Member Forecasts December 2015 - Modern Vedic Astrology · Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Sign: Leo...

Member Forecasts December 2015 Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Sign: Cancer Nakshatra: Aslesha Tithi: Saptami Day: Mars On December 1 st , the Moon is still in Cancer and it will be there for most of the day and then it goes into Leo around the middle of the day. That sign of Cancer is a sensitive, emotional sign and the Moon is in its own sign making for quite an emotional day. The Nakshatra of Aslesha is one where the emotions can be turbulent and even dangerous. It is important today, on December 1 st , to align yourself with the purity of feeling that comes from selfless love and more devotional qualities of love like we have for our children, pets or other situations where we do not have a lot of personal desires on the line. Personal desires bring about that sort of diabolical quality of the heart and the emotion that we can experience in Aslesha Nakshatra. This is happening on Tuesday, December 1 st , which is ruled by Mars making for more even intensity. It is the 7 th lunar day called Saptami which has to do with the king of the gods, Lord Indra, so it is important to assert your power and the healthy use of power can be important now. That healthy assertion of power will be important on Tuesday, December 1 st , with the Moon still in Cancer in Aslesha Nakshatra. The other thing that is important is that the Sun is still close to Saturn so we may have been feeling recently quite a bit of mental and physical fatigue, even things like gas, indigestion, bloating or other things like that.

Transcript of Member Forecasts December 2015 - Modern Vedic Astrology · Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Sign: Leo...

Member Forecasts December 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Sign: Cancer Nakshatra: Aslesha Tithi: Saptami Day: Mars On December 1st, the Moon is still in Cancer and it will be there for most of the day and then it goes into Leo around the middle of the day. That sign of Cancer is a sensitive, emotional sign and the Moon is in its own sign making for quite an emotional day. The Nakshatra of Aslesha is one where the emotions can be turbulent and even dangerous. It is important today, on December 1st, to align yourself with the purity of feeling that comes from selfless love and more devotional qualities of love like we have for our children, pets or other situations where we do not have a lot of personal desires on the line. Personal desires bring about that sort of diabolical quality of the heart and the emotion that we can experience in Aslesha Nakshatra. This is happening on Tuesday, December 1st, which is ruled by Mars making for more even intensity. It is the 7th lunar day called Saptami which has to do with the king of the gods, Lord Indra, so it is important to assert your power and the healthy use of power can be important now. That healthy assertion of power will be important on Tuesday, December 1st, with the Moon still in Cancer in Aslesha Nakshatra. The other thing that is important is that the Sun is still close to Saturn so we may have been feeling recently quite a bit of mental and physical fatigue, even things like gas, indigestion, bloating or other things like that.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Sign: Leo Nakshatra: Magha Tithi: Ashtami Day: Mercury On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Moon is fully in Leo. The Moon actually moved into Leo around the middle of yesterday so we started feeling that fiery, self-directed sense in the mind yesterday afternoon and evening. Leo is ruled by the Sun and it is related to personal power and individuality. Those things are important today and the next couple of days and since the middle of yesterday as well. The first Nakshatra in Leo is called Magha, which is ruled by the Pitris, the divine ancestors which have to do with our family and also our celestial family, the teachers that teach us about life on Earth and not just how to live life on Earth but as a soul being. Our divine ancestors are important today and it has to do with spiritual and scriptural study and also education in this lifetime and the lineage that we come from. That sacred lineage is what really connects us to our family in this lifetime and beyond. You might experience some family disputes and be challenged to look beyond them today. In addition, the Moon will be with Jupiter the next couple of days and Jupiter brings teaching and life lessons as well. These are important themes the next couple of days. It is Wednesday which is ruled by Mercury and it is a good day for figuring things out and studying on your own. In addition, it is important to understand that Saturn will be aspecting the Moon today pretty closely and that brings some internal pressure, desire and capacity to be alone. Saturn is also aspecting the Sun which reveals the limits of our personal power also. It is also the 8th lunar day called Ashtami and it is ruled by the 8 Vasus, the 8 creative principles in life which makes us encounter our own creative output and our own values and value systems. We create in accordance with what we value and when we value just money, then the things we create are

not long-lasting. When we value truth and divinity, then the things we create are also more sustaining. These are the important qualities of December 2nd.

Thursday, December 3, 2015 Sign: Leo Nakshatra: Purvaphalguni Tithi: Ashtami Day: Jupiter On December 3rd, the Moon continues through Leo and it gets very close to Jupiter. The qualities of Leo that are related to luxury, enjoyment, perhaps hedonism and potential selfishness are important as the Nakshatra is Purvaphalguni. Purvaphalguni is ruled by the god Bagha, the god of delight, so we all want to delight in the power we have but we also need to share so that everyone can delight in the power of our kingdom. That is when our message and our life becomes a much greater gift than just our personal enjoyment. The Moon is also joined Jupiter bringing that sense of wealth and generosity and a higher teaching so that is an important theme. It is Jupiter-ruled Thursday as well so there are a lot of Jupiter themes today. Be generous, expansive and connect with higher teachings rather than just personal enjoyment. The aspect from Saturn is waning but it is still there meaning you could still be feeling a kind of internal pressure to express yourself. Saturn is joined the Sun and the Sun is the ruler of Leo. It is still the 8th lunar day for most of the day so the same qualities of Ashtami about creativity based on your personal values are important today.

Friday, December 4, 2015 Sign: Virgo Nakshatra: Uttaraphalguni Tithi: Navami Day: Venus The Moon goes into Virgo and it is Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra. Virgo comes after Leo where all of that power from the kingdom must be organized into all these tiny little tasks and delegate it. Virgo is that sign of recognizing where everything needs to go. The proper allocation of resources and people is shown by Virgo. The first Nakshatra is Uttaraphalguni which is also related to that same principle of taking the power and organizing. The God is called Aryaman and it has to do with contracts and official business. It also has to do with friendship, honesty and dealing with other fairly and equitable. These will be important today. The Moon is very close to Rahu as it enters Virgo. It is in between Rahu and Mars. This quality of organization and official business could have some confusion and contentiousness so be careful of entering into contracts and agreements today because there could be some deception. It is the 9th lunar day called Navami here on December 4th. Navami is related to the serpent god, Sarpa, who is the snake that can bite you but can also reveal hidden power. You want to be careful of contracts and hidden agendas. It is good for exposing those things however. It is Venus-ruled Friday which has to do with getting along with others, relationships and romance. But again it could also be a time where you are trying to make nice with others too much so be careful of that and stay vigilant.

Saturday, December 5, 2015 Sign: Virgo Nakshatra: Hasta Tithi: Dasami Day: Saturn December 5th is Saturday ruled by Saturn and it gives a kind of severity to the day where we are looking at solitude, perhaps feeling lonely wanting to clean the situations that we need to let go of. All of those things are possible but Saturn is also good for facing the truth of our circumstances. So being practical and realistic is important. The Moon continues through Virgo and it is in the Nakshatra of Hasta. Hasta literally means “the hand” and the hand is where we grab a hold and manifest something in life but need also to have a light touch and not like a kind of white-knuckle grip on things. It is good for manifesting the world that you want to live in and that manifestation also comes in the form of internal manifestation meaning creating something of value, purpose and of intelligence and wisdom inside. It is good for spiritual practices and meditation as well. It is that part of Virgo. The Moon is in between Rahu and Mars now so there could be restlessness and volatility in the mind that you need to be aware of. It is the 10th lunar day called Dasami which is related to the god Dharma and it has to do with truth, righteousness and following an inspired course that is not just about enjoying life but about being on purpose or on point.

Sunday, December 6, 2015 Sign: Virgo Nakshatra: Chitra Tithi: Ekadasi Day: Sun December 6th is Sunday ruled by the Sun and the Sun is about clarity, personal power and vision and seeing and focusing that in the best way and how that lights up our mind and inspires us. The Moon will be in Virgo for most of the day and then it goes into Libra but it is in the Nakshatra of Chitra. This Nakshatra of Chitra is the one that bridges Virgo and Libra where that practical organization of Virgo becomes this thing of beauty, maybe something like art where we do not just want to organize things the practical way but we want them to be enjoyable. Just like with people, we do not want to see people as a means to an end but we want to enjoy and love them and all that. This is a big transition and the Nakshatra of Chitra has to do with that. The deity of Chitra is called Vishwa Karma, the celestial or the divine architect, so that makes it very creative, practical and building physical and human structures like relationship structures. Those things are important in Chitra Nakshatra. It is the 11th lunar day called Ekadasi and Ekadasi is related to spiritual practices, fasting, sacrifice for our spiritual goals and things like that rather than just indulging in life’s pleasures. Eating less and meditating more, this is a good day for those things. The Moon is quite close to Mars today so you might feel that stress in the mind today on Sunday, December 6th.

Monday, December 7, 2015 Sign: Libra Nakshatra: Svati Tithi: Dvadasi Day: Moon On Monday, December 7th, the Moon is in Libra and it is very close to Venus who is also in Libra now. You could feel quite a difference between yesterday and today in that sense because yesterday, the Moon is quite close to Mars and the day before it is close to Mars and Rahu. Now it is joined Venus and it is in Libra with Venus. It is also Monday which is ruled by the Moon making it a day of feeling and emotional connection and wanting to enjoy our emotions and emotions of others so it is good for relationships and family. Joined Venus and Libra also make for a more kind of romantic relationship lesson, that is what Libra and Venus is. Your romantic interactions and family ones are important today. This Nakshatra today is called Svati which has to do with the element of air, Vayu, and how we can dissipate and waste our energy and breath sometimes in arguing and how relationship can tend to drain our energy but also enliven us and fill us up. Air is related to Prana and vitality so it is a good day to perhaps do things like Pranayama (breathing exercises) and replenish your wind and air element. It is the 12th lunar day called Dvadasi and it has to do with the Sun and the Sun is the planet of vitality as well, a different kind of vitality than Prana but it is more of a fiery individuality. Following that will be important today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Sign: Nakshatra: Vishaka Tithi: Trayodasi Day: Mars On December 8th, the Moon continues through Libra and it is related to relationship, harmonizing our energy with others, finding beauty and mutual respect. It is in the Nakshatra of Vishaka which is more social, about sense of purpose and righteousness and where the individual desires and need kind of evolve towards something more social and purpose-driven. It is an intense Nakshatra where the Moon is close to being debilitated as well especially when it is in Scorpio. The moon is debilitated in Vishaka in Scorpio so it is getting close to that today and you will find this frustration and desire to evolve your relationships. It is Tuesday which is ruled by Mars and it has this quality of frustration and wanting to destroy that what we think is making us weak. On Tuesday there can be that sort of feeling. It is the 13th lunar day called Trayodasi which is ruled by Venus, Kama Deva, the god of desire. We have both Venus joined the Moon, the Moon in Libra ruled by Venus and the 13th lunar day which has a quality of Venus and desire. There is lot of desire today but the Moon is moving towards its debilitated state and in that quality of Libra that wants to push beyond just personal happiness, so to speak. These could be important points. The other thing to notice is that the Moon in Venus has both been hemmed between Sun and Saturn and Rahu/Mars for the last couple of days. The hemming brings stressful qualities. December 7th and 8th, especially, have that quality of maybe feeling surrounded in your relationships by stress and perhaps negativity so you want to be aware of that.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Sign: Scorpio Nakshatra: Anuradha Tithi: Chaturdasi Day: Mercury On December 9th, the Moon continues into Scorpio where it will be for the next couple of days. The Moon in Scorpio is the debilitated sign and it is debilitated because Scorpio is where the emotions are restless, volatile and where we are trying to strengthen our emotional responses and stabilize the heart and emotional self. That stability often comes after a lot of restlessness. Be careful getting into emotional battles for the next couple of days as the Moon goes through Scorpio , joined Saturn, which brings stress and the desire for control, and the Sun which tends to burn up the Moon. The Moon is close to new which means that the Moon is getting very dark in the sky. This New Moon in Scorpio is where we are kind of emptying ourself emotionally but feeling the kind of stress and pressure of that as well. This Nakshatra today is called Anuradha which is related to the God Mitra, the god of friendship and friendliness. It is better to be a divine friend than a lover right now as that lover quality tends to bring about a lot of desire that destabilizes us. Instead of passion and desire, it is more about friendliness, friendship, loyalty and all those kinds of things for today especially. It is the 14th lunar day called Chaturdasi which is related to the goddess Kali. Destroying our emotional attachments are important rather than hanging out onto them. This will happen whether we are cooperative or not. It is Wednesday ruled by Mercury giving intelligence, flexibility, humor and the willingness to let go and not be in control. That quality of Mercury and letting go of our desire for control can be very helpful today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015 Sign: Scorpio Nakshatra: Jyeshtha Tithi: New Moon Amavasya Day: Jupiter On December 10th, the Moon continues through Scorpio and it is much closer now to Saturn and the Sun so we are really feeling that emotional and psychological pressure now a lot more. The Moon is now also in Jyeshtha Nakshatra which is ruled by Lord Indra who is the king of the gods and also the one who can really engage in a lot of emotional battles and emotional struggle. Be careful with those emotional struggles and battels today, instead, fight the good fight, fight for what is worth fighting for. Instead of winning and defeating others emotionally, fight to protect them and fight to restore your own emotional sanity and peace. It is the New Moon today. The Moon is completely dark and it is the beginning of that Scorpio cycle where the Moon is dark and we are starting over again psychologically and emotionally. We also have Jupiter-ruled Thursday so it is good for scriptural and spiritual study and elevating our mind and consciousness towards something higher or more worthy. That is important today. All in all, it is a time to really keep the hope and faith aligned with something higher.

Friday, December 11, 2015 Sign: Sagittarius Nakshatra: Mula Tithi: Pratipada Day: Venus December 11th is Friday which is ruled by Venus so there is this desire to share beauty, enjoyment and connect with others. The Moon goes into Sagittarius around the middle of the day as we are finishing that Scorpio energy. After that Scorpio New Moon and halfway through the day, we will feel more invigorated and inspired to emerge from our shadow and imagined fears and connect with what inspires us and that is what Sagittarius is about. For the next couple of days, starting in the middle of the day on the 11th, we will be seeking to be more inspired and find the light and the higher and deeper meaning underneath that fear, stress and worry of Scorpio. We also just had the New Moon there, Saturn has been there and the Sun and Mercury was there so there has been a lot of Scorpio energy lately and we are ready to start looking for a higher meaning and purpose. That first Nakshatra in Sagittarius is Mula which literally means “root” and it is where we uproot or pull something out by the roots and also in so doing we plant new seeds of karma or life and inspiration. In the process though, we may feel this kind of uprootedness halfway through today and into tomorrow. We then have to plant the seeds of truth for a new cycle and those seeds of truth are hopefully good teachings. Sometimes our fears can allow us to double down on the negativity and then we plant seeds of paranoia and that becomes our belief. And Sagittarius is just about belief, we believe everybody’s terrible and we need to double down this sort of paranoid reaction. Hopefully that is not the choice you are going to make but it is the same energy. That feeling of being uprooted and having to plant new seeds are important today. It is also affirmed by the first lunar day called Pratipada which is the beginning of this new cycle, the cycle of Scorpio becoming Sagittarius. The first lunar day is about planting seeds as well so it is about growth, creativity and a feeling of abundance that is possible. We have an aspect from Mars and Jupiter but we are going to feel them more in the next couple of days. There is an approaching aspect for Mars and Jupiter which

brings a sense of intensity and drive with a sense of hope and optimism. We will feel more later in the week and over the weekend.

Saturday, December 12, 2015 Sign: Sagittarius Nakshatra: Mula Tithi: Dvitiya Day: Saturn On Saturday, the Moon continues through Sagittarius which is hopeful and inspired and we are dealing that energy of Mula for half of the day. It is mostly Mula, that uprooting energy for most of the day. It is Saturday which is ruled by Saturn, so there is more determination, effort, focus, concentration and bringing those things into greater focus will be important. With Saturn and the Sun still in Scorpio, it brings a kind of that return of heaviness. Later in the day, the Moon goes into Purva Ashadha Nakshatra so in the evening, we will feel more inspiration and less of the uprooting intensity. It is a good day for devotion and devotional practices especially. Find something on Saturday evening that connects you with higher teachings and devotion and devotional practices. Jupiter and Mars aspecting the Moon are both important today and that also gives that hope and the courage to face our difficulty. It is the 2nd lunar day called Dvitiya which is about solid routines and establishing structure that allows this cycle of Scorpio to take root. The cycle of Scorpio is very much about having the courage to drill down into your insecurities and fears and emerge hopeful. That is the cycle that we are dealing with right now. The 2nd lunar day is about structures and routines that affirm that.

Sunday, December 13, 2015 Sign: Sagittarius Nakshatra: Purvashadha Tithi: Tritiya Day: Sun Halfway through Saturday and into Sunday, the Moon is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra. It is ruled by the god called Apas who is the god of the ocean so there is a devotional quality on Saturday night and through most of Sunday. Purva Ashadha is ruled by the ocean of love and that is what nourishes the seeds that we planted in Mula Nakshatra. If we plant seeds of darkness, you also nourish those with love and devotion. Many people are devoted to their darkness, to the story of their darkness. If that is the case with you, then you will reap as you sow. It takes courage to plant seeds of hope, intolerance and wisdom. Whatever you are devoted to, that can be important today and you need to be careful to still use your discrimination rather than just believe blindly. That is an important quality of Purva Ashadha. It is Sunday which is ruled by the Sun and that gives illumination and clarity which tends to also illuminate our path and give us focus and direction. It is a good day to really plan what might be coming up in the upcoming week or month or year. That is what the Sun is about —it is about vision and how that vision burnt into your life. And today in particular, that Jupiter/Mars aspects are important. The Moon is 26, Jupiter 28 and Mars is 24 so a lot of inspiration from Jupiter and courage from Mars today aligned with your principle which is Sagittarius. It is a good weekend to feel like you are emerging from a darker place. It is the 3rd lunar day called Tritiya which is ruled by Lord Vishnu and it is about editing, adjusting, kind of like trimming the bushes or weeds and making sure that everything is in its right place and not just a sort of gross structure but in a general sense, everything is in its proper place.

Monday, December 14, 2015 Sign: Capricorn Nakshatra: Uttarashadha Tithi: Chaturthi Day: Moon On Monday, December 14th, the Moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra. Uttara Ashadha is where Sagittarius becomes Capricorn, where that hope and inspiration turns into a deep commitment. It is not just about some abstract purpose and inspiration which is what our beliefs and inspirations are. The thing that inspires you is not something really of this world; it is something that evokes your imagination for the future for something bigger and better. The things that inspire us and we believe in can also make us ungrounded and unrealistic. The realism and structure of Capricorn emerges and the Nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha is how that energy is bridged. The deities here are called the Vishwa Devas, the universal gods, so it takes these universal forces to bring that inspiration into concrete form. The universal forces are Karma (action), Kama (desire), Kala (time) and Dharma(truth). All of these things produce results from your inspiration and that is what Capricorn is about. It is ruled by Saturn which shows the power of our commitments to take shape and build a structure in our life. The power of commitment and especially to reflect on those things internally will be important in the next couple of days,. Monday is ruled by the Moon so it is about emotions, feelings, connection with others and wanting to be loved and cared for and wanted to care for others. The 4th lunar day is called Chaturthi which is ruled by Lord Ganesha and Yama. Ganesha and Yama are about overcoming obstacles and also feeling the restraint, restrained and held back and needing to overcome that. Those are important in Chaturthi. The Nakshatras are changing right in the middle of the day. It is Uttara Ashadha for half of the day and then Sravana Nakshatra for the second half of the day here on the 14th. Those qualities of the Vishwa Devas and the universal forces halfway through the day change into Sravana which is about hearing and listening closely to the inner voice and voices inside another person as well.

From the evening of the 14th to the midday of the 15th, it is a good time to really pay attention and listen closely to those inner voices and connect with others as well because Sravana is not just about listening to our voices, it is listening to the truth in the things that others speak as well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Sign: Capricorn Nakshatra: Dhanishtha Tithi: Panchami Day: Mars On the 15th, it is Sravana Nakshatra for half of the day and then it goes into Dhanishtha around midday. Dhanishtha is ruled by the 8 Vasus who are the creative principles. After we listen closely and connect with others, then we create wealth and value based on the 8 principles and that is the 3 Gunas and the 5 elements. These are basically the 8 Vasus and these can help us create money and wealth which is important to Capricorn. Or it is also creating a more enduring structure that is not just about our money but our values and those things that are more transcendent than just our money and things that money can buy and those fleeting qualities of life. This happens on a Tuesday so that gives us passion and drive. Mars is also the planet related to the Nakshatra of Dhanishtha when we are looking at our Karmas. That enthusiasm and passion is there. It is the 5th lunar day called Panchami which has to do with the Moon, creativity and healing. The aspect from Saturn on the Moon is also important bringing us inward, making us introspective and so for the next couple of days we felt that Saturn aspect onto the Moon. It has been good for meditation, introspection and deepening our solitude, relationship and capacity for solitude.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Sign: Aquarius Nakshatra: Satabhisha Tithi: Shashti Day: Mercury The Moon goes into Aquarius. This is the masculine nature of Saturn where we then express and share those qualities of Saturn that we have more recently concentrated and reflected upon which is Capricorn. After we concentrate and reflect upon those things, then we want to share them in Aquarius. Aquarius has these qualities of culture, enduring values and things that benefit humanity and transcend our limited time on Earth. We make peace with our relationship with time on a personal level through Capricorn and the psychological trauma of time, literally. When I say time I mean that we have so much time, that our time is going to end at some point. We have to face that psychological complex in Capricorn and once we do we are free to share something that is timeless in Aquarius. That is the hope at least. Larger causes that outlive us and themes that are bigger than us and our fears are often supported in Aquarius. The first Nakshatra is Satabhisha, the one that is fully in Aquarius, and that is the one that is related to the god Varuna who is the god of the upper atmosphere and the celestial rains and waters in the form of rain clouds gathering momentum, charged with energy and ready to unleash their water and electrical charge. This literally means “a hundred doctors” and it is where alternative wisdom and healing are possible and where we have to look into alternative methods for things. It is good for that today. Astrology and Ayurveda, these kinds of alternative healing methods can benefit you today. It is Wednesday which is ruled by Mercury so there is curiosity, flexibility, communication and playfulness. The 6th lunar day called Shashti is also important and that is related to the god Subramanya, the youngest son of lord Shiva so you can feel that courage of Lord Shiva today as you celebrate your victories and vanquish your enemies. Jupiter is also aspecting the Moon. It will be more important the next day or two but we can still feel that 7th house aspect from Jupiter onto the Moon giving inspiration, hope and wisdom, at least the desire for those things. Also the Sun has now gone into Sagittarius so we are feeling a little less

dark now, feeling a little more hopeful at least in general; ready to move on from feeling stuck.

Thursday, December 17, 2015 Sign: Aquarius Nakshatra: Purvabhadrapada Tithi: Saptami Day: Jupiter On the 17th, the Moon continues through Aquarius and it is in Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra. Purvabhadrapada is ruled by the god called Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat, so it has to do with lightning coming down, striking the Earth from the previous Nakshatra where we had the storm clouds. The lightning comes down and gives us a glimpse of inspiration and purpose. It is that quality of Aquarius that is looking for something transcendent and inspiring. So there is a lot of Jupiter energy. You see the aspect from Jupiter is much closer today so you will really feel that potential inspiration today and it is Thursday which is also ruled by Jupiter. Thursday-ruled by Jupiter is affirming that higher purpose, beliefs and things that are motivating you to look for something more than just a happy life on Earth. Feeling that glimpse of truth is important today but make sure to not get too carried away with it. It is just a glimpse, it is not the end goal. The 7th lunar day is also related to Jupiter and Lord Indra, the king of the gods. So there is a lot of inspiration, purpose and the desire and capacity to elevate beyond just the problems of the world today.

Friday, December 18, 2015 Sign: Pisces Nakshatra: Uttarabadrapada Tithi: Ashtami Day: Venus On December 18th, the Moon moves into Pisces which is also ruled by Jupiter and it is the reflective, feminine and internal quality of Jupiter where we expand emotionally and internally toward what inspires us. Whereas Sagittarius, the masculine sign of Jupiter, is more religious and externally driven to find something inspiring, Pisces is more internally focused and inspired, more intuitively in the heart. It is much more what you would call mystical where instead of seeing the clear delineation between the right and wrong — this teaching is right, this teaching is wrong — it is where we sense that everything is unified and whole and we are trying to connect with that thing that is much bigger than our beliefs and philosophies of this world. Something so obstruct can be very confusing because we are not really delineating and discriminating right from wrong or good from bad, necessarily in Pisces. We are saying everything is inspiring, beautiful and is part of it all so we can tend to get confused and we just want to escape from the disconnect because we do not naturally feel that we are inflow with that mystical union or truth, we usually feel separate. Your separate identity does not feel like it is flowing with the cosmic whole, it might be something that you relate to but then when you come back to yourself, it is not this thing that is flowing with the mystical whole. It is the separate person walking around with likes and dislikes, attractions and aversions and all those other things that feel like a burden. Trying to escape in a healthy way from the falsity of life is what Pisces is really about but often we can do that very easily with like a chemical or drug or some other some kind of things even like television or escape into some alternative reality to try to be inspired. The Moon is very close to the South Node, Ketu, here on December 18th and it is where there is a lot focus, scrutiny, intensity and discrimination because we look at everything that is wrong with Ketu. We want to see the flaw in things so that we can perfect it. There is a lot of mystical promise or potential on Friday December 18th but it might not feel so good. It might

not feel very inspiring or uplifting. It might feel pretty intense but that intensity can lead to great insight and awareness as well. In addition to that Moon/Ketu, the Moon is in Uttarabadrapada which is about the deep inner commitment to truth. Going deeply into that spark of inspiration that we thought yesterday was just a spark, now we need to go deeply into it and pursue it all the way to the truth of our soul. That is what Uttarabadrapada is. The god is called Ahi Bhudnya which is the celestial serpent that goes deeply into the hidden parts of our minds and consciousness. And this is happening on Friday which is ruled by Venus so it is good for relationship and other people wanting to connect with others and enjoy other’s company. There is an aspect from Mars also on the Moon. We will feel it more tomorrow but we can still feel that intensity of Mars aspecting the Moon today as well which is giving courage to penetrate to the truth. It is the 8th lunar day called Ashtami which is related to the 8 Vasus and they are very creative. So it is a good day to be creative. Certainly in the mystical, psychological and emotional realm, it is a creative day in those areas.

Saturday, December 19, 2015 Sign: Pisces Nakshatra: Revati Tithi: Navami Day: Saturn On December 19th, the Moon continues through Pisces and it is in Revati Nakshatra. This is the last section of the zodiac where we are totally wanting to be joined our soul. Revati is ruled by the God Pushan who is the shepherd that leads the soul home after the long journey around the zodiac. It is the last section of the zodiac where we feel very protected and we are protected if we can surrender and let go, but that is a hard thing to do. Mars is aspecting very closely today as you can see. Mars gives that sort of courage and drive to finish the tasks at hand which actually compel us to let go and surrender. That is what we need to do to finish our incarnation. It is just to surrender in the arms of god and truth. It is Saturday which is ruled by Saturn giving that focus and determination. It is good for service, solitude and get something done and enjoy the rewards which is relaxation. It is the 9th lunar day called Navami and it is related to the serpent energy which also has to do with the Kundalini energy that allows our consciousness to evolve so we have to be careful not to let those poisonous parts of our consciousness bite us and instead, we need to face those difficult parts of ourself. Then the poison of the serpent becomes a great elixir of truth and it gives us a lot of power.

Sunday, December 20, 2015 Sign: Aries Nakshatra: Ashwini Tithi: Dasami Day: Sun On December 20th, the Moon goes into Aries in Ashwini Nakshatra. So Aries is ruled by Mars. From the surrender of Pisces we go into the initiation, personal will and strength in Aries. This brings a like an initiation of a new feeling so we are ready to start something new today. We are feeling excited inspired and motivated. It is also Sunday which is also ruled by the Sun so that is a fiery day as well. It is good for enthusiasm, passion and self-expression. The first Nakshatra is called Ashwini which is two horses. We want to get those horses running in the same directions so that we are focused instead of scattered or just sort of haphazard energy, we want our energy to be focused in moving forward. It is the 10th lunar day called Dasami which has to do with the god Dharma, the god of truth and of highest truth which is the truth of existence, the truth of who we really are. Deep truth about who you really are and what life is really about is really important today. There is an aspect from Mars and Venus although it is kind of wide orb so we will feel that more in the next couple of days. But today is a day full of enthusiasm, passion and energy.