Members HOSA TE ET Help JDRF - Home - SharpSchool...

1 Food Stamps Stamped out After a long day at work, a tired woman, who did not want to be identified, sat in a small kitchen next to the living room that her son uses as a bedroom and complained in Spanish about the cuts to the SNAP program. “I feel unsatisfied, because everyday food prices increase, while salaries stay the same,” said a single mother who lives in a Union City apartment building. “Now, I have to pay money that I do not have for the rest of my food, as well as other household expenses. It’s not fair these food stamp benefits are being cut, since these benefits are for low income people.” The woman, who has a factory job, feels even though many people have committed fraud with these benefits, it isn’t right that people who need the financial assistance are punished. After the cuts on food stamps, women like her must work longer hours to bring home extra money to survive. This past November 1 st approximately 47.6 million Americans had their food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cut. Many Republicans in Congress believe that as the population in the United States grows, the cost of this benefit increases the national debt. About 10 percent of New Jersey families who rely on these benefits every month will experience this change, and roughly 36 dollars will be deducted from their accounts. Nearly half the people who receive these benefits are children and another 20 percent are elderly, who cannot work or are disabled. The benefits that are being cut resulted from the 2009 Recovery Act as a means to lift the country out of the recession. Some argue the economy still is not strong and this is a bad time to decrease aid to the most vulnerable, according to the Center for Budget Policy and Priorities on line. “The national debt has now topped $16 trillion and will continue to grow rapidly” Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley of the Heritage Foundation affirmed in an attempt to rationalize the cut. According to The Washington Times newspaper, the United States has a debt of $328 billion, and this goes beyond the national debt of $238 billion we had about two years ago. Combined debts equal about $17 trillion, according to the Treasury Department. As this debt increases and congress is cutting down food stamps, people nationwide do not know what to do to support their families. Maria Rodriguez, a manager at Catholic Community Services that provides benefits and support to New Jersey residents, said that after the cutbacks on food stamps, many people have come to apply for many benefits including food stamps and other economic assistance. Research done by the United States Census Bureau and United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service, say that if Food Stamps benefits “were counted as income, they would have lifted nearly 4 million people in the U.S above the poverty line in 2012”. Further cuts on food stamps may drive By Ilenia Perez many families, even single mothers and fathers below the line of poverty since they rely on these benefits to feed their families. According to the New York Times, Republicans in the House of Represen- tatives are working to restrict regular food stamp distribution further. In a bill sponsored by Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) there would be work requirements for people for people without minor children between the ages of 18 and 50, a limit of three-month eligibility and include drug testing for recipients. “It’s a sad day in the people’s House when the leadership brings to the floor one of the most heartless bills I have ever seen,” said Rep. James McGovern, (D- Massachusetts) is quoted as saying in the New York Times. The Egalitarian Publisher Mr. McCoy Executive Editor Aracely Ortega Editor Katana Edwards Layout Editor Laura Lithgow 2 HOSA Members Help JDRF By Lizbeth Delgado Shannon Marren of the Sugar Shakers Once again HOSA members as a family participated in the JDRF walk to help find cure diabetes. Students supported the Shannon’s Sugar Shakers because Ms. Moreno’s god daughter is a high school senior who has been diagnosed with type A diabetes. The Shannon Sugar Shakers are dedicated to support that seventeen year old girl who found out she had the Type A diabetes in eighth grade. Now Shannon Marren is a senior in high school. Shannon told her story to everybody before the walk, earning that privilidge because the Shannon Sugar Shakers’ organization had 300 participants, the most of any group. Out of the 300 people supporting Shannon, HOSA brought 22 students from UCHS. Shannon was also shared how she was working very hard to cope with and help find a cure for her diabetes soon so because she wants SOUND OFF It has, without a doubt, been a long while since we’ve heard from the English indie rock band, Artic Monkeys, when they struck the nation in 2002. With previous albums such as Humbug and Suck It and MUSIC REVIEW By Adriana Irizarry Artic Monkeys See, that were released in 2009 and 2011, they are back at it again with their newest album titled AM. The content the album contains can bring back a healthy dosage of nostalgia towards previous works while also stunning listeners with catchy, upbeat, and psychedelic infused rock tunes. The band’s lead singer, Alex Turner, stated in an interview with Zane Lowe on BBC Radio 1 that the album title was inspired by the Velvet Underground’s 1985 Compilation album, VU. “Summat about it feels like this record [AM] is exactly here we should be right now. So it felt right just to initial it” said Mr. Turner. This new album is definitely a step up from their previous records, where this one sounds less like four men playing in a room, and more along the lines of four men who can combine various sounds such as hip hop and rock and make it into an actual studio album. Songs such as Do I Wanna Know, in which the lead singer is trying to timidly tell his lover that his feelings are more heavy and profound then he had previously judged, has brought along a lot of amazing reviews. The song is said to pick up from where the band’s 2012 single R U Mine? left off. The guitar riffs are remarkably similar yet Do I Wanna Know is played on a more down tempo beat. Other hit singles from AM, such as One For the Road, has proved the band has the ability of fusing hard rock tunes with a modest sort of R&B/soul composition. The band’s new album has proved to be highly successful, as they prepare to kick off a world tour in 2014. to play volleyball. However she cannot after her doctor recommended she avoid sports for a while. Shannon had to prick her finger seven times a day but even that was not as painful as when her doctor told her to change her diet. The saddest words she ever heard were “Shannon you could no longer drink Arizona.” Shannon was heartbroken because everything was so different having diabetes but now she learn how to live with it and she said she cannot be happier. Every day she reminds herself of her favorite quote “Don’t let diabetes control you, you control your diabetes!” In addition to the Shannon Sugar Shakers, Mrs. Grady also took part in the JDRF walk supporting her niece as part of Team Gianna. It was the first year of Team Gianna but Mrs.Grady said here niece’s team is definitely doing it next year.

Transcript of Members HOSA TE ET Help JDRF - Home - SharpSchool...



Food StampsStamped out

After a long day at work, a tired woman, who did not want to be identified, sat in a small kitchen next to the living room that her son uses as a bedroom and complained in Spanish about the cuts to the SNAP program. “I feel unsatisfied, because everyday food prices increase, while salaries stay the same,” said a single mother who lives in a Union City apartment building. “Now, I have to pay money that I do not have for the rest of my food, as well as other household expenses. It’s not fair these food stamp benefits are being cut, since these benefits are for low income people.” The woman, who has a factory job, feels even though many people have committed fraud with these benefits, it isn’t right that people who need the financial assistance are punished. After the cuts on food stamps, women like her must work longer hours to bring home extra money to survive. This past November 1st approximately 47.6 million Americans had their food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cut. Many Republicans in

Congress believe that as the population in the United States grows, the cost of this benefit increases the national debt. About 10 percent of New Jersey families who rely on these benefits every month will experience this change, and roughly 36 dollars will be deducted from their accounts. Nearly half the people who receive these benefits are children and another 20 percent are elderly, who cannot work or are disabled. The benefits that are being cut resulted from the 2009 Recovery Act as a means to lift the country out of the recession. Some argue the economy still is not strong and this is a bad time to decrease aid to the most vulnerable, according to the Center for Budget Policy and Priorities on line. “The national debt has now topped $16 trillion and will continue to grow rapidly” Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley of the Heritage Foundation affirmed in an attempt to rationalize the cut. According to The Washington Times newspaper, the United States has a debt of $328 billion, and this goes beyond the national debt of $238 billion we had about two years ago. Combined debts equal about $17 trillion,

according to the Treasury Department. As this debt increases and congress is cutting down food stamps, people nationwide do not know what to do to support their families. Maria Rodriguez, a manager at Catholic Community Services that provides benefits and support to New Jersey residents, said that after the cutbacks on food stamps, many people have come to apply for many benefits including food stamps and other economic assistance. Research done by the United States Census Bureau and United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service, say that if Food Stamps benefits “were counted as income, they would have lifted nearly 4 million people in the U.S above the poverty line in 2012”. Further cuts on food stamps may drive

By Ilenia Perez

many families, even single mothers and fathers below the line of poverty since they rely on these benefits to feed their families. According to the New York Times, Republicans in the House of Represen-tatives are working to restrict regular food stamp distribution further. In a bill sponsored by Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) there would be work requirements for people for people without minor children between the ages of 18 and 50, a limit of three-month eligibility and include drug testing for recipients. “It’s a sad day in the people’s House when the leadership brings to the floor one of the most heartless bills I have ever seen,” said Rep. James McGovern, (D- Massachusetts) is quoted as saying in the New York Times.

The EgalitarianPublisher Mr. McCoy

Executive Editor Aracely OrtegaEditor Katana Edwards

Layout Editor Laura Lithgow 2

HOSA MembersHelp JDRF By

Lizbeth Delgado

Shannon Marren of the Sugar Shakers

Once again HOSA members as a family participated in the JDRF walk to help find cure diabetes. Students supported the Shannon’s Sugar Shakers because Ms. Moreno’s god daughter is a high school senior who has been diagnosed with type A diabetes. The Shannon Sugar Shakers are dedicated to support that seventeen year old girl who found out she had the Type A diabetes in eighth grade. Now Shannon Marren is a senior in high school. Shannon told her story to everybody before the walk, earning that privilidge because the Shannon Sugar Shakers’ organization had 300 participants, the most of any group. Out of the 300 people supporting Shannon, HOSA brought 22 students from UCHS. Shannon was also shared how she was working very hard to cope with and help find a cure for her diabetes soon so because she wants


It has, without a doubt, been a long while since we’ve heard from the English indie rock band, Artic Monkeys, when they struck the nation in 2002. With previous albums such as Humbug and Suck It and


Adriana Irizarry

Artic MonkeysSee, that were released in 2009 and 2011, they are back at it again with their newest album titled AM. The content the album contains can bring back a healthy dosage of nostalgia towards previous works while also stunning listeners with catchy, upbeat, and psychedelic infused rock tunes. The

band’s lead singer, Alex Turner, stated in an interview with Zane Lowe on BBC Radio 1 that the album title was inspired by the Velvet Underground’s 1985 Compilation album, VU. “Summat about it feels like this record [AM] is exactly here we should be right now. So it felt right just to initial it” said Mr. Turner. This new album is definitely a step up from their previous records, where this one sounds less like four men playing in a room, and more along the lines of four men who can combine various sounds such as hip hop and rock and make it into an actual studio album. Songs such as Do I Wanna Know, in which the lead singer is trying to timidly tell his lover that his feelings are more heavy and profound then he had previously judged, has brought along a lot of amazing reviews. The song is said to pick up from where the band’s 2012 single R U Mine? left off. The guitar riffs are remarkably similar yet Do I Wanna Know is played on a more down tempo beat. Other hit singles from AM, such as One For the Road, has proved the band has the ability of fusing hard rock tunes with a modest sort of R&B/soul composition. The band’s new album has proved to be highly successful, as they prepare to kick off a world tour in 2014.

to play volleyball. However she cannot after her doctor recommended she avoid sports for a while. Shannon had to prick her finger seven times a day but even that was not as painful as when her doctor told her to change her diet. The saddest words she ever heard were “Shannon you could no longer drink Arizona.” Shannon was heartbroken because everything was so different having diabetes but now she learn how to live with it and she said she cannot be happier. Every day she reminds herself of her favorite quote “Don’t let diabetes control you, you control your diabetes!” In addition to the Shannon Sugar Shakers, Mrs. Grady also took part in the JDRF walk supporting her niece as part of Team Gianna. It was the first year of Team Gianna but Mrs.Grady said here niece’s team is definitely doing it next year.


Christie Vetoes Banon 50 Caliber Rifle

A person may remember shootings that have occurred in the past, such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting massacre and the Colorado movie-theatre shooting. Many have wondered if gun control can prevent any of these catastrophes from ever happening again. Governor Chris Christie had recently stated that he wants to control violence happening around New Jersey by the start of gun control. On April 2013, he stated his thoughts about banning the sale of Barrett .50 caliber rifle gun. These powerful rifles would lead criminals into committing more violence according to him. When asked if these rifles should be banned, UCHS student Elvin Gonzalez stated, “No I do not think they should be banned due to the fact that people use them to protect themselves from anyone that threatens them. They should be able to defend themselves in extreme cases like these.” On November 8, 2013, Governor Christie stated that he would no longer try to

ban this rifle gun. Although he is trying to prevent violence from happening once again, he feels that for this model gun control does not play a big part in limiting violence. He feels that the banning of these rifles “will not further our collective fight against crime, but serve only to confuse law-abiding gun owners with the threat of imprisonment for lawful recreation. I cannot approve of that result,” as stated in The Washington Post. When UCHS student Rocio Greco was asked if she feels that Governor Christie made the right choice by deciding not to ban the .50 caliber rifle anymore, she stated, “He has a point when he said that it would only confuse rifle owners, but then again, since these rifles are so powerful, it can lead future massacres to occur. Criminals will just use this advantage to commit their crime.” There is still a possibility that Governor Christie will change his mind about not banning these rifles, but for now, he feels that gun control is not the main thing that will prevent violence from happening.




A teacher by day and an EMS worker at night, Ms. Moreno is a passionate educator who gives her all into her work. During school hours, Ms. Moreno works as a science teacher, using her experience and knowledge as an Emergency Medical Technician to enhance her lessons, and teaches her students about healthcare through classes such as, “Dynamics of Health Care”, and “Emergency and Clinical Care.” After school is over, Ms. Moreno undertakes an important duty as an Emergency Medical Technician in Totowa, NJ. As an EMT, Ms. Moreno has the position as crew chief, a senior member who delegates several duties to others in her group. This group of people forms a unit and works together on emergency calls. The duties are typically as follows: One person drives the ambulance, another person is responsible for taking the call, and then on the scene all personnel (two to four people) tend to the patient(s). These ambulance riders operate under what is called the “Golden Hour” which is the ideal time for an ambulance crew to complete its

mission. This “Golden Hour” encompasses the time from which the ambulance departs from the hospital to the point where the patient is reached, given care and ends with returning back to the hospital or back on call--all within the hour implied by the name of the rule. On paper, this all may seem to be a simple task, however, not all cases goes as smoothly as this given time frame implies. There are times where calls can become more complicated, more strenuous, and last more than the estimated time frame outlined by the “Golden Hour.” It is a very real possibility for EMTs to be put in danger themselves while on the job. There are times where EMT will be required to carry patients over to safety, which can be a daunting task if it cannot not done properly. “You have to make sure you can lift your own weight.” Ms. Moreno notes. Ms. Moreno said she once “had two patients that were under the influence and became violent with my partner and me. We had to call the police for back up to help with the scene. Once the patients were controlled my partner and I were

By Aylin Guillen

then able to take care of the patients.”However there are rewarding moments as well: “Some times my ambulance works the football games in town and when a child gets hurt we are the first ones there. I usually never see these patients again, but this past May I saw one at the Memorial Day parade and he remembered me and said ‘thank you!’ It was really sweet.” Her students benefit from her experiences on the ambulance corps. “Her role as a health care professional really

By: Gilda Lovera

enhances her teaching in the classroom, Kushani Vithanage said. “Ms. Moreno is a good teacher, her lessons all have a powerful meaning and purpose behind them.” Another student, Miguel Anaya, said “Ms. Moreno’s training as an EMT influences her lessons because she is able to utilize her knowledge and experience in the field to teacher her students. I admire her for her work as an EMT because she finds it I find it fascinating that she sacrifices her time to help others.”

Union City does it again with a tremendous win against West Orange with a score of 32-21, making their record 9-1 on the field, according to Coach Valdez. He believes the team executed “a gutsy performance,” after West Orange made three quick touchdowns and although it took some time, the team got back into the game and won. Number 74, left tackle, Roger Riera feels that the game “boosted their confidence” as they make their way into the second round of the playoffs. Players Tamaine Boyd and Roger Riera feel amazed about the way the season has been going and the effort they have put into every game, on the other hand, Coach Valdez, who doesn’t settle for less, says that the team still has work to do before they reach their goal. Overall he is, “very proud of the young men and their hard work.” Regardless of the team’s hard work, they have stumbled along the way and one of their obstacles was the Bayonne game that had to be forfeited, costing the Soaring Eagles home field advantage. However, Coach Valdez believes that it did not affect the season as much as anticipated. “Luckily, evil does not always prevail and in the end we are 9 and 1.” The players share Coach Valdez’ optimism on

the matter. The next test of Union City’s quest to win it all will be 1 pm this Saturday at Montclair against the Mounties. Coach Valdez and the team are excited for the upcoming game. “We want them. We don’t shy away from any challenge,” is how Coach Valdez expressed his feelings for Saturday’s game against Montclair. Riera is excited to beat them at their home field. Meanwhile, Boyd feels “like we can beat them as long as we give 100%.” Number 1, Jonathan Castellano, a running back, believes, “It’s going to be about who is willing to fight for all four quarters.” The Union City Soaring Eagles have prevailed throughout this season and the players agree on that now they are not only stronger than before the season started, but they work together, as one unit, one team, one family. Coach Valdez thinks that this season has differed a little because although they have always been dedicated this year, “they are more mature, the stakes are higher, and they put everything in preparation. That’s what makes them more successful.” Support your Soaring Eagles football team as they fight their way through the playoffs this Saturday at Montclair!

By Genesis GarciaJon Castellano eludes West Orange defenders with help

from his teammantes.Photo by Lorena Bueno

Ms. Moreno walks withthe EMT

squadin a townparade.

Below, sheteachers

students howto takeblood


Photo byAngelica

San Martin.


By Karen Alacon

Open Mic 5A Perfect 10

For the past three years the Urban Culture Club led by history teach-er Mr. Sheehy demon-strated how much talent we truly have here at Union City High School. Throughout these years UCC has introduced a variety of distinct events, such as lounge night, the UCHS block party, and last but not least their famous open mic nights which have crowds crav-ing for more.

Since the initiation of the club there has been four open mic nights, which has become one of the clubs top events. The show includes a wide range of entertainment including dancing, step-ping, rap, rock, poetry, and singing. With open mic night Number 5 last October there were audi-tions in mid September.

Daequan Jones, one of open mic nights re-turning performers, felt nervous about audition-ing even though he’s done it in the past. “I saw a lot of new faces com-pared to previous years which made me not only enthusiastic about seeing so many people with po-tential while very hesitant at the same time.”

Senior Alberto Palma was auditioning as well. According to Alberto au-ditions were hectic, how-ever he was very confi-

dent in himself and even stated that he was al-most positive he’ll make it especially with his new rap hit Higher, which is based on his education. He raps about how he wants to better himself not only to succeed but to be a role model to his younger fans.

Naja Young, direc-tor of open mic night, mentioned how she just could not believe how much this program has evolved over the years. She remembers during her first year as a UCC member when hardly anybody showed up at auditions; now there are lines of people stand-ing outside Mr. Shee-hy’s door waiting for a chance to perform.

Emmanual Val-des, also known as “Lil E-man,”came out of audi-tions only to find himself with many new, but famil-iar faces. “I was excited to see my friends Daniel Jackson and Christopher Ventura ready to audi-tion as a duo for the first time along side Nancy Oteri whose voice is just heavenly! Lets go Se-niors!”

Auditions like these led up to the fantastic show. Open mic night 5 was a success with a di-versity of performances. Starting with the Latin Fire Dancers who gave the crowd a warm wel-


Anasofia Trelles also astounded everybody with her hidden poetry talent. Her poem “Posien” gave the audience goose bumps with her lavish words of love. There were also performanc-es from some of our all time favorite singers Jus-tine Vasquez, Angelica Ubiera, Natalie Roman and last but not least Crystal Velez with her spontaneous rock and roll number.

Kennyth Montes De Oca took the stage with his awsome Franken-stein-themed dance along side with his dance part-ner Christopher Rivera giving the crowd a little bit of scare in anticipation for Halloween.

Performances from Daequan Jones, Emman-

ul Valdes, Kevin Santos, Christopher Ventura, Daniel Jackson, and Jo-seph Carmona gave open mic night a sense of their passion for rapping. The legendary step team closed the show with their intensive moves they really electrified the audience and showed off how spectacular they are.

Open mic night 5 was phenomenal, you can re-ally tell how much hard work UCC put in and how much devotion there was from the performers. Urban Culture club went above and beyond for this event. Overall UCC has made lots of positive changes here at Union City High School and from the looks of it the club will keep impacting more students to express their talents in shows like this.