target. I then rasied the arm holding the bow. "And aim. Keep both eyes open. You will see the target better." I sighted along the arow. "Next you draw." I pulled the arrow back to the edge of my lip. "Postion your arms like so," I said as I pulled the arrow into position. I loosed. It hit the target, dead center. "Alright your turn." I handed him the bow and an arrow.

Arian did as I had instructed and he soon was hitting the target. However, he didn't hit it every time or for that matter the center. After practice we went inside to eat the rabbit and some greens I had gathered while Arian practiced. After all this time the herb garden had survived, so I made use of it. After we had cleaned up I again dragged Arian out into the clearing. There I taught him and undid the so-called training of fighting monsters with whatever weapons were available. We ate lunch. I then took him into the woods where I pointed out the plants which were edible and those that could heal. I also showed him the dangerous ones. We went back to the cottage for dinner.

I went into the loft and found an old chest hidden in the musty hay and lugged it downstairs as Arian prepared our dinner.

"Here." I said. "This is yours now." I said. And went to the bathroom." There I filled the tub and undressed. I climbed into the water and washed myself.

When I was clean I dressed in the spare clothing I kept there for that purpose and threw my clothes into the tub. I washed them and hung them in the drying room. I went into the main room and found Arian staring at the chest.

"What is wrong?" I asked. "Don't they fit?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No one has ever given me anything." He said.

"Is that all." I laughed. "They are just clothes. They were my father's and they would be better used than packed away." I reached for the chest and pulled the lid open. "There, see, clothes." I said.

I started to move away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap. He burried his head in my chest. I think it was more than he could take in that day. He cried. I felt the tears fall. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry. This I was used to. Others always cried on me. I was the loner, I wasn't supposed to cry, they were. I allowed it. This is something I knew. I never said a word. I just let them cry. I knew this. They needed it. And now I knew why. I too needed this. I needed it from Arian. A shoulder to cry on. I let him cry. I always let them all cry on me. I hold them and I protect them. I am White Owl. I bring them strength by being me. I protect, I am death to monsters. Arian needed me this way now. The strong woman who fought to keep people safe. I became that for him.

When he was done he did not push me away like others did. He held me for a little longer. He was done crying, but not done with my comfort. I shifted slightly and he let me go. I think he thought I wanted to be let go. I moved away and climbed the ladder to the loft. I would let him have the bed. I climbed into the straw pallet me and my sister used to share. I went to sleep, both emotionally and mentally drained. He slept in the bed. I was glad to give him the luxuries he had been denied.

Chapter Four

Dawn came with me greeting it with an early morning hunt. I caught a couple of decent rabbits that day. I had them in the pot cooking in a decent stew for the morning when Arian sat up in bed. He looked around confused and still looking a bit worn. I took pity on him and went into the bathroom. There I fille the tub and laid out a towel and an old robe of my father's. I stepped into the main room to find him perched at the edge f the bed.

"Go bathe, we won't do anything today. I am going hunting all day and I will gather a few fruits from the hidden orchard." I grabbed the things I needed and walked to the door. With a large basket strapped to my back and the things in it. I had enough room in it to get a month of food for me and Arian.

"Wait." Arian's whisper filled the room. "I am sorry for last night. I am grateful for evedrything you have done for me. You have done more than anyone I know." He frowned. "I am also sorry for taking the bed," He muttered.

"I told you the day before, you were to sleep there. I only ever slept there during the long sleeps I had. Like the one I had when we got here. I usually sleep in the loft." I lied. I always slept in the bed. He did not need to know that though. I let him have it as he had never slept in one. I had that bed for too long. He needed it more.

I left the cottage and went to the orchard to hunt small creatures and collect fruit. I also collected herbs and wild onions and garlic growing in a thicket nearby. I caught several small rabbits. I gave them a field dressing and scraped the skins clean. I intended to use them to make a warm cloak for Arian, for the winter. Even with the hot days due to the jungle atmosphere it did get bitter cold during the winter at night. Arian would need the cloak then. I had one already, although it really needed to be patched up soon. Arian needed his first.

I then wrapped the rabbits in a waxed papper at the bottom of my basket. I then went to the stream and set a line in to fish. I gathered fruit nearby. Every once in a while I pulled in the fish I had caught. I knew when to pull the fish in be tying the thread to my ankle. Went one snagged the hook the thread cut into my ankle. I then pulled it in. When I had several fish and a good heap of fruits I feild dressed the fish. I then put them in more waxed paper. I piled the fruit on top. It was well after lunch and I was hungry. I started the trek back to the cottage.

When I entered the clearing it felt closed. I had felt this once before. It was when one of the Others were nearby. I stashed the basket high in a tree using a rope hidden in the tree for that purpose. The Others were here once before. They killed my family. The Others were a form of monster which resembled humans. They never were though. They had the body of humans, but theywere scaled and they had the head of carrion eaters, usually a sort of dog-like head. They weren't very smart, but they were fierce.

Unslinging my bow and placing an arrow on the string I started my sprint. Running swiftly and silently I ran for the door. Once inside I aimed. Nothing. I heard a noise. I ran out of the cottage to see Arian sprinting to the cottage. I took aim and shot. The arrow sped over his shoulder and hit the leading beast square in the chest. It faltered andcollapse taking another down. I shot at that one too. Both dead I realized the others were too close to shoot at those speeds. I yanked a dagger from my belt and ran at them. I passed Arian thrusting the bow and arrow into his hands as I passed him. I sprang on the leading creature, stabbing it in the throat. Gore and blood splurted everywhere. It stung my hand. I fell to the ground and rolled away. The remaining creature now following me. It jumped at me. I climbed to my feet and sprinted away. I headed for the forest. I was weaponless. I needed to get the creature away from Arian. I shouldn't have left him alone. He did not know the dangers of my home well. I lead the creature deep into the forest. I looked for the one place I new I might die at but the creature surely would.

I looked for purple vines hanging from a tree. These were deadly to any who got tangled in them. I found them and ran right at them. So did the creature. It would die. I sprinted right into the vines. Dodging and spinning I managed to get away from the vine. However, the creature didn't, it was snatched up in mid stride. The vines tore him apart spilling its blood everywhere on the ground under the tree. I ran from there quickly and took to the main path home.

I entered the clearing again in time to see another creature enter from the oppisite side. Arian was watching my side for me. He smiled a releaved smile. I however, did not return it. I ran for him. The creature coming into the clearing was what I feared the most. It was larger, easily twice the size of the other four. It was the leader. This one was the smart one. I had to kill it quickly. I made everything look like child's play. After all, I have been at this for a long time. I grabbed the bow and an arrow from Arian as I passed. Quickly I nocked the arrow. I swung it up. I aimed. I shot. The arrow sped through the air and hit the creature in the eye. The thing roared in pain. I by then had another arrow in my hand. Arian had stepped up to my right and handd me an arrow. I again nocked, aimed and shot. This time I hit the creature in the soft flesh of the throat. I reached out for another arrow, one was thrust into my hand. I again aimed. This time I ran as I aimed, right at the creature. I literally ran up the thing's body and loosed right into its heart as I jumped away. The creature shuddered and colapsed as I landed safely in front of it. I turned and looked right at Arian.

I guess I must have looked wild and scary because Arian stood there and stared at me. I walked over to the hiding tree and pulled the food down. I took it all inside and put the fruits, onions, and garlic away. I then sliced the fish and rabbits into strips. I took those strips to the side of the oven and lay them over the smoking rods hidden by a metal door. I then took the herbs and placed them in bunches and tied them to the rafters. I checked the stew, added a few herbs and cleaned up.

Arian had watched me from the doorway. I then went to my pack and pulled out new clothes and stripped. Arian blushed and turned his back. I threw my soiled clothes into the fire. I then dressed in new clothes, my favorite ones. The white ones. They were all I had left.

I walked out the door right beside him and went around to the practice chest and pulled out two things. A bag of salt and a bag of ground sulfer. I went to each of the creatures in the clearing and sprinkled them with each. For some reason this always disolved the monsters like ice melting, only faster.

I used buckets of water to dilute the sludge further. I worked and toiled while Arian got his head back on his shoulders. After the creatures were gone I began to dish out the food and sat to eat.

"How can you be so calm?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I answered with another question.

"You killed them. They were like me. They were humans." He accused me.

I sighed. "No, they were not. They never were. I know who and what they were. They were clones, and bad ones. Monsters disolve with salt and sulfer. They disolved. You didn't when I sprinkled you with the mixture the first night in the cave. If you had you'd have been dead. Besides, it was us or them." I looked up into his silver eyes. "I prepher to live. I know I am not an ideal person. I have learned to survive. I have thrived off the death of monsters. They killed my family. So I kill them now. It is that simple." I got up and left the cottage. I went around to the practice chest and opened it. Arian had followed me. I dug until I got to the bottom of the chest and pulled a small box from it. "This is why I kill." I said and thrust the box into his chest.

I left him to look at what was inside. It was a picture, faded and torn along the edges. One side was a little scorched. The picture showed my grandparents, mother, father, my sister, and me, before the war. Tied to it was a faded ribbon, once bright red, my sister's. Under the picture a necklace and two rings. The rings were plain, but for one word in each. FOREVER in one and ALWAYS in the other. They were my grandparents rings. The neklace was my mother's. A locket with a single strand of hair, my father's. These were what was left of my family. All I had. There was small amounts of blood on the ribbon and jewelry. Theirs. From that night so long ago. I was away. I came back to their deaths. I barely escaped. Their deaths were my burden. I will kill all the monsters I can to atone for their deaths and my survival. I swore this then, I still will swear it and forever will I follow the vow.

This is who I am, who I was. I am a killer. I kill monsters. I am the only one who can. Without remoarse or sorrow. Without pity and without a heart can I do this. My heart died that day.

I stood facing the south where the creatures had come from. I heard people whisper of a savior. He never came to help. I did. I would someday hunt the men who were the real monsters. I would destroy them. I made a fist of my hand so tight my nails bit into the skin. Blood dripped from my hand.

Arian took my hand in his and smoothed itbetween his hands. He then took my hand and pressed the cuts to his lips, kissing my palm. All this time with me I had not noticed but he never grew facial hair like my father and grandfather had. I believe it was from the genetic twisting f his body the corporate entity had done.

"I am sorry. I did not know." He whispered, his voice back to normal. "I should have realized you had family once." He wrapped his arms around me. "Tell me." He commanded me. I did. The night relived in my mind yet again, and yet again I cried. He held me. Finally, darkness came and I slumped at the table defeated. How can I be defeated? I think I already was. By him. I looked at him and he looked at me. We both had our lives ruined by the monsters. "They will pay." He said simply. I nodded. I lay my head on the table, tired. Arian shifted, I heard the cloth from his clothing. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was too tired to climb to the loft. I refused to take back the bed. I slept at the table.

Late in the night I heard a clatter of the shutter banging back and forth at the window. I sat up and found myself in bed with Arian. He must have carrie me there and fallen asleep too. I got out of bed a secured the shutter and closed the window.

I turned to find Arian standing right behind me. My heart beat faster than when I ran through the forest at a sprint. He wrapped his arms around me again. I felt cared for by him this time. I felt happy. I snuggled into his arms willingly. He tucked a finger under my chin and lifted my face to his. His lips brushed mine softly.

"Arian?" I breathed. "I'm new to this."

"So am I." He answered. He was right. With no other human contact how could he know about these things. I did not knew what to do, but I needed him. For the first time in my life since my family died I needed someone.

Chapter Five

I woke curled up against Arian, his arms wrapped around me, protectively. For the first time I stayed in bed past dawn. I lay there lookng at his sleeping face. The angled plains of his face only made him more beautiful to look at. His lips were soft and even the tiny scar at the edge of the right side of his lip couldn't take his beauty away. His full lashes lay like butterfly wings across his cheek. His nose had a small bumb, indicating it was once broken. I can still close my eyes and remmeber his face that way as a child.

Arian woke to see me staring at him. "What?" He asked. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back. We didn't get up for quite a while.

When we did get up we ate some of the fruit. We then went outside and I showed him where the monsters had once been. We then started training again. He got better with the bow. I taught him how to attack and defend with a knife. We used a practice blade made of wood. I show him the special darts I use for big creatures and taught him how th throw them.

I taught him mercilessly during the day. He did everything I ordered without complaint. At night we were lovers. We went along like this until the end of the month. I began to feel the urge to go. I never could stay here long. A month or two at most, never longer. I preferred to be out there.

Arian caught me looking away towards the south the day I decided to leave.

"You want to leave." He said to me. I nodded. "I have seen you look more and more to the south. Everyday you look towards where I came from." He wrapped me into his arms. I leaned into his shoulder.

"I think my next move is to go south." I explained. "I believe I am strong enough now. You have helped me to become stronger." I was stronger, he was with me, but I couldn't ask him to come with me.

"I will go with you." He said and left me to look at the southern horizon.

The next morning we were practicing again. This time I was teaching him the things my father had taught me and my sister. We were taught to fight together. I had to learn to fight alone after she died. Now I am training someone to fight with me. We stayed for a week more. He learned my silent signals and I learned his. We became a team.

Chapter Six

Arian and I packed up everything we would need for the long journey and began our travels to the south. With packs and weapons strapped onto our sholders and waists we were ready to leave. I also had my father's sword.

We ran from the clearing, to the south. I showed him what I had done to the Other which had chased me into the forest. I told him to be careful of those vines. I then lead the way to the south. He paced me as we ran. We ran as we had done before. Alone and together. The only change was me. I did not question myself, nor doubted either. He was with me and I with him. At night we rested and slept side by side. During the day we ran side by side.

We ran near the town of Sanctuary. The old man saw me and Arian. I knew the town would know we were alive. We did not come into the town. We ran onwards. Southward. We ran and the towns people would know we were going in a direction in a direction I have never gone before. As we skirted the town and came to the southern edge. There stood Auntie.

She looked at us and the direction we faced. "Its about time. She said. I broke my stride and stopped.

"What?" I gasped.

"Our savior has come. It was you. Good luck. I will prey for you and so will the towns people." Auntie said. She turned and walked back into the town.

I heard the bell a few minutes later. I smiled and turned to Arian. A great cheer greeted our ears. We took our stride back and sprnted onwards. I knew I probably wouldn't see my home again. Or the town of Sanctuary either. I was happy they had forgiven my transgressions of bringing Arian there. I was happy they would prey for me. I had a partner and I had friends.

I would save them all. Even when they would not accept me because I was so different. I would become what they needed.

We ran south. We ran about forty miles each day. Taking breaks and walking for some of it so we would not tire. It took us about three weeks to get to where the monsters came from. Los Angeles. We had rested every fifth day to keep up our reserves. We rested the last day before entering Los Angeles. We knew what we would find there. Arian said there were creatures which stalked the night, but humans still lived there by day. We would go in when the day was fresh. We would hunt for the place Arian escaped from. We would hunt.

We rested the rest of that day and hid ourselves carefully. One of us stayed on watch while the other slept. We took turns spliting the shifts at two hours for me the two for him throughout the night. Rested and ready to go we stashed our packs for the return journey. If we returned.

Arian lead the way. He had tucked his hair up under a hat that cover his ears. I had made him his cloak and a hat during the time at the cottage. He wore them proudly. Although the knitted hat was not as good as my mother's hats were, it would do. He tugged the hat lower over his head to hide his features a little more. I also drew my cloak about me and drew the hood low over my face. I may be small, but I was not to be reackoned with either. I knew many would try. My walk, confident even when I am scared, mst have told people to be wary of me.

Arian went to a couple of people to ask questions. I looked as menacing as possible for his benefit. He had someone to protect him. That was what people saw. Not who. I may have been a girl but my body language screamed death.

Arian lead the way through the city. Once a mecca of artistic thoughts, now filled with terror and monsters. Arian and I were now walking the path that lead to our deaths, or thiers. We knew it.

We walked to the factory and waited for dusk to sneak in. the security was lax for a place monsters came from. I knew it would be getting out which would prove hard, not getting in. They wanted people to experiment on, we were welcome to enter.

At dusk we did. Slipping into the main room we found no one and slipped farther into the factory. There we found rooms filled with tubes. Monsters grew in those tubes. Arian lead the way down to the room where the tech was. This was my goal. In a world where tech was not to be wasted, I knew this had to go. I went behind the great computers and looked at the cords. I pulled out the one thing I could sever these thick wires. A sword my father had gotten. I was taught this weapon as a child. My sister knew the spear. She was gone, but I was here.

Arian knew as much as I did about the monsters and we both knew without these machines the west would be safe from the corporate entity. We would eventually save the east. For now this was enough. I raised my sword and brought it down upon the wires, severing them cleanly. I hacked my way through all of the wires. Sparks flew and alarms went off only to be silenced by the power being cut. By me, of course.

When I had cut all the wires from the computers, Arian and I began pushing the computers over and hacking with our knives at the inner wires. We finished and started to leave. Monsters were blocking our path out. We looked at each other and I smiled. Arian raised an eyebrow and we attacked.

I went in first. Ducking and weaving I sliced through the monsters like butter. Arian at my heals killed those I left. Between us we left a path of death. We fought our way to the huans who were the guinea pigs of the corporate entity. Those still human enough to know who they were we freed. Others we killed to be merciful. I took all their sins onto my heart as I went through them. It wasn't their fault for what had happened to them. I soom had savage half wild men at my back tearing apart the factory with me and Arian at my side.

We climbed the levels destroying all we found. At the last floor we found twelve men. I entered first with Arian at my back. We were there to kill these monsters who called themselves men.

Chapter Seven

Twelve men sat around a table staring at us. "What is the reason of this?" Snapped a voice from the air. No not the air, an intercom. Mother told me of them, from the days before. These were not the monsters in charge but they were still partially responsible. I raised my gore laden sword and ran into their midst. leaping onto the table I swung my sword slaying the first of the twelve to die. I thrust and killed them all. I took the sins from the hurt and helpless and gave them to these men, these monsters through my sword. When the last fell dead I went to Arian's side.

"Who are you?" The voice asked coldly.

"I am the thorne in your side come infected." I answered. My white outfit shown brightly against the blood and gore. "I am the one who has slain your creatures time and again. I am here to finish the job." I yelled.

"You will never win. I can rebuild." Snarled the man on the intercom.

"No, you will not." I said. Arian looked at me. Sadness in his eyes for me, for the death I dealt out so casually. "Come out of your hiding place!" I ordered.

"I would if I were there." Laughed the man. "Fight your way out if you can."

"I will find you! You will die!" I shouted.

"Try." Then he was gone.

Arian and I ran to the door and began the descent to the loweer levels again. We found still more monsters to kill on our way. All the men and women once trapped here, treated like monsters, followed Arian and me to the lowest level. I lead the way into the main room. There we found another beast. The creature was a parody of the once infamous and graceful dragons. This one was twisted like all monsters. One I had hoped never to see agian. I had fought this thing once before. Nither had won that fight.

I would not now. "Arian." I hissed. "Take them to freedom." I ordered him. He looked at me carefully. He nodded and began to usher the men and women away. I thrust the sword into the floor. I then unslung my bow and nocked and arrow. I aimed and shot. It was deflected. The hide was still tough as nails. I again aimed another arrow. I would not miss. The creature had a soft spot just under the biggest chest scale.

I did not look to Arian to see if he got away. I shot again. this time it hit the mark. The creature screeched. I dropped my bow and grabbed my sword. I ran to the creature. I ran at it. I would use my speed to fight this creature. I thrust in low and watched as my sword bit deep into the flesh of the creature just under my arrow. The thing shoved me aside with one sweep of its massive claws. I hit a wall. I slid down, stunned. It came at me and I barely got my sword up enough to fend off the attack.

Arian was there so fast I didn't see him at first. He ran in like I did, at the creature, and thrust his knife into the same spot as the arrow. His shoved until the hilt was almost buried by the monster's flesh.

I rose and pulled a bag from my waist and threw it over the creature. I pulled at the string attached and it flew open scattering salt and sulfer over the creature. The creature cried out in pain and died melting away like slow melting ice.

Arian was at my side and helping me to stand. We walked out into the sunlight. It was dawn. The hours it must have taken to find the monster was out of our range for now was defeating to us. We have freed the city of monsters, but not the world. We found the men and women who have been changed like Arian in front of the factory. They had not fled the city, they had stayed. Even though the city's citizens had lurked along the edge of the street and threw rocks and rubbish at them they had stayed to see if Arian and I would come out.

We stepped out from the factory's shadow and emerged into the light of day. The crowd surrounding the changlings stopped as Arian and I stepped into the light. They backed away. I was not a monster and Arian looked like one and yet he went back in to save me. They were confused and scared. I straightened and lokke at them and the changlings.

"We were once one people, differences made us stronger." I cried out, my voice hoarse but strong. "Then the corporation took over our freedom. They took lives from us, our courage, our hope, everything. I stand here next to one willing to fight with me. One I had saved and he in turn saved me. He saved me from myself, from my pain and from the monsters. He is my friend and my partner. He deserves your respect. He was once human like me, like you. So were these others." I guesstured at the changlings. "You cannot know what these people have suffered, nor will you. We have saved you all the same fate. Be glad. We will leave and I will take these others from here with me. I will take them to Sanctuary." I leaned again on Arian and we lead the changlings away from the city.

Weeks we traveled. I healed quickly. I hunted food and took the changlings far to the north where my home was. I gave them the home. Arian and I stayed to train them to fight, to survive. We helped them build homes in the clearing where mine stood. We built defenses to hold out anything which wanted to attack, both men and monsters.

By spring there was a new member to our group. A baby was born of the changlings. Like them she had silver hair and eyes. Like them she was forever changed. I felt something pull at my heart.

One night Arian found me staring at the sky. "What is wrong?" He whispered to me. He never yelled, he never got louder than a whisper since that one day so long ago.

"I think the little girl will have a very hard road. I believe you must train her for it." I said. He nodded. I felt relieved and yet I felt terrible. I knew my path. I knew my road. That little changling child needed Arian more than I did.

We went back to my cottage. Late in the night I left. This time I knew I would never come back.

Chapter Eight

I traveled the shadowed paths to the town of Santuary. I went straight to Auntie's door. I slipped into the small healing house and went to her room. I shook her awake.

"Don't say anything." I hissed. "Here is a map to a place far from here. There are people there who need your help. You have trained several people here to be your replacements. I know. I have watched. These people here in Santuary don't ned you. These others do. Thay are all like Arian. You were right he talked when he was ready. I know everything now." I sighed. "Take care of them please. They need you. A couple just had a little girl and she looks just like the others. I have named them Changlings, becasue they were once humans like us. Follow this map. These are my instructions to them. Let them know I am safe. Let Arian know I will return." I left as quietly as I had entered. Only Auntie knew I had been there.

I began my travels. I began the long journey where the corporate entity started. To what was once the greatest city of the country once called the United States. I went to Washington D.C.

There I found no humans hiding by night. There weren't any to greet the light of day, either. None. The east was an abyss of monsters. I had traveled for months an foot to get here and I found nothing to save. Monsters and carnage. I went to the factory to destroy the monster in charge of all the monsters. I would end it soon. It had to end. The nightmare every child was born into must end. I entered the city during the early hours of morning. It took me two days to get to the other side where the factory was. During this time many things ran through my mind as I eluded monsters and slinked from shadow to shadow. I hid near the factory during the last night I thought I would not see on earth again. My thoughts turne towards a small clearing with an old battered cabin and a Changling.

I missed Arian's stolid presence. I missed his quiet ways. I knew there may not be a chance of surival. I knew I might die. I had given everything up to get to this one day. My family. My town. My love. My Arian. I did all this for him and the others. So they would forever be free.

Dawn came, my last I thought. I sprinted into the factory. There I was met with monsters I could kill easily. I placed my back against a wall and using my bow and arrows I shot them all. I ran out of arrows. Pulling my sword from its scabbard I charged into the maw of my doom. I sprinted deep into the factory, slaying any monster I came across. I ran up the many flights of stairs to get to the monster in charge of the corporate entity.

It felt like days as I searched and ran and slew the monsters set into my path to slow me, to kill me. I became like them, a monster. The only difference was who I fought for. I fought for humanity, they fought for nothing but blood.

I finally reached the top floor and the last room. There I found them. Men who were monsters. They sat around a table much like those in Los Angeles. The only difference was the throne on the dias. It was partially hidden by shadows. I saw it, I was trained to see into the shadows. There was someone sitting there. I couldn't see him clearly.

"So, you have finally come, little one." That familiar voice from the intercom asked from those shadows. "I am glad you have returned home." The man who was the real monster said.

"I have come to kill you." I answered.

"Ah, that would be genecide, dear niece." He said.

"I am not your niece!" I snarled.

"But you are, my little kitten." The voice sent shivers up my spine. He rose from the throne. I heard something behind me and before I could move my bow and sword were taken from me and my arms were pinned behind me. I tried to pull away, but they were stronger. The monster man walked slowly around the table keeping to the shadows. "Little niece, do not fight me," he conjoled. "I will fix you. I have waited for your father to bring you to me to fix." He said. I shrank back away from the man as he drew near. For the first time since my family died fear filled my heart.

"I am not your niece, you psycho." I yelled.

"Yes your are." He said in his hissing voice.

"Let her go!" Whispered a familiar and well loved voice.

I looked beyond tha man who claimed to be my uncle. There stood the Changelings and Arian was within easy killing distance of the monster talking to me.

"Niece, I created all of this to help you." The man continued.

"I am not your niece, for the last time!" I screeched.

"Yes you are. You have the same dark hair as your mother, and the bright icy eyes of my brotherr your father. You look like your mother. I loved her so well." He hissed. "She choose my brother though. I have to fix you. I promised her. I told her you would be my daughter because I loved her so much." The man finally stepped into the light. "I did all of this to fix you."

"Un... uncle Erik." I stuttered. "You were behind this?" I had recognized him. My father's brother.

"You can bring your mother and father here to be with us." He said. "I will make you mine. In fact we will be married." He laughed. It was a hallow pitiful laugh, filled with hatred. His eyes were filled with a terrible light. "We will be one big happy family again." He laughed again.

I hung my head. I felt at fault, then a spark came to my heart. I saw my family before me, smiling. Then there was the townsfolk of Santuary and Auntie. Finally, the Changelings with my Arian standing in front of them. I was not the girl I once was.

"What is my name, uncle?" I asked him.

He blinked and smiled. "Ariana." He hissed. I think he thought I had given in for a moment to his whispers.

I tested the strength of my captors. I could be free, but it would hurt. I still had my dagger, but I would be at a serious disadvantage.

"I an not your niece." I said believing with every fiber of my being I was not. No one knew my real name. It was Ariana, but I could not, would not, call this monster my family. "The brother you once had is dead, he and him entire family. I buried them myself. I saw them all killed. Your brother, his wife and his daughter! All dead!" I ended with a shout. Erik stepped back in shock.

I took my cue from him. I yanked my right arm loose with a sickening crunch, I dislocated it to become free. I was then able to pull free of the other man holding my left arm. Yanking my dagger from its sheath with my laft hand I started to thrust it at my uncle.

Arian grabbed my hand and pushed the blade away. "No." He whispered. I looked up at him. He frowned at me. "You cannot kill him."

"Its his fault!" I snapped. "He killed them!"

"Yes, and he did this to me." He indicated his body. "Do not kill for revenge. Kill to save others, never for revenge." I stared at him for what seemed like eternity. I nodded and let my knife go. Arian took it up and turned to Erik. "I believe it is time to ask forgiveness of the world for your crimes against humanity." Arian whispered.

"I created you." Erik said. "You belong to me." He stepped back, away from Arian and me. "I created you to defend me and my niece."

"Then I will defend your niece." Arian said. "From you." He thrust the knife into the heart of Erik. "I will always protect her. She is the one who saved me. She brought me out of your monsterous clutches and I will not let her into those same clutches again." Arian said all of this as Erik's blood poured slowly out of his body. When Erik slipped from the dagger to the floor, it was the cue for the other Changelings to kill the other men in charge of the monsters.

"There will be monsters to kill." I whispered and my vision blurred. I looked to Arian and the Changlings. I smiled. "We will kill them all." I don't remember any more for a long time after that.

Chapter Nine

I do not know how long I was unconscience, but I was told it was for a very long time. I was also told I was carried the entire time by Arian. He brought me home. I had wanted to die, I think. I had been partially the cause of the monsters. I was not alone in the blame. My entire family was. The Changlings came back to the clearing with Arian and me. The baby that had been born and its mother were both glad to see our return. Hey had stayed in the clearing with Auntie. Auntie helped Arian care for me while I slept. I did not know why I continued to sleep, but I did.

I wandered in my mind, lost and alone. I saw the monsters I had hunted, both human and not human. I saw the faces of those I could not save. I saw the faces of my family. All were contorted into expressions of final pain before death. All were dead. I relived the death of my last remaining family member. I saw again and again Arian plunging the dagger into uncle Erik's chest. I forgave Arian, he did what he had to do to save the remaining humans on Earth.

When I awoke I was not alone. I pretended to conitnue to sleep until the presence left. It was Auntie. I knew. I rose and dressed. I slipped out of the cottage and ran for the woods. I went to the graves of my mother, my father, and my sister. I fell upon them and cried. I was alone. They had left me to this nightmare I had called my life for so long. I knew now I had never lived. I had suffered with them and after they had left me I stil suffered. All because of my family, my uncle, I suffered. I stood, finally dry of tears and walked to the vines that would end my life. Alone. I was alone.

As I reached the vines I felt a shiver of light enter my mind. I felt love. I wavered for a moment at the edge of the vines. I turned to look back one more time and found them waiting. Friends and love. Arian and Auntie waited in the front. Behind them were the Changlings and the townsfolk of Sanctuary. They waited for me. They said nothing. Just waited. I turned again to the vines. They reached for me, but could not touch me. I looked over my shoulder at my friends.

Tears filled my eyes, but I did not shed them. I stepped within reach o the vines. Then my body took over. I sprinted from a cold start. I could not die. My body wanted to live. It eluded the vines with the ease of practice. I jumped and tumbled and swayed away from any attempt the vines made to capture me. I stayed within the circle of vines. I never left its reach, but I did not give in. Everyone waited. Finally, I faltered and tossed my body from the vines reach. I lay on the ground and gasped for air. I exhausted myself. I waited. Alone. I waited alone for the love I knew I needed to survive.

Once I had my breath under control I stood slowly and turned to face the love I had for an instant discarded in favor of death. I waited for them. Alone.

Arian stepped forth first. He came to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I am here. You are not alone." He whispered. I realized I was never alone. This was why my body ran and jumped and avoided the vines. It knew I was not alone. I haad friends, I had love.

"How did you know?" I whispered.

"You have been alone too long. I saw that when I first saw you, but you cared anyway." He whispered to me. "This is why we all love you. I never want to be without you. I would have went in after you if you truely meant to die there. That is how much I love you." He buried his face in my tangled hair. "I need you." He breathed into my neck. My arms wrapped around his waist and I wept. This time with happiness. When I was done Arian lead me to the townsfolk who had waited patiently. I walked among them tired and happy. I was finally home.

I learned from Arian and Auntie the townsfolk had come when she went to her od home in Sanctuary to get healing supplies for the Changelings. They had accepted the Changelings after they found they had gone to save me from my uncle. The Changlings had left the day after I had left. They had followed my tracks to Auntie. The woman with the baby had left the group upon Auntie's story of my visit. Auntie and the Changeling went back to my clearing. They stayed and waited. Upon the return of the Changelings and my sleeping body Auntie went to get the things required for my recovery and told the townspeople what I had done. The Changelings had not told them who I was in relation to Erik. Nor did they say Arian had killed Erik. They told everyone I had done the deed. They said I was outnumbered by fifty to one and even with my exeptional skills was hurt and faltered when the came in and saved me. They gave me the credit for everything.

I do not need the credit for my fractured heart. I have been through the furnace and found myself wanting. I decided I could no longer be who I was when I hunted. I became another person. I could again be the person I was before my family was killed, but this time I was stronger and although I was different inside I still found the corners where my former self had fled that day so long ago. I also found my hunter self had fled to those corners to await a day that self was needed again. I was again Ariana. White Owl had slept. Ariana had awakened and she was the one who had purged herself in the vines reach of death. White Owl had waited for my decision to live or die. If I had died, it would have been as White Owl. I had lived, however, and now was Ariana again.

That is my story. I found my life of lonelyness had become full and happy. I had driven the monsters from my heart as well as purged the world of those who created the monsters who preyed upon the humans. I was a hero as White Owl, but as Ariana I was a woman. Arian and I were married later in the year. Now i am a townwoman of Sanctuary. The Changelings and the humans were now one people.

I may have lived a nightmare in my youth, but now I am living a dream.

The End.

A Note From The Author

Dear Reader,

I am glad you have choosen Memoirs of White Owl to read. I really appreciate your willingness to read a new author. Please feel free to read any other stories I have written. The titles are: The Wish of Vesperia; The Lonely Bear; and The Brothel Chronicles. Please feel free to read any others I will be writing in the future as well. Thank you for supporting my meager skills.


J. Todd