Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015

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  • 8/16/2019 Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015




    Dear applicant,

    It is great that you have the intention to join our organization, Society of Petroleum Engineers or as youknow SPE UI SC 2016. We know there are many organizations here in Faculty of Engineering, UniversitasIndonesia. However, the main thing that makes SPE different is its focus which is on the world’s oil and gas sector.Therefore, joining SPE is a very good opportunity to help you improve yourself in every aspect, as you will get alot of new experiences that will be very useful for your future career. So, what will you get by registering yourselfas a member or staff in SPE UI SC 2016? As I have mentioned above, you will a get a lot of things by joining thisorganization. The three words that sum those up are: Knowledge, Relation, and Personality.

    Knowledge. It is very obvious that our organization mainly focuses on transferring both technical and non-technicalOil and Gas knowledge to the members. Therefore, we will be conducting guest lectures, training, workshops,fieldtrips, etc., during this one year stewardship of SPE UI SC 2016. Besides that, you can also challenge yourselfby participating in both national and international competitions.

    Relation. SPE UI SC 2016 will build a global network with fellow organizations around the world. SPE is a reallybig organization, more than 68,000 student members have been registered in more than 144 different countries.You will meet a lot of people by joining this organization,starting from professionals working in the oil and gasindustries up to students coming from the other student chapters, like us.

    Personality . It is no doubt that you will get the chance to meet people coming from different countries, with differentcultures. This will surely help you to be an adaptive person. Besides that, SPE will also help you improve yourpersonal managerial capability as we want to embrace our members that are going to be the future leaders!

    We all know that Oil and Gas industries have been going through the hard times lately, however, this isnot a hitch for us to participate in the world’s oil and gas sector. On the other hand, we must all believe that it is

    our duty to be able to overcome this problem in the future. One of the things that we can do now as a student is tobe more aware of the world’s energy issues. I believe that this could be achieved by joining SPE UI SC 2016, aswe will provide you with the best information about oil and gas, wide network and relations for your future workinglife, and the other benefits mentioned above. Lastly, thank you for applying to be a part of SPE UI SC 2016. Wewill be waiting for your upcoming contribution, both for the organization and for the society.


    Ivander Christian Sihombing

    President of SPE Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter 2016

  • 8/16/2019 Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015



    1. There are two separate forms of member and staff application. If you are applying to become amember of SPE UI SC, please submit the member application form only . If you are applying

    to become a staff of SPE UI SC, please submit both member and staff application form .

    2. Fill out the questions listed on the application form.

    3. Filled application form should be submitted inPDF format and sent to [email protected]

    with both thefile name and email subject : Member Application_Full Name_Major_Batch

    before February 19th 2016, at 11.59PM.


    The results of member and staff open recruitment will be announced on SPE UI SC’s socialmedias and the letter of acceptance will be sent directly to your email.

    5. New members of SPE UI SC should re-register themselves at SPE UI SC membership booth

    (place will be informed soon) where there will also be an online registration to become the

    member of SPE International.

    6. For further information, please contactMartha (+62 812 1347 2170 or LINE ID: marthaivanaa).

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015



    Please fill the table below based on your experiences in any committee or organizations whilst being auniversity student.

    Year Committee /Organization PositionAccomplishment /

    Achievement2013 PSM Treasurer

    Please fill the table below based on your achievements in competitions both academic and nonacademic since high school.

    Year Competition Position Accomplishment /Achievement

    Full Name Meylin

    Place, Date of Birth Cilacap,May 01 1994

    Gender Female

    Mobile Phone 08986674201

    Email [email protected]

    LINE ID Meylinharianja

    Address Tarakan street number 284 b.13, Cilacap, CentralJava

    Major Chemical Engineering

    Batch 2015

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  • 8/16/2019 Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015



    1. What are your 3 main strengths and weaknesses? How do you overcome your

    weaknesses?Strength : Brave , Good Communication , DillegentWeakness : sometimes talkactiveI overcome my weakness by more listening than talking

    2. What are your goals in University and eventual career plan? I could apply myknowledge from Indonesian University in the world of workI want to work as a process engineer

    3. How do you see yourself as a person, a teammate, and a leader? As the personI try to listen more than talk.As a teammate I respect the opinions of othersAs a leader I try to influence others in my thinking, providing solutions,delivering science etc.

    4. What is your biggest achievement in life? Best participant in BKKMTKI

    5. From your point of view, what do you know about SPE UI SC? Society ofPetroleum Engineers (SPE) is a tool to collect, disseminate and exchangetechnical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and productionof oil and gas resources and related technologies in the public interest

    6. Describe what you expect and what will you get as member of SPE UI SC? Ihope SPE can explore my skill and give someting which useful for meescepially oil and gas and can follow the seminar is held by SPE

    7. What is your ambition for the next 3- 5 years ahead and what is SPE’srole/contribution in it? SPE can help me to know world of oil and gas so whenI am process enginer in oil company such as Pertamina, Total , Chevron etc

    8. Are you willing to be an active member in any SPE activities? Describe in 20-40 words. Yes , i want to active member in SPE activities because i want toknow all about SPE and all kinds of work program SPE.

    9. Do you have any suggestion for SPE UI SC? I hope SPE can change its rulethat member can not be a commitee.


  • 8/16/2019 Member Application Meylin Chemical Enginnering 2015


    Filled application form should be submitted inPDF format and sent to [email protected] with boththe file name and email subject : Member Application_Full Name_Major_Batch before February19th 2016, at 11.59PM.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]